Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(08-21-2024, 07:49 PM)Jansen wrote: Context?
People were criticizing her on Twitter so she told them to fight her in real life and DM her parents then cried harassment when people did as she wanted. She's threatened to sue people before but never done it. Turning to the GoFundMe grift apparently.

(08-21-2024, 07:56 PM)malfoyking wrote: So many people in the comments saying Yas Queen!! get em!!! Do they really think she'll win something or are they that stupid?
They're stupid. Lots of Joanne references in the replies too. You'll see the same thing once gets a thread.
Oh, it's in their one thread:
Quote:Oh shit
Quote:In awe at the size of this W
Quote:[Image: giphy.gif]
Quote:Clapping, screaming, cheering.
Over her saying she needs to raise at least $50K on GoFundMe. lol
(08-21-2024, 07:41 PM)Ethan wrote:
(08-21-2024, 07:08 PM)Nintex wrote: I prefer whatever the Chinese produce to whatever the fuck this is.

It's perfectly fine to make a "progressive" video game with a diverse and non-conventional cast, but this game seems to lack a bit of...subtlety. Still, I'm kinda curious to try it or at least watch a playthrough because it could be in "so bad it's good" territory.

Also, how come it looks so similar to that volcano game with the dino furries? Similar art style, apocalyptic setting, merry band of weirdos, basic guitar hero gameplay, etc.
It's the only type of gameplay that works on their retard controllers Trumps
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
Thread where a bunch of people don't even read the OP and see that he's responding to someone asking him about old tweets:
Quote:no one asked you, Pitchford
(08-21-2024, 07:53 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(08-21-2024, 07:43 PM)Boredfrom wrote: I feel that Mihoyo really, really wants to forget that is a Chinese developer. They are actually appealing enough to western, eastern and local market but it is also clear they are UberWeeabos and prefer Japanese stuff. 

I imagine that’s why the Chinese audience is connecting with Wukong, as is a Chinese as hell game without being outright CCP propaganda.

It reminds me of some of these super CGI heavy Chinese movies. Every once in a while I consider watching one and then realize pretty quickly that it's just a pure culture shock almost to the point of incomprehensible

I wonder if Chinese people feel the same way about lord of the rings

I think is more like the King Arthur Mythos than LotR.
(08-21-2024, 08:01 PM)benji wrote: Oh, it's in their one thread:
Quote:Oh shit
Quote:In awe at the size of this W
But... but its literally not a W. Winning the lawsuit would be a W...

[Image: giphy.gif]
(08-21-2024, 02:39 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: Era should just publicize a rule that if you enter any containment thread and post contrary to the prevailing wisdom, you will be seriously banned. Iztok might as well be talking shit about the MS/Activision buyout last year or saying "teslas are great cars, actually" in the Elon thread. 

Islamaphobia is just a word they threw on there: his real offense is going into the sub-asylum and riling the inmates.


Anyway, genuine question: How trustworthy are the numbers of deaths coming out of Gaza?

I know Israel is not treating the region with kid gloves, and Netenyahu certainly doesn't give any fucks and would gladly push all Palestinians into the ocean I expect. However, I'm pretty sure the Gaza Health Ministry is the primary source of the numbers we see in the news. 

What is their historical relationship with accuracy on this kind of stuff?

If we take the latest made up number of deaths as 40,000 and divide that by the number of days since 7 October, we get around 125 people killed every single day since Hamas indiscriminately attacked and killed a bunch of innocent people in Israel. 

You can decide for yourself whether that is a realistic number.
Let's play or MAGA Twitter:
Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: GVedaalWQAE1YtM?format=jpg&name=small]
[Image: GVdjNR8XsAAc5zw?format=jpg&name=small]
[Image: GVeeLY7WYAEi-5s?format=jpg&name=small]
(08-21-2024, 08:02 PM)Nintex wrote: It's the only type of gameplay that works on their retard controllers Trumps

what is this a reference to
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower

2d ago
1.4 Million now, I’m already seeing people sprint to their excuses as to why it doesn’t count because it is a Chinese game.

2d ago
western media has been running a smear campaign on the game for its lack of "diversity", so it's amazing to see it being successful despite the western attacks.

Edited 1d ago
They better get used to it, China has the largest middle class on the planet (China's middle class alone is larger than all people living under western regimes put together) and there is absolutely nothing western regimes can do about it, because western regimes are poor and defeated, their colonialism is not viable anymore, they lost forever.

1d ago
I don't know why any mention of video games bring out the reactionaries in full force. Communism has always had a strong emphasis on diversity and inclusion. People who think otherwise are pawns who are brainwashed by the burgeoisie, and blind to their class enemy. This whole "muh woke the DEI hurrdurr" spiel is backwards racist gibberish, fascist drivel that I am surprised is allowed on r/sino

1d ago
Don't let westerners box you into their trap. They don't really care about "inclusivity", the same way they don't really care about "free" trade. It's just an ideological weapon used to selectively attack people they don't like.

19h ago
Also a higher chance that one of my favourite things happens: people accidentally realising they love a Chinese game.

Seeing them have to do mental gymnastics to justify their Sinophobia when they realize that a game was developed by a Chinese team. I remember a lot of folks thought Genshin was Japanese when it first came out. I even remember seeing it around the Dyson Sphere community.

Spoiler: also from that subreddit (click to show)
(08-21-2024, 07:50 PM)Straight Edge wrote:

Does resetera know about this cammy skin?!?!?!?

They are wanking furiously with one hand while typing outraged tweets with the other. 
(08-21-2024, 08:09 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(08-21-2024, 08:01 PM)benji wrote: Oh, it's in their one thread:
Quote:Oh shit
Quote:In awe at the size of this W
But... but its literally not a W. Winning the lawsuit would be a W...

[Image: giphy.gif]

These retards are so retarded they think when you sue, you immediately have all your demands met and are given all the defendants money. 

It's because every time they report a post on Retardera the mods acquiesce and ban the person for even the most minor infraction.
(08-21-2024, 05:45 PM)benji wrote: wrote:Currently praying EA buys Games Science and shutters the studio. Their success now causing their destruction would be nice karma
Quote:That'd just mean the rank and file devs get the short end of the stick while the directors (I think they are founders as well) would get a bag of money. Not to touch how feasible that'd be in a legal sense.
Quote:What a prick comment
Just venting my frustrations, sorry

Wtf? Wasn't multi year "Worst Company in America" award winner EA already the Great Satan of the gaming world specifically because of their of their acquiring and closing much loved studios? and now they are actively hoping for a predatory megacorp to shut down an "independent" studio (ok, it's a chinese studio and tencent has some stake in it so it's not really THAT independent lol) ? I thought we were all hoping they would burn to the ground?

Am I out of touch? Am I out of touch?

This should/could be good!!
(08-21-2024, 07:50 PM)Straight Edge wrote:

Does resetera know about this cammy skin?!?!?!?

That seems to be a PC mod  Stahp
(08-21-2024, 07:01 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Inappropriate Joke in Sensitive Thread
BrucCLea13k87 wrote:Superhero poses? Oh, man, I hope he wasn't a fan of Spider-Man. For the assistants' sakes.

I started using my 5 year old Reddit account for the first time (because I have time off work Wink ) and I'm quite shocked.  There was a thread about why people would say people of gender but not homies.  I pointed out that in the 90's we were saying, "Lay it on me, my homie-sexual."  I got a a couple of responses loling and I was not banned.  I didn't have 4-7 people saying "side eye," or "I see you." Apparently the general internet can still be fun place where gays and trans can take a joke. 

Also the consenses of Blake Lively saying trannie was, "eh." Just like Out Magazine!

Out Magazine wrote:Does this mean the anti-trans slur is okay, or was okay to use by cis people? No, absolutely not. But does it mean that a celebrity saying it ten to fifteen years ago has little impact on who that celebrity is now as a person? Probably.

I finally figured out Reddit and like it.  Now I just need to learn TikTok and Instagram.  And that one where you can send money directly to pornstars to act out a scenario.
That mod is anything but PC
(08-21-2024, 07:52 PM)Jansen wrote:

Lol at the OP

I love how sad and pathetic these cunts are over these stupid non issues, CRAM IT INTO EVERY THREAD.

Hahahaha you fucking cunts

Amnixia wrote:The Last Jedi is literally the best movie in the franchise, by far.
(08-21-2024, 08:20 PM)Uncle wrote:
(08-21-2024, 08:02 PM)Nintex wrote: It's the only type of gameplay that works on their retard controllers Trumps

what is this a reference to

[Image: hq720.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEhCK4FEIIDSFryq4qpAx...wV8ezK51iA]

[Image: hq720.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEhCK4FEIIDSFryq4qpAx...IhPNPirQfw]

They made controllers for YouTubers.
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
I remain confused about how "progressives" treat sexualization in the games industry. Like years ago there was a push against "Booth babes" it was considered degrading, male gazey and that it would push away female gamers. What opinion the booth babes themselves had was considered irrelevant so they got all fired.  But now I turn on the "Future Games Show" and this is what the host is wearing:

[Image: qYPO5h2.png]

Like this isn't meant as a slutshaming gotcha, I'm happy she's hosting in a bra that a Seinfeld B-plot would evolve around. What I don't get is why all the anti booth babe arguments suddenly don't apply anymore. Think of the poor girl gamers who see this and are disgusted. How terribly objectifying. So male gazey, men on twitter are thirsting over her! It's a strange  time where it's demanded that media is desexualized while celebrities seem more sexualized than ever
Quote:Seems like a disproportionate amount of shitty queer people are cis gay men. You get a little privilege and it shows your true colors
echoshifting wrote:We are uniquely positioned to acquire shitty traits of privilege, because we are indoctrinated as boys into the same sense of patriarchal entitlement as cishet men, long before anyone knows we're gay
Quote:Fuck these people. As I said in another thread, fuck men. We are a fucking disgrace.

This thread will be a contest for which cis gay man can flagellate the most.
(08-21-2024, 07:36 PM)Jansen wrote:

Quote:Pai Pai Master
48 minutes ago
This place is pretty toxic with most people not taking into account that the studio was only established 6 years go. And was only really getting off the ground as COVID totally upended game development for a lot of seasoned studios let alone new ones.
This is a pretty realistic timeframe for a AAA game from a brand new studio.

But yeah gotta get our "oof" quota in for the day.

Always whining about how terrible the site is yet refuses to just.fucking.leave

He has a trans fetish, he ain't leaving cuz Ree has a bunch of them.
(08-21-2024, 09:44 PM)ClothedMac wrote:
echoshifting wrote:We are uniquely positioned to acquire shitty traits of privilege, because we are indoctrinated as boys into the same sense of patriarchal entitlement as cishet men, long before anyone knows we're gay

Wouldn't this apply to trans women as well then? Go on Echo, you're onto something hmm
Retard wrote:Seems like a disproportionate amount of shitty queer people are cis gay men. You get a little privilege and it shows your true colors
OtherRetard wrote:In my experience white cisgays seem to have largely stopped pretending to care about anyone but themselves as soon as they were able to get married. Fuck these guys.
LMAO wrote:Just another couple of gatekeeping capitalists.

A bunch of dudes that want to fuck women getting mad that they're being "oppressed" by gay men.
(08-21-2024, 09:44 PM)ClothedMac wrote:
Quote:Fuck these people. As I said in another thread, fuck men. We are a fucking disgrace.

This thread will be a contest for which cis gay man can flagellate the most.

They are?
As I said in another thread, fuck women. We are a fucking disgrace. Just another couple of gatekeeping capitalists.
4 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Potato, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
(08-21-2024, 07:47 PM)EaldNarche wrote:


Quote:User banned (permanent): Troll account
Mar 7, 2020
Slayven wrote:Damn, Super Sayian levels of "I got mine"
andymoogle wrote:You are literally next in line after trans people for fascists. Fucking idiots.
Quote:This. Their stupidity never fails to amaze me.
Quote:He doesn't want Pinknews to be seen as "some sort of charity" for the trans community

What a comically evil thing to say.
Quote:This was awful to hear about, PinkNews was my go to for queer news sources but now I've got to hunt down another, because I'm not supporting people all too happy to throw other marginalised communities under the bus to suit their own whims.
Quote:Give some people money and the privilege that comes with it, and this is what happens. Fuck you, you marginalized, targeted individuals, got mine.
Quote:Yeah, that's so stupid. Facists just found easier victims, they are not done with yoi.
Quote:Yeah white supremacy weaves its way into everything.
Daphne wrote:Oh ffs, this is so disappointing but also I'm not exactly surprised after experiencing other shitty people like this in the gay community. You'd think they'd understand and empathise with people in the community a bit different from them given their own experiences of discrimination, but no. You'd think they would understand what equality means and have some damn ethics, but no. You'd think they'd at least selfishly understand that they will be next on the list after trans people, but no.

Other posters have it right: some people get a little privilege and they can't fucking help themselves from pulling the damn ladder up, punching down and acting like assholes.

And I used this website, so it sucks one of our few media resources is unusable with all this. They need to resign and get fucked.
Quote:expert level "pulling the ladder up"
Quote:As a gay dude myself this is something I truly don't understand in this community. I see so many gay people being anti-trans as if gays aren't the next on the list for these conservative assholes. It is mind boggling and legitimately disgusts me.
Quote:Same, as I have also experienced it and I just can't wrap my head around it or abide it either. Not with the alt right chomping at the bit to do their heinous shit.
Quote:it never ceases to amaze how quickly people can punch down the SECOND they get on what they think is equal footing with the privileged.
Quote:When the chips are down, they would rather sell others down the river just to keep making more money.
This is why they demand "solidarity" so they can control what views you're allowed to have.

And essentially arguing that they'll deserve it if fascists come for them for not supporting others.
Reply wrote:Whole lot of crass generalisations about all cisgender gay men in this thread that could instead be critiquing the people mentioned in the tweet.
Quote:White cis gay men in my life have often been the very first to be racist or transphobic in literally any situation in which they could be. You can't call them crass generalizations when they're things we have experienced first hand - we should not have to specify "not all men" or whatever the fuck
Uh, yes, you can because that's literally what they are. lol

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