Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Well said. Crybullies was a term I recently learned, and it makes so much sense with those kinds of people. They're massive fucking crybabies, but they love to be mean bullies as well. It was never about finding justice or actually standing up for disadvantaged minorities, it's really just them living out their petty revenge fantasies.

That's why they're always so fucking passive aggressive and hostile over every potential microaggression. Why they're so toxic even though they always claim to be the ones for equality, equity, righteousness, etc.
I'd be a bully too if my stepdad gave me a terrible deal on my car. He's supposed to LOVE me!

B-dubs wrote:Official Staff Communication

Here's the thing: the personal crap stop right this second or you miss the election. You'll get kicked out of not only every single election thread but also the threads pertaining to Gaza. Don't care why you attack another poster, don't care what your cause is, don't care who you are. Either follow the rules or get kicked out. Only warning you get.

I have to say the sperging of Stellar Blade's protagonist was some of the most pathetic, autistic, oversensitive, weird, most cringeworthy shit I have ever beared to witness within the gaming community within a very long time. ResetEra, of course, being the main focal point of the sperging.

Just so much hostile sperging over a female character looking attractive. Because it's such a crime, apparently.

Like it was full on gossip girl whining and mentally ill tirades about how this one character was too sexualized for their tastes, to the point anyone showing a glimpse of enjoyment of the sexy female protagonists got hit with serious bans.

Again, I wouldn't even know where to begin. I mean for god's sake, users were suggesting derogatory joke names to whine about sexualization of eve's perfect ass, but even then people started getting offended by that. Then the mods forcibly removed the ass joke name, and then OT of the game itself had a very shoehorned "we do not condone sexualization or objectification of women" insert.
(08-23-2024, 04:12 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

B-dubs wrote:Official Staff Communication

Here's the thing: the personal crap stop right this second or you miss the election. You'll get kicked out of not only every single election thread but also the threads pertaining to Gaza. Don't care why you attack another poster, don't care what your cause is, don't care who you are. Either follow the rules or get kicked out. Only warning you get.

Personal crap? Pardon my language again, but this fucking asshole and all the fucking asshole moderators/users always get super personal towards their subjects, even outside of political threads. Always baiting each other for bans, always accusing people of having the worst intentions, always making generalizing statements, etc.

Also B-dubs is such a fucking asshole. Can't stand how this guy talks like he's the fucking big dog.

Muse98 wrote:Y'all need to stop getting triggered by the Palestinian trolls

Cause at this point that's all they are.

Muse98 wrote:Have you been living under a rock? There's no doubt that bad actors have hijacked the Palestinian cause and are using it as a wedge issue to divide the Democratic party.

These people try to pass off as Palestinians or Pro-Palestine online but they're just bad faith actors

User banned (1 week): inflammatory accusations

Jesse_and_the_rippers wrote:Bingo. Tons of bad faith actors, and/or people parroting talking points that originated from bad faith actors.

Kamala nailed her speech from beginning to end. Can't wait for the debate.

User banned (1 week): inflammatory accusations

JeffMarvel wrote:This is fucking gross.

Not a single person in this thread is a "Palestinian troll" or a "bad faith actor." And if you really think that's the case, then how about you quote them directly instead of this insulting passive aggressive nonsense?

I legitimately can't believe that I'm seeing shit like this on Era.

(08-23-2024, 02:50 AM)BananaBlast wrote:
(08-23-2024, 02:28 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Yet they still allow Melody on their site when they repost known Lolicon artists on their bluesky.  Snob
Wait, as in Melody Shreds?

The one and only. Wait until you read about all the grifting and lying and e-begging for money for food when the prick lives with his parents and buys Gundam models, video games and vinyl. He didn't even thank Nintex for buying him a juicy trump burger.

(08-23-2024, 02:50 AM)BananaBlast wrote:
(08-23-2024, 02:31 AM)Potato wrote: They only banned the freak ONCE it became too hard to ignore. The evidence was always there on Resetera, but instead they preferred to ban people for saying that maybe Hamas indulged in a few little murders or for saying Stellar Blade looked like fun...
My respect for ResetEra continually goes down every passing moment I read more about it. It's beneath rock bottom and has tunneled far into the negatives.

They fucking cry and permanently ban people over saying "hey, liking sexy attractive women ain't so bad!", but they have allow a fucking mentally ill schizophrenic pedophile comment and thrive on their website. For months. Only until they realized it was too much drama for them.

Shame on them. Seriously, massive fucking shame on them. They have such a no tolerance for things that normal people around the world are cool with, but they're A-OK with supporting someone like twohearts.

I think the "resetera supports pedophiles" now has full merit. I mean besides, they're going to call people with moderate and completely inoffensive opinions on things "far right bigots" and the like, so therefore it is only fair to say that ResetEra is complicit in supporting pedophiles like TwoHearts.

Fair is fair.

I'm going to correct you there. They only reacted when it became inconvenient to them. They were happy to have him and even unbanned him after he was permed early on.
Melody still hasn't said thank you to Nintex for donating.  Hmph
(08-23-2024, 02:10 AM)BananaBlast wrote: Funny you mention that, because I thought twohearts was a troll myself, but then I remembered A. Poe's Law B. never underestimate mentally illness, particular mentally ill resetera users.

I'm super curious, what on earth was on their bluesky account that would've get the mods to turn on their precious two-spirited trans manchild?

going to ask what was there but see someone already answered on last page
(08-23-2024, 03:12 AM)BananaBlast wrote:
(08-23-2024, 02:55 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Yes. This past week alone they've retweeted or whatever its called on Bluesky two lolicon artists.
Huh. Would you look at that. 

Someone who I remember had participated frequently in a thread that "criticizes sexualized female characters" gets their hog off to lolicon.

I have an inkling ResetERA mods may be aware of this, and despite permanently banning people for virtually anything that could offend the fragile mentally ill denizens of that shithole, they choose to do nothing about it.

Man, half the mods are into that shit too. Hypocrisy, thy name is Resetera staff.
(08-23-2024, 03:11 AM)Cauliflower Of Love wrote:
Quote:Democratic Party is just Blue MAGA now holy shit.

These people are fucking wild.

Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): inflammatory comparisons

Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): inflammatory comparisons
Messofanego wrote:
Veldin wrote:A muslim protester being hit over the head with a "We Love Joe" sign is like something you'd expect to see illustrated in a political comic, except it's real.
Right?! That's some blue MAGA shit. I'm not surprised supporters of zionist Genocide Joe would do that but damn.
it's okay Messofanego has his mail order wife to keep him busy.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Potato
BananaMan, do you know about the secret discords?
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
JeffMarvel wrote:This is fucking gross.

Not a single person in this thread is a "Palestinian troll" or a "bad faith actor." And if you really think that's the case, then how about you quote them directly instead of this insulting passive aggressive nonsense?

I legitimately can't believe that I'm seeing shit like this on Era.
“The occasional criticism of Marvel™️ Content was bad enough, but this…!”

Not like this!
Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): inflammatory comparisons
Rychu wrote:
Brinbe wrote:not happy with having this guy on stage but i guess ya gotta do it
Why is a cop allowed on stage, a Republican allowed on stage and an Israeli hostage allowed on stage but not a Palestinian?
Quote: Cop User banned (1 week): inflammatory accusations
MasterChumly wrote:
RoninZ wrote:Bruh I can't vote for this person, she the same as Biden on Gaza. People are gonna see this and be like "ah so that's why she didn't want a Palestinian American giving a speech in the DNC" she didn't earn my vote
I see. So you support republicans who want to carpet bomb all of Gaza.
Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): inflammatory comparisons
CardsFall wrote:IMO the blue maga comment isn't without merit. Have to avoid the cult of personality. These people are elected to lead, are not immune from criticism, and should be held accountable.
Quote: Cop User banned (1 week): inflammatory accusations
Moara wrote:That jingoistic shit has me depressed. We are fucked.
Quote: Cop User banned (1 week): inflammatory accusations
BBboy20 wrote:
Citizencope wrote:Amazing! My President!!
You want your president to be lethal?
Go back to your containment thread.  wag

What part of "Good vibes only" do none of them understand.  Hmph
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
JeffMarvel wrote:I'm gonna be real, I can't remember the last time I started a week feeling so optimistic and hopeful, only for it to come crashing back down to Earth by the end, as what happened this week.

I've been very vocally supportive about Harris/Walz, both here, on my socials and in the real world. As a whole, I think the week was great and I think Kamala's speech was great. But the combination of how she addressed Palestine with the disgusting way that the DNC treated pro-Palestine voices was really a punch to the gut.

You can't claim that you want a ceasefire and that you care about the suffering of Palestinians immediately after promising to continue supporting and arming the people who are causing that suffering.

I honestly feel like I'm losing my mind.

Bro just turn on the TV and relax to some She Hulk, which is amazing by the way.
(08-23-2024, 01:04 AM)Straight Edge wrote: rule #1
Post Hog

That's a outdated rule.  It's:
Rule #1
Suck on filler's hog
Rule #2
Post hog
2 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia
(08-23-2024, 05:05 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(08-23-2024, 01:04 AM)Straight Edge wrote: rule #1
Post Hog

That's a outdated rule.  It's:
Rule #1
Suck on filler's hog
Rule #2
Post hog


filler would have loved all this fresh meat. 

Why did filler have to die?
3 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
Quote:Absolutely shocked to find rich white cis (gay) men behaving this way. You never could have predicted it. /s

Quote:It's not generalization if you've ever lived or been part of the gay community/boys town area of Chicago. White cisgender gay men here have been a big stain on the community. The generalization and stereotype exists for a reason.

(08-23-2024, 04:30 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: it's okay Messofanego has his mail order wife to keep him busy.
I've heard about this before, namely on the old NeoGAF thread criticizing ResetEra. Is this actually true?

Because if that's actually true, then I simply do not have the energy to describe just how infuriating that is. The idea of a preachy male feminist cuck hand wringing every day about how women being "objectified" over every little innocuous thing..... all while having a wife literally bought out by his rich parents........ I can't even put into words just how fucking ridiculously hypocritical that is.

(08-23-2024, 04:30 AM)Potato wrote: BananaMan, do you know about the secret discords?
Well, I have heard of one thing that unfortunately did not yield as much of a "smoking gun" as I would've hoped for. I remember it was merely something about a few non-important ResetEra users on a private discord talking about 16 year old anime characters (and if that's all to it, then I don't see that as pedophilia at all). 

Although yes, it is immensely hypocritical as saying anything remotely defensive about 16 year old anime girls on the public ResetEra forum will get you permanently banned.

Is that the only "secret discord", or is there something more to it than that?
I thought B-Dubs said they were going to miss the election and be banned from the genocide threads too, now they just get one or two week bans?
(08-23-2024, 05:15 AM)Ribosome wrote:
Quote:Absolutely shocked to find rich white cis (gay) men behaving this way. You never could have predicted it. /s

Quote:It's not generalization if you've ever lived or been part of the gay community/boys town area of Chicago. White cisgender gay men here have been a big stain on the community. The generalization and stereotype exists for a reason.

So now they're turning on white cis gay men. 

It was only a matter of time.
(08-23-2024, 05:16 AM)BananaBlast wrote:
(08-23-2024, 04:30 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: it's okay Messofanego has his mail order wife to keep him busy.
I've heard about this before, namely on the old NeoGAF thread criticizing ResetEra. Is this actually true?

Because if that's actually true, then I simply do not have the energy to describe just how infuriating that is. The idea of a preachy male feminist cuck hand wringing every day about how women being "objectified" over every little innocuous thing..... all while having a wife literally bought out by his rich parents........ I can't even put into words just how fucking ridiculously hypocritical that is.
It's a rumor that came from when people met him in person. He's never confirmed it but he did confirm that he met her through an online Muslim dating website in which the parents have control over the women's profiles and parents of both sides play a role in bringing people together. I consider that borderline confirmation it's true.

Not to mention the fact that he says he monitors her online video viewing.

edit: Also, should not necessarily be considered "bought" in the Western sense like a Russian bride, but instead in the Islamic sense where it will mean his family provided financial incentives to the bride's family. There are also Islamic traditions in which if the marriage fails to meet certain terms or overall fails you have to supply the other family with compensation.
Cis white gay men were always the enemy. Being so privileged and against women that you get your butt pounded by another white man is literally oppression.  Social Justice Warrior 2
(08-23-2024, 05:08 AM)Potato wrote:
(08-23-2024, 05:05 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(08-23-2024, 01:04 AM)Straight Edge wrote: rule #1
Post Hog

That's a outdated rule.  It's:
Rule #1
Suck on filler's hog
Rule #2
Post hog


filler would have loved all this fresh meat. 

Why did filler have to die?

He died from giving so many likes.   Feels bad, man
3 users liked this post: Potato, D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia
(08-23-2024, 05:18 AM)benji wrote: It's a rumor that came from when people met him in person. He's never confirmed it but he did confirm that he met her through an online Muslim dating website in which the parents have control over the women's profiles and parents of both sides play a role in bringing people together. I consider that borderline confirmation it's true.
Thanks for the clarification. I can certainly believe that was the case.

Still disgusting either way, especially for a male feminist cuck with his obnoxious high level of standards for "women empowerment". You would think that the little annoying feminist cuck would be a lot more campaigning for women's agency, and would harshly reject having a woman forcibly bought for him.

But perhaps the prospect of him getting his little dick wet would probably outweigh his excessive need for obsessive feminist virtue signaling..... that's if he actually had martial sex, and isn't still a 35+ year old virgin at this point.

(08-23-2024, 05:18 AM)benji wrote: Not to mention the fact that he says he monitors her online video viewing.
Gee, that totally isn't fucking creepy and possessive at all. Jesus christ, I can't believe such an ardent male feminist would somehow also be so old fashioned and obsessively controlling over a woman.

(08-23-2024, 05:18 AM)benji wrote: Also, should not necessarily be considered "bought" in the Western sense like a Russian bride, but instead in the Islamic sense where it will mean his family provided financial incentives to the bride's family. There are also Islamic traditions in which if the marriage fails to meet certain terms or overall fails you have to supply the other family with compensation.
I see, thanks.

MayorSquirtle wrote:
Metto wrote:Man Hasan was livid form that speech.

I've been watching him across the DNC and he is not at all convinced about Harris being more eager to move center and even embrace right wing rhetoric especially in regard to foreign policy.

Truth be told I get it because the more he breaks it down the more it seems the Democrats want to try to sell themselves as the strong Republican Party people say they miss which like I guess it it'll win the Election but it feels insanely grim that's the direction they want to take.

Hopefully in the future Harris focuses more on popular economic policy to make her more palatable but I can't help but feel disappointed in certain areas. Hasan still thinks Harris could win but he thinks this has the potential to still go the way of 2016 if this shit isn't going to stick and that's not even getting into what Netanyahu could do to further aggravate conflict in the Middle East to make it even harder for Dems to win
I watched Hasan and Austin reacting to one of her rallies a week or two ago and putting their heads in their hands and catastrophizing over her talking about Biden, and saying he shouldn't speak at the convention. They're so far out of step with the reality of winning an election they should not be taken seriously.

lol Help me Mr. Streamer give my views.
(08-23-2024, 05:18 AM)benji wrote: Not to mention the fact that he says he monitors her online video viewing.

How progressive of him.  gay

He needs to "protect" her.

Edit: Top page Gadot

[Image: gal-gadot-lipstick.gif]

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