Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Slayven and Nepenthe are bitching about this?

Yes, let’s pay licensing fees to gangs. lol
(08-24-2024, 07:50 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:I am less upset by the lack of licensing fees because, you know, this is how the world operates off of our shit, than I am of the very real possibility that a generation of folks are going to grow up thinking crip walking is a kpop invention.

Wouldnt it be a net positive that a dance developed by psychotic killers that destroy neighborhoods and communities wasn't associated with your race?  Or am I the idiot here?

"Our" shit.  One single gang member came up with this dance.   The closest you've been to a gang is the Burger King Kid's Club, Nepenthe.

Davidion wrote:I remember when Serena (or was it Venus?) got fucking PILED on for doing a 2 second C-walk. The pearls got clutched till they turned into diamonds.

And yes, Kpop puts out some cute shit and does more to integrate styles, but...there's a fine line between homage and appropriation.

Intersectionality continues to be a tough cookie to crack

I imagine that Koreans don’t have the context of being gang related. Hell, I bet most of RE don’t have this context either. But no, is international anti blackness at work. But that's none of my business...
(08-24-2024, 07:48 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Acolyte bros continue coping

Fj0823 wrote:Here's the thing, being glad a show attacked initially did well despite a massive and I do mean massive attack campaign is not a gotcha.

The drop off came after the "Black Lesbian Space Witches that have babies through the force disrespecting muh Anakin" episode which was the point were the attack campaign reached critical mass and also the episode itself was boring and didn't properly connect to the story.

It was the perfect storm of bad press coming from everywhere.

"Ah those dastardly chuds making fun of an episode I agree was bad!"

Fj0823 and Crossing Eden are completely convinced it's the chuds fault modern day Star Wars have such terrible word of mouth. If the chuds would just chill, then Star Wars will be in a great place. This is a strange take given they said for years that the chuds are irrelevant. So the chuds are irrelevant but also powerful enough to bring down major Star Wars productions?
Reply wrote:Happy to turn this into a discussion regarding the evolution of sample culture, as I see nothing more here than how Snoop and Dre pulled from Leon Haywood's "I want to do something freaky with you" to create "Nothin But a G Thang". This group pulling from west coast rap songs to create something their own.

That's a ban, for sure.
Lol at Slayven and Nep the nazi talking about ‘our’ dance since when were they gang members? 

Nep doesn’t even hang out with black people and Slayven never leaves his lair
I love how they’ve bent their fanaticism of all Disney owned products into a “great cause”. You’d think they were employees of Disney. The WWE, and AEW fans are the same way too. If something controversial happens they either appear for a post to say “I’m not <Insert Controversial Stance>”, or disappear until the heat dies down, to later go back to being super fantastics acting like their favorite property is doing something progressive. Even when they are donating to conservative groups that they supposedly hate.

I know fronting is a thing. Like I like most of the Ringer podcasts, but those people front to hide their obvious center-right politics, but at least they mask it in a way that if you can listen hard enough to tell. ResetEra posters front so hard, they come off like fictional characters. It’s so obvious with pedophilia, racism, and antisemitism that they dance around it to buy their time for the switch.

Does anybody remember when one long time NeoGaf poster just outright created a thread asking when it’d be okay to be a pedophile? Even going so far as to defend pedophilia as long as it’s cartoon pedophilia.
Lylo wrote:Just let people dance...

Googleplex wrote:Or.... we can acknowledge the long history of black folks creating forms of expression, that have gotten us harassed and downright killed. That later on get accepted into the cultural zeitgeist once they get their stamp of approval from white people in other groups.

Nah, the just let people dance one sounds less annoying.  But thanks for giving me the choice.

skillzilla81 wrote:Your first response to a thread about cultural appropriation is fragility.

It's an especially wild response after what just happened at the olympics.

We should gatekeep more, except we don't have the power to do that since nobody in this world respect us except us.

The nonsense concept of "cultural appropriation" is fragility.  That goes for asians that complain about a black person wearing a kimono at a Halloween party.  It's all fragility.
Averon wrote:Fj0823 and Crossing Eden are completely convinced it's the chuds fault modern day Star Wars have such terrible word of mouth. If the chuds would just chill, then Star Wars will be in a great place. This is a strange take given they said for years that the chuds are irrelevant. So the chuds are irrelevant but also powerful enough to bring down major Star Wars productions?

The Force Awakens was okay, but the exact moment when Star Wars died was that ridiculous scene where Princess Leia Mary Poppined her ancient ass back into a spaceship.

It wasn't the fans that killed Star Wars.

It was Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson. Sooner they accept that, the better (which will be never).


[Image: NqHBisB.gif]
White groups like KPop Idols. Awesome
I love how yesterday Bdubs made a post to criticize social media creating narratives to anger, and split society for negative reasons, but in the last 24 hours, his mod, and several protected posters do just that. 

My, the amount of bullshit that whole forum is built on.
(08-24-2024, 08:30 PM)Venice wrote:
Averon wrote:Fj0823 and Crossing Eden are completely convinced it's the chuds fault modern day Star Wars have such terrible word of mouth. If the chuds would just chill, then Star Wars will be in a great place. This is a strange take given they said for years that the chuds are irrelevant. So the chuds are irrelevant but also powerful enough to bring down major Star Wars productions?

The Force Awakens was okay, but the exact moment when Star Wars died was that ridiculous scene where Princess Leia Mary Poppined her ancient ass back into a spaceship.

It wasn't the fans that killed Star Wars.

It was Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson. Sooner they accept that, the better (which will be never).

Nah, the moment it died was when Han Solo was killed by his edgelord son. 

And the moment the Star Wars discourse died was when RLM thought that Rey using the force to escape was not a Mary Sue moment.
Quote:I do fear this as modern entities continue to take our shit that received frowns and concerned calls to the police when we perform and own it and continue to push it as their "new/hip innovations" of the genre.

This thread has now escalated from "black expressions of culture got us killed in the past" to "people currently call the police on us when we perform our dance".  Ok I'm out. lol

Royalan wrote:But it would be an even better thing if it weren't so often the case that the same people cribbing Black American culture were the same people insisting Black Americans don't have culture. Or language. Or value.

The people appreciating black culture enough to engage with their art are the same ones that say it has no value?  Huh?  Sounds like you are inventing bullshit to be indignant over.  When your default is "I don't trust non-black people" you're just going to keep coming up with these crazy stories you tell yourself to keep this race drama going in your head.
No thread om the muslim ISIS stabbing 9 people in Germany? Ofcourse not.
Star Wars died when they hired JJ Abrams to make New Star Wars. He was never going to build something sustainable or coherent
(08-24-2024, 07:50 PM)Propagandhim wrote: The closest you've been to a gang is the Burger King Kid's Club, Nepenthe.

(08-24-2024, 08:35 PM)Boredfrom wrote: And the moment the Star Wars discourse died was when RLM thought that Rey using the force to escape was not a Mary Sue moment.

Still confounded at how JJ decided to reveal Rey's force powers. Let her be a Mary Sue for all I care but what you need is a set up and a pay off. She just randomly tries the force mind trick, something that had not even been shown in the movie before, it comes completely out of nowhere. Even having a goofy ass sidecharacter try a mind trick earlier and failing would have been enough, just establish that this is something everyone knows about.

It's the most basic ass film making and the movie completely botches it for one of its big reveals and I don't understand why people don't call it out more. Well actually I think I understand because this was one of those moments where it became more important for a certain group of people to protect Rey the character than talk about good film making
If you think about it, the stah wah is a tough cookie to crack.  Meesa like a da cookie, skywalka
Sorry, needed a palate cleanse
(08-24-2024, 08:57 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Still confounded at how JJ decided to reveal Rey's force powers. Let her be a Mary Sue for all I care but what you need is a set up and a pay off. She just randomly tries the force mind trick, something that had not even been shown in the movie before, it comes completely out of nowhere. Even having a goofy ass sidecharacter try a mind trick earlier and failing would have been enough, just establish that this is something everyone knows about.

I never even thought about this, that would've been awesome

one of rey's stupid friends pretends to use it on the fat guy to get an extra quarter portion and is punished for it, and she rolls her eyes
Star Wars died with Episode 2 and since then they've just been dragging the corpse around. 

I understand why though. Mark Hamill had/has nothing going other than Star Wars and that goes for many of the 'one hit wonders' involved that kept the flame going. Same for George Lucas, sure he sold his company to Disney, but by then the whole thing was already dead outside of video games and merchandising. A new Lucas directed Star Wars film would've been an expensive venture in 2012 and in no way a guaranteed success competing with cape films. 
When it was sold to Disney in 2012, actors and directors alike used it simply to cash in at a time when nothing but super hero movies were greenlit. 
The only reason Star Wars is still relevant is some iconic designs from Empire Strikes Back and Disney pumping billions into it.  

It's starting to fade though, fewer and fewer people have actually seen the original trilogy and Disney released so much trash that only the fans they 'bought' care anymore.
For me the absolute nadir was the casino planet in TLJ.

There's a lot of bad in that film but that part. I can remember sat in the cinema thinking why are they getting to do this whole adventure when the rest of the film is happening, and why is one of them a walking twitter person in the star wars world
a slow speed car chase where various people are coming and going from it constantly with no consequences

sadsic wrote:Speaking from a place of ignorance purely but are there other ethnic groups/races that successfully "gatekeep" their culture? I'm not even sure how that logistically would work or what mechanisms that would include, there's not like Patents or copyrights just owned by an entire race exclusively

Nepenthe wrote:I mean, while all copyrights and trademarks aren't owned by a single race, significant aspects of Western culture are copywritten and trademarked by white people. That's the benefit of creating such a system while you have the wealth to pull it off.

However, certain Indigenous cultures like the Sami do actually have some level of legal ownership over their cultural representation. See the FFXIV row where they sued Squeenix over a cosmetic pack featuring Sami garb. It's honestly something I feel Black folks should be privy to.

She's now conflating private property ownership through  copyright and trademark, ie: capitalism, as a way people can protect from cultural appropriation.  We've done it.  We've turned Nepenthe onto capitalism.  It's over everyone.  

Sensible chuckle but seriously folks, If I ever see this bitch touch a piano, I'm calling the Italian consullate and getting her jailed for International Cultural Appropriation Crimes.
I said I'd leave the thread but I can't help myself.  Nepenthe is like the Truman Show to me.  Someone fucking help me.

I don't care about Sony's support.

I want all their teams working on their AAA console games. Leave third parties to offer the games.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D
AnOwlWithKnees wrote:It's gross how you're all in on this company and game.

I guess you only care when it hits home to your transgender issues, huh?
I'm still puzzled on how this ban wasn't permanent. The user seems to have been unbanned. I thought saying "your transgender issues" in a derogatory sense like that would've been an instant ticket to hell.
(08-24-2024, 09:28 PM)BananaBlast wrote: /threads/making-of-stellar-blade-episode-1-the-journey.842712/page-2#post-121642812
AnOwlWithKnees wrote:It's gross how you're all in on this company and game.

I guess you only care when it hits home to your transgender issues, huh?
I'm still puzzled on how this ban wasn't permanent. The user seems to have been unbanned. I thought saying "your transgender issues" in a derogatory sense like that would've been an instant ticket to hell.

Sometimes when two opposing marginalized sides clash grievance claims together, the mods don't know what to do and the true aggrieved victim is ambiguous, so nothing is done.  They cancel each other out and nobody gets their claim fulfilled.  Everyone has to move on with their lives.  It's horrifying.
(08-24-2024, 08:25 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
Lylo wrote:Just let people dance...

Googleplex wrote:Or.... we can acknowledge the long history of black folks creating forms of expression, that have gotten us harassed and downright killed. That later on get accepted into the cultural zeitgeist once they get their stamp of approval from white people in other groups.

Nah, the just let people dance one sounds less annoying.  But thanks for giving me the choice.

skillzilla81 wrote:Your first response to a thread about cultural appropriation is fragility.

It's an especially wild response after what just happened at the olympics.

We should gatekeep more, except we don't have the power to do that since nobody in this world respect us except us.

The nonsense concept of "cultural appropriation" is fragility.  That goes for asians that complain about a black person wearing a kimono at a Halloween party.  It's all fragility.

Ironically, there's only one form of appropriation here that is real: someone else inventing something and then you think you yourself own the copyright due to your skin pigment being similar to the creator's. That is the only real theft here.

These lunatics are so racist they can't even think in terms of individual human beings.
(08-24-2024, 09:34 PM)PogiJones wrote:
(08-24-2024, 08:25 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
Lylo wrote:Just let people dance...

Googleplex wrote:Or.... we can acknowledge the long history of black folks creating forms of expression, that have gotten us harassed and downright killed. That later on get accepted into the cultural zeitgeist once they get their stamp of approval from white people in other groups.

Nah, the just let people dance one sounds less annoying.  But thanks for giving me the choice.

skillzilla81 wrote:Your first response to a thread about cultural appropriation is fragility.

It's an especially wild response after what just happened at the olympics.

We should gatekeep more, except we don't have the power to do that since nobody in this world respect us except us.

The nonsense concept of "cultural appropriation" is fragility.  That goes for asians that complain about a black person wearing a kimono at a Halloween party.  It's all fragility.

Ironically, there's only one form of appropriation here that is real: someone else inventing something and then you think you yourself own the copyright due to your skin pigment being similar to the creator's. That is the only real theft here.

These lunatics are so racist they can't even think in terms of individual human beings.

The memes of production should belong to the collectivate nation of gang people.
I think there's some merit to acknowledging cultures borrowing from other cultures. There are many, many instances of cultures doing something or using an item that was invented (or heavily associated) with another culture. I do think K-Pop has borrowed some elements from black culture. It's kind of obvious; just look at the resemblanace between their K-Pop songs and music videos with black hip-hop videos from the 90's to now.

The thing is though, it's nothing to cry about and get all defensive about. Everyone one borrows something from everyone, and it's all mostly in good fun. It's especially nothing to start bringing up murders from a century ago based on racism.

Why does Nepthene care so much? What stock does she have in crip walking? I don't think a terminally online furry should really be speaking on the behalf of a dance gangstas did in the hood.

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