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And there will be a little something extra in your Bore paycheck this month.
3 users liked this post: Uncle, railGUN, BIONIC
Dunno if you're interested, but I could possibly make the site more responsive just strictly through CSS, so you don't have to install a different template or anything, just tweak the global CSS to make it work better on smaller devices.

Or, in true Bore fashion, I could make it worse. Your call.

Jesus Christ, just peering in the global CSS, there's CSS in there to accommodate IE6

Thank you for your service!
Yeah, there's a massive amount of stuff in the CSS and multiple files, I had to memorize where the blockquote lines start because the admin panel "advanced" editor resets to line one everytime you save. The way they actually want you to edit everything so you don't break anything is using a menu but you can't add variables to it only edit certain ones. They have it basically the same way for the templates for everything, some of those I had to just go around and edit the files directly.

Anything anybody wants to propose and offer up is fine, I wanted to slowly tweak this one to fit and be better anyway but I probably will still install some other themes because there are some dark ones which I know people want and just to give people options since each user can set the theme for just themselves. The plugins are supposed to add themselves to themes automatically but I still wanted to say that I would only definitively support the main theme so that if people say one of the like stats is missing or something I can tell them to FFFUUUUCCCKKKKK OOOFFFOOOFFFFFF.
(06-02-2023, 06:19 AM)Cauliflower Of Love wrote: I step down and now the quotes look good?

I can't take credit for this?

I just wanted to tell you: good luck, we're all counting on you.
What's the policy on Nsfw content?
Same as the old place? Jordan Peterson celibacy? Hunter Bidens Laptop from hell?

Asking for a friend (filler)

Also I noticed some word filters are gone. Are those words ok to use now in context? Not talking about the Nuclear Word obviously but more about the mental state of certain very good people

1 user liked this post: D3RANG3D
distinguished mentally challenged is a bore classic
2 users liked this post: Nintex, Uncle
(06-02-2023, 07:49 AM)Cauliflower Of Love wrote:
(06-02-2023, 06:41 AM)benji wrote:
(06-02-2023, 06:19 AM)Cauliflower Of Love wrote: I step down and now the quotes look good?

I can't take credit for this?

I just wanted to tell you: good luck, we're all counting on you.

I'm starting

if anyone wants to join

sidenote: the edit/quote buttons being on the bottom is fucking me up

It's just a redirect to the taco bell corporate site?  ???
3 users liked this post: BIONIC, benji, Cauliflower Of Love
(06-02-2023, 08:44 AM)remy wrote: distinguished mentally challenged is a bore classic

I legit just typed that rather than let the word filter happen because I don't typically use the other word and I like the sound of it
1 user liked this post: benji
(06-02-2023, 07:47 AM)Nintex wrote: What's the policy on Nsfw content?
Same as the old place? Jordan Peterson celibacy? Hunter Bidens Laptop from hell?

Asking for a friend (filler)

Also I noticed some word filters are gone. Are those words ok to use now in context? Not talking about the Nuclear Word obviously but more about the mental state of certain very good people
The policy is be reasonable and for the love of god, put it behind spoilers especially if it's yourself sitting on a toilet.

I'd prefer to think you guys don't need the word filters and that you will just type the old filters yourself because that's funnier. Though I may consider putting back ones that make things funnier when they accidentally or inadvertently trigger or if people really insist on it.

That said, I'd prefer not to enforce any kind of word bans because of what you see going on on right now with "cunt" and the endless minutiae litigation of such processes. Also, we should be adult enough not to need "bad words" and should refrain from using them simply out of kindness to others and a desire to refrain from deliberate harm if we can help it. You know I'm a free speech maximalist but you also know that I tend not to myself use slurs or similar except to mock the hypocrisy of those who obsess over slurs and dogwhistles while inventing their own in-code ones (see: chud, TERF, etc.) they throw around constantly and wantonly.

I think there are obvious ones you should know not to use in polite company, and The Bore should very much be polite company, but I'm not going to make a list of these and say YOU JUST DID A NUMBER SIX. That also said, to use the example of Kiwi Farms since it's quite easy (when it's up on the regular internet) to find threads full of slurs there, I consider the people who like to just post the various words (and little other content) just because they can there to be idiots contributing to the very thing they feel they are "bravely" resisting in the exact stupid ways they feel they are mocking elsewhere. At the same time, I think there is value in noticing how on places like KF if someone drops such words in a thread about something else the world does not come to an end and focus on the bad actor, the thread continues on around it, the people scandalized and offended are those elsewhere already predisposed to hate the forum and are looking for reasons to justify it. The slurs provide this and this is why they are self-defeating for KF users to post rather than liberatory. Now, you may consider this to be self-serving since Madrun/Arvie took me to task somewhat recently for not criticizing Himu's usage of anti-gay language enough but I very much oppose the idea that we all have a duty of participating in a war of all against all that such mentality demands. My objection was not that Himu's language did not need more forceful rejection, that's a fair debate to have for the community maybe and myself always, instead I objected to Madrun's selective focus on just how only I did not object enough for his tastes and how he was introducing it as some kind of forceful personal attack on my position in a separate thread on a separate topic. If you know anything about my conception of power and the usage thereof in my critique not only of the state but in the moderation actions of NeoGAF/ResetERA and how it informs how I may personally moderate it's how these things provide a figleaf (often ad hoc or even retroactive) justification for arbitrary and capricious actions against those, generally minorities, those in power (or who desire or wish to use power) already seek to persecute.

TLDR: all the rules and due process here will be entirely arbitrary and capricious. But I will listen to your complaints about it. Maybe. You have to use a light touch, like a safecracker or a pickpocket:

Spoiler:  (click to show)
"He was doing well until everyone died." - future historians on benji's stewardship of The Bore
4 users liked this post: Nintex, Eric Cartman, Uncle, HaughtyFrank
The ‘go to latest unread post’ button (the green arrow) is wayyyy too tiny and very awkwardly placed (on the left of the thread title). I keep accidentally hitting the title and just going to the OP (on mobile) Rage

My suggestion: Copy what ree does! Remove the green arrow, and make it so that if you click on the title it’ll automatically take you to the latest unread post. If you’ve never opened the thread before, or if there aren’t any new posts then it just takes you to the OP. There’s already a go to last post button, so this covers all common use cases.

If that’s too complicated to implement for whatever reason, other possibilities include: move the arrow to the right and make it slightly bigger so it’s easier to press. You can also add a ‘Go to Latest Unread’ button at the top of a thread if you accidentally end up at the OP when you didn't want to What is this?
Some sticky'd threads would be helpful. Maybe we have them and I'm missing it tho.

EDIT: lmao im a dumbass nevermind
Cauliflower Of Love dateline='[url=tel:1685706871' wrote: 1685706871[/url]']
This guy person finally has an avatar and all a sudden he they can code forum.

we worked to hard for you to just come and denigrate

1 user liked this post: Cauliflower Of Love
Wait nevermind, carry on  But that's none of my business...
top issue with the new forum: no longer magically "auto-archives" the text, date and user of every tweet even when it gets deleted 

2 users liked this post: benji, BIONIC
(06-02-2023, 12:50 PM)Uncle wrote: top issue with the new forum: no longer magically "auto-archives" the text, date and user of every tweet even when it gets deleted 

Speaking of which, I do think that tweets and YouTube videos should auto embed when posted.

Like, share, and subscribe if you agree!
2 users liked this post: who is ted danson?, Uncle
can we have a subforum for furries please
1 user liked this post: BIONIC
The only word filter we need is to change "Morrigan" to "thunder cunt".

The rest is distinguished
Colors & borders are looking a little better, nice work NERDS!

Can you look into making these borders darker and stuff? That would finish it up. Like this from the old site:

[Image: img_4924qxdtz.jpeg]
1 user liked this post: BIONIC
(06-02-2023, 10:58 AM)benji wrote:
(06-02-2023, 07:47 AM)Nintex wrote: What's the policy on Nsfw content?
Same as the old place? Jordan Peterson celibacy? Hunter Bidens Laptop from hell?

Asking for a friend (filler)

Also I noticed some word filters are gone. Are those words ok to use now in context? Not talking about the Nuclear Word obviously but more about the mental state of certain very good people
The policy is be reasonable and for the love of god, put it behind spoilers especially if it's yourself sitting on a toilet.

I'd prefer to think you guys don't need the word filters and that you will just type the old filters yourself because that's funnier. Though I may consider putting back ones that make things funnier when they accidentally or inadvertently trigger or if people really insist on it.

That said, I'd prefer not to enforce any kind of word bans because of what you see going on on right now with "cunt" and the endless minutiae litigation of such processes. Also, we should be adult enough not to need "bad words" and should refrain from using them simply out of kindness to others and a desire to refrain from deliberate harm if we can help it. You know I'm a free speech maximalist but you also know that I tend not to myself use slurs or similar except to mock the hypocrisy of those who obsess over slurs and dogwhistles while inventing their own in-code ones (see: chud, TERF, etc.) they throw around constantly and wantonly.

I think there are obvious ones you should know not to use in polite company, and The Bore should very much be polite company, but I'm not going to make a list of these and say YOU JUST DID A NUMBER SIX. That also said, to use the example of Kiwi Farms since it's quite easy (when it's up on the regular internet) to find threads full of slurs there, I consider the people who like to just post the various words (and little other content) just because they can there to be idiots contributing to the very thing they feel they are "bravely" resisting in the exact stupid ways they feel they are mocking elsewhere. At the same time, I think there is value in noticing how on places like KF if someone drops such words in a thread about something else the world does not come to an end and focus on the bad actor, the thread continues on around it, the people scandalized and offended are those elsewhere already predisposed to hate the forum and are looking for reasons to justify it. The slurs provide this and this is why they are self-defeating for KF users to post rather than liberatory. Now, you may consider this to be self-serving since Madrun/Arvie took me to task somewhat recently for not criticizing Himu's usage of anti-gay language enough but I very much oppose the idea that we all have a duty of participating in a war of all against all that such mentality demands. My objection was not that Himu's language did not need more forceful rejection, that's a fair debate to have for the community maybe and myself always, instead I objected to Madrun's selective focus on just how only I did not object enough for his tastes and how he was introducing it as some kind of forceful personal attack on my position in a separate thread on a separate topic. If you know anything about my conception of power and the usage thereof in my critique not only of the state but in the moderation actions of NeoGAF/ResetERA and how it informs how I may personally moderate it's how these things provide a figleaf (often ad hoc or even retroactive) justification for arbitrary and capricious actions against those, generally minorities, those in power (or who desire or wish to use power) already seek to persecute.

TLDR: all the rules and due process here will be entirely arbitrary and capricious. But I will listen to your complaints about it. Maybe. You have to use a light touch, like a safecracker or a pickpocket:

Spoiler:  (click to show)
"He was doing well until everyone died." - future historians on benji's stewardship of The Bore

why are these functional tone-setting rules buried in a random thread instead of clearly posted in a central rules thread Hmph 

Spoiler:  (click to show)
j/k jesus christ
1 user liked this post: BIONIC
(06-01-2023, 10:15 AM)Eric Cartman wrote: A lot of these newer ones are The Bire hand crafted originals Snob

one of the ones I hardly use but still enjoy is engels

I forget the context, there was some barely-era-related tangent discussion that ended up in talking about cricket, and someone linked this news story, which is why the hover text was "everything worthwhile is being destroyed"

[Image: nMlPgRQ.png]

his fuckin face Dead
1 user liked this post: Eric Cartman
(06-02-2023, 06:32 PM)Uncle wrote:
(06-02-2023, 10:58 AM)benji wrote: TLDR: all the rules and due process here will be entirely arbitrary and capricious. But I will listen to your complaints about it. Maybe. You have to use a light touch, like a safecracker or a pickpocket:

why are these functional tone-setting rules buried in a random thread instead of clearly posted in a central rules thread Hmph 

yeah, I agree, this is kind of bullshit.

They need to be further buried in a members only sub forum not listed on any forum jump panels.
3 users liked this post: Nintex, BIONIC, Uncle
(06-02-2023, 10:58 AM)benji wrote:
(06-02-2023, 07:47 AM)Nintex wrote: What's the policy on Nsfw content?
Same as the old place? Jordan Peterson celibacy? Hunter Bidens Laptop from hell?

Asking for a friend (filler)

Also I noticed some word filters are gone. Are those words ok to use now in context? Not talking about the Nuclear Word obviously but more about the mental state of certain very good people
The policy is be reasonable and for the love of god, put it behind spoilers especially if it's yourself sitting on a toilet.

I'd prefer to think you guys don't need the word filters and that you will just type the old filters yourself because that's funnier. Though I may consider putting back ones that make things funnier when they accidentally or inadvertently trigger or if people really insist on it.

That said, I'd prefer not to enforce any kind of word bans because of what you see going on on right now with "cunt" and the endless minutiae litigation of such processes. Also, we should be adult enough not to need "bad words" and should refrain from using them simply out of kindness to others and a desire to refrain from deliberate harm if we can help it. You know I'm a free speech maximalist but you also know that I tend not to myself use slurs or similar except to mock the hypocrisy of those who obsess over slurs and dogwhistles while inventing their own in-code ones (see: chud, TERF, etc.) they throw around constantly and wantonly.

I think there are obvious ones you should know not to use in polite company, and The Bore should very much be polite company, but I'm not going to make a list of these and say YOU JUST DID A NUMBER SIX. That also said, to use the example of Kiwi Farms since it's quite easy (when it's up on the regular internet) to find threads full of slurs there, I consider the people who like to just post the various words (and little other content) just because they can there to be idiots contributing to the very thing they feel they are "bravely" resisting in the exact stupid ways they feel they are mocking elsewhere. At the same time, I think there is value in noticing how on places like KF if someone drops such words in a thread about something else the world does not come to an end and focus on the bad actor, the thread continues on around it, the people scandalized and offended are those elsewhere already predisposed to hate the forum and are looking for reasons to justify it. The slurs provide this and this is why they are self-defeating for KF users to post rather than liberatory. Now, you may consider this to be self-serving since Madrun/Arvie took me to task somewhat recently for not criticizing Himu's usage of anti-gay language enough but I very much oppose the idea that we all have a duty of participating in a war of all against all that such mentality demands. My objection was not that Himu's language did not need more forceful rejection, that's a fair debate to have for the community maybe and myself always, instead I objected to Madrun's selective focus on just how only I did not object enough for his tastes and how he was introducing it as some kind of forceful personal attack on my position in a separate thread on a separate topic. If you know anything about my conception of power and the usage thereof in my critique not only of the state but in the moderation actions of NeoGAF/ResetERA and how it informs how I may personally moderate it's how these things provide a figleaf (often ad hoc or even retroactive) justification for arbitrary and capricious actions against those, generally minorities, those in power (or who desire or wish to use power) already seek to persecute.

TLDR: all the rules and due process here will be entirely arbitrary and capricious. But I will listen to your complaints about it. Maybe. You have to use a light touch, like a safecracker or a pickpocket:

Spoiler:  (click to show)
"He was doing well until everyone died." - future historians on benji's stewardship of The Bore

The answer I was hoping for. The old place certainly got more soy over the years and as it did the quantity and quality of Nsfw content took a nosedive as well. In fact some of us decided to dial it down fearing a backlash, kink shaming or judgement.

Also I'm in the same boat with regards to free speech. I seldom do personal attacks on other members or personal attacks in general. Although there are certainly exceptions I mostly insult and make fun of the subject matter at hand or actions of certain individuals instead.
Being kink shamed is my kink Drool Phil
3 users liked this post: Potato, Nintex, Cauliflower Of Love
(06-02-2023, 06:51 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:
(06-02-2023, 06:32 PM)Uncle wrote:
(06-02-2023, 10:58 AM)benji wrote: TLDR: all the rules and due process here will be entirely arbitrary and capricious. But I will listen to your complaints about it. Maybe. You have to use a light touch, like a safecracker or a pickpocket:

why are these functional tone-setting rules buried in a random thread instead of clearly posted in a central rules thread Hmph 

yeah, I agree, this is kind of bullshit.

They need to be further buried in a members only sub forum not listed on any forum jump panels.
Oh, don't worry, all the real rules are where only me and bork can see them. And all staff pledge not to take any actions until there is complete consensus and the action has passed two binding public referenda. If you have any concerns with this policy please submit a ticket. (Ticket system launch: tbd.)
(06-03-2023, 01:48 AM)Cauliflower Of Love wrote: also CC me if you have an issue.
I thought you stepped down? ???
(06-02-2023, 11:50 AM)BIONIC wrote: The ‘go to latest unread post’ button (the green arrow) is wayyyy too tiny and very awkwardly placed (on the left of the thread title). I keep accidentally hitting the title and just going to the OP (on mobile) Rage

My suggestion: Copy what ree does! Remove the green arrow, and make it so that if you click on the title it’ll automatically take you to the latest unread post. If you’ve never opened the thread before, or if there aren’t any new posts then it just takes you to the OP. There’s already a go to last post button, so this covers all common use cases.

If that’s too complicated to implement for whatever reason, other possibilities include: move the arrow to the right and make it slightly bigger so it’s easier to press. You can also add a ‘Go to Latest Unread’ button at the top of a thread if you accidentally end up at the OP when you didn't want to What is this?
This is done, title links should now take you to the latest post in the thread for you. I'll leave the arrow temporarily until I can be sure I can remove it since it's a bit of code.
1 user liked this post: BIONIC
A bunch of different video sites should auto-embed now, we mostly use YouTube so that one is kind of obvious but it has Instagram and other stuff too:

I couldn't figure out what exactly some of them want you to provide like ESPN but YouTube is just the URL like on the OG.

Also there should be tweet and spoiler buttons over there to the right of quote now.

Twitter auto-embedding could be nice, especially if it saved tweets forever again, but because it has to call a specific script and stuff it might be harder to implement and I think doing it like the OG did means a check for the entire page every time which is why it would load weird. This video auto-embed plugin actually lets me disable it if the browser identifies as mobile so let me know if you guys want it off for that.
4 users liked this post: CHOW CHOW, HaughtyFrank, BIONIC, NekoFever
Added a couple dark themes, you can switch between them with the dropbox at the bottom of the page above the "current time" that says Default. (Also in your User Settings > Edit Options.) One is kinda crappy (MyBB Dark) but is the default theme darkened, the other (Emerald Dark) looks kinda nice and is supposed to be mobile-friendly but has some garbage design at the top. (It also takes away the bottom of the forum theme selector, you can swap back out in your "User CP" to escape.) I'm investigating regarding one that will be good on mobile (dark or not) in a more radical form though I do want to keep tweaking this default in that regard. There's a couple others that I might add just to give options. Feel free to look through them yourselves and see if you like anything:

As I said I'm not really supporting these so if people want changes try to offer up the CSS or whatever and I will paste it in. If something breaks obviously let me know but if it's just that you want something changed to look better then I don't have the spoons for it, how dare you try to coerce me into emotional labor in the middle of a war.

Is anybody using the PMs for anything important at the moment? I'm going to try a plugin related to them this weekend and may break them.
3 users liked this post: CHOW CHOW, HaughtyFrank, MJBarret
Hypothetically, say a user wants to share an image of a body part, is there a way to limit it to registered users only?
1 user liked this post: Nintex
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