Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Fuck all these zionists completely bombing these civilian outposts.  Fuck the genocides in Sudan.  Fuck the slavers in China taking all the Fubu clothes away from the wiggers.  And fuck me because I don't want to live anymore, i wish all that shit was happening to me so I can die and not work.
(08-28-2024, 01:04 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
(08-28-2024, 11:37 AM)PogiJones wrote: ^ This is what too much spaghetti does to you

(08-28-2024, 11:42 AM)Potato wrote: Mammamia!

lol see this is what im talking about.  Like this is exactly what I'm talking about.  lol.  The inability to empathize.    Like, it's actually insane how the bore, and by extension, the world at large, runs on anti-Italianness.  It's everywhere.  It's in every aspect of our lives.  You may not think about Italians but we're ubiquitous fixtures in your minds, modes of being, and subconscious biases.  We wash our pasta before putting it in water to get the preservatives off that the Northern White has attached to our food in order to commodify, package and sell our not-for-profit products in capitalismo.  Durrr the starch and preservatives gets cooked off durrrrrr, durrrr why are you washing it if you're gonna put it in water anyway, how bout fuck you nigga?   They say the World Runs on Dunkin, i say it runs on Anti-Italianness since the Industrial Revolution.  All of our shit gets taken and reappropriated for the northern european to profit from without any accreditation to my people.  It's what the French call the Sbarro-fication of Italianness that produces a kind of, lets say "whiteness vis a vi ontological darkness" or what the French call, "Socio-Culturelle Oppressivisme" of the European South.  

Let's look at the evidence:  The Punisher, a highly regarded film from the cultural institution the French refer to as "Marvél" from 2004: Who played the Punisher?  Thomas Jane.  

Exhibit A: Thomas Jane 

[Image: 1tKfUuy.png]

Now take a look at Exhibit B:  [Image: zRsngGW.png]

Now to Exhibit C: [Image: AC09Edp.png]

Why is the entire collective nation of Jewish people dressing up, CLEAR AS FUCKING DAY, as an Italian man with the dago necklace (i can say it, you can't*) and exposed chest hair?  Why would a Jew wear a crucifix if not to mock our strong genetic inclination to wear crosses atop a bed of chest hair in an open shirt? You might be asking yourself, "What are you talking about?" or "This guy represents all Jews?" or "aren't you the bigot for assuming all Italians look like this?" or "what's your point?".  My point?  Let's take a look at the evidence.  The Punisher is actually a man of Italian descent.

Exihibit D:

[Image: tpNXwdC.png]

Exhibit E:

[Image: IbE0A6w.png]

So, through these Bayesian prior proofs I have presented, we have successfully deduced A) The Punisher was intended and developed as a realistic depiction of an Italian, not unlike the prestigious Mario from the Mario saga of games that span both time and space.    And B) Northern Whites and the entire collective nation of Jews is both appropriating our identities as costumes and are taking acting work from us.  You can see how the World Runs on Dunkin On Italians because they had to Anglify his last name.  Our people and our culture constantly have to hide, we're constantly told to be ashamed.  We're constantly running, and fam, I'm tired.  Nobody can know that Frank is of Italian descent.  That's a HUGE secret.  Anne Frank Castle in the attic.  An open depiction of a hot-blooded Italian man beating the shit out of people with no regard to a moral code or empathy in fiction?  You'll never see it.  Only the N. Whites and the Jews have access to that kind of privilege. 

Now you might think this is a coincidence.  Yeah, you're right.  I'm generalizing.  I'm over extrapolating.  I'm getting ahead of myself and I need to calm down.
OH wait, they did it again in 2017????  Ladies and gentlemen of the systematically anti-italic jury, I present to you exhibit F:

[Image: RddIR4q.png]

Yes, it's The Punisher again.  
Surely they won't make the same "mistake" of subjugating and stomping a boot on our faces again?  Surely these crackas must have slipped from their inability to dance and got their dirty little eichmann boots all over our face by accident?

[Image: ZfjWNNt.png]

[Image: tUp85xk.png]



[Image: K2hrTis.png]  [Image: theguido.jpg]

Am I supposed to believe this is a fucking coincidence???  They just magically dress up as us like little magical fucking hermit crabs using us as a fucking costume?

[Image: walking-dead-jon-bernthal-shirtless-dog-walk-03.jpg]

Here's an image of him getting pissed off that someone is honking at him, getting out of his car in the middle of rush hour traffic, shirtless, yelling and ready to hit the guy honking at him with a baseball bat which IS WHAT WE DO.  They're going to put this move in Fortnite tomorrow.  You'll be able to buy The Bad Impulse Control for $4.99.  They feed the children anti-Italianess.  The clothe the children in a makeshift costume of our skin.  And what recompense do we get?  What rebuff is there in this deranged, hellscape of a world?   Until we can abolish capitalism, and establish a post-scarcity society and return to non-profit pasta, we'll just continue to be used, mocked, and predated upon.   Northern Whites and The Collective Nation of Jews run this well olive oiled machine.  And this forum is the last space where I can spend hours of my day discussing this, and working on a solution.  And yall just fucking laugh at me?  "Mama Mia" you fucking bitch?  Talk about fragility.

*reclaimed vernacular

Ok, so when I'm cooking carbonara, exactly how much cream should I put in the sauce?
(08-28-2024, 06:59 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote:
(08-28-2024, 06:55 PM)DavidCroquet wrote:
(08-28-2024, 06:36 PM)Nintex wrote: Well, PS5 has no games so there is nothing else for the Sony Ponies to do I don't
I'm still doing runs on Returnal.

Returnal is the best next gen exclusive, game fucking rules and it's design standouts are popping up in all sorts of stuff (romulus and 65 come to mind immediately)
I agree 100%. What's frustrating about it is that Returnal very obviously had a tight budget...I wish Sony would establish a Studio to churn out this scope of project to bridge the gap between their massive AAA games. 

It could be something like like a modern Japan Studio (except good Smug )
double post
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(08-28-2024, 04:25 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Dust wrote:When was this Quidditch shit even announced? Never heard of it.

Gee, I wonder why lol 

the gold hawk wrote:At one of Geoff's many shows. To much booing, thankfully.

They know it’s on camera and we can watch it right? People were not booing at all lol 

Empyrean Coctus wrote:Well at least I don't have to give money to JK.

Although I'm guessing that part of my PS Plus sub money went to WB to get this game on Plus.

Then again, I resubbed last Thanksgiving to Essential when it was on sale, AND I used gift cards that were on sale at Dollar General.

This has to be a joke right…. Right…?

Nah, they're really that retarded/morally flexible
(08-28-2024, 05:32 PM)Disco55 wrote: I mean isn't it obvious that anything Sony will be handled with kids gloves? Like that sudden need to "self-reflect" about dunking on trainwrecks when Concord is being dunked on.

Most of the bore started their gaming on PS1 so there's still some residual blind spots here too.

Dr. Nothing Loud wrote:Life is suffering until it's over, and the only way to endure the suffering is to distract frequently with the "glimmers" of life, hope, and love through fulfilling work, hobbies, sports, exercise, Short/Medium/Long term goals, at least 1 close friendship, and loved ones.
Or drugs and sex.
planet smasher wrote:I'm still really, really hesitant to trust someone like Hashino with a story like this. That's my big issue, I just do not care for Hashino or any of his general stances on things, so it's hard to get excited.

It sounds like the game part is coming together alright, but the writing is going to be where the game lives or dies for me, and I don't think previews can salve my worries there. I'll probably need to wait until people I trust finish the game and report back to me.

Who asked…?
(08-28-2024, 07:38 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
planet smasher wrote:I'm still really, really hesitant to trust someone like Hashino with a story like this. That's my big issue, I just do not care for Hashino or any of his general stances on things, so it's hard to get excited.

It sounds like the game part is coming together alright, but the writing is going to be where the game lives or dies for me, and I don't think previews can salve my worries there. I'll probably need to wait until people I trust finish the game and report back to me.

Who asked…?

RE: "Games are inherently political"

*Japanese games tackles politics*

RE:"Disgusting, why are they doing this"
Potato dateline='[url=tel:1724872613' wrote: 1724872613[/url]']
Propagandhim dateline='[url=tel:1724850272' wrote: 1724850272[/url]']
PogiJones dateline='[url=tel:1724845060' wrote: 1724845060[/url]']
^ This is what too much spaghetti does to you

Potato dateline='[url=tel:1724845364' wrote: 1724845364[/url]']

lol see this is what im talking about.  Like this is exactly what I'm talking about.  lol.  The inability to empathize.    Like, it's actually insane how the bore, and by extension, the world at large, runs on anti-Italianness.  It's everywhere.  It's in every aspect of our lives.  You may not think about Italians but we're ubiquitous fixtures in your minds, modes of being, and subconscious biases.  We wash our pasta before putting it in water to get the preservatives off that the Northern White has attached to our food in order to commodify, package and sell our not-for-profit products in capitalismo.  Durrr the starch and preservatives gets cooked off durrrrrr, durrrr why are you washing it if you're gonna put it in water anyway, how bout fuck you nigga?   They say the World Runs on Dunkin, i say it runs on Anti-Italianness since the Industrial Revolution.  All of our shit gets taken and reappropriated for the northern european to profit from without any accreditation to my people.  It's what the French call the Sbarro-fication of Italianness that produces a kind of, lets say "whiteness vis a vi ontological darkness" or what the French call, "Socio-Culturelle Oppressivisme" of the European South.  

Let's look at the evidence:  The Punisher, a highly regarded film from the cultural institution the French refer to as "Marvél" from 2004: Who played the Punisher?  Thomas Jane.  

Exhibit A: Thomas Jane 

[Image: 1tKfUuy.png]

Now take a look at Exhibit B:  [Image: zRsngGW.png]

Now to Exhibit C: [Image: AC09Edp.png]

Why is the entire collective nation of Jewish people dressing up, CLEAR AS FUCKING DAY, as an Italian man with the dago necklace (i can say it, you can't*) and exposed chest hair?  Why would a Jew wear a crucifix if not to mock our strong genetic inclination to wear crosses atop a bed of chest hair in an open shirt? You might be asking yourself, "What are you talking about?" or "This guy represents all Jews?" or "aren't you the bigot for assuming all Italians look like this?" or "what's your point?".  My point?  Let's take a look at the evidence.  The Punisher is actually a man of Italian descent.

Exihibit D:

[Image: tpNXwdC.png]

Exhibit E:

[Image: IbE0A6w.png]

So, through these Bayesian prior proofs I have presented, we have successfully deduced A) The Punisher was intended and developed as a realistic depiction of an Italian, not unlike the prestigious Mario from the Mario saga of games that span both time and space.    And B) Northern Whites and the entire collective nation of Jews is both appropriating our identities as costumes and are taking acting work from us.  You can see how the World Runs on Dunkin On Italians because they had to Anglify his last name.  Our people and our culture constantly have to hide, we're constantly told to be ashamed.  We're constantly running, and fam, I'm tired.  Nobody can know that Frank is of Italian descent.  That's a HUGE secret.  Anne Frank Castle in the attic.  An open depiction of a hot-blooded Italian man beating the shit out of people with no regard to a moral code or empathy in fiction?  You'll never see it.  Only the N. Whites and the Jews have access to that kind of privilege. 

Now you might think this is a coincidence.  Yeah, you're right.  I'm generalizing.  I'm over extrapolating.  I'm getting ahead of myself and I need to calm down.
OH wait, they did it again in 2017????  Ladies and gentlemen of the systematically anti-italic jury, I present to you exhibit F:

[Image: RddIR4q.png]

Yes, it's The Punisher again.  
Surely they won't make the same "mistake" of subjugating and stomping a boot on our faces again?  Surely these crackas must have slipped from their inability to dance and got their dirty little eichmann boots all over our face by accident?

[Image: ZfjWNNt.png]

[Image: tUp85xk.png]



[Image: K2hrTis.png]  [Image: theguido.jpg]

Am I supposed to believe this is a fucking coincidence???  They just magically dress up as us like little magical fucking hermit crabs using us as a fucking costume?

[Image: walking-dead-jon-bernthal-shirtless-dog-walk-03.jpg]

Here's an image of him getting pissed off that someone is honking at him, getting out of his car in the middle of rush hour traffic, shirtless, yelling and ready to hit the guy honking at him with a baseball bat which IS WHAT WE DO.  They're going to put this move in Fortnite tomorrow.  You'll be able to buy The Bad Impulse Control for $4.99.  They feed the children anti-Italianess.  The clothe the children in a makeshift costume of our skin.  And what recompense do we get?  What rebuff is there in this deranged, hellscape of a world?   Until we can abolish capitalism, and establish a post-scarcity society and return to non-profit pasta, we'll just continue to be used, mocked, and predated upon.   Northern Whites and The Collective Nation of Jews run this well olive oiled machine.  And this forum is the last space where I can spend hours of my day discussing this, and working on a solution.  And yall just fucking laugh at me?  "Mama Mia" you fucking bitch?  Talk about fragility.

*reclaimed vernacular

Ok, so when I'm cooking carbonara, exactly how much cream should I put in the sauce?

Is it really carbonara if you aren’t using guanciale?
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
(08-28-2024, 06:26 PM)Nintex wrote: The latest Ubisoft boondoggle is just incredible. They charged $130 for early access but now they recommend starting over after installing the latest patch  lol

[Image: GWFKsMuawAA8zFM?format=png]

Ubislop is the most accurate description of their games these days.
Potato wrote:Ok, so when I'm cooking carbonara, exactly how much cream should I put in the sauce?

A little harsh, but ok
(08-28-2024, 06:55 PM)killamajig wrote:
Quote:Life is such a chore. All I do is wake up, go to work, and go to sleep.

I don't find enjoyment in pretty much anything anymore and the idea of living the same day over and over sounds horrible.

I wouldn't necessarily consider myself "at-risk", but I'm curious if anyone else struggles with similar thoughts or feelings.

Quote:It really kinda sucks

Quote:The problem is not that you have to, the problem is the routine we're forced into.
I also hate the idea of doing this shit for another 40 years but what's the alternative?

Quote:I do poor diet and ignore symptoms to try and get there quicker. I have some chest pains sometimes, could be indigestion could be something else, guess I'll find out.

Quote:I have been at the same job for 17 years now. I am 43. and the other day I realized I have to work another 25 years to retire which is 150% more time than I have spent at my current job. this shit fucking sucks. everything is a chore. painting, drawing, playing games, relationships, waking up, going to work. not much joy in it anymore. I wish someone could just put me in a new place. everyone gives me advice but it all just sounds so monumentally hard to do. so I understand where you're coming from OP.

Quote:If it makes you feel better, every day is a gamble that you might lose. Even walking out the door in the morning might be the last thing you do. Life is full of uncertainty. You could be here for 40 more years, or 40 more minutes. Smile!

Quote:I've got less than 30 years, if I match my oldest relative in my direct line. Of course, I quit smoking by 30 and drinking by exactly one year ago today, so maybe I'll make it 31, 32 years (tops) more.

Great forum, Bdumbs.

Every single one of these retards has the power to change their situation. They all CHOOSE not to. 

I wonder how they'll feel when Konami censors the shit out of MGS4
(08-28-2024, 07:38 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
planet smasher wrote:I'm still really, really hesitant to trust someone like Hashino with a story like this. That's my big issue, I just do not care for Hashino or any of his general stances on things, so it's hard to get excited.

It sounds like the game part is coming together alright, but the writing is going to be where the game lives or dies for me, and I don't think previews can salve my worries there. I'll probably need to wait until people I trust finish the game and report back to me.

Who asked…?

Has he ever confessed to being a video game script writer in the past? Seems a slight gap in his resume that he could have filled with this post.
(08-28-2024, 07:37 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Dr. Nothing Loud wrote:Life is suffering until it's over

I'm having a pretty good time I don't
(08-28-2024, 07:56 PM)Jansen wrote:

I wonder how they'll feel when Konami censors the shit out of MGS4
What do you mean? The game is already hugely trans positive.
[Image: yqgIwX.gif]
(08-28-2024, 07:56 PM)Jansen wrote:

I wonder how they'll feel when Konami censors the shit out of MGS4

10% will say that's fucking dumb
89% will think that's dumb but not say it out loud
1% will say that's good and it's actually not censorship 

The 10% get banned for "dismissing concerns"
Quote:This person interrupts their video to make a "hur hur, maybe they're a 'them' and not a she" quip for the clearly feminine sniper character, which totally tips their hand to it being a bad-faith waste of time. The labored intro explaining how they just simply couldn't remember the existence of the game already stretched credibility (and patience) for a reaction video.

I think these designs aren't effective for the game, but someone tripping over themselves to try to include that kind of jab is acting like a slimeball, in my book. It's a piss-thin assessment, even putting that aside.
Social Justice Warrior 2 Triggered
(08-28-2024, 07:56 PM)Jansen wrote:

I wonder how they'll feel when Konami censors the shit out of MGS4

Hissy fit?

Dalek wrote:Why does everything have to have a name
(08-28-2024, 07:44 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(08-28-2024, 07:38 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
planet smasher wrote:I'm still really, really hesitant to trust someone like Hashino with a story like this. That's my big issue, I just do not care for Hashino or any of his general stances on things, so it's hard to get excited.

It sounds like the game part is coming together alright, but the writing is going to be where the game lives or dies for me, and I don't think previews can salve my worries there. I'll probably need to wait until people I trust finish the game and report back to me.

Who asked…?

RE: "Games are inherently political"

*Japanese games tackles politics*

RE:"Disgusting, why are they doing this"

Also kind of silly complain given that Persona 5 was hugely critical of Shinzo Abe (one of their all times favorite grave dances) and the conservative Japanese government.

But is not worth anything because there was that one joke about THE GAYS and I cannot make my character a raging lesbian. Six
(08-28-2024, 08:17 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:This person interrupts their video to make a "hur hur, maybe they're a 'them' and not a she" quip for the clearly feminine sniper character, which totally tips their hand to it being a bad-faith waste of time. The labored intro explaining how they just simply couldn't remember the existence of the game already stretched credibility (and patience) for a reaction video.

I think these designs aren't effective for the game, but someone tripping over themselves to try to include that kind of jab is acting like a slimeball, in my book. It's a piss-thin assessment, even putting that aside.
Social Justice Warrior 2 Triggered

Jesus Christ that's not a quip. Just listen to the guy's voice he's pure soyboy material. I guarantee you with 99% certainty he was genuinley "not trying to assume your gender" (just have to take a small look at his other videos to also see him declaring that Yasuke was absolutely a samurai, guess he's somehow an authority on that)


Perfect example of all this political correctness going completely awry. A guy who is trying to be politically correct is considered offensive.
Jesus christ that video is painful.
(08-28-2024, 08:17 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:This person interrupts their video to make a "hur hur, maybe they're a 'them' and not a she" quip for the clearly feminine sniper character, which totally tips their hand to it being a bad-faith waste of time. The labored intro explaining how they just simply couldn't remember the existence of the game already stretched credibility (and patience) for a reaction video.

I think these designs aren't effective for the game, but someone tripping over themselves to try to include that kind of jab is acting like a slimeball, in my book. It's a piss-thin assessment, even putting that aside.
Social Justice Warrior 2 Triggered

Quote:This person interrupts their video to make a "hur hur, maybe they're a 'them' and not a she" quip for the clearly feminine sniper character




(08-28-2024, 09:22 PM)Uncle wrote:
(08-28-2024, 08:17 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:This person interrupts their video to make a "hur hur, maybe they're a 'them' and not a she" quip for the clearly feminine sniper character, which totally tips their hand to it being a bad-faith waste of time. The labored intro explaining how they just simply couldn't remember the existence of the game already stretched credibility (and patience) for a reaction video.

I think these designs aren't effective for the game, but someone tripping over themselves to try to include that kind of jab is acting like a slimeball, in my book. It's a piss-thin assessment, even putting that aside.
Social Justice Warrior 2 Triggered

Quote:This person interrupts their video to make a "hur hur, maybe they're a 'them' and not a she" quip for the clearly feminine sniper character





Right? Why would the game even have pronouns in the character screen if that isn't the modern ideology. We all have to pretend you can't know anyone's gender until they tell you
(08-28-2024, 09:22 PM)Uncle wrote:
(08-28-2024, 08:17 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:This person interrupts their video to make a "hur hur, maybe they're a 'them' and not a she" quip for the clearly feminine sniper character, which totally tips their hand to it being a bad-faith waste of time. The labored intro explaining how they just simply couldn't remember the existence of the game already stretched credibility (and patience) for a reaction video.

I think these designs aren't effective for the game, but someone tripping over themselves to try to include that kind of jab is acting like a slimeball, in my book. It's a piss-thin assessment, even putting that aside.
Social Justice Warrior 2 Triggered

Quote:This person interrupts their video to make a "hur hur, maybe they're a 'them' and not a she" quip for the clearly feminine sniper character





On the topic of doxxing, y‘all (benji) have too much time to care so much about those people. I thought we are just having a good laugh?

It was funnier when „benji the doxxer“ was just a joke tbh though.
3 users liked this post: nachobro, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
nepenthe wrote:Always remember that Black people are about 13% of the population and thus around 6-7% of the actual voting electorate, with probably roughly half of that being Black women.

I say this to say I need white people to stop relying on us to "save" them from bad systems and outcomes because they know- deep down- that they are affected the least by whoever is in office and thus they can coast through life on our labor.

Get up and get to work actually organizing for Black people's benefits for once

(08-28-2024, 10:24 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
nepenthe wrote:Always remember that Black people are about 13% of the population and thus around 6-7% of the actual voting electorate, with probably roughly half of that being Black women.

I say this to say I need white people to stop relying on us to "save" them from bad systems and outcomes because they know- deep down- that they are affected the least by whoever is in office and thus they can coast through life on our labor.

Get up and get to work actually organizing for Black people's benefits for once



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