Journal of Other Forum Analysis
(08-29-2024, 01:05 AM)Uncle wrote:
(08-29-2024, 12:52 AM)clockwork5 wrote: According to neps math the US is 12% black and they make up 6% of the vote?

So she is suggesting black people are half as likely to vote as other races. And that the 3-4% of the total vote that come from black women are somehow saving the 97% of other voters?

What is she even trying to say?

[Image: pdrZGAV.jpeg]

Why is the "bad" fish black? 

that's not it ngl

feels real icky
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(08-29-2024, 01:45 AM)Potato wrote:
(08-29-2024, 01:05 AM)Uncle wrote:
(08-29-2024, 12:52 AM)clockwork5 wrote: According to neps math the US is 12% black and they make up 6% of the vote?

So she is suggesting black people are half as likely to vote as other races. And that the 3-4% of the total vote that come from black women are somehow saving the 97% of other voters?

What is she even trying to say?

[Image: pdrZGAV.jpeg]

Why is the "bad" fish black? 


Have you seen the “straight flag”. But that's none of my business...
(08-29-2024, 12:53 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Punished Goku wrote:I hate to generalize, but people in the military actually have a conscience? I was just painting them all with the blank slate.
Implied Facepalm

If that wasn't on retardera, I would think that mixed metaphor was an intentional joke. Derp

But anyways...

I've seen a lot of stories about transgenders being pedophiles. I hate to generalize but they're all pedophiles. 

I hate to generalize but furries are all perverts that like to touch kids.  

I hate to generalize but Bdubs likes to use the N word.

I hate to generalize but Resetera loves terrorists that kill innocent people.
15mins apart in the same thread Stahp

i think i saw part of that coffeezilla vid
apparently LPaul is suing him for "defamation" from his CryptoZoo coverage, just to try and intimidate him against talking about his newest and latest scams or sommit?

you love to see it
how hard is it to drop the bag on sommit you are already selling millions of dollars worth
you gotta TRY to be that much of a fuck up, lol

I can't decide what's more gross, him trying to talk like a little kid or talking about putting things up his dirty fat guy shit pipe.
I assume the conversation has moved on from the ethics of 'doxxing' but if someone joins the mma discord I'm in talking shit and acting tough the first thing I do is check if they've got linked accounts and, usually, the second thing I do is post their picture and mock them for talking shit when they are some fat pussy boy.

I apply the same logic here, if all it takes is a search of your username to find your pic / info / whatever then that is 100% on you (and I am very easy to find myself).
(08-28-2024, 11:20 PM)Propagandhim wrote: [Image: rj0pHXu.png]

Nepenthe wrote:they can coast through life on our labor.
Nepenthe wrote:Get up and get to work actually organizing for Black people's benefits for once
Nepenthe wrote:The cherry on top is that it's not like we get significantly much in material gains for saving the country. Land, wealth, proper healthcare, tax breaks, reduction in over policing, loans and loan forgiveness, reparations. No one is trying to hear any of that after the election.

Hell, start a reparations thread and see what the "thank you Black women" crowd really thinks we deserve lol. Y'all love us when we give you what you want, then after that y'all don't want to know about us.

[Image: wnLpnAZ.png]

[Image: kZl14aI.png]


[Image: QBPJBa8.png]

[Image: vWZBy4I.png]

[Image: 500zCDK.png]

[Image: hvbdeJz.png]

[Image: 3eyxIlp.png]

[Image: yVsryf5.png]

[Image: mU1iHsB.png]

[Image: fDPcuvX.png]


Almost comes off like a fetish.
elnarie wrote:
Zeal543 wrote:May all live service titles fall
Thank you for wishing that I am out of a job.

The Bire really could spend more time picking on elnarie. She(?) only has 3 settings: ego-posting, corposhilling, and down-from-the-mountain "here's how the industry works, plebs" rants.
How they can twist the idea of wanting bad games to fail into some kind of anti-labor message is brilliant. We must prop up the absolute slop produced by billion dollar companies! (Please ignore when talking about Wizard game.)
Caping for shit video games as if it makes a difference while there's a GENOCIDE going on.

Edit- those yt folkx know who to butter up to avoid a ban; the smarter thing is to just not post as asskissing has backfired before.
(08-29-2024, 03:26 AM)Chumbawumbafan69 wrote: How they can twist the idea of wanting bad games to fail into some kind of anti-labor message is brilliant. We must prop up the absolute slop produced by billion dollar companies! (Please ignore when talking about Wizard game.)
Even people who were saying "b-but being so cruel to the wizard game is anti-labor" got banned.

And even worse, some people who twist the message into an anti-labor message get away with it, but others get banned. All depends on how the janny is feeling.
Why would they be happy to still be capitalist slaves to big corporate?
(08-28-2024, 02:08 PM)Lonewulfeus wrote: On resetera, presumably she still posts those feelings on Twitter or elsewhere.
Unfortunately she mostly abandoned her Twitter after unprivating it.

(08-28-2024, 05:48 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:We didn't debate Nazism the first time though. We fought it in a war and then made it socially unpalatable through shame and mockery. We weren't platforming Nazism to defeat it in the marketplace of ideas because the very act of platforming an idea to be debated is inherently validation.
I mean, this is just blatantly false. In the United States Nazism was never illegal and the United States wasn't at war with it until 1941 and wasn't really fighting it directly until 1943. If we include fascism in general, then that's two decades where fascism was not just debated but treated by the progressive elites as the wave of the future similar to communism until Hitler made it all uncouth with the rabid anti-Semitism and weird Occult fetishes.

It was the same in Europe btw, the war just started a couple years earlier. But Nazism and fascism were both legitimate political movements for all of the 1920's and most of the 1930's before the war kicked off in 1939. Even the Nazi's themselves engaged in electoral politics for a decade before being handed the reigns of a failed state. Mussolini was involved in politics as a Socialist for a decade-ish before moving to fascism because the Italian Socialists were spending all their time on trying to read Das Kapital for pasta recipes. The UK, France, etc. the fascists didn't win elections but there were all movements, there was just none of the reasons people flocked to it in other countries. Namely, these were long established countries that didn't lose World War I and whose fledgling democracies had completely failed in most people's minds.

If we go back further and consider components of Nazism like eugenics and white supremacy then obviously Nazism wasn't fought and was extensively debated with most of the leading progressives subscribing to both. Woodrow Wilson was in favor of those two things, he also outlined a form of government and economy that pretty much was fascism before fascism, involved his country in an imperialist war for global aims without their consent and clung to power after being completely debilitated. We can't point to the normalcy of the 1920's because Harding-Coolidge explicitly rejected the Wilsonian view of government, they advocated for greater liberalism and capitalism so they're obviously even more fascist than Wilson was.

Surely, you, Nepenthe, are not arguing that Nazism was absent from the American political scene in the first half of the 20th Century, you're not going to trot out the "Nazis got all their ideas from racist whites" false talking point? No, instead, America in the midst of Jim Crow, as it was emerging as the biggest capitalist power, as it was involving itself in as many other nations as possible militarily, etc. suddenly becomes this paragon of Good because Nepenthe needs it in her narrative about not debating the Nazis and just punching them. All those capitalist white supremacists enacting eugenics laws heard about Nazism rising in Germany and said "no sir, we don't debate such things here" and socked Hitler right in the face. Not a single elite wrote a fawning profile of Hitler's successful "revitalization" of Germany (not as many as those about Mussolini or Lenin/Stalin but still quite a lot) and nobody wrote books about how liberalism was done and the way forward was total nationalization of society. Never happened. Zero famous people you can find who said "hey, maybe this Hitler guy has some good ideas."

And none of those Nazi fighters immediately went right back to the slave labor usage of Black people that undergirds the entire American economy and continues to this day while demanding Black women save us by voting. Or maybe they did. Intersectionality is such a tough cookie.
(08-28-2024, 06:04 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
Quote:Deplatforming, shame, legal restrictions, and even vigilantism, along with actually building community (I keep screaming at people to organize in their communities) are how you drive it so underground that is hard for even the loneliest people to even find these enclaves to get indoctrinated in the first place. Not putting Nazis on Hasan's show.

Well, there you have it.  Nazism is too believable and tenable a position that it not only stands up to public scrutiny, it requires an exhaustive set of tools to combat its thrall on the nonsuspecting idiot public.  Really goes to show that Nepenthe thinks society is constantly teetering on the edge of a razor blade.  In her eyes, society hasn't developed a moral standard through unfortunate historical events, and learned and improved from the past, but minorities are constantly 1 inch away from gas chambers, so they must use the government to persecute anyone that even has a whiff of having a problematic belief system.  Don't worry though, the magically erudite, ancient Eldritch creatures known as "minorities" will properly wield all state power benevolently to make sure everything is done in keeping with proper protocol.  We don't need to rely on lessons of the past, because people can't learn anything and nothing ever advances.  We'll rely on the chosen ones of humanity.  Lord knows you've been doing a great job.  Go fucking clean up the Pepsi on aisle 2.
Aside from this, it's also false and never happened. Communism was what was verboten and persecuted post-war in America. It was an actual threat to American interests globally so it's somewhat justified. Nazism was irrelevant so what did every show do when they needed an extreme kook to roast? Bring on a Nazi sympathizer, a neo-Nazi or near Nazi. These movements were always feeble and had no traction in America so they were safe to bring on. Communism was too but the state and media was paranoid that they were all actual agents of a foreign power. Bringing on Communists would have demanded debates about American policy and that was too dangerous to air on TV.

It helps that Communists often refused to participate and all the Nazis were and continue to be publicity hounds who would jump on any opportunity even if they look like a complete fool.

I only did a casual search and didn't find much because I couldn't think of any old shows other than Donahue because he recently died (interviewed Albert Speer in 1977 but it doesn't appear to be on YouTube) but if you'll allow Nazi-adjacent, here's this on Crossfire albeit from 1982:

Spoiler:  (click to show)
5 months ago
Calls himself a wizard but doesn't cast a single spell the whole video smh

4 years ago
“Oooooh Grand Wizard, if I may be so bold as to interrupt”

And just because he's one of my top favorites and he's on Donahue even if this is from 1994 and doesn't really have anything to do with what I said except that it was in my search for old Donahue clips:
See Banana the way you post is just fine.
Tbf to her she's deplatformed herself for being a nazi so
Spoiler: Doxing drama bullshit (click to show)
Please don't cuck out and stop your basic information gathering benji. Who cares if like 2 people in this thread are crying about 'muh ethics'. People who can't even practice basic internet hygiene deserve it.

To keep things fair, I give y'all chuds and any reetards reading this thread full permission to dox me if you can. you can even use illegal methods if you want.
(08-29-2024, 06:47 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: See Banana the way you post is just fine.
                   putting staff in danger?
is this?


My opinion is only that I hope you know what are doing Benji, and just don’t give them excuses to paint themselves as victims to the normies.
(08-29-2024, 07:41 AM)Chudder Barbarity wrote:
Spoiler: Doxing drama bullshit (click to show)
Please don't cuck out and stop your basic information gathering benji. Who cares if like 2 people in this thread are crying about 'muh ethics'. People who can't even practice basic internet hygiene deserve it.

To keep things fair, I give y'all chuds and any reetards reading this thread full permission to dox me if you can. you can even use illegal methods if you want.
Spoiler:  (click to show)
Once again, basic information gathering is fine. Users that have willingly chosen to link identifying information to their social media accounts and GAF/Ree accounts. Doing some googling around here or there to find more information is fine. Melody Shreds chose to put their face on their bluesky account, for example.

Nothing really wrong with reposting that stuff. It was all publicly given away by them at some point.

But hacking into accounts isn't fine. Leaking IP logs and using info from illegal data breaches is fucked up. Posting real home addresses and phone numbers is especially fucked up. Fuck all that shit.

Benji said he doesn't do any of that shit so if his word is true, then it should be all fine.

It's that simple.
(08-28-2024, 04:53 PM)jooseloose wrote:

Sheev wrote:Hopefully less transphobia in their future games.

I hope there is MORE transphobia in the next Cyberpunk title.

I want a character to call a trans character a BEAST and then look at the camera and say "I called them a beast because that is a well-known transphobic slur in the world of Cyberpunk, and in the real world".
We're the freaks. We're the outcasts. We're nothing like you. You're past due. We will eclipse you. We're the aliens. We're the refugees. We walk among you. We're right behind you. Your time is past. Your kind won't last. We're the Dustborn. This bug is airborne. We're the new porn. Our kind is newborn. We're the dust-born. This bug is airborne. We're the new porn. Our kind is newborn. We're the Dustborn!

Preach Preach Preach Preach
I just wanted to enjoy my vidya  Outfoxxed
Now that I seen how Kyuji looks (pre-transition)....

Was his autistic meltdown over Cyberpunk because he was going through some gender dysphoria induced jealous rage? 🤔

Especially when he tried cancelling that female cosplayer that dressed up as that big dicked trans woman NPC? 🤔
(08-29-2024, 02:49 AM)FUME5 wrote: I assume the conversation has moved on from the ethics of 'doxxing' but if someone joins the mma discord I'm in talking shit and acting tough the first thing I do is check if they've got linked accounts and, usually, the second thing I do is post their picture and mock them for talking shit when they are some fat pussy boy.

I apply the same logic here, if all it takes is a search of your username to find your pic / info / whatever then that is 100% on you (and I am very easy to find myself).

I hope you feel safe over there in... PERTH, WESTERN AUSTRALIA!

Mr. Worldwide Mr. Worldwide Mr. Worldwide
Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: 849.jpg]
(08-29-2024, 08:59 AM)BananaBlast wrote: Now that I seen how Kyuji looks (pre-transition)....

Was his autistic meltdown over Cyberpunk because he was going through some gender dysphoria induced jealous rage? 🤔

Especially when he tried cancelling that female cosplayer that dressed up as that big dicked trans woman NPC? 🤔

It was and is just a power grab
(08-28-2024, 11:56 PM)killamajig wrote:
Hey all.
For the first time in my life, I got a backup power UPS. Generally, here, in Quebec Canada, power is pretty stable for the most part but, lately, cracks have been showing in Hydro-Québec's network. That and... a "re-imagining" of my computer room, and my NAS complaining not being connected to one, pushed me to buy a UPS.

This is the one I got:

The APC BR1500MS2 which is a 1500VA / 900W UPS backup power unit.

Here's what I want to plug on it:
- My main PC (can pull roughly 560W at full power - have 750W but that never happens)
- A backup mini PC (35W I think?)
- My monitor
- My Nintendo Switch (just because how to room will be configured)
- My NAS
- My router
- My fiber to Ethernet ONT.
- Probably a laser printer (see the Switch above...)
- Other devices might be added later depending where I want to deploy them in my room

I told myself that if I buy a high wattage, I'll be able to connect more on it and don't have to worry in having issues because it can't pull enough power and whine.

I also chose APC over CyberPower because it seemed people recommanded it a bit more than CyberPower when I searched a bit online?

Anyway, I got it Monday, unpackaged it and read the instructions. Battery came disconnected. OK, I did that.

But here's where I need some advice. I heard / read somewhere that you should let the UPS charge for several hours before having it enter its first hours of its life-span. I've read the APC manual and... they don't mention this. So, that's why I want to ask other people that might have a UPS themselves for advice with this. Also, feel free to let me know of other good advice with a UPS as well.

I shouldn't be using it for at least a few weeks as I'm waiting for... some other things as I want to rewire everything in my room.

First reply..
As a (former) network engineer, I just plugged my gear in and let it rip. I didn't have time to to sit and wait before I had to jump to the next job site.

If you want to, go for it, but it won't impact it's longevity by any means.


Quote:I would not plug these things into the battery-protected ports.

Devote the battery life to the important stuff. Even with a 1500VA unit, you can go through the battery pretty quickly with just the basic PC / networking.

Quote:Just to reiterate what others have said:

Do NOT plug a laser printer into a UPS's battery backed ports.

(I wouldn't plug the laser printer into the UPS at all, personally)

So let it rip and plug everything in or don't let it rip?   ???

I don't know what the answer is, but I find it funny that somebody asks a question and you get two totally different answers from Reee. 

Once again, do not ask these retards anything.
Whenever people start off a post by letting you know their profession I automatically assume they're full of shit. You see it a lot on Era, especially on the gaming side with people thinking their job equates to them knowing the inner workings of game development.

"As a software developer..."
"software developer here..."

(08-29-2024, 10:01 AM)jooseloose wrote: Whenever people start off a post by letting you know their profession I automatically assume they're full of shit. You see it a lot on Era, especially on the gaming side with people thinking their job equates to them knowing the inner workings of game development.

"As a software developer..."
"software developer here..."

It's even worse when they're actually cocky and arrogant about it.

Like Weltall Zero always calling himself a "game developer" over a 16-bit pixel vaporware, before proceeding to act like some mad dogging pompous asshole right afterwards.

(08-29-2024, 09:31 AM)D3RANG3D wrote:
Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: 849.jpg]
Spoiler:  (click to show)
I remember seeing this image posted seemingly unironically all the time on before it went into archive only mode and scrubbed itself clean of all offensive slurs lol

(That was a very shitty website, I did not like it at all)
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia

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