Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(08-30-2024, 04:59 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Sad news, two hearts deleted their bluesky account. 

Nothing remotely interesting on melody sheds account just reposting more and more hentai and now even trans women porn.

Hopefully Twohearts got back on their meds or put in hospital.
Speaking of Lady Dimitrescu, remember how they were following the rest of the internet in being horny over Lady D, but then it quickly spiraled into whining about sexism? Then mods shut that shit down really quick?

Ree was like the only place that seriously took issue against the RE8 mommy memes. lol
(08-30-2024, 06:55 AM)benji wrote: Have you heard the Good Word about Concord?
FFNB, wrote:One of the things that I find interesting/sometimes annoying about the conversation surrounding Concord is that I keep hearing people say that the hero shooter genre is oversaturated, but then these people only mention, like, 3 or 4 of them; Overwatch, Valorant, Team Fortress 2, and Apex Legends primarily.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am very much aware that there are other hero shooters in the genre, but how many of them are actually fun to play? That are at least somewhat close to the more popular ones in the genre in terms of playability and enjoyment factor?

I guess the point I'm getting at is that there are only a handful of really fun hero shooters out there from what I've researched, so why is it such a travesty that we have one more added to the list, and it's actually a fun one at that?

spoilering my rant for length:

You'd think fans of a genre would celebrate more games in that genre. Maybe it's because I'm a single player gamer, so I'm always excited to see more single player games in the genres I like (action, adventure, rpgs, survival horror, metroidvanias, roguelikes, etc, etc). I'd be pretty bummed if my only options for a survival horror game were Resident Evil and Silent Hill (i very much love both franchises, by the way!). Or if the only RPGs available were Final Fantasy or Elder Scrolls. I think it's great that there are so many options available out there for me to play. I tend to jump around a lot when gaming, because sometimes I'm not in the mood to continue a playthrough of a certain game, and want to play something different in my limited game time, then I go back to the previous game later when I'm in the mood for it again.

Maybe it's different in the MP gaming space, and MP gamers just prefer to stick to a single MP game that grabs them, instead of playing various ones depending on their mood. There's nothing wrong with that either.

From my perspective, I celebrate more quality titles across various genres. There will always be cream of the crop games in a particular genre (ie, ND is one of the best in the biz for single player, story driven action/adventure games), but that doesn't mean other devs that love the genre should pack it up and go home.

Overwatch is definitely one of the most popular hero shooters out there, but why shouldn't other devs that also love that genre take a crack at it?

I just can't recall seeing such a visceral level of pushback from the gaming community for a game that's similar to the most popular ones in their respective genres.

I'd understand if Concord was a bad game. If it wasn't fun to play, or was super buggy and broken. But it's not a bad game, and it is fun to play, and aside from a few wrinkles here and there (like seeing under the map when respawning, which is hilarious), it's surprisingly polished.

It just seems to be the bitch eating crackers of the hero shooter genre at the moment, and I really don't understand why.

Subjective criticisms about the art design I can understand. The look isn't going to gel with everyone, but one of the things I appreciate about the art design in the game is that it doesn't look like this homogenous, Blizzard or LoL style that is currently all the rage. I find the lack of an over-stylized, pseudo-anime inspired aesthetic kind of nice.

I mean, as an artist, I love me some over-stylized anime and pseudo-anime inspired art design, but I like when a team does their own thing aesthetically, even if I may not vibe with the art direction myself. I don't begrudge the people that don't like Concord's art direction, as there have been plenty of games I passed on because I wasn't a fan of the aesthetics. I just don't see why some folks would persistently bash the game or tear it down because the game doesn't appeal to them either aesthetically, or because of the genre it's in. It's so much easier, and less energy cost for me to just move on and not think about it anymore. Not shit up every discussion about the game with how much I dislike it for whatever the reasons may be.

I dropped money on the deluxe edition of Starfield last year, and even bought a Series X for it, and I can't tell you how disappointed in that game I was (and still am). But I'm not going to go into Starfield discussions to rag on it. I took the L, and moved on to other games. It's certainly not the first time I bought a game that ultimately disappointed me, and it probably won't be the last lol

I don't know. There's just something really, really weird about how some folks will carry hatred for a game/show/movie/etc, etc for literal years. There are still people to this day that talk shit about Sean Murray and Hello Games and the NMS launch! Like, let it go, people. Seriously. It's been 8 fricking years, dude. XD XD

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:Yeah I watched this.

You can honestly tell a lot of people actually think this game is great, but are in fear of the hate mob.

It is fascism in action.
Quote:yeh, which is why its on the mainline review sites to ignore that BS and review the game on the game's own merits, and stop qualifying everything to be seen as aligned with the discourse .. its a joke. i mean, i get that its a online game that requires people actually playing it to actually work ... but nearly any multiplayer game can be qualified the same way. i mean are sites going to spend a 3rd of their review txt warning people about the next challenger to EA FC as well ? it should be a common sense risk anyone takes buying an online game don't need to beat it over everyones head to the point it actually scares people off buying it.
Quote:I can't make sense of the post. What do you mean exactly?
Quote:I think they are saying reviewers are hedging their positivity on the game because of all the noise outside the actual quality of the game.
DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:Yeah that's what I was taking away from it too. That reading between the lines, to me, lots of people are trying to walk on eggshells when talking about this game because of potential, real blowback on them in a material sense. And this is precisely the kind of thing I was alluding to in my post earlier.

Quote:All the weird negative discourse about Concord got me actually looking at it and I'm pretty dang interested in trying it out. I hope they do a free weekend soon - I don't play a ton of MP shooters and can't justify 40 bones on something I likely won't sink a ton of time into, but it looks like a blast.
I came here to post the same haha. I won't because I don't actually like competitive FPS, but I'm not gonna lie, if they put out the weekly cutscenes I'd be down to watch all of them. In general I'd love a series with this aesthetic and maybe characters, just not playing it personally.

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:I recognize your name from all the long term Halo discourse around this community, and let me tell you, this game is more like Halo/Destiny than anything else.

Playing this game in 2024 feels similar to being there and playing Halo 3 in 2007. Or, to go further, playing Halo: CE in 2001. I'm fully serious here.

I bought an XSX to play Infinite almost exclusively and didn't even last two months. In just a week+ of playing this, I think this game blows Halo Infinite's multiplayer experience out of the water.

Really, I almost sort of now want to say this is the REAL "Halo 4" in terms of best evolving Halo's arena multiplayer game design. More than Bungie's Destiny's Crucible. More than 343's Halo 4, or H5, or Infinite. And of those 343 games, I thought 5 was actually excellent and pretty underrated tbh. It's no wonder that Sony was interested in scooping these guys up, lets put it that way.

People shitting on this game don't know wtf they are talking about, at all.

EDIT: And just like Halo/Destiny, the sci-fi universe they've created here is VERY well realized. Beyond just within the moment to moment multiplayer matches.

FFNB wrote:i have a feeling that Concord is going to be one of those games that people look back on and lament, "man, such a shame it didn't become bigger than it was" while they also lament battle passes, and over priced cosmetics they loathe.

a very cynical part of me wonders how Concord's reception would be if it had overly stylized graphics and anime waifu designs, but i'm just being jaded. i imagine if the characters looked like LoL characters, the "woke" attack point would have magically vanished :/ I know that's not a fair thought to have, and most folks aren't upset with the designs because they can't rule 34 them, but i think if some of the main complaints about the game are because of character designs, they could probably work with that and give us more options per character, and play around with different styles over time.

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:I also didn't have this on my radar at all either, and it was the extreme, visceral negative reaction that told me maybe there was something here.

Saw them make the first pre-order only beta open to PS+ subscribers and I didn't really care.

But then I decided to try it during the actual open beta and was kind of blown away by it.

There's all this talk about Overwatch, but this isn't really that.

This is much more like Halo + Destiny + Twisted Metal.

It's got the hyperreal yet fantastical character designs and health model (no regenerating health, on-map health pickups that restore full health in staggered increments and can be cancelled out of, and visible health bars) of Twisted Metal.

It has the very clean game feel and gameplay experience of Halo and Destiny. Hipfire + some mild ADS, with a higher TTK. The maps feel more Halo like than Destiny.

Imagine if they broke out all of the guns, tools and movement abilities that defined Halo and Destiny and placed them out into distinct characters that reinforce the weapon and tool roles/playstyles. That the characters are a means to contextualize both the strengths and weaknesses of the weapons/tools and how they fit into the broader design.

There's the Halo 1 + Halo 2 pistol guy. There's the sniper. There's the AR guy. There's the pump action shotty. The "frags" are on one character. The bubble shield is on a different one, who also has the regenerator too lol (who has the BR).

All of this serves to make for a very compelling evolution on Halo's multiplayer game design. And it helps a lot that the game feel is simply amazing too. The sound design is unbelievably good. The online netcode/hit registration is also ridiculously high quality/best in class too. And the maps? Instantly iconic, super amazing arenas that serve to really empower the gameplay mechanics.

It's the real deal.
Quote:This is what I've been saying for the past week in other topics, minus the Twisted Metal callout! There's so much Destiny 1 / Halo in this, wrapped a great retro sci-fi aesthetic and world. I really think anyone who enjoyed those games should give this a try. This just channels a whole different vibe from what people are seeing on a surface level.

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:Hey thanks! People who can see this game's brilliance really should be banging the drum for it. And yeah, it's crazy how initially funky and somewhat off-putting their reveal was. But then when you actually get invested into what they are doing, you come to see that all of it is actually extremely high quality and well realized. In a way that honestly embarrasses other games quite frankly.

The more I play this game the more I can kind of see "what happened" regarding this.

That the developers and people working on and surrounding this game were in love with their baby, and rightfully so. To the degree that they were almost blinded by it. That for them, everything in this game is its own, fully well realized and fleshed out/contextualized thing. That they designed the game and its gameplay first and worked long and hard to make it truly meticulous. Then from there, they built everything else out to contextualize the actual design to the same meticulous degree.

So from "inside the walls", everything assuredly was just coming together brilliantly and noone really thought anything of how kind of funky/strange/awkward/off putting this hyperreal-yet-fantastic sci-fi world might come across initially as the first impression. That the people working on the game knew they had something supreme here.

This game's narrative/universe trappings don't really present in a "traditionally attractive" way, its beauty is more than skin deep. But even on the surface, despite awkward first impressions for most, it still does look very good aesthetically too anyway. And it takes actually seriously engaging with the game to really come to appreciate what they are doing. Just watching a narrative video of the universe and characters and it's like "this is a kind of weird, chipper, funky but super highly detailed sci-fi aesthetic idk what to think?". But then when you actually get hands on and knee deep, everything just kind of comes together in a very satisfying and cohesive way.

That the narrative/universe tone of this game actually really fits well for the design. That the characters are actually incredibly tastefully done and unbelievably well realized/fleshed out characters. Not just in their gameplay design, but narratively/emotionally too.

So yeah, it's kind of weird. But this game deserves massive success IMHO.
DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:And yes, this game is unbelievably well designed in every individual facet. It just keeps reiterating this more and more, every second more I play it. There is no superfluous fat weighing it down; it is incredibly lean and mean. Pure, raw, distilled action gameplay of the highest caliber. The high quality and cohesiveness of every part of the experience of playing this is just amazing. Just an audio-visual tactile sensory tour de force for one, and ridiculously tightly designed and balanced two. The way all of the facets of the gameplay design of this interlock is crazy, crazy good.

Just an impeccably, superbly designed video game. The developers should be very proud of this and try not to feel too bad about all the bullshit. Because this thing is amazing, and there ARE people out there who can recognize the amazing work the talented people who made this have done and who really appreciate it and are thankful.

If this game just blinked out of existence tomorrow, I would feel deeply sad. But, I will be glad that I at least had a super high quality time anyway.
DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:Hell yeah! And yeah there's a LOT of Twisted Metal DNA in this game. Hell, I even think the way the shooting and gameplay even is at a core level has a kind of tactile-ness to it that is reminiscent to how it felt to shoot the machine guns, missiles, etc. of the classic Twisted Metal games (OG and 2, specifically).

Quote:This is a perfectly fair point, and arguably one of the main catalysts for complainers. They otherwise act in good faith when pointing at other subjective flaws of the game, but the "wokeness" is at the core of their agenda.

If someone says the character designs are ugly or bad, ask them what they really mean.
Quote:Yeah, I work in design and animation and I love the games UI, animations as well as the use of colour in levels. Creates a really nice look that is alien in certain levels but also visually pleasing with solid colour blocking of the areas/laneways etc.

I know design can be highly subjective but I'm surprised just how hard people are reacting to the visuals of the game.
DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:This is religious warfare is what it is if people want to hear some real talk in here.
ghostcrew, Administrator wrote:Might be time to take this down a notch I think.

FFNB wrote:yeah, there's definitely an undercurrent of folks being "anti-woke" or upset that the aesthetic is full of pretty characters with guns for some of the complaints.

There are valid criticisms to be leveled at the game, and not caring for the aesthetic is absolutely one of them, but i've seen enough comments about the look of the game where it's pretty obvious where their true issue lies.

For me, I overall really dig the aesthetics of both the world design, and the character designs, especially some of the character palette options you unlock, but the truth is, I generally am not paying attention to that sort of thing when I'm actually playing the game. I'm too busy focusing on what I need to be doing to help win the match. The art design just kind of melts into the background, because everything is so crisp and clean, and easily readable.

There's no noise, so to speak. allies and rivals are clearly defined, the environments aren't distracting (and are excellently designed, some really shine more than others in terms of layout for me), sound design and VFX aren't messy either, and that's such a big deal to me. Being able to read the situation and asses what you need to do. I'm almost always looking at my team mates and seeing which ones need heals, or buffs, or just plain old covering fire support.

It's just such a shame that the game is being written off by so many folks that would probably really enjoy it if they gave it a chance and tried it out for themselves.

I'm hoping Firewalk and Sony plan on doing something like a Free Weekend event, and then perhaps a 2 hour free trial after, and then a series of sales/price cuts, and finally eventually putting it on PS+, in that order. The toxic discourse about the game has really tainted the pool, but I think if positive word of mouth continues to spread, and they couple it with the above strategy, it could still find a passionate and dedicated player base, and hopefully still manage to generate some revenue for Firewalk so they can not only support the game's future update plans, but perhaps allow them to work on a new title, of which I'm sure they have at least 1 in incubation, as most devs tend to do.

spoilering for unrelated gushing about the game lol

In other news, I finally unlocked the Teo II variant, and am working towards Haymar II now.

One thing I can't praise enough about this game is the complete absence of FOMO at the moment. I love being able to just work towards unlocking things. The only complaint I have about that is that I wish they'd give us more info on what we need to do to unlock some of the stuff like skins, accessories, player card options, etc, etc. It personally helps me direct my experience, in that I can look at it and go, "Oh, I need to reach Reputation 30 to get this thing, or I need to complete X number of matches for that thing," etc, etc.

I honestly don't pay much attention to the jobs at the job board, and just complete or not complete them if it happens. But for the unlocks, I'd absolutely be more inclined to actively pursue those like I'm doing with the Haymar II variant.

I honestly didn't think I'd get sucked into an MP game of all things, considering how passionate I am about single player games. It's so funny to me, that out of all of the MP games that are available now, it was Concord that has had me playing almost every day since Friday (I didn't play any games last night, since I was wiped from work). lol.

It just reminds me so much of playing Halo or Warhawk, or Killzone 2 MP with friends and coworkers. The difference is, I'm playing largely with strangers, but still having a great time. People not using their mics don't bother me too much, since there's no hateful, sexist, racist, or homophobic shit being blasted into my ears while I'm just trying to have a good time. That kind of toxicity is a big reason why I didn't play many MP games until now.

Helldivers 2 and Concord has surprised me the most this year in terms of how much fun I've ended up having with them.

Concord's been great to play, because I can just jump in for a few matches, chip away at the variant unlocks, get my gamer fix, and then call it a night. The "problem" is that it has that "just one more round" feel that it's hard to stop for the night lol

Firewalk did a great job, and I can't wait to see what other QoL features they implement over the next few months leading into the new season in October.

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:I read an entry in the Galactic Guide the other night that made me think the devs were self-aware that people were going to hate this and have a bunch of irrational, all consuming hatred.

I'm going to transpose it here word for word from the game directly:


A Galaxy-Sundering Storm
Eighty-two years ago, the Tempest erupted, tearing across the Concord Galaxy. It sundered worlds, devoured planetary systems, and subsumed a massive swath of space in its entirety - it exists now as a maw of ravenous energy crossing the whole of the spiral arm. The forces that act within it are unknowable, its composition is undefined. The only thing that can be said with any amount of certainty is that it is expanding. And as it does, it's consuming everything in its path. The instinct may be to panic, but time spent in dread is wasted. The singular directive worth pusuing is to make the most of the Wilds while it lasts."

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:Another testament to how ridiculously good I think this is: I'm finding it tough to pull away for bathroom breaks, water refills, and food.

I cannot remember the last time I found a game so engrossing honestly.

It might literally be H3 at launch in 2007.

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:It's very well done, incredibly realized and contextualized.

This isn't a game that was made with the intent to cynically pander, this was a game the developers wanted to make. A design they wanted to execute and a universe they wanted to build to envelope and refine/tightly contextualize the game design

And the more you immerse yourself in the game and its universe, the more apparent this is.

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:It's just so ridiculous how much downright spite people have. People really will cut off their nose to spite their faces. Cause damn this game is ridiculously amazing and anyone who plays a serious breadth of games can realize this, but the denial of it is next level stuff. But instead of being open minded, closed-mindedness assumption is the name of the game today. And as I've said in here and around before, I myself am also guilty of this too.

When people say things like they "feel like they are taking crazy pills" in regards to the discourse and perception, well, it says a lot. Not about that person's judgement. No, it says a lot about the other people trying to assert influence and the things they are saying. It's incredibly shitty, because while art is of course subjective and people are free to feel any kind of way about things, this game's reception has been absolute horseshit of the highest degree.

"Don't believe your eyes and ears." x1000000000000000

I told someone this last night:

I don't and wouldn't spend a single second of my time, let alone a cent of my money, on something like 98% of F2P multiplayer games out there. That's how low I think of them.

But I'd spend $600+ to just play this one, singular game. Actually, that I'd go even further, I'd pay $2000+ USD to exclusively play this game. That's how high quality I think this is; I value it to that degree in just this short amount of time playing (about 60 total hours now across the Open Beta and retail).

I go where the games I want to play are, and games I value, I spend my money. And I am willing to spend quite a bit of it for things I think are genuinely special and quality. And I am also extremely exclusive with what time and money I spend on video games too, and this game is worth all the time, and all the money.

All of this is said as someone who owns all current console hardware, many complete sets of legacy console hardware, a PC, and a smartphone. I've played quite a bit of games in my time.

So all this talk around this game is cute af to me.

Quote:Sadly there's a lot of bandwagon haters that don't think for themselves. Not saying you can't be interested in this game based on seeing it and if you don't like this type of game but the way people are acting straight up offended by the game just existing and also not being willing to give it a try when they actually like shooting games is just sad.

All for some weird culture war going on around it and not because the quality of the game at all. The game is clearly not bad to anyone who plays and the game should not cause such a visceral reaction if you're not into it. But you'd think this game was built using the blood of children or something with how people are acting about it. But it's clear what type of people are steering this conversation and making things "political" while ironically complaining about games being "political".
Quote:Ya I'm tired of people dismissing the effects that crowd has had on this game specifically. It's poisoned the whole space to where people don't even want to give it a shot because they know what the response will be — like I'm surprised Destiny (crucible) content creators haven't tried it.

It's not about given "power" or "credit" to the bigots, it's about being honest. When TLoU PII or a another huge game has a few thousand vocal no lifers online, they're going up against literally millions of defenders and their voices are snuffed out.

When Concord has a few thousand bigoted haters online, they're going up against a few hundred vocal defenders of the game. The numbers are the complete opposite.

I'm not saying a paid 5v5 online shooter was going to sell 10 million copies if it didn't have the chuds rallying against it, but it's absolutely preventing what could have been a small to medium sized community from forming — one where you wouldn't have to worry about finding a match in a month, at least.
Quote:the post above me is spot on. People with some influence online are literally afraid to say they like the game, not even that they love it or anything, just think it's fun, because of the backlash.

Like random people like this guy who just enjoyed their time with the game are getting harrassed.
DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:I brought this game up to a long, semi-decent friend of mine who plays basically nothing but multiplayer FPS games as his primary game consumption and who absolutely should enjoy this game based on his gaming history.

I wrote a few paragraphs extolling the virtues of this game and what makes it so compelling.

He replied with a curt, three sentence statement that essentially said "$40 will kill it. The game will be DoA. The market is oversatured for hero shooters.".

Can you guess what I thought about that? I didn't even bother responding as it would have just been a waste of my time. The dude didn't engage with any of the substance of my writing at all, just like all these other jokers.

Guess what game this person spent their money and time on in that week. Can you guess? I'll give a hint, it wasn't the other big multiplayer game that is sucking up a lot of the oxygen.

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:
Quote:It's shameful that pcgamer gave 43/100 for this... I don't know what they were playing, anyhow, they must be really bad at games.
Another underappreciated feature of this game is exposing all the people whose opinions on things are never worth taking seriously!

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:The simple fact that people have to value the game to play it actually means that people are inherently invested, so it makes some sense that quitting and griefing would be lower generally.

I definitely think that the price point of this game was highly intentional from the start for multiple reasons and that the developers were likely anticipating some level of backlash as a result. That they weren't seeking for this game to be some kind of "be everything for everybody" all consuming massive zeitgeist experience, that instead they were just wanting to make the vision they had and stuck to their guns. And that they had confidence in it just finding an audience of people who could see what they were cooking up.

It feels incredibly genuine/earnest instead of cynical/pandering like a lot of games are.

That the decisions made were made for the game's benefit and the designers intent specifically, and not in a way to maximize a profit.

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:Game obviously gives off huge Destiny 1 vibes naturally, and I thought the early Destiny Crucible days were some of the most enjoyable I've had in PvP. So I'm very thankful for this game existing. I always thought that both the original Destiny Crucible AND Halo Reach were unbelievably, ridiculously underrated, underappreciated and overly shit talked competitive multiplayer games.

10 years later, this game is like the realization of my dream from all those years ago of an isolated, PvP only successor to early D1 with a fixed, tight design sandbox. No perpetual grinding, just fixed tools in the box that might slightly expand over time.

So that's another of the many reasons why the "8 year dev? Preposterous!!" goofy takes are just funny as hell. It's like, yeah, that sounds about right as someone who has been waiting about that long for a successor to D1 Crucible that wasn't D2.

I really don't know how much this game is like D2's Crucible though as I wasn't there for its launch or extened run, only for a short period around Forsaken. And then I didn't really play much Crucible either. I do know that when D2 initially hit, I thought the changes to the PvP design looked intriguing as someone who played D1 almost exclusively for that. But I guess they weren't super well received? And that over the course of the game there were a lot of changes to D2 that altered the design over the course, which isn't surprising.

But this game really gives me that true successor feeling in the iterative design of both Halo and Destiny. It truly feels like being there for the early Halo releases in the 00's. The newest game in that line of FPS multiplayer design.

This game was never going to be a massive, cultural phenomenon just based on how the historical reception to Shadowrun/Reach/Destiny PvP always was. But it definitely is good enough to have a larger but still niche and dedicated fanbase. This game was clearly made for the Reach/Destiny Crucible mega fans out there like me.
Man, I ain't reading all that shit, but I gave you a Like nevertheless.
My favourite part about Dustborn is the We Are The Dustborn song rhyming porn with newborn. Great choice.
(08-30-2024, 07:43 AM)remy wrote:
(08-30-2024, 07:38 AM)Potato wrote:
(08-30-2024, 07:24 AM)remy wrote: NSW got El Jannah at least which is pretty fucking good.

Unlike the food wastelands of QLD and SA where red rooster starts looking like a sensible choice

Fuck you, we got Brodie's

I'll give you the wasteland that is QLD, but SA is food heaven. Its like a better Victoria because you don't have to put up with the Victorians.
this whole thing was a bait to get you to tell me good charcoal chicken in brisbane Money

if theres one thing i trust greek australians on it's bird, even if brodies doesn't look like it licks charco's portugese sauced boots Mr. Worldwide
Your avatar always reminds me that Seth isn’t in SF6 yet 

I’m getting bored of Marisa… Princess Peach
No poison no play.  Hmph
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Greatness Gone, D3RANG3D
benji dateline='[url=tel:1725000949' wrote: 1725000949[/url]']
Have you heard the Good Word about Concord?
FFNB, wrote:One of the things that I find interesting/sometimes annoying about the conversation surrounding Concord is that I keep hearing people say that the hero shooter genre is oversaturated, but then these people only mention, like, 3 or 4 of them; Overwatch, Valorant, Team Fortress 2, and Apex Legends primarily.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am very much aware that there are other hero shooters in the genre, but how many of them are actually fun to play? That are at least somewhat close to the more popular ones in the genre in terms of playability and enjoyment factor?

I guess the point I'm getting at is that there are only a handful of really fun hero shooters out there from what I've researched, so why is it such a travesty that we have one more added to the list, and it's actually a fun one at that?

spoilering my rant for length:

You'd think fans of a genre would celebrate more games in that genre. Maybe it's because I'm a single player gamer, so I'm always excited to see more single player games in the genres I like (action, adventure, rpgs, survival horror, metroidvanias, roguelikes, etc, etc). I'd be pretty bummed if my only options for a survival horror game were Resident Evil and Silent Hill (i very much love both franchises, by the way!). Or if the only RPGs available were Final Fantasy or Elder Scrolls. I think it's great that there are so many options available out there for me to play. I tend to jump around a lot when gaming, because sometimes I'm not in the mood to continue a playthrough of a certain game, and want to play something different in my limited game time, then I go back to the previous game later when I'm in the mood for it again.

Maybe it's different in the MP gaming space, and MP gamers just prefer to stick to a single MP game that grabs them, instead of playing various ones depending on their mood. There's nothing wrong with that either.

From my perspective, I celebrate more quality titles across various genres. There will always be cream of the crop games in a particular genre (ie, ND is one of the best in the biz for single player, story driven action/adventure games), but that doesn't mean other devs that love the genre should pack it up and go home.

Overwatch is definitely one of the most popular hero shooters out there, but why shouldn't other devs that also love that genre take a crack at it?

I just can't recall seeing such a visceral level of pushback from the gaming community for a game that's similar to the most popular ones in their respective genres.

I'd understand if Concord was a bad game. If it wasn't fun to play, or was super buggy and broken. But it's not a bad game, and it is fun to play, and aside from a few wrinkles here and there (like seeing under the map when respawning, which is hilarious), it's surprisingly polished.

It just seems to be the bitch eating crackers of the hero shooter genre at the moment, and I really don't understand why.

Subjective criticisms about the art design I can understand. The look isn't going to gel with everyone, but one of the things I appreciate about the art design in the game is that it doesn't look like this homogenous, Blizzard or LoL style that is currently all the rage. I find the lack of an over-stylized, pseudo-anime inspired aesthetic kind of nice.

I mean, as an artist, I love me some over-stylized anime and pseudo-anime inspired art design, but I like when a team does their own thing aesthetically, even if I may not vibe with the art direction myself. I don't begrudge the people that don't like Concord's art direction, as there have been plenty of games I passed on because I wasn't a fan of the aesthetics. I just don't see why some folks would persistently bash the game or tear it down because the game doesn't appeal to them either aesthetically, or because of the genre it's in. It's so much easier, and less energy cost for me to just move on and not think about it anymore. Not shit up every discussion about the game with how much I dislike it for whatever the reasons may be.

I dropped money on the deluxe edition of Starfield last year, and even bought a Series X for it, and I can't tell you how disappointed in that game I was (and still am). But I'm not going to go into Starfield discussions to rag on it. I took the L, and moved on to other games. It's certainly not the first time I bought a game that ultimately disappointed me, and it probably won't be the last lol

I don't know. There's just something really, really weird about how some folks will carry hatred for a game/show/movie/etc, etc for literal years. There are still people to this day that talk shit about Sean Murray and Hello Games and the NMS launch! Like, let it go, people. Seriously. It's been 8 fricking years, dude. XD XD

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:Yeah I watched this.

You can honestly tell a lot of people actually think this game is great, but are in fear of the hate mob.

It is fascism in action.
Quote:yeh, which is why its on the mainline review sites to ignore that BS and review the game on the game's own merits, and stop qualifying everything to be seen as aligned with the discourse .. its a joke. i mean, i get that its a online game that requires people actually playing it to actually work ... but nearly any multiplayer game can be qualified the same way. i mean are sites going to spend a 3rd of their review txt warning people about the next challenger to EA FC as well ? it should be a common sense risk anyone takes buying an online game don't need to beat it over everyones head to the point it actually scares people off buying it.
Quote:I can't make sense of the post. What do you mean exactly?
Quote:I think they are saying reviewers are hedging their positivity on the game because of all the noise outside the actual quality of the game.
DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:Yeah that's what I was taking away from it too. That reading between the lines, to me, lots of people are trying to walk on eggshells when talking about this game because of potential, real blowback on them in a material sense. And this is precisely the kind of thing I was alluding to in my post earlier.

Quote:All the weird negative discourse about Concord got me actually looking at it and I'm pretty dang interested in trying it out. I hope they do a free weekend soon - I don't play a ton of MP shooters and can't justify 40 bones on something I likely won't sink a ton of time into, but it looks like a blast.
I came here to post the same haha. I won't because I don't actually like competitive FPS, but I'm not gonna lie, if they put out the weekly cutscenes I'd be down to watch all of them. In general I'd love a series with this aesthetic and maybe characters, just not playing it personally.

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:I recognize your name from all the long term Halo discourse around this community, and let me tell you, this game is more like Halo/Destiny than anything else.

Playing this game in 2024 feels similar to being there and playing Halo 3 in 2007. Or, to go further, playing Halo: CE in 2001. I'm fully serious here.

I bought an XSX to play Infinite almost exclusively and didn't even last two months. In just a week+ of playing this, I think this game blows Halo Infinite's multiplayer experience out of the water.

Really, I almost sort of now want to say this is the REAL "Halo 4" in terms of best evolving Halo's arena multiplayer game design. More than Bungie's Destiny's Crucible. More than 343's Halo 4, or H5, or Infinite. And of those 343 games, I thought 5 was actually excellent and pretty underrated tbh. It's no wonder that Sony was interested in scooping these guys up, lets put it that way.

People shitting on this game don't know wtf they are talking about, at all.

EDIT: And just like Halo/Destiny, the sci-fi universe they've created here is VERY well realized. Beyond just within the moment to moment multiplayer matches.

FFNB wrote:i have a feeling that Concord is going to be one of those games that people look back on and lament, "man, such a shame it didn't become bigger than it was" while they also lament battle passes, and over priced cosmetics they loathe.

a very cynical part of me wonders how Concord's reception would be if it had overly stylized graphics and anime waifu designs, but i'm just being jaded. i imagine if the characters looked like LoL characters, the "woke" attack point would have magically vanished :/ I know that's not a fair thought to have, and most folks aren't upset with the designs because they can't rule 34 them, but i think if some of the main complaints about the game are because of character designs, they could probably work with that and give us more options per character, and play around with different styles over time.

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:I also didn't have this on my radar at all either, and it was the extreme, visceral negative reaction that told me maybe there was something here.

Saw them make the first pre-order only beta open to PS+ subscribers and I didn't really care.

But then I decided to try it during the actual open beta and was kind of blown away by it.

There's all this talk about Overwatch, but this isn't really that.

This is much more like Halo + Destiny + Twisted Metal.

It's got the hyperreal yet fantastical character designs and health model (no regenerating health, on-map health pickups that restore full health in staggered increments and can be cancelled out of, and visible health bars) of Twisted Metal.

It has the very clean game feel and gameplay experience of Halo and Destiny. Hipfire + some mild ADS, with a higher TTK. The maps feel more Halo like than Destiny.

Imagine if they broke out all of the guns, tools and movement abilities that defined Halo and Destiny and placed them out into distinct characters that reinforce the weapon and tool roles/playstyles. That the characters are a means to contextualize both the strengths and weaknesses of the weapons/tools and how they fit into the broader design.

There's the Halo 1 + Halo 2 pistol guy. There's the sniper. There's the AR guy. There's the pump action shotty. The "frags" are on one character. The bubble shield is on a different one, who also has the regenerator too lol (who has the BR).

All of this serves to make for a very compelling evolution on Halo's multiplayer game design. And it helps a lot that the game feel is simply amazing too. The sound design is unbelievably good. The online netcode/hit registration is also ridiculously high quality/best in class too. And the maps? Instantly iconic, super amazing arenas that serve to really empower the gameplay mechanics.

It's the real deal.
Quote:This is what I've been saying for the past week in other topics, minus the Twisted Metal callout! There's so much Destiny 1 / Halo in this, wrapped a great retro sci-fi aesthetic and world. I really think anyone who enjoyed those games should give this a try. This just channels a whole different vibe from what people are seeing on a surface level.

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:Hey thanks! People who can see this game's brilliance really should be banging the drum for it. And yeah, it's crazy how initially funky and somewhat off-putting their reveal was. But then when you actually get invested into what they are doing, you come to see that all of it is actually extremely high quality and well realized. In a way that honestly embarrasses other games quite frankly.

The more I play this game the more I can kind of see "what happened" regarding this.

That the developers and people working on and surrounding this game were in love with their baby, and rightfully so. To the degree that they were almost blinded by it. That for them, everything in this game is its own, fully well realized and fleshed out/contextualized thing. That they designed the game and its gameplay first and worked long and hard to make it truly meticulous. Then from there, they built everything else out to contextualize the actual design to the same meticulous degree.

So from "inside the walls", everything assuredly was just coming together brilliantly and noone really thought anything of how kind of funky/strange/awkward/off putting this hyperreal-yet-fantastic sci-fi world might come across initially as the first impression. That the people working on the game knew they had something supreme here.

This game's narrative/universe trappings don't really present in a "traditionally attractive" way, its beauty is more than skin deep. But even on the surface, despite awkward first impressions for most, it still does look very good aesthetically too anyway. And it takes actually seriously engaging with the game to really come to appreciate what they are doing. Just watching a narrative video of the universe and characters and it's like "this is a kind of weird, chipper, funky but super highly detailed sci-fi aesthetic idk what to think?". But then when you actually get hands on and knee deep, everything just kind of comes together in a very satisfying and cohesive way.

That the narrative/universe tone of this game actually really fits well for the design. That the characters are actually incredibly tastefully done and unbelievably well realized/fleshed out characters. Not just in their gameplay design, but narratively/emotionally too.

So yeah, it's kind of weird. But this game deserves massive success IMHO.
DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:And yes, this game is unbelievably well designed in every individual facet. It just keeps reiterating this more and more, every second more I play it. There is no superfluous fat weighing it down; it is incredibly lean and mean. Pure, raw, distilled action gameplay of the highest caliber. The high quality and cohesiveness of every part of the experience of playing this is just amazing. Just an audio-visual tactile sensory tour de force for one, and ridiculously tightly designed and balanced two. The way all of the facets of the gameplay design of this interlock is crazy, crazy good.

Just an impeccably, superbly designed video game. The developers should be very proud of this and try not to feel too bad about all the bullshit. Because this thing is amazing, and there ARE people out there who can recognize the amazing work the talented people who made this have done and who really appreciate it and are thankful.

If this game just blinked out of existence tomorrow, I would feel deeply sad. But, I will be glad that I at least had a super high quality time anyway.
DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:Hell yeah! And yeah there's a LOT of Twisted Metal DNA in this game. Hell, I even think the way the shooting and gameplay even is at a core level has a kind of tactile-ness to it that is reminiscent to how it felt to shoot the machine guns, missiles, etc. of the classic Twisted Metal games (OG and 2, specifically).

Quote:This is a perfectly fair point, and arguably one of the main catalysts for complainers. They otherwise act in good faith when pointing at other subjective flaws of the game, but the "wokeness" is at the core of their agenda.

If someone says the character designs are ugly or bad, ask them what they really mean.
Quote:Yeah, I work in design and animation and I love the games UI, animations as well as the use of colour in levels. Creates a really nice look that is alien in certain levels but also visually pleasing with solid colour blocking of the areas/laneways etc.

I know design can be highly subjective but I'm surprised just how hard people are reacting to the visuals of the game.
DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:This is religious warfare is what it is if people want to hear some real talk in here.
ghostcrew, Administrator wrote:Might be time to take this down a notch I think.

FFNB wrote:yeah, there's definitely an undercurrent of folks being "anti-woke" or upset that the aesthetic is full of pretty characters with guns for some of the complaints.

There are valid criticisms to be leveled at the game, and not caring for the aesthetic is absolutely one of them, but i've seen enough comments about the look of the game where it's pretty obvious where their true issue lies.

For me, I overall really dig the aesthetics of both the world design, and the character designs, especially some of the character palette options you unlock, but the truth is, I generally am not paying attention to that sort of thing when I'm actually playing the game. I'm too busy focusing on what I need to be doing to help win the match. The art design just kind of melts into the background, because everything is so crisp and clean, and easily readable.

There's no noise, so to speak. allies and rivals are clearly defined, the environments aren't distracting (and are excellently designed, some really shine more than others in terms of layout for me), sound design and VFX aren't messy either, and that's such a big deal to me. Being able to read the situation and asses what you need to do. I'm almost always looking at my team mates and seeing which ones need heals, or buffs, or just plain old covering fire support.

It's just such a shame that the game is being written off by so many folks that would probably really enjoy it if they gave it a chance and tried it out for themselves.

I'm hoping Firewalk and Sony plan on doing something like a Free Weekend event, and then perhaps a 2 hour free trial after, and then a series of sales/price cuts, and finally eventually putting it on PS+, in that order. The toxic discourse about the game has really tainted the pool, but I think if positive word of mouth continues to spread, and they couple it with the above strategy, it could still find a passionate and dedicated player base, and hopefully still manage to generate some revenue for Firewalk so they can not only support the game's future update plans, but perhaps allow them to work on a new title, of which I'm sure they have at least 1 in incubation, as most devs tend to do.

spoilering for unrelated gushing about the game lol

In other news, I finally unlocked the Teo II variant, and am working towards Haymar II now.

One thing I can't praise enough about this game is the complete absence of FOMO at the moment. I love being able to just work towards unlocking things. The only complaint I have about that is that I wish they'd give us more info on what we need to do to unlock some of the stuff like skins, accessories, player card options, etc, etc. It personally helps me direct my experience, in that I can look at it and go, "Oh, I need to reach Reputation 30 to get this thing, or I need to complete X number of matches for that thing," etc, etc.

I honestly don't pay much attention to the jobs at the job board, and just complete or not complete them if it happens. But for the unlocks, I'd absolutely be more inclined to actively pursue those like I'm doing with the Haymar II variant.

I honestly didn't think I'd get sucked into an MP game of all things, considering how passionate I am about single player games. It's so funny to me, that out of all of the MP games that are available now, it was Concord that has had me playing almost every day since Friday (I didn't play any games last night, since I was wiped from work). lol.

It just reminds me so much of playing Halo or Warhawk, or Killzone 2 MP with friends and coworkers. The difference is, I'm playing largely with strangers, but still having a great time. People not using their mics don't bother me too much, since there's no hateful, sexist, racist, or homophobic shit being blasted into my ears while I'm just trying to have a good time. That kind of toxicity is a big reason why I didn't play many MP games until now.

Helldivers 2 and Concord has surprised me the most this year in terms of how much fun I've ended up having with them.

Concord's been great to play, because I can just jump in for a few matches, chip away at the variant unlocks, get my gamer fix, and then call it a night. The "problem" is that it has that "just one more round" feel that it's hard to stop for the night lol

Firewalk did a great job, and I can't wait to see what other QoL features they implement over the next few months leading into the new season in October.

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:I read an entry in the Galactic Guide the other night that made me think the devs were self-aware that people were going to hate this and have a bunch of irrational, all consuming hatred.

I'm going to transpose it here word for word from the game directly:


A Galaxy-Sundering Storm
Eighty-two years ago, the Tempest erupted, tearing across the Concord Galaxy. It sundered worlds, devoured planetary systems, and subsumed a massive swath of space in its entirety - it exists now as a maw of ravenous energy crossing the whole of the spiral arm. The forces that act within it are unknowable, its composition is undefined. The only thing that can be said with any amount of certainty is that it is expanding. And as it does, it's consuming everything in its path. The instinct may be to panic, but time spent in dread is wasted. The singular directive worth pusuing is to make the most of the Wilds while it lasts."

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:Another testament to how ridiculously good I think this is: I'm finding it tough to pull away for bathroom breaks, water refills, and food.

I cannot remember the last time I found a game so engrossing honestly.

It might literally be H3 at launch in 2007.

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:It's very well done, incredibly realized and contextualized.

This isn't a game that was made with the intent to cynically pander, this was a game the developers wanted to make. A design they wanted to execute and a universe they wanted to build to envelope and refine/tightly contextualize the game design

And the more you immerse yourself in the game and its universe, the more apparent this is.

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:It's just so ridiculous how much downright spite people have. People really will cut off their nose to spite their faces. Cause damn this game is ridiculously amazing and anyone who plays a serious breadth of games can realize this, but the denial of it is next level stuff. But instead of being open minded, closed-mindedness assumption is the name of the game today. And as I've said in here and around before, I myself am also guilty of this too.

When people say things like they "feel like they are taking crazy pills" in regards to the discourse and perception, well, it says a lot. Not about that person's judgement. No, it says a lot about the other people trying to assert influence and the things they are saying. It's incredibly shitty, because while art is of course subjective and people are free to feel any kind of way about things, this game's reception has been absolute horseshit of the highest degree.

"Don't believe your eyes and ears." x1000000000000000

I told someone this last night:

I don't and wouldn't spend a single second of my time, let alone a cent of my money, on something like 98% of F2P multiplayer games out there. That's how low I think of them.

But I'd spend $600+ to just play this one, singular game. Actually, that I'd go even further, I'd pay $2000+ USD to exclusively play this game. That's how high quality I think this is; I value it to that degree in just this short amount of time playing (about 60 total hours now across the Open Beta and retail).

I go where the games I want to play are, and games I value, I spend my money. And I am willing to spend quite a bit of it for things I think are genuinely special and quality. And I am also extremely exclusive with what time and money I spend on video games too, and this game is worth all the time, and all the money.

All of this is said as someone who owns all current console hardware, many complete sets of legacy console hardware, a PC, and a smartphone. I've played quite a bit of games in my time.

So all this talk around this game is cute af to me.

Quote:Sadly there's a lot of bandwagon haters that don't think for themselves. Not saying you can't be interested in this game based on seeing it and if you don't like this type of game but the way people are acting straight up offended by the game just existing and also not being willing to give it a try when they actually like shooting games is just sad.

All for some weird culture war going on around it and not because the quality of the game at all. The game is clearly not bad to anyone who plays and the game should not cause such a visceral reaction if you're not into it. But you'd think this game was built using the blood of children or something with how people are acting about it. But it's clear what type of people are steering this conversation and making things "political" while ironically complaining about games being "political".
Quote:Ya I'm tired of people dismissing the effects that crowd has had on this game specifically. It's poisoned the whole space to where people don't even want to give it a shot because they know what the response will be — like I'm surprised Destiny (crucible) content creators haven't tried it.

It's not about given "power" or "credit" to the bigots, it's about being honest. When TLoU PII or a another huge game has a few thousand vocal no lifers online, they're going up against literally millions of defenders and their voices are snuffed out.

When Concord has a few thousand bigoted haters online, they're going up against a few hundred vocal defenders of the game. The numbers are the complete opposite.

I'm not saying a paid 5v5 online shooter was going to sell 10 million copies if it didn't have the chuds rallying against it, but it's absolutely preventing what could have been a small to medium sized community from forming — one where you wouldn't have to worry about finding a match in a month, at least.
Quote:the post above me is spot on. People with some influence online are literally afraid to say they like the game, not even that they love it or anything, just think it's fun, because of the backlash.

Like random people like this guy who just enjoyed their time with the game are getting harrassed.
DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:I brought this game up to a long, semi-decent friend of mine who plays basically nothing but multiplayer FPS games as his primary game consumption and who absolutely should enjoy this game based on his gaming history.

I wrote a few paragraphs extolling the virtues of this game and what makes it so compelling.

He replied with a curt, three sentence statement that essentially said "$40 will kill it. The game will be DoA. The market is oversatured for hero shooters.".

Can you guess what I thought about that? I didn't even bother responding as it would have just been a waste of my time. The dude didn't engage with any of the substance of my writing at all, just like all these other jokers.

Guess what game this person spent their money and time on in that week. Can you guess? I'll give a hint, it wasn't the other big multiplayer game that is sucking up a lot of the oxygen.

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:
Quote:It's shameful that pcgamer gave 43/100 for this... I don't know what they were playing, anyhow, they must be really bad at games.
Another underappreciated feature of this game is exposing all the people whose opinions on things are never worth taking seriously!

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:The simple fact that people have to value the game to play it actually means that people are inherently invested, so it makes some sense that quitting and griefing would be lower generally.

I definitely think that the price point of this game was highly intentional from the start for multiple reasons and that the developers were likely anticipating some level of backlash as a result. That they weren't seeking for this game to be some kind of "be everything for everybody" all consuming massive zeitgeist experience, that instead they were just wanting to make the vision they had and stuck to their guns. And that they had confidence in it just finding an audience of people who could see what they were cooking up.

It feels incredibly genuine/earnest instead of cynical/pandering like a lot of games are.

That the decisions made were made for the game's benefit and the designers intent specifically, and not in a way to maximize a profit.

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:Game obviously gives off huge Destiny 1 vibes naturally, and I thought the early Destiny Crucible days were some of the most enjoyable I've had in PvP. So I'm very thankful for this game existing. I always thought that both the original Destiny Crucible AND Halo Reach were unbelievably, ridiculously underrated, underappreciated and overly shit talked competitive multiplayer games.

10 years later, this game is like the realization of my dream from all those years ago of an isolated, PvP only successor to early D1 with a fixed, tight design sandbox. No perpetual grinding, just fixed tools in the box that might slightly expand over time.

So that's another of the many reasons why the "8 year dev? Preposterous!!" goofy takes are just funny as hell. It's like, yeah, that sounds about right as someone who has been waiting about that long for a successor to D1 Crucible that wasn't D2.

I really don't know how much this game is like D2's Crucible though as I wasn't there for its launch or extened run, only for a short period around Forsaken. And then I didn't really play much Crucible either. I do know that when D2 initially hit, I thought the changes to the PvP design looked intriguing as someone who played D1 almost exclusively for that. But I guess they weren't super well received? And that over the course of the game there were a lot of changes to D2 that altered the design over the course, which isn't surprising.

But this game really gives me that true successor feeling in the iterative design of both Halo and Destiny. It truly feels like being there for the early Halo releases in the 00's. The newest game in that line of FPS multiplayer design.

This game was never going to be a massive, cultural phenomenon just based on how the historical reception to Shadowrun/Reach/Destiny PvP always was. But it definitely is good enough to have a larger but still niche and dedicated fanbase. This game was clearly made for the Reach/Destiny Crucible mega fans out there like me.
You ever scroll past a large post so fast you end up getting motion sickness?

I hope everyone here is swimming in vomit.
(08-30-2024, 09:41 AM)DocWager wrote:
benji dateline='[url=tel:1725000949' wrote: 1725000949[/url]']
Have you heard the Good Word about Concord?
FFNB, wrote:One of the things that I find interesting/sometimes annoying about the conversation surrounding Concord is that I keep hearing people say that the hero shooter genre is oversaturated, but then these people only mention, like, 3 or 4 of them; Overwatch, Valorant, Team Fortress 2, and Apex Legends primarily.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am very much aware that there are other hero shooters in the genre, but how many of them are actually fun to play? That are at least somewhat close to the more popular ones in the genre in terms of playability and enjoyment factor?

I guess the point I'm getting at is that there are only a handful of really fun hero shooters out there from what I've researched, so why is it such a travesty that we have one more added to the list, and it's actually a fun one at that?

spoilering my rant for length:

You'd think fans of a genre would celebrate more games in that genre. Maybe it's because I'm a single player gamer, so I'm always excited to see more single player games in the genres I like (action, adventure, rpgs, survival horror, metroidvanias, roguelikes, etc, etc). I'd be pretty bummed if my only options for a survival horror game were Resident Evil and Silent Hill (i very much love both franchises, by the way!). Or if the only RPGs available were Final Fantasy or Elder Scrolls. I think it's great that there are so many options available out there for me to play. I tend to jump around a lot when gaming, because sometimes I'm not in the mood to continue a playthrough of a certain game, and want to play something different in my limited game time, then I go back to the previous game later when I'm in the mood for it again.

Maybe it's different in the MP gaming space, and MP gamers just prefer to stick to a single MP game that grabs them, instead of playing various ones depending on their mood. There's nothing wrong with that either.

From my perspective, I celebrate more quality titles across various genres. There will always be cream of the crop games in a particular genre (ie, ND is one of the best in the biz for single player, story driven action/adventure games), but that doesn't mean other devs that love the genre should pack it up and go home.

Overwatch is definitely one of the most popular hero shooters out there, but why shouldn't other devs that also love that genre take a crack at it?

I just can't recall seeing such a visceral level of pushback from the gaming community for a game that's similar to the most popular ones in their respective genres.

I'd understand if Concord was a bad game. If it wasn't fun to play, or was super buggy and broken. But it's not a bad game, and it is fun to play, and aside from a few wrinkles here and there (like seeing under the map when respawning, which is hilarious), it's surprisingly polished.

It just seems to be the bitch eating crackers of the hero shooter genre at the moment, and I really don't understand why.

Subjective criticisms about the art design I can understand. The look isn't going to gel with everyone, but one of the things I appreciate about the art design in the game is that it doesn't look like this homogenous, Blizzard or LoL style that is currently all the rage. I find the lack of an over-stylized, pseudo-anime inspired aesthetic kind of nice.

I mean, as an artist, I love me some over-stylized anime and pseudo-anime inspired art design, but I like when a team does their own thing aesthetically, even if I may not vibe with the art direction myself. I don't begrudge the people that don't like Concord's art direction, as there have been plenty of games I passed on because I wasn't a fan of the aesthetics. I just don't see why some folks would persistently bash the game or tear it down because the game doesn't appeal to them either aesthetically, or because of the genre it's in. It's so much easier, and less energy cost for me to just move on and not think about it anymore. Not shit up every discussion about the game with how much I dislike it for whatever the reasons may be.

I dropped money on the deluxe edition of Starfield last year, and even bought a Series X for it, and I can't tell you how disappointed in that game I was (and still am). But I'm not going to go into Starfield discussions to rag on it. I took the L, and moved on to other games. It's certainly not the first time I bought a game that ultimately disappointed me, and it probably won't be the last lol

I don't know. There's just something really, really weird about how some folks will carry hatred for a game/show/movie/etc, etc for literal years. There are still people to this day that talk shit about Sean Murray and Hello Games and the NMS launch! Like, let it go, people. Seriously. It's been 8 fricking years, dude. XD XD

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:Yeah I watched this.

You can honestly tell a lot of people actually think this game is great, but are in fear of the hate mob.

It is fascism in action.
Quote:yeh, which is why its on the mainline review sites to ignore that BS and review the game on the game's own merits, and stop qualifying everything to be seen as aligned with the discourse .. its a joke. i mean, i get that its a online game that requires people actually playing it to actually work ... but nearly any multiplayer game can be qualified the same way. i mean are sites going to spend a 3rd of their review txt warning people about the next challenger to EA FC as well ? it should be a common sense risk anyone takes buying an online game don't need to beat it over everyones head to the point it actually scares people off buying it.
Quote:I can't make sense of the post. What do you mean exactly?
Quote:I think they are saying reviewers are hedging their positivity on the game because of all the noise outside the actual quality of the game.
DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:Yeah that's what I was taking away from it too. That reading between the lines, to me, lots of people are trying to walk on eggshells when talking about this game because of potential, real blowback on them in a material sense. And this is precisely the kind of thing I was alluding to in my post earlier.

Quote:I came here to post the same haha. I won't because I don't actually like competitive FPS, but I'm not gonna lie, if they put out the weekly cutscenes I'd be down to watch all of them. In general I'd love a series with this aesthetic and maybe characters, just not playing it personally.

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:I recognize your name from all the long term Halo discourse around this community, and let me tell you, this game is more like Halo/Destiny than anything else.

Playing this game in 2024 feels similar to being there and playing Halo 3 in 2007. Or, to go further, playing Halo: CE in 2001. I'm fully serious here.

I bought an XSX to play Infinite almost exclusively and didn't even last two months. In just a week+ of playing this, I think this game blows Halo Infinite's multiplayer experience out of the water.

Really, I almost sort of now want to say this is the REAL "Halo 4" in terms of best evolving Halo's arena multiplayer game design. More than Bungie's Destiny's Crucible. More than 343's Halo 4, or H5, or Infinite. And of those 343 games, I thought 5 was actually excellent and pretty underrated tbh. It's no wonder that Sony was interested in scooping these guys up, lets put it that way.

People shitting on this game don't know wtf they are talking about, at all.

EDIT: And just like Halo/Destiny, the sci-fi universe they've created here is VERY well realized. Beyond just within the moment to moment multiplayer matches.

FFNB wrote:i have a feeling that Concord is going to be one of those games that people look back on and lament, "man, such a shame it didn't become bigger than it was" while they also lament battle passes, and over priced cosmetics they loathe.

a very cynical part of me wonders how Concord's reception would be if it had overly stylized graphics and anime waifu designs, but i'm just being jaded. i imagine if the characters looked like LoL characters, the "woke" attack point would have magically vanished :/ I know that's not a fair thought to have, and most folks aren't upset with the designs because they can't rule 34 them, but i think if some of the main complaints about the game are because of character designs, they could probably work with that and give us more options per character, and play around with different styles over time.

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:I also didn't have this on my radar at all either, and it was the extreme, visceral negative reaction that told me maybe there was something here.

Saw them make the first pre-order only beta open to PS+ subscribers and I didn't really care.

But then I decided to try it during the actual open beta and was kind of blown away by it.

There's all this talk about Overwatch, but this isn't really that.

This is much more like Halo + Destiny + Twisted Metal.

It's got the hyperreal yet fantastical character designs and health model (no regenerating health, on-map health pickups that restore full health in staggered increments and can be cancelled out of, and visible health bars) of Twisted Metal.

It has the very clean game feel and gameplay experience of Halo and Destiny. Hipfire + some mild ADS, with a higher TTK. The maps feel more Halo like than Destiny.

Imagine if they broke out all of the guns, tools and movement abilities that defined Halo and Destiny and placed them out into distinct characters that reinforce the weapon and tool roles/playstyles. That the characters are a means to contextualize both the strengths and weaknesses of the weapons/tools and how they fit into the broader design.

There's the Halo 1 + Halo 2 pistol guy. There's the sniper. There's the AR guy. There's the pump action shotty. The "frags" are on one character. The bubble shield is on a different one, who also has the regenerator too lol (who has the BR).

All of this serves to make for a very compelling evolution on Halo's multiplayer game design. And it helps a lot that the game feel is simply amazing too. The sound design is unbelievably good. The online netcode/hit registration is also ridiculously high quality/best in class too. And the maps? Instantly iconic, super amazing arenas that serve to really empower the gameplay mechanics.

It's the real deal.
Quote:This is what I've been saying for the past week in other topics, minus the Twisted Metal callout! There's so much Destiny 1 / Halo in this, wrapped a great retro sci-fi aesthetic and world. I really think anyone who enjoyed those games should give this a try. This just channels a whole different vibe from what people are seeing on a surface level.

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:Hey thanks! People who can see this game's brilliance really should be banging the drum for it. And yeah, it's crazy how initially funky and somewhat off-putting their reveal was. But then when you actually get invested into what they are doing, you come to see that all of it is actually extremely high quality and well realized. In a way that honestly embarrasses other games quite frankly.

The more I play this game the more I can kind of see "what happened" regarding this.

That the developers and people working on and surrounding this game were in love with their baby, and rightfully so. To the degree that they were almost blinded by it. That for them, everything in this game is its own, fully well realized and fleshed out/contextualized thing. That they designed the game and its gameplay first and worked long and hard to make it truly meticulous. Then from there, they built everything else out to contextualize the actual design to the same meticulous degree.

So from "inside the walls", everything assuredly was just coming together brilliantly and noone really thought anything of how kind of funky/strange/awkward/off putting this hyperreal-yet-fantastic sci-fi world might come across initially as the first impression. That the people working on the game knew they had something supreme here.

This game's narrative/universe trappings don't really present in a "traditionally attractive" way, its beauty is more than skin deep. But even on the surface, despite awkward first impressions for most, it still does look very good aesthetically too anyway. And it takes actually seriously engaging with the game to really come to appreciate what they are doing. Just watching a narrative video of the universe and characters and it's like "this is a kind of weird, chipper, funky but super highly detailed sci-fi aesthetic idk what to think?". But then when you actually get hands on and knee deep, everything just kind of comes together in a very satisfying and cohesive way.

That the narrative/universe tone of this game actually really fits well for the design. That the characters are actually incredibly tastefully done and unbelievably well realized/fleshed out characters. Not just in their gameplay design, but narratively/emotionally too.

So yeah, it's kind of weird. But this game deserves massive success IMHO.
DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:And yes, this game is unbelievably well designed in every individual facet. It just keeps reiterating this more and more, every second more I play it. There is no superfluous fat weighing it down; it is incredibly lean and mean. Pure, raw, distilled action gameplay of the highest caliber. The high quality and cohesiveness of every part of the experience of playing this is just amazing. Just an audio-visual tactile sensory tour de force for one, and ridiculously tightly designed and balanced two. The way all of the facets of the gameplay design of this interlock is crazy, crazy good.

Just an impeccably, superbly designed video game. The developers should be very proud of this and try not to feel too bad about all the bullshit. Because this thing is amazing, and there ARE people out there who can recognize the amazing work the talented people who made this have done and who really appreciate it and are thankful.

If this game just blinked out of existence tomorrow, I would feel deeply sad. But, I will be glad that I at least had a super high quality time anyway.
DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:Hell yeah! And yeah there's a LOT of Twisted Metal DNA in this game. Hell, I even think the way the shooting and gameplay even is at a core level has a kind of tactile-ness to it that is reminiscent to how it felt to shoot the machine guns, missiles, etc. of the classic Twisted Metal games (OG and 2, specifically).

Quote:This is a perfectly fair point, and arguably one of the main catalysts for complainers. They otherwise act in good faith when pointing at other subjective flaws of the game, but the "wokeness" is at the core of their agenda.

If someone says the character designs are ugly or bad, ask them what they really mean.
Quote:Yeah, I work in design and animation and I love the games UI, animations as well as the use of colour in levels. Creates a really nice look that is alien in certain levels but also visually pleasing with solid colour blocking of the areas/laneways etc.

I know design can be highly subjective but I'm surprised just how hard people are reacting to the visuals of the game.
DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:This is religious warfare is what it is if people want to hear some real talk in here.
ghostcrew, Administrator wrote:Might be time to take this down a notch I think.

FFNB wrote:yeah, there's definitely an undercurrent of folks being "anti-woke" or upset that the aesthetic is full of pretty characters with guns for some of the complaints.

There are valid criticisms to be leveled at the game, and not caring for the aesthetic is absolutely one of them, but i've seen enough comments about the look of the game where it's pretty obvious where their true issue lies.

For me, I overall really dig the aesthetics of both the world design, and the character designs, especially some of the character palette options you unlock, but the truth is, I generally am not paying attention to that sort of thing when I'm actually playing the game. I'm too busy focusing on what I need to be doing to help win the match. The art design just kind of melts into the background, because everything is so crisp and clean, and easily readable.

There's no noise, so to speak. allies and rivals are clearly defined, the environments aren't distracting (and are excellently designed, some really shine more than others in terms of layout for me), sound design and VFX aren't messy either, and that's such a big deal to me. Being able to read the situation and asses what you need to do. I'm almost always looking at my team mates and seeing which ones need heals, or buffs, or just plain old covering fire support.

It's just such a shame that the game is being written off by so many folks that would probably really enjoy it if they gave it a chance and tried it out for themselves.

I'm hoping Firewalk and Sony plan on doing something like a Free Weekend event, and then perhaps a 2 hour free trial after, and then a series of sales/price cuts, and finally eventually putting it on PS+, in that order. The toxic discourse about the game has really tainted the pool, but I think if positive word of mouth continues to spread, and they couple it with the above strategy, it could still find a passionate and dedicated player base, and hopefully still manage to generate some revenue for Firewalk so they can not only support the game's future update plans, but perhaps allow them to work on a new title, of which I'm sure they have at least 1 in incubation, as most devs tend to do.

spoilering for unrelated gushing about the game lol

In other news, I finally unlocked the Teo II variant, and am working towards Haymar II now.

One thing I can't praise enough about this game is the complete absence of FOMO at the moment. I love being able to just work towards unlocking things. The only complaint I have about that is that I wish they'd give us more info on what we need to do to unlock some of the stuff like skins, accessories, player card options, etc, etc. It personally helps me direct my experience, in that I can look at it and go, "Oh, I need to reach Reputation 30 to get this thing, or I need to complete X number of matches for that thing," etc, etc.

I honestly don't pay much attention to the jobs at the job board, and just complete or not complete them if it happens. But for the unlocks, I'd absolutely be more inclined to actively pursue those like I'm doing with the Haymar II variant.

I honestly didn't think I'd get sucked into an MP game of all things, considering how passionate I am about single player games. It's so funny to me, that out of all of the MP games that are available now, it was Concord that has had me playing almost every day since Friday (I didn't play any games last night, since I was wiped from work). lol.

It just reminds me so much of playing Halo or Warhawk, or Killzone 2 MP with friends and coworkers. The difference is, I'm playing largely with strangers, but still having a great time. People not using their mics don't bother me too much, since there's no hateful, sexist, racist, or homophobic shit being blasted into my ears while I'm just trying to have a good time. That kind of toxicity is a big reason why I didn't play many MP games until now.

Helldivers 2 and Concord has surprised me the most this year in terms of how much fun I've ended up having with them.

Concord's been great to play, because I can just jump in for a few matches, chip away at the variant unlocks, get my gamer fix, and then call it a night. The "problem" is that it has that "just one more round" feel that it's hard to stop for the night lol

Firewalk did a great job, and I can't wait to see what other QoL features they implement over the next few months leading into the new season in October.

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:I read an entry in the Galactic Guide the other night that made me think the devs were self-aware that people were going to hate this and have a bunch of irrational, all consuming hatred.

I'm going to transpose it here word for word from the game directly:


A Galaxy-Sundering Storm
Eighty-two years ago, the Tempest erupted, tearing across the Concord Galaxy. It sundered worlds, devoured planetary systems, and subsumed a massive swath of space in its entirety - it exists now as a maw of ravenous energy crossing the whole of the spiral arm. The forces that act within it are unknowable, its composition is undefined. The only thing that can be said with any amount of certainty is that it is expanding. And as it does, it's consuming everything in its path. The instinct may be to panic, but time spent in dread is wasted. The singular directive worth pusuing is to make the most of the Wilds while it lasts."

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:Another testament to how ridiculously good I think this is: I'm finding it tough to pull away for bathroom breaks, water refills, and food.

I cannot remember the last time I found a game so engrossing honestly.

It might literally be H3 at launch in 2007.

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:It's very well done, incredibly realized and contextualized.

This isn't a game that was made with the intent to cynically pander, this was a game the developers wanted to make. A design they wanted to execute and a universe they wanted to build to envelope and refine/tightly contextualize the game design

And the more you immerse yourself in the game and its universe, the more apparent this is.

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:It's just so ridiculous how much downright spite people have. People really will cut off their nose to spite their faces. Cause damn this game is ridiculously amazing and anyone who plays a serious breadth of games can realize this, but the denial of it is next level stuff. But instead of being open minded, closed-mindedness assumption is the name of the game today. And as I've said in here and around before, I myself am also guilty of this too.

When people say things like they "feel like they are taking crazy pills" in regards to the discourse and perception, well, it says a lot. Not about that person's judgement. No, it says a lot about the other people trying to assert influence and the things they are saying. It's incredibly shitty, because while art is of course subjective and people are free to feel any kind of way about things, this game's reception has been absolute horseshit of the highest degree.

"Don't believe your eyes and ears." x1000000000000000

I told someone this last night:

I don't and wouldn't spend a single second of my time, let alone a cent of my money, on something like 98% of F2P multiplayer games out there. That's how low I think of them.

But I'd spend $600+ to just play this one, singular game. Actually, that I'd go even further, I'd pay $2000+ USD to exclusively play this game. That's how high quality I think this is; I value it to that degree in just this short amount of time playing (about 60 total hours now across the Open Beta and retail).

I go where the games I want to play are, and games I value, I spend my money. And I am willing to spend quite a bit of it for things I think are genuinely special and quality. And I am also extremely exclusive with what time and money I spend on video games too, and this game is worth all the time, and all the money.

All of this is said as someone who owns all current console hardware, many complete sets of legacy console hardware, a PC, and a smartphone. I've played quite a bit of games in my time.

So all this talk around this game is cute af to me.

Quote:Sadly there's a lot of bandwagon haters that don't think for themselves. Not saying you can't be interested in this game based on seeing it and if you don't like this type of game but the way people are acting straight up offended by the game just existing and also not being willing to give it a try when they actually like shooting games is just sad.

All for some weird culture war going on around it and not because the quality of the game at all. The game is clearly not bad to anyone who plays and the game should not cause such a visceral reaction if you're not into it. But you'd think this game was built using the blood of children or something with how people are acting about it. But it's clear what type of people are steering this conversation and making things "political" while ironically complaining about games being "political".
Quote:Ya I'm tired of people dismissing the effects that crowd has had on this game specifically. It's poisoned the whole space to where people don't even want to give it a shot because they know what the response will be — like I'm surprised Destiny (crucible) content creators haven't tried it.

It's not about given "power" or "credit" to the bigots, it's about being honest. When TLoU PII or a another huge game has a few thousand vocal no lifers online, they're going up against literally millions of defenders and their voices are snuffed out.

When Concord has a few thousand bigoted haters online, they're going up against a few hundred vocal defenders of the game. The numbers are the complete opposite.

I'm not saying a paid 5v5 online shooter was going to sell 10 million copies if it didn't have the chuds rallying against it, but it's absolutely preventing what could have been a small to medium sized community from forming — one where you wouldn't have to worry about finding a match in a month, at least.
Quote:the post above me is spot on. People with some influence online are literally afraid to say they like the game, not even that they love it or anything, just think it's fun, because of the backlash.

Like random people like this guy who just enjoyed their time with the game are getting harrassed.
DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:I brought this game up to a long, semi-decent friend of mine who plays basically nothing but multiplayer FPS games as his primary game consumption and who absolutely should enjoy this game based on his gaming history.

I wrote a few paragraphs extolling the virtues of this game and what makes it so compelling.

He replied with a curt, three sentence statement that essentially said "$40 will kill it. The game will be DoA. The market is oversatured for hero shooters.".

Can you guess what I thought about that? I didn't even bother responding as it would have just been a waste of my time. The dude didn't engage with any of the substance of my writing at all, just like all these other jokers.

Guess what game this person spent their money and time on in that week. Can you guess? I'll give a hint, it wasn't the other big multiplayer game that is sucking up a lot of the oxygen.

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:Another underappreciated feature of this game is exposing all the people whose opinions on things are never worth taking seriously!

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:The simple fact that people have to value the game to play it actually means that people are inherently invested, so it makes some sense that quitting and griefing would be lower generally.

I definitely think that the price point of this game was highly intentional from the start for multiple reasons and that the developers were likely anticipating some level of backlash as a result. That they weren't seeking for this game to be some kind of "be everything for everybody" all consuming massive zeitgeist experience, that instead they were just wanting to make the vision they had and stuck to their guns. And that they had confidence in it just finding an audience of people who could see what they were cooking up.

It feels incredibly genuine/earnest instead of cynical/pandering like a lot of games are.

That the decisions made were made for the game's benefit and the designers intent specifically, and not in a way to maximize a profit.

DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:Game obviously gives off huge Destiny 1 vibes naturally, and I thought the early Destiny Crucible days were some of the most enjoyable I've had in PvP. So I'm very thankful for this game existing. I always thought that both the original Destiny Crucible AND Halo Reach were unbelievably, ridiculously underrated, underappreciated and overly shit talked competitive multiplayer games.

10 years later, this game is like the realization of my dream from all those years ago of an isolated, PvP only successor to early D1 with a fixed, tight design sandbox. No perpetual grinding, just fixed tools in the box that might slightly expand over time.

So that's another of the many reasons why the "8 year dev? Preposterous!!" goofy takes are just funny as hell. It's like, yeah, that sounds about right as someone who has been waiting about that long for a successor to D1 Crucible that wasn't D2.

I really don't know how much this game is like D2's Crucible though as I wasn't there for its launch or extened run, only for a short period around Forsaken. And then I didn't really play much Crucible either. I do know that when D2 initially hit, I thought the changes to the PvP design looked intriguing as someone who played D1 almost exclusively for that. But I guess they weren't super well received? And that over the course of the game there were a lot of changes to D2 that altered the design over the course, which isn't surprising.

But this game really gives me that true successor feeling in the iterative design of both Halo and Destiny. It truly feels like being there for the early Halo releases in the 00's. The newest game in that line of FPS multiplayer design.

This game was never going to be a massive, cultural phenomenon just based on how the historical reception to Shadowrun/Reach/Destiny PvP always was. But it definitely is good enough to have a larger but still niche and dedicated fanbase. This game was clearly made for the Reach/Destiny Crucible mega fans out there like me.
You ever scroll past a large post so fast you end up getting motion sickness?

I hope everyone here is swimming in vomit.

Not really.

ZeoVGM wrote:
Mr. Snuffleupagus wrote:The majority of Americans don't give a flying flip about a ceasefire and wouldn't be able to point out Palestine if you gave them a map. The voters that Harris needs to win care about affording next month's rent, being able to afford the gas to get to work, and things like if they have to buy off-brand produce to make ends meet or not.
This is honestly a disgusting reply.

Quote:Harris coming out for an arms embargo at this point would do little to no good and would likely actually hurt her in the eyes of voters.

Nope. It's the opposite.

Mr. Snuffleupagus wrote:You can say "Wow." as much as you like, it doesn't make it any less true.

You are over-inflating an issue that is key to you (which, I want to add, I support you on!) but that's just not what the voters are feeling and doesn't line up with survey after survey that tell us as such.

This is why I love Jeff.  Heartbeat

Clefargle wrote:
ZeoVGM wrote:I don't agree.
I mean that's fine but anybody can say that about anything. It isn't really a rebuttal of anything I said, which is fine you don't have to respond substantively

Get in here, friends. It's currently ongoing.  Popcorn
edit: Damn this place for not allowing me to constantly quote long ass posts.
(08-30-2024, 10:15 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

ZeoVGM wrote:
Mr. Snuffleupagus wrote:The majority of Americans don't give a flying flip about a ceasefire and wouldn't be able to point out Palestine if you gave them a map. The voters that Harris needs to win care about affording next month's rent, being able to afford the gas to get to work, and things like if they have to buy off-brand produce to make ends meet or not.
This is honestly a disgusting reply.

Quote:Harris coming out for an arms embargo at this point would do little to no good and would likely actually hurt her in the eyes of voters.

Nope. It's the opposite.

Mr. Snuffleupagus wrote:You can say "Wow." as much as you like, it doesn't make it any less true.

You are over-inflating an issue that is key to you (which, I want to add, I support you on!) but that's just not what the voters are feeling and doesn't line up with survey after survey that tell us as such.

This is why I love Jeff.  Heartbeat

Clefargle wrote:
ZeoVGM wrote:I don't agree.
I mean that's fine but anybody can say that about anything. It isn't really a rebuttal of anything I said, which is fine you don't have to respond substantively

Get in here, friends. It's currently ongoing.  Popcorn

I really don’t understand why someone just doesn’t tell the people who derail legitimate political strategy talk with their bullshit, to go bomb a Harris election headquarter, if they don’t actually believe in democracy, and are looking for attention to support their current obsession because their MCU obsession is falling apart.
(08-30-2024, 03:22 AM)benji wrote:
(08-30-2024, 03:12 AM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote: dp, sorry bros
How in the fuck do I post a sexy gif from Tenor?
Right click on it for "copy image address" (or similar)* then put in img tags (second icon in fourth set in reply, next to the envelope) like so:
[Image: chal-mere-ghode.gif]

You want it to have a .gif or other image type ending rather than whatever their url shit means.

*or open the image in a new tab then grab the URL

[Image: sydney-sweeney.gif]
(08-30-2024, 11:16 AM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote:
(08-30-2024, 03:22 AM)benji wrote:
(08-30-2024, 03:12 AM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote: dp, sorry bros
How in the fuck do I post a sexy gif from Tenor?
Right click on it for "copy image address" (or similar)* then put in img tags (second icon in fourth set in reply, next to the envelope) like so:
[Image: chal-mere-ghode.gif]

You want it to have a .gif or other image type ending rather than whatever their url shit means.

*or open the image in a new tab then grab the URL

[Image: sydney-sweeney.gif]

Nope, you fucked it up.

EDIT: Gratz on un-fucking it!
(08-30-2024, 11:19 AM)wizardora wrote:
(08-30-2024, 11:16 AM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote:
(08-30-2024, 03:22 AM)benji wrote: Right click on it for "copy image address" (or similar)* then put in img tags (second icon in fourth set in reply, next to the envelope) like so:
[Image: chal-mere-ghode.gif]

You want it to have a .gif or other image type ending rather than whatever their url shit means.

*or open the image in a new tab then grab the URL

[Image: sydney-sweeney.gif]

Nope, you fucked it up.

EDIT: Gratz on un-fucking it!

It’s like performing  brain surgery trying to do it on mobile
(08-30-2024, 07:06 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Lady Dimitrescu wrote:Because people here kept on fucking misgendering me, you absolute fucks, fucking learn how to read. That's the reason for the name change.

Anyway I guess Lady D is the only truly famous woman to be a Tyrant Equivalent that I've cosplayed as.
I don't think I've seen Tyrant be misgendered once on Era. Also I like the idea that a username would fix that anyway. Why not go with Miss Girly Pussy-haver, and remove all doubt?

(08-30-2024, 09:28 AM)Greatness Gone wrote: Your avatar always reminds me that Seth isn’t in SF6 yet 

I’m getting bored of Marisa… Princess Peach
Imagine what it's like for a Sean fan.
echoshifting wrote:Good questions, I am gay and have not gotten a vasectomy so can't report on feelings/sensations. But as a semen connoisseur I can attest that I don't think you have a lot to worry about in the feel/taste department
(08-30-2024, 11:38 AM)Daffy Duck wrote:
echoshifting wrote:Good questions, I am gay and have not gotten a vasectomy so can't report on feelings/sensations. But as a semen connoisseur I can attest that I don't think you have a lot to worry about in the feel/taste department

Shit's wild over on Era.
Its amazing how some of these fuckers think that site is their own personal blog where they can constantly post every stupid thought they have. Who the fuck wants to read that shit?
Imagine if I, a straight white guy, strolled into a thread about vaginas and said

Quote:As a pussy connoisseur, you’ll be fine

Imagine how quick I’d be out of there for boys club rhetoric, yet the rainbow people just go round chucking it everywhere.
(08-30-2024, 11:38 AM)Daffy Duck wrote:
echoshifting wrote:Good questions, I am gay and have not gotten a vasectomy so can't report on feelings/sensations. But as a semen connoisseur I can attest that I don't think you have a lot to worry about in the feel/taste department
[Image: 91w0aa.jpg]
They’ll get banned… For a week.
I think I might be the only one paying attention to the (new) Wukong freakout thread, but the thread has taken a hilarious turn.

Someone needs to tell this chud that saying anything counter to the inerrant reporting of world-renowned, Pulitzer Prize winning IGN journalist Kat Bailey is borderline misogyny and extremely sus!

Oh wait, he was the original person who broke the story.


EDIT: thread now locked, lol
(08-30-2024, 11:38 AM)Daffy Duck wrote:
echoshifting wrote:Good questions, I am gay and have not gotten a vasectomy so can't report on feelings/sensations. But as a semen connoisseur I can attest that I don't think you have a lot to worry about in the feel/taste department

Another feggit that has to let you know at every opportunity that they are a feggit  gay

Losers. Fucking losers all the way down lol
(08-30-2024, 12:36 PM)wizardora wrote:

Losers. Fucking losers all the way down lol
A: I love this Community!
B: Oh really? Name 3 posters.
A: own name...

I've only been on the bire for a few months but I could probably name every regular poster here. That's what real family looks like!
Spoiler:  (click to show)
I'm so alone.
(08-30-2024, 07:53 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
(08-30-2024, 04:59 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Sad news, two hearts deleted their bluesky account. 

Nothing remotely interesting on melody sheds account just reposting more and more hentai and now even trans women porn.

Hopefully Twohearts got back on their meds or put in hospital.

Or prison.
cjelly wrote:It's crazy that all the press around the player counts haven't seemingly affected the numbers at all.

You would've thought there might be a bump from curious folks but just absolutely nothing. The numbers just keep going down.

Who sees an article about a game having less than 600 players and thinks “yeah that sounds fun I should pay $40-$70 and check it out”? lol

bufbaf wrote:Yeah, that's the thing that's perplexing me the most as well. With numbers like that, a bump of like 20 players would be immediately noticable, but not even that is happening. It's a case study for years to come.

Yes a case study on how retarded resetera members are… jfc
(08-30-2024, 12:36 PM)wizardora wrote:

Losers. Fucking losers all the way down lol

I like mentioning all my favourites.

Like Deleted Member 104214 and Deleted Member 514921.
Servbot24 wrote:
ZeoVGM wrote:This is honestly a disgusting reply.
ZeoVGM wrote:The majority of Americans want a ceasefire and 40,000 people have been fucking murdered with our country half at fault for those deaths.

There is little to no evidence that calling for an arms embargo would hurt Harris. You are wrong.
We're all aware of what has happened, and accusing fellow ERA members of not caring about the travesty because they want to talk about election strategy is not helpful in any way.

There is very clear difference between whether a topic matters, and how much that topic will contribute to swinging an election. Discussing the latter is NOT "disgusting" - we are talking about the factors that can contribute to whether or not Donald fucking Trump becomes possibly the most powerful person on planet earth. Participating in that discussion does not make someone "disgusting". It is an incredibly pertinent discussion.

This applies to many topics. Global warming is incredibly important, but voters don't care so it's not a campaign focus. "Woke culture" is not important at all, but it's very important to Republican voters so their party makes it a campaign focus.

We should be mature enough to separate two conversational themes and participate in both simultaneously. The war in Gaza is horrible, the US government has been horrible in relation to it, and it needs to quickly improve. AND - as it pertains to the current election it is absolutely not a clear conclusion whether this issue holds much sway in a country whose civilians are historically sympathetic to Israel and in general don't care about foreign policy all that much. There are many data sources with varying poll results on this but this one or this one as examples are fairly representative.

Objectively wrong. Genocide is disgusting and She-Hulk is amazing.
(08-30-2024, 12:49 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
cjelly wrote:It's crazy that all the press around the player counts haven't seemingly affected the numbers at all.

You would've thought there might be a bump from curious folks but just absolutely nothing. The numbers just keep going down.

Who sees an article about a game having less than 600 players and thinks “yeah that sounds fun I should pay $40-$70 and check it out”? lol
*Pssssssssss*… Wait two months till it’s free on PS+ to pump up the numbers, you stupid fucking idiots.

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