Journal of Other Forum Analysis
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[Image: Z5X1CHT.jpg]
Astro Bot likely features cameos from iconic Concord characters like fat doofus and Eddie Murphy’s night lady wearing his delirious outfit. Tragic.
Quote:Hate to see the best multiplayer game of the past few years get taken offline already. The refund is a nice gesture, but damn. Maybe it'll relaunch as a F2P (gag) game, so the gameplay will at least be there.
PlayStation™ Fan Discussing Their Fine Products
Concord debuts on Steam with 697 player CCU

Quote:FliX Moderator:

This thread seems past it's sell by date now...

Can't have people dumping on sensitive Sony Ponies waiting for Cerium to come back from his nap and up the Concord player count.
PlayStation™ Fan Discussing Their Fine Products
blamite wrote:I feel so fucking bad for this game and these devs man

It's 2016 in Boston Massachusetts.  After the logistical and managerial nightmare that was the The Big Dig, a highway project started in 1991 and and completed in 2007, ballooning to over 500% its initial cost, it finally paid off.   It added 30 acres of open space to downtown Boston, improved Boston's transportation infrastructure, reconnected neighbourhoods, and spurred economic development.   Since becoming a case study for mega-projects worldwide, offering valuable lessons in project management, engineering, and urban planning - Boston has decided to lead the way again:

Instead of another arduous highway project, they're going to get 80 dudes together to take a huge shit in front of Newbury Comics for 8 years.  It's going to cost $250 million dollars.  It's going to smell like shit.  

It's 2024.  I feel so fucking bad for those guys that were paid to take that 8-year long shit.  That's so sad that they got paid to shit for 8 years and as soon as their assholes were done dropping hot diarrhea, nobody wanted to smell it.   It's a people...we've been taking carrots for so long, we forgot how to give them.
jigglesbunny wrote:Culture war pricks stoked cynicism around a game in a genre that people are growing apprehensive about to begin with, culminating in one of the most fun multiplayer experiences of the generation being killed in a move that will only empower the worst scumbags in the gaming community.

sangral wrote:Buddy, you are getting your money back, you can stop.
(09-03-2024, 05:25 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
jigglesbunny wrote:Culture war pricks stoked cynicism around a game in a genre that people are growing apprehensive about to begin with, culminating in one of the most fun multiplayer experiences of the generation being killed in a move that will only empower the worst scumbags in the gaming community.

sangral wrote:Buddy, you are getting your money back, you can stop.

Quote:Pai Pai Master
ITT we laugh at people for enjoying a game and insist they must be wrong
Truly "enthusiast" videogame fan behavior
Quote:Culture war pricks stoked cynicism around a game in a genre that people are growing apprehensive about to begin with, culminating in one of the most fun multiplayer experiences of the generation being killed in a move that will only empower the worst scumbags in the gaming community.

37 people were playing the game yesterday in the entire world.  Do I question whether my own circles have more than 37 people in it on planet earth that could've played the game, no, it's the chuds.  The chuds are doing this.  My thrash metal album only sold 3 copies.  Fucking Taylor Swift fans GET THAT ASS BANNED fucking with our band's future!
All 37 of them have to be Reee members.
(09-03-2024, 05:51 AM)killamajig wrote:
Quote:Jesus, actors get really bent out of shape by a one whole line of words before a show starts. Who gives a fuck. Does it really change film and cinema in a big way? No, of course it doesn't.

I would ask him to stop being a giant pussy.
Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Misogynist Rhetoric
Has to be one of the biggest gaming fails ever

Morbius without the memes




(09-03-2024, 05:31 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
(09-03-2024, 05:51 AM)killamajig wrote:
Quote:Jesus, actors get really bent out of shape by a one whole line of words before a show starts. Who gives a fuck. Does it really change film and cinema in a big way? No, of course it doesn't.

I would ask him to stop being a giant pussy.
Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Misogynist Rhetoric

Got 'em.  lol
Quote:Pai Pai Master said:
ITT we laugh at people for enjoying a game and insist they must be wrong
Truly "enthusiast" videogame fan behavior
Quote:Lmao your good too buddy, promise you'll get the refund like that other guy. No point in defending midcord anymore

(09-03-2024, 05:04 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Renteka-Bond wrote:Genshin impact is an actually bad game and makes more money than small countries. GAAS is not dead just because Concord, a game with actual good gameplay and fair monetization, bombed.

lol This fucking dude.  lol

From the Sony game site
357.3K ratings
Yeah, bad game alright  lol
Seeing that headline was the first time in years that my first reaction on seeing a piece of gaming news was to visit Era.

Amalthea wrote:A few months back I read in a book that it's not uncommon for child and adult bullying victims with low moral development to become bullies themselves out of revenge and anger.
Quote:What a huge fucking bummer.

Game is a blast to play and I was looking forward to playing it as long as I could find matches. Hopefully it comes back but I got a big feeling this is the end. :( Guess I better play it while I can.

Yeah, bummer. To bad there are no other games like it.
Wonder where Crossing Eden is. He's one of the people that went to bat hardest for this flop lol
(09-03-2024, 05:17 PM)Alpacx wrote: Concord debuts on Steam with 697 player CCU

Quote:FliX Moderator:

This thread seems past it's sell by date now...

Can't have people dumping on sensitive Sony Ponies waiting for Cerium to come back from his nap and up the Concord player count.
PlayStation™ Fan Discussing Their Fine Products

I’d say the OT has run its course too, but ya’ll ain’t ready for that conversation.
You have to give Sony some credit that they didn’t waste any time and have refunded the 5 poor bastards who bought the thing. Remember how hard they fought against giving refunds for Cyberpunk
31 pages on that Concord page, is SunnnyD okay?
Quote:My jaw literally dropped when I started reading the PlayStation blog post before coming over here
(09-03-2024, 04:44 PM)DavidCroquet wrote:
(09-03-2024, 04:25 PM)malfoyking wrote: Id still like to blame pronouns for this lol. Why did the fucking robot have a pronoun??? It's a robot!!!

Lol anyway I do feel bad for the Devs though. They should try in a year and turn it into f2p. They can salvage something from it
You're right to, that's certainly a big part of it. And the thing is, it's not even a right-wing chud-work or whatever boogeyman people want to pin it on. Apex Legends is a treasure trove of identitarian trinkets, and by all accounts is doing well in a great niche with no signs of slowing down.

You can have this stuff in your game, but there's a right way and a wrong way to do it. Imagine if McDonald's included a big highlight in all of its advertising about how much potassium is contained in their food. Is it ok to have potassium in food? Yes. Do some people deliberately seek out potassium? I gotta assume yes. But no one is slavering for an opportunity to get a burger and fries at "The Potassium Restaurant".

Basically, too many modern game devs that really want their game to "send a message" or "be inclusive" don't know subtlety at all. They blare it out and beat you over the head with their "message" to an obnoxious degree. Then yell at you for being even slightly annoyed.
She's back terrorizing another athlete, this time a trans woman at the Paralympics:

checkout that package  lol lol
It was the chuds. IT. WAS. THE. CHUDS!!!!

JigglesBunny wrote:Every time the game was mentioned anywhere, without fail, it was shouted down by people saying some variety of "lol pronouns," "woke Guardians of the Galaxy," or, more generously, "who's going to pay $40 for a hero shooter?"

Is the alt-right backlash the sole trigger man here? Not by a long shot. The genre is crowded and too competitive to enter with a premium title, Sony's marketing approach didn't breach the dedicated gaming audience (most casual gamers don't watch State of Play showcases), and the game was more than a little derivative of other games in the space artistically.

Did it hurt that literally any and all discussion of the game was immediately drowned out by concern trolling, reactionary anti-woke sentiment and mockery? Yeah, kind of! And just like with The Acolyte — a show of an already "questionable" quality depending on who you asked — the chalice was so poisoned by online discourse and coordinated hate campaigns that anything other than a complete miracle was guaranteed to doom the product wholesale and serve as a small (but inarguable) victory to the worst kinds of people who were praying on its downfall from the jump for shitty, toxic reasons.

You all can say "this is the Era bubble at work" all you want and to some extent, maybe, but the "era bubble" here was also one of the only places that actually gave the game itself a chance, for better or worse. I made the damn OT, I know for a fact that there were a few dozen people on this site that were passionate and happy about the game and hopeful about its future if it could get out in front of actual players. At the same time, we had, what, four threads about how Concord was the flop of the century? It was doomed to fail because people on the internet — the few people that were aware of the game's existence — had decided its fate before it even released. We're just seeing that all play out now.

So yeah, again, is it solely the fault of reactionaries that the game is dead? No. There are a lot of factors at play here. But why are we pretending that the fix wasn't already in from the start? Look up the game on YouTube. Visit its Discord. Check out its subreddit. There are no rational discussions being held about the game's poor general marketing strategy or releasing a hero shooter in a crowded market, it's "lol pronouns," "lol go woke, go broke" as far as the eye can see. Pretending it's not a factor in this game's death is asinine.
(09-03-2024, 05:39 PM)Averon wrote: Wonder where Crossing Eden is. He's one of the people that went to bat hardest for this flop lol

Looking for a new job, Sony fired him as their social media manager perhaps lol
Quote:Wow. I hope this plan to potentially have another bite of the pie later means that jobs are secure at the development studio for the time being.

I think Sony got their marketing strategy completely wrong with this one (starting with that bizarre trailer that showed absolutely nothing). Perhaps hitting the reset button and coming back with a better approach will do it some good.

This does of however make the absurd concern trolling from people on this forum trying to prevent others from discussing the player numbers altogether look even stupider.
PlayStation™ Fan Discussing Their Fine Products
So what happened with that lawsuit, is jk destitute yet?
God bless demi  Thank you for your service!
Quote:This gonna be the rarest Platinum yet, time to grind

Quote:I mean, Cyberpunk made a turnaround(different circumstances of course). It's not completely out of the realm of possibility… sorta
Oh, now they care about Cyberpunk  PlayStation™ Fan Discussing Their Fine Products
Quote:Not a fan of the laughs this is getting in this thread.
Has sunnyD committed suicide yet?
Quote:i remember when JK said that the people who she hated the most were bullies.

A few months back I read in a book that it's not uncommon for child and adult bullying victims with low moral development to become bullies themselves out of revenge and anger.


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