Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
PhD Nothing Loud wrote:
GYODX wrote:Putting yourself and others at risk during a pandemic is worthy of judgement. "How dare you shame people for having sex with strangers during a pandemic!!" Spare me the fucking outrage. It's irresponsible, selfish behavior, and should be called out as such.
we had sex with one new friend once, after careful selection and months of shutdown, grocery delivery to our front door, no leaving the apartment, earlier than anybody else here besides maybe CA. Literally since March. I think people need to settle down with their reactionary risk analyses. Spare me. There's a humongous risk difference between my husband refusing to teach in person during an entire school year with a 36 student caseload for special ed, and us choosing to risk 1 night of sex with a new friend that might join us in a triad. Not everything is so black and white.

Also it seems Era really is not a safe place for mental health or poly discussion after viewing this thread. I appreciate the supportive posters who have awarded us the right to our own decision-making but the therapy shaming here, the insinuations that our marriage is worse or broken or sick than monogamous relationships or teasing us are just mean-spirited and a huge hypocrisy in the face of the kindness Era shows to suicidal people when they make a Suicide thread here, not realizing that I myself am a recovering suicidal person that just got harassed for having psychotherapy.
[Image: 4w5pXKt.png]

Is it tho?
(09-14-2024, 03:03 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

he's a treasure trove  lol

Only 5 replies.  Sad
Had ERA been more helpful as to how to start a successful curricular computational bioengineering consulting firm, him and his husband would be thriving right now. Rolleyes
(09-14-2024, 02:27 AM)Potato wrote: "I fucked up and now my kids are paying the price. Oh well, I guess I'll just kill myself and let them deal with my problems."
- Red Mercury

This is your brain on Resetera kids. Don't do Resetera.
i have no love for anyone on that site but reee merc seems like less of a retard lately than most 'power users', they had a thread saying he got laid off. ive been there, it sucks. i didn't whine on a forum about it though

if someone actually wants to work i can have sympathy for them when theres so many welfare queens and people on the dole
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Ethan
Nothing Loud wrote:My husband is a special education specialist, he has an MEd in adult education and runs a program at a local college for his day job. He has expertise in training, curricular development, disability advocacy, and educating students with disabilities.

I'm a Bioengineering & Data Science PhD student about to be a doctoral candidate, specialized in computational biology, protein design, bioinformatics, AI/machine learning, and expertise in chronic health research. I also have a background in food/pharma R&D engineering in the fortune 50. I graduate next year.

We're also both fluent in Spanish, English, and he speaks French.  It got me thinking that we have expertise in science, research, engineering, business, education, training, and recruiting. Why   not open a consulting firm? Whether we have a day job or not. Whether I work at a company after graduation or not, a consulting firm could be useful.

The first consultation at Loud and Loud Shit and Partners:
(09-14-2024, 03:01 AM)JoeBoy101 wrote: JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!

Dr. Nothing Loud, aka Dr. Debt wrote:Anyone know how this compares to the Meta Quest Pro? I have both, but my adapter comes in on Wednesday and I'm curious if any of you have had direct comparisons on a PCVR game.

He has a Meta Quest Pro and a PSVR 2?!?


My fat well-off ass don't have that much. I'm not jealous but nauseous in the face of such monumentally obtuse consumerism while a wave of crushing debt is about to roll in.

If you brought this up in the pity thread you'd be banned.
(09-14-2024, 12:32 AM)benji wrote: His "ten years experience with 4 at a Fortune 50" brag in this post is him talking about his entire life employment, and his four years was a low level position at Pepsi that he quit six years ago to do the PhD.
I just want to point this out, this is everything he lists on linkedin:
Quote:R&D Engineering Intern
May 2014 - Aug 2014 · 4 mos

R&D Associate Engineer
Nov 2015 - Sep 2018 · 2 yrs 11 mos

R&D Engineer
Sep 2018 - Aug 2019 · 1 yr
And it was at a single company (Pepsi) in Texas after he got his undergrad:
Quote:Bachelor of Science, Chemical Engineering
2010 - 2015

I tried to put these in chronological order:
Nothing Loud, 2019, wrote:I turned down getting an MBA for now because it was just too expensive and distracting for my career. I may get a cheap online one in the future for the business knowledge, but I'm getting a top 10 university PhD right now fully funded, so I don't need extra notoriety, nor do I need to spend $100k, and I already have lucrative corporate experience.
Nothing Loud, 2020, wrote:I'm in biotech and my husband is going to be a therapist so we would be just fine if we move there someday
Nothing Loud, 2020, wrote:Last year I quit my $80,000/yr industry job to go back to school and get my PhD. I want to go back into industry or into academia after my PhD. My husband and I sold most of our stuff, moved to Washington with our pets, he got a new job, and I am doing my studies. I am funded, like most STEM PhD students. I.e. my tuition is paid for and I get wages for my research. I moved to the university to study computational, synthetic, and systems biology. I.e. genetic engineering, protein engineering, immunoengineering, bioinformatics, things that mesh those two, etc.

Well since it's a PhD program, I have to convince a professor to take me long-term during the stay of my program. They will then pay for my tuition plus wages. My program requires and funds you to try out a lab before "locking into it" long term, and this is called "rotating." The department will fund you for two quarters of rotations, and then expect you to lock into a lab that you tried long term.

I thought I had everything arranged. I had my PhD offer, and my first rotation was in an incredibly famous lab that everyone else loves and says it's easy to be chosen to lock-in if you wish. So I do my rotation there, and found it very challenging. The lab was huge (80+ students, 40+ post docs) and I had never done any of the computational or experimental techniques I was learning. In the end, I delivered the results of my project, and presented on it. My PI, instead of offering to let me lock in, asked me to do another rotation to get a different perspective and new skills. So I depart his lab and choose another one in a similar field, understanding that I could come back, but he just wants me to learn a new lab for my own enrichment.

This second lab I begin in my second quarter. Long story short, things turned disastrous. My PI wouldn't talk to me or meet with me the entire time. The project she promised me never happened. And the chair of the department told me she doesn't have funding to take me long term anyway. So it was a waste of time, and after my dad died in December, I took a few days to grieve. The PI and her lab threw that in my face, gaslit me, blamed me for not finishing training fast enough (which was NOT my fault), and the entire debacle ended up in me getting deleted from the lab list and the senior lab member yelling at me and humiliating me in front of other students about how I have no idea how research works and that I'm a shitty grad student. So needless to say, I had to get my academic advisors involved, and then I had to leave the lab and look for a third lab.

By the time I was looking for a third lab, all the professors in my field of interest had already filled up with "lock-ins" from other students, and had already promised next year's positions to next year's cohort. In summary, I have reached out to dozens of professors, and none of them have funding or space for me anymore, all because my second rotation got fucked and I couldn't resolve it fast enough to slide into a new lab in time.

So I'm in limbo. My academic advisers assure me they will find me a lab, but they seem open to just throwing me into any PhD lab they can find. But I didn't quit my job and move across the country to study something I have no interest in (like tissue engineering or brain machine interfaces on primates). Regardless, we haven't been able to find any lab at all for me. They assure me I will be funded until I find a new lab as long as I can progress through the curriculum, but even this is complicated because I dropped the only grad class I was in this quarter because my second rotation professor teaches and grades it (and I don't trust her after the fall out). The only professor that could take me is waiting on a grant to be approved in March, which then means I could join in the Autumn, and until then I'm in limbo.

If I can't find a lab, I will have moved to Washington to do a PhD program where I can't do what I applied here to do because everybody is full. The limbo is incredibly stressful, and it's affecting my anxiety and depression. I'm in no control of the logistics that are preventing me from researching with the professors I want to.

I just needed to type this out and vent and ask for some advice.

If I end up having to drop my PhD program and go back into industry, I'll be devastated. I'll be okay, but I guess I am just wondering if anyone here has ideas on what I should do?
The PhD program has turned out to be much harder and worse than anything I expected, and for all the wrong reasons.
Has anyone else had trouble like this in their education? How did you overcome it? My first year of PhD school has felt like a waste of time.
I feel embarrassed if I have to quit and go back into industry. I feel like I will have let everybody down.
Nothing Loud, 2020 wrote:I could go back into industry here and it's tempting, since my income would literally triple over night.
Nothing Loud, 2022, wrote:I live in Seattle and will finish my PhD soon (in less than 2 years). I'm a computational biologist/biostatistician/bioengineer so my career is in demand (biotech).
Nothing Loud, 2022, wrote:It's really hard to stay with my 37k grad student salary for 2 more years instead of quitting now and making 150k+ in a new job without my PhD. Fuck. :(
Nothing Loud, 2022, wrote:I'm a PhD computational data scientist/bioengineer.

I just got a weekend job at Crate & Barrel for in home decor/design...just for
Nothing Loud, 2022, wrote:I'm so proud of myself. I had no computer science background before graduate school and I leveled myself up to the graduate level in just 3 long years. I'm also a first generation American immigrant and my family came from poor coffee bean farmers in Colombia so I'm the first in my family to get a PhD and will be a rare openly queer/non-binary Hispanic PhD graduate when I'm done. I hope my path can inspire other STEM students to be open about themselves and courageous to pursue higher education.

I knew I wanted to do grad school ever finishing my chemical engineering degree but I took a 4 year break to work in industry first. Now in my early 30s I'm finally done with schooling forever. Just gotta TA a class before I graduate and I'm done stepping foot in classrooms until I start teaching them myself.
Nothing Loud, 2022 wrote:I intend to go into biotech industry with my PhD to do computational biology to do drug design, systems biology, and/or medical research. With a PhD I can lead a lab or become an executive or director more easily and I will be paid more/have better benefits/bonuses and have more career autonomy.
Nothing Loud, 2023, wrote:Getting nervous since I graduate from my program in a year and will be looking for a tech job. But hopefully I'm more competitive since I'll have my PhD.
Nothing Loud, 2023 wrote:PhD in Bioengineering & Data Science

My main PhD focus areas are:
Computational biology/bioinformatics
Health big data research (gastroenterology)
Data Science/AI/Machine Learning

And I have 4 years of professional R&D engineering experience (global teams, project management, product development) at a Fortune 50 Company on $1B brands, so I'm unique for a PhD student in that I went to work before going to grad school so I already have that experience of the professional realm.

At this point I've worked in academia, industry, as well as non-profit environments.

Thank you for the reassurance. With all my student debt I'll definitely need a high paying job out of grad school to pay my bills.
Nothing Loud, 2023, wrote:Agreed regarding the minorities concern… they/we always get used and abused by western advancement and innovation and supply chain. I mean, to share a bit more about my roots, I was born in Colombia and fled it in a helicopter during the Pablo Escobar release in Medellin because my mother worked for the government and he threatened to slaughter us. My ancestral home and my family and my life was ravaged by the demand and war on drugs and drug policy and CIA ops that the USA did on my home and Central American soil. I'm a refugee and immigrant to US soil because our lives weren't safe anymore in Colombia. And it's all because of a geopolitical chess game fueled by an intense demand for cocaine and impoverished people being forced to grow coca plants for angry violent rebels that only have power because of white people's demand for white powder. I sympathize a lot with the idea that minorities get the end of the barrel with the feverish advancement of western nations, and that the share of leisure and pleasure created by automation and advancement usually only profits most to the white western people at the top. To make me even more bitter against the USA's feverish war on drugs: as I was growing up, suddenly my dad was arrested and went to prison for international drug crimes where he got involved in some business that unraveled into the worst possible situation imaginable involved with drugs, that he apparently didn't quite understand, but it was too late. he was stung by the FBI and his conviction and sentence years later was longer than any of the king pins at the top of the operation who were also caught, because he didn't have the money to defend himself with a good lawyer like they did, and he was the oldest (in his late 60s) when he got arrested. When he finished his prison sentence, after I had grown up without a father, he left prison old, in his 80s, and demented, dumped on the street, and I had to go on unpaid leave from work and enter inescapable debt to care for his lonely demented decline into Parkinson's before he died in a bed unaware of who he or I was. And maybe that's sad, but that's what happens when the American justice system gets ya, as black and brown folk know: unequal and long sentencing, disproportionate charges and prosecution, and unforgettable impact on families and growing up fatherless. I spend some days crying just thinking about how Latinx people have been abused and targeted by America and the geopolitical machine it spins fueled by insatiable craving for drugs, leisure, cost-savings, and capitalism. One of the most moving pictures I own is one my mom took on her recent trip to Colombia, which I think perfectly captures the distraught irony of western nations destroying poorer nations. It's a photo my mom took of a young brown Colombian boy, wearing a brand t-shirt of a cartoon he's probably never seen let alone a TV before, because he's standing in the dirt without shoes and tattered shorts. And he's selling oils, lotions, and food made from the coca plant with cocaine, to try to make enough pesos to bring to his family so they can eat that night. Because his family's farm probably grows coca because the revolutionaries force them to grow it so they can harvest it for the global drug market, so that some white CEO in Manhattan can snort it off an escort's belly piercing.
Nothing Loud, 2023, wrote:okay fine I'll share.
Thank god my husband and I will be at a 200-500k/yr household in a year when I graduate cuz this much debt being accrued has been rough.

Millennial here (30s)
160k in student loans (BS+PhD)
100k in cc debt/business startup expenses (some of it currently at 20-30% interest but it's being managed down to much lower rate soon thankfully)
630k left in mortgage w PMI w husband
Zero retirement, zero savings
My husband has 35k in student debt for his MEd
Need 7k for his jaw surgery insurance would only partially cover.
Oh yeah and 12k on our car that we had to get a second loan on during a health catastrophe last year.
Rate my debt: URFUCKED/10

I laugh because crying feels pointless.
Nothing Loud, 2023, wrote:Humblebrag but here it goes, I don't care, I'm fucking proud of myself and over the moon. I made it to doctoral candidacy even with 3 family deaths during a pandemic since starting graduate school, near-divorce several times, and financial disaster as I make pittance for wages in school until graduation. My committee unanimously passed me with flying colors. The Dean of Engineering is one of six on my doctoral committee and they were especially impressed by my "depth of knowledge" and "command of the topic." My lead PI that helmed a world famous project (can't mention it without everyone here immediately identifying me lol) said that my exam was "terrific" and they enthusiastically voted my progress into candidacy. As of today I'm a dual-title doctoral candidate in bioengineering and data science. Now I just need to wrap up my final projects and write them into manuscripts for final articles to publish over the next year and then I'll schedule to defend my dissertation.

I also got my experience and transcripts validated by NCEES so I can register for the chemical PE exam and get my PE license this year. By 2024 I'll have my PhD and my PE.

Reaching all my educational career goals in life before I turn 35 sure feels rewarding given how many people in life have tried to shit on me from a great height for so many years. Not even going to get into all of that but here are some teeny tiny examples:

In undergrad I had a senior engineering academic advisor say I'd never become an engineer with my C in precalculus.

Then I did. And I graduated with honors. In the hardest engineering major at my school.

Then I had students tell me my profile wasn't competitive enough for a Fortune 500 internship. Not only did I get a Fortune 50, I was the only intern from a nationwide cohort they hired full time after graduation.

Then I had a thermodynamics professor tell me I'd never get into a top 10 grad school with my imperfect GPA. And some rando Reddit insulted the piss out of my grad school application and said I had no chance at my dream schools.

Then I got in. And I even interviewed at Stanford.

Then a spiteful senior grad student told me I was a shitty lab student during my first year of grad school and that I should drop out and give up finding a lab.

3 years later I'm a doctoral candidate with a way more famous lab and PI than them and they still haven't graduated yet even tho they were 3 years ahead of me🤭🤭🤭💅

As Bey says, best revenge is your paper. 🙃

Don't listen to people trying to limit your success, dumbasses on the internet, haters, jealous coworkers/colleagues, bitter academics, faithless people that tease or discourage you. Just do you and scorch peoples expectations later while they stay mad.

Ok humblebrag over. YAY SO EXCITED!
Nothing Loud, 2023, wrote:Not really sure what I did to you personally to make you personally target me like you are, however:

I didn't even post the questions I asked my husband (I just happened to trim it out), I just posted their response to me asking about what their thoughts were regarding racism being a part of the bell curve in intelligence testing. And education/intelligence testing is their specialty not mine, so me not providing direct detailed commentary myself on intelligence testing is exactly what is to be expected of someone who knows how to stay in their lane. I'm a biomedical data scientist, not a special education/pedagogy researcher, so I'm not opining too heavily on intelligence testing racial bias and instead decided to defer to someone with actual credibility that I know: the person I live with. This is what credible researchers do—they consult credible knowledge outside their own sphere in collaboration and in combination with the literature—compared to useless hostile shitposting on the internet like you're doing.

So you're actually jumping the gun and full of a lot of baseless assumptions about my intentions, what I did and did not say, and what my partner did and did not say. Which is exactly what I would expect given I just got done accusing shitposters like you in this thread of lacking the skill to dissect academic literature required for a field this fast-moving and the nuance for critical discussion in the sphere of AI, and here you are flailing at reading comprehension and posturing aggressively against me as if you take my posts personally against you. The vitriol and poison of Era's discourse these days. There were some good posts in here and a video I did not watch, but instead of contributing to discourse, you just decided to target me with personal attacks, polluting the atmosphere with your own instigation and hostility.

Well here's one for you. Just toss your whole keyboard in the trash. You're done. Your presumptuous, rude, insulting, hostile demeanor is no better than a gargling a fire hose full of refuse.

You can take comfort in the fact that a published, dual-degree doctoral candidate and licensed engineer in chemical engineering, bioengineering, genome sciences, data science and computer science/AI at a top 10 program just called you a shitposter. Not just any shitposter. A hostile, egregiously presumptuous, useless shitposter, and it doesn't really matter how you feel about it given my credentials are real and you're just an annoying anonymous individual typing attacks on a keyboard. In fact I just completed my general exam today. What did you do today?

Your entire account belongs in the sewage.

Maybe you'll be able to parse this post in between your own fiery keystrokes.

On the ignore list you go.
Nothing Loud, 2023, wrote:I was gonna do a post doc but I can't afford to, it pays like 1/4 of what I could make in industry and I have major debts and bills to take care of.
Nothing Loud, 2023, wrote:I'm gonna start looking for a new job here in a few months post graduation with my PhD. Sigh. Going back to this process can really suck. But I guess I'm more experienced and educated than ever so hopefully I get something good and remote and well-paying asap.
Nothing Loud, 2024, wrote:Cute. Posting an update because tomorrow I become a doctor (PhD) in Bioengineering and Data Science. It's wild to reflect on this terrible, long, rewarding salvation of a journey that was grad school during a wicked divorce and near homelessness. Bittersweet. I just finished my defense slides for tomorrow and it's surreal. I honestly thought I would die before getting this paper. Hair fell out in chunks. I lost 50 lbs in a year. I'm on so many meds I don't know what day it is and every day is a struggle. But I did it. Well almost. Tomorrow it's official. Thank you everyone for your support during my loneliest years.
Nothing Loud, 2024 wrote:im open to whatever pays enough to pay my roof and bills and is on the west coast or remote for the time being. Ideally bioinformatics and computational biology research jobs, postdocs, or staff scientist positions or higher would be best. I have 11 years of professional experience including 4 years in industry. So we will see…I need a job like now.
Nothing Loud, 2024 wrote:It was a ton of work but I have no break, I have to immediately pivot into job hunting. Been furiously applying for jobs and no offers yet. Just a couple of interviews. Hopefully things trickle in faster soon...

Splitting this out because he explained that his PC was a business expense:
Nothing Loud, 2023, wrote:I'm an academic computer/data scientist and I also am building a business rn, I need the best around $4k can buy for both my simulations and my gaming and VR demonstrations with work. I don't have to explain myself to anyone yet here I am because people think I'm just trying to brag when I haven't even gotten anything yet, I posted here speculatively to ask if the specific build I was interested in was a good idea. Jesus.

Just because:
Nothing Loud, 2023, wrote:One of my connections on LinkedIn (VP of Research at Microsoft)

Nothing Loud, 2023, wrote:
Quote:The key is to not live where $300K is the new $100K, but instead make that in an area where $100K is still close to the old $100K.
But I don't want to live at shitholes.
Nothing Loud, 2023 wrote:
Quote:If you have a choice you can't complain, many don't
True. However that's why I took an ass-ton of student loans to take a career where I could escape the deep red south…I'm a Hispanic non-binary married queer person so I can't live in a shithole state/city that's gonna hate crime me. So I moved.
Let me requote this one for visibility even though I bolded it:
Nothing Loud, 2023, wrote:okay fine I'll share.
Thank god my husband and I will be at a 200-500k/yr household in a year when I graduate cuz this much debt being accrued has been rough.

Millennial here (30s)
160k in student loans (BS+PhD)
100k in cc debt/business startup expenses (some of it currently at 20-30% interest but it's being managed down to much lower rate soon thankfully)
630k left in mortgage w PMI w husband
Zero retirement, zero savings
My husband has 35k in student debt for his MEd
Need 7k for his jaw surgery insurance would only partially cover.
Oh yeah and 12k on our car that we had to get a second loan on during a health catastrophe last year.
Rate my debt: URFUCKED/10

I laugh because crying feels pointless.
Quote:I'm a Hispanic non-binary married queer person so I can't live in a shithole state/city that's gonna hate crime me. So I moved.

He looks whiter than a Scottish sheep herder.  C'mon dude.  lol
I am now 96% sure he bought that PC and all that VR shit on credit as a "business expense" despite already having tens of thousands in credit card debt. Dead Dead Dead Dead
I already did the dril joke but not only is it true, it's worse than the version I used for the joke. Rofl
I couldn't find the thread where he talks about taking a trip to Yurop and how the entire continent is trying to hire him, maybe the thread is hidden?
(09-14-2024, 03:15 AM)negativecrepe wrote:
(09-14-2024, 02:27 AM)Potato wrote: "I fucked up and now my kids are paying the price. Oh well, I guess I'll just kill myself and let them deal with my problems."
- Red Mercury

This is your brain on Resetera kids. Don't do Resetera.
i have no love for anyone on that site but reee merc seems like less of a retard lately than most 'power users', they had a thread saying he got laid off. ive been there, it sucks. i didn't whine on a forum about it though

if someone actually wants to work i can have sympathy for them when theres so many welfare queens and people on the dole

If you need to work, you can find it. Mow some lawns, drive a cab or bus, wash dishes. The problem is these people think they're above everyone (so much for the solidarity with the proletariat) and that's galling when their immediate solution is to off themselves. 

I actually don't think that's the truth anyway, it's just a bullshit attempt to pull in some of the fake sympathy that's floating around in that thread for a worthless moron who keeps failing because he's an arsehole.
(09-14-2024, 03:29 AM)benji wrote: Let me requote this one for visibility even though I bolded it:
Nothing Loud, 2023, wrote:okay fine I'll share.
Thank god my husband and I will be at a 200-500k/yr household in a year when I graduate cuz this much debt being accrued has been rough.

Millennial here (30s)
160k in student loans (BS+PhD)
100k in cc debt/business startup expenses (some of it currently at 20-30% interest but it's being managed down to much lower rate soon thankfully)
630k left in mortgage w PMI w husband
Zero retirement, zero savings
My husband has 35k in student debt for his MEd
Need 7k for his jaw surgery insurance would only partially cover.
Oh yeah and 12k on our car that we had to get a second loan on during a health catastrophe last year.
Rate my debt: URFUCKED/10

I laugh because crying feels pointless.

In retrospect, this was a big red flag:

Quote:In undergrad I had a senior engineering academic advisor say I'd never become an engineer with my C in precalculus.
(09-14-2024, 03:36 AM)benji wrote: I couldn't find the thread where he talks about taking a trip to Yurop and how the entire continent is trying to hire him, maybe the thread is hidden?

Probably not this thread, but in the same vein:
[Image: zZswaSA.png]

That Fortune 50 line at the ready lol
Quote:And some rando Reddit insulted the piss out of my grad school application
He posted his grad school app to reddit. Dead

omg I have to find this
Doesn't he also have a shit ton of tacky Hue/Govee lights/gizmos worth thousands of dollars?

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Nothing Loud, if you're reading this, once again, all the best (genuinely), but it's not normal that complete strangers on the Internet know so much about you, and in my case at least, through pure osmosis by casually browsing ERA. You seriously have to tone the oversharing way down
[Image: pmlEHcf.png]

My god, it's every post.
I love how he's always thought standard school praise is special praise about himself like he's the greatest student ever. You can see it in his posts way back to 2018.
(09-14-2024, 03:44 AM)Propagandhim wrote: [Image: pmlEHcf.png]
He didn't stop to ask if those offers are coming with homophobia attached. ufup
(09-14-2024, 03:23 AM)benji wrote:
Nothing Loud, 2023, wrote:I have no interest in (like tissue engineering or brain machine interfaces on primates).

Hold up. Nothing Loud threw away an opportunity to work in brain-machine interface technology to study how often people take a dump?
I always knew his bragging was hilariously delusional but I didn't realize the extent he had structured his entire life around the idea that he'd instantly get a $300K salary job the day he was minted with a PhD and all his self-inflicted problems would disappear. Dead Dead Dead Dead
(09-14-2024, 01:57 AM)benji wrote: Holy shit I didn't read that wall of text closely enough:
Dr. Nothing Loud wrote:It's been a year since my truamatic divorce with a complete abusive narcissist who nearly made me lose my home, then I got to keep it, now I might lose it again. My family sold their house to move here to help me survive with the bills, but seattle is just not making it possible, so all 3 of us might be homeless soon.
Not only did he fight for the house the ex wanted to sell but now he's dragging down his family. Dead Dead Dead Dead

I know it's driven by cost of housing and this is probably an insanely stupid thought but I'm almost wondering if being surrounded by tent cities everywhere you go makes it seem like homelessness is somehow a viable option and valid life choice
(09-14-2024, 03:36 AM)Potato wrote:
(09-14-2024, 03:15 AM)negativecrepe wrote:
(09-14-2024, 02:27 AM)Potato wrote: "I fucked up and now my kids are paying the price. Oh well, I guess I'll just kill myself and let them deal with my problems."
- Red Mercury

This is your brain on Resetera kids. Don't do Resetera.
i have no love for anyone on that site but reee merc seems like less of a retard lately than most 'power users', they had a thread saying he got laid off. ive been there, it sucks. i didn't whine on a forum about it though

if someone actually wants to work i can have sympathy for them when theres so many welfare queens and people on the dole

If you need to work, you can find it. Mow some lawns, drive a cab or bus, wash dishes. The problem is these people think they're above everyone (so much for the solidarity with the proletariat) and that's galling when their immediate solution is to off themselves. 

I actually don't think that's the truth anyway, it's just a bullshit attempt to pull in some of the fake sympathy that's floating around in that thread for a worthless moron who keeps failing because he's an arsehole.

isnt he disabled? he could just go on disability but then that goes back to what i was saying about being on the dole, i can respect someone choosing to work instead

yeah it could all be bullshit but i got nerd engineering / IT friends that have been trying to find work for almost a year so i know it must not be easy to just find a job, you get a degree and work for along time in a field its hard to give up all that time and money spent

i hope the guy finds something anyway if it were someone like bdump or nepenthe i wouldnt give a shit
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Potato
I wonder where the consulting idea came from, was just like some person saying "oh yeah you could consult too while looking for something permanent" and this idiot went and dropped $100K* on it? lol

*at 20-30% interest, at least Nepenthe no longer has the dumbest loan on the forum
[Image: SSm2OZ8.png]

[Image: 5iz5UiE.png]

I really don't understand how he posts this and wasn't called out after the 4090, the 77" monitor, the steam decks, the house, etc..  Okay I think I'm done here.
(09-14-2024, 03:38 AM)Propagandhim wrote:
(09-14-2024, 03:29 AM)benji wrote: Let me requote this one for visibility even though I bolded it:
Nothing Loud, 2023, wrote:okay fine I'll share.
Thank god my husband and I will be at a 200-500k/yr household in a year when I graduate cuz this much debt being accrued has been rough.

Millennial here (30s)
160k in student loans (BS+PhD)
100k in cc debt/business startup expenses (some of it currently at 20-30% interest but it's being managed down to much lower rate soon thankfully)
630k left in mortgage w PMI w husband
Zero retirement, zero savings
My husband has 35k in student debt for his MEd
Need 7k for his jaw surgery insurance would only partially cover.
Oh yeah and 12k on our car that we had to get a second loan on during a health catastrophe last year.
Rate my debt: URFUCKED/10

I laugh because crying feels pointless.

In retrospect, this was a big red flag:

Quote:In undergrad I had a senior engineering academic advisor say I'd never become an engineer with my C in precalculus.

Started a business. Used a credit card as a line of credit to set everything up.

(09-14-2024, 02:16 AM)JoeBoy101 wrote: Wait! What the fuck at this lore drop?!?

Red Mercury wrote:I am where you are dude, I understand how much it hurts. My unemployment payments are running out soon, we're probably going to lose our house and the kids will need to live with their Grandparents I guess, I have no idea what we're going to do. If I can't find something soon, transparently I have been considering ending my life.

Just know that it's not you, the market is terrible right now for job seekers. There are too many people and too few jobs. It does not mean you aren't good enough as a person. There are a lot of people going through it right now as well, you are not alone. If I can help at all, whether it be a resume review or helping to find jobs, please feel free to DM me and I'll do everything I can.


Surprised it took this long given he has been open about being a junkie and saying that Naloxone should be easily accessible.
(09-14-2024, 03:42 AM)Ethan wrote: Nothing Loud, if you're reading this, once again, all the best (genuinely), but it's not normal that complete strangers on the Internet know so much about you, and in my case at least, through pure osmosis by casually browsing ERA. You seriously have to tone the oversharing way down
For years, even after I had doxed him, he posted refusing to name his work directly and always said it was so he wouldn't get found out.

The instant he published his shit paper and it went "viral" he shared that shit all over the forum. lol
(09-14-2024, 03:54 AM)Potato wrote: Started a business. Used a credit card as a line of credit to set everything up.

You're not factoring in his massive future income streams.

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