Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Nationalize twitter NOW!  American
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Is not like Booshka gives a fuck about inciting political violence.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
ZeoVGM: How can I make this about Elon?

Devilish.  Mr. Worldwide
(09-16-2024, 01:20 AM)benji wrote:
(09-15-2024, 04:12 PM)Steven Snell wrote: [Image: 1b29652290bed7b8ceccbb27a6fe320e.png]

Shit like this is so pathetic. As soon as Clickity, Kyuuji, Melody and others don't get their way. I could only liken it to a kid playing on a playground and as soon as it doesn't go the way they want they take their ball and go home.
The entire modern trans thing is about power.

If you want to be something, others should be forced to accept it as true.

If you want to do absolutely nothing about that, others should still be forced to believe your claims are true.

If you want to do something about that, others should be forced to provide it for you.

If you want to speak for all trans people (or women or queers), others should be forced to agree with you.

If you want to never hear any disagreement at all, other people should be forced to not disagree.

If you want to control how others speak about you, others should be forced to only speak about you in ways you want.

If you want to be a lesbian, lesbians should be forced to have sex with you.

It's an endless series of weak claims that certain narcissists (namely me) should be an exalted caste towards which all others must emotionally labor at all times.
Clicky really needs to stop modwhining. I swear!  Rolleyes
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
Posts from 2025: Trump should seize tonight, just nationalize them and kick the staff out of the country.
(09-16-2024, 01:40 AM)benji wrote: Posts from 2025: Trump should seize tonight, just nationalize them and kick the staff out of the country.
(03-14-2024, 02:56 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: In constructive:

b-dubs wrote:
Quote:I am going to quote my prior post on this matter again. The framing that Brady tried to joke about calling the FBI on staff is wrong and I will happily and gladly post the screenshot of the actual comment if need be. It was made in reference to FBI potentially actioning THE COMPANY THAT OWNS THE SITE for anti semetic speech and or hate speech posted in the site. It was not a call to have the FBI be sent to any staff members house and that is abundantly clear from the text of the post made. To be clear this was following a story about a single thing happening to another company that hosted hate speech sites online not long beforehand it was a reference to a recent event.

How many times are we going to continue to mischaracterize the context of the events of the past week and lambast an entire community of people with outrageous accusations?

That is unacceptable behavior and anyone on this forum who talks about potentially putting someone else's real life at risk will receive the same treatment. We have zero tolerance for this, for obvious reason. It is not the first time we have had to ban someone for this reason and it will likely not be the last, though I hope it is.
Sorry, I just still can't get over how nobody in that whole conversation ever brought up that the FBI would not do anything about things that aren't illegal let alone somehow ruin Nepenthe's life over her already public tweets and posts. These idiots think they're so smart and serious. lol
(09-16-2024, 01:14 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(09-16-2024, 01:07 AM)Uncle wrote: checking in with noodlesoup

Quote:On the other hand, I can't enjoy video games/movies/TV shows nowadays because there's always some dumbass anti-woke grifter chirping about wokeness. Shit blows.

Why would this keep you from enjoying it? If anything this only means those games are catering to you ???

This guy just cratered his education. I’m not sure that dude is all that well anymore. He’s too far down the left wing rabbit hole. Hopefully Nep sends him the gas, and match he needs to live in infamy.
Oh, and that was at the same exact moment that Nepenthe was actually literally reporting me to her local police. Dead
maybe consider that you've got multiple sites, threads on various forums, subreddits etc. all watching your dumpster fire of a forum with popcorn, and apparently no one from any of those evil, hateful places that you assume want to destroy you has managed to get the FBI involved after all these years

yet ONE person from inside the forum makes a joke once...
Noodlesoup is a hero.  Hmph

ctrl f "All over the place"

the new narrative is in the works when CNN reports the guy was for Biden / Harris.  lol
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
(09-15-2024, 10:20 PM)TylenolJones wrote: Edit: User banned (permanent): rationalizing political assignations

No way it happened twice

(07-15-2024, 07:46 PM)PogiJones wrote: [Image: wWz7lAil.jpg]
CNN still refusing to call it an assassination
I get no respect!
(09-16-2024, 02:06 AM)Uncle wrote: maybe consider that you've got multiple sites, threads on various forums, subreddits etc. all watching your dumpster fire of a forum with popcorn, and apparently no one from any of those evil, hateful places that you assume want to destroy you has managed to get the FBI involved after all these years

yet ONE person from inside the forum makes a joke once...
There's a greater chance that noodlesoup's attorney winds up getting the forum in legal trouble than some Discord rando taking his own joke seriously and reporting "hate speech" (which again, NOT ILLEGAL let alone a federal crime) from a "video game" forum. lol
Smug Online radicalized lib tried to kill the president but Resetera decides he's not liberal enough.
Had a gun, traveled to where Trump was, tried to do something in a real world? Yeah, real leftists are too exhausted to do all that emotional labor. Snob
-We need to arm up.
-We need to literally fight back.
-We need to be in the streets.
-Our lives are literally on the line.
-This is our last chance to prevent genocide.
-Direct action against oppressors is always justified.
-Violence needs to be brought to the whites.
-Sony sides with the chuds by publishing Stellar Blade and shutting down Concord.
-Fuck around, find out.
-Talk shit, get hit.

Someone actually took any of this seriously? THEY CAN'T BE ONE OF US!!!!

Talk about telling on yourself. lol
CNN bringing up him voting for dems after being disenfranchised during the Trump era, donating to Dems, his X posts being Anti-Trump and repeating Biden/Harris rhetoric. But I guess he's not a supporter.  omg He's just all over the place.
(09-15-2024, 11:42 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(09-15-2024, 11:05 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
BDubs wrote:Let's be really real: we can't be having people rationalizing this. That sort of thing goes nowhere good and fast.

You guys allowed people to grave dance on Shinzo Abe (whenever he deserve it or not). Why are you surprised that some longtime member will think is okay to rationalize political violence because “it worked that time and people here celebrated”.

Mind you they even allowed Deepwater back after he condoned Abe's assassination and asked for more politicians to get shotgunned to death.

I was going to ask is this a permanent ban or the kind of permanent ban that if you grovel to the mods and admins they'll let you back in

I guess since the assassin is a harris supporter that thread will die soon. Era needs to focus on what's more important now.
2 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
Wut How is this remotely inciting violence?
Quote:Unreal how normalized this shit is. This country is just irrecoverably broken, good lord.
ZeoVGM wrote:Yeah, probably worth its own thread. This is completely dangerous and unhinged behavior.

Musk is a psychopath.
Quote:Isn't saying this about the president illegal in America?
Quote:In a lifetime of insanity from Elon Musk, this might just top it all. Gargantuan recklessness and stupidity and cruelty. How is this country still affiliated with this man? How is he still operating here?!
Quote:Directly inciting people against the President and Vice President. How does he not have a knock from the FBI looking to ask him some questions?
Quote:One of the most dangerous statements by a public figure, let alone a man who can send this directly to his 350 million active users. This better absolutely pick up steam. This cannot be allowed to go unchecked.
Quote:The "plausible deniability" with Musk and his ilk is just "oh he's just peddling a conspiracy theory" which is fucked up in its own right with him owning a top social media company.

But if this isn't a nudge/nudge/wink/wink of a call-to-arms, I dunno what is. He's putting this out there in the hopes that someone will change their targets from Trump to Biden or Harris.
Quote:Straight up dangerous rhetoric. It doesn't matter what his intention is here. All it takes is the wrong weirdo seeing his post as some kind of instruction.
Quote:Shame the US won't do what Brazil did and ban Twitter.
Quote:If a every day person said that the SS and FBI would be kicking down their door. How do these fuckwits get away with it?
Quote:Wondering why the FBI, DOJ, whatever federal beautacracy, wouldn't step in right now.
Quote:I reported this to the FBI. It probably does no good, but fuck it. This shit is insane.
Quote:I think everyone is. Everyone should.
Quote:I just reported this to the FBI. Elon Musk is a piece of shit.
Literal fucking boomers. omfg

Quote:And they pulled the free speech card when responding to the tweet being taken down. The First Amendment does not protect true threats.
Not fucking remotely a true threat. lol
Booshka wrote:Capital runs the show, fascists just casually joking about assassination attempts on the government that keeps them in business.

We're definitely in one of those times…

More ACABs begging for cops to violate due process:
Quote:What I wouldn't give to see this fucker deported and/or stripped of his assets.
Quote:Nationalize Twitter and take the gun away from the baby.
Booshka wrote:His companies need to be seized and nationalized imo.
Quote:The very definition of stochastic terrorism, but there's nothing on the books to punish it.
Quote:It should also be noted for everyone to know: Musk also deleted the account of the person who attempted to assassinate Trump this afternoon once it was discovered through his tweets that he primarily supports Republican politicians
Quote:They will never accept the truth

Quote:We use to break up companies with too much control over vital national interests. Now it's fine for one crazy dude to control multiple sectors. What could possibly go wrong?
Quote:I think this is the first time in American history that such a famous non-American person living in the United States directly incites violence against the president and the vice president.

Why doesn't the government do something? Even in Brazil, it only took one judge to take down Twitter and it wasn't even close to this magnitude.
Dead Dead Dead Dead
Reading comprehension is so bad on that board. "Note that the assassination attempts are only coming from one side, because they're bad." "Wow, I can't believe you're telling the other side to start their own assassination attempts!"
(09-16-2024, 03:05 AM)PogiJones wrote: Reading comprehension is so bad on that board. 
It's either this or the basic ignorance about simple things that most animates me when I read a thread. Nepenthe and Booshka could literally fill a thread about white landlords and it wouldn't reach that level of drawing my interest.

edit: Oh, I forgot the ever enraging fact that NOBODY EVER PUSHES BACK on the stupidest shit while they'll argue for pages about a single word usage. Rage
We can still call Musk a cunt?
[Image: B3XtubV.png]

oh yeah archive everything, that's real important, you know that's one of the main tenets of resetera they're big on accountability

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