Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(09-16-2024, 03:09 AM)Boredfrom wrote: We can still call Musk a cunt?
I reported Boredfrom's post to the FBI. It probably does no good, but fuck it. This shit is insane. Everyone should.
(09-16-2024, 03:08 AM)benji wrote:
(09-16-2024, 03:05 AM)PogiJones wrote: Reading comprehension is so bad on that board. 
It's either this or the basic ignorance about simple things that most animates me when I read a thread. Nepenthe and Booshka could literally fill a thread about white landlords and it wouldn't reach that level of drawing my interest.

And boy howdy, you do NOT want to see an animated Benji! 
Gun Mr. Worldwide Gun Win Gun Gladbron Gun Batmayne Gun OH! Gun ufup
Screenshot in case he deletes:
[Image: qt2bYW1.png]
My like was captured  Existential
(09-16-2024, 03:16 AM)PogiJones wrote: My like was captured  Existential
It's called an admission of guilt to RICO charges. The FBI will be helping you get acquainted.
"Hello, FBI? Yes, Elon Musk tweeted something dumb."
Reply wrote:He's bitten the hand that feeds him. This is an attack on all Americans (myself included), literally trying to incite violence against a sitting President. The US Government should immediately cut off all contracts with his companies, despite the consequences. Kicking him in the wallet is the only language he'll understand.
Americacry Americacry Americacry Americacry

Sign My Guestbook! wrote:Okay. He needs to get the fuck out of our country. This isn't his home. This isn't his land. We are not his people. And he has no interest in trying.

He needs to leave.
WHITE PEOPLE But with an Indigenous guy.
Why would anyone still have a doge handle in 2024?
Feep wrote:I have like eight thousand followers on Twitter for my game studio, but today I told them all to either follow me on Blue Sky or TikTok because fuck that shithole. Bye bitch.
The Chosen One wrote:The day this guy took over Twitter was one of the darkest days in the last decade. He's radicalizing another generation of nutjobs and providing a buttery smooth pipeline for misinformation to flow and there's absolutely nothing anyone else in this country can do about it.

Elon has purchased a megaphone that puts him above any guidelines, rules or consequences for his words. He's become a ruling oligarch above the law.
All I have to say so far is..... get fucked GamerJM! Bet you feel so stupid seeing all your 16,200 posts getting flushed down the toilet, all because you couldn't keep your extermist left-leaning politics in check. Now you paid the price.

I think I rememeber that profile pic being fairly present throughout the "why women criticize" threads, and if so, then good riddance. It's less one person to laugh at, unfortunately, but as long as they feel like dogshit over getting permabanned, that's good enough for me lol
There are so so so so many prominent posters on there who think the FBI instantly visits and arrests anyone who ever says anything they don't like and it goes straight up to B-Dubs. lol
(09-16-2024, 03:05 AM)PogiJones wrote: Reading comprehension is so bad on that board. "Note that the assassination attempts are only coming from one side, because they're bad." "Wow, I can't believe you're telling the other side to start their own assassination attempts!"

hmm correction. They're assignation attempts dummy!
(09-16-2024, 03:29 AM)benji wrote: There are so so so so many prominent posters on there who think the FBI instantly visits and arrests anyone who ever says anything they don't like and it goes straight up to B-Dubs. lol

You're still smarting from the little FBI visit that Nepenthe organised for you, aren't you Benji? 

Oh you!
(09-16-2024, 03:40 AM)Potato wrote: You're still smarting from the little FBI visit that Nepenthe organised for you, aren't you Benji? 

Oh you!
The cops didn't even bother to send a form letter I could roast her about and put on the front page. Feels bad, man
(09-16-2024, 02:46 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

I guess since the assassin is a harris supporter that thread will die soon. Era needs to focus on what's more important now.

Quote:Yeah, probably worth its own thread. This is completely dangerous and unhinged behavior.

Musk is a psychopath.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D
(09-16-2024, 02:21 AM)PogiJones wrote:
(09-15-2024, 10:20 PM)TylenolJones wrote: Edit: User banned (permanent): rationalizing political assignations

No way it happened twice

(07-15-2024, 07:46 PM)PogiJones wrote: [Image: wWz7lAil.jpg]
CNN still refusing to call it an assassination
I get no respect!

So it wasn't Slayven who did the banned.  Damn, now I feel so bad about it  Stahp
Yes, I'm trans, so....

Unfortunately it's not an easy thing to do like it absolutely should be.

No, it should not be easy to change your name. If people could change their name on a whim it would be a nightmare. It takes about two seconds to realize that. Well, two seconds if you don't suffer from transbrain.
And it is quite easy to change your name.
(09-16-2024, 03:45 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: JeffMarvel
Quote:Yeah, probably worth its own thread. This is completely dangerous and unhinged behavior.

Musk is a psychopath.

Being fair, if your reading comprehension is subpar,

Quote:Why they want to kill Donald Trump?
And no one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala Thinking

could be interpreted as:

Quote:Why bad thing (Trump assassination attempt)?
And why this other bad thing(no assassination attempt on Kamala/Biden)? Thinking 

So part of the blame does lie with Elon for leaving that interpretation open with his slight ambiguity that the zealots will latch on to.
Why is no one trying to kill jeff(;
(09-16-2024, 03:12 AM)PogiJones wrote:
(09-16-2024, 03:08 AM)benji wrote:
(09-16-2024, 03:05 AM)PogiJones wrote: Reading comprehension is so bad on that board. 
It's either this or the basic ignorance about simple things that most animates me when I read a thread. Nepenthe and Booshka could literally fill a thread about white landlords and it wouldn't reach that level of drawing my interest.

And boy howdy, you do NOT want to see an animated Benji! 
Gun Mr. Worldwide Gun Win Gun Gladbron Gun Batmayne Gun OH! Gun ufup

"A cat wearing a military cap calling the FBI to report on a dog who is named PogiJones (which is a dog's name), real life"

you're on the phone Dead
(09-16-2024, 04:05 AM)PogiJones wrote: Being fair

out of 107 instances of the phrase "being fair" posted on the bire to date, this is the one singular time that pogijones has been fair

70 of these instances were posted by the user boredfrom, or 65.4% of all "being fairs" which have been posted

a scientific and thorough investigation has not been performed; for example, many instances of the remaining "being fairs" are likely just people quoting boredfrom, bringing his total percentage contribution of "being fairs" even higher

and no investigations have been conducted regarding "to be fair," "to be totally fair," "to be completely fair," "in fairness," and other such derivatives
To be fair, it's a reasonable question when every other President since Reagan but Biden has had an assassination attempt, being fair, of some kind. As long as you're, being totally fair, counting someone in the general area shooting in the same general area even if it's just at a building.

Probably too many of the stochastic terrorists believe the lies about Biden being old and having diminished capacity (it's a stutter and he had a cold) so just figure he'll die naturally and they don't have to speed it along. When in reality he'll live forever because of his adrenochrome usage he takes from Palestinian children. ("Cheese Pizza" or "CP" is a Zionist slang term meaning "children, Palestinian" to hide their real orders.)
I notice the white cishet "allies" don't pour out the likes when I get a little too real about Zionists and their global fascist plots to suppress lesbian music in hopes of upholding the gender binary, capitalism, colonialism and white supremacy. Another example where the patriarchal hegemony loves to claim they're about representation for marginalized people until we get a little serious about our issues. This is why queer women don't want to post on The Bire, all the ceaseless naked male aggression rather than wholesome and comfy young wlw vibes.
(09-16-2024, 05:04 AM)benji wrote: I notice the white cishet "allies" don't pour out the likes when I get a little too real about Zionists and their global fascist plots to suppress lesbian music in hopes of upholding the gender binary, capitalism, colonialism and white supremacy. Another example where the patriarchal hegemony loves to claim they're about representation for marginalized people until we get a little serious about our issues. This is why queer women don't want to post on The Bire, all the ceaseless naked male aggression rather than wholesome and comfy young wlw vibes.
Yuuup...every single baby lesbian thread going back to the beginning of this damn forum. Same shit different thread.

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