Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Polident dateline='[url=tel:1726575503' wrote: 1726575503[/url]']
Besticus Maximus dateline='[url=tel:1726574238' wrote: 1726574238[/url]']
I’m not far into warhammer but my initial impression was this is third person halo

Never repeat that in front of warhammer fans, or heavens forbid, call 40k a starcraft rip off. Big big trouble.

It’s got a lot of the good halo basics. 2 weapons, side arm and rifle. You’ve got your little supply stand things, there’s elites and grunts, the encounters are set up similarly to CE. Pretty good stuff imo. I’ve missed it.
(09-17-2024, 12:17 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Quote:I mean let's use his example of Halo, wasn't that game saying genocide is bad since the Covenant wants to kill humans and religion and hierarchy should be criticized since the Prophets had a coup and led the Covenant to a war because they got spooked by humans being inheritors to Forerunners. So is that "imposing morals?"
No, because this is a clearly stupid interpretation. Halo isn't trying to convince you that genocide is bad. Genocide wouldn't become "good" if the Forerunners really did intend to wipe out humanity with the Halos rather than The Flood. Covenant civilization collapses not because genocide is wrong but because the leadership lied about what the Forerunners said. Presumably everyone who rebelled was just fine with the war had it been what the Forerunners actually intended, the Forerunners maintaining their "holy" position which then extends to humanity with the truth revealed.

Halo doesn't impose any of this on you because it assumes you already believe the truth is correct. (And genocide is wrong, especially when leaders are lying about the reasons.) And you're a fucking idiot if you play through those games and determine humanity is holy because the Forerunners said so.

Also, your forum is the Covenant Prophets here since it always turns to violence to silence anyone who points out when you're wrong and/or lying or otherwise undermines your narrative and perceived power. Including sparking conflicts with sinful outsiders.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
MeDiA lItErAcY
That forum has absolutely no sense of moral and ethical principles other than what social power imposes on them that they can't even tell when something is or is not attempting to impose morals on them. Utterly baffled by distinctions between universal, general and specific principles that people mean when they complain about this kind of thing and that they collapse with their universal general claim that everything is the same except themselves. Completely blind to if their claim was true than they couldn't make any distinction between media which is "imposing" good morals or bad morals on the audience.
We’re not imposing morals Social Justice Warrior 2

We’re just ruining your life and getting you sacked and asking you to kill yourself if you don’t adhere to every unwritten metaphysical rule we’ve just made up
(09-17-2024, 12:17 PM)PogiJones wrote: "Did this person accidentally say the n-word" threads are by far the most boring genre of threads Snoring

Hopefully next week's episode has something to offer.
It's amazing that they don't even realize.

Breaking news: Guy we already hate by association, have already labeled as a virulent racist bigot homophobic genocider, and would never listen to CONFIRMS (maybe...???) he is all of those things.

So what? If he didn't slip would Erans think he wasn't racist and didn't use the word at home in private with his evil white family? What exactly is confirmed or revealed here?
i didn't know meghan kelly has a podcast, good job platforming these people era.
Did they successfully cancel that woman that was streaming and supposedly said the "n-word store"? I remember hearing it and thinking yeah it kind of sounds like that but in the context it made no sense. 

Coincidentally I was just watching the new red letter media video and they were doing ghost hunting stuff. They had lots of examples of those ghost EVPs that when you listen to them without the subtitles they don't sound like anything at all, but with the subtitles you can hear it.

When it's ambiguous people just go with the answer they like. Reee is a hotbed of hearing and seeing things that aren't there or intended. Like gay 13-year-old lovers in a cartoon movie. And all those trans characters that aren't really trans, even according to the creators.
Quote:Let me set the scene.

I'm off tomorrow so I decided that tonight I'm going to have a few drinks and no life Space Marine 2. But before I get started I decide to go grab a couple of burritos from Taco Bell so I have some snacks when I get done. I go the back way so I don't have to turn left across traffic and I only have to deal with one street light, but that involves going down a small two lane back road with mostly mechanic shops and a tree farm/building supply depot. On the way there nothing weird and I get my burritos. I go back the same way I came.


On my way back I turn down that normally deserted backroad and I can clearly see bright headlights shooting across the road from one of the entrances to the depot. I think thats weird, but maybe its someone that worked late pulling out. But the headlights still stay there shooting across the road the whole time I'm going down the road. So I obviously slow down in case someone is about to pull out and once I get within about a 100ft of the turn in the lights go out so now I REALLY slow down because I don't want someone crossing the road or something in front of me. I slow to about 20mph in a 35mph zone as I pass the turn in just to be safe.

Its a cop.

No idea what he is doing on a deserted back road with no thru traffic in a turn in with a locked gate, but there he was. I see him and then I keep going thinking not much of it. He IMMEDIATELY turns his headlights back on and pulls out behind me. Floors it to catch up to me. I had my windows down so I could hear him gun it. That damn SUV roared down that back road to catch me. So clearly this cop is looking for an excuse to stop me. He rides my ass all the way to the stop sign with his high beams on as well as the flood lights. I'm talking tailgating distance. Clearly trying to get me to do something wrong or speed up past the speed limit so he could stop me. If I had even just tapped the brakes he was going to hit me that's how close he was. I come to a full stop at the stop sign, look both ways, signal, and then take my turn. He then rolls the stop sign in order to stay behind me. Rides right up my ass the whole way to my neighborhood turn in. I set my cruise control at just under the limit so he has no excuse to stop me. I signal to turn into my neighborhood and then he GUNS it to go around me once he realizes I wasn't going to do anything wrong. I bet he was already running my tags.

My hands were still shaking by the time I got into my driveway even though I didn't even do anything wrong. That's fucking bullshit. All I wanted were some burritos and what I got was anxiety and stress for no damn reason at all.
Cop follows him taking the back roads from a Taco Bell late at night. Cop blasts him with the lights probably to read the license plate. Keeps following the guy till the plate comes back as clean. Cop stops following him. The End.

Or fill the story with a useless backstory, add some hyperbole and say the cops are a bunch of dirt bags and baiting for just doing their job.

What a Nothing Burger. I thought at least he got pulled over and the cop yelled at him or something.
(09-17-2024, 01:43 PM)killamajig wrote: Did they successfully cancel that woman that was streaming and supposedly said the "n-word store"? I remember hearing it and thinking yeah it kind of sounds like that but in the context it made no sense. 

Coincidentally I was just watching the new red letter media video and they were doing ghost hunting stuff. They had lots of examples of those ghost EVPs that when you listen to them without the subtitles they don't sound like anything at all, but with the subtitles you can hear it.

When it's ambiguous people just go with the answer they like. Reee is a hotbed of hearing and seeing things that aren't there or intended. Like gay 13-year-old lovers in a cartoon movie. And all those trans characters that aren't really trans, even according to the creators.

Isn't n word store gal amouranth? Because if it is...

(09-17-2024, 12:17 PM)PogiJones wrote: "Did this person accidentally say the n-word" threads are by far the most boring genre of threads Snoring

Hopefully next week's episode has something to offer.

nothing will top the lady supposedly saying "n word store", something that does not exist and no one says lol
damn im always so behind that you people already posted the same thing Rofl
(09-17-2024, 02:04 AM)books wrote: I'm of the belief that asexuals just haven't laid yet. It's a coping mechanism for not being doing anything to get what you want and trying to rationalize it to your peers.
I will say, from experience, that asexual people definitely do exist, but it's more like a form of autism whereby they struggle sharing the same physical space as someone. Kindof like an extreme agoraphobia.

(09-17-2024, 07:48 AM)Snoopy wrote: Rejoice Nep. The society you've been praying for is finally coming

Quote:"We're going to have supervision," Ellison said. "Every police officer is going to be supervised at all times, and if there's a problem, AI will report that problem and report it to the appropriate person. Citizens will be on their best behavior because we are constantly recording and reporting everything that's going on."
RE already had a thread on this, which I already linked to with a sardonic comment. Could I have received more likes for it? I would say so, yes.
I hope with the success of Astro Bot Sony realizes that they need to pivot on GoW6, and kill all of Kratos’s new friends. Then turn it back into the outlandish revenge game that the original 3 were. This deep dark drama has gotten tiring after just two of the new ones. Take a page from Space Marine 2.

Why can’t our violent action heroes just be questionable sociopaths again? You can still have side characters chastising them, but let them be for male fantasy purposes.
(09-17-2024, 03:21 PM)DocWager wrote: I hope with the success of Astro Bot Sony realizes that they need to pivot on GoW6, and kill all of Kratos’s new friends. Then turn it back into the outlandish revenge game that the original 3 were. This deep dark drama has gotten tiring after just two of the new ones. Take a page from Space Marine 2.

Why can’t our violent action heroes just be questionable sociopaths again? You can still have side characters chastising them, but let them be for male fantasy purposes.

I don't even mind the turn Kratos took but it bothers me that specifically in Ragnarok he kind of always makes the right or pacifist choice. That's not my guy, my little rage boy who fucked up his life. Should he be wiser? Absolutely, but give me some slip ups where he falls back into his old ways. Like making some character who tried to fuck with him really regret it because they had no clue who they're really dealing with here. 
Overall that's a problem I'm generally starting to see with the recent slate of Sony games. Everything tries to be so mellow, making sure that it remains non offensive. Maybe that's the effect of the high budgets. Can't have anything too crass in your summer blockbuster movies either after all.
Concord was the pure essence of that. All the cutscenes from that game are just soulless character archetypes. Hey that one guy really likes hot sauce, isn't that hilarious and hopefully non offensive?
(09-17-2024, 02:04 PM)killamajig wrote:
Quote:Let me set the scene.

I'm off tomorrow so I decided that tonight I'm going to have a few drinks and no life Space Marine 2. But before I get started I decide to go grab a couple of burritos from Taco Bell so I have some snacks when I get done. I go the back way so I don't have to turn left across traffic and I only have to deal with one street light, but that involves going down a small two lane back road with mostly mechanic shops and a tree farm/building supply depot. On the way there nothing weird and I get my burritos. I go back the same way I came.


On my way back I turn down that normally deserted backroad and I can clearly see bright headlights shooting across the road from one of the entrances to the depot. I think thats weird, but maybe its someone that worked late pulling out. But the headlights still stay there shooting across the road the whole time I'm going down the road. So I obviously slow down in case someone is about to pull out and once I get within about a 100ft of the turn in the lights go out so now I REALLY slow down because I don't want someone crossing the road or something in front of me. I slow to about 20mph in a 35mph zone as I pass the turn in just to be safe.

Its a cop.

No idea what he is doing on a deserted back road with no thru traffic in a turn in with a locked gate, but there he was. I see him and then I keep going thinking not much of it. He IMMEDIATELY turns his headlights back on and pulls out behind me. Floors it to catch up to me. I had my windows down so I could hear him gun it. That damn SUV roared down that back road to catch me. So clearly this cop is looking for an excuse to stop me. He rides my ass all the way to the stop sign with his high beams on as well as the flood lights. I'm talking tailgating distance. Clearly trying to get me to do something wrong or speed up past the speed limit so he could stop me. If I had even just tapped the brakes he was going to hit me that's how close he was. I come to a full stop at the stop sign, look both ways, signal, and then take my turn. He then rolls the stop sign in order to stay behind me. Rides right up my ass the whole way to my neighborhood turn in. I set my cruise control at just under the limit so he has no excuse to stop me. I signal to turn into my neighborhood and then he GUNS it to go around me once he realizes I wasn't going to do anything wrong. I bet he was already running my tags.

My hands were still shaking by the time I got into my driveway even though I didn't even do anything wrong. That's fucking bullshit. All I wanted were some burritos and what I got was anxiety and stress for no damn reason at all.
Cop follows him taking the back roads from a Taco Bell late at night. Cop blasts him with the lights probably to read the license plate. Keeps following the guy till the plate comes back as clean. Cop stops following him. The End.

Or fill the story with a useless backstory, add some hyperbole and say the cops are a bunch of dirt bags and baiting for just doing their job.

What a Nothing Burger. I thought at least he got pulled over and the cop yelled at him or something.

"by the time they get home, they're like seriously rattled, like, were those burritos even worth it?"

1:31 "And, get this - one user timshundo just goes, 'they are master baiters.'"
timshundo didn't say that but Dead 

2:19 "Right, it's not like we can go point to these posts and be like, 'see?! systemic issue!!'"

it's shitting on their handwringing Whoo  Dead Dead
(09-17-2024, 03:21 PM)DocWager wrote: I hope with the success of Astro Bot Sony realizes that they need to pivot on GoW6, and kill all of Kratos’s new friends. Then turn it back into the outlandish revenge game that the original 3 were. This deep dark drama has gotten tiring after just two of the new ones. Take a page from Space Marine 2.

Why can’t our violent action heroes just be questionable sociopaths again? You can still have side characters chastising them, but let them be for male fantasy purposes.
I'm open to them changing things up with nu-GoW, but I really really liked the gameplay of Ragnarok. 

I'm always saying that it feels like the closest realization of a "western" response to the long-running crazy character action genre started with DMC. I worry if they change up the content, they'll change up the gameplay too...and I don't hate ALL of Kratos new friends, though I wish they were allowed to do more.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
also Selene is a perfectly cromulent violent action hero/questionable sociopath.
Israel blows off the nuts of a bunch of Hezbollah with their own pagers, Resetera's reaction:

Quote:Milky Way
31 minutes ago

I didn't even know you can do that. Now I'm paranoid of having my phone in my pocket

26 minutes ago

 I also doubt all the pagers that were blown up were Hezbollah. They don't really care how accurate they are when killing brown people. What I mean is when there is no consequences and you don't care about innocents it makes things much easier. The tech is impressive though but I mean so was "Lavender" it's also extremely flawed and kills a ton of innocents. It's operations that achieve goals with minimum innocent casualties that are impressive to me.

11 minutes ago
We need to see how many innocents were killed. That is only indicator as to how much actual precision was involved in this. The problem is to Israel and the west every brown person is a terrorist or terrorist sympathizer so no one is innocent. This definitely got a lot of new faces in this thread though welcome.

A moment ago
The fascists killed at least eight people including a 10 year old girl in this terrorist attack.

14 minutes ago
This shit would be a global outrage if the roles were reversed, and rightfully so because this is fucking terrorism
14 minutes ago
I hate this fucking world. How much longer do I have to see my people get injured and die by the hands of israel

Spoiler:  (click to show)
PlayStation™ Fan Discussing Their Fine Products TRIGGER
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:How the fuck did they coordinate all this? It's insane.

I didn't even know you can do that. Now I'm paranoid of having my phone in my pocket.

[Image: benjamin-netanyahu-%D7%91%D7%A0%D7%99%D7...%D7%95.gif]
(09-17-2024, 03:21 PM)DocWager wrote: I hope with the success of Astro Bot Sony realizes that they need to pivot on GoW6, and kill all of Kratos’s new friends. Then turn it back into the outlandish revenge game that the original 3 were. This deep dark drama has gotten tiring after just two of the new ones. Take a page from Space Marine 2.

Why can’t our violent action heroes just be questionable sociopaths again? You can still have side characters chastising them, but let them be for male fantasy purposes.


But Titus from Space Marine is basically nu Kratos compared with other characters of his universe. Yeshrug 

In the first game he was basically the ideal hero from his universe and in the sequel he seeks “redemption” for something that happened beyond his control in the first game.
Quote:I hate this fucking world. How much longer do I have to see my people get injured and die by the hands of israel

Quote:There is surely no way you can hack simple and small devices like this to explode like that.

Quote:How is that even possible? The pagers had to have been compromised somehow right, and even then... how would they manage that at that scale?

Quote:More surprised how they managed to pack such effective explosives into the pagers, while keeping them functional. After all, if the pagers stopped working entirely, people would stop wearing them, send them in for repairs and then the whole thing is discovered. The constraints within which this attack has to work are kinda insane

[Image: tumblr_p2dnxn79aw1qfqs50o1_540.gif]
Pager Rager has its own thread too but it's mostly people marvelling at the ingenuity.

4 minutes ago
TheDestructiveSquirrel said:
Which is why walking around with explosives in your pager is a terrible idea, if they were designed that way to remote detonate if lost or stolen

Other way to look at this is that maybe Israel shouldn't blindly commit mass acts of terrorism like this.

Roll Tahd, Pawl Moderator
4 minutes ago


That's a crazy explosion that has an unpredictable shrapnel direction. The first video is mostly projected away from the man, and could have easily hit the other man walking by. The 2nd video looks to mostly into the guy with the pager's stomach.

This is crazy and dangerous.

Was this a case of somehow introducing tainted pagers to "targets" or just a widespread "Explode all Pagers at dawn" virus? More complete disregard for innocent bystanders.

1 minute ago
Israel just blew up and injured or killed 2700+ Lebanese people indiscriminately. fucking terrorists.


Plus some boring "does Israel want a regional war" question asking as if Hezbollah hasn't been launching rockets for months.

1 minute ago
Just for the record, up till now 9 killed and more than 2000 injured, most civillians.
Hosptials are still receiving huge numbers of injured people.

Another day of Israel terrorism in the region.

Pressing x to doubt. What civilian uses a pager these days?
Quote:Israel just blew up and injured or killed 2700+ Lebanese people indiscriminately. fucking terrorists.

I mean, by the sounds of it, this is outright not true. That Israel didn’t care about collateral and normal people in between is another matter entirely.
Hezbollah bought exploding pagers and the Israelis hacked them because they’re actually competent and serving their fellow public instead of walking around with explodable phones because you think Allah is giving you a pass if you fuck up on the job.
The theory seems to be that Hezbollah themselves rigged the pagers to destroy them if they get lost/captured. If that's the case then this shit is entirely on them. Don't strap bombs to a pager and give them to people
That guy probably drives like a moron and the cop was like, "Hey, that guy drives like a moron, better check this out."
Most of the Hezbollahs kept the pagers in their pockets, so they all got free gender reassignment surgery Heart
Hezbollah leadership will be bored tonight. No pornhub in the dubai penthouse tonight! Dominos and colouring in for the foreseeable. Something must be done.
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(09-17-2024, 04:11 PM)Nintex wrote:
Quote:I hate this fucking world. How much longer do I have to see my people get injured and die by the hands of israel

No idea who posted this. But I’m gonna say he’s living in London.
He can and will post bail.

He has that right as a defendant, along with due process

Dude definitely suffered brain damage at some point

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