Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
“The gaming discourse” (that they started)
edit: beaten

but lol
SilentEagle wrote:[wild post about dating a blonde that someone else beat me to]

This is wild stuff
(09-19-2024, 06:56 AM)benji wrote: Do you think there's a storage room somewhere in Lebanon that blew up because the local cell leader didn't bother to hand out the stuff and just shoved the box in a back room? "I'll get to that later, it's kebab time!"

(11 hours ago)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(11 hours ago)DavidCroquet wrote: Well BananaBlast, when you're right, you're right. Valkaria IS a pussy ass bitch.

Valkaria wrote:I apologise if it was just coincidences. I'm probably overly on alert over these things after how gaming discourse has been, particularly in the last few months.
I'm almost disappointed.

I wonder whose alt that is. Came crashing in at the end of August, already has over 200 posts and acts like they own the place

Edit: Top of the page Baldurs Gate goodness

The deer/moose head in the background is Era screaming about the patriarchy making her wear such a revealing costume.
(10 hours ago)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

SpazEagle wrote:Hello Era, you guys have been immensely helpful to me in my previous threads, and I think most of you are more mature than me. That's why I need help.

I am going to do my best to summarize all my feelings and that's why I am taking my time to write these words. It took three days to write this down.

I've broke up with my toxic ex-GF more than a year ago. The first 3 months were difficult but after those months, I feel like I am free and reclaiming my independence felt extremely good.

After some time, I felt like I was ready for a relationship but this time I was more experienced, and I promised myself I won't make the same mistakes, and I'll find someone who really cares about me.

From time to time, I felt lonely, and I started to search for someone to date.

It felt like I could date anyone I wanted. Models could get in line to date me. Of course, I know who is out of my league, but you get the idea.

2 months ago, I've met with someone, and we start seeing each other. It was like flirting. We go out and spend some time together. We had so much fun when we were together. We always had moments like "Oh wow. 4 hours have passed?". It was so fun, and I was happy. And after a month we start dating and now we are officially a "couple"

We've been dating for a month, and she is really into me. That's why what I do for her doesn't feel like a responsibility, I become happy just for making her happy.

Now you probably said "Dude, what's your problem then?"

All right. It will sound funny, but I'll do my best to explain it. When I was a teenager, I watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I had a crush on Buffy (we all had, right?). I don't know why but my attraction was into blondes after that. When we were debating about Elena or Chloe (from Uncharted) with my friends back then and I was always #TeamElena. So, in real life, I always wanted to date with a blonde girl.

I always wanted my ex to dye her hair to blonde. I was always like "Wow. She looks gorgeous." when I see a natural blonde in a movie or TV show (Yes, I know they are extremely rare)

Well, my current girlfriend is a natural blonde and has blue eyes, but she is not like Scadinavian women blonde. More like darker blonde but it's obvious she is a blonde. You know what I mean, right?

Anyway, I really like spending time with her but since we start dating, my mind had a factory reset and my attraction went into brunettes. It might sound funny, but I stopped watching movies or TV shows because I'd be jealous if I see a couple with a brunette woman in it. And it's not just about her. I just can't find blonde celebrities attractive like I used to. I don't know what happened to me. It makes me really upset because I should be happy because everything is going well.

At the same time, I have two fears. The first one is, I feel like this because she is "too good" to me. I remember it didn't feel like it with my narcissist ex. Because it was up and down. But it wasn't natural. I was manipulated. But will it always happen? Will I get bored if a woman is "too nice" to me?

Second one is, I am not a relationship type of guy. What if you get bored when a relationship gets serious? I am afraid of this because I want to have a family with a wife and kids.

I tell myself that it's just a hair color. Not a big deal. But I find brunettes way more attractive now. I was watching a movie, and the woman has dark hair and thick eyebrows. She was gorgeous. She was more beautiful than any other blonde woman I've ever seen. But I wasn't always like this. Beautiful woman is beautiful woman. Doesn't matter if she is blonde or brunette. But it happened after I started this relationship.

Two days ago, me and my friend were talking and he said "Man, I think blonde hair is so 80s. Brunette women are way more attractive." I felt like I was going to cry.

And because of this I hate myself because I am in a great relationship. A relationship I always dreamt of.

Well to be honest, I am not Henry Cavill either. I know my league.But sometimes I feel trapped because of this. I don't want to break up with her just because of this. I know I'll lose a person who likes me for what I am. I was 100% honest with her about everything. She accepted my whole personality. And she will be really upset. But I want to overcome this problem of mine. Maybe, I'll just ask whether she can dye her hair dark.

I think I'll start therapy. I hate myself.

Welp, time to log into the riotous account since it's hidden.

Quote:It felt like I could date anyone I wanted. Models could get in line to date me. Of course, I know who is out of my league, but you get the idea.

Quote:Well to be honest, I am not Henry Cavill either. I know my league
Not like this!
6 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, benji, BIONIC, Potato, Venice, D3RANG3D
Valkaria isn't letting that chud off that easily:

Quote:Solid effort but your explanation would be a lot more believable if you hadn't also posted the Colin tweet on IconEra with the following comment:

Quote:I believe its 200 from Probably monsters + 200 from Sony, Most of the studio is made up of bungie veterans so high 6 figure compensation, the studio is in bellevue of all places. The catered lunches with avocado toasts and exotic juice bars + DEI training the costs add up.

jeelybeans wrote:Couldn't stand my ex's mom calling me a Hamas supporter and how disappointing that was because "they throw people off buildings". 🙄
If the shoe fits... Elon
(10 hours ago)Averon wrote: Valkaria isn't letting that chud off that easily::

Quote:Solid effort but your explanation would be a lot more believable if you hadn't also posted the Colin tweet on IconEra with the following comment:

Quote:I believe its 200 from Probably monsters + 200 from Sony, Most of the studio is made up of bungie veterans so high 6 figure compensation, the studio is in bellevue of all places. The catered lunches with avocado toasts and exotic juice bars + DEI training the costs add up.

Dude fucked up when used DEI and avocado toasts. omfg 

(Oh foreigners, thinking that avocado/aguacate is classy Snob )
SpazEagle? More wait, that name works. 

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Hello Era, you guys have been immensely helpful to me in my previous threads, and I think most of you are more mature than me. That's why I need help.

I am going to do my best to summarize all my feelings and that's why I am taking my time to write these words. It took three days to write this down.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And I think I'll start therapy. I hate myself.
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, killamajig, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:My dude I don't think this thread is going to go well for you.
Quote:Reads more like an AITA thread
Quote:I've never been banned and I'm not going to break that trend now.
Quote:Yeah I was expecting something else here…..

Go to therapy and do not ask her to dye her hair…..
Quote:Looking forward to the inevitable thread a year from now where you're pining for your blonde ex who dumped you because you asked her to dye her hair lol
Quote:Invite her to era so we can tell her to run now.
Quote:Why are dating posts on Era always so.. ...

I forgot I put people on ignore list  lol
Quote:If I say what I want to say I'll get banned so I'll only say: get the fuck over yourself dude. She likes you and you like her and that's the most important thing in a relationship if you're taking it seriously.
Quote:I think you should take your head out of your ass.
4 users liked this post: MJBarret, Gameboy Nostalgia, Hap Shaughnessy, Venice
(10 hours ago)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

jeelybeans wrote:Couldn't stand my ex's mom calling me a Hamas supporter and how disappointing that was because "they throw people off buildings". 🙄
If the shoe fits... Elon

Look it's the "haha, muslims call people non-believers as a joke" guy complaining about being called a terrorist supporter, funny

Quote:The Lebanese government has requested an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council following the latest Israeli strike in Beirut, accusing Israel of carrying out acts “akin to genocide” on Lebanese soil.

The Lebanese caretaker cabinet said in a statement posted on X that Friday’s “targeting of a populated residential area once again proves that the Israeli enemy has no regard for humanitarian, legal, or moral considerations, but continues what resembles genocide.”

Holy Shit. This is diplomacy now.
They are now in pure witch hunting mode:
Quote:But the account on IconEra with your previous Stellar Blade avatar made a thread about the Colin tweet 14 minutes before you made the same thread here?
Quote:Gotta do better than that
Quote:You are pretty good at googling stuff mate. Five minutes and you are finding exactly that one user that stole your old avatar on a website you never heard of... wow

wonkybump's getting the Black Chamber treatment.
(10 hours ago)Averon wrote: They are now in pure witch hunting mode:
Quote:But the account on IconEra with your previous Stellar Blade avatar made a thread about the Colin tweet 14 minutes before you made the same thread here?
Quote:Gotta do better than that
Quote:You are pretty good at googling stuff mate. Five minutes and you are finding exactly that one user that stole your old avatar on a website you never heard of... wow

wonkybump's getting the Black Chamber treatment.

I thought Ree doesn't do witch-hunting or off site stuff  hmm
(10 hours ago)Averon wrote: Valkaria isn't letting that chud off that easily:

Quote:Solid effort but your explanation would be a lot more believable if you hadn't also posted the Colin tweet on IconEra with the following comment:

Quote:I believe its 200 from Probably monsters + 200 from Sony, Most of the studio is made up of bungie veterans so high 6 figure compensation, the studio is in bellevue of all places. The catered lunches with avocado toasts and exotic juice bars + DEI training the costs add up.
Definitely an alt or something weird going on here. They deleted their prior apology (post just says "nvm" now) and double-tapped with this. 

Will continue watching with interest: cross-site drama is a big no-no (you might see an innocent administrator's private musings about the collective nation of jews, for instance) but if this guy was found to discuss Colin Moriarty's statements on a website where he is not a banned source...woah, buddy. That's a big one!
Wonky fucked up hard. Trumps 

3 users liked this post: BananaBlast, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(9 hours ago)DavidCroquet wrote:
(10 hours ago)Averon wrote: Valkaria isn't letting that chud off that easily:

Quote:Solid effort but your explanation would be a lot more believable if you hadn't also posted the Colin tweet on IconEra with the following comment:
Definitely an alt or something weird going on here. They deleted their prior apology (post just says "nvm" now) and double-tapped with this. 

Will continue watching with interest: cross-site drama is a big no-no (you might see an innocent administrator's private musings about the collective nation of jews, for instance) but if this guy was found to discuss Colin Moriarty's statements on a website where he is not a banned source...woah, buddy. That's a big one!

That they found the thread on icon era in the first place is super sus. Who even watches that site, let alone a new member
(10 hours ago)Boredfrom wrote:

Quote:The Lebanese government has requested an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council following the latest Israeli strike in Beirut, accusing Israel of carrying out acts “akin to genocide” on Lebanese soil.

The Lebanese caretaker cabinet said in a statement posted on X that Friday’s “targeting of a populated residential area once again proves that the Israeli enemy has no regard for humanitarian, legal, or moral considerations, but continues what resembles genocide.”

Holy Shit. This is diplomacy now.

Someone should set off the Hezbollah pagers at the UN Trumps

Spoiler: Don't eat the cat! (click to show)
[Image: GXzV134XIAAeGYr?format=jpg&name=large]
wonkybump had been fanning the flames for a while, i'm surprised the tr00n gank squad hadn't eliminated him earlier
4 users liked this post: BananaBlast, Gameboy Nostalgia, Potato, Taco Bell Tower
Meanwhile the concord story keeps on giving. They really thought they were sitting on pure gold

No wonder their reaction to negativity was "I don't listen to untalented hacks"
We don’t even look at iconera Everybody is laughing at you!
(10 hours ago)Boredfrom wrote:

Quote:The Lebanese government has requested an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council following the latest Israeli strike in Beirut, accusing Israel of carrying out acts “akin to genocide” on Lebanese soil.

The Lebanese caretaker cabinet said in a statement posted on X that Friday’s “targeting of a populated residential area once again proves that the Israeli enemy has no regard for humanitarian, legal, or moral considerations, but continues what resembles genocide.”

Holy Shit. This is diplomacy now.

I have a feeling that calling everything genocide will backfire in the long run
(9 hours ago)Nintex wrote:
(10 hours ago)Boredfrom wrote:

Quote:The Lebanese government has requested an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council following the latest Israeli strike in Beirut, accusing Israel of carrying out acts “akin to genocide” on Lebanese soil.

The Lebanese caretaker cabinet said in a statement posted on X that Friday’s “targeting of a populated residential area once again proves that the Israeli enemy has no regard for humanitarian, legal, or moral considerations, but continues what resembles genocide.”

Holy Shit. This is diplomacy now.

Someone should set off the Hezbollah pagers at the UN Trumps


Don’t go full ERA.
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, DavidCroquet
(09-19-2024, 11:22 PM)Jansen wrote:

Haha this is definitely an alt

Starting to think it's a.mod approved alt

They basically came onto resetera swinging

Like I said... Valkaria is definitely an alt. Just can't figure out whose
(9 hours ago)Lonewulfeus wrote: We don’t even look at iconera Everybody is laughing at you!

The thought of a place that's described has "hardcore playstation fanboys" by RESETERA of all places terrifies me.
(9 hours ago)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(9 hours ago)DavidCroquet wrote:
(10 hours ago)Averon wrote: Valkaria isn't letting that chud off that easily:
Definitely an alt or something weird going on here. They deleted their prior apology (post just says "nvm" now) and double-tapped with this. 

Will continue watching with interest: cross-site drama is a big no-no (you might see an innocent administrator's private musings about the collective nation of jews, for instance) but if this guy was found to discuss Colin Moriarty's statements on a website where he is not a banned source...woah, buddy. That's a big one!

That they found the thread on icon era in the first place is super sus. Who even watches that site, let alone a new member
Pretty obvious they are an alt. Only someone really deep into ERA's bullshit would even know what IconERA is or to even have the idea to look there.
bitches still talking shit on soken's genius smh maf 

(10 hours ago)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

jeelybeans wrote:Couldn't stand my ex's mom calling me a Hamas supporter and how disappointing that was because "they throw people off buildings". 🙄
If the shoe fits... Elon

Imagine how asshole you need to be IRL to be called off that way. He barely contains his contempt for “infidels” in a video game forum, and remember he says “infidels” to people he dislikes… imagine what he tells to people with religious disagreements.

Valkaria wrote:Hello, nice to meet you all Smile

Long time lurker for years now, used this site to keep up with the gaming world and so I figured I'd finally register, thanks for approving my registration!

I doubt it.
(10 hours ago)malfoyking wrote:
Valse di Fantastica is one of the best songs in the series so Queen Yoko gets massive credit there

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