Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(10 hours ago)kaleidoscopium wrote: What a great thread, crossing Eden’s outright meltdown… they have to work either in gaming or something very related to be that upset. 

Maybe they worked on concord and are pissed about being fired lol

Isn't crossing eden connected to Ubisoft in some way?

The company that is about to blow up their biggest franchise because of someones gay black samurai fetish?
bdubs wrote:Ok, given you're all just arguing and accusing each other of shit we're locking the thread.

Weird how common this is lately, if only we could solve geopolitics like this  Gloomy
(10 hours ago)kaleidoscopium wrote: What a great thread, crossing Eden’s outright meltdown… they have to work either in gaming or something very related to be that upset. 

Maybe they worked on concord and are pissed about being fired lol

Just read this turd-nugget of wisdom from Crossing Eden:

[Image: Oyiz0Km.png]

Crossing Eden wrote:You're far FAR too gullible to be taking Colin Moriarity as a legit source. Genuinely use critical thinking skills fam

[Image: 5jE41YO.gif]

Crossing Eden, not only are you one of the dumbest people in the history of the internet, you are one of the dumbest people since the dawn of human civilization.

I have no idea how your ancestors somehow managed to survive to the 21st Century and spawn you.

You're the last moron on the planet who should ever tell anyone else to use 'critical thinking skills fam'.
(10 hours ago)DavidCroquet wrote:
(11 hours ago)nachobro wrote: every platform fanboy group thought they were being mistreated so they all made their own sites

metacouncil for pc
xboxera for xbox
famiboards for nintendo

but iconera for sony is the funniest one. yeah resetti and gaf were just so anti-sony Rofl

for people to laugh at and weirdos, the best of these is famiboards. but i dunno if people are willing to dig that deep for 3rd level spinoff gaf drama. metacouncil is very chill and cool, be nice to them.
Is there any reason "era" became the preferred suffix? sounds like iconera predates reset?

don't think icon-era predates it, no
(11 hours ago)who is ted danson? wrote:

Quote:Alarming influx of Ethiopian migrants in Somalia - Our country is being overrun!
Discussion 💬
I'm a frequent traveler to Somalia, visiting 3-4 times a year with family in Kismayo, Mogadishu, Garowe, and Eyl. What I've witnessed recently has left me deeply disturbed and frankly, scared for our country's future.

The scale of Ethiopian migration into Somalia has reached crisis levels. It's not just a trickle - it's a flood, and it's happening right before our eyes.

Alarming observations:

During road trips to Laasa Caano, I've seen endless lines of Ethiopians marching south, like an invading force.

They're rapidly establishing their own segregated communities and businesses, creating 'mini-Ethiopias' within our cities.

These migrants are pouring in completely unchecked - no documentation, no vetting, nothing. Who knows what they're bringing with them?

It's not just individuals anymore - entire families are relocating, suggesting this is a permanent move.

Last year, the situation became impossible to ignore. In some areas, there are literally thousands of Ethiopian migrants. The tension between them and local Somalis is palpable and growing by the day.

The numbers are staggering and frankly terrifying. Ethiopia's female population alone is over 60 million - that's multiple times the entire population of Somalia!

I'm forced to ask: Are we witnessing the silent conquest of our homeland? How long before we become a minority in our own country?

This isn't about xenophobia - it's about the survival of our culture, our way of life, and our sovereignty as a nation. The demographic shift is happening at an alarming rate, and nobody seems to be talking about it.

Am I the only one seeing this? Am I the only one worried about what Somalia will look like in 5, 10, or 20 years if this continues unchecked?

We need to wake up and address this crisis before it's too late. What are your thoughts? Has anyone else noticed this overwhelming influx? What can we do to protect our country's future?

Think of the desperation of these poor folks when Somalia is an upgrade.
(10 hours ago)kaleidoscopium wrote: What a great thread, crossing Eden’s outright meltdown… they have to work either in gaming or something very related to be that upset. 

Maybe they worked on concord and are pissed about being fired lol

He is probably a marketing executive or something like that. At worst, a community manager. 

Is fucking crazy to me that Concord cost a lot of money and they decided just send it to die… only to discover it will cost them more doing than an outright cancellation.
(9 hours ago)Ethan wrote:
(11 hours ago)who is ted danson? wrote:

Quote:Alarming influx of Ethiopian migrants in Somalia - Our country is being overrun!
Discussion 💬
I'm a frequent traveler to Somalia, visiting 3-4 times a year with family in Kismayo, Mogadishu, Garowe, and Eyl. What I've witnessed recently has left me deeply disturbed and frankly, scared for our country's future.

The scale of Ethiopian migration into Somalia has reached crisis levels. It's not just a trickle - it's a flood, and it's happening right before our eyes.

Alarming observations:

During road trips to Laasa Caano, I've seen endless lines of Ethiopians marching south, like an invading force.

They're rapidly establishing their own segregated communities and businesses, creating 'mini-Ethiopias' within our cities.

These migrants are pouring in completely unchecked - no documentation, no vetting, nothing. Who knows what they're bringing with them?

It's not just individuals anymore - entire families are relocating, suggesting this is a permanent move.

Last year, the situation became impossible to ignore. In some areas, there are literally thousands of Ethiopian migrants. The tension between them and local Somalis is palpable and growing by the day.

The numbers are staggering and frankly terrifying. Ethiopia's female population alone is over 60 million - that's multiple times the entire population of Somalia!

I'm forced to ask: Are we witnessing the silent conquest of our homeland? How long before we become a minority in our own country?

This isn't about xenophobia - it's about the survival of our culture, our way of life, and our sovereignty as a nation. The demographic shift is happening at an alarming rate, and nobody seems to be talking about it.

Am I the only one seeing this? Am I the only one worried about what Somalia will look like in 5, 10, or 20 years if this continues unchecked?

We need to wake up and address this crisis before it's too late. What are your thoughts? Has anyone else noticed this overwhelming influx? What can we do to protect our country's future?

Think of the desperation of these poor folks when Somalia is an upgrade.

I mean, a lot of central and South American immigrants think that Mexico is an upgrade over their countries.

And the same exact arguments that Somalian xenophobic dude is doing are the same from my country and the U.S. Mike
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Venice
(9 hours ago)Boredfrom wrote:
(10 hours ago)kaleidoscopium wrote: What a great thread, crossing Eden’s outright meltdown… they have to work either in gaming or something very related to be that upset. 

Maybe they worked on concord and are pissed about being fired lol

He is probably a marketing executive or something like that. At worst, a community manager. 

Is fucking crazy to me that Concord cost a lot of money and they decided just send it to die… only to discover it will cost them more doing than an outright cancellation.

My guess is Sony corporate put their foot down. From what I've gathered sending it out to die certainly wasn't Hermen's call. He was hyping it up a week before it dropped in a blog post I think.
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Venice
Community manager like jawmuncher is at LRG (not confirmed but confirmed) is most likely. Those types are always online and never seem happy about it
(10 hours ago)Nintex wrote:
(10 hours ago)kaleidoscopium wrote: What a great thread, crossing Eden’s outright meltdown… they have to work either in gaming or something very related to be that upset. 

Maybe they worked on concord and are pissed about being fired lol

Isn't crossing eden connected to Ubisoft in some way?

The company that is about to blow up their biggest franchise because of someones gay black samurai fetish?
I legitimately think Ass Creed Shadows is going to be huge and the effects of Yasuke will be negligible. The dudes (straight white males) who only play college football/madden in the office are saying they can't wait for it. 

3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Venice
guys, it is incumbent upon the bire as a truly impartial audience to investigate and pass judgment on the banning of wonkybump, and relatedly the guilt or innocence of Valkaria.

Against Wonkybump: wonkybump previously used the same avatar as some guy on icon era, and DID post a Colin moriarty tweet close to the same time as that same user posted a similar thread on Iconera.

For Wonkybump: "red eyes" meme pics are not unusual, nor are avatars of successful new game characters on various retard nerd forums. Also it's arguable that any thread on any gaming forum about Colin Moriarty's tweet would've been posted around the same time: that's kind of how twitter works.

Against Valkaria: A big giant pussy bitch, even if just pretending. Knows what Iconera is, and almost immediately recognized Wonkybump by his past avatar, which....that's a lot of attention to be paying for a poster registered in August (who has already racked up >200 posts). There is ALSO a dude on IconEra posting with the same avatar as Valkaria and claiming to be the same person.

For Valkaria: Uh...resetera is infested with these fucking always online goofballs so could just be a big coincidence. Apologized briefly???

We purport to be a credentialed team of scholars. It is ONLY we who can definitively solve this mystery!

Sickos (Batman edition)

Crossing Eden is such a cunt:

Crossing Eden wrote:Probably the reason you don't work as a market analyst and that they do if we're gonna be fr. Imma go with the professionals on this one. 🤷‍♂️
Wonkybump actually buys and plays new games.

B-Dubs can't have that sort of thing on his video game forum.
crossing eden wrote:Multiple analysts came out and said that the main culprit behind this game's failure was a lack of marketing. Because for many many people it was a blip on the map compared to many other similar games that had far more extensive marketing campaigns.

ion magus wrote:I would say the completely unappealing Guardians of the Galaxy-like Character Designs did way, way, way more damage

crossing eden wrote:Probably the reason you don't work as a market analyst and that they do if we're gonna be fr. Imma go with the professionals on this one. 🤷‍♂️

“Gosh, it wasn’t the bland art design or uninspired gameplay! It’s just that people didn’t KNOW about our game despite being featured heavily in all of our marketing materials for the past year! Golly, these gamers would love our game if only they played it!” 

lol crossing Eden is such a fucking retard
(9 hours ago)kaleidoscopium wrote:
crossing eden wrote:Multiple analysts came out and said that the main culprit behind this game's failure was a lack of marketing. Because for many many people it was a blip on the map compared to many other similar games that had far more extensive marketing campaigns.

ion magus wrote:I would say the completely unappealing Guardians of the Galaxy-like Character Designs did way, way, way more damage

crossing eden wrote:Probably the reason you don't work as a market analyst and that they do if we're gonna be fr. Imma go with the professionals on this one. 🤷‍♂️

“Gosh, it wasn’t the bland art design or uninspired gameplay! It’s just that people didn’t KNOW about our game despite being featured heavily in all of our marketing materials for the past year! Golly, these gamers would love our game if only they played it!” 

lol crossing Eden is such a fucking retard

Eden just can't admit that the character designs are fucking shit.
Analysts are great, and perfect arbiters are truth.

Hey ya'll, what's Michael Pachter up to these days?
(9 hours ago)Ethan wrote:
(11 hours ago)who is ted danson? wrote:

Quote:Alarming influx of Ethiopian migrants in Somalia - Our country is being overrun!
Discussion 💬
I'm a frequent traveler to Somalia, visiting 3-4 times a year with family in Kismayo, Mogadishu, Garowe, and Eyl. What I've witnessed recently has left me deeply disturbed and frankly, scared for our country's future.

The scale of Ethiopian migration into Somalia has reached crisis levels. It's not just a trickle - it's a flood, and it's happening right before our eyes.

Alarming observations:

During road trips to Laasa Caano, I've seen endless lines of Ethiopians marching south, like an invading force.

They're rapidly establishing their own segregated communities and businesses, creating 'mini-Ethiopias' within our cities.

These migrants are pouring in completely unchecked - no documentation, no vetting, nothing. Who knows what they're bringing with them?

It's not just individuals anymore - entire families are relocating, suggesting this is a permanent move.

Last year, the situation became impossible to ignore. In some areas, there are literally thousands of Ethiopian migrants. The tension between them and local Somalis is palpable and growing by the day.

The numbers are staggering and frankly terrifying. Ethiopia's female population alone is over 60 million - that's multiple times the entire population of Somalia!

I'm forced to ask: Are we witnessing the silent conquest of our homeland? How long before we become a minority in our own country?

This isn't about xenophobia - it's about the survival of our culture, our way of life, and our sovereignty as a nation. The demographic shift is happening at an alarming rate, and nobody seems to be talking about it.

Am I the only one seeing this? Am I the only one worried about what Somalia will look like in 5, 10, or 20 years if this continues unchecked?

We need to wake up and address this crisis before it's too late. What are your thoughts? Has anyone else noticed this overwhelming influx? What can we do to protect our country's future?

Think of the desperation of these poor folks when Somalia is an upgrade.

"Mini-ethopias" lmao

Somali's making $100 a month Trump-posting on Reddit and you're blackpilling? Dead
(9 hours ago)Greatness Gone wrote:
(10 hours ago)Nintex wrote:
(10 hours ago)kaleidoscopium wrote: What a great thread, crossing Eden’s outright meltdown… they have to work either in gaming or something very related to be that upset. 

Maybe they worked on concord and are pissed about being fired lol

Isn't crossing eden connected to Ubisoft in some way?

The company that is about to blow up their biggest franchise because of someones gay black samurai fetish?
I legitimately think Ass Creed Shadows is going to be huge and the effects of Yasuke will be negligible. The dudes (straight white males) who only play college football/madden in the office are saying they can't wait for it. 


Shogun just won a bunch of Emmys. Samurai are so hot right now.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: PoIYUxh.png]
[Image: xoLA9Pv.png]
(10 hours ago)kaleidoscopium wrote: What a great thread, crossing Eden’s outright meltdown… they have to work either in gaming or something very related to be that upset. 

Maybe they worked on concord and are pissed about being fired lol

Crossing Eden having a meltdown? It must be a day that ends with Y
(9 hours ago)kaleidoscopium wrote:
crossing eden wrote:Multiple analysts came out and said that the main culprit behind this game's failure was a lack of marketing. Because for many many people it was a blip on the map compared to many other similar games that had far more extensive marketing campaigns.

ion magus wrote:I would say the completely unappealing Guardians of the Galaxy-like Character Designs did way, way, way more damage

crossing eden wrote:Probably the reason you don't work as a market analyst and that they do if we're gonna be fr. Imma go with the professionals on this one. 🤷‍♂️

“Gosh, it wasn’t the bland art design or uninspired gameplay! It’s just that people didn’t KNOW about our game despite being featured heavily in all of our marketing materials for the past year! Golly, these gamers would love our game if only they played it!” 

lol crossing Eden is such a fucking retard

He's worse than a retard. He's a disingenuous cunt. The retard can be excused because, well, they're retarded. Cunting Eden is a different kettle of fish.

Shin Kojima wrote:I had to exterminate a nest the other day as they were getting inside and I feared for my cat. But I feel kind of bad about it.
You people seem to enjoy killing.
(9 hours ago)Nintex wrote:
(9 hours ago)Ethan wrote:
(11 hours ago)who is ted danson? wrote:
Think of the desperation of these poor folks when Somalia is an upgrade.
"Mini-ethopias" lmao
Somali's making $100 a month Trump-posting on Reddit and you're blackpilling? Dead

The world is laughing at us, they used to be afraid. We shot down the black hawks, they even made a movie about it. Great movie shot in a little place called Mogadishes. Directed by Ridley Spielberg. It was one of the greatest films in terms of cinema.

Then we had the boats, we were literally pirates sailing the 7 seas, dealing the most drugs and stealing the most loot. 
The late great Pablo Escobar. Look at me I'm the captain now. We love the human traffickers. 

Now we can't even stop the Ethiopian women literally pouring into our country. They're emptying out the libraries and even the flower stands or wherever the hell these women come from, dumping them into Somalia. They're sending us all the not so good looking ones who are are creating mini-Ethopias in our beautiful homeland. Setting up shops and businesses with your tax shillings, settling permantly, instead of respecting our pirate way of life.   

We have to get rid of them, we have to build a wall and take the fight to the United Nations who are actually more divided than ever before.
We will steal new boats, protect the border, restore the drug trade, shoot down their helicopters and tell Ridley to direct Black Hawk Down II. 

We will Make Somalia Great Again.

2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(10 hours ago)Venice wrote:
(Yesterday, 06:16 PM)BananaBlast wrote:

wonkybump, convicted of having eve from stellar blade and warhammer space marine avatar, responds:

Now we wait......

(Yesterday, 07:30 PM)Averon wrote: wonkybump's getting the Black Chamber treatment.

(11 hours ago)Jansen wrote: Well quest4441 on icon-era is no doubt wonkybump. Let's see who gets hit with moderation  

(Yesterday, 07:37 PM)Greatness Gone wrote: wonkybump had been fanning the flames for a while, i'm surprised the tr00n gank squad hadn't eliminated him earlier

Alright, so this is pretty funny.

There's now a thread on Icon-Era, about wonky getting exposed on ResetEra for being on Icon-Era  lol

[Image: AN3rs13.jpeg]

Kid-Wonky-Icarus flew too close to the Sun and his wings about to get burnt off  Duh

Permaban coming any minute now...

Edit: Beaten by Snoopy, but here it is anyway.


[Image: qw9zM2d.png]

1 user liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia
Annoying Frozen Sony Pony
Quote:The title needs an update Shoot
[Image: IMG_0214.png?ex=66eef041&is=66ed9ec1&hm=...095c40dc7&]
One page later
Quote:Wait, the thread not going to be updated when now is over 25k ccu?
Quote:I reported to a mod update it.
PlayStation™ Fan Discussing Their Fine Products
(8 hours ago)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Shin Kojima wrote:I had to exterminate a nest the other day as they were getting inside and I feared for my cat. But I feel kind of bad about it.
You people seem to enjoy killing.

Melody has a suggestion: 

Melody Begs wrote:Step 1 purchase a 37mm grenade launcher, this is easier than you might think as they are not considered guns and not subject to same laws as guns or dangerous ordinance according to US law.

Step 2 purchase 37mm non-anti-personal ammunition, in this case a flare is probably ideal.

Step 3 have some fun!

He forgot to include Step 0...e-beg on Ko-Fi to get some funds first.

ClickyCal' wrote:Yes, my wife and I love them and have them all the time. Edibles and taco bell is our go to relaxing time. Would get them more but money.
(8 hours ago)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Shin Kojima wrote:I had to exterminate a nest the other day as they were getting inside and I feared for my cat. But I feel kind of bad about it.
You people seem to enjoy killing.

3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, DavidCroquet, Taco Bell Tower
(8 hours ago)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Annoying Frozen Sony Pony
Quote:The title needs an update Shoot
[Image: IMG_0214.png?ex=66eef041&is=66ed9ec1&hm=...095c40dc7&]
One page later
Quote:Wait, the thread not going to be updated when now is over 25k ccu?
Quote:I reported to a mod update it.
PlayStation™ Fan Discussing Their Fine Products
we don't talk about her but angie is one of the biggest retards on the site. she just flies under the radar here since she doesn't really post woke shit.
4 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D, Potato, Taco Bell Tower
Speaking of Iconera being hardcore Sony fans
Quote:That's the question for which I wanted an answer. It's not a secret that the PS5 generation is building up to be quite precarious for not only players, who have been complaining about a lack of games to play, but also for developers and publishers who seemingly are unable to find success on the platform. If you remember, just a few years ago with the PS4 in full swing it really did seem like Sony was unbeatable and that they were simply destined for success, so what happened? Let's put ourselves in the middle of 2017. After a bit of a rocky start, the generation had finally pulled itself together with PS4 establishing itself as the place to be on if you were a third party publisher. Around that time we had gotten the releases of Nioh, Nier Automata, Yakuza 0, Horizon Zero Dawn, Persona 5 – all games that found massive success on the platform despite most of them being full blown PlayStation exclusives at the time. It's such a different situation compared to the PS5, isn't it? The idea of even just one of those games managing to sell impressively on it seems like a pipe dream, with nothing but Live Service and the biggest AAA games managing to thrive on it.

The answer to that question from the beginning is simple: complacency. Sony didn't accurately assess the rising threat from both PC, stealing a portion of the platform's hardcore audience, and Nintendo, who rose like a phoenix from the Wii U's ashes to be put on track of becoming the best selling console of all time (and slowly but surely convincing developers to support it along the way). What could Sony have done differently then? One obvious answer for the former could be not doing the PC ports, but PC ports are the symptom, not the cause. In their search for only selling the biggest and most expensive games, they found themselves in a situation where the platform had to carry the games, and not the other way around like traditionally consoles operated. Not only do these games cost hundreds of millions of dollars to make, but they also take long enough to make that these studios have to find more ways of generating profit, hence the rise in PC ports and these pointless PS5 remasters, the extended crossgen period and throwing billions at Live Service games as a Hail Mary. With PS4 they at least had a very accessible platform where they could pursue aggressive discount strategies, but the situation was made even worse now with PS5 since the Hardware itself is too expensive to make, in turn limiting the audience of the games, cycling back to making the hardware less desirable, and so on -> death spiral.

For Nintendo, there's not much to say other than they handed them Japan on a platter really. The PS5 is probably the least appealing console you could ever make for the Japanese market, and they also spent a good few years at the start of the PS5 generation pissing off Japanese partners as well. They better pray the Switch 2 is unable to run most third party games, because if it is? Sony's longest held advantage in the console market will be gone and with that their reason to exist. Anyways, it's not over yet. It remains to be seen what impact things like GTA VI could have on sales, at some point the impact the failure of the GAAS move will stop being felt, and hopefully they now realize variety is key to a succesful platform. What do you think?
4 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D, Alpacx, Hap Shaughnessy
Sony should've never moved to California and should've never censored their games.

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