Journal of Other Forum Analysis
Quote:[Gematsu] Every announcement at State of Play: September 24, 2024
Sony Pony Frozen forgot there was like 1 exclusive game for Sony while everything is third party which were announced long time ago.  I thought Hell is Us was one of the exclusive but it's third party too.
2 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia
Quote:This'll probably sound weird, but I was actually tipped off that the GoY protagonist was a woman early in the trailer because of the shape and condition of her fingernails. Apparently manicures were a thing in rural 17th century Japan? (/sarcasm)

Am I crazy for seeing this? Women always having manicured looking fingernails is an unsung but very real character design trope in anime, one that I haven't been able to unsee for some time now. Ghost of Yotei isn't anime obviously, but it seems to be abiding by this particular beauty standard for some reason, even if it doesn't make any sense for the character, a killer on the run in the wilderness.

If I'm wrong on this, ignore me. This thread was the only place I could think of to post this.
The Babylonians were doing manicures. I'm pretty sure there's Egyptian art about it still around. lol
(09-25-2024, 06:08 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:This'll probably sound weird, but I was actually tipped off that the GoY protagonist was a woman early in the trailer because of the shape and condition of her fingernails. Apparently manicures were a thing in rural 17th century Japan? (/sarcasm)

Am I crazy for seeing this? Women always having manicured looking fingernails is an unsung but very real character design trope in anime, one that I haven't been able to unsee for some time now. Ghost of Yotei isn't anime obviously, but it seems to be abiding by this particular beauty standard for some reason, even if it doesn't make any sense for the character, a killer on the run in the wilderness.

If I'm wrong on this, ignore me. This thread was the only place I could think of to post this.

Is this another fetish?
(09-25-2024, 06:08 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:This'll probably sound weird, but I was actually tipped off that the GoY protagonist was a woman early in the trailer because of the shape and condition of her fingernails. Apparently manicures were a thing in rural 17th century Japan? (/sarcasm)

Am I crazy for seeing this? Women always having manicured looking fingernails is an unsung but very real character design trope in anime, one that I haven't been able to unsee for some time now. Ghost of Yotei isn't anime obviously, but it seems to be abiding by this particular beauty standard for some reason, even if it doesn't make any sense for the character, a killer on the run in the wilderness.

If I'm wrong on this, ignore me. This thread was the only place I could think of to post this.
might just be the most soy post I've ever seen in that thread

jesus christ what a fucking loser
You can't main Zangief with nails  Feeemales
(09-24-2024, 06:40 PM)books wrote: Yall complaining about Melody and Nepnep and wanting new blood but we saw what happened to the Barksdales when a young cat by the name of Marlo showed up.

I feel like Tommy Lee Jones at the end of No Country for Old Men
Despite the idea of anime appearing out of the aether, they’re just cartoons and comics written by and for the Japanese. And it’s quite common to see elaborate fingernails among all sorts of people and professions. I had to sign for a delivery and the lady carting around cardboard boxes all day had decked out nails. People like to look nice and kempt and presentable. That “looking good, feeling good” thing. Maybe it’s a two way street. If rocking the norwood mullet is a reflection of your internal self, maybe start by cleaning up the outside, and the inside will follow.
(09-24-2024, 11:09 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Kotaku wrote an article about how they're also disappointed that Dragon Age doesn't let you have big titties but also made sure to make it all about race (white women apparently don't have big titties)

Quote:Salma Hayek’s body exists. Sofia Vergara’s body exists. Megan Thee Stallion exists. When we looked at [BioWare’s Q&A] where they talked about representing everybody’s bodies, it was all white people. There is a Eurocentric idea of what bodies are. And so usually when people talk about going against beauty standards, they are often talking about including people with a larger build, which is what this game does. However, most people designing this are white people. Nobody actually thinks about what has happened historically for women of color, particularly Black and brown women who do live in bodies that have consistently been oppressed because of the way they look and have been fetishized because of the way they look. And instead of actually allowing players [to create characters with those types of bodies] or even acknowledging that Black and brown women would play this game and deserve the ability to make their bodies in this game, [it’s almost as if] those can’t exist because everybody has co-opted [that body type] and made it automatically be sexualized. When no, big breasts aren’t necessarily sexualized.

Oh and they also blame the evil chuds for being the reason that the devs didn't add big breasts

Quote:I have triple Ds. I am a 38 triple D. That is my breast size. I didn’t alter my body. I didn’t choose to have them. That is what I have. And there are a lot of women who have that breast size. And so it is frustrating when I am being told that my body type, my body can’t exist in these games because they’re aiming for something “realistic.” And I do think the Dragon Age team is very well-meaning in wanting everybody to feel represented, but all of the Black and brown women in my life, my friends, none of our bodies can be represented in there. And a lot of it is because they have just kind of ceded the idea. It’s an overcorrection for the really crappy people saying that things need to be sexy without recognizing that I can’t control if somebody sexualizes a picture of me and my breasts, right? And if we keep those options out, they are very effectively not recognizing that these bodies are something that we have to live in, and that we are consistently told aren’t okay.
Nice to hear a woman's perspective on this topic for a change.
(09-25-2024, 07:25 AM)Polident wrote: Despite the idea of anime appearing out of the aether, they’re just cartoons and comics written by and for the Japanese. And it’s quite common to see elaborate fingernails among all sorts of people and professions. I had to sign for a delivery and the lady carting around cardboard boxes all day had decked out nails. People like to look nice and kempt and presentable. That “looking good, feeling good” thing. Maybe it’s a two way street. If rocking the norwood mullet is a reflection of your internal self, maybe start by cleaning up the outside, and the inside will follow.
"Nobody can take care of themselves and do ancient common things" say the anti-social shut-ins who don't bathe and shit on the floor. "That's why I need to be in charge and everyone should obey me."
(09-25-2024, 05:05 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent): Antagonizing Fellow Member; Previously permanently banned for long history of same behavior
fanboy wrote:Isnt Tom a little bit MS fanboy? (yeah I know I know)

Does he tend to overhype their stuff or not? Cant remember. Did xbox have a strong TGS in the past?
PERMAbanned for being right ??? 

Dude basically does client journalism for Microsoft at the Verge and acts like a sniveling little fanboy on his socials when he gets into arguments.
Nier X Stellar Blade?

Hell yeah. TGS is off to a good start.

Now announce the PC version you cowards.

(09-24-2024, 11:12 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Meanwhile the Soul Reaver remaster provides another example of why people wonder what is going on with western devs
[Image: c7wzzZe.png]

Do not buy Soy Reaver 

I'm seeing some mild freakouts that Sony cleaned up Alloy's face a bit and made her thinner.
4 users liked this post: Venice, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia
(09-25-2024, 08:53 AM)Nintex wrote: Nier X Stellar Blade?
Hell yeah. TGS is off to a good start.
Now announce the PC version you cowards.
(09-24-2024, 11:12 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Meanwhile the Soul Reaver remaster provides another example of why people wonder what is going on with western devs
[Image: c7wzzZe.png]
Do not buy Soy Reaver 
I'm seeing some mild freakouts that Sony cleaned up Alloy's face a bit and made her thinner.

Why'd they turn that statue into a dude with tits?
Guy links video

Quote:You can watch it here

Ree's buttrage goes into overdrive

Quote:Under a minute in and there's footage of a chud channel dunking on another game targeted by the "anti-woke" mob for no apparent reason.


Quote:The hell is this? Why're you linking to chud content?

Quote:How do people even get recommended this shit, now I'm going to have to purge my youtube channels so I dont get critical drinker/nerdrotic recommended crap.

Quote:We honestly need a pinned post in gaming or something for people to be educated on this stuff.
Now my youtube algorithm will be shitty recommendations for a while.

Quote:Please remove the link or report the post. I don't want to see this shit about the game in any discourse about this game whatsoever. This was likely an honest mistake but warning to everyone here this shit can get you temp banned or worse.

I (and I'm sure most here) are tired of this culture wars bullshit.

Who was the chud who triggered them because his image is in the video for 3 seconds?

Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: 965HD8C.gif]

Quote:Because the game has a black protag.

If he were white these talking points wouldnt be bought up by the right-wings online.
Talking points? My dude Ubislop released the buggy mess trailers and offended Japanese nationalists all by themselves.
Besticus Maximus dateline='[url=tel:1727192612' wrote: 1727192612[/url]']
they've cancelled it because the game is shit, like all the rest of them  Nothing to see here

Hesright Egomaniac Trumps
5 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Potato, Nintex, D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia
Depends on the kind of white.  Hmph and only if the white guy gets the Shogun treatment of being seen as a barbarian. I'd rather Assassins Creed have a Japanese cast thank you very much!

I'd be fine with Yasuke if Ubisoft hadn't tried so hard to make it seem completely historical. The Japanese finally get their turn in Assassins Creed and its taken from them.  Stahp
Quote:Ugh, I won't even start with this topic...

Because I would REALLY get going.

Awareness of others in public, in shared spaces, is what I consider the most important part of "general civil decorum".

It has continually gotten worse since I've been born and there is nothing I can do to fight it.

I can only control how angry it makes me, because that only serves to make me suffer.

I choose not to suffer.


[Image: 8t7WnQg.jpg]
(09-25-2024, 10:36 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Depends on the kind of white.  Hmph and only if the white guy gets the Shogun treatment of being seen as a barbarian. I'd rather Assassins Creed have a Japanese cast thank you very much!

I'd be fine with Yasuke if Ubisoft hadn't tried so hard to make it seem completely historical. The Japanese finally get their turn in Assassins Creed and its taken from them.  Stahp

Please ignore this post. Ubisoft is an amazing game company and Assassin's Creed: Shadows will be the perfect addition to the Assassin's Creed series line.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(09-25-2024, 02:53 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:Probably the same reason many of them hate tattoos on women. Makes them look unpure. (In their warped minds)
Quote:Interesting, maybe I should get a second tattoo. If it acts as a chud repellent then it's a win-win.

How they know this shit? lol 

Thank God I don’t care anymore about social media to know some asshole incel gets triggered by tattoos and some asshole TransBian thinks will attract pussy.

(09-25-2024, 09:42 AM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:Please remove the link or report the post. I don't want to see this shit about the game in any discourse about this game whatsoever. This was likely an honest mistake but warning to everyone here this shit can get you temp banned or worse.

I (and I'm sure most here) are tired of this culture wars bullshit.

Nice threat.  lol
(09-25-2024, 01:48 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Today on totallyhappened reddit
Atsu, the Ghost of Yotei protagonist, is played by voice actor Erika Ishii, who you may know as the voice of Valkyrie from Apex Legends, and Ana Bray from Destiny 2, amongst other roles. Pronouns are any, and they freely identify as queer, pan, bi, or genderfluid.
Quote:Erika is amazing, went to high school with her and LOVE to see this success for her. Go Erika go!

Snob Baizuo.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
edit- nvm
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(09-25-2024, 11:21 AM)D3RANG3D wrote:
(09-25-2024, 01:48 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Today on totallyhappened reddit
Atsu, the Ghost of Yotei protagonist, is played by voice actor Erika Ishii, who you may know as the voice of Valkyrie from Apex Legends, and Ana Bray from Destiny 2, amongst other roles. Pronouns are any, and they freely identify as queer, pan, bi, or genderfluid.
Quote:Erika is amazing, went to high school with her and LOVE to see this success for her. Go Erika go!

Snob Baizuo.

2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
(09-25-2024, 05:16 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User banned (1 month): trolling over a series of posts, prior ban in the exact same thread for the exact same behavior
RaspberryRhythm wrote:
Anoregon wrote:This reminds me of those threads on random car/driving minutiae where one person with a bad take is utterly incapable of admitting that maybe they are wrong, and in fact everyone else is a stupid asshole for not immediately accepting they are correct.
It's one of my favorite phenomena on era
my opinion is actually correct and brilliant
[Image: 94mkyr.jpg]
This Shinobi chump (who I'm assuming is fat, benji plz confirm) is going hard for Dragon Age. Very hard. 'I'm literally being paid to be a fanboy of this game' levels of hard, perhaps. Game looks like hot dog sick and he's out there pushing hard to make sure you don't believe your lying eyes.
5 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, Potato, Nintex, D3RANG3D
I have no clue what Shinobis job is at the moment but it can be best described as corporate whore I think.
The real scoop of the absolute State of Play was Cladun X3. Snob
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(09-25-2024, 11:50 AM)D3RANG3D wrote: The real scoop of the absolute State of Play was Cladun X3. Snob

I'm waiting for Japan to open the flood gates Stahp
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D

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