Journal of Other Forum Analysis
I can't believe there's only 2 replies to the Anti-trans law thread.  Hmph

It's already on page 2 and will be on page 3 soon if allies let this continue.
Quote: Cop User banned (permanent): Troll account
SuperiorJT wrote:
Crossing Eden wrote:I didn't need to take a microscope. No one does, because the improvements are obvious. So obvious in fact that I genuinely can't imagine any other scenario than the people insisting otherwise to avoid the DF thread because lowkey it's wild that y'all are downplaying the difference so confidently.
The amount of cope in this thread is unbearable. I cannot fathom why anyone would want to spend money on not only a game that they already purchased last gen, but for a remaster that doesn't have any significant improvements in quality from the source. We see more graphical gains from 4k texture packs that are released for free for many games on steam. Wanting to spend hard-earned money on an inconsequential remake of a last-gen title with no new content is one of the most beta mindsets you could have.
Sony shouldn't be rewarded for recycling the same content with such barren improvements. I wouldn't be surprised if majority of the users in this thread mistake the remake screenshots to the original game released last gen.
Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Misogynistic Rhetoric; History of Inflammatory Commentary
Chumunga64 wrote:
Spoiler:  (click to show)
they hired fans
Today's clearly a very quiet day on Era, with nobody delivering us any laughs whatsoever, so as the posts above are about the Shredder, I'm gonna focus on someone else briefly.

Melody's become too boring, but I find this dude who he constantly re-tweets (and nobody ever donates to) very interesting.

He's an even bigger grifter than Mald's, begging every 20-30 minutes, but what I find bizarrely fascinating is that he ALWAYS writes in haiku's!

[Image: hWTwnVO.png]

[Image: CkU57yl.png]

[Image: c2bygj0.png]

[Image: dIlGTBR.png]

[Image: ww7BaBF.png]

[Image: tXgq9B5.png]

[Image: hIQx7ww.png]

It's really
Really, really
Fucking weird 


Gameboy Nostalgia
Can either of you please
Create a Bsky Social Account
And Ask
Lilith Treah
To Join Us
Begging You With My Life
(09-26-2024, 10:30 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User banned (permanent): Troll account
SuperiorJT wrote:
Crossing Eden wrote:I didn't need to take a microscope. No one does, because the improvements are obvious. So obvious in fact that I genuinely can't imagine any other scenario than the people insisting otherwise to avoid the DF thread because lowkey it's wild that y'all are downplaying the difference so confidently.
The amount of cope in this thread is unbearable. I cannot fathom why anyone would want to spend money on not only a game that they already purchased last gen, but for a remaster that doesn't have any significant improvements in quality from the source. We see more graphical gains from 4k texture packs that are released for free for many games on steam. Wanting to spend hard-earned money on an inconsequential remake of a last-gen title with no new content is one of the most beta mindsets you could have.
Sony shouldn't be rewarded for recycling the same content with such barren improvements. I wouldn't be surprised if majority of the users in this thread mistake the remake screenshots to the original game released last gen.

Banned for telling the truth  Hmph

Quote: Cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Dismissive Concern Trolling
LastCaress wrote:You shouldn't sentence anyone to death but circumstancial evidence is evidence.

Edit: Also in this case there were several witnesses which is considered direct evidence, not circumstantial (which is interesting since eyewitness testimony can be so unreliable)
(09-26-2024, 10:31 PM)Venice wrote: Today's clearly a very quiet day on Era, with nobody delivering us any laughs whatsoever, so as the posts above are about the Shredder, I'm gonna focus on someone else briefly.

Melody's become too boring, but I find this dude who he constantly re-tweets (and nobody ever donates to) very interesting.

He's an even bigger grifter than Mald's, begging every 20-30 minutes, but what I find bizarrely fascinating is that he ALWAYS writes in haiku's!

[Image: hWTwnVO.png]

[Image: CkU57yl.png]

[Image: c2bygj0.png]

[Image: dIlGTBR.png]

[Image: ww7BaBF.png]

[Image: tXgq9B5.png]

[Image: hIQx7ww.png]

It's really
Really, really
Fucking weird 


Gameboy Nostalgia
Can either of you please
Create a Bsky Social Account
And Ask
Lilith Treah
To Join Us
Begging You With My Life

Another Lilith. Typical.  lol
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Venice, Taco Bell Tower
(09-26-2024, 04:37 PM)Boredfrom wrote:


Mahvel era is the worst.

When you ONLY watch Marvel slop...
Quote:lol and yet we see people proudly talk about how they only buy digital now. Just wait until this corporation forces everyone to buy digital by taking away the option of having a disc drive in one of their future consoles. They will be able to charge us whatever they want and everyone will have a shocked Pikachu face despite bringing it upon themselves.
Quote:That already happened on the PC decades ago.

And yet you have tons of people (including on this forum) praising Steam/Valve, even though they essentially killed off the physical games market.

Not to mention allegations that Valve prevents developers from selling games with lower prices on other storefronts.

So if Sony gets away with it, I say good on them. Sorry to say but I have no sympathy for "gamers" whatsoever...

Tavernade wrote:I imagine Disney wasn't 'super' concerned with the budget outright since a show with that many Jedi could have been a huge merchandising boon if it'd hit better.

krazen wrote:"controversal"


And we wonder why some behavior is normalized on the internet.
Yeah, exactly. It's not controversial. Chuds hate it/grift on it. That doesn't equal controversial.
Social Justice Warrior 2
Quote:I mean, yeah?

The £10 upgrade is a reward for existing owners, not something for new buyers to take advantage of after hearing the news.

This isn't a new thing.
Here's a reward for being loyal to us, pay us $10 for a upgrade.
(09-26-2024, 08:48 PM)Jansen wrote:

Quote:Also no one is asking Kaitlyn to go on roids. Abby looks way more like most young women do, just with less body fat. There's millions and billions of women who look like Abby. I'd prefer someone who's bulky and/or fat compared to the usual Hollywood "buff woman" body which is never actually buff lol

Most women you will find irl are closer in size to Abby than to the actress portraying her.

These people are insane. If you care about her being buff in the TV show get a fucking life.

4 billion women in the world and this outright tool wants to suggest up to half of all woman globally are Abby’s size.

Fuck outta here!

(09-26-2024, 10:30 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Misogynistic Rhetoric; History of Inflammatory Commentary
Chumunga64 wrote:
Spoiler:  (click to show)
they hired fans

Burka thread member going down, you love to see it
(09-26-2024, 10:35 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote:  User Banned (2 Weeks): Dismissive Concern Trolling
LastCaress wrote:You shouldn't sentence anyone to death but circumstancial evidence is evidence.
Edit: Also in this case there were several witnesses which is considered direct evidence, not circumstantial (which is interesting since eyewitness testimony can be so unreliable)

Wouldn't it be cool if you could actually have a conversation about why this guy could or couldn't be guilty, given the fact that there's some evidence on the other side (he had the belongings of the victim in his possession, his 15 felony convictions in his past were consistent with the nature of the crime against Gayle, that the lack of DNA evidence actually has a seemingly credible explanation).   Maybe there's a discussion to be had for why no jury or court, including at trial, appellate, and Supreme Court levels, found merit in Williams' innocence claims?  


Also, I know i'll draw the ire of people who are anti-death penalty because it confers too much power to the state (hi, benji), but I never understood how being locked up in a violent prison, with years in solitary for the most barbaric crimes, were any more humane than the death penalty, to the extent that there seems to be a huge disconnect between the outrage of those that see capital punishment carried out, vs a life sentence conviction.  If you gave me the option, I'd choose death than to live out the rest of my hopeless life of prolonged suffering in a cage.  In fact, I have a feeling capital punishment is not given as a choice to the inmate because if they don't want to live either way, what deterrent would it serve for the criminal if it avoids a sentence of lifelong suffering, or worse fulfils the desire of the condemned?   And that goes for those who view both outcomes - execution and lifelong incarceration - as equally undesirable - the prospect of a state-sanctioned death could be seen as a way to escape the prolonged suffering of imprisonment without resorting to suicide.  I know, the argument is that the answer is much simpler - the state doesn't offer an option because they want to retain that power over the convicted and why give choice to the punished?  But then don't use the "humane" argument.  You simply think the state shouldn't have the power to decide who lives and dies - but if they have the power to dole out a much less humane, less preferable, and much more prolonged suffering - why are you arbitrarily making a distinction between what punishment it should not have power to conduct?  That the state can put people to death doesn't seem that egregious to me.  But what if they get it wrong?  They took someone's life away.  Okay, what if they get the life sentence wrong?  It's even worse.  The only argument I can see that has merit is that the conviction can be overturned.  But weighed against how many actually get overturned, I'm not getting indignant about this anytime soon.
(09-26-2024, 11:00 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(09-26-2024, 10:30 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Misogynistic Rhetoric; History of Inflammatory Commentary
Chumunga64 wrote:
Spoiler:  (click to show)
they hired fans

Burka thread member going down, you love to see it

Wth, he just got out of a week ban  lol
(09-26-2024, 06:15 PM)DavidCroquet wrote:
(09-26-2024, 06:09 PM)jooseloose wrote: The mods are probably trigger-happy about stuff like that because so many "industry" people have either left the site or been driven away by the horrible community.

It's exactly this. 

You can accuse the NYT of being bought and paid for MAGA shills and WaPo of being under the influence of the Elders of Zion without consequence (in fact, it seems to be more common than not).

I think they had a couple prominent (as in, actually prominent, not "people who post too much") groups leave the site after the 1-2 punch of the Cyberpunk enclosure and Harry Potter bans. The admins are stupid, but not so stupid that they forget that the actual draw of the site is gaming leaks and news...they have to protect Tom Microsoft, or they won't have a site.

I disagree, I think the days of actual industry people participating and leaks never made it to Resetera. 

The attraction of Retardera was the autists providing a decent video game news aggregator that filtered out plenty of the fluff that you have to put up with on the actual news aggregator sites. 

I joined NeoGoof in 2007 and there were barely any leaks or industry people involved then. The big attraction at that point was the US sales figures data.
[Image: 5c6okq1.png]

Do you know how many times i've heard some variation of, "I don't normally believe in the death penalty, I don't give a shit, sentence him to death."  After a Dylan Roof-type incident?  Especially after the FREE BURGER KING TREAT those cops graced him with.

ah, here we are:
(09-26-2024, 06:48 PM)DocWager wrote:

Melody’s 40 attempts this year rose the number.

Everyone knows that trans suicide attempts are mostly cries for attention and they never intend to succeed. So, a much better methodology would be to tell us the success rate of the suicide attempts, but I don't think anyone is ready for that conversation.
Dr. Nothing Loud
Quote:I'm probably about to move to a new city and start over…again… and I'm used to growing new roots in new places so you can't really survive loneliness in this day and age unless you actively fight against isolation by meeting people and investing in the good ones.
(09-26-2024, 07:32 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(09-26-2024, 07:19 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
(09-26-2024, 06:48 PM)DocWager wrote:

Melody’s 40 attempts this year rose the number.

If you click into the study the first page says: 

Quote:Enacting state-level anti-transgender laws increased incidents of past-year suicide attempts among TGNB young people by 7–72%

Weird how clicky Carl nor Erin acknowledge this, a range of 7-72% increase is so stupid that it shows a severe failing of the study to make any argument for correlation imo.

I find it fascinating how they're completely blind to statistic oddities like this but if it was a study that claimed that 7-72% trans people detransition they'd immediately call it out

They'd definitely use the 7% and ignore the rest of the range wrote:Do they think playing as a girl will turn them into a woman or something?

Does that mean if I play Sonic, Crash, or Banjo will turn me into a furry?

I mean... have you seen the fandom?
Fj0823 rn  literally shaking
(09-26-2024, 08:46 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: I can’t even find the latest tournament, I know they did a pokemon tournament and street fighter 6. Was that really it? The link isn’t on the side for me but probably logged in users only.

Edit: here we go, you can filter from the search. Lazy tournament post was in may of 2024, for yugioh

There were a total of 4, with the 4th being cancelled. Great feature b dumbs lol

Thank you for saving me the time on this <3
(09-26-2024, 08:41 PM)JoeBoy101 wrote:
(09-26-2024, 07:16 PM)Ethan wrote:
(09-26-2024, 07:03 PM)Steven Snell wrote: What would you even post in a thread like that.

That the actual number in the study is 7% to 72%, and not 72%, but that would be downplaying genocide in a sensitive thread.

Do better Erin wag

Hmmm, time period is from 2018 to 2022. 

Wonder if there was any other global events that occurred that could impact that and actually raised suicide rates globally?


The world may never know.


I think it's ironic that a publication called "Nature" is researching this stuff...
(09-26-2024, 06:48 PM)DocWager wrote:

Melody’s 40 attempts this year rose the number.

Clicky wrote:Of course this is all according to plan as the rights easiest route of killing trans people. Should Trump win, these laws would be multiplied in awfulness by 50 and across the country, invading blue states. This is all horrifying and sickening.

that "tag" at the end, I'm sorry it just makes me tune out because it's in half the posts on era

"game company did a thing! this is gross and disgusting!"

"did you see what celebrity did? this is problematic and awful"

"politician said a thing! this is bad and I do not like it"
I'm like five pages back, but gender fluid and queer are terms used by fake ass f*ggots who are in it for the cred. Same shit as they/them pronouners.
(09-26-2024, 07:16 PM)Ethan wrote:
(09-26-2024, 07:03 PM)Steven Snell wrote:
(09-26-2024, 06:52 PM)Jansen wrote: 6mins no replies 


What would you even post in a thread like that.

That the actual number in the study is 7% to 72%, and not 72%, but that would be downplaying genocide in a sensitive thread.

Do better Erin wag

this ALWAYS happens

like fuck, do they want people to stop trusting "experts" and "science?"

I didn't even look into this one further because I knew the other shoe was going to drop and we'd find out the number was wrong

I don't want to have to be mistrusting of such studies! now I have to doubt every single one because no one can be honest about them!
(09-26-2024, 10:30 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote: Cop User banned (permanent): Troll account
SuperiorJT wrote:
Crossing Eden wrote:I didn't need to take a microscope. No one does, because the improvements are obvious. So obvious in fact that I genuinely can't imagine any other scenario than the people insisting otherwise to avoid the DF thread because lowkey it's wild that y'all are downplaying the difference so confidently.
The amount of cope in this thread is unbearable. I cannot fathom why anyone would want to spend money on not only a game that they already purchased last gen, but for a remaster that doesn't have any significant improvements in quality from the source. We see more graphical gains from 4k texture packs that are released for free for many games on steam. Wanting to spend hard-earned money on an inconsequential remake of a last-gen title with no new content is one of the most beta mindsets you could have.
Sony shouldn't be rewarded for recycling the same content with such barren improvements. I wouldn't be surprised if majority of the users in this thread mistake the remake screenshots to the original game released last gen.
Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Misogynistic Rhetoric; History of Inflammatory Commentary
Chumunga64 wrote:
they hired fans

The one on the left is the remake, right?
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(09-26-2024, 11:35 PM)PogiJones wrote: wrote:Do they think playing as a girl will turn them into a woman or something?

Does that mean if I play Sonic, Crash, or Banjo will turn me into a furry?

I mean... have you seen the fandom?

If they hate Asmongigolo or whatever his name, why they keep referencing him? Like who the fuck cares outside his fans and twitter drama whores?
[Image: CQlTRpp.png]

 [Image: oiGWaFM.png]

[Image: nWqceGn.png]

[Image: Xqnwl3P.png]

It's always the same.  There's always some crime that makes it okay for the state to kill someone.  The limiting factor is the crime not the principle.  There's an alternate white supremacist version of Nepenthe on some forum lamenting the death penalty in all cases, except for this one because Marcellus' victim was a white woman, and that's where the buck stops.
I am waiting for the day Nep gets exposed with a white significant other (not boyfriend of course, he's a dog in his free time). She projects as well as maga.

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