Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Great thread...neoxon just making up patterns in his head and arguing with people that don't agree with something nintendo never established as a "thing" then in comes TheEchosOfTheCyborg to just rant about their fetish with no context
(10-08-2024, 03:28 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: I remember when B-Dubs had a spaz attack because some PoliEra dude was like "tee hee we should report Era to the FBI!" in discord.
Clearly he's not as worried about the FBI anymore.

I regret that I didn't archive that page before the edit but who would have thought the mods would literally do nothing but wipe the evidence
(10-08-2024, 01:28 AM)BIONIC wrote:
Ashes of Dreams, post: 129818760, member: 69945 wrote:Going to be walking on eggshells here slightly but I think this is an issue worth bringing up. It's something that has bothered me multiple times and I know it's something other people have brought up in the past as well.

I think mods need to be better at communicating the reasons for a ban, especially when the banned person in question is asking for it to be explained to them. I want to note that I think there's a big difference between "why was i banned plz unban" and "Could you explain what you meant by this? I don't really understand what I did wrong here." but both are treated exactly the same and given the same dismissive non-responses.

So I do kind of have to talk about my experience to talk about this but I need to make my intentions in doing so clear.
I am not relitigating the one week ban I just had. I accept that ban, I am not trying to argue against the ban itself. I know that is against the rules of this thread and from my perspective I am not breaking those rules because what I want to talk about is specifically the issue regarding the responses given through the Ticket system. To emphasize this point, I am not including any details about the ban in question, and thus will not post what my ticket was in full (because it did have me explaining my perspective on the situation), but I will quote something I said in it that should hopefully make clear to anyone reading this post what the intention of the ticket was.

First of all, it wasn't sent under the "Ban Appeal" option, because I was not trying to appeal the ban, it was sent under the "Moderation Inquiry" option.
And here's some of what I said in it:
"I want to try and understand where this ban is coming from. I recognize it's only week and I'm not trying to argue or start any trouble, I am just legitimately baffled. In what way was I concern trolling?" "what could I have done in this situation"

Now, to make sure I'm not misrepresenting things, the full ticket was three paragraphs, but for the sake of not getting into specifics of the ban, I present the above as my example that I was, from my perspective rather clearly, trying to get further clarification and understanding about why I was banned because I truly honestly did not understand it. I was not trying to appeal the ban. I wrote this Ticket fully ready to accept whatever further explanation I got.

This is the response, four days later:
[Image: Y0xHeDy.png]

I was really confused by this. I didn't say anything about the ban being on my record. I was asking for more information.
I thought about sending another ticket but I knew from past experience it would just be Rejected. So I sat on this for the remainder of my ban and went back and forth on if it would be worth making a post in this thread. Ultimately I decided it was, not for me specifically, I'm no longer asking about this particular ban, I am bringing this up because I think it's a symptom of a larger problem.

First of all, let's all admit that it really comes across like whoever responded didn't really read what my ticket said. They probably skimmed it, saw me talking about the ban, and then just wrote that it was staying on the assumption I was trying to appeal the ban (even thought it wasn't in that category...). But also the wording here is just so detached, so dismissive. The only reason I don't think this is an automated response is because it took four days to get. If I'm wrong about this and my Ticket was read in full, then the read was painted with an assumption and ignored both what I was saying within it and what category it was sent under.

So here's what I started thinking about during the rest of my ban.
What is the point of a short ban on ResetEra?

Like, the point of a Permanent Ban is obvious, the staff have decided that you are no longer welcome on this forum. Pretty clear cut there. So what about the short ones? No other forum I have been on does them. But they're a slap on the wrist, right? A "go sit in the corner and think about what you did". Okay, I've made peace with that. It still feels pretty bad when it happens but that's how Era rolls. Well, how can someone think about what they did if they don't understand it? Surely the point of a ban like this requires the banned user to be able to reflect. I honestly wonder what percentage of bans have happened where the person never really understood why they were banned and just let it go.

Part of the problem is also the vibe that the mods always assume the absolute worst intentions possible from every user. Like, people complain about this all the time too. And from my perspective you can see it in the dismissive response I got. But I also imagine that a lot of mods will scoff at the idea that we deserve further explanations at all, they might think that everyone is just looking to argue and undermine them or whatever. But I really don't think that's the case and I think the culture here would be a lot healthier if there were better channels of communication between these two "sides".

So here's where my thoughts are at. The short single sentence ban messages aren't really enough. I think people deserve a little bit more about why they've been banned. I'm not saying every single one week ban needs to be sent a personal five paragraph essay on what they did wrong or anything. But a little more information is probably due and if people actively ask for a better explanation, that should be provided to them. Even if every other person in the thread understands why they were banned, if the banned person themselves doesn't then the ban doesn't really have any purpose beyond people who didn't like their post feeling satisfied they got someone in trouble with the teachers. And maybe the people seeking further information won't accept the answer given but I think there at least needs to be a way to get that answer. I think the Ticket system should be a reliable method that people feel comfortable and safe to use. It shouldn't feel like poking a sleeping bear, provided the Ticket isn't obviously abusive towards the staff reading it.

I really hope my intention has come across here. I hope this doesn't just sound like me whining about my ban because that's really not what I'm trying to do here. And while I do think the response to my ticket was kind of insulting, I'm not even complaining about that. I just think that communication between mods and users has always been at the root of most of the issues raised in this thread and I think this is one department where there needs to be some improvement. Whenever there's a big blowup here about someone being banned the mods say the banned person can send a ticket if they want to talk about it. Well that's clearly not true. This has happened to me multiple times and I know I've seen others complain about it too. There is no avenue of discussion within the ticket system. You are dismissed and the ticket closed without response. There has to be a better way.

Well, whatever happens, I thank anyone who took the time to read this post. I've been thinking about it a lot the past few days.

Known mod cock gobbler melts down when hit with the hammer themselves. Many such cases Trumps

Omfg someone with an account please keep me updated 🤣

Their inability to let go in the thread they were banned in was hilarious and they still can't fucking let go lmao
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(10-08-2024, 02:28 PM)Snoopy wrote: 18 months probation and a fine for a half arsed sit in


Poor Noodle. He gambled his future on a free to play lawyer.

Should've went with a jewish lawyer


Spoiler:  (click to show)

Imagine typing all that shit because you can't get over a one week ban Rofl

If the ree mods ever permanently ban them they'll have blood on their hands   STOP
Gets a week long ban. Posts 12 paragraphs of butthurt indignation. Not as protected as you thought you were eh
(10-08-2024, 03:48 PM)nachobro wrote: Great thread...neoxon just making up patterns in his head and arguing with people that don't agree with something nintendo never established as a "thing" then in comes TheEchosOfTheCyborg to just rant about their fetish with no context
It’s such a hilarious non-sequitur.

Grand Champion of Intersectionality, Neoxon: “What do we think Nintendo will reveal at their yearly financial briefing???”
EchoesOfAMaleGaze: “I hope they confirm that these capcom characters from different franchises canonically munch each other’s boxes…and I’m not joking!”
There's massive potential for a themed account here. 

Just one that posts "I hope they show the girls kissing and touching each other. In a WLW way of course, not a gross male gaze way!" in any thread that even tangentially may relate to female characters. 

It'd probably last longer than TwoHearts (and cause more of an outcry when it was eventually banned).
Is there a Bire Alert like there is an Amber Alert? I’m gonna take a big break from here, and I wanna know when something meaningfully crazy happens on that website.
(10-08-2024, 03:58 PM)Polident wrote:
(10-08-2024, 02:28 PM)Snoopy wrote: 18 months probation and a fine for a half arsed sit in


Poor Noodle. He gambled his future on a free to play lawyer.

Should've went with a jewish lawyer


Spoiler:  (click to show)

She makes sure to remind her captivated audience that she's a Jewish anti-zionist every other post, actually.
DevilPuncher wrote:why is it that all these fancy pants director people seem to have nothing but utter disdain for the source material that they're charged with adapting

Damn, they're letting chuds post about woke media now...oh, hold on, I've just gotten an update. This is actually an SJW talking about some other thing.

Weird they would use the exact same phrases like this. Must be a coincidence. It has been well established that these two ideologically opposed groups are extremely different from one another, and have no overlap in attitudes, activity, or worldview.

aisback wrote:I feel like I'm the only one who liked the movie lol
Aisback, come to The Bire! There are at least two of us here!
(10-08-2024, 04:50 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
(10-08-2024, 03:58 PM)Polident wrote:
(10-08-2024, 02:28 PM)Snoopy wrote: 18 months probation and a fine for a half arsed sit in


Poor Noodle. He gambled his future on a free to play lawyer.

Should've went with a jewish lawyer


Spoiler:  (click to show)

She makes sure to remind her captivated audience that she's a Jewish anti-zionist every other post, actually.

tbh I assumed as much. From the photo you sort of tell their entire thing is being mad at their parents.
(10-07-2024, 10:16 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Chief Malik wrote:How Israel killed hundreds of its own people on 7 October

Quote:One year ago today Palestinian fighters led by Hamas launched an unprecedented military offensive out of the Gaza Strip.

The immediate goal was to inflict a shattering blow against Israel’s army bases and militarized settlements which have besieged Gaza’s inhabitants for decades – all of which are built on land that Palestinian families were expelled from in 1948.

The bigger goal was to shatter a status quo in which Israel, the United States and their accomplices believed they had effectively sidelined the Palestinian cause, and to bring that struggle for liberation back to the forefront of world attention.

“Operation Al-Aqsa Flood,” as Hamas called it, was, by any objective military measure, a stunning success.

Chief Malik wrote:mod edit: let's not
Quote:For that matter, the gay couple in P5 also only existed to be part of the homophobic "joke" scene with Ryuji. Between "there's no queer people" and "there's queer people but they only exist to be ridiculed", I guess the former is... some kind of progress? It's at least better than the alternative. But it's more like a net zero than a plus

Damned if you, damned if you don't

Quote:ive only played the first hour but the MC and the prince are queer as hell imo

I can't handle this reality so I'll just make up my own

It's "TOE the line". Rage

Quote: Cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Inflammatory Commentary; Account in Junior Phase
useless wrote:
Theswweet wrote:Simple; they want to have more control over culture.
Then I wish the Saudis a merry hope your social contract fails and leads to a governmental collapse. Because seriously though, the shit the Saudi crown prince is doing has a very slim chance of actually preserving his social contract with the population.
You know, they're crazy on ree but I'd like to think they're not this crazy

Then again, there was that user who lives with his uncle who just pissed on the floor all the time...
(10-08-2024, 05:10 PM)Jansen wrote:

Quote:ive only played the first hour but the MC and the prince are queer as hell imo

I can't handle this reality so I'll just make up my own

Quote:As someone who has watched a lot of queerbait anime, I thought the same thing, lol.

(10-08-2024, 05:08 PM)Jansen wrote:
Quote:For that matter, the gay couple in P5 also only existed to be part of the homophobic "joke" scene with Ryuji. Between "there's no queer people" and "there's queer people but they only exist to be ridiculed", I guess the former is... some kind of progress? It's at least better than the alternative. But it's more like a net zero than a plus

Damned if you, damned if you don't

Pretty sure there weren't any crazy jokes about the trans bartender in P5Royal besides that she looks like the average RE trans member

[Image: D07TlnuXQAAVSzP?format=jpg&name=large]

But of of course they're not going to touch that topic again. Like we've seen from that artwork discussion some pages ago even a celebrated depiction of a trans person can be declared transphobic within just 6 years

I'm a professional technical writer and have been for 13 years. Typos and "incorrect" grammar don't bother me in the least outside of a professional environment. I'm more annoyed by the people that try to correct others and I'm of the opinion that the constant need to correct grammar on the internet promotes an Anglo-centric, outdated, and classist view of language and how it's used.

Correct grammar and spelling are for upper class whites only. Please don't steal my people's culture.
(10-08-2024, 05:24 PM)killamajig wrote:

I'm a professional technical writer and have been for 13 years. Typos and "incorrect" grammar don't bother me in the least outside of a professional environment. I'm more annoyed by the people that try to correct others and I'm of the opinion that the constant need to correct grammar on the internet promotes an Anglo-centric, outdated, and classist view of language and how it's used.

Correct grammar and spelling are for upper class whites only. Please don't steal my people's culture.

"Language evolves" motherfuckers as soon as I use the wrong pronoun

(10-08-2024, 02:31 PM)Venice wrote: Yesterday I made a post about how the Metaphor: ReFantazio thread was largely extremely positive, but along came PlanetSmasher to rain on the parade.

Today, Rockstar announced Red Dead Redemption is FINALLY coming to PC. The original RDR is also universally loved, regarded as one of the greatest games ever made and people have been demanding it on PC for years. Now it's coming by the end of the month, at last. 

Amazing news, right?

Once again, along comes the most miserable creature in existence to moan, moan, fucking moan:

PlanetSmasher wrote:Red Dead 1 with mods is going to be an experience.

I wonder if someone will mod the game to cut down the number of filler story missions in the Mexico chapter down to like a third of what there was in the original game. I love that fucking game but my GOD the pacing in the second act is torturous.

[Image: 6ARPUw4.png]

He's just... insane. No other word for him.

I don't know any other person on that forum who ALWAYS complains about EVERY single game that comes out. Instead of enjoying the fun parts of the games he plays, PlanetSmasher actively seeks out the flaws and, no matter how minor and small they are, will endlessly whinge about them.

Why even play games when you clearly hate them so much? We laugh and point at the trans-mafia as mentally ill. But they're just cosplayers.

PlanetSmasher genuinely seems like he really does have severe mental issues. You can feel his hatred for life coming out of every post he writes.

He's just like that ExhaustedWalrus guy. Both complain nonstop. It's like, you have the option you know. I hate to say it but fuck me they are miserable and refuse to get help.

(10-08-2024, 03:48 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(10-08-2024, 03:28 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: I remember when B-Dubs had a spaz attack because some PoliEra dude was like "tee hee we should report Era to the FBI!" in discord.
Clearly he's not as worried about the FBI anymore.

I regret that I didn't archive that page before the edit but who would have thought the mods would literally do nothing but wipe the evidence

(10-08-2024, 05:24 PM)killamajig wrote:

I'm a professional technical writer and have been for 13 years. Typos and "incorrect" grammar don't bother me in the least outside of a professional environment. I'm more annoyed by the people that try to correct others and I'm of the opinion that the constant need to correct grammar on the internet promotes an Anglo-centric, outdated, and classist view of language and how it's used.

Correct grammar and spelling are for upper class whites only. Please don't steal my people's culture.

Reminds me of the “black people aren’t wrong to wash chicken despite every scientific source saying it’s retarded” topic lol
I checked the address of the leftist lawyer's law firm on google street view and it's a UPS store lol
(10-08-2024, 05:25 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(10-08-2024, 05:24 PM)killamajig wrote:

I'm a professional technical writer and have been for 13 years. Typos and "incorrect" grammar don't bother me in the least outside of a professional environment. I'm more annoyed by the people that try to correct others and I'm of the opinion that the constant need to correct grammar on the internet promotes an Anglo-centric, outdated, and classist view of language and how it's used.

Correct grammar and spelling are for upper class whites only. Please don't steal my people's culture.

"Language evolves" motherfuckers as soon as I use the wrong pronoun



Quote:This is all made worse by the fact that since I started dealing with my trauma and identity issues and whatnot since about 32 I've wanted, more than ever, to express myself with my hair (whether it's long or colored or pixie cut or whatever) but I can't and I actually have reversed my stance of, "Oh, I'm fine with this" that I had in my mid-late 20s. Baldness sucks, especially when your non-binary and want to explore androgyny or femme styles but can't because you're fucking bald and have a beard and that automatically clocks you as "male" regardless of what you're wearing or how you act.

Feeemales gay
So I was curious about any Oct 7 anniversary shenanigans, n didn't see anything on ree really. Checked CNN for giggles, all they mentioned was a really tepid protest at columbia with both pro Israel n pro pal folks.

Wat a fizzled out kinda day geeze. Did anything fun happen, tear gassings etc?
(10-08-2024, 05:48 PM)Bootsthecat wrote: So I was curious about any Oct 7 anniversary shenanigans, n didn't see anything on ree really. Checked CNN for giggles, all they mentioned was a really tepid protest at columbia with both pro Israel n pro pal folks.

Wat a fizzled out kinda day geeze. Did anything fun happen, tear gassings etc?

People acting like fucking retards here in Canada and chanting "Death to Canada"

It's like, move to the Middle East you dumb cunts and I hope in Minecraft that a drone finds you worthless sacks of shit.

Terrorist sympathizers should be deported.
Thread about the .io domain possibly ceasing to exist

I'm sure Era ill be perfectly normal about this...

LewieP wrote:It's honestly a good thing, good riddance to this vestige of colonialism.

It has been widely discussed for years (well over a decade), it was unwise for creators of websites to ignore the fact that by registering .io domains they were propping up continued exploitation of a colonised people.

Curious what exactly will happen, I would have hoped ownership of the top level domain could be returned to the people of the Chaos Islands.

(10-08-2024, 07:53 AM)Snoopy wrote: Morrigan is not a fan of Metaphor-

Quote:I didn't finish it yet because this demo is interminable but I probably won't even bother. I have almost nothing kind to say about this game. Everything about it is either mediocre (combat) or completely terrible (mostly everything else).

I have rarely seen pacing so utterly glacial. The game interrupts you every 2 steps with a cut scene or other, it takes forever before you can actually sit down and play, one of the things I absolutely despise about many games from the PS360 generation.

And the writing isn't even good. It's amateurishly written with the info dumps and stilted dialogue, a generic collection of clichés and hamfisted metaphors (heh) in a "I'm 12 and this is deep" manner.

Combat is relatively boring and rote, absolutely nothing special there. I could stomach weak and corny writing if combat, dungeon or gameplay keeps me engaged, but it really didn't. Level design is as generic as it gets (wow, an abandoned linear mine, with some minor side alcoves for loot! truly engrossing).

Absolutely nothing in that demo was compelling whatsoever. I'll give it half a credit for not having a gratuitously sexualized woman in there, I suppose.

She's right about the pacing but endless dialogue is a known thing in Persona.

I know she didn’t got too far because she didn’t caught the pink haired dog/bunny girl bounty hunter.

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