Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(10-08-2024, 07:23 PM)DocWager wrote: Honestly… I just see a bulky new armor. I don’t know why this is ammo for the culture war. Can everybody arguing this please kill themselves.

(10-08-2024, 07:35 PM)saltygeneraltso wrote: He looks like a fat gay matronly manly heterosexual robot lego man

he just like me fr
(10-08-2024, 06:57 PM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote:
(10-08-2024, 06:48 PM)Jansen wrote:

They're getting butthurt about this in the chuds megathread

That bitch is nuts. She's the far right version of Hasan.

That being said

Spoiler:  (click to show)

I still would

[Image: D-UZgOZWkAA72BZ.jpg:large]

She literally had to be hospitalized for not drinking water. She's dumb as a rock.
I remember her eating nothing but stacks of butter at some point  lol

Quote:Christina Aguilera

Quote:This is a tight well thought out list that contains no bias and I even left NATE DOGG and BLUE RASSBERRY off despite my own self protest.


This dude is dumb as a rock.

Old thread
3 users liked this post: kaleidoscopium, killamajig, Hap Shaughnessy
No Rob Halford. Thumbsdown
4 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Potato, Taco Bell Tower, AnnoyedCanadian
Nice Master John Chef rocking that fupa
(10-08-2024, 06:07 PM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote:
(10-08-2024, 05:10 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

It's "TOE the line". Rage

(10-08-2024, 05:57 PM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote:
(10-08-2024, 05:51 PM)jooseloose wrote: Thread about the .io domain possibly ceasing to exist

I'm sure Era ill be perfectly normal about this...


Again, using the same username on EVERYTHING

Malarkey! Ryker
He uses “toe the line” in the Reddit post, btw. I’m actually not sure what’s correct or not. Do I go with the anonymous bire poster or the then-unemployed games writer?

To "toe the line" means you will go all the way up to the limit, but not cross the line.

It means you disagree with something but will never actually do anything to oppose it.

Motherfucker learn to capitalize and use periods. Some good college did when you type like an absolute dent brained fuck.

On a side note, Tara Strong may be getting nuttier as she ages but she's still fucking hot

[Image: lctc1dngjund1.jpeg]
Melonie Mac is a wrongun. But sure still would.
What's with the cross icon on Melonie Mac's Twitter?  Is she implying she's Christian?  Social Justice Warrior 2
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, D3RANG3D, AnnoyedCanadian
(10-08-2024, 07:58 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: No Rob Halford. Thumbsdown


Quote:Frank Sinatra's vocal skills are so overrated

[Image: 1376-m.jpg]

Quote:Gender Female

Sabu Feeemales
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
(10-08-2024, 06:57 PM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote:
(10-08-2024, 06:48 PM)Jansen wrote:

They're getting butthurt about this in the chuds megathread

That bitch is nuts. She's the far right version of Hasan.

That being said

Spoiler:  (click to show)

I still would

[Image: D-UZgOZWkAA72BZ.jpg:large]

That bitch got the fucking crazy eyes man!
(10-08-2024, 07:52 PM)Nintex wrote: I remember her eating nothing but stacks of butter at some point  lol

butter and g fuel until she had to go to the hospital Rofl

(10-08-2024, 08:03 PM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote:

Motherfucker learn to capitalize and use periods. Some good college did when you type like an absolute dent brained fuck.

On a side note, Tara Strong may be getting nuttier as she ages but she's still fucking hot

[Image: lctc1dngjund1.jpeg]

She definitely got that attractive older woman who is a bit of a nutcase vibe for sure.
(10-08-2024, 07:58 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: No Rob Halford. Thumbsdown

No Bruce Dickinson  Trash
3 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower, AnnoyedCanadian
Quote:Yep 14 out of 17 of the greatest vocalist of all time are American...

Soapbox Killer
Quote:Not my fault y'all can't sang!

[Image: tumblr_pmi5zxKieu1u1zdb6o4_540.gif]
5 users liked this post: Alpacx, Potato, D3RANG3D, Hap Shaughnessy, Taco Bell Tower

What the hell is this?

TheEchosOfTheCyborg wrote:Hi there, it's you local echoey Cyborg here, dating can be hard, scary and anxiety inducing at the best of times, especially in a world where same-sex love is still hated by so many people. This can be exponentially difficult if you have a crush with a goddess, whose powers and fame can be intimidating. But don't worry; I've come up with a quick handy guide for you to help you through this.

1. Be confident. This can be a big ask for anyone, especially us with massive shyness and history of having our trust broken, those first steps can be the toughest (I'm talking from massive amount of experience). It can be hard but ultimately it's better to know the answer, yes or no then never knowing at all because you'll always be wondering what the answer would be, the regret of never knowing.

2. Their are other women out there willing to help. It can sometimes feel like you're alone, especially in a time where trans women like me can be made to feel small and unwanted. But remember their are many of us out there will to help. Their are many safe spaces online for wlw to discuss and help one an other, many women who have dated goddesses who are will to talk about their experiences and help those who need help dating their dream deity.

3. Be yourself. Be honest with them and don't pretend to be someone you're not. Be proud of YOU because you are wonderful, beautiful and amazing in your own ways and NEVER let some shit-tier online chud or some pricks who think women should only be one way tell you otherwise.

4. Respect Boundaries. No means no and it's wrong to pressure a goddess into dating you. You're better than that. Plus, these are GODDESSES! They can turn you into a spider or kill you (or worse) if you tried.

5. Don't be worried about rejection. Rejection happens, it's part of life and you have nothing to be a shamed of. Maybe you simply weren't compatible, maybe she had someone or someones in her life right now. There are many many reasons and blaming yourself is only going to make it feel worse. You aren't a bad person, their are many people out there who would love to be with someone like you.

6. Don't let snarky atheists online tell you Goddesses don't exist. While most atheists are smart and intelligent people (same with religious people, seriously some of the funniest and cleverest people I've met have been Rabbis and some of the most progressive and welcoming people I've ever met with Pagan, Wicca, Buddhist, Catholic, Sikh and Jewish), there are always those who think being atheist = intelligence while never actually reading or researching on the subject matters there talking about (or use their atheism as an excuse to be transphobic, Antisemitic, Islamophobic etc). There are going to be those who are going to snark at you or mock you for thinking goddesses are real; but you'll have the last laugh when you're up in Asgard, Olympus or where ever having your best days when their just stuck online complaining about Hobgoblins stealing all their grains for the 50th time.

7. Do some research. Many Goddesses tales and stories about them and it's good to know who they are to know if you're a good match, find any issues or things to avoid bringing up or if their already married. Sadly though, this isn't always the best since wlw history and myths have gone unrecorded and supressed due to thousands of years of misogyny and hatred towards women loving women. This does not mean lesbians and other wlw weren't their, having our own beliefs and stories and I do not buy for a second many of the Greek goddesses didn't have women lovers. Thanks to Sappho of Lesbos (legend), we know many women preyed to Apthrodite for help in wlw relationships (Apthrodite being a goddess unfairly vilified and slut shamed to make Hephaestus, God of Incels look good (lets just say he REALLY does not get to complain about others being "unfaithful", especially when he bribed Zeus into marrying Aphrodite when she wanted to be with Ares).

8. Go on that grand adventure. Thankfully, modern transportation makes going to places easier than ever, but be prepared to walk a lot of the way, especially if your quest. Remember to make sure to let people know where you're going in case of emergencies and take the correct supplies, belief me, if you're going to a hot environment to bring plenty of sunscreen and after sun (because a bad case of Sun Stroke can be horrible). You may also need to fight some monsters, demons, ghosts and unfunny Disney-style sidekicks to remember to bring your family weapon I'm sure most non-Scottish readers have. I'd also recommend learning the local ancient languages in case you have to go through the local underworld and need to ward off spirits.

9. Be willing to do those tasks. Some Goddesses expect their love interests to do tasks to prove themselves worthy of their love (or because they get SO MANY asks they need to who's actually willing). You may need to slay a monster, get them a special item, help them deal with a mess they've got themselves into etc. However remember that boundaries I brought up go both ways and if she wants you to do something you feel uncomfortable doing, don't, it's a good sign that the relationship isn't going to be a health one is both parties aren't respecting each other.

10. Be okay to wait. Not everyone wants to commit after the first date (or monster slaying) and need time to think it over and truly see if you are the one for them. This is perfectly normal and not a judgement on you. Again, if you truly care for them, respect their boundaries and understand.

Bonus. DO NOT STEAL THE SOURCE OF THEIR IMMORTALITY. I get it, it's tempting wanting to eat Iðunn's apple and have a taste of that ambrosia but believe me, it isn't worth it and you're betraying the trust of your Goddess girlfriend who likely would have given you it willingly eventually if they truly loved you. Seriously, you deserve whatever punishment is waiting for you for that!

Hope this guide has been useful all wonderful wlw era users. I'm off to have a picnic with my super goddess girlfriend Eris and my new future step children in Erebus and troll Zeus again! Have fun (:
(10-08-2024, 08:23 PM)Steven Snell wrote:

What the hell is this?

TheEchosOfTheCyborg wrote:Hi there, it's you local echoey Cyborg here, dating can be hard, scary and anxiety inducing at the best of times, especially in a world where same-sex love is still hated by so many people. This can be exponentially difficult if you have a crush with a goddess, whose powers and fame can be intimidating. But don't worry; I've come up with a quick handy guide for you to help you through this.

1. Be confident. This can be a big ask for anyone, especially us with massive shyness and history of having our trust broken, those first steps can be the toughest (I'm talking from massive amount of experience). It can be hard but ultimately it's better to know the answer, yes or no then never knowing at all because you'll always be wondering what the answer would be, the regret of never knowing.

2. Their are other women out there willing to help. It can sometimes feel like you're alone, especially in a time where trans women like me can be made to feel small and unwanted. But remember their are many of us out there will to help. Their are many safe spaces online for wlw to discuss and help one an other, many women who have dated goddesses who are will to talk about their experiences and help those who need help dating their dream deity.

3. Be yourself. Be honest with them and don't pretend to be someone you're not. Be proud of YOU because you are wonderful, beautiful and amazing in your own ways and NEVER let some shit-tier online chud or some pricks who think women should only be one way tell you otherwise.

4. Respect Boundaries. No means no and it's wrong to pressure a goddess into dating you. You're better than that. Plus, these are GODDESSES! They can turn you into a spider or kill you (or worse) if you tried.

5. Don't be worried about rejection. Rejection happens, it's part of life and you have nothing to be a shamed of. Maybe you simply weren't compatible, maybe she had someone or someones in her life right now. There are many many reasons and blaming yourself is only going to make it feel worse. You aren't a bad person, their are many people out there who would love to be with someone like you.

6. Don't let snarky atheists online tell you Goddesses don't exist. While most atheists are smart and intelligent people (same with religious people, seriously some of the funniest and cleverest people I've met have been Rabbis and some of the most progressive and welcoming people I've ever met with Pagan, Wicca, Buddhist, Catholic, Sikh and Jewish), there are always those who think being atheist = intelligence while never actually reading or researching on the subject matters there talking about (or use their atheism as an excuse to be transphobic, Antisemitic, Islamophobic etc). There are going to be those who are going to snark at you or mock you for thinking goddesses are real; but you'll have the last laugh when you're up in Asgard, Olympus or where ever having your best days when their just stuck online complaining about Hobgoblins stealing all their grains for the 50th time.

7. Do some research. Many Goddesses tales and stories about them and it's good to know who they are to know if you're a good match, find any issues or things to avoid bringing up or if their already married. Sadly though, this isn't always the best since wlw history and myths have gone unrecorded and supressed due to thousands of years of misogyny and hatred towards women loving women. This does not mean lesbians and other wlw weren't their, having our own beliefs and stories and I do not buy for a second many of the Greek goddesses didn't have women lovers. Thanks to Sappho of Lesbos (legend), we know many women preyed to Apthrodite for help in wlw relationships (Apthrodite being a goddess unfairly vilified and slut shamed to make Hephaestus, God of Incels look good (lets just say he REALLY does not get to complain about others being "unfaithful", especially when he bribed Zeus into marrying Aphrodite when she wanted to be with Ares).

8. Go on that grand adventure. Thankfully, modern transportation makes going to places easier than ever, but be prepared to walk a lot of the way, especially if your quest. Remember to make sure to let people know where you're going in case of emergencies and take the correct supplies, belief me, if you're going to a hot environment to bring plenty of sunscreen and after sun (because a bad case of Sun Stroke can be horrible). You may also need to fight some monsters, demons, ghosts and unfunny Disney-style sidekicks to remember to bring your family weapon I'm sure most non-Scottish readers have. I'd also recommend learning the local ancient languages in case you have to go through the local underworld and need to ward off spirits.

9. Be willing to do those tasks. Some Goddesses expect their love interests to do tasks to prove themselves worthy of their love (or because they get SO MANY asks they need to who's actually willing). You may need to slay a monster, get them a special item, help them deal with a mess they've got themselves into etc. However remember that boundaries I brought up go both ways and if she wants you to do something you feel uncomfortable doing, don't, it's a good sign that the relationship isn't going to be a health one is both parties aren't respecting each other.

10. Be okay to wait. Not everyone wants to commit after the first date (or monster slaying) and need time to think it over and truly see if you are the one for them. This is perfectly normal and not a judgement on you. Again, if you truly care for them, respect their boundaries and understand.

Bonus. DO NOT STEAL THE SOURCE OF THEIR IMMORTALITY. I get it, it's tempting wanting to eat Iðunn's apple and have a taste of that ambrosia but believe me, it isn't worth it and you're betraying the trust of your Goddess girlfriend who likely would have given you it willingly eventually if they truly loved you. Seriously, you deserve whatever punishment is waiting for you for that!

Hope this guide has been useful all wonderful wlw era users. I'm off to have a picnic with my super goddess girlfriend Eris and my new future step children in Erebus and troll Zeus again! Have fun (:

Legit serial killer energy from that fat balding man. I wouldn't be surprised if he made a skin suit of a woman (most likely his mother) in the future and the fucking warning signs were there.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: jA7Alf.gif]
(10-08-2024, 08:03 PM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote:

Motherfucker learn to capitalize and use periods. Some good college did when you type like an absolute dent brained fuck.

On a side note, Tara Strong may be getting nuttier as she ages but she's still fucking hot

[Image: lctc1dngjund1.jpeg]
love a blonde with a push up bra who looks just a little bit bonked Mr. Worldwide
(10-08-2024, 08:23 PM)Steven Snell wrote:

What the hell is this?
[Image: qig7U8y.png]
RichardHawk wrote:Jesus Christ.
Crax wrote:yas queen

Your choices for President Trumps
3 users liked this post: AnnoyedCanadian, kaleidoscopium, Taco Bell Tower
I think I'd agree sinatra is overrated, he came up at a time when everything was word of mouth/personal connections/whatever people were told was great or needed to be heard

he obviously had great connections and marketing skills, a knack for knowing where to put himself out there to expand his influence

his style hit at the right time to capture the popular zeitgeist

in those days once you were already popular momentum carried you far and wide, because who the hell else was as widely available to listen to?

I feel like everything adds up to make him an effective performer and star but that says nothing about his vocal quality

also the global population in 1950 was estimated at 2.5 billion people, we've more than tripled that, just by the numbers it's incredibly likely that there are way more people who are better vocalists than him alive today
3 users liked this post: ClothedMac, AnnoyedCanadian, Taco Bell Tower

Creepy incels assemble
Goddess is definitely code for cis woman
(10-08-2024, 08:36 PM)Uncle wrote: I think I'd agree sinatra is overrated, he came up at a time when everything was word of mouth/personal connections/whatever people were told was great or needed to be heard

he obviously had great connections and marketing skills, a knack for knowing where to put himself out there to expand his influence

his style hit at the right time to capture the popular zeitgeist

in those days once you were already popular momentum carried you far and wide, because who the hell else was as widely available to listen to?

I feel like everything adds up to make him an effective performer and star but that says nothing about his vocal quality

also the global population in 1950 was estimated at 2.5 billion people, we've more than tripled that, just by the numbers it's incredibly likely that there are way more people who are better vocalists than him alive today

why don't you fuck him already?
(10-08-2024, 07:16 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: And then when someone says "that shit look like Robot Chicken" your brain has been so hopelessly rewired that you hear "omg the forces of DEI transitioned Master Chief as part of woke" and then we have the mass delusion of GamerGate 2.0 happening. Which is ultimately a hallucination that only exists in the imagination of these two groups...a folie à deux, if you will.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Also I would as well. 

That's also an annoying part. When you now say that the new master Chief looks kind of dumb you're bound to get "side eyes" and "tell us how you really feel" from Resetera dumbasses
Amazing how Chris Chan really was a kind of metaphysical template for this degeneration via too much internet. Goddess business seems very important to these middle aged men.
Didn’t Frank Sinatra’s kid post on gaf way way back before he became notable for the Weinstein reporting.
Quote:Sparking Zero on track to join Wukong and Space Marine 2 to be among the biggest successes of the year. LFG!

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