Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Nola wrote:Thats the sort of conflation the right loves to make to remove any culpability for right wing extremism. It's where you get extremism in the name of liberty is no vice nonsense.

Fascism is almost always distinct in that while it is always unique in the cultural and political cleavages it manifests around, it is almost always in large part a reactionary movement anchored around anti-leftism

As for the OP, Animal Farm is great when it comes to totalitarianism, but for fascism specifically(which is often take the form of totalitarianism), I am actually struggling to name one that I think does it justice, but that probably speaks more about me than there not being one.

EDIT: The problem I have with people saying Animal Farm is that fascism almost always comes to power two ways: Through the existing political system or a military coup. Animal Farm is explicitly a story about revolutionary totalitarianism and I think that is something that even today, even in this thread, people do not respect enough and that is IMO one reason why the threat of today's fascist parties and leaders seems to be too focused on external revolutionary acts and not focused enough on internal political rises that erode institutions and systems of checks and balances. Its the one thing the focus on Project 2025 has gotten right about what we should be focused on with fascism. Which is not Jan 6th, but a weak right wing party rallying behind a autocratic leader that comes to power through the process and then shuts the door behind them.
Nola wrote:
Quote:I don't consider it conflation. Totalitarianism can have different flavors. At its root, it's a form of fascism. It just isn't directly hostile and military backed in the same way. It's a difference without distinction to the people living under either boot at the end of the day.
No its not

You have the relationship inverted

You are placing fascism at the root and calling things like communist totalitarianism, or totalitarianism itself a branch of the tree of fascism. Thats simply not a healthy way of framing it, nor is it really accurate. Fascism often ends up totalitarian, but not every totalitarian government is fascist. In fact most arent.

And yes the distinction matters cause what you are doing is why people like Trump will casually and without pushback claim they are fighting the forces of communism and fascism and much of America, especielly on the right, dont blink an eye or find the conflation preposterous, which it is. Why you get people conflating Bernie Sanders' populism as being in the same wheelhouse as Trumpism. Why you have a tortured cottage industry of right-wing historians trying to frame Nazism and post WWI fascism as a left-wing movement when fascism is explicitly organized around extreme anti-leftism and is a conservative ideology amongst those in the dominant social and ethnic populations of a country.
Nola wrote:
Quote:I think what some people are stating is that a lot of these governments whether they be fascists, communists or even something like religion based tend to all turn out rather similar in the end. Its one of those conversations people need to discuss whether they're talking about the forest or the tree's as otherwise everyone starts talking past each other.
Sure, but failing to understand the distinctions and very real differences leads to the sort of broken immune system to the current rise of fascism we see in places like America and parts of Europe.

Where Americans are completely braindead about authoritarian or illiberal governance is in every facet unless it takes the form of the Star Wars Empire end state that everyone can agree is bad. Often done in the sort of Alex Garland way where context and reality-rooted causation is deliberately excised from the project and the result is a half of America that doesn't bat an eye at interpreting "The Antifa Massacre" as an act of aggression by ANTIFA and sees no issue with that sort of deliberate obfuscation device to focus on the thing we all know is already bad.

I mean wouldn't it be great if we could avoid such a faith as the end result we all agree is bad? Yes it would, thats why we need to understand why fascism and communism are not interchangeable and why Bernie Sanders and Trump are not cut from the same populist cloth. Why it's silly to look at Stalinism and scream fascism or see people speak of economic revolution and evoke Hitler. Why it's absurd that right wingers call the expansion of LGBTQ rights or prosecuting Trump as reminiscent of Nazi Germany. Why when people say Trump and Project 2025 is a threat to democracy they are often flat footed or struggle to envision a version of fascism that looks more like Hungary or Louisiana under a Huey Long for rich white people than the Empire from Star Wars....and why neither of them feels very real to a vast majority of people, even ones not allied with Trump. Where "Never Again" is just an empty slogan without any real actionable meaning to most people, as we see as so many of those lessons are blatantly ignored in places like Gaza.

We can all agree we don't want an America thats depicted in the film Civl War, but hard to avoid that when no one cares to develop the accurate language and immune system to recognize it correctly and reject it before we get to that end state.
Nola wrote:A lot of it is the motive, means, methods, origins, characteristics, and process that distinguishes fascism from other forms of totalitarianism or illiberal governance, yes. And they can often share things in common.

I'll spoiler out of respect, but some structured outlines to start with:

Robert O-Paxton's definition and his 5 Stages of fascism is a decent starting point IMO

Another more descriptive framework for fascism I think is good to look at is from Umberto Eco's 1995 essay Eternal Fascism: Fourteen Ways of Looking at a Blackshirt on the characteristics of fascism. First read it in a college poli-sci class on the politics of the interwar period in Europe longer ago than I wish. Can't seem to find a free version of the original anymore but there is a wiki page on it and other scholarly definitions:

One important point Umberto makes is to not see fascism as a checklist, but as a framework and toolkit for understanding the language of it's next manifestation. Cause if you wait for fascism's latest iteration to put on a Brownshirt and demand we reopen Auschwitz to kill all the Jews and Gypsies, that is where you are essentially missing the forest for the trees.
Except this is all wrong because the fascists considered themselves revolutionaries and their target was the same as the left: liberalism. Fascists were not a "reaction" against "the left" unless "the left" is liberalism, they had no problem with socialism conceptually only who wanted socialism.

Every single one of those "five stages" and Eco's list* would apply to the Bolsheviks. The complaint that fascism only comes to power through an existing state or a coup would also apply to the Bolsheviks, the CCP and many other socialist states.

The Soviet Union provides another problem in that what Lenin fell back on in the NEP was almost literally what the fascists came up with, both are a "reaction" to a socialism that failed. Mussolini considered socialism failed because it wouldn't seize power nor stay flexible to events, Lenin considered it failed because the Soviets tried it and it literally failed. The result was a state that controls the "commanding heights" through a totalitarian dictatorship while ignoring the finer details at the local level. This wasn't ideological, it's a practical result of if you doubt central planning can work and still want an advancing totalitarian state.

None of this means Animal Farm is about "fascism" since it's literally the history of the Soviet Union, but all these distinctions are just "leftists" trying to deny the totalitarian roots of their ideology and insisting there must be some meaningful difference between the totalitarian state they want and their "greatest" enemies. Even though this ignores the obvious, that two totalitarian groups have to be the greatest enemies of each other with any difference because their ideological framework doesn't allow for an opposition to exist. A social democracy party and a liberal party and a conservative party can all exist together without violence because the mediating democracy can shift and adjust to their relative powers. Communists and fascist parties had to go to violence against each other (and the existing state, and the aforementioned parties) because the other winning any power means the abolition of any opposition. The Soviets and Nazis just played this out at an international stage after they peacefully carved up Eastern Europe together.

*except for six, which itself has widely been disputed because it wasn't who supported the Nazis in their elections but in any case cuts against the rests of Nola's thesis as "differences" because almost all successful socialist revolutionaries were middle class or above, not from the working class. The Bolsheviks especially. Nor were any successful socialists not from the "dominant social and ethnic population" in their countries.

Omegasquash wrote:In this case I think it's important to distinguish between the two since a right wing talking point literally is "well the nazi's were socialists" and "socialism" is thrown around a term that makes even people on the left bristle. You have the House of Representatives in 2023 passing a resolution on the horrors of socialism that a LOT of Dems voted for. The left gets demonized far more than the right, and lumping in a story of how a leftist revolution goes horribly wrong as a matter of course helps feed the narrative (not intentionally in this thread, I believe) that leftism is horrible, all while the right is trying to legislate folks out of existence.
Animal farm is about a lame goat named Painter, a jovial tranvestite cow named pilot and a talking string bean who take over old gardener william's landscaping business.
4 users liked this post: normalindividual, D3RANG3D, MJBarret, Taco Bell Tower
Animal Farm's real flaw is the lack of wholesome wlw relationships. The next animated adaption needs to fix this or else.
Where was the diversity in animal farm? Not a single black trans lesbian in the whole book. Orwell was as bad as Joanne.
(10-09-2024, 08:41 AM)benji wrote: Animal Farm's real flaw is the lack of wholesome wlw relationships. The next animated adaption needs to fix this or else.

You're dismissing the lived realities of tankfurs and 88furs again  Social Justice Warrior 2
(10-09-2024, 08:43 AM)Potato wrote: Orwell was as bad as Joanne.
Maybe worse, look at this Anglo-centered, outdated and classist shit he wrote:
Quote:So if this goes through will 7-11s also reek of piss and employ Nazis like the Circle Ks near me
Lot of weebs defending 7/11 cuz it's a Japanese company .
3 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower, Propagandhim
(07-29-2024, 08:09 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
(10-08-2024, 05:24 PM)killamajig wrote:

I'm a professional technical writer and have been for 13 years. Typos and "incorrect" grammar don't bother me in the least outside of a professional environment. I'm more annoyed by the people that try to correct others and I'm of the opinion that the constant need to correct grammar on the internet promotes an Anglo-centric, outdated, and classist view of language and how it's used.

Correct grammar and spelling are for upper class whites only. Please don't steal my people's culture.

Reminds me of the “black people aren’t wrong to wash chicken despite every scientific source saying it’s retarded” topic lol

I copy/post Nepenthe's reasoning that it's racist to tell people not to wash chicken on reddit and twitter and chuckle at the dozens calling me an idiot.
(10-09-2024, 11:09 AM)ClothedMac wrote:
(07-29-2024, 08:09 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
(10-08-2024, 05:24 PM)killamajig wrote:

Correct grammar and spelling are for upper class whites only. Please don't steal my people's culture.

Reminds me of the “black people aren’t wrong to wash chicken despite every scientific source saying it’s retarded” topic lol

I copy/post Nepenthe's reasoning that it's racist to tell people not to wash chicken on reddit and twitter and chuckle at the dozens calling me an idiot.
Next time Nep comes in with dumb opinion like that, a poster should post a picture of a person with foil hat on.
(10-09-2024, 11:09 AM)ClothedMac wrote:
(07-29-2024, 08:09 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
(10-08-2024, 05:24 PM)killamajig wrote:

Correct grammar and spelling are for upper class whites only. Please don't steal my people's culture.

Reminds me of the “black people aren’t wrong to wash chicken despite every scientific source saying it’s retarded” topic lol

I copy/post Nepenthe's reasoning that it's racist to tell people not to wash chicken on reddit and twitter and chuckle at the dozens calling me an idiot.

Just cooking the chicken doesn’t get rid of the glass that the butcher sneaks into the black folx meat
(10-08-2024, 08:23 PM)Steven Snell wrote:

What the hell is this?

TheEchosOfTheCyborg wrote:Hi there, it's you local echoey Cyborg here, dating can be hard, scary and anxiety inducing at the best of times, especially in a world where same-sex love is still hated by so many people. This can be exponentially difficult if you have a crush with a goddess, whose powers and fame can be intimidating. But don't worry; I've come up with a quick handy guide for you to help you through this.

1. Be confident. This can be a big ask for anyone, especially us with massive shyness and history of having our trust broken, those first steps can be the toughest (I'm talking from massive amount of experience). It can be hard but ultimately it's better to know the answer, yes or no then never knowing at all because you'll always be wondering what the answer would be, the regret of never knowing.

2. Their are other women out there willing to help. It can sometimes feel like you're alone, especially in a time where trans women like me can be made to feel small and unwanted. But remember their are many of us out there will to help. Their are many safe spaces online for wlw to discuss and help one an other, many women who have dated goddesses who are will to talk about their experiences and help those who need help dating their dream deity.

3. Be yourself. Be honest with them and don't pretend to be someone you're not. Be proud of YOU because you are wonderful, beautiful and amazing in your own ways and NEVER let some shit-tier online chud or some pricks who think women should only be one way tell you otherwise.

4. Respect Boundaries. No means no and it's wrong to pressure a goddess into dating you. You're better than that. Plus, these are GODDESSES! They can turn you into a spider or kill you (or worse) if you tried.

5. Don't be worried about rejection. Rejection happens, it's part of life and you have nothing to be a shamed of. Maybe you simply weren't compatible, maybe she had someone or someones in her life right now. There are many many reasons and blaming yourself is only going to make it feel worse. You aren't a bad person, their are many people out there who would love to be with someone like you.

6. Don't let snarky atheists online tell you Goddesses don't exist. While most atheists are smart and intelligent people (same with religious people, seriously some of the funniest and cleverest people I've met have been Rabbis and some of the most progressive and welcoming people I've ever met with Pagan, Wicca, Buddhist, Catholic, Sikh and Jewish), there are always those who think being atheist = intelligence while never actually reading or researching on the subject matters there talking about (or use their atheism as an excuse to be transphobic, Antisemitic, Islamophobic etc). There are going to be those who are going to snark at you or mock you for thinking goddesses are real; but you'll have the last laugh when you're up in Asgard, Olympus or where ever having your best days when their just stuck online complaining about Hobgoblins stealing all their grains for the 50th time.

7. Do some research. Many Goddesses tales and stories about them and it's good to know who they are to know if you're a good match, find any issues or things to avoid bringing up or if their already married. Sadly though, this isn't always the best since wlw history and myths have gone unrecorded and supressed due to thousands of years of misogyny and hatred towards women loving women. This does not mean lesbians and other wlw weren't their, having our own beliefs and stories and I do not buy for a second many of the Greek goddesses didn't have women lovers. Thanks to Sappho of Lesbos (legend), we know many women preyed to Apthrodite for help in wlw relationships (Apthrodite being a goddess unfairly vilified and slut shamed to make Hephaestus, God of Incels look good (lets just say he REALLY does not get to complain about others being "unfaithful", especially when he bribed Zeus into marrying Aphrodite when she wanted to be with Ares).

8. Go on that grand adventure. Thankfully, modern transportation makes going to places easier than ever, but be prepared to walk a lot of the way, especially if your quest. Remember to make sure to let people know where you're going in case of emergencies and take the correct supplies, belief me, if you're going to a hot environment to bring plenty of sunscreen and after sun (because a bad case of Sun Stroke can be horrible). You may also need to fight some monsters, demons, ghosts and unfunny Disney-style sidekicks to remember to bring your family weapon I'm sure most non-Scottish readers have. I'd also recommend learning the local ancient languages in case you have to go through the local underworld and need to ward off spirits.

9. Be willing to do those tasks. Some Goddesses expect their love interests to do tasks to prove themselves worthy of their love (or because they get SO MANY asks they need to who's actually willing). You may need to slay a monster, get them a special item, help them deal with a mess they've got themselves into etc. However remember that boundaries I brought up go both ways and if she wants you to do something you feel uncomfortable doing, don't, it's a good sign that the relationship isn't going to be a health one is both parties aren't respecting each other.

10. Be okay to wait. Not everyone wants to commit after the first date (or monster slaying) and need time to think it over and truly see if you are the one for them. This is perfectly normal and not a judgement on you. Again, if you truly care for them, respect their boundaries and understand.

Bonus. DO NOT STEAL THE SOURCE OF THEIR IMMORTALITY. I get it, it's tempting wanting to eat Iðunn's apple and have a taste of that ambrosia but believe me, it isn't worth it and you're betraying the trust of your Goddess girlfriend who likely would have given you it willingly eventually if they truly loved you. Seriously, you deserve whatever punishment is waiting for you for that!

Hope this guide has been useful all wonderful wlw era users. I'm off to have a picnic with my super goddess girlfriend Eris and my new future step children in Erebus and troll Zeus again! Have fun (:

This person is a sexual predator, I’m convinced they will be charged with some form of sex related crime in their lifetime, fucking hell
(10-09-2024, 11:09 AM)ClothedMac wrote:
(07-29-2024, 08:09 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
(10-08-2024, 05:24 PM)killamajig wrote:

Correct grammar and spelling are for upper class whites only. Please don't steal my people's culture.

Reminds me of the “black people aren’t wrong to wash chicken despite every scientific source saying it’s retarded” topic lol

I copy/post Nepenthe's reasoning that it's racist to tell people not to wash chicken on reddit and twitter and chuckle at the dozens calling me an idiot.


4 users liked this post: benji, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
Quote:If this hits as hard as currently expected, I genuinely think the US will never be the same and the effects of this will be global.

Utterly terrifying and fascinating at the same time.


The consequences will never be the same.
Absolutely ridiculous to build a civilisation in a place where the weather does that in the first place imo
3 users liked this post: Potato, killamajig, Taco Bell Tower
(10-09-2024, 01:07 AM)BananaBlast wrote:
(10-08-2024, 06:48 PM)Jansen wrote:

They're getting butthurt about this in the chuds megathread
I really, really hate to say this, but they're probably right for tearing that stupid take apart. Ugh.

Dumb crazy bitch is complaining that Master Chief's armor is "woke" when it's literally just the classic Halo 1 design. It's the whole "they shrunk his shoulders" meme all over again.

I have no idea who she is but if she's known for being crazy why engage with their insanity at all? She probably gets off on the attention.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
guys, bailey jay pmed me, can you stop talking about them please?

(10-09-2024, 05:44 AM)benji wrote:
(10-08-2024, 02:06 PM)DocWager wrote: I hope you guys have her posts saved, and email them to her local authorities so they can share them with the FBI. Hopefully just to her a one week reprimand.
The FBI are not forum jannies.

(10-08-2024, 03:10 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Noodlesoup doesn’t actually live there and only was there for college, does he have to move back for probation or will he be given some leniency to return to Chicago for his probation? lol
It's a state charge and borderline meaningless, he probably won't even have to check in for it. They wanted him to plea to one of them the entire time, you can probably find tons of my posts on here where I say this, because it was just a warning so he won't do anything again since then he'll face a probation violation. 

(10-08-2024, 03:15 PM)Uncle wrote: I like to think of these things in a transactional economic nature

if given the choice, would you rather sit angrily in an office for an evening, or get a PS5? they cost about the same, it is up to you
This is exactly the kind of horrific mentality capitalism puts us in instead of allowing us to all do what's right.

(10-08-2024, 05:46 PM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote: crienne

Quote:This is all made worse by the fact that since I started dealing with my trauma and identity issues and whatnot since about 32 I've wanted, more than ever, to express myself with my hair (whether it's long or colored or pixie cut or whatever) but I can't and I actually have reversed my stance of, "Oh, I'm fine with this" that I had in my mid-late 20s. Baldness sucks, especially when your non-binary and want to explore androgyny or femme styles but can't because you're fucking bald and have a beard and that automatically clocks you as "male" regardless of what you're wearing or how you act.
Person who wants to "express" and "explore" their "androgyny and femme" but can only think of hair and clothing as ways to do this. And do so in incredibly trite ways that are tied to what women attract them. Many such cases.

(10-08-2024, 09:25 PM)Steven Snell wrote: Agreed, but at least if you can look like that. Then fair play you've done well, it's just pathetic when you see like Melody types who tries to pass off as women.
(10-08-2024, 09:43 PM)Propagandhim wrote: Really cool how you all keep quote posting that pic, forcing me to pop boner after boner over essentially a guy's ass like I'm some kind of homogay.  Got me literally stroking my thang from deep in the endzone like I'm some queer playing touch-football, and the football is another man's ass.  You're all gay for this one.
Don't look for any recent pictures now that Bailey Jay has aged out of their teens. There's a reason all the trans fetishes are about trying to freeze life permanently in that age. But that's none of my business...

It's a man, baby

[Image: Bailey-Jay-My-Tits-Dont-Fit-002.jpg]
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, AnnoyedCanadian
anti-taco bell posts earlier and now mfs not saying head is head cause its 2024
wtf kind of shithole forum you running here benji? maf
(10-09-2024, 05:44 AM)benji wrote: Don't look for any recent pictures now that Bailey Jay has aged out of their teens. There's a reason all the trans fetishes are about trying to freeze life permanently in that age. But that's none of my business...

Didn't even know about Bailey Jay until yesterday!
2 users liked this post: Potato, Taco Bell Tower

Quote:I've been recommend to share a post I made on the UK transphobia thread here

Nintendo announced an alarm clock. The tired community is leaving in droves.
(10-09-2024, 12:00 PM)Daffy Duck wrote:
(10-08-2024, 08:23 PM)Steven Snell wrote:

What the hell is this?

TheEchosOfTheCyborg wrote:Hi there, it's you local echoey Cyborg here, dating can be hard, scary and anxiety inducing at the best of times, especially in a world where same-sex love is still hated by so many people. This can be exponentially difficult if you have a crush with a goddess, whose powers and fame can be intimidating. But don't worry; I've come up with a quick handy guide for you to help you through this.

1. Be confident. This can be a big ask for anyone, especially us with massive shyness and history of having our trust broken, those first steps can be the toughest (I'm talking from massive amount of experience). It can be hard but ultimately it's better to know the answer, yes or no then never knowing at all because you'll always be wondering what the answer would be, the regret of never knowing.

2. Their are other women out there willing to help. It can sometimes feel like you're alone, especially in a time where trans women like me can be made to feel small and unwanted. But remember their are many of us out there will to help. Their are many safe spaces online for wlw to discuss and help one an other, many women who have dated goddesses who are will to talk about their experiences and help those who need help dating their dream deity.

3. Be yourself. Be honest with them and don't pretend to be someone you're not. Be proud of YOU because you are wonderful, beautiful and amazing in your own ways and NEVER let some shit-tier online chud or some pricks who think women should only be one way tell you otherwise.

4. Respect Boundaries. No means no and it's wrong to pressure a goddess into dating you. You're better than that. Plus, these are GODDESSES! They can turn you into a spider or kill you (or worse) if you tried.

5. Don't be worried about rejection. Rejection happens, it's part of life and you have nothing to be a shamed of. Maybe you simply weren't compatible, maybe she had someone or someones in her life right now. There are many many reasons and blaming yourself is only going to make it feel worse. You aren't a bad person, their are many people out there who would love to be with someone like you.

6. Don't let snarky atheists online tell you Goddesses don't exist. While most atheists are smart and intelligent people (same with religious people, seriously some of the funniest and cleverest people I've met have been Rabbis and some of the most progressive and welcoming people I've ever met with Pagan, Wicca, Buddhist, Catholic, Sikh and Jewish), there are always those who think being atheist = intelligence while never actually reading or researching on the subject matters there talking about (or use their atheism as an excuse to be transphobic, Antisemitic, Islamophobic etc). There are going to be those who are going to snark at you or mock you for thinking goddesses are real; but you'll have the last laugh when you're up in Asgard, Olympus or where ever having your best days when their just stuck online complaining about Hobgoblins stealing all their grains for the 50th time.

7. Do some research. Many Goddesses tales and stories about them and it's good to know who they are to know if you're a good match, find any issues or things to avoid bringing up or if their already married. Sadly though, this isn't always the best since wlw history and myths have gone unrecorded and supressed due to thousands of years of misogyny and hatred towards women loving women. This does not mean lesbians and other wlw weren't their, having our own beliefs and stories and I do not buy for a second many of the Greek goddesses didn't have women lovers. Thanks to Sappho of Lesbos (legend), we know many women preyed to Apthrodite for help in wlw relationships (Apthrodite being a goddess unfairly vilified and slut shamed to make Hephaestus, God of Incels look good (lets just say he REALLY does not get to complain about others being "unfaithful", especially when he bribed Zeus into marrying Aphrodite when she wanted to be with Ares).

8. Go on that grand adventure. Thankfully, modern transportation makes going to places easier than ever, but be prepared to walk a lot of the way, especially if your quest. Remember to make sure to let people know where you're going in case of emergencies and take the correct supplies, belief me, if you're going to a hot environment to bring plenty of sunscreen and after sun (because a bad case of Sun Stroke can be horrible). You may also need to fight some monsters, demons, ghosts and unfunny Disney-style sidekicks to remember to bring your family weapon I'm sure most non-Scottish readers have. I'd also recommend learning the local ancient languages in case you have to go through the local underworld and need to ward off spirits.

9. Be willing to do those tasks. Some Goddesses expect their love interests to do tasks to prove themselves worthy of their love (or because they get SO MANY asks they need to who's actually willing). You may need to slay a monster, get them a special item, help them deal with a mess they've got themselves into etc. However remember that boundaries I brought up go both ways and if she wants you to do something you feel uncomfortable doing, don't, it's a good sign that the relationship isn't going to be a health one is both parties aren't respecting each other.

10. Be okay to wait. Not everyone wants to commit after the first date (or monster slaying) and need time to think it over and truly see if you are the one for them. This is perfectly normal and not a judgement on you. Again, if you truly care for them, respect their boundaries and understand.

Bonus. DO NOT STEAL THE SOURCE OF THEIR IMMORTALITY. I get it, it's tempting wanting to eat Iðunn's apple and have a taste of that ambrosia but believe me, it isn't worth it and you're betraying the trust of your Goddess girlfriend who likely would have given you it willingly eventually if they truly loved you. Seriously, you deserve whatever punishment is waiting for you for that!

Hope this guide has been useful all wonderful wlw era users. I'm off to have a picnic with my super goddess girlfriend Eris and my new future step children in Erebus and troll Zeus again! Have fun (:

This person is a sexual predator, I’m convinced they will be charged with some form of sex related crime in their lifetime, fucking hell

All that effort to become a prominent and he only gets 30 replies. Most of them snark.

Feels bad, man
(10-09-2024, 02:16 PM)Polident wrote: Nintendo announced an alarm clock. The tired community is leaving in droves.

Word wakker in een wereld lol
(10-09-2024, 02:15 PM)Jansen wrote:

Quote:I've been recommend to share a post I made on the UK transphobia thread here


I like the post above it from the OP.

"Oh, you're unpinning the thread??? Well about year-and-a-half-old article?!"
(10-09-2024, 02:26 PM)nachobro wrote:
(10-09-2024, 02:16 PM)Polident wrote: Nintendo announced an alarm clock. The tired community is leaving in droves.

Word wakker in een wereld lol

No excuses to be a lazy bitch to wake up for work, Nintendo fanboys.
(10-09-2024, 02:42 PM)DavidCroquet wrote:
(10-09-2024, 02:15 PM)Jansen wrote:

Quote:I've been recommend to share a post I made on the UK transphobia thread here


I like the post above it from the OP.

"Oh, you're unpinning the thread??? Well about year-and-a-half-old article?!"

I wonder how many people have that thread on ignore now.
Quote:So I don't know where the right place to post this is but I've been seeing more and more trans people in recent days being notified by their GPs that they will stop prescribing them HRT

Holy fuck :(
Please let this be undone
Nothing from my GP yet and now just sat anxious there will be. What the fuck?

edit: Put in a prescription request for estrogen and progesterone. I'm due on the former. Figure at best I'll get a fresh batch in, at worst I force the issue but know where I stand so I can think about what to do next. Thankfully I have a 2 month supply I cycle as a backup. So if this is it, at least I have some time to sort a solution.


Bowdown TERF BITCH Bowdown

Sorry for all the Bire lovers of UK trooons. Get all your wanking in before they all transform back into ugly men. lol
(10-09-2024, 02:07 PM)Jansen wrote:
(10-09-2024, 05:44 AM)benji wrote:
(10-08-2024, 02:06 PM)DocWager wrote: I hope you guys have her posts saved, and email them to her local authorities so they can share them with the FBI. Hopefully just to her a one week reprimand.
The FBI are not forum jannies.

(10-08-2024, 03:10 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Noodlesoup doesn’t actually live there and only was there for college, does he have to move back for probation or will he be given some leniency to return to Chicago for his probation? lol
It's a state charge and borderline meaningless, he probably won't even have to check in for it. They wanted him to plea to one of them the entire time, you can probably find tons of my posts on here where I say this, because it was just a warning so he won't do anything again since then he'll face a probation violation. 

(10-08-2024, 03:15 PM)Uncle wrote: I like to think of these things in a transactional economic nature

if given the choice, would you rather sit angrily in an office for an evening, or get a PS5? they cost about the same, it is up to you
This is exactly the kind of horrific mentality capitalism puts us in instead of allowing us to all do what's right.

(10-08-2024, 05:46 PM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote: crienne
Person who wants to "express" and "explore" their "androgyny and femme" but can only think of hair and clothing as ways to do this. And do so in incredibly trite ways that are tied to what women attract them. Many such cases.

(10-08-2024, 09:25 PM)Steven Snell wrote: Agreed, but at least if you can look like that. Then fair play you've done well, it's just pathetic when you see like Melody types who tries to pass off as women.
(10-08-2024, 09:43 PM)Propagandhim wrote: Really cool how you all keep quote posting that pic, forcing me to pop boner after boner over essentially a guy's ass like I'm some kind of homogay.  Got me literally stroking my thang from deep in the endzone like I'm some queer playing touch-football, and the football is another man's ass.  You're all gay for this one.
Don't look for any recent pictures now that Bailey Jay has aged out of their teens. There's a reason all the trans fetishes are about trying to freeze life permanently in that age. But that's none of my business...

It's a man, baby

[Image: Bailey-Jay-My-Tits-Dont-Fit-002.jpg]

[Image: AlkkwL.gif]

You think the Miami-Dade PD, Dan Marino, Ace, and Snowflake sub to the Bire?
the consequences of this for the WLW content recommendations  Not like this!

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