Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
It should scroll across the screen, Benji.  Hmph
[Image: SfoQ4lP.png]
Thank you for your service!
The discord chat that must be happening right now. Lol
B-Dumbs wiped out his ideological allies (neo-libs) for an anti-Semitic furry still living on her parents' dole acting out some socialist black liberation fantasy online. Nep's anti-semitism was the perfect chance to get rid of her, if not at least demod her, and most of the forum would have backed him, but B-Dumbs decided protecting Nep and massacring PoliERA was the "smart" play instead.

B-Dumbs' current misery as ERA's GM is entirely self-inflicted. He shouldn't get sympathy from anyone. It's been one dumb move after another with him.
(10-11-2024, 06:42 AM)remy wrote: The discord chat that must be happening right now. Lol

Brady always wins.  Trumps
Oh, I forgot to go back to this:
Nepenthe wrote:I'm not Peter Singer levels of extreme.
Yeah, she's more extreme. lol wrote:Singer describes himself as not anti-capitalist, stating in a 2010 interview with the New Left Project: "Capitalism is very far from a perfect system, but so far we have yet to find anything that clearly does a better job of meeting human needs than a regulated capitalist economy coupled with a welfare and health care system that meets the basic needs of those who do not thrive in the capitalist economy."[59] Singer added that "[i]f we ever do find a better system, I'll be happy to call myself an anti-capitalist."[59] Similarly, in his book Marx, Singer is sympathetic to Karl Marx's criticism of capitalism but is skeptical about whether a better system is likely to be created, writing: "Marx saw that capitalism is a wasteful, irrational system, a system which controls us when we should be controlling it. That insight is still valid; but we can now see that the construction of a free and equal society is a more difficult task than Marx realized."[60]
Singer called on Jill Stein to withdraw from the 2016 United States presidential election in states that were close between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on the grounds that the stakes were "too high".[64] He argued against the view that there was no significant difference between Clinton and Trump, whilst also saying that he would not advocate such a tactic in Australia's electoral system, which allows for ranking of preferences.[64] When writing in 2017 on Trump's climate change denial and plans to withdraw from the Paris Accords, Singer advocated a boycott of all consumer goods from the United States to pressure the Trump administration to change its environmental policies.[65][66]
See also:

Slayven being late to the party. Again.
(10-11-2024, 06:43 AM)Averon wrote: B-Dumbs wiped out his ideological allies (neo-libs) for an anti-Semitic furry still living on her parents' dole acting out some socialist black liberation fantasy online. Nep's anti-semitism was the perfect chance to get rid of her, if not at least demod her, and most of the forum would have backed him, but B-Dumbs decided protecting Nep and massacring PoliERA was the "smart" play instead.

B-Dumbs' current misery as ERA's GM is entirely self-inflicted. He shouldn't get sympathy from anyone. It's been one dumb move after another with him.
counterpoint: they hurt his feelings
Protecting the racist nutter Nepenthe was the biggest mistake he ever made
(10-10-2024, 10:28 AM)Snoopy wrote: I stopped watching YT gaming news and opinion channels. They're all a bunch of wankers.

Only one I watch is Spawn Wave.

Nice news roundups with none of the culture war crap
3 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower, kaleidoscopium
(10-11-2024, 07:08 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: Protecting the racist nutter Nepenthe was the biggest mistake he ever made
Look, he had four coupons and needed to use them all before they expired.
It should be fairly simple really. 'Hello? Moba? Yes, here is five posts at random from Nepenthe being a massive racist child'. But for whatever reason it isn't, and he's allowed evil to metastasise, like Von Hindenberg

Someone should link those posts in the 'best rise of fascism in fiction' thread
You ever hear about those cases where they don’t charge the perpetrator because they’re too stupid to comprehend their actions?

I think it’s like that.
Just caught up. B-Dubs vs Nepenthe is the Smackdown bout we've been waiting for.

Sickos Cruise Missile

Tough times for the collective nation of resetera people.
I love the totally natural “I agree with @nepnep and @booshka” posts that show up right on cue every time nepenthe throws a tantrum. Typical terminally online lefty scum tactic to rally the discord.

Having a likes system would totally ruin the forum though right guys?
You have to admire the insurgent tactics in a way

We are forgetting this sterling candidate, lurking in the background like Abu Bakr waiting for the two superpowers to destroy each other

Quote:[Image: 2627-l.jpg]
Going off an article I was pushed, the showrunner is a coward or there will be a season 2 to maybe, finally confirm Lara as a lesbian. There just won't be justice for Sam.

(10-11-2024, 05:47 AM)benji wrote: Some non-Nepenthe/B-Dubs posts:
Quote:What is stopping Biden or Harris right now from stopping the genocide and being better than Trump? Why is Trump the baseline for minimum standard on this issue?

As of right now, Harris still has time to court the vote of people who currently cannot see themselves voting for her, if she wants those votes. By expressing to Harris that you can't vote for her at the current moment, you exert pressure. Harris still has the chance to court these votes, if she wants to. She has until November 5th to change their minds.

People are chiding others for not voting, but realize they can be convinced still, by the actual candidate. But we shouldn't be taking these voters for granted and assume they need to vote for harm reduction, just because Trump is worse. Again, there is time still, and if you voice that you will vote for the democrat before Election Day because Trump is worse, the democratic candidate will take your vote for free. What is preventing Biden/Harris from doing better right now?

People say it's realpolitik - they are trying to court more voters that are pro-Israel, that these voters outnumber the pro-Palestinian ones. The greater responsibility here of the democratic party should have been to call out Israel, stop funding genocide, and convince American voters why that's the right thing to do. Instead they have continued to fund Israel, and are appealing to voters who are more likely to be pro-Israel and thus justifying their wrong opinions on this issue.
Quote:I'm not voting anymore. This has been the case for some time because voting doesn't do anything and the choices that are provided are so objectionable that pulling the lever doesn't even give me a placebic rush.

Harris is running as a right wing candidate in 2024 in doing her latest media rounds. Running ads to make sure the American people know she is aligned with the Cheneys, Bushes, Bidens, CIA Directors, and Border Cops. There is no distance between Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on Israel. She was applauding strikes that leveled a block to kill Nasrallah as a kind of justice. I'm fucking sorry, but murdering 300 people to extra-judicially assassinate a person is not a justice I recognize in any way. It's a barbaric, racist justice that deems the lives of Lebanese people as lesser.

The wholesale slaughter that people have justified and made excuses and ran cover for is absolutely disgusting. No one should be surprised about Joe Biden's feelings regarding the Middle East. His entire career has been one of pure racial hatred towards brown people as he was paraded off as "good guy" Joe.

It is no surprise the Democrat who rallied the country to invade Iraq has used his administration to give Israel the push and greenlight to invade, massacre, and subjugate more non-white people.
They really can't seem to grasp that the reason the Democrats are very deliberately keeping their distance from "stopping the genocide" is because there is no significant voting bloc to court, tiktok kids don't vote.  This is why messaging matters, using Islamist terminology and having pro-Hamas rallies has turned the movement into electoral poison. The entire US political class supports Israel, so do the voters in both major parties.  You actually have to persuade people, disenfranchising yourself out of spite doesn't get it done.
(10-11-2024, 05:35 AM)Averon wrote: B-Dumbs vs Nep

Nep wrote:I am not bullshitting Dubs. You know me. However, you were bullshitting when you earlier compared the Ukranian people to the Palestinians.

The fuck did she mean by that anyway?
(10-11-2024, 09:09 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: The fuck did she mean by that anyway?
I think she's referring to the noodlesoup murder earlier:
noodlesoup wrote:
Quote:Both are horrendously fucking bad choices lmao

Love that the rest of the world is affected by the choices you fucking idiots make during elections.
As if the current two frontrunners aren't awful themselves. Lmao.
noodlesoup wrote:
Quote:One of them is considerably worse for the rest of the world but keep showing your privilege yankee
And the both of them are quite adept in enabling genocide and ecocide, the most deplorable thing a state can do, but sure: keep plugging in your ears.
B-Dubs wrote:And Stein, who you are apparently ok with, ALSO supports ethnic cleansing and imperialism! Same with De La Cruz. Awesome awesome.
noodlesoup wrote:I never said I supported Jill Stein or the Green Party...
B-Dubs wrote:Uhh, dude. Go back and read through your own posts. Also, De La Cruz is on that exact same shit.

[Image: 8rXU8oV_d.webp?maxwidth=760&fidelity=grand]
noodlesoup wrote:Bro, saying "or Claudia de la Cruz" in response to a suggestion is not a ringing endorsement of Jill Stein if that's what you're getting at. Also, can you show me how she is the same?
B-Dubs wrote:

If you want to know the measure of a liberal, ask them about Palestine. If you want to know the measure of a leftist, ask them about Ukraine.

Also gonna note, this doesn't even get into the issues with the Party for Socialism and Liberation. A party who thinks Kim Jong Un is a good dude, to start with.
noodlesoup wrote: User banned (1 month): dismissing concerns of ethnic cleansing

I think you and I have very different definitions of what ethnic cleansing entails. This is irrelevant and an entirely different topic of discussion.

You're upset that a person who is far-left is...far-left? And the account you linked gives off mega McCarthyism centrist vibes. Also, I'm not having a discussion about tankies on Era of all places. Sorry, man.

Also, here's Booshka from earlier:
Booshka wrote:Israel has dropped about five nukes worth of bombs on Gaza without irradiating the land they want to steal and without overly upsetting liberals enough to hold their leadership accountable.

It's been a very methodical and diabolical genocide.

And some more Nepenthe posts in which she calls for a revolution in our state of mind:
Nepenthe wrote:Yes. That's the reality of the matter.

Your moral indignation at any of Harris policies doesn't actually matter when you cast your ballot for her, because you are not voting on the individual bullet points of her platform. You're voting for her to enact the entirety of the platform she outlined to the best of her ability. Crying that it's so hard for you to cast your vote because you really, really, really disagree with her foreign policy doesn't mean anything to the victims of that foreign policy. You still gave her the power to kill them.

Like, I wrestled with this on my own in college over ten years ago when I voted for Obama a second time and concluded that I was absolutely complicit in his drone strikes. I expect better of people today who are, going by Era's statistics, ten years older than I was at the time I decided to have the fucking spine to interrogate myself and my place within this imperialist hellhole of a country. But y'all can't even do that. And it's actually embarrassing.

So yes, I'm asking people to be honest and say that horrific and genocidal foreign policy isn't actually enough to withhold a vote for a Democratic candidate within a national election, that the only actual litmus test they have for disqualification is whether or not the candidate is a Republican. If it is a red line, then the only moral action is literally not to vote for her until she says she will stop it.
Nepenthe wrote:
Quote:Now how about you be honest with yourself and what you're actually accomplishing.
By not voting for Harris, I am at the very least not giving her or anyone else the power to enact a genocide. I also donate to relief funds and UNRWA. But in the meantime, I participate and organize locally in my community for Black-centered causes because my people need help right now, not every four years. I feed people, deliver groceries and supplies, and I participate in larger protests and discussions led by anti-imperialists organizations. In other words, I am fairly confident in saying I have shown up more for my community than you have for mine.
Nepenthe wrote:Peoples in far worse political conditions and regimes have had more tenacity to fight and, subsequently, have accomplished more within their communities than most Americans have despite the fact that we have far more resources at our disposal. We are a lazy, anti-intellectual, and comfortable people with absolutely no sense or understanding of community or solidarity, no actual willingness to fight for something even if it means a personal cost to one's self, no actual idea what can be done to help ourselves in all manner of ways today, right now. You can't even get liberals to even just take a glance at what people are or have historically done in places like Brazil or Burkina Faso just to learn something. They poll watch, doom scroll, nod along with John Oliver, and vote.
Nepenthe wrote:Fundamentally I think it's wrong to frame not voting as a neutral inaction, or to frame voting as the only action that is an "action," such that organizing and fighting in multiple ways is off the table.

For one, it's politically limiting and part of the reason why are in this mess. Liberals don't actually organize or fight for better outcomes in meaningful ways because they have conceded all ground of this type of activism to the realm of immorality or third-world activities that are beneath them- violent/naive/dangerous/Black and Brown "revolutionaries" (and I use quotations because I think liberals operate within a psychological framework that believes revolution is only about violence ("Why don't you burn down a Walmart if you're such a fucking revolutionary?!!!!"), when to me it encompasses all actions that seek to subvert white supremacy, capitalism, and colonialism and imperialism).

Heck, I'd even argue that they've conceded this ground to conservatives, which is probably why, as a moral stance, they refuse to partake! I watch all the time whenever some new, weird-ass group like Moms for Liberty comes out of nowhere to, even locally, start enacting change. What do liberals do? They express outrage online, they ask "Why doesn't anyone stop them?!", but they don't actually fight. They don't make their own counter organizations. They don't infiltrate these organizations. They don't participate in local board meetings to counter them. They don't get on these boards to influence the platform. They don't organize things like banned book drives immediately. By all accounts liberals outnumber conservatives, and especially alt-right conservatives. Neoliberalism is arguably the most successful ideology in the world right now. Yet here we are, on the precipice of fascism in multiple Western liberal democracies, so called bastions of civility, and yet somehow it's progressives' fault? Make it make sense.

Ultimately though, they don't do any of that, because to do so is to become a filthy "activist." You don't want to be some rabblerouser burning down buildings, holding up traffic, and getting put on government lists. No. You're better than that. You're a clean moral civic actor with a nice job and a family and friends to protect who loves this country and votes Democrat. You can't be out in these streets fighting. You can't afford to go to jail or the hospital (which in turn is another problem that should be addressed, but I digress.)

Second, you keep saying progressives who aren't voting aren't doing anything. I disagree (and again, I'd argue you agree too because you do actually attach a material reality to the act of not voting because you believe the outcomes is that a Republican will win if enough people abstain). I would say they are doing something- they're letting the DNC know that their vote is not to be taken for granted, that they have actual positions they want enacted and certain moral standards that cannot be crossed, and that if the DNC wants to win and be competitive, they need to acquiesce to the demands preventing them from gaining these votes. Otherwise the DNC cannot be said to be a moral actor worth having governance.

They are- however futile it may seem within a populous who views voting for their preferred candidate as a zero-sum game due to math and our electoral systems- actually expressing their power, by saying that theirs will not be given away to any and every ol' fox that comes along smiling and promising that he will guard the chickens for you. To say instead to the fox that your loyalty is guaranteed because you are afraid of the wolf eating your chickens simply means that you will allow the fox to also feast on some the chickens you're trying to protect whenever he damn well pleases because he makes less of a mess than the wolf. Well, some people are actually trying to build a coop for the chickens to live in safely, and doing so is not actually express consent for the wolf to eat the chickens either!

That's the thing. A non-vote is not actually material consent for any candidate because a candidate does not actually gain power from a lack of votes, no more than saying nothing to someone trying to come onto you is express permission to be sexually assaulted. You simply cannot add zero to any person's tally. Presidental power is bestowed if the proportion of existant votes exceeds enough of a majority in strategic places to then go on to win a simple majority of Electoral College votes. The people who could have voted but choose not to do not actually have sway over the outcome and thus bear no responsibility for the outcome. The people who voted do. Subsequently, it is only the people who voted for Trump who are responsible for Trump being in power, and those are the people that Era should be fighting with and condemning, for all the complaining we do about leftist infighting and hammering the Democrats more.

It also must be noted that multiple genocides are already also happening under Democratic watch, like...right now. It must be noted that trans healthcare is in jeopardy, right now. Federal abortion protections are gone, right now. Black and Indigenous Americans are still being economically oppressed and killed by the State, right now. Kids are still being locked in cages at the border, right now. Fascism is pretty much here. The question of harm reduction has to be be seriously reexamined within this context, because we do not live in a reality where oppression entirely halts under Democratic regimes. If that were the case, there would be no question.

But ultimately I go back to my point that revolution is not actually about burning shit down and toppling the system in a violent way. This isn't a comic book. It is about amassing power within the people and using that power to promote anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, and anti-white supremacist outcomes in all ways, big and small, for the sake of the human race and the planet.

It is no different than a slave breaking some of the rules to maintain some humanity and gain education, or running away on their own, or an abolitionist hiding slaves and getting them to the North, or even slaves outright rebelling, either non-violently as was sometimes done, or violently wherein the whole plantation is burned down. Slavery remained even in the midst of these actions until it became untenable through economic collapse or war. But we do not actually condemn those who did these actions as "doing nothing," now do we, simply because these individual actions did not directly end the barbarity. This is simple thinking. Systems can and often do remain in place after revolutionary action has taken place. What matters is that the revolutionary action is happening, that it exists in contrast to the status quo, that it displays alternative ways of thinking and being, and reaffirms the ability for humans to resist evil.

Subsequently, I am under no delusion that my current lack of a vote means I, myself, will end the genocide. I am simply tired of giving my permission to this evil country to harm others who cannot fight back, and I am willing to sacrifice some of my comfort and security as a Black NB person to do so. I am tired of being complicit. It disgusts me. The United States fucking disgusts me. And I want as little to do with empowering it as possible. That's where I stand. I understand if others do not want to make that choice because they are not willing to sacrifice anything about their current station in life. But just as their actions don't reflect upon me, mine does not reflect upon them. I've made my political choice and calculus. I will not vote for someone to continue the actions happening in the Middle East and that is that. Enough is enough for me.

And if you still think I'm stupid for not wanting to vote for Harris, take this position up for W.E.B. DuBois, a much smarter Negro than I am who didn't even want to vote back during far more dangerous and turbulent times than now.

Also this guy asks the important question:
Roy Ayers wrote:What could Trump do that western imperialism hasn't done to the rest of the world anyway?
Gonna need to call theleftistlawyer to appeal that ban… get it reduced in half
[Image: f6v8yfH.jpg]
Do like how they’re constantly revolving around this argument of “how much genocide is an acceptable amount?” Because they can’t even broach the subject of “is this a genocide?” it’s a foregone conclusion you aren’t allowed to question and are now stuck in this lol
This is what you get when you don’t take power from Charlie Man… I mean Nep, and her family, Dubs.

Prepare for the FBI to come knocking.
Ultimately… Posters are responding to what she’s currently saying, but what they should interrogate is her using her other hand under the table to jack off authoritarian dictators with it. But they aren’t very bright people. They also don’t realize this angry bitch is extremely hypocritical, and mostly lighting fires for her own amusement.
The key problem with Emperor Nepenthe is she has no talent for management or administration, so it has to be a full monarchy with absolute power to the sovereign. All for the greater good, perhaps.

There can be no 'first among citizens' or any kind of senate, because only Nepenthe has the power to speak on behalf of the gods.
Just give the power to her, and watch that place burn down. I’m expecting Hamas OT’s, and other insane things.

ignore the overwhelmingly huge vote of people that didn’t play concord. instead notice that the “i didn’t like concord and stopped playing before it closed down” is equal to the sum of all “i liked concord and…” vote totals.

Wait, B-Dubs isn't black?

Why did I think he was black?
3 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Alpacx, Taco Bell Tower
(10-11-2024, 11:57 AM)DavidCroquet wrote:

ignore the overwhelmingly huge vote of people that didn’t play concord. instead notice that the “i didn’t like concord and stopped playing before it closed down” is equal to the sum of all “i liked concord and…” vote totals.


I’m waiting for legit “How dare you mock us with this thread” posts. But I think those people have too much trauma.
3 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower

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