Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(10-11-2024, 09:46 AM)benji wrote:
(10-11-2024, 09:09 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: The fuck did she mean by that anyway?
I think she's referring to the noodlesoup murder earlier:
noodlesoup wrote:
Quote:Both are horrendously fucking bad choices lmao

Love that the rest of the world is affected by the choices you fucking idiots make during elections.
As if the current two frontrunners aren't awful themselves. Lmao.
noodlesoup wrote:
Quote:One of them is considerably worse for the rest of the world but keep showing your privilege yankee
And the both of them are quite adept in enabling genocide and ecocide, the most deplorable thing a state can do, but sure: keep plugging in your ears.
B-Dubs wrote:And Stein, who you are apparently ok with, ALSO supports ethnic cleansing and imperialism! Same with De La Cruz. Awesome awesome.
noodlesoup wrote:I never said I supported Jill Stein or the Green Party...
B-Dubs wrote:Uhh, dude. Go back and read through your own posts. Also, De La Cruz is on that exact same shit.

[Image: 8rXU8oV_d.webp?maxwidth=760&fidelity=grand]
noodlesoup wrote:Bro, saying "or Claudia de la Cruz" in response to a suggestion is not a ringing endorsement of Jill Stein if that's what you're getting at. Also, can you show me how she is the same?
B-Dubs wrote:

If you want to know the measure of a liberal, ask them about Palestine. If you want to know the measure of a leftist, ask them about Ukraine.

Also gonna note, this doesn't even get into the issues with the Party for Socialism and Liberation. A party who thinks Kim Jong Un is a good dude, to start with.
noodlesoup wrote: User banned (1 month): dismissing concerns of ethnic cleansing

I think you and I have very different definitions of what ethnic cleansing entails. This is irrelevant and an entirely different topic of discussion.

You're upset that a person who is far-left is...far-left? And the account you linked gives off mega McCarthyism centrist vibes. Also, I'm not having a discussion about tankies on Era of all places. Sorry, man.

Even in context I don't really get it. Is she upset that he called what's happening in the Ukraine imperialism and ethnic cleansing? 
Like if you believe what's happening in Gaza is a genocide then that totally applies to the Ukraine too and yet Nepenthe is offended by it
benji dateline='[url=tel:1728629307' wrote: 1728629307[/url]']
Oh, I forgot to go back to this:
Nepenthe wrote:I'm not Peter Singer levels of extreme.
Yeah, she's more extreme. lol wrote:Singer describes himself as not anti-capitalist, stating in a 2010 interview with the New Left Project: "Capitalism is very far from a perfect system, but so far we have yet to find anything that clearly does a better job of meeting human needs than a regulated capitalist economy coupled with a welfare and health care system that meets the basic needs of those who do not thrive in the capitalist economy."[59] Singer added that "[i]f we ever do find a better system, I'll be happy to call myself an anti-capitalist."[59] Similarly, in his book Marx, Singer is sympathetic to Karl Marx's criticism of capitalism but is skeptical about whether a better system is likely to be created, writing: "Marx saw that capitalism is a wasteful, irrational system, a system which controls us when we should be controlling it. That insight is still valid; but we can now see that the construction of a free and equal society is a more difficult task than Marx realized."[60]
Singer called on Jill Stein to withdraw from the 2016 United States presidential election in states that were close between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on the grounds that the stakes were "too high".[64] He argued against the view that there was no significant difference between Clinton and Trump, whilst also saying that he would not advocate such a tactic in Australia's electoral system, which allows for ranking of preferences.[64] When writing in 2017 on Trump's climate change denial and plans to withdraw from the Paris Accords, Singer advocated a boycott of all consumer goods from the United States to pressure the Trump administration to change its environmental policies.[65][66]
See also:

That’s a very ego driven post. She gets off being forum “famous” to the point she compares herself to notable people.
(10-11-2024, 12:02 PM)jooseloose wrote: Wait, B-Dubs isn't black?

Why did I think he was black?

Because he acts like a sassy bitch
4 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, NekoFever, Taco Bell Tower, Propagandhim
(10-11-2024, 06:38 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: It should scroll across the screen, Benji.  Hmph

[Image: NLZKnum.png]
Oh, it got spicy while I was sleeping.

(10-11-2024, 05:55 AM)remy wrote: i wonder if nep ban would cause splinter forum

Nah, there would be dancing in the streets. Aside from maybe a dozen or so posters, the other ones who are constantly kissing her ass would suddenly be

[Image: mariah-carey.gif]
The fact that the majority of the posters don’t respond to the “Rules for me, but not for thee” mods, tells you exactly what they think of those assholes.

[Image: one-of-hulk-hogans-shining-moments]

Nep, Bubblegum, Plagerize, etc…
(10-11-2024, 06:43 AM)Averon wrote: B-Dumbs wiped out his ideological allies (neo-libs) for an anti-Semitic furry still living on her parents' dole acting out some socialist black liberation fantasy online. Nep's anti-semitism was the perfect chance to get rid of her, if not at least demod her, and most of the forum would have backed him, but B-Dumbs decided protecting Nep and massacring PoliERA was the "smart" play instead.

B-Dumbs' current misery as ERA's GM is entirely self-inflicted. He shouldn't get sympathy from anyone. It's been one dumb move after another with him.

But Bdumbs gets to maintain his shitty online friendships. Fair trade. Egomaniac
Remember the sociopath thread, and people who’ve displayed left-wing empathy consider themselves sociopaths? Basically admitting they have been faking empathy for online forum social credit.
(10-11-2024, 01:25 PM)DocWager wrote: Remember the sociopath thread, and people who’ve displayed left-wing empathy consider themselves sociopaths? Basically admitting they have been faking empathy for online forum social credit.

Empathy is transactional  Social Justice Warrior
Gotta give credit to Nep (I'm doing this frequently for the mods, lately Undecided ) for her skillful deployment of this old chestnut.

Nepenthe wrote:We did not allow Trump voters to say "I'm not voting for the racism," so I'm not allowing anyone else any quarter for their chosen candidate. This principle must remain logically consistent. Ultimately, a vote is a wholesale endorsement. It is you saying "I am empowering you to do as much as you can within your term." Again, people need to be honest about this.
Now, the big brain (read: normal brain) take here is that you can say "I don't endorse position X of a candidate, but I am voting for them because Y and Z". And that this happens constantly, all over the world, in every democracy. 

But various groups of dumb dumbs thought saying "If you vote for trump, it means that you 1:1 admire his behaviors and positions and additionally strive to emulate these in your personal life as maximally as possible" was NOT something that would bite them in the ass later. 

And here we witness said biting of ass (almost literally!).
Divest from capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy!
advance wars sgt wrote:Tacit threats like this don't work when minorities are already violently oppressed no matter which flavor of regime is in charge.

Words don’t seem to mean anything to these freaks
(10-11-2024, 01:29 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: Now, the big brain (read: normal brain) take here is that you can say "I don't endorse position X of a candidate, but I am voting for them because Y and Z". And that this happens constantly, all over the world, in every democracy. 

not only that, it happens literally every time you make a decision about anything

"I don't buy things on amazon because I support their global dominance and putting small shops out of business, I buy on amazon because it's cheap and convenient"

"I don't buy food because I like exchanging capital for goods and services in order to prop up the evils of capitalism, I buy food because I kind of need to eat to live"

using her logic, whenever you buy food it means you support everything that goes along with that decision, unthinking support for capitalism, support for the food vendor's shitty hiring practices or cost-cutting measures, etc
(10-11-2024, 12:33 PM)DocWager wrote:
benji dateline='[url=tel:1728629307' wrote: 1728629307[/url]']
Oh, I forgot to go back to this:
Nepenthe wrote:I'm not Peter Singer levels of extreme.
Yeah, she's more extreme. lol wrote:Singer describes himself as not anti-capitalist, stating in a 2010 interview with the New Left Project: "Capitalism is very far from a perfect system, but so far we have yet to find anything that clearly does a better job of meeting human needs than a regulated capitalist economy coupled with a welfare and health care system that meets the basic needs of those who do not thrive in the capitalist economy."[59] Singer added that "[i]f we ever do find a better system, I'll be happy to call myself an anti-capitalist."[59] Similarly, in his book Marx, Singer is sympathetic to Karl Marx's criticism of capitalism but is skeptical about whether a better system is likely to be created, writing: "Marx saw that capitalism is a wasteful, irrational system, a system which controls us when we should be controlling it. That insight is still valid; but we can now see that the construction of a free and equal society is a more difficult task than Marx realized."[60]
Singer called on Jill Stein to withdraw from the 2016 United States presidential election in states that were close between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on the grounds that the stakes were "too high".[64] He argued against the view that there was no significant difference between Clinton and Trump, whilst also saying that he would not advocate such a tactic in Australia's electoral system, which allows for ranking of preferences.[64] When writing in 2017 on Trump's climate change denial and plans to withdraw from the Paris Accords, Singer advocated a boycott of all consumer goods from the United States to pressure the Trump administration to change its environmental policies.[65][66]
See also:

That’s a very ego driven post. She gets off being forum “famous” to the point she compares herself to notable people.

Because in real life if she were to say, "I'm not as extreme as Peter Singer, however i'm very partial to Nussbaum's capability approach in regards to human development and racial equity" people would say, "Oh thats nice, get a rag, will you?  Someone spilled a jar of Ragu in aisle 4."  But that she thinks anyone cares about her philosophical ideas online is an enormous difference in experience from her real day-to-day life.  That's why she'll never give up on being a mod no matter how tormenting she claims it is.

Nepenthe wrote:But in the meantime, I participate and organize locally in my community for Black-centered causes because my people need help right now, not every four years. I feed people, deliver groceries and supplies, and I participate in larger protests and discussions led by anti-imperialists organizations. In other words, I am fairly confident in saying I have shown up more for my community than you have for mine.

I'm not a smart guy, but wouldn't it be more prudent to figure out how to get good at earning money within the system if you're using money to help out your community that the whites refuse to show up for?   I feel like the strategy of being bad at capitalism so I gotta destroy capitalism doesn't reconcile with this little interim step of uplifting your community.  Again, is this just a personal projection of how you've given up because you actually don't believe you can succeed like everyone else?  Cuz that's what I think this is.
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, Potato, Taco Bell Tower
(10-11-2024, 12:02 PM)jooseloose wrote: Wait, B-Dubs isn't black?

Why did I think he was black?

He did use the n word back on GAF.
Remember when they were talking about being a teacher and she was like I couldnt be a teacher because I couldn't ban the fuck out of those kids for disobeying orders
Nepenthe wrote:Your moral indignation at any of Harris policies doesn't actually matter when you cast your ballot for her, because you are not voting on the individual bullet points of her platform. You're voting for her to enact the entirety of the platform she outlined to the best of her ability. Crying that it's so hard for you to cast your vote because you really, really, really disagree with her foreign policy doesn't mean anything to the victims of that foreign policy. You still gave her the power to kill them.

It's all a personal signaling to other people.  You want to be able to be an activist and also say, "I didn't vote for this person.  So it's not on me."  It degrades your cred to have to vote for small wins, to accept a little bit of progress, or to compromise and not get everything you want politically all at once instead of just wholesale rejecting it and getting to maintain your reputation as a hardline activist.  Have fun getting nowhere, as usual.
Yeah but what does it matter? Nepenthe is out there delivering food parcels to those she considers worthy, why should she care about what other people are doing if it isn't exactly what she wants?

CDPR CEO refuting some guy who talks about how the company is in chaos. I wonder though if RE will jump on him for saying that there's no DEI recruitment and that they hire based on talent and merit
(10-11-2024, 05:41 AM)Averon wrote: How will B-Dumbs and Nep deal with the fact that they just can't ban the other into silence lol

Don't make me dream of a Better Place
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, Averon, Taco Bell Tower
(10-11-2024, 02:28 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:

CDPR CEO refuting some guy who talks about how the company is in chaos. I wonder though if RE will jump on him for saying that there's no DEI recruitment and that they hire based on talent and merit

"Chud company" refutes claim by "chud youtuber". lol:
It'd be a tricky one for Ree to handle

As expected, this Endymion dude is full of shit.
(10-11-2024, 05:43 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: THE FUCKING COWARD DELETED HIS POST  Dead

Quote:edit: came out meaner than I meant it, I apologize for that
almost there
he only alternates between the state of b-cucked or b-dumb

just fucking ban nepnep. why are you afraid? the only people that will get mad are a few like stalin apologist booshka et al

just a very few people set the narrative on that forum and most dont engage and not part of it, which is exactly why they would never implement like system because it would expose it
(10-11-2024, 04:35 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Melody Shreds wrote:Actually putting in the work and effort doesn't actually reward most people in their jobs so I understand the mindset, I put everything for my work for a decade and got nothing out of it besides debilitating mental illness, and they still fired me in the end instead of working around my illness.
Maybe I'm just being hopeful but I think capitalism eventually falls apart if the working class stops giving a shit about it.

As i figured, malds has no physical disability. They are just a lazy piece of shit that's going to live off of mommy and daddy until they die
(10-11-2024, 04:34 PM)Jansen wrote:
(10-11-2024, 04:35 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Melody Shreds wrote:Actually putting in the work and effort doesn't actually reward most people in their jobs so I understand the mindset, I put everything for my work for a decade and got nothing out of it besides debilitating mental illness, and they still fired me in the end instead of working around my illness.
Maybe I'm just being hopeful but I think capitalism eventually falls apart if the working class stops giving a shit about it.

As i figured, malds has no physical disability. They are just a lazy piece of shit that's going to live off of mommy and daddy until they die

"I put everything into being a gas station clerk for a decade"

That said, still can't wait for his rpg game to come out
Quote:Maybe I'm just being hopeful but I think capitalism eventually falls apart if the working class stops giving a shit about it.

Didn’t we just have this discussion yesterday!?!? Leave Melody alone!!!
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Cauliflower Of Love
I really want Nep to be a real humanitarian, and travel to Africa to help out her “People”. That way an overlord puts her in front of a firing line after being abducted.
(10-11-2024, 04:48 PM)DocWager wrote: I really want Nep to be a real humanitarian, and travel to Africa to help out her “People”. That way an overlord puts her in front of a firing line after being abducted.


"Lauren, can you please fill up Mr. Patterson's Viagra order, he's at the drive-up window now"

Lauren, seething inside "Yes, mr. Jones, I'll get on that right away"

I guess I can see why these retards get angry off-shift
(10-10-2024, 05:17 AM)SmokyDave wrote: Whoever was summoning me in the early hours of this morning is a dick. The tit-light woke up the missus.

I do appreciate y’all though  Heartbeat

Already a few pages back but I just want to say how I amazed Iam that it worked lol

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