10-13-2024, 03:54 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-13-2024, 03:54 AM by Gameboy Nostalgia.)
(10-13-2024, 03:49 AM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/resetera-post-your-picture-thread.1715/page-17#post-130090584
I forgot that thread existed. I can smell some of the pictures

TaySan's new house has nice floors. Good for him.
(10-13-2024, 03:52 AM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote: Princess Lesbian Fetish
Quote:One I thing I hate about the status quo of "representation" is that even a character like Ellie from The Last of Us isn't explicitly a lesbian. If there wasn't word of God saying so, there would be debates. In mainstream games (and media), there is so little Pride.
Isn't she in a relationship with another woman?
explicitly a lesbian?
16 users liked this post: Brolha, Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D, MJBarret, BananaBlast, Taco Bell Tower, DavidCroquet, JoeBoy101, Daffy Duck, NekoFever, Potato, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, kaleidoscopium, Boredfrom, ClothedMac, AnnoyedCanadian
a wlw relationship you say?
10-13-2024, 03:59 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-13-2024, 04:01 AM by benji.)
Princess Bubblegum and TheEchosOfTheCyborg overseeing mocap for a scene like that: "No, no, NO!, I SAID MORE EXPLICITLY LESBIAN!"
Spoiler: (click to show)(click to hide) "Come here, girls, I'll show you how to do it properly lesbian."
They devoted an entire DLC to Ellie/Riley after the first game came out. You have Ellie/Dina in part 2, the old guy early on in part 2 who goes full boomer over Ellie/Dina dancing and kissing at the party and then Ellie calling the sandwiches he offers her before you head off “bigot sandwiches”.
If all of that doesn’t scream GAY!! to describe Ellie’s sexual orientation, nothing will.
For the 4K remastered collection released this last week:
Quote:Special Offer
If you already own the LEGO® Harry Potter Years 1-4 OR LEGO® Harry Potter Years 5-7 digital version, you can get the LEGO® Harry Potter™ Collection digital version for a discounted price. If you own both the LEGO® Harry Potter Years 1-4 and LEGO® Harry Potter Years 5-7 digital version, you can get the LEGO® Harry Potter™ Collection digital version for an additional discounted price.
50% off if you have both, she'll stop at nothing to manipulate people into continuing to support her genocidal fascist agenda.
I'm so tired.
Spoiler: (click to show)(click to hide)
How much is the upgrade in the States? For here its $25 before tax.
I still need to play the original PS4 versions. Not sure if it's worth getting the upgrade but I'll probably do it down the line as I'm a trophy whore.
Ashes of Dreams has entered the Colin Allred thread.
It's back to 1990's pricing of video games here
Sid Meier's Civilization VII Founders Edition is $166.99. To put it in perspective for Civ 6 it was like $80 I believe for the ultra deluxe version at launch with no sales tax (Steam and PSN didn't start doing sales tax until July of 2021, Nintendo and Microsoft always did though)
Monster Hunter Wilds is $96.99 for the regular edition, Dragon's Dogma 2 was the previous highest priced game at 94.99 (still hasn't had a price drop).
The one good thing I can say is Capcom games for on sale pretty damn quickly both for digital and retail.
Sony on the other hand
Quote: User Banned (1 Week): Whataboutism, multiple past infractions
OnionPowder wrote:Wow! A company is aware that it's actions can have a negative effect on society, yet do it anyways! That seems counter-intuitive to the free market. I'm willing to bet this is an outlier, and that the other major corporations in America have no similar insight that is being ignored.
10-13-2024, 05:00 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-13-2024, 05:02 AM by Hap Shaughnessy.)
(10-12-2024, 09:30 AM)Nintex wrote: Quote:Turning to the left:
The genocide is non-negotiable, nothing can be done, we need to murder more brown people there's no alternative, only republican presidents can stop it with a phonecall, democratic ones just have to keep supporting genocides. Why do you dare to complain btw, don't you know Trump will be worse? Sure, we are already working to implement trumps racist policies from 2016, but maybe we won't implement the 2020 and 2024 ones! If you're lucky, lol.
Please turn down the divisive rethoric, like criticizing genocide, or complaining about police brutality. Why are lefties always so divisive? Don't you know this is a democracy, which means appeasing far-right policies? These threads are so bad, why can't we just cheer for genocide and police brutality, that would be so much more civil :( :( :( We just need to appease republicans more to win. Nobody else though, anything to the left of the republicans has to vote for us anyway, lol.
Turning to the right:
How can we work better with you besties <3 <3 <3 Love you xoxo
Quote: User Banned (1 Week): Inflammatory generalizations
Quote: User banned (2 weeks): Antagonistic and inflammatory behavior
Sidebuster wrote:You idiots were probably crying, screaming and throwing up in the streets when Trump proposed his 2016 immigration bill, championed Biden for saying he'll never build another inch of that wall in 2020, and now you're like, "yes we need to close the border and fund the wall actually. The illegals are getting out of hand and something something fentanyl" because that's now both Biden and Harris's new far right policy.
The only difference between somebody like MTG and Kinzinger or Liz Cheney is decorum. They always vote in lock step on the same exact fascist policies. More Joe Manchin's aren't going to save you, dumb fucks.
Weird how all these completely normal posts demanding strict loyalty to the most extreme agenda in every instance have started to become bannable as the election approaches and the cookie that is intersectionality becomes more tough to crack.
Trump wins and Resetera will rage.
Kamala wins and Resetera will rage.
The bire wins no matter what.
(10-13-2024, 02:56 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: ![[Image: commander-sterling-james-stephanie-sterling.gif]](https://media1.tenor.com/m/7tpNrhzeZccAAAAd/commander-sterling-james-stephanie-sterling.gif)
Why did I have to know that this is a thing that exists.
10-13-2024, 06:29 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-13-2024, 06:48 AM by benji.)
ZeoVGM wrote:Republicans have been doubling down on political ads that attack trans people in the lead-up to the election, despite this being a strategy that has historically not worked for them. Ted Cuz is one of these Republicans, who has launched attack ads against his Democratic opponent for Senate, Colin Allred, accusing him of supporting trans women in sports.
Despite the fact that those attacks do not work, Allred decided to respond to them with an ad where he claims, "I don't want boys playing girls' sports, or any of this ridiculous stuff Ted Cruz is saying."
And how is that strategy working? Well, here's the second news article that appears when you search his name on Google, by way of Fox News:
This is just a monumentally stupid decision. Not a single person who has "trans people in sports" on their list of priorities is going to switch their vote from Ted Cruz to a democrat. The only thing this does is anger Allred's own supporters.
Instead of capitulating to bigots, he should instead be taking a page from the Tim Walz book of doubling down on support of the LGBTQ+ community and calling Cruz out for his weird obsession with trans people. But no, the Allred campaign's first instinct is to instead repeat bigoted Republican rhetoric in a pointless attempt at winning their voters over. Kalentan wrote:Cause this will totally help them win, what an asshole. Quote:Glad I'm not in Texas because I wouldn't vote for this bozo after this
StrontiumPawg wrote:will be best if he loses then so the rest of the party don't have him as a "but Manchin!" style excuse for anti trans shit Quote:Eat shit Allred. Why even bother fighting for a future in Texas if you're going to capitulate to continue targeting the marginalized people already being fucked over in Texas. It's asinine.
fat4all wrote:Quote:This man is a civil rights lawyer.
haunting Quote:Why is it always on those that are disenfranchised the most by democrats have to just suck it up and vote.
Why does a trans person have to vote for the democrat who doesn't care about them
Why does the Palestinian have to vote for the democrat that doesn't care of them.
Why do chicanos like myself have to vote for the democrat who stokes fear of people like myself by lending credence to the fear of people crossing the border.
Where is the breaking point where we stop rewarding people for putting the D in their name.
No crap a democrat is better, but how do we advocate and put pressure for change in the democrat party when all we ever here is nope you gotta vote blue no matter who.
Melody Shreds wrote:If you're really gonna tell trans people to suck it up and vote for a piece of shit transphobe because the other guy is worse kindly fuck off. Mesoian wrote:How have the idiots just not learned to say, "Trans rights are human rights" as a response to this stuff.
Welp, bye I guess. Hollywood Duo wrote:never ceases to amaze me why people care about this stuff, just let people live their lives Nepenthe wrote:Like I said in another thread:
Your rights as a minority are absolutely negotiable by the Democratic Party. Do not put wholesale faith in them to protect you at all times, because that's not what they're materially about. fat4all wrote:whats stopping voters, even cis voters, from contacting allreds office/campaign and demanding they take this ad down and fully support trans rights if they want their vote? Melody Shreds wrote:You're willing to reward transphobia, I'm not.
We're in the middle of a trans genocide I won't let them throw us under the bus like this. Quote:is this a preview of the next marginalised group to be tossed out of the coalition or will the Dems push back on this
ZeoVGM wrote:Quote:So having Ted Cruz is better? Do you hear yourself?
They didn't say that. You know they didn't say that.
But it becomes perfectly valid to not want to vote for either of them when something like this happens. Speevy wrote:What's that about explaining or defending means you've lost? Quote:Quote:Entirely fair. But if the option is between enabling the transphobe who has no reason to not to always be a transphobe and enabling the transphobe who will nominally be susceptible to pressure in the future, I am going to pick the latter 100%.
Not picking is picking. I rather pick the one who is going to do the least amount of damage even if it makes me feel like shit, over not picking and causing more damage.
The time to put pressure on candidates is during primaries. That time has passed.
That is absolutely crazy. Literally telling people that advocacy has a proper time and place when often they are advocating for their right to exist in places is so gross.
ZeoVGM wrote:But you also don't get to vote shame anyone who disagrees with your thought process and can't bring themself to vote for one transphobe over another. (I'm not saying you're doing this currently. Just a hypothetical, as it's an attitude that has been popping up more and more lately.) Quote:imo this strategy wouldn't get your leverage "eventually" it loses you leverage because it teaches the Democrats they can do this and you'll still vote for them
there's no incentive to improve and next election if they think they don't need to do this because their voters will let it fly
Lilly-Anne wrote:Quote:If you're really gonna tell trans people to suck it up and vote for a piece of shit transphobe because the other guy is worse kindly fuck off.
flashback to UK folks saying the same and things have only gotten even worse under labour
Quote:Couldn't a more charitable read of this be that he doesn't support "boys in girls sports" because trans girls aren't boys?
please go rewatch the DNC and see how many times they have mentioned trans rights or trans people at a time where 30% of the population is effectively calling for our extermination on a daily basis Melody Shreds wrote:It's always on the fucking marginalized people to suck it up and vote for people who probably hate us on the off chance that they may hate us a bit less in the future.
It's a game I just don't feel very comfortable playing anymore. Quote:Y'all need more viable political parties/options so badly. It's a crime you can't even vote to the left of this douche and feel good about it. I'm sorry leaders around the globe are failing you, trans folks.
Melody Shreds wrote:I was actually just thinking about how the people trans folks there voted for straight up betrayed them.
Now right to HRT is being taken without a damn thing trans people can do about it.
It fucking scares me that there is even a small chance that It could happen here. Melody Shreds wrote:It's interesting how it always seems to be the cis people telling us to vote for people who hate us for existing because it might make it better for us in the future.
As If the Democrats have sad a goddamn thing about the ongoing trans genocide beyond some mild lip service. Quote:dumb fuck. couldve literally just said trans rights is human rights and been fine. now i dont wanna vote for his ass. AND we have piece of shit ted cruz as the opp. fucked if we do fucked if we dont.
Nepenthe wrote:Melody Shreds wrote:It's interesting how it always seems to be the cis people telling us to vote for people who hate us for existing because it might make it better for us in the future. They're not asking you to do that for your benefit. They're asking you to do it for theirs.
You're fucked either way, but you can sacrifice yourself for the greater good. Quote:democrats throwing marginalized groups under the bus for the right of center votes/political capital is unfortunately not a new problem
same old craven shit
ZeoVGM wrote:Quote:Turning on Allred how Ted Cruz gets elected again which is far worse for both the US and Texans.
You're not framing it correctly.
No one is turning on Allred. Allred turned on the people he represents. Nepenthe wrote:People have forgotten that they don't work for their politicians.
Their politicians work for them. Quote:Will be shocked I'm sure when he learns that he's never going to be elected as Republican Lite. Almost donated to his campaign, too. 🫠
Quote:I'm still going to vote for Allred, but I am strongly fighting the urge to just leave the senator part of the ballot blank. He'll probably fucking lose anyway, but he deserves it after this. If you're going to throw marginalized people under the bus when it's politically convenient for you, then what fucking good are you?
Himu wrote:Democrats are always letting Republicans define the terms of the conversation. Biden with Gaza (though he might actually just be that craven), Kamala with immigration, this flop with trans rights.
Unfortunately, no viable third party will emerge in any of our lifetimes.
votebluenomatterwhoooooo 🙃 Quote:They're basically asking you to sacrifice yourself and your cause for the greater good.
You can see this daily with regards to Dems asking Arabs/Muslims to suck it up and continue supporting Kamala/Biden, despite those politicians rubber-stamping an on-going genocide.
Evidently, minority rights don't mean shit in the eyes of the "greater good".
Nepenthe wrote:Quote:He will be more susceptible then he is now is my point.
No he won't, because he'll be in office.
Giving someone exactly what they want is not how you actually leverage anything within a negotiation. Quote:So annoying how dems seems to capitulate and operate in the bad faith framing republicans offer instead of offering their own view and take on the issue. Defend trans people for once!
But I'm not shocked. Marginalized groups are an expendable currency they can pick and choose to support and then discard when it's no longer helpful to them. Tale as old as time. Fuck this dude.
Nepenthe wrote:Quote:At this point it is not a negotiation. We can and should complain and protest and make threats. But he won't care because we have no leverage and the bulk of the party won't care to help.
He will care if he loses. He obviously wants to be in office. If he didn't, he wouldn't be running.
Regardless, people have the ability to leverage their collective power by simply not voting for a candidate unless they address their concerns adequately. Quote:Quote:Given his previous support of trans rights and the fact that he's a (former?) civil rights lawyer, I'm hoping that this is a terrible misunderstanding or a hamfisted attempt at careful wording to try to capture the Republican vote.
Let me tell you about this former human rights lawyer named Keir Starmer and how well transgender people are faring under him after he campaigned to throw trans people under the bus.
fat4all wrote:cruz doesnt say "trans" because he doesnt want to acknowledge their existence
allred doesnt say "trans" cuz he's worried about losing votes Quote:This is extremely ill-advised of him to say this with margins this small and it's this close to early voting.
Kiyamet wrote:dems need to earn our vote
"not being Trump" has let them slide too far to the right
they are capitulating too much on genocide, the border, immigration, and now messaging on trans issues
its so stupid too because they are so craven and uncaring that they dont realize the opposition exists to be to the right of them so they are giving them easy ground to move even further to the right for free IrishNinja wrote:it's even worse than it looked - y'all really out here defending a chud
Quote:Bigoted voters they're never even going to get
that's kinda key here too - tossed aside for so little
dude isn't viable here, but the message is trans folks can kick rocks to appease voters they'll never have anyway
this kinda stuff is key when looking at why so much of the electorate doesn't show up, especially in local races Quote:I donated to the guy ☹️
I've donated almost 200 bucks in the last few months. Not a lot for many, but it's a pretty penny for me.
I'm gonna stop donating to them. I get why they're pivoting to and appeasing the center/right, and I'm obviously voting blue all the way because the alternative is just frightening and hard to push for more progressive ideals if they're in charge, but man… Disappointing 😔
Quote:Stop voting for them. If they aren't helping you, then don't vote for them. When they don't ever win, or see their votes declining, and you let them know why, maybe they'll change.
Nepenthe wrote:Quote:I would rather keep this discussion in the Lebanon thread, but letting Republicans win over and over just because you don't like something the Dem said shifts the overton window to the right because they can run further and further extreme candidates since they keep winning.
Democrats can fix this by not abandoning or negotiating on the rights of their minority demographics and thus losing those demographics' votes.
Like I don't know why y'all think they're not actually supposed to do anything for you. Quote:asking for marginalized and minority voters to be inspired by democrat moral midgetry is also not a viable strategy
Quote:Goshdangit, Democrats need to stop letting Republicans control the narrative on this. Protect trans kids.
Kiyamet wrote:lol
You're acting like democrat leadership HAS to slide into fascism/ isolationism/ bigotry regardless of how we choose to vote.
No coalition building, no rhetoric, no collective action, phone calls... door knocking... etc.
We have to let this slide or else! Quote:As a trans person myself I hate this shit
Pretending I'm a cis guy every damn work day is just fucking tiring. I'm just done
Quote:I really wish you guys would at the very least afford people, especially the victims of this sort of genocidal discrimination, just a little bit of space to be upset about crap like this before whipping out the usual "Oh so you want Cruz/Trump/etc?" strawman horseshit.
Read the fucking room for christs sake.
sprsk wrote:This reminds me of back in college, 2000 elections and I get fliers for the local house reps, both democrat and republican fliers touted how "pro-life" they were and that's kinda when I knew that when you're in deep red territory, there's no such thing as left vs right, it's just extreme right vs normal right.
It'd be nice to knock Ted Cruz out of the senate but any guy in his place, even as a dem, is gonna be a poor man's Manchin at best. Quote:If he wanted to be clear about where his support actually is, he would have been. This isnt up for debate. Ted Cruz wants to have it and the response should only be fuck off.
IrishNinja wrote:reposting for the new page: this transphobic shit is exactly who he said he was Quote:Spineless ...
I love how they think elections are "negotiations" with every individual person and that a politicians goal should be to alienate 90+% of the population and be happy losing to someone 100% of his party hates.
I think they may literally not understand how majority rule works. Or intersectionality. Remember a few weeks back when we were discussing how they seemed to think everything at a company or in an industry or the entire economy should cease and stop until every single person agrees to something? I think this is their conception of "democracy" too. See, for example:
ZeoVGM wrote:Allred turned on the people he represents. Trans people are not who Allred represents currently nor who he would represent if he won, that would be everyone in Texas.
To them democracy is not an ongoing process, made of nothing but moderate compromises between multiple positions over time that ebb and flow with a nebulous "popular approval", instead it's a process where you refuse to participate and demand everyone else agree with you on every single thing and then you'll deign to offer them something they don't need. All these minorities who are being genocided should just withhold their votes until the Republicans finish the job because otherwise it will be a signal to Democrats that they can ignore the genocide.
Like, what even is their strategic thinking on this? Use their favorite example of how there's one group that wants to genocide everyone, one group against genocide and then the centrists. Split them equally, 33-33-33. If the 33% withdraw entirely then it's 100% people willing to genocide. You absolutely have to assume that was a 50/50 split becomes 51-49, 52-48, etc. with every 1% you drop from supporting genocide. But there's no reason to assume this! If they're "centrist" because they automatically find a middle spot between two extremes or because they just like a little genocide, as a treat, then they're going to exist no matter what position the one side takes. But that's not true of everyone in the middle third. Some people will diverge to genocide if you go too anti-genocide, and vice versa. Their assumption is that their position has no cost to take, but if it did it would already be the majority position!
The really seem to believe that there's no split in the population, anywhere, and that instead they are in the majority position on every topic. So there's no harm to this guy or Kamala taking the 10% minority on every single topic. In fact the OP itself outlines how wrong they are. It claims, based on Erin Reed who is a fraud and is wrong about this, that "transphobia" loses elections. But Ted Cruz and Trump aren't using this to push anti-trans views to achieve victory, they're using the anti-trans views to attack Allred/Kamala claiming to be more moderate/centrist. The goal is undermining trust in what they say on all issues, not just trans ones. The point is to get centrist voters to distrust just enough that they won't go for them. Something like "sure Kamala now says she loves guns and hates immigrants but she wanted to give free sex-changes to prisoners and outlaw electricity and says she still supports that" is the point of the ads, not to "bring up" trans issues because they win anything. Allred/Kamala's goal isn't to join them, it's to run out the clock.
Only one post in that thread says the most accurate tactical decision:
https://www.resetera.com/threads/colin-allred-dem-candidate-for-senate-accused-of-supporting-trans-rights-by-opponent-ted-cruz-responds-by-throwing-trans-people-under-the-bus.1008393/#post-130091313 wrote:The more obvious reason to support Allred is that, much like other red state Democrats, his being in the Senate will mean that the Democrats (potentially) control a chamber of Congress. It means that strongly pro-trans liberal Democrats control all the important committees and can confirm pro-trans judges nominated by a Democratic president. Nobody quoted this post at all because it's impossible for them to refute.
That was the Obama Coalition these guys thought politics always should be, for nine months the Democrats had a supermajority because of red-state Democrats: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/111th_United_States_Congress
The Republicans were able to paint them as too extreme for red states and completely took back the majority with two hits:
Just two elections that then gave Trump three Supreme Court seats and the Democratic " majority" they've lamented for the last four years. You see it in that thread they still hate Manchin because he voted away from the Democrats 10% of the time, but now a Republican is replacing him and they'll vote away from Democrats possibly 100% of the time. The morons in this thread are willing to do that not just in one state, but in every state. Then demand the minority come begging to them for the privilege of being more of a minority.
Nepenthe and others in that thread are talking about how they're asking you to sacrifice for nothing, but they aren't. You don't have anything to "sacrifice" for them. They're asking you to strengthen the coalition so that you're at the table when the spoils are handed out. You're the one demanding a sacrifice because you're asking them and the entire rest of the coalition to sacrifice not only that but victory itself merely to get your irrelevant approval. You're willing to give up a Democratic Senate just to stay pure for a single vote for a single candidate. That's fine for someone like me because I'm aware I exist in the 1% of the electorate already with a party that already caters to me 80% for which I could compromise with. I make no illusions that the either of the two plurality parties should cater to me at the expense of everyone who supports them. But you're acting like you're the majority and a potential actual majority should sacrifice itself for you. And should do this endlessly, for every cycle, until all the elected positions are Republican. So that they learn they need you, which they will then because they'll be like the Libertarians and will cease to exist if they get any more extreme. Nor will they ever be able to compromise back towards a more moderate position because then you'll be booing them when the most successful candidate in your party's entire history suggests the progressive equivalent of toaster licenses*.
Nepenthe wrote:Like I said in another thread:
Your rights as a minority are absolutely negotiable by the Democratic Party. Do not put wholesale faith in them to protect you at all times, because that's not what they're materially about. Quote:imo this strategy wouldn't get your leverage "eventually" it loses you leverage because it teaches the Democrats they can do this and you'll still vote for them
there's no incentive to improve and next election if they think they don't need to do this because their voters will let it fly
Melody Shreds wrote:It's always on the fucking marginalized people to suck it up and vote for people who probably hate us on the off chance that they may hate us a bit less in the future. Nepenthe wrote:Melody Shreds wrote:It's interesting how it always seems to be the cis people telling us to vote for people who hate us for existing because it might make it better for us in the future.
As If the Democrats have sad a goddamn thing about the ongoing trans genocide beyond some mild lip service. They're not asking you to do that for your benefit. They're asking you to do it for theirs.
You're fucked either way, but you can sacrifice yourself for the greater good. You can't get anything from power unless you have power. You're saying you want nothing to do with achieving power and then expecting to be handed power as a response, to which:
Nepenthe wrote:Giving someone exactly what they want is not how you actually leverage anything within a negotiation.
Spoiler: * (click to show)(click to hide) Gary was a lock so he didn't feel a need to respond to this. But the libertarian answer is obvious, property owners should be able to set conditions on which others may use their property. In the United States already you don't need a drivers license to operate a vehicle on private property. You need one on public roads because the owner is the state and the owner can set conditions. The answer is to privatize the roads, not eliminate the ability of owners to set conditions, something that would be the state infringing on property rights.
See, I just turned the toaster guy into a bigger statist.
10-13-2024, 06:30 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-13-2024, 06:33 AM by AnnoyedCanadian.)
Quote:There is no immediately available choice which absolves us of the outcome. Alternatively, there's nothing to absolve.
The Democrats make a really compelling argument for accelerationism.
Quote:While originally used by the far-left, the term has, in a manner strongly distinguished from original accelerationist theorists, been used by right-wing extremists such as neo-fascists, neo-Nazis, white nationalists and white supremacists to increasingly refer to an "acceleration" of racial conflict through assassinations, murders and terrorist attacks as a means to violently achieve a white ethnostate
Communists and Nazis, on the same page once again. When it comes to Jewish people and wanting to collapse society.
10-13-2024, 06:36 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-13-2024, 06:37 AM by benji.)
(10-13-2024, 06:30 AM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote: Mib
Quote:There is no immediately available choice which absolves us of the outcome. Alternatively, there's nothing to absolve.
The Democrats make a really compelling argument for accelerationism. He's lying. You know how I know? He didn't say they should vote for Trump and the Republicans. He's admitting that he thinks the Democrats are vastly superior and can still be won over.
10-13-2024, 06:44 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-13-2024, 06:48 AM by AnnoyedCanadian.)
Phoenix "this man isn't black enough to play Green Lantern " AKG
Quote:Harris and Biden are already letting Israel finish the job.
You can't call out "Americans will trade 4 years of Trump for a free Palestine" when you're showing you're willing to trade 41,802+ Palestinians killed....
The point of is showing to Dems we won't tolerate the genocide.
Where is the same energy for actual genocides? You know in Sudan, the Rohingya in Burma, Boko Haram in Nigeria, the Uyghur's in China, etc.
Oh right, it's not a majority Jewish population. It only matters when that is the case. Anyone standing up for Palestine and using the word genocide I just automatically assume they are anti-Semitic. They've ruined it for people who actually want peace and are not fucking retarded psychopaths. They just use this conflict as an excuse to say as much anti-Semitic shit as possible and get away with it because they are a "minority" even when Islam has nearly 2 fucking billion followers and people from every race and ethnicity.
You are the same motherfuckers who cheer on Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and the fucking IRGC. All terrorist organizations. At this point, I don't know what else to say than put your money where your mouth is and go to the Middle East and see if you can actually "help", even though you'd be used as a human shield at the worst and arrested at best.
A Strong Latte
Quote:I just think it's naive to think abstaining from voting somehow sends a message that you dropped because of Israel. The dem bean counters are going to write you off as bring disengaged for whatever reason they come up with.
Seeing that republican super PACs have funded ads highlighting karmala being pro Israel shows how they see it- as an easy way the wedge the left against each other and get Trump in again.
I don't understand how there's not some third party option that is definitely pro ceasefire. both major parties have shown that they love killing muslims
Two retards fighting. Can't even spell Kamala's name correctly and assuming all Palestinians and Lebanese people are Muslim BECAUSE THEY'RE BROWN. You half baked numbskull.
Drive off your "allies," continually insist that you don't need to persuade people, and then throw a temper tantrum when your extreme views aren't adopted wholesale by mainstream politicians.
13 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Chudder Barbarity, AldusMoneyPenny, MJBarret, Taco Bell Tower, killamajig, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, HaughtyFrank, NekoFever, Potato, Polident, benji, AnnoyedCanadian
(10-13-2024, 12:14 AM)Snoopy wrote: The prominents can't do anything about Dubs. Unlike Lore he doesn't own the site. He's a janitor. The only thing Nep's minions can do is go start yet another splinter forum.
That would actually be fun to observe. No one except the retards would follow them and everyone who remains would quickly remark how pleasant the forum suddenly is...
10-13-2024, 06:50 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-13-2024, 06:52 AM by benji.)
(10-13-2024, 06:44 AM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote: Phoenix "this man isn't black enough to play Green Lantern " AKG
Quote:The point of is showing to Dems we won't tolerate the genocide. You going to tell them why you didn't vote for them? Or just not vote and assume they'll know your vote was special and different from mine that won't vote for Kamala because she's a cop or Nintex who won't vote for Kamala because he's Dutch or the guy who got stoned and forgot to vote or the chud YouTuber who won't vote because he thinks Trump is too woke?
edit: oop, this guy said that:
(10-13-2024, 06:44 AM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote: A Strong Latte
Quote:I just think it's naive to think abstaining from voting somehow sends a message that you dropped because of Israel. The dem bean counters are going to write you off as bring disengaged for whatever reason they come up with.
Seeing that republican super PACs have funded ads highlighting karmala being pro Israel shows how they see it- as an easy way the wedge the left against each other and get Trump in again.
I don't understand how there's not some third party option that is definitely pro ceasefire. both major parties have shown that they love killing muslims But there are third parties that are pro-ceasefire. Probably all of them are.
They just like to cherry pick issues and hand waive the rest of them. Not thinking about the bigger picture and the long term, only the short term and they are impatient as hell.
Also, the way they keep going on about children with obvious mental issues and wanting to give them hormones and not giving them proper mental healthcare is so fucking creepy. Like they think way too much about kids on that site.
10-13-2024, 06:54 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-13-2024, 06:56 AM by benji.)
(10-13-2024, 06:50 AM)benji wrote: (10-13-2024, 06:44 AM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote: A Strong Latte
Quote:I don't understand how there's not some third party option that is definitely pro ceasefire. both major parties have shown that they love killing muslims But there are third parties that are pro-ceasefire. Probably all of them are. Libertarians:
Quote:Oliver has condemned the October 7 attacks. Still, he has also been critical of the Israeli government on multiple occasions and has labeled the Israel-Hamas war as a "genocide", and has called for a ceasefire.[48]
Oliver has additionally stated he would end all support to Israel and Ukraine, stating "While we offer moral support to our friends currently engaged with the enemy, we should not be contributing to extending the fight."[49]
Quote:Stein has also been an outspoken critic of U.S. foreign policy, particularly regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Following the October 2023 Hamas attack, she condemned Israel's military actions in the Gaza Strip and criticized President Joe Biden for what she described as a failure to intervene against what she termed Israel's "genocidal rampage."[10]
Cornel West:
Quote:ending US support for NATO, Ukraine, and Israel, and closing most US military bases.[29]
Quote:West condemned Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip and called for a ceasefire in the Israel–Hamas war, saying that the US veto at the UN Security Council "to block a vote to end Israel’s barbaric genocidal campaign in Gaza is an act of spiritual obscenity and moral bankruptcy."[104][better source needed] He called President Joe Biden a war criminal and said Israel and the US are complicit in the genocide of the Palestinians.[105]
All of these are on enough ballots to hypothetically win the Presidency, the other third parties are not.
(10-13-2024, 06:45 AM)imsotired wrote: Drive off your "allies," continually insist that you don't need to persuade people, and then throw a temper tantrum when your extreme views aren't adopted wholesale by mainstream politicians.

Say what you will, but it’s a mindset that alienated them from family, acquaintances, old friends, and led to rampant suicidal ideation and type 2 diabetes. When you find a winning formula, you apply it to all aspects of life.
11 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Chudder Barbarity, D3RANG3D, MJBarret, Alpacx, Taco Bell Tower, Eric Cartman, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, PogiJones, AnnoyedCanadian, benji
(10-13-2024, 06:54 AM)benji wrote: (10-13-2024, 06:50 AM)benji wrote: (10-13-2024, 06:44 AM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote: A Strong Latte But there are third parties that are pro-ceasefire. Probably all of them are. Libertarians:
Quote:Oliver has condemned the October 7 attacks. Still, he has also been critical of the Israeli government on multiple occasions and has labeled the Israel-Hamas war as a "genocide", and has called for a ceasefire.[48]
Oliver has additionally stated he would end all support to Israel and Ukraine, stating "While we offer moral support to our friends currently engaged with the enemy, we should not be contributing to extending the fight."[49]
Quote:Stein has also been an outspoken critic of U.S. foreign policy, particularly regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Following the October 2023 Hamas attack, she condemned Israel's military actions in the Gaza Strip and criticized President Joe Biden for what she described as a failure to intervene against what she termed Israel's "genocidal rampage."[10]
Cornel West:
Quote:ending US support for NATO, Ukraine, and Israel, and closing most US military bases.[29]
Quote:West condemned Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip and called for a ceasefire in the Israel–Hamas war, saying that the US veto at the UN Security Council "to block a vote to end Israel’s barbaric genocidal campaign in Gaza is an act of spiritual obscenity and moral bankruptcy."[104][better source needed] He called President Joe Biden a war criminal and said Israel and the US are complicit in the genocide of the Palestinians.[105]
All of these are on enough ballots to hypothetically win the Presidency, the other third parties are not.
I fundamentally do not understand why these dumbfucks talk politics all day and then don't vote. If you're a single issue voter on not supporting this conflict just pick one these guys and be done with it
10-13-2024, 07:01 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-13-2024, 07:01 AM by benji.)
(10-13-2024, 06:58 AM)remy wrote: I fundamentally do not understand why these dumbfucks talk politics all day and then don't vote. If you're a single issue voter on not supporting this conflict just pick one these guys and be done with it Nepenthe has many times in other threads argued that people need to do better praxis and vote for Socialist candidates. But not once in any of these threads has she argued that people should do that in the Presidential race, instead it's all been bitching about how the Democrats and other members on the forum want to win.
For the record:
They don't want to vote because they want to be catered to individually at all times by everyone else.
I don't vote because I consider it moral endorsement for acts of violence against my fellow man.
We are not the same.