Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(10-13-2024, 08:58 PM)wizardora wrote:
(10-13-2024, 05:22 PM)Steven Snell wrote:

TheEchosOfTheCyborg wrote:Okay I realize this is like the 4th-5th thread I've written about love in some form, I'm sorry (not sorry) and hope I haven't been bothering the mods for spamming ERA but I can't get it out of my head so I'm just going to write this.

I've written elsewhere I've been suffering from a depression spell, thankfully it's been easing up the past day and I've found that reading, watching, playing and look at wholesome wlw romance works has been incredibly helpful. Partly because it's help me realize how much I deeply want to be in a relationship with an amazing women but can't for many factors (fuck transphobia) so it's been helping fill a massive hole and also because just seeing other women happy helps me feel happy which has also been helping. I realize that may not make much sense to most here, but eh.

So yeah, October has been a month of romance for me and had actually forgot about Halloween (admittedly not helped by the fact I've barely seen anything Halloween related this year, like my local stores has a crap ton of Christmas stuff in comparison to Halloween stuff), which knowing how my brain works means it's always going to have that association to it. Fuck Valentine's Day, Halloween is the time of love... Except Vampires, stay away from me (don't find Vampires sexy and don't like my neck being touched).

Side Note: Massive thanks to every who recommended me wlw games (:

Apthrodite be with you ERA (:

Man, just jack off by yourself.

Get a LiveJournal bro, Jesus Fucking Christ

I love how nobody wanted to deal with that crazy shit and there's no posts
These dumbfucks are really defending Iran right now. I'd love to ship them off to live there and see how they like it seeing as they hate America.

Enjoy your forced sex change if you're gay.
(10-13-2024, 03:44 PM)Eric Cartman wrote: wrote:
Neopeth wrote:You are bombarded with news about Palestine and Ukraine because the media is more invested in these narratives economically.

But the reason these economic incentives exist is because these two locations are fundamentally tied to Western foreign policy, culture, and vestigially-religious notions of colonialism and anti-communism.

You are never going to have a mainstream media apparatus in the West that gives a fuck about the African continent because the Western world has never given a fuck about the African continent beyond the materials and bodies it can steal to service its climate-altering lifestyle. It's a cycle: the media is informed by the base economic structure which in turn goes to reinforce the validity of that base.

In other words, people are already emotionally primed for Black people to die because Black people have been so thoroughly colonized by the West that our oppression seems natural. So a civil war of this magnitude might as well be a like a hurricane or an earthquake. Shit happens. Oh well. But the systemic nature of this apathy doesn't mean any one of us escapes complicity and culpability for that. You have the Internet. You are free to look up at any time what is going on within Africa on your own.
Wouldn't the Western colonizers want to genocide the Muslims? Or do they support the Muslims because their victims are darker skinned? Tough cookie. hmm 

Actually, let's take you seriously for a second and look at what you said:
Nepenthe wrote:You are bombarded with news about Palestine and Ukraine because the media is more invested in these narratives economically.

But the reason these economic incentives exist is because these two locations are fundamentally tied to Western foreign policy, culture, and vestigially-religious notions of colonialism and anti-communism.

You are never going to have a mainstream media apparatus in the West that gives a fuck about the African continent because the Western world has never given a fuck about the African continent beyond the materials and bodies it can steal to service its climate-altering lifestyle. It's a cycle: the media is informed by the base economic structure which in turn goes to reinforce the validity of that base.
The only base you've identified here is the one for Sudan, you didn't identify any at all for Palestine or Ukraine. Everything you listed for those is superstructure. Base and superstructure reinforce each other (I think this theory is stupid but I'm pretending it's not stupid) but everything always comes back to the economic relations, what are they for Palestine and Ukraine? The obvious answer is that they're First World economies (or close enough for Ukraine) but you can't turn to this for "vestigially-religious notions" against economic development and capitalism. So you completely eliminated the base from your explanation. Then asserted the base is the reason people don't care about Africa.

You've essentially inverted Marxism, making superstructure the entire force of History (obvious considering your belief that late 19th Century American racial notions have determined all of human history), then claimed this was "economic" somehow.

It's hilarious that you have any social power at all on that forum. It really shows how completely stupid B-Dubs must be that he's afraid of someone so manifestly ignorant.
You got Deadpool and Wolverine, Dune Part 2, Bad Boys and Twisters all part of the top 10 grossing movies this year and all starring either straight white or black dudes but one managed to be a mega bomb with Joker 2 so they think they got something.

Nothing is going to erase the disaster Marvels still was, Era.
Nep hates black people that don't agree with her line of thinking. She's racist towards her own skin colour. Much like any white people on that forum that have bowed down to any of this nonsense and how they feel bad for being white.

Nothing is wrong with your skin colour, just stop pretending people are superior or somehow better because they are a different race or worse because they are another race. It's fucking weird man. Use your brains.

Some Angel Reese for you. She may bully Caitlin Clark on the court but she can bully the fuck out of me if she wanted to

[Image: angel-reese-si-v0-24xrla1s1mya1.jpg?widt...29c31d6f60]
spine "I hate the Jews" duke

Quote:Theres a lot of idiotic justifications over the last year, this isn't new. Most reactions to warcrimes are either that they're "exaggerating" or "well they should have thought about it before attacking in the first place"

Because you know, a nation state razing cities and bombing civilians is the normal method of warfare. /s

Motherfucker, you live in Lebanon, your government and Hezbollah have been doing that shit for a LONG time.

Again, go "defend" your country and be a human shield for Iran's proxy forces. Do it you pussy, I might have some respect for you then.
(10-13-2024, 08:23 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(10-13-2024, 06:35 PM)Boredfrom wrote:

Bubbletea is cultural appropriation. Mike

To be fair, the guy in the video is like "we took the ethnic out"  lol

I'm not sure I'd call it cultural appropriation but it's kinda disrespectful

Counterpoint: Is bubble tea. It was made to be globally commercially.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, AnnoyedCanadian
(10-13-2024, 08:04 PM)Uncle wrote:
(10-13-2024, 06:35 PM)Eric Cartman wrote: [Image: IYhX0he.png]

what is this from
Shorts can't seem to be embedded
3 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, DavidCroquet, Venice
Also confusing is how Nepenthe will say the media won't cover African atrocities because there's no interest in the economic base in one post and then attribute ongoing economic imperatives driving Western engagement with Africa as crucial to understanding contemporary geopolitics and African poverty (and the rest of the "global south") in another....wouldn't massacres and civil wars be a disruption to these imperatives?  Doesn't the media endorse those imperatives in a "systemic" way?  

Maybe, just maybe, the disinterest lies somewhere in the same reasoning that inspires a college kid to protest the Gaza conflict but not other geopolitical conflicts of the same stripe.  It doesn't have that good vs evil appeal.  People *ought* to care about Sudan, but they don't for many reasons.  It's like blaming Concord's failure on the chuds.  Ok, but it had 200 live players...where's everyone else?  Where are *your* people?  Where is *your* media documenting Sudan?
I like how she's ramping up the marxism language to build her defence force, despite not having a scooby doo what any of it actually means

She really is just Jim Jones with a forum instead of some land in Guyana isn't she
(10-13-2024, 09:49 PM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote: spine "I hate the Jews" duke

Quote:Because you know, a nation state razing cities and bombing civilians is the normal method of warfare. /s
It is? ???
Their sense of history almost always seems to begin with the MCU. I mean, yeah, it was the first cultural achievement for white people ever and eventually led to the first movie starring Black people but still there were a couple millennia of darkness where things happened before then.
The Echoes of the Lesbian Fetish

Quote:So I should watch the new Tomb Raider anime? I'd heard about her being a lesbian but hadn't really followed news about the show.

[Image: tenor.gif]

Again, no research and still going on about his sick fetish.
(10-13-2024, 05:25 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Echoes is just an incel. Not the angry kind. The sad kind

(10-13-2024, 06:23 PM)Averon wrote: Echoes is really pulling the "You're a transphobe if you don't want to suck my lady dick" argument? People like Echoes perfectly plays into the stereotype that mtf trans people are just incels and/or perverts thinking calling themselves a woman is an easy way to score actual biological women.

I'm not sure what to make of Echoes. Without question, the dude is an insane freak, really creepy with how determined he is to make people think 'Tee hee, look at me, i'm a silly, cute little lesbian woman  Kiss' every single time he types his essay-length posts on his computer, while stroking his 2 inch dick.

But I'm reminded of both Cauliflower of Love's posts from a few days ago, and especially Gameboy Nostalgia:

(10-09-2024, 10:55 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: After a few days of self reflection and Cauliflower Of Love's posts I've decided to no longer tease and make fun of Melody Shreds or anyone experiencing mental illness. Melody is a person like the rest of us and they are going through a hard time and struggling. I sincerely hope they get the help they need.

I'm still not sure if Gameboy Nostalgia is being sarcastic or not (GN, please clarify), but this post really struck a nerve. I've definitely been guilty of instigating a Melody Shreds pile-on and also won't be doing that any further from now on as I've started to feel bad about it. 

Whilst Melody Shreds is without doubt an almost middle-aged loser, sitting at home building Gundam toys and constantly grifting, what if there might be some signs of mental illness? There's something very tragic about the Shredder. His Bsky is wildly inconsistent, a mixture of anime porn, building Gundam toys, whining, grifting, re-tweeting other grifters, etc... 

But the recent nonsense of 'help my wife' is just depressing. It's like he just lives in his own fantasy world. His dependence on ResetEra has separated him from reality and his entire world consists of his bedroom and his phone. At any age, that's sad. At Melody's, it's a life wasted.

I mention all this, because I think Echoes is another Shredder and also severely mentally ill. Yes, it's extremely gross he's doing the whole 'you're a transphobe if you don't suck my dick', and he's a prick for doing so.

But every single post of his screams 'I'm very lonely, give me attention, somebody please talk to me'. Here's a selection of threads he's started, the last 5 from just this week:

One of the most loneliest people on the forum is PlanetSmasher. I swing from pitying him, to thinking he's a dick because he's so aggressive and hostile to others. He is very dislikeable.

Echoes has the same levels of loneliness but, I don't know, there's something 'good-natured' about his approach. His threads are weird, but at the same time have a oddly-positive, needy vibe, like he's trying to engage happily with others (which probably hurts him when his threads get very few replies), instead of always starting shit and ban-baiting like others. The Pokemon thread is a good example of it.

I think that if Echoes got some mental help to snap out of his 'I'm a lesbian' bullshit, he'd actually be a very nice person to converse with. I really hope he gets it. Fix your life.
I would wager to guess he would throw a shit fit at a therapist or a psychologist telling him something he doesn't want to hear. Therapy and mental healthcare would most likely do wonders for them but if they don't get everything affirmed to them, diagnosed with what they want to be, seen as a victim, etc, they'll just discard the treatment.

Like I've seen online people get mad for not being diagnosed with a disorder or an illness. It's like, yeah, it might be frustrating because it doesn't solve whatever you're going through, but at least you don't have X, Y, Z, etc.
Divvy wrote:Awful lot of people are rich first, minority second

You know what’s even more annoying than scrolling past the “lol Melody Shreds” posts? Scrolling past the “Let’s talk about the ethics of the lol Melody Shreds posts” posts.

Edit: sorry that was so hostile.
I think Melody is completely retarded but most of the others are just LARPing.

TheEchosOfTheCyborg has way too few spelling errors and coherent thoughts in other threads to be mentally disabled.
The Echoes of the Lesbian Fetish

Quote:Oh :(

I was in really wanting to see bad arse Lesbian Lara :(

This guy needs to get off the internet for his own mental health and for the sake of others. Get a hobby that isn't online, go outside each day and try to get mental help.
(10-13-2024, 10:28 PM)clockwork5 wrote: You know what’s even more annoying than scrolling past the “lol Melody Shreds” posts? Scrolling past the “Let’s talk about the ethics of the lol Melody Shreds posts” posts.

Edit: sorry that was so hostile.

I get what you mean, and it probably is annoying since we've talked disproportionately about Shreds, but I'm just chucking in my 2 cent about how it's making me feel bad.

I've never seen TheBore as any kind of 'bullying' forum, or anything remotely like KiwiFarms. This is a chill, fun and funny place and I'm perfectly fine with criticising PlanetSmasher, VisaWife, CuckyCal, Kyuuji, etc... as they are nasty, cruel and vicious people who pick on those that can't answer back.

But Melody Shreds is like a vegetable. And he's blissfully unaware of TheBore's existence. I feel like if he ever came here and saw the stuff written about him (including things I myself have posted), especially about his appearance, he really would finally off himself.

Anyway, that's all I will ever have to say about Melody Shreds and Echoes. I guess I'm having a premature midlife-crisis and don't want to 'punch-down' on relatively harmless people. The bitchier members of the Transmafia are all fair game though.
(10-13-2024, 10:28 PM)clockwork5 wrote: You know what’s even more annoying than scrolling past the “lol Melody Shreds” posts? Scrolling past the “Let’s talk about the ethics of the lol Melody Shreds posts” posts.

Edit: sorry that was so hostile.
Wow, this is a sexually charged attack.
The problem is not the fetish itself, but that she tries to pass it as some sort of personality and moral imperative.
(10-13-2024, 10:21 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Divvy wrote:Awful lot of people are rich first, minority second
Rich people are a minority.
I have a fetish of wanting certain women to dominate me (no strapons or anything like that). That's about as far as I'd go with fetish stuff. Especially with women who are older than me or taller than me. No latex either, the sound is like nails on a chalkboard to me.

[Image: angel-reese-v0-w7hp4ikkxqdb1.jpg?width=1...9985f4f627]
6 users liked this post: Cheers, D3RANG3D, malfoyking, Nintex, Taco Bell Tower, Venice
The lesbians are creepy but more sad
The whole forum needs therapy
(10-13-2024, 10:34 PM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote: The Echoes of the Lesbian Fetish

Quote:Oh :(

I was in really wanting to see bad arse Lesbian Lara :(

This guy needs to get off the internet for his own mental health and for the sake of others. Get a hobby that isn't online, go outside each day and try to get mental help.

Kyle Cross
Quote:That singlehandedly sold me on sitting down and watching the show much sooner than I planned to. I'm still sad Lara and Sam's relationship never got to be done, but at least we finally got something now.
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, D3RANG3D, AnnoyedCanadian, benji
Quote:So I've been seeing a few of this accounts tweets in my feed talking about Lara being trans and now she's busted out this and this was the Cammy pose she specifically chose, there is so much that can be said about this like I don't even know where to begin
[Image: GZyDr9PXsA4vGqQ?format=jpg&name=medium]
Quote:[Image: Or7OFAM.png]
I dont even mean to be crass, but are they just consciously ignoring the big ol' boobies on Lara?????
Im so confused
2 users liked this post: Hap Shaughnessy, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(10-13-2024, 10:47 PM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote: I have a fetish of wanting certain women to dominate me (no strapons or anything like that). That's about as far as I'd go with fetish stuff. Especially with women who are older than me or taller than me. No latex either, the sound is like nails on a chalkboard to me.
I think you need to look into how this whole domination thing works because you wouldn't be calling the shots I don't

Also that Lara Croft Netflix show is worse than the holocaust.
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
Meanwhile someone has triggered ree in the forever alone thread -

Quote:So losing a loved one to a cult is juvenile? I'm trying to figure this out.

Quote:Yes. It's just politics.

Quote:A very adult stance indeed.

Quote:So if a family member of yours was saying super racist, anti-immigrant, anti-science, anti-gay garbage and was a Nazi/authoritarian sympathizer like most MAGA's are you'd just brush it off and say "oh, well, it's just politics?"

That doesn't sound very "adult."


Quote:Hey cool. I have an autoimmune disease revealed six months before COVID, I'm married to a (legal) minority immigrant, my brother had a speech disorder growing up and I have a mentally handicapped uncle.

Meanwhile, my father has gone deep down the rabbit hole after marrying a conservative conspiracy theorist who thinks that Tom Hanks drinks children's blood and the government controls the weather, and now my dad is anti-vax and refuses to get any vaccinations even knowing that I'm severely immunocompromised and at risk, even after I asked him calmly for over a year, even after I said I thought it would permanently damage our relationship if he didn't and responded with a shrug, my dad who constantly posts on Facebook that immigrants like my wife are poisoning the blood of our country, who supports the Trump policies that may eventually lead to my wife being deported (here legally but not a citizen), used to constantly mock Biden's stammer like a fucking high school bully despite my younger brother having a similar issue as a child, and defending Trump who uses the "R" word and mocking the handicapped despite his own brother being mentally handicapped. My dad who reposts Trump saying that "Trump-haters" are scum that need to be arrested or killed, without acknowledging that that includes all three of his children. I also have a few gay and trans people in my life that my dad now thinks shouldn't have equal rights or should be forced to conform or kill themselves.

My father, who, anyone who knew him before he divorced my mom constantly ask me what happened to him and find him unrecognizable. Whose only political opinion before Trump was union-support (and now loudly defends the most anti-union candidate we've ever had, bragging about stiffing workers).

Yeah I basically only see my dad on major occasions: birthdays, weddings, and funerals and don't initiate contact because of all of the above.

My father though, thinks we can still have a regular relationship, despite being physically incapable of not bringing up politics or any of the above in any conversation in the last nine years. I guess he's the adult though and I'm being childish.

I'm having trouble not directing any language at you that might get me banned, so I'll just say grow the fuck up with your privileged holier-than-thou bullshit.

Quote:But I thought you said you were an adult...

Quote:13 year old I am very smart mentality

Quote:It's politics that has consequences. I am still remembered regularly about politics that happened 80 years ago. I think my city had 5 bombs this year that forced many thousand to evacuate for some time. This bombs are also getting more and more unstable over the years.
I can still here the nightly screams of my grandad after years in a gulag. Just politics.

Generational trauma is also a thing that resulted because of just politics.

It's not just politics. It's a facist ideology. And facism has consequences.

My aunt was on the path to sympathizes with the far right facist AfD. But she took the correct direction I'm the end. I would have cut the connection with her.

Quote:But you just said you were an adult. Good grief.

Quote:One's politics are informed by their morals and you shouldn't ever fucking forget that, child.

Quote:This might be one of the stupidest posts ever made on this forum.


Quote:Yeeeaah maaan, none of it, like, matters you know?

Politics dictate policy and policy decides people's quality of life and in this case we are talking about an extreme, authoritarian politics filled with violent rhetoric aimed absolutely everyone Trump and his ilk hate. If you can wave off the blood and soil rhetoric of Trump and the policies that existed when he was in office and what he and his goons are planning for the next term by simply saying "it's just politics", that's really not a good look for you.


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