Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
173, was he bitching how hard the game is?   lol

Edited: wtf is Reaction score?
(11-08-2024, 09:56 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: 173, was he bitching how hard the game is?   lol

Edited: wtf is Reaction score?

Reaction score is the forum software's tallying up of likes. No idea how he got one.
(11-08-2024, 09:56 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: 173, was he bitching how hard the game is?   lol

Edited: wtf is Reaction score?

I wouldn't be surprised if he was mad at the difficulty for any game in existence that challenges him even a little.

Like fuck me, I'm horrid at games and I somehow manage to get by even on harder difficulties. Not all games though, for those I turn down the difficulty and still enjoy myself. He needs to get good and actually put in some effort instead of whining like a bitch.
(11-08-2024, 08:54 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: Nepenthe is what would happen if Carlton Banks was a woman and joined the Black Panthers.

[Image: c2EyRYG.gif]
(11-08-2024, 08:59 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: There are food banks, that's what's confusing.

Let's not kid ourselves. The chances she's begging for food money are practically zero. Even if they're being honest it's still easier to guilt trip people into giving you money.

I mean, do you really want her to leave the house? It's unsafe!

#mutualaid #helpsky #diyhrt
Prince Lesbian Fetish

Quote:I am quite aware that everything signals a romantic bond between them. As said, I just don't want it. Maybe Beyond will convince me. I just wish they showed Gwen bonding with anyone other than Miles. Unfortunately it's ultimately Miles' story, so there's is less room for Gwen. I'm happy she has a proper character arc, because I would loath her just existing to be the love interest. Which is what Into originally set her up as.

Also apart of it for me is how mildly creepy Miles is at times. He's a teenage boy so it's "fine" but his relationship with girls/women is literally just his mom and Gwen. His uncle did not instill the best values in him.

Prince Lesbian Fetish

Quote:I acknowledge my framing isn't the best and veers into problematic territory. I tried to not do that but I still did. I sincerely apologize for that.

To clear the air, I'm engaging with the discussion because I do like Miles and Gwen in the films, a lot. I'm very emotionally invested in both of them. However, I'll bow out as I do not think I can bring my nuances to the table in an appropriate manner. Particularly one that is respectful enough to the Black community.


Just stop being a fucking weirdo. Christ almighty. Get some therapy for your delusions and maybe actual real women will talk to you, unlikely though.
(11-08-2024, 02:41 PM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote: Manta_Breh aka another HamasEra member aka another anti-Semite

Quote:So where does exactly does this forum draw the line at being too "inflammatory" toward Israel. I'd like to know so that I don't catch some random ban when I speak against them because it seems like a lot of people get banned just for speaking the truth about the apartheid state that shouldn't exist.

By these retards logic, no countries should exist at this point.

B-Dumbs needs to cut the dead weight if he actually wants his forum to be taken somewhat seriously.

They always call Israel an apartheid state that shouldn't exist, but never acknowledge that if it ceases to exist then it will be replaced by a Palestinian apartheid state that has never existed.
I've never seen the spider verse movies but now I hope in the next one miles gives Gwen that BBC
(11-08-2024, 02:45 PM)DocWager wrote:
(11-08-2024, 01:53 PM)karambollostpassword wrote:
(11-08-2024, 01:04 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: Maybe in a democracy people have the option to disagree with your silly bollocks? Again, people voting is their problem

i would gladly take away voting right of people voting the wrong way, make me a god emperor i dont give a shit

you really cant be an intelligent person and support trump/putin/xi/orban pieces of shit. you simply cant. they do not make life better for their people. they do not perform better economically. all they do is talk about some imaginary good old times and blame trans latinx leftist bullshit for everything wrong with the world (and it IS bad, new dragon age is a crime against humanity). on top of it, they are shameless and corrupt as shit (or at the very least, more corrupt than their opposition). its tiring to be dragged down by the conservative idiots all the time

Alright… Bire tankie.


I, for one, welcome our new tankie overlord comic relief.
(11-08-2024, 10:08 PM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote: Prince Lesbian Fetish

Quote:I am quite aware that everything signals a romantic bond between them. As said, I just don't want it. Maybe Beyond will convince me. I just wish they showed Gwen bonding with anyone other than Miles. Unfortunately it's ultimately Miles' story, so there's is less room for Gwen. I'm happy she has a proper character arc, because I would loath her just existing to be the love interest. Which is what Into originally set her up as.

Also apart of it for me is how mildly creepy Miles is at times. He's a teenage boy so it's "fine" but his relationship with girls/women is literally just his mom and Gwen. His uncle did not instill the best values in him.

Prince Lesbian Fetish
PhoenixAKG wrote:Creepy? What? He's a teenager with an awkward crush so ofc he's gonna act dorky like with the sketch thing.

And all his uncle did was just give him a tip to impress a girl he likes. Like what do you mean by "not instill best values". It's not like he's a player or views women as objects.

Also you're forgetting about Peni and Margo for Miles

And Gwen has male friends in Hobie and Pavitr

Frankly I don't appreciate how you're trying to frame a Black teens harmless crush (and normal teenage awkwardness) and on a white girl as "creepy" especially with also framing as Aaron as also having a problematic view on women when like I said all he did is give him tips on impressing a girl he likes
How did they make a spiderman thread into how much they hate women? Incredible. Put the word white in there and you can say whatever the sweet fuck you like.
Does anyone remember Fresh prince of bel air?
Is Princess Bubblegum gonna ragequit and leave the thread?   lol
(11-08-2024, 09:32 PM)books wrote: Why do furries only identify as sexable animals instead of snakes or lizards? Hashtag justice for ugly animals with inconvient sex holes?!

[Image: L8xHA2X.png]
Snek bazongas  Whew
(11-08-2024, 03:28 PM)Uncle wrote:
(11-08-2024, 01:07 PM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote: 

I took that test for shits and giggles. Got the result of "Closest Match: Social Liberalism" which was to be expected. To think I was pretty far left a few years ago until my eyes opened to how insane they are.

lol every single fucking time Dead

[Image: 2ixR27i.png]

[Image: a2F9PNN.png]

I find that I'm shown to be more compassionate on these tests than I feel I am in real life. Maybe I am a big softie and actually want to help people more than I think. Or maybe these things are usually skewed towards American politics and agreeing with universal healthcare puts me further left on the social scale than I otherwise would be.
American genocide is so boring they moved on pretty quick.
(11-08-2024, 10:17 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
(11-08-2024, 10:08 PM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote: Prince Lesbian Fetish

Quote:I am quite aware that everything signals a romantic bond between them. As said, I just don't want it. Maybe Beyond will convince me. I just wish they showed Gwen bonding with anyone other than Miles. Unfortunately it's ultimately Miles' story, so there's is less room for Gwen. I'm happy she has a proper character arc, because I would loath her just existing to be the love interest. Which is what Into originally set her up as.

Also apart of it for me is how mildly creepy Miles is at times. He's a teenage boy so it's "fine" but his relationship with girls/women is literally just his mom and Gwen. His uncle did not instill the best values in him.

Prince Lesbian Fetish
PhoenixAKG wrote:Creepy? What? He's a teenager with an awkward crush so ofc he's gonna act dorky like with the sketch thing.

And all his uncle did was just give him a tip to impress a girl he likes. Like what do you mean by "not instill best values". It's not like he's a player or views women as objects.

Also you're forgetting about Peni and Margo for Miles

And Gwen has male friends in Hobie and Pavitr

Frankly I don't appreciate how you're trying to frame a Black teens harmless crush (and normal teenage awkwardness) and on a white girl as "creepy" especially with also framing as Aaron as also having a problematic view on women when like I said all he did is give him tips on impressing a girl he likes

HStallion's response to the lesbian fetish post
Quote:It sounds like you want a very different much more character focused TV series. I don't think there is any room in these already lengthy and jam packed films to be showing us extensive relationships with even more side characters. We don't really see anyone's friendships or relationships outside of the family and spider people aside from a couple quick snippets. It's just not a focus for the kind of films these are trying to be.

Quote:His uncle did not instill the best values in him.
Quote:This line is pretty fucked up tbh.

Princess Bubblegum
Quote:I acknowledge my framing (and specific word choice) isn't the best and veers into problematic i.e. racist territory. I tried to not do that but I still did. I sincerely apologize for that.

To clear the air, I'm engaging with the discussion because I do like Miles and Gwen in the films, a lot. I'm very emotionally invested in both of them. However, I'll bow out as I do not think I can bring my nuances to the table in an appropriate manner. Particularly one that is respectful enough to the Black community.

Edited: PhoenixAKG ain't letting PB go that easily
Quote:What "nuance"? There is nothing 'creepy or weird' about how Miles act around Gwen or what Aaron told him. It's normal, innocent teenage behaviour and nothing about it implies Miles or Aaron have a problematic view on women. The line about him only having his mom and gwen as the "only women in his life" I don't even know what to make of that as when aside from having Margo and Peni, there is also the fact the movies don't focus on social lives of anyone that much.

If you don't like them paired them together romantically, that's fine but you don't need to try imply it's somehow "morally problematic" to justify it. As it's been pointed out, it's veering into the whole expressions of interest in women especially white women by black men/kids are somehow 'threatening'
(11-06-2024, 01:14 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
BossAttack wrote:Well, yes. TPS is supposed to be temporary. While there might be some litigation in the courts in how quickly they end it, he's within his power to do so.
Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): Insensitive commentary
I believe BossAttack is an immigration attorney. But that's none of my business...
(11-08-2024, 10:24 PM)books wrote: American genocide is so boring they moved on pretty quick.


anyway I'm going to review some yugioh cards, also did anyone else see the seasonal dessert subway has now? shit is fire

basically it's this

(11-08-2024, 04:26 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:

Someone should post this


But that's none of my business...

White progressives are obnoxious, self loathing, irritating cunts and that's why Trump, who is just an obnoxious irritating cunt is slightly more palatable to the general voter.
[Image: 1.png]

[Image: B1aELoj.gif]

Not like this!
(11-08-2024, 10:23 PM)Potato wrote: I find that I'm shown to be more compassionate on these tests than I feel I am in real life. Maybe I am a big softie and actually want to help people more than I think. Or maybe these things are usually skewed towards American politics and agreeing with universal healthcare puts me further left on the social scale than I otherwise would be.

You're more of a leftie than you think. 

I'm in favor of universal healthcare because people in healthcare are just too easy prey for crony capitalists and corruption.

But I do think there is a limit to what should be considered universal healthcare.
When we start talking about tax payer funded gender transition surgery for inmates that's a no from me.
(11-08-2024, 10:18 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: Is Princess Bubblegum gonna ragequit and leave the thread?   lol

"I'm going on extra EXTRA break  maf "
(11-08-2024, 10:31 PM)Potato wrote:
(11-08-2024, 04:26 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:

Someone should post this


But that's none of my business...

White progressives are obnoxious, self loathing, irritating cunts and that's why Trump, who is just an obnoxious irritating cunt is slightly more palatable to the general voter.


It's cuz the majority of Americans are literally retarded
Quote:Particularly one that is respectful enough to the Black community.

Bow out before you use the n word, homey.
(11-08-2024, 10:08 PM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote: Prince Lesbian Fetish

Quote:I am quite aware that everything signals a romantic bond between them. As said, I just don't want it. Maybe Beyond will convince me. I just wish they showed Gwen bonding with anyone other than Miles. Unfortunately it's ultimately Miles' story, so there's is less room for Gwen. I'm happy she has a proper character arc, because I would loath her just existing to be the love interest. Which is what Into originally set her up as.

Also apart of it for me is how mildly creepy Miles is at times. He's a teenage boy so it's "fine" but his relationship with girls/women is literally just his mom and Gwen. His uncle did not instill the best values in him.

Prince Lesbian Fetish

Quote:I acknowledge my framing isn't the best and veers into problematic territory. I tried to not do that but I still did. I sincerely apologize for that.

To clear the air, I'm engaging with the discussion because I do like Miles and Gwen in the films, a lot. I'm very emotionally invested in both of them. However, I'll bow out as I do not think I can bring my nuances to the table in an appropriate manner. Particularly one that is respectful enough to the Black community.


Just stop being a fucking weirdo. Christ almighty. Get some therapy for your delusions and maybe actual real women will talk to you, unlikely though.

Oh, she's so full of it. She just wants Gwen to be a transbian icon like her and the notion of Gwen having a boyfriend is a huge boner killer. She's just reaching for a way to say that in nonsense therapy speak. I see you bubblegum!
My brother (who has a daughter with Downs syndrome) voted for trump because he thinks he's gonna get more money as a peon that works for a medical company from home. 

Oh and he's super religious and hates women's rights. My mom was crying to me today because she doesn't understand how him and his twin ended up this way. Well the answer is simple - they became mindless religious idiots.

Quote:Exactly. Like what does that even mean? Nothing indicates Aaron has a problematic view on women and neither does Aaron when all he did is just give him advice on impressing a girl he likes.

It's weird and veers into the notion of any interest black men show in women is somehow 'threatening'

Quote:What "nuance"? There is nothing 'creepy or weird' about how Miles act around Gwen or what Aaron told him. It's normal, innocent teenage behaviour and nothing about it implies Miles or Aaron have a problematic view on women. The line about him only having his mom and gwen as the "only women in his life" I don't even know what to make of that as when aside from having Margo and Peni, there is also the fact the movies don't focus on social lives of anyone that much.

If you don't like them paired them together romantically, that's fine but you don't need to try imply it's somehow "morally problematic" to justify it. As it's been pointed out, it's veering into the whole expressions of interest in women especially white women by black men/kids are somehow 'threatening'

Win Whoo Success Mynicca
(11-07-2024, 08:29 PM)booomer wrote:
(11-07-2024, 08:03 PM)Potato wrote: Trump's policies are going to put upwards pressure on prices and inflation. I'd be getting prepared for interest rates to stay higher for longer and for high inflation to stick around for a long while. Hope no one was planning on retiring early, your savings are about to be eroded.
Which policies are going to do that and why did this not happen the last time he was in office? 
[Image: EXkwJ9y.jpeg]


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I also think the average person is pretty stupid, but they can sense these things...

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