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Appreciate you pickin' away down in the interweb mines for us, benji.

Though I should note, those dark mode options don't seem to show 'Likes' or have 'Like' buttons.  Thumbsup

Edit: At least on android, I should specify.
Thanks for being attentive and open to feedback, benji. Very good (and quick!) work.

I noticed that the black bar under the logo actually has some text on it “Welcome back…”, but I couldn’t tell without zooming in since it’s also black! Maybe something to tinker with.

This is nitpick territory, but the spoiler bar looks kinda ugly.
Spoiler:  (click to show)
Wouldn't you agree?
I’m also super used to the ‘Show’ button being on the left that it’s throwing me off lol

Is it also possible to add the other kind of spoiler, where you click/highlight the text to show it? I think both have their uses, though it’s not a big deal.
1 user liked this post: Cauliflower Of Love
Everything looks perfect now with the borders and everything. Peep this difference:

Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: img_4952txe7v.jpeg]

[Image: img_4951cbi0o.jpeg]

Great job Benji-kun & Co.  Tauntaun
1 user liked this post: BIONIC
Btw, it’s nice the whole page doesn’t reload when tapping Like
I tried linking a twitch channel in another thread but it looks like it's trying to embed it as a clip.  Is there a way to just post the link without it becoming embedded?
(06-03-2023, 09:51 AM)MJBarret wrote: Appreciate you pickin' away down in the interweb mines for us, benji.

Though I should note, those dark mode options don't seem to show 'Likes' or have 'Like' buttons.  Thumbsup

Edit: At least on android, I should specify.
I think I have a fix for this, it'll kick everyone back to the Default style as their setting. I'll consider likes an essential feature that needs to work on the other templates.

(06-03-2023, 11:47 AM)BIONIC wrote: I noticed that the black bar under the logo actually has some text on it “Welcome back…”, but I couldn’t tell without zooming in since it’s also black! Maybe something to tinker with.
Bar isn't supposed to be black, I'll look into that, might be another of those dual background situations.

(06-03-2023, 11:47 AM)BIONIC wrote: This is nitpick territory, but the spoiler bar looks kinda ugly.
Spoiler:  (click to show)
Wouldn't you agree?
I’m also super used to the ‘Show’ button being on the left that it’s throwing me off lol

Is it also possible to add the other kind of spoiler, where you click/highlight the text to show it? I think both have their uses, though it’s not a big deal.
Yeah, I wanted to do this, looks like the spoiler style is hardcoded so I might have to get dirty in the php.

(06-03-2023, 05:16 PM)Red Cyclone wrote: I tried linking a twitch channel in another thread but it looks like it's trying to embed it as a clip.  Is there a way to just post the link without it becoming embedded?
I think I have turned this off for just the channels, clips and videos should still embed.
1 user liked this post: Red Cyclone
Now that the big sites can be embedded, is there any chance of making Bandcamp links embeddable?

Would reduce the YouTube advertising spam in the music threads and allow less mainstream stuff to be shared.
Bandcamp doesn't seem to be listed, I don't know how easy it would be to add, but Spotify and SoundCloud are.

I noticed the image I linked above is different from the actual current version of the embedder so here's what's on:
[Image: Qf2j7jb.png]
[Image: pxvXJk9.png]

Relating to the above, if you notice there's two "Twitch Clips" listed, I assumed the first one was a typo and when I disabled that the channel links stopped embedding. That's why I'm not sure what exactly was disabled for Twitch because I didn't investigate.

edit: Actually, I just read those local/remote options again, some of them are just for audio files, maybe turning those on will work to link to some music in some instances. Let's see if MP3 does anything:
Alright, I added a Bandcamp tag {bandcamp}{/bandcamp}, what you need to do is click "share/embed" then when the embed code comes up select "wordpress" and go to the end, that track=bunchofnumbers (it's in the other embed code but it's harder to find) is what you put in the tags like so:

I think to do albums I have to make a separate tag so if that's wanted I can probably do that. Also, I don't think this needs a button but if you guys complain enough I'll ban you add one I guess.

To "play us out"? You mean like to end the show?
1 user liked this post: Potato
Likes should be working on the dark themes now, but it doesn't look all that great! lol

Also, I junked the default avatar so now many of you are properly without one as Darko intended.

Spoilers are changed completely I junked that dude's plugins, not sure how to have it put "spoiler" if you don't insert a title so I had to hardcode "Spoiler: " in there. I think I'll live.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
1 user liked this post: Eric Cartman
this works out perfectly

[Image: kGtmwFK.png]
(06-04-2023, 06:35 AM)Uncle wrote: this works out perfectly

[Image: kGtmwFK.png]
Yeah, there were aspects of that I liked and others, like that which it also did to mine, I did not. And the settings are in Engrish. Maybe I can tweak it.

Sometimes I'll just be trying things like that and they may appear for just a little bit.
(06-04-2023, 03:39 AM)benji wrote: Alright, I added a Bandcamp tag {bandcamp}{/bandcamp}, what you need to do is click "share/embed" then when the embed code comes up select "wordpress" and go to the end, that track=bunchofnumbers (it's in the other embed code but it's harder to find) is what you put in the tags like so:

I think to do albums I have to make a separate tag so if that's wanted I can probably do that. Also, I don't think this needs a button but if you guys complain enough I'll ban you add one I guess.

To "play us out"? You mean like to end the show?
Awesome. Thanks for that.
1 user liked this post: D3RANG3D
Benji, the spoilers work PERFECTLY now. Thank you! Only nitpick I have is that the inside of the spoiler is the same color as the bar. It should probably be a white background for that.

Now this is something we all got used to on the original bore, but it’s really annoying how the page jumps around while loading if there are Twitter embeds! I’m wondering if it’s something that can be fixed. On ree even on pages that have lots of tweets it doesn’t do that as far as I can tell, so I imagine it’s possible.
Benji creating a board that is faster, less buggy and more feature packed than ResetEra, NeoGAF and the old place combined in 1 week  Mynicca
is there not a feature to view the list of all users
1 user liked this post: D3RANG3D
(06-04-2023, 01:15 PM)BIONIC wrote: Now this is something we all got used to on the original bore, but it’s really annoying how the page jumps around while loading if there are Twitter embeds! I’m wondering if it’s something that can be fixed. On ree even on pages that have lots of tweets it doesn’t do that as far as I can tell, so I imagine it’s possible.
Don't take this as the truth as I haven't investigated but my assumption is that XenForo, being a paid forum ($60 a month), might properly integrate with the Twitter API. Our method, similar to the OG Bore, is just a javascript call that grabs the tweet. If you'll recall on the OG there was a period where Elon changed something and it worked like absolute shit.

(06-04-2023, 05:35 PM)Uncle wrote: is there not a feature to view the list of all users
I disabled the memberlist on the assumption that people wanted to keep their privacy from hate sites. But I can turn it back on.
1 user liked this post: BIONIC
just had a db error when i first clicked on this thread

now it really does feel like the bore. i'm home.
I like the new look of quoted posts.
(06-05-2023, 11:12 AM)who is ted danson? wrote: just had a db error when i first clicked on this thread

now it really does feel like the bore. i'm home.
If it's the one uh... dunno what that's about, just refresh. lol
Copy-pasting stuff is kinda doodoo. I’m guessing it takes the formatting from the original source, but it ends up looking fucked up. Making it so things default to plain text would probably be more convenient for the vast majority of use cases. Nobody formats shit posts anyways lol I think there’s supposed to be a plain text button, but it doesn’t seem to work.

Speaking of buttons that don’t work, it’s super finicky to get tags to wrap around highlighted text. I typically have to put raw tags there, then paste whatever I wanted in between them which is super painful on mobile.

Edit: Also, emoticons appearing in the text box makes things super finicky. Having it only appear once the post is published would be preferable.
BIONIC dateline='[url=tel:1686058704' wrote: 1686058704[/url]']
Copy-pasting stuff is kinda doodoo. I’m guessing it takes the formatting from the original source, but it ends up looking fucked up. Making it so things default to plain text would probably be more convenient for the vast majority of use cases. Nobody formats shit posts anyways lol I think there’s supposed to be a plain text button, but it doesn’t seem to work.

Speaking of buttons that don’t work, it’s super finicky to get tags to wrap around highlighted text. I typically have to put raw tags there, then paste whatever I wanted in between them which is super painful on mobile.

Edit: Also, emoticons appearing in the text box makes things super finicky. Having it only appear once the post is published would be preferable.

For now, I paste what I want to post into the notes app on my phone first then copy it again to post here.  It’s an added step but better then nothing in the mean time.
(06-06-2023, 01:38 PM)BIONIC wrote: Copy-pasting stuff is kinda doodoo. I’m guessing it takes the formatting from the original source, but it ends up looking fucked up. Making it so things default to plain text would probably be more convenient for the vast majority of use cases. Nobody formats shit posts anyways lol I think there’s supposed to be a plain text button, but it doesn’t seem to work.

(06-06-2023, 02:49 PM)Lonewulfeus wrote: For now, I paste what I want to post into the notes app on my phone first then copy it again to post here.  It’s an added step but better then nothing in the mean time.

Go to your control panel, options and tick this bad boy:
[Image: 9v7RGbO.png]
(or get used to ctrl+shift+v)
2 users liked this post: BIONIC, Nintex
I think emojis don’t display here. I don’t particularly care, but I noticed it in a ree post I quoted.
Pasting should now automatically be plain text. Funny thing is this is actually supported by the editor but there's weirdly no option included to turn it on but you can with a simple line of text added.

I always assumed emojis were supported by the browser irrelevant of anything else but I guess I need to look into them so I ? EMPHASIZE ? Y'ALL ? NEED ? TO ? DO ? BETTER ? or not? (edit: Guess not, works in editor but doesn't parse to post.)

Can't figure out the emotes, nobody seems to have even complained about it ever on the forums. I noticed it can get really wonky if you're trying to add them even by typing the codes one after another.

Speaking of wonky, the buttons and highlighted text are sometimes like that on desktop too. These things may just have to be part of the Bire charm.

This was a good thing to look into, the databases had the wrong encoding. That might have been an issue in five or six years when The Bire is the way all humans communicate.
4 users liked this post: BIONIC, MJBarret, Uncle, Nintex
was that why it was down yesterday, had to re-encode the whole database ???
2 users liked this post: who is ted danson?, BIONIC
1 user liked this post: who is ted danson?
Everything looks good now to me.
(06-07-2023, 10:29 AM)Uncle wrote: was that why it was down yesterday, had to re-encode the whole database ???
Was only down for a couple minutes and I put up a message while I did that, no idea what the earlier downtime was about.

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