Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(08-14-2023, 07:43 PM)Potato wrote: She's from one of the universities in my city. I kind of want to send her a link to Resetera for her research.

[Image: D7SX2vi.gif]
(08-14-2023, 07:09 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: RE after Summer Game Fest: "Ugh, you couldn't bring at least one woman on stage?"

RE now "Ugh, why only one woman"

This sort of head counting always just seems dumb. Like apparently it doesn't matter at all who is showing up or what they're presenting, it's just about statistics and then you can pat yourself on the back and claim that society is better now.

hey, some synchronicity here, an article from 2013:

Quote:Surrounding the hubbub of Patricia Hernandez's two (yes, two) articles about "no women @ PS4 announcement!", Stephen Totilo gets on his high horse and says to his readers (you know, the people who put food on his table through their click-through) "if you don't like Patricia, then I don't want you to be a part of the Kotaku community". What? I'm sorry. It is one thing to ban lewd comments or discourage immature talk on a website, but to say such a thing to readers (who were understandably miffed at Patricia's incredibly one-sided and poorly-researched articles) stinks of an agenda.
Apparently this year was the one event Geoff hosted that didn't have women. Despite having multiple women on stage all his past hosted events. This one time was enough to label Geoff as a sexist chud in ERA's eyes.
(08-14-2023, 07:50 PM)Averon wrote: Apparently this year was the one event Geoff hosted that didn't have women. Despite having multiple women on stage all his past hosted events. This one time was enough to label Geoff as a sexist chud in ERA's eyes.

they can't prove that some of the presenters didn't quietly identify as trans or queer during their presentation for a few minutes
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
benji dateline='[url=tel:1692038809' wrote: 1692038809[/url]']
Populism is a vague worthless concept that tells you nothing of value but stupid people use repeatedly to pretend to be smart and informed. If the standard in democracies was candidates appealing to the dominance of an elite class over the masses then maybe it'd mean something.

However, you would have a rather unique position on this subject considering the history of the PRI. lol

Well, we got the not much better PAN, and after that the PRI with another name in the PRD and MORENA but with a messianic complex. AMLO is a big pseudo leftist version of Trump (and before you said he is not, the asshole lefties here consider one Bolo ) that is sadly very common in Latin American countries (thank you so much, Cold War).

So yeah, I always wary of “us vs them” and “I can do better” rhetoric , especially since we are back to having the PRI with another name (but now the discourse is “for the people” so is okay guys…) . Populism to me is just politicians saying what they think people want to hear while being confrontational and not accepting the realities or conventions of their countries (while benefiting extensively from them).

 Also, Obama was offended that people associated Trump with populism:

So yeah Benji, me perspective is more unique.
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
(08-11-2023, 06:48 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

WhySoDevious wrote:
Watchtower wrote:Shit like this is why Biden isn't an ally. Fuck this.
You're right. He's not. He's basically Trump. Worse, even, I imagine.
Quote: Cop User Banned (3 Days): Dismissive Drive-By

(08-12-2023, 12:57 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: WhySoDevivous edited their post after that fuck you  lol

Quote:EDIT: I no longer wish to be part of this conversation.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, BIONIC, HaughtyFrank
(08-14-2023, 08:14 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
(08-11-2023, 06:48 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

WhySoDevious wrote:You're right. He's not. He's basically Trump. Worse, even, I imagine.
Quote: Cop User Banned (3 Days): Dismissive Drive-By

(08-12-2023, 12:57 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: WhySoDevivous edited their post after that fuck you  lol

Quote:EDIT: I no longer wish to be part of this conversation.

Wth not only did they put the original post but removed the edited status  lol
1 user liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
So petty, and that unhinged idiot remains unscathed Rofl
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:Literally everyone is using genned mons and those that aren't are famous enough to use their community to help grind out mons for them, which is fundementally the same thing. Surprised at the intense anti-cheating fervor in this thread, this isn't like doping in sports, this is a stupid and half-enforced rule caused by TPC making bad decisions about how to run an esport, and banning the unlucky ones that get caught is in no way close to a good solution.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Boredfrom
Quote:People saying "oh well just raise em yourself" clearly do not follow this scene and have no idea wtf they're talking abou

Thank God for that. 

Poke fans always presume that Pokémon games are deep (in multiplayer or an extra mode that rarely gets on the games anymore) but cannot abide to the rules of the competitive scene because time and tedium.

Game freak and TPC schizophrenic decisions probably don’t help, but I remember how much Pokefans used to defend the companies.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
immy wrote:Only one opinion is allowed on this forum?

lol lol lol
Poor, naive OP about to find out that that's a yes!
Nintendo don’t give a fuck about some virgins having a tournament, they want you to pay $20 to download pikachu with a hat on
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower
Dan L wrote:
Quote:he didnt even attend that shitty church. Elliot Paige claimed he did and cried on twitter, but so far that seems it was just a lie that everyone kinda just went with because Pratt seems like a prick, because of a shitty tshirt or something.

He attends something called Zoe church that "Zoe Church founder Chad Veach did tell the New York Times that he modeled his faith community, in part, after Hillsong." which I guess if you wanna play whattaboutisms and say just because it was modeled after the bad church they must also be doing the bad things, but they could also just be grifting these hollywood rubes the same way the hillsong church probably funnels money out of their constituents too. Who knows. I dont attend either of these, but its kinda like why keep grilling the dude if he doesnt even attend the bad church to begin with?

attending church is dumb either way and you're a jabroni if you do.

you coulda posted all this without needing to shit on Elliot Page. Saying he claimed it would have been enough.

Who is this whiny little moviebob lookalike? Starting to steal redmercurys spot
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower
(08-14-2023, 09:27 PM)Averon wrote:
immy wrote:Only one opinion is allowed on this forum?

lol lol lol
Poor, naive OP about to find out that that's a yes!

Quote:No need for a pro Pratt thread. Guys a super villain while Tom Cruise is the savior around here
Cruise Missile
Besticus Maximus dateline='[url=tel:1692048448' wrote: 1692048448[/url]']
Nintendo don’t give a fuck about some virgins having a tournament, they want you to pay $20 to download pikachu with a hat on

TPC and GameFreak kind of does…

(They are pretty weird)

Also, you don’t pay 20 dollars for a Pikachu with a hat. You pay 16 dollars for being able to transfer your imaginary animals to a shitty app to exchange them with yourself. To get the Pikachu with hat you need to do a laggy Raid Battle in ScarletAndViolet.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower

Lord Vatek wrote:Remember when he pretended to not be religious because he was so desperate for people to still like him after his nonsense came to light?
Looks like a classic dogpile's happening. Wenis made the "mistake" of "defending" Pratt, which in reality means he exposed the lie that Pratt went to that infamous bigoted church Elliot Page said he went to:


Quote:Stop defending the rich, white, homophobic man.

Quote:Thanks for posting this, buddy going to bat for chris pratt hard.

fuck pratt.

Quote:maybe you need to take a step back and think about what you've said
Quote:Edit: Very bad comparison deleted, my sincere apologies.
Original post
Quote:I kinda have about as much sympathy for this as I do someone getting caught for not paying a bus fare.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji
Apparently calling out a lie that someone famous said on a national platform that someone else is attending a bigoted church is bad, beyond the pale, and defending that person's bigotry. But saying someone's a right-wing bigot based solely on innuendo, reading-between-the-lines, and "feelings" is a-okay.
(08-14-2023, 09:27 PM)Averon wrote:
immy wrote:Only one opinion is allowed on this forum?

lol lol lol
Poor, naive OP about to find out that that's a yes!

Silly OP. He should know by now that if someone is:

✅ Rich 
✅ White 
✅ Successful 
✅ Conservative 

And special bonus:

✅ Religious

Then ResetEra's hate boner is gonna be harder than someone who's taken viagra  GAMERGATE!
I love Chris Pratt threads. Delicious

NameUser wrote:
immy wrote:This is a pro Chris Pratt thread
 Yeah . . . you don't get to decide that. It's whatever we want to make it into

[Image: aFFjDyr.gif]
Sordid Plebeian wrote:If people here can enjoy Tom Cruise I don't see why people can't enjoy Chris Pratt. Strange how selective or forgiving people are for no discernible reason beyond following the bandwagon. Whatever church he is a part of ain't got shit on the Church of Scientology.
 Hesright Cruise Missile
browndoom wrote:Mediocre actor. Shithead in real life. Ruined any sort of enjoyment that could be obtained from the Jurassic World series.

Pretty much pass on anything he's in as a main actor.
"Chris Pratt was what was wrong with Jurassic World." Rofl

Siresly wrote:Chris Pratt has been stumbling around mudpies regarding homophobia, alt-right shitheadery and extremism, but hasn't fully stepped in one by saying or doing something with no semblance of plausible deniability, yet. He just kind of smells of it.
So he hasn't actually done or said anything?  Shocked Pikachu
(08-14-2023, 10:15 PM)Venice wrote:

NameUser wrote:
immy wrote:This is a pro Chris Pratt thread
 Yeah . . . you don't get to decide that. It's whatever we want to make it into

[Image: aFFjDyr.gif]

imagine saying that in "this is a safe space thread"

go to the criticize sexualized women thread and say "holy shit Juri is so hot  Mouf (I get to use this thread any way I like chodes)"
Chris Pratt listens to christian music while he's out jogging and does other very mundane things in his spare time.
He's quite literally too boring for the Hollywood press to cover despite his popularity.
For the record I'm a very enlightened atheist, but I'm not going to get mad at someone just for going to church. Especially if they keep it to themselves. Trumps
cgpartlow wrote:Well...I am also a conservative Christian. So my personal beliefs are probably pretty drastically different than the majority of this site.
Why would you mark yourself for death like that? People are already baiting him to say something that would get him banned.
Oh, he is getting a duration ban before it becomes a permanent.
Thank you for your service!
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, BIONIC, Boredfrom, Superstar
Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote:He is a Christian, and a married couple from the church he attends can be seen in the background on the cover of his album Poodle Hat.[71][72] His religious upbringing is reflected in his abstinence from profanity, alcohol, and drugs.[73]
Quote:The real clincher, however, comes courtesy of some social media sleuthing. There is a 2016 post on the Facebook page for the Hollywood Church of Christ which reads in part, “HCC is going on a field trip to see our brother Al at the Hollywood Bowl!” (4) Although this post might seem entirely unremarkable on first glance, the language of “brother” and “sister” carries great weight within Churches of Christ, and it implies that the person being referred to as such is, indeed, a member.
Quote:The churches of Christ maintain a significant proportion of political diversity.[100] According to the Pew Research Center in 2016, 50% of adherents of the churches of Christ identify as Republican or lean Republican, 39% identify as Democratic or lean Democratic and 11% have no preference.[101] Despite this, the Christian Chronicle says that the vast majority of adherents maintain a conservative view on modern social issues. This is evident when the Research Center questioned adherents' political ideology. In the survey, 51% identified as "conservative", 29% identified as "moderate" and just 12% identified as "liberal", with 8% not knowing.[102] In contemporary society, the vast majority of adherents of the churches of Christ view homosexuality as a sin.[103] They cite Leviticus 18:22 and Romans 1:26–27 for their position. Most don't view same-sex attraction as a sin; however, they condemn "acting on same-sex desires".[104] Mainstream and conservative Churches of Christ bar membership for openly LGBT individuals and do not bless or recognize any form of sexual same-sex relationships. Churches oppose same-sex relationships, transitioning to align gender identity, and all forms of what they describe as "sexual deviation", however, they say they don't view it as any worse than fornication or other sins.[105]
But that's none of my business...
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji
(08-14-2023, 10:52 PM)Averon wrote:
cgpartlow wrote:Well...I am also a conservative Christian. So my personal beliefs are probably pretty drastically different than the majority of this site.
Why would you mark yourself for death like that? People are already baiting him to say something that would get him banned.
TheGummyBear wrote:"It's cool to hate Chris Pratt now."
"People hate him because he's demonstrably bigoted."
"Well I just so happen to agree with his bigotry."

Fucking hell.
literally shaking

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