Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(06-30-2024, 10:14 AM)D3RANG3D wrote:
Spoiler:  (click to show)
He should do his awkward dance to YMCA to trigger the retards again. lol

Both Trump and Kamala would enjoy campaigning and the fight for attention way more than they should as their VPs clean up the mess.
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
(06-30-2024, 05:45 AM)benji wrote:
TheGummyBear wrote:To the best of my understanding, it's not only not a thing, surgery for trans minors is not something the trans liberation movement advocates for, outside of extreme cases. It fundamentally goes against the gender affirming model
is this?

Welp that’s a new one. Is anyone even going to bother saying “wait…what?!” or will Era just keep it moving cuz cis-don’t-care? 😭
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
laughing at unhinged era leftist losers is obviously great, but hanging out with the boomer maga Garfield dude makes me feel unsafe

like you cant even make fun of twohearts being a weirdo without this one old racist uncle going “yeah and how about that stolen election huh”
(06-30-2024, 08:45 AM)benji wrote: TERF BITCH

Author: “my favorite book is <insert canon classic that everyone knows about>”
Retard: “omg they are ENDORSING <insert worst thing about that book>! Of course I haven’t personally read that sick trash.”


Also fun to see them throw whatever at JK. Holocaust denialism, antisemetic blood libel, (both hilarious given the current state of SJW and jewish relations), now pedophilia. At this rate they’ll be saying she twists the heads off of PoC babies and sucks the viscera out like a squeez-it before Christmas.
(06-30-2024, 11:39 AM)karambol wrote: laughing at unhinged era leftist losers is obviously great, but hanging out with the boomer maga Garfield dude makes me feel unsafe

like you cant even make fun of twohearts being a weirdo without this one old racist uncle going “yeah and how about that stolen election huh”

3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, TylenolJones, D3RANG3D
TwoHearts wrote:Goku not knowing what sex is and chi-chi abusing him. It's dark as fuck but I don't think there's enough heroes who are victims of sexual violence

Our favorite poster is out there running a goddamn masterclass, completely free of charge. I hope everyone is taking notes.
(06-30-2024, 01:26 PM)DavidCroquet wrote:
TwoHearts wrote:Goku not knowing what sex is and chi-chi abusing him. It's dark as fuck but I don't think there's enough heroes who are victims of sexual violence

Our favorite poster is out there running a goddamn masterclass, completely free of charge. I hope everyone is taking notes.

The context of the thread makes it so much worse

'Things that AREN'T true about Dragon Ball's Story/Mechanics that you either wish were true or will pretend are true until told otherwise'
(06-29-2024, 07:48 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: What the fuck do they even have to hide? "Someone at work today said they like Stellar Blade Cry "

They’re so fucking mentally unwell I doubt they even leave the house to go to work.
BIONIC dateline='[url=tel:1719704410' wrote: 1719704410[/url]']
Burqa thread hidden garbage:

Spoiler:  (click to show)
coffeecat, post: 125020437, member: 45885 wrote:I don't think it makes sense to armchair analyze game sales, budgets and success, especially relative to one another. While you can look at things like team sizes, dev time, estimated sales, etc. the reality its that Bloodborne, Horizon and Stellar Blade all have different development and release circumstances that inform expectations and what qualifies as a success. Deciding that one game "wins" by some arbitrary metric is just a pointless exercise because we simply don't have all the data, and it's even dumber to then stretch that out into a narrative about whether sex does or doesn't sell.

It's pretty clear to me that anyone who is looking at Stellar Blade and saying the game sold well explicitly because of its character design is being disingenuous, though. It's a solid Souls-adjacent action game wth a weak narrative, plus some questionable character design choices, plus a new franchise from relatively unknown developer... it seems like it did about in line with what you would expect, about in line with something like Lies of P. The character design may be responsible for some initial interest from certain audiences, but I mean, Elden Ring is literally right there. That game mostly has characters that don't fit into conventionally sexy designs, and it sold magnitudes more than Stellar Blade. By that logic I guess sex actually doesn't sell?

So yeah, basically that's just a dead end to argue I think. It's far more interesting to focus on the game content. How is it depicting both women as well as men? What are the gender roles at play? Are these characters depicted in a way that's positive, affirming and that challenges negative stereotypes, or in ways that are harmful and regressive? Are there any underlying ideologies being expressed or discussed by the game? What do the characters say about the developers and about players?

BradleyButtons, post: 125021211, member: 77229 wrote:I think you can look at numerous threads across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit and even Resetera and find that numerous people stated their intent to purchase this game based off of the character's design. I would say it's reasonable to assume that the characters design influenced purchasers, which was clearly not the case for something like Elden Ring. To say "sex doesn't sell?" based off of a rather contrived defense is far more disingenuous than to say that the game sold some significant amount of copies, or was talked about more, or was seen due to algorithms in Social Media because of sex. Can I get a definitive count on the number of copies sold due to, in any amount, the exaggerated physical features of the character? Nope, of course not. Can we make educated guesses and state that it was a factor in purchasing for some amount of people? Absolutely. And I don't think it's a stretch. Sex games sell on Steam and even the Nintendo Switch. They sell a lot. No one is being shamed for this - sex is great. However, in this situation, it's being used to sell to one demographic while alienating and misrepresenting another. Hell, whether we know the purchasers intent is known is irrelevant - we do know the creators intent.

And to your list of questions: all of them can be answered the same way. The characters are clearly meant to have exaggerated features typically associated with people assigned female at birth. Historically, men have used this representation of women to create fantasies that fulfill desires rooted in misogyny. The character’s anatomical features were designed and meant to be used for marketing as much as the gameplay was. For that reason, I think it's fair to judge the game on its appearance. Visuals are a significant part of every game, and if I feel a character is depicted for reasons meant to gratify someone else sexually, or propagates unfair stereotypes, then I don't like it. That's my opinion, yes, but I wouldn't say that gameplay is any more of a valuable aspect. Replace gender with race. If a character had exaggerated racial features (cough cough Barrett), and it was used to sell the game, what would we say? Would we say "well are they a strong character?" No, the stereotypes and harmful representation overrides that. With gender it's the same. With any discrimination it's the same.

I do take umbrage with saying "how does it depict men AND women", when we live in a patriarchal society. The developers and primary demographic for this game, it's safe to assume, are people with privilege. How they depict men is nowhere near as helpful or harmful as how they depict women. Further, the actions of the developer towards some subset of employees was targeted due to gender. I think making it a "both sides" issue really is a non-sequitur.

All aspects of a game are relevant to its very existence. It's like saying "don't judge a painting based off of its use of the color blue, judge it based on all the other colors". Well, it wouldn't be *that painting* without the color blue. Video games *are art*, and all art is both the sum of its parts and more than the sum of its parts. You can show great technique in one area, while lacking in others. You can make a great painting from a technical standpoint, but if it's a "woman with jiggly parts", I think people are allowed to form opinions around that, and those opinions aren't contradicted by the quality of technique or use of paint or whatever.

coffeecat, post: 125023278, member: 45885 wrote:Okay, I don't know what happened here but I feel like my post may have been colossally misinterpreted.

I don't want to discount that character design is important in a game's sales and success. Obviously it is. What I'm saying is people boiling the game's success (or failure) down to that alone isn't very practical or compelling. For every person who decides they want to hitch their wagon to the game because there's a pretty anime sexy lady, there's plenty of other people who look at it and go "not for me dawg". We don't have those numbers or know how many people react that way to the game, or how that converted directly into sales, so we're dealing purely with anecdotes and vibes.

My thing about using Elden Ring wasn't me seriously making that claim, it was pointing out the absurdity of the logic to say that sex appeal (or lack thereof) is primarily responsible for sales of a game in this category. When talking about the business side, directly comparing Stellar Blade to porn games on Steam isn't really valid in my view, because they are simply not the same product category or market, even if some of the audience may overlap. From a sociological and media studies perspective obviously that's a different story.

You don't need to preach to me about this. I think Stellar Blade's characters and depictions of women suck ass and it was an immediate turn-off for me. I think people who are championing the game as some sort of right-wing culture war victory are idiots and scumbags. I think the developer also sucks and I'm disappointed Sony chose to promote this specific game so heavily.

Except it's not a non-sequitur? You don't need to tell me about the patriarchy, I've been an open feminist since my late teens, read and studied plenty of it in uni almost two decades ago and continue to hold those views well past that point. As a woman, please do not assume that I'm somehow minimizing the experiences of women through a passing mention of how men are also negatively affected by patriarchal society and regressive, limited gender roles - because they are. That's not "both sidesing", that's just facts. (Not to mention how patriarchy and the binary gender system hurts non-binary people too).

Patriarchy is obviously massively disproportionately worse for women, that's why it's called patriarchy, but I don't see how me mentioning that the way a piece of media depicts men is also relevant to its depiction of women is problematic to you. Gender is a spectrum where various aspects of identity and expression exist in relation to one another. Feminism and social studies are concerned chiefly with systems of power and the causes and effects of them, and understanding how a piece of media conceptualizes men is useful for how it conceptualizes women, as well as everyone in between and outside that as well.

BradleyButtons, post: 125025657, member: 77229 wrote:User banned (permanent): Antagonizing another member over multiple posts in a sensitive thread. Account in junior phase.

You're being exceptionally defensive for someone who apparently agrees with these things, and there's really no call for this level of hostility. Stating your gender and stance on feminism doesn't change the words that you used in your post, or how an audience will receive them. Saying "please don't say this to me" is a pretty baseless method of implying that you are impervious to internalized misogyny or misunderstandings around cultural issue, which no one is. I don't care about your identity or history - that's not what your post is about, and it's about as relevant as my identity and history. You have a right to your opinion, and I responded to it. I don't know anything about you, but I felt your post could easily be interpreted as misdirecting from the relevant aspects of this conversation, and I responded to it. Someone who reads your post won't say "oh well they have years of experience with feminism and still hold those ideals".

You absolutely did both-sides things and argue that we're focusing too much on the sexualization of the characters, when that's the central part of the discourse around the game right now, for a variety of reasons. No one is boiling down the success or failure of a game to the sexualization - that's a highly reductionist take on this conversation and diminishes the importance of the criticism being levied against it. We're focusing on that topic because it's the most relevant aspect to this situation, and hell, I'd say the side which is critical of the game would have every right to make it all about that topic. You're still both-sidesing - you keep implying that both parties are arguing based on a fallacious understanding of the key topics, which I think is highly unfair. Saying "well we don't definitively know the actual impact on sales so we shouldn't argue one way or another" is a non-sequitur. You're detracting from highly relevant points and reducing them because you don't see their importance. Others can find these things more important than you, and I explained why. I don't mean this passive-aggressively, but I think you *do* need to be told these things. See why these things are important to others, and let them talk about it. If you don't want to engage in that side of the conversation, then don't. And certainly don't argue against the people who are defending the ideas that you claim to champion, which is what your original post was doing.

You did make that claim about Eldin Ring. It's literally what you wrote. FromSofware's titles have a completely different context around them and make no attempt to market using exaggerated sexualization of women. That argument only makes sense if you think the other party is arguing that *all games are sold based on sexualization*, which, again, no one is arguing. That's a strawman, and again, a nonsequitur. Comparing a game which markets heavily based on sexuality to other games which market based on sexuality is meant to emphasize that, yes, sex does sell. Using sex as a marketing tactic does work, and is being used in this context. Saying "well, Eldin Ring is successful without sex" is completely irrelevant.

coffeecat, post: 125129391, member: 45885 wrote:Just want to say thanks to @Morrigan, @Naiad and @PallasKitten for the support. I was really worried I did something wrong or stepped onto a landmine I had no idea was there.

However, I'm bowing out for the foreseeable future because it is clear this thread and forum is not actually a safe environment, nor do I want to have to feel like every comment comes with the caveat that I have to defend myself from unwarranted attacks, down-talking and demands I justify myself. So I guess if the goal of that person was to get me to stop posting, congratulations, mission accomplished.

Naiad, post: 125129793, member: 79229 wrote:While I don't agree with giving the asshat the satisfaction of feeling like he was right in his behavior to mistreat you in the way that he did, I still completely understand the mental toll and anxiety that comes with feeling like you're walking on eggshells every time that you post.

I will be sad to see you leave feeling this way, but mental health is important and sometimes people have to do what is best for them, not for everyone else. You didn't do anything wrong.

I've been challenged all my life so I can stomach it to some extent, however, I'm not going to judge another woman for not being able to. It's rough. It's bullshit. It's unfair. It's mentally exhausting. People should fucking behave better and they don't.

Take care of yourself.

PallasKitten, post: 125137410, member: 120840 wrote:You did nothing wrong at all, and I have no idea why that person seemingly came in out of nowhere swinging at you for no obvious reason. I definitely understand just not wanting to deal with that and bowing out. I'd be lying if I said I didn't sometimes feel the same way you do on various online communities, and it absolutely sucks that has to be the case so often.

Wishing you the best.

Messofanego, post: 125140185, member: 1159 wrote:I've appreciated your contributions to the thread and your insight has been invaluable. I don't get why some men feel comfortable arguing on things like this (without the lived experience of sexism and oversexualisation) with such misplaced intensity and hostility and some of us men have kinda ruined the point of this space, sadly. Even if this forum is predominantly a male majority, it's important to have a space for women to be listened to, validated, discuss and even debate amongst themselves. So I totally understand you bowing out but you'll be always welcome to come back! 🙏🏾

red_shift_ltd, post: 125157171, member: 56997 wrote:I want to chime in and say that I don't think you did anything wrong and they were out of line to attack you. This needs to be a space for discussion and you getting burned out is a failure on us as a forum. I like your posts and I'm sorry you have to step away and like people have said your mental health is first priority. I can just click ignore normal threads but it's not fair when this one is supposed to be special and you don't feel safe here. Anyway, I don't have any quick or good answers, just sending positive vibes your way

TheEchosOfTheCyborg, post: 125169864, member: 40323 wrote:Good luck @coffeecat! Hope you find somewhere safe from people like that, you did nothing wrong.

Saori, post: 125170224, member: 50824 wrote:Yeah, this place isn't one. Not anymore at least.

It's not okay that this person was able to just come in, attack you and dip out without any consequences.

What a little pussy as bitch, I do wonder if they’re an actual woman or MtF larper.

They really can’t handle anything said against them can they, they immediately crumble into a a sack of shit and run off to mods, I’d say I’ve no idea how these people survive in the real world, but I’d be 99% sure they don’t interact with the outside world and instead live terminally online in their little safe spaces where they can get people banned who don’t agree with their world views, but Era is definitely not an echo chamber remember
(06-30-2024, 04:29 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(06-30-2024, 04:14 AM)Jansen wrote:

Quote:This isn't helping, Biden.

The internet: DrDisrespect deserves to be obliterated for talking to a minor, they need protecting at all costs they don’t know what they’re doing

Era: Minors should be able to get whatever life altering/ruining surgery they want to join the Good cause of being trans, they know what they want

Shocked Pikachu

Lilly-Anne, post: 125198184, member: 164451 wrote:My only wish is that gender affirming surgeries should be treated in the law the same for cisgender kids as they are for transgender kids, otherwise it's a pretty clear case of discrimination.

Cisgender boys with gynecomastia are allowed to get top surgery. Cisgender girls can get approved for breast reduction for purely psychosocial reasons.

(06-30-2024, 04:14 AM)Jansen wrote: wrote:
Quote:How common is actual surgery compared to other forms of treatment for minors regardless? My understanding is that surgery doesn't generally happen until someone is an adult anyways

To the best of my understanding, it's not only not a thing, surgery for trans minors is not something the trans liberation movement advocates for, outside of extreme cases. It fundamentally goes against the gender affirming model, providing affirming care during an emotionally difficult period of one's life until they're old enough to make these decisions. And with trans identity, it takes a lot of thought because our identities our complicated. For example, someone with gender dysphoria doesn't necessarily have bottom dysphoria too. (I count myself in that category.)

dunno Is it tho?

Quote:The only people I've ever heard of talking about gender affirming care as if it's little Timmy thinking they're a girl and their physician immediately reaches for the buzz saw are bigots like Matt Walsh.

Which indicates to me that, for all the positive coverage Biden gets for being supposedly pro trans, he's not listening to trans people or our allies, he's forming a lot of his understanding of trans people and our bodies by listening to conservative pundits, then spreading that misinformation.

And the founder of Mermaids who bought it for her kid via medical tourism, and now advocates for it on WPATH

But that's none of my business...
(06-30-2024, 06:08 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
The Gummy Bear wrote:And with trans identity, it takes a lot of thought because our identities our complicated. For example, someone with gender dysphoria doesn't necessarily have bottom dysphoria too. (I count myself in that category.)

In info no one needed to know, but also if you still have your penis by choice then what the fuck are you “dysphoric” about?????

Dr Who
and cisgender boys can get their dicks cut off because…well…hm…

I do notice a trend in the trans talking points toward “well we never intended for minors to get these surgeries anyway. That would be extremely irresponsible of course!”

Adjacently, I wonder about the percentages of whether transmen or women seek surgery more often under 18?
(06-28-2024, 05:45 AM)Garfield wrote:
Quote:and Destiny said literally everything you said above, about how we should let countries do whatever they're best at to benefit everyone, it's retarded to artificially punish one to let another catch up when they're not equipped for it, not to mention those kinds of jobs can't pay the cost of living in the US anymore while still being competitive globally

his weird off the cuff example was if you have two kids, one is good at making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and the other is good at pouring milk, why would you punish one kid just to let the other catch up in their abilities at the other job when they already had their own specialization and role they could fill

This sounds good in theory in an economic textbook by people like Larry Summers or N Gregory Mankiw, but in practice the "specialization" other countries like China offer is using slave labor and shit conditions to undercut prices to the point that much manufacturing in America is no longer economically viable. It also results in propping up illegitimate regimes such as the CCP and, when combined with de facto open borders in America, it results in us having fewer competitive businesses, fewer good jobs, and an overall lower standard of living that will be even worse for our kids and grandkids.

Do Not Want

Manufacturing in the US isn't 'economically viable' because its a shit job that people don't want to do, with shit margins, and is never going to be a huge employer because the world has moved on and those jobs are almost entirely replaced by robots.

When manufaturing was A Big Deal, 25% of the fucking workforce worked in factories. There is zero fucking chance that's ever rolling back. If you fuck around with global commerce to try and force manufacturing to be a thing, you're still not getting that 25% of the working population in a factory, because you're still just counting the days until the factory owner can automate the whole fucking thing and make more money.
You're also not gonna convince school drop out and people with no employable skill sets to do those jobs, when they could make the equivalent delivering take out to fatty shut ins for a lot less fucking effort.
The only people who would do shitty lowest paid option potential injury on job sweatshop factory work at a cost where its not just worth it to buy a fucking robotic assembly line are people desperate for anything with no other employment routes, ie illegal immigrants which you seem against in principle anyway.
(06-30-2024, 03:16 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: and cisgender boys can get their dicks cut off because…well…hm…

I do notice a trend in the trans talking points toward “well we never intended for minors to get these surgeries anyway. That would be extremely irresponsible of course!”

Adjacently, I wonder about the percentages of whether transmen or women seek surgery more often under 18?

In the UK - per the Cass Report - the percentages are overwhelmingly young females born females (ie teenage girls) who famously have a rock solid self image and are immune to peer social pressure
(06-30-2024, 11:39 AM)karambol wrote: laughing at unhinged era leftist losers is obviously great, but hanging out with the boomer maga Garfield dude makes me feel unsafe

like you cant even make fun of twohearts being a weirdo without this one old racist uncle going “yeah and how about that stolen election huh”


MeBecomingI wrote:The CFL is really great. It's a legit professional football league that has the highest quality of play next to the NFL. People like to shit on the CFL for some reason but honestly, some of the CFL teams would probably smoke quite a few NFL teams. That'll ruffle feathers, I know, but it's true.
I watch CFL, but these are the guys that can't make the practice roster of NFL teams. facepalm
4 users liked this post: ClothedMac, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D, benji
(06-30-2024, 03:03 PM)BIONIC wrote:

Lilly-Anne, post: 125198184, member: 164451 wrote:My only wish is that gender affirming surgeries should be treated in the law the same for cisgender kids as they are for transgender kids, otherwise it's a pretty clear case of discrimination.

Cisgender boys with gynecomastia are allowed to get top surgery.
Uh... okay? Any boys who want to be girls who have gynecomastia are allowed to get "top surgery" with parents approval. Happy now? Somehow I doubt it...
"Nobody advocates for that, that's a lie!"

Spoiler: Meanwhile, on TikTok (click to show)

"That's only for adults! Not children!"

Oh, okay, we'll ignore that she does minors, should I pull up all your favorite trans accounts talking about how the fascists plot is to get bans for children first and then move onto adults?

"That is their goal!!!"

Good chat.
I've seen that "but TERFs are fine with young girls getting boob jobs!" talking point a ton on Twitter. 

I think they should really ask the TERFs some time instead of assuming their beliefs because I don't imagine that survey going the way they think. With TERFs or just a representative sample of the general population. Especially if you said it should be without parents permission. lol
Love how the first post in that thread is the forum funny man being insane:
Fat4all, wrote:happy election year everyone

enjoy the moves to appeal to fascists

Apparently puberty isn't irreversible:
Crossing Eden wrote:By my knowledge as it pertains to minors the administration approves of self affirming care like puberty blockers and HRT but generally shared the same sentiment as the majority of the trans community when it comes to procedures that are irreversible.

Latest post is a self-diagnosed expert explaining that in fact people do advocate for it and it is happening but it's only the ages Dr. Disrespect would message:
Android Sophia wrote:This was a really dumb statement for the Biden admin to make, honestly. Even if it is a general sentiment largely shared by the trans community as a whole. I guess apparently this statement may have come about due to an article the NYT ran earlier last week, per the Parker Molly Bluesky thread? Regardless, it plays straight into a conservative talking point, and causes problems on two fronts.

The first being that "gender affirming surgeries" is a very wide, and covers a lot of procedures. As Lilly-Anne noted above, cisgender minors CAN get a number of these procedures done for many different reasons as needed. Why should these procedures have a hard age limit set simply because someone is trans? Erin Reed, who is going to write a lengthy article on this soon, sums it up best:

There are valid reasons for these procedures for trans minors, and the decisions should be between their families and their doctors. The vagueness of the phrase "gender affirming surgeries" is a very easy path to discrimination. It could also impact folks with intersex conditions as well. It usually does. There are potentially valid reasons for some of these surgeries at 16-17, especially if someone has been on hormones/puberty blockers for several years at this point and has been going through therapy and such.

The second issue is that it causes confusion between gender affirming surgeries and gender affirming care. The latter of which is an umbrella that covers everything from doctors visits, hormones, therapy, and such. We already saw this in this very thread, just a few posts above mine, how the two can be confused with an article from the New York Times. The average person often doesn't know the difference and transphobes rely on this specific distinction to spread misinformation. There was no reason for the presidential administration to hand them a free transphobic talking point. None at all. Especially because the burden will largely fall on trans people to correct it.

Related, but The New York Times sucks when it comes to coverage of trans people and transgender issues. So much so that even Wikipedia has a section on how transphobic they are. Two sections, in fact.
There are many reasons Oh hi, Mark

Lamine wrote:the souls games have it right imo when it comes to trophies. simply beat that boss and get your achievement, join a covenant and get your achievement, complete this quest and get you achievement. these are the kind of trophies that makes it actually fun to go after.

I don't even mind the collectables achievements because it's still something I won't mind doing and it can brings you to a hidden bonus levels or ending or extra cutscenes etc.

Though for most popular games, the kind of achievements are almost always "get a certain score in a certain minigames" or "beat a certain boss in less than 1 minute" or "complete this game 6 times on each difficulty(who the FUCK got time for this?)" These for me are the kind of achievements that kills my mood to even master it.

Example is the Bully sets, there's only 1 achievement that is just impossible to achieve unless if you really want to spent hours just to get it. Basically you have to get to a score that is really hard to get in the shooting minigame at the carnival and it is really difficult. I hate that I've literally gotten all the other achievements EXCEPT that one and I couldn't master the game because of it. That 1 achievement doesn't even affect anything in the game so I just don't see the point of it.
(06-30-2024, 06:43 PM)benji wrote:
Android Sophia wrote:This was a really dumb statement for the Biden admin to make, honestly. Even if it is a general sentiment largely shared by the trans community as a whole. I guess apparently this statement may have come about due to an article the NYT ran earlier last week, per the Parker Molly Bluesky thread? Regardless, it plays straight into a conservative talking point, and causes problems on two fronts.

"Biden saying that he doesn't want the thing was really a bad look, even though we don't actually want that thing either (actually we do)"

BLEEN wrote:
Falchion wrote:It's a mess is a fair characterization.
Not. A. Chance.

Biden can fuck up about 100x more and I still 100% believe he's fine.

Trump has been beaten by 1000 cuts and more on the way. I don't see it. Shit, current polling be damned.
[Image: JTsP8rM.png]
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
I hope Zombiden wins, but the poliEra cope is unreal.
(06-30-2024, 10:58 AM)Nintex wrote:
(06-30-2024, 10:14 AM)D3RANG3D wrote:
Spoiler:  (click to show)
He should do his awkward dance to YMCA to trigger the retards again. lol

Both Trump and Kamala would enjoy campaigning and the fight for attention way more than they should as their VPs clean up the mess.
Spoiler:  (click to show)
Can we talk about the Oliphaunt in the room please? Dat dumb biiiiiiiiiiaaaaaatch! is even more mentally compromised than Joe.
[Image: fv621kP.png]
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Nintex
[Image: Uqm0EwZ.png]

On this day of ALL DAYS! Social Justice Warrior 2

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