Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
In a shocking twist, Kyuuji turns out to be one of those transgender 'lesbians'  Rolleyes From the "British Museum under fire for sharing sexist TikTok video about Roman exhibition" thread:

Kyuuji wrote:Can't think of anything I'd like to appeal to less than men. I'll be sure to give the Roman exhibits a wide berth

[Image: IconsVh.png]


Viewt wrote:Yeah, every company I know of in tech that made big investments in DEI (and made even bigger investments into PR campaigns to brag about it) have slashed those roles/investments to ribbons in the last couple years. It's business as usual. Juneteenth is now a more widely-recognized holiday - that's about all I've seen actually change.

Wouldn’t that mean the programs worked, and don’t need to be funded further? 


Arc wrote:The right is winning the messaging war. I don't know how we reverse this.
The opposite of this:

And the opposite of whatever this retard says lol

Nepenthe wrote:By actually having firm principles regarding the rights and opportunities of minorities from the top down, and then consistently acting upon that message in every single political sphere possible.

For example, Black folks are fighting Democrats regarding Cop City right now (did you know the fuckin' FBI led a raid not too long ago over it? What is this, the 50s?) Ain't no one saying shit about it or lending us help. These fights are so easy for conservatives in part because conservatives know our stated commitment to equality is largely bullshit. Whether it's because they're political savvy enough to see this or just so horrible that they can't empathize with the possibility that humans can care about others from an out-group makes no difference. The fact is, Democrats absolutely will abandon a minority group to its struggles if it's politically convenient to do so. And DEI is politically inconvenient right now, so oh well.

(Also doesn't help that both parties are capitalist, so trying to fight corporate oppression through the use of capitalist principles is like asking a fox to help you protect your chicken coop from the wolves. You're asking for disappointment.)

“How can we beat the right on messaging?! By joining us in extremist anti cop protest!!! Kill whitey!!! Hot dog hollers woooo communism “ lol
the twist is, Kyuuji is at the museum being exhibited as the world's most aggravating dickhead
(03-05-2024, 11:22 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
(03-05-2024, 11:03 PM)benji wrote: Let's ignore that they want every company to police the internet and focus on why they think every company will have the capability to do so.

This is apparently their vision of the future: millions of unfireable unionized highly paid moderators endlessly scrolling to stomp a boot on everyone's faces. Forever.

I love how they can’t see two steps beyond their own positions and consider how these Theoretical aggressive censorship policies could and likely would be used against their fringe beliefs in things like gender, sexuality, governmental systems, etc. 

“What do you mean my Maoist furry grooming game was REMOVED from steam????” lol

in an alternate censorious timeline, depression quest, the game that helped kicked off gamergate 10 years ago, might've been denied distribution due to dealing with difficult and alarming subjects like suicidal ideation

Melody Shreds
Quote:"Discriminating against white men" Fuck right off with that shit.
Kyuuji wrote:Not quite at the stage of a local group yet, but when I am comfortable I plan to be a mentor to trans youth in the local area. I already support a bunch of young people I know and cheerlead for them in the absence of others, but yeh, not quite there on the local group. This time next year I will be. I do what I can for my community outside of that though, and I don't plan to stop even if it attracts some uh, undesirable attention. Still, I could be doing more and a nudge is always appreciated. So thanks OP.

Not like it's challenging either, I'm lucky to belong to such an incredible community filled with incredible people. I always feel fortunate for it.’s-time-to-stop-complaining-on-the-internet-and-start-acting-locally.824100/?post=120087444#post-120087444

Kyuuji advocating for anything is going to push anti trans sentiment even further ahead lol

Reminds me of

(03-05-2024, 11:31 PM)Venice wrote: In a shocking twist, Kyuuji turns out to be one of those transgender 'lesbians'   From the "British Museum under fire for sharing sexist TikTok video about Roman exhibition" thread:
Kyuuji wrote:Can't think of anything I'd like to appeal to less than men. I'll be sure to give the Roman exhibits a wide berth
[Image: IconsVh.png]

Nobody is under fire. Nobody cares. Searching for this story without clicking on era results in more stories of people crying about the exhibition promoting fascist imagery. A handful of humorless wankers isn’t a relevant story.

People made the same jokes about that Taylor Swift tour. Both about guys going to pick up chicks and the fascist imagery.
(03-05-2024, 11:41 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:’s-dei-retreat-has-officially-begun.824088/

Viewt wrote:Yeah, every company I know of in tech that made big investments in DEI (and made even bigger investments into PR campaigns to brag about it) have slashed those roles/investments to ribbons in the last couple years. It's business as usual. Juneteenth is now a more widely-recognized holiday - that's about all I've seen actually change.

Wouldn’t that mean the programs worked, and don’t need to be funded further? 


Arc wrote:The right is winning the messaging war. I don't know how we reverse this.
The opposite of this:

And the opposite of whatever this retard says lol

Nepenthe wrote:By actually having firm principles regarding the rights and opportunities of minorities from the top down, and then consistently acting upon that message in every single political sphere possible.

For example, Black folks are fighting Democrats regarding Cop City right now (did you know the fuckin' FBI led a raid not too long ago over it? What is this, the 50s?) Ain't no one saying shit about it or lending us help. These fights are so easy for conservatives in part because conservatives know our stated commitment to equality is largely bullshit. Whether it's because they're political savvy enough to see this or just so horrible that they can't empathize with the possibility that humans can care about others from an out-group makes no difference. The fact is, Democrats absolutely will abandon a minority group to its struggles if it's politically convenient to do so. And DEI is politically inconvenient right now, so oh well.

(Also doesn't help that both parties are capitalist, so trying to fight corporate oppression through the use of capitalist principles is like asking a fox to help you protect your chicken coop from the wolves. You're asking for disappointment.)

“How can we beat the right on messaging?! By joining us in extremist anti cop protest!!! Kill whitey!!! Hot dog hollers woooo communism “ lol

Nep, you are a fucking furry artist that went to art college just to draw Disney esque cartoons. You are a monument to capitalism.
(03-05-2024, 11:41 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:’s-dei-retreat-has-officially-begun.824088/

Viewt wrote:Yeah, every company I know of in tech that made big investments in DEI (and made even bigger investments into PR campaigns to brag about it) have slashed those roles/investments to ribbons in the last couple years. It's business as usual. Juneteenth is now a more widely-recognized holiday - that's about all I've seen actually change.

Wouldn’t that mean the programs worked, and don’t need to be funded further? 

It's not like RE and the other online activists really gave a fuck anyway. Goldman Sachs tweets "Trans rights" and the slacktivists are pleased
(03-05-2024, 11:19 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote:

As good a shout as any
Not acceptable, this gives a few minor things to selected demographic groups based on some arbitrary criteria by a private group. It does nothing to address the root causes and actually solve things by abolishing capitalism, colonialism and white supremacy. This is Mr. Beast's type of fascism.
They’ve gotta take slayvens posting ability away lol

Articles headline: 

SEAL Team’ Staffer Claims He Was Denied Scribe Gig Over Being White, Straight Male; Suit Backed By Trump Aide Stephen Miller’s MAGA Legal Foundation

Same headline processed through the Slayven RetardoMatic 

Stephen Miller finds Chud to throw away his career so he can sue Hollywood cause they won't let White Men succeed
Quote:"As a woman of color, I know that many people see me and automatically think 'unqualified for the job'; until I can prove otherwise," wrote Helen Shang (13 Reasons Why). "You're not the default. We doubt you. So justify yourself. It's the boulder that I and others continue to have to push."

Slayven, couldn’t you quote a good writer?
(03-06-2024, 12:15 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:"As a woman of color, I know that many people see me and automatically think 'unqualified for the job'; until I can prove otherwise," wrote Helen Shang (13 Reasons Why). "You're not the default. We doubt you. So justify yourself. It's the boulder that I and others continue to have to push."

Slayven, couldn’t you quote a good writer?

Didn't they claim that 13 reasons why spiked suicides? She's essentially a genocide writer!
Stephen Miller is an asshole and scum from the earth… but is precisely the fact that there  are chicken littles willing to pay attention to whenever next grift he does…
He’s a bald freak but I’ll defend his right to get these weiners crying about anything, even a Seal Team show.
Personally, I don't believe that anyone should be discriminated against because of their skin color, sex or sexual orientation. But then I'm a radical.
(03-06-2024, 12:25 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: He’s a bald freak but I’ll defend his right to get these weiners crying about anything, even a Seal Team show.

Do Not Want

Those writers are idiots (they sound like living stereotypes of what alt right idiots think that entertainment creatives are), but it sounds like Miller and that writer are bigger ones in this case.
(03-06-2024, 12:26 AM)benji wrote: Personally, I don't believe that anyone should be discriminated against because of their skin color, sex or sexual orientation. But then I'm a radical.

Too bad the dude got support for a well known racist xenophobic.
I'm not talking about this case, I'm making a general statement about my extremist views.
(03-05-2024, 07:08 PM)Polident wrote:
(03-05-2024, 06:45 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(03-05-2024, 12:34 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: The fuck is this guy on about 
He continues in the constructive criticism thread
Quote:This site still has a fatphobia problem. That one thread a few years ago about charging a fat tax for plus size clothing still lives in my head rent-free.
Yesterday, I criticized a comic for its sizeism. Someone posted it to reply to a thread that was about something else. It was a one sentence opinion that I didn't back up because the discussion reached the second page, so it was going to be buried, and calling out problematic elements in things is kind of a site thing.
I was shocked to see my notifications explode as people were more outraged at my opinion, which I need to emphasize was buried in the second page, than the main discussion.
It does not matter how much you disagree with my opinion - calling me a joke, or a "parody of a person" as one member said, is not fucking okay.
It can't be helped here. It's the "dunk on" culture. And I agree, it is thrilling to be the first one to dunk on a troll's horrible opinions. But trolls do not stand by their beliefs. I posted my opinion because I felt that it needed to be said, and I was misidentified as a troll and dehumanized as a result.
What bugs me the most about all this is that I posted my opinion based on my experiences living as a plus-sized person. Yet people here made it a mission to ignore the original post to confront me about myself and my beliefs.
I'll be honest, I don't want to even go back to that thread. When I see it, I feel humiliated, like if I was a victim of hazing. I don't know if the person who attacked me directly was even banned, and I am too afraid to check. Call me sensitive, I don't car

I have a problem with him appropriating “dunk on” from fit people. That’s not his term to use.

Somebody post a hot wnba player. If you must use Lola Bunny, at least use Space Jam 1’s.


kmfdmpig wrote:
Puroresu_kid wrote:We have seen from the previous war with Saudi Arabia and the most current bombings it will not be achieved with military action.
Are you still applauding them?

Puroresu_kid wrote:Ridiculous to do this all because those in Yemen have decided to block any ships destined or owned by Israel.

 what the houthis are asking isn't too much to ask and there actions against the Zionist state while it conducts a genocide should be applauded.

The Saudis and UAE better distance themselves from this or there oil fields are going to be hit.
(03-06-2024, 12:52 AM)Snoopy wrote:

I've wondered if they'll ever come for Limmy for his Jaqueline bits. Though I guess part of the bit is that you don't really know if she's trans or if she's like that because she used to be a junkie
iori wrote:yeah i dunno about playing around when someone is telling you they have nothing and want to die

while he's not a good person, and i get it, i really do, he wronged a lot of queer creators, making him the "main character" of the video and focusing on him quite as much as it did felt kind of wrong to me when internet historian is right there and a literal nazi. feels like he was the worst out of the bunch to me!!!

if this was minimized to just a segment like the girl earlier in the video it wouldn't have gotten this bad


Is he or is just RE being RE?
(03-06-2024, 12:58 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
iori wrote:yeah i dunno about playing around when someone is telling you they have nothing and want to die
Why? Is it only because this guys suicide can't be utilized for a "good cause"?
(03-06-2024, 12:58 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: I've wondered if they'll ever come for Limmy for his Jaqueline bits. Though I guess part of the bit is that you don't really know if she's trans or if she's like that because she used to be a junkie

I expect the trans youth would rather have Jaqueline as a mentor

Remember when they made a rule called no shock threads? Wonder why this one moderator seems to be unable to follow their own rules.
(03-06-2024, 12:58 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
iori wrote:yeah i dunno about playing around when someone is telling you they have nothing and want to die

while he's not a good person, and i get it, i really do, he wronged a lot of queer creators, making him the "main character" of the video and focusing on him quite as much as it did felt kind of wrong to me when internet historian is right there and a literal nazi. feels like he was the worst out of the bunch to me!!!

if this was minimized to just a segment like the girl earlier in the video it wouldn't have gotten this bad


Is he or is just RE being RE?

here's the evidence  omg

tl;dr it's literally just dumb edgy jokes without the slightest indications of real world/core beliefs along those lines
Now his children will have scorpion powers. HAW HAW HAW HAW. LIKE SPIDERMAN. GEDDIT? Cos you see what happened was Spiderman was bit by a spider and got special powers. And now here's this guy's been stung by a scorpion will get scorpion powers. They'll probably call him Scorpionman. Ha. Ye get it aye? 


Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent): Trolling over multiple posts, antagonizing other members, multiple past infractions.
Naisho wrote:I'm so so so so so so so so very very very sowwy

I had no clue Smile

Okay so ryujinx is developed outside of jurisdiction? Well, then it'll be fine. Carry on.

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