Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
whiny smasher wrote:A Persona collab instead of a Final Fantasy collab is the worst timeline.
(03-05-2024, 05:57 PM)Polident wrote:
(03-05-2024, 04:25 PM)Averon wrote: This would be that community's third body they helped drop if it's true Somerton offed himself. There's Alex Holowka suicide during the height of GG hysteria and that porn star they helped harass into suicide as well back when they were still on NeoGAF. For a community that loves to say how much better they are from the chuds, they seems to be the ones producing body counts.

That whole situation seemed crazy back then. As I recall, she had concerns about working with guys who did butt stuff with other guys. Others backed her up that sti testing was lax in that field. Somehow, this lady refusing sex with a man was deemed homophobic  wtf?

Pretty sure one of the male stars involved had actually tested positive to HIV too, so it wasn't even an unfounded fear.
(03-05-2024, 06:18 PM)Bootsthecat wrote:
(03-05-2024, 06:02 PM)Jansen wrote:

You kinda need to leave your bedroom to participate in that sorta stuff. If anyone there was an actual activist, you'd hear about it non stop. 

One of the more hilarious aspects of reee. There's no sense of community, no leaders out there pounding the pavement and motivating the troops. Just self-hating larpers with nothing better to do.

"We need our ALLIES to fight the fight, I can't even go outside without fear of being put in a camp*"

*Places outdoors with sun and other people

Of the two closest people they have to "leaders", one is a complete psychopath who takes pleasure in excommunicating those with unpure thoughts and the other is a little bitch who has had his nuts removed by his own community.
DuckSauce wrote:Mind you, this is a 64-year-old Australian white woman who has millions of dollars due to scoring a lifetime win of a lottery house that had acreage and positioned in just the right spot.
Quote:As previously reported by The Daily Telegraph in July, the home was on the market for the first time in 88 years and had been expected to sell for around the $2m mark.

Raine & Horne Bathurst director Grant Maskhill-Dowton said at the time the estate was built by sellers before the track opened in 1936.

Quote:Doctors on a leading transgender healthcare body have admitted that patients have developed cancer owing to the effects of hormone treatment.

Leaked emails show other medical professionals admitting that trans patients do not always understand the consequences of gender reassignment.

The cache of files from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which sets guidelines that have influenced NHS treatment, show that doctors are carrying out life-changing surgery and prescribing puberty blockers even though they are aware the adults and children may not fully understand the long-term ramifications.

One doctor talked about a transgender person who died of cancer as a result of his hormone treatment.

“I have one transition friend/colleague who, after about eight to 10 years of [testosterone] developed hepatocarcinoma [a form of liver cancer],” the doctor wrote.

“To the best of my knowledge, it was linked to his hormone treatment… it was so advanced that he opted for palliative care and died a couple of months later.”

It’s not clear from the documents if the person who died was made aware or knew about the side effect.

Another said they would go ahead with a double mastectomy (called “top surgery”) on a 16-year-old girl even though hormones had likely given her liver cancer.

“The oncologist and surgeon both have indicated that the likely offending agent(s) are the hormones,” the doctor wrote. “We are prepared to support the patient in any way we can (e.g. top surgery when medically stable, etc).”

A gender therapist said they had only turned one person down for treatment in 15 years.

“I have also intervened on behalf of people who have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder, complex post-traumatic stress disorder, homeless and got at least an orchiectomy [testicle removal],” they said.

“In the last 15 years, I had to regrettably decline writing only one letter, mainly because the person evaluated was in active psychosis and hallucinated during the assessment session.

“Other than that – nothing – everyone got their assessment letter, insurance approval, and are living (presumably) happily ever after.”

A number of doctors admitted that their patients often did not understand the ramifications of hormone treatment or surgery – such as developing facial hair.

A child psychologist said in a leaked email featured in the report: “[It is] out of their developmental range to understand the extent to which some of these medical interventions are impacting them.

“They’ll say they understand, but then they’ll say something else that makes you think, oh, they didn’t really understand that they are going to have facial hair.”

The contents of the forum was leaked to Michael Shellenberger, a US writer and journalist.

“The WPATH Files show that what is called ‘gender medicine’ is neither science nor medicine,” he said.

“The experiments are not randomised, double-blind, or controlled. It’s not medicine since the first rule is to do no harm. And that requires informed consent.

“Activist members of WPATH know that the so-called ‘gender-affirming care’ they provide can result in life-long complications and sterility and that their patients do not understand the implications, such as loss of sexual function and the ability to experience orgasm.

“These leaked files show overwhelming evidence that the professionals within WPATH know that they are not getting consent from children, adolescents, and vulnerable adults, or their caregivers.”

WPATH is made up of doctors, psychologists, therapists and activists and although it has some UK members it is based in the US. It is best known for its “standards of care” guidelines which the NHS in England was previously aligned with. Scotland still is.

WPATH was approached for comment.

nice try, but the chuds are already on it.
The only person I trust on this is the chief cunt, lord Kyuuji of the digital realm
(03-05-2024, 03:37 PM)malfoyking wrote: [Image: GH1kgkCW4AAYIVP?format=jpg&name=medium]
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia, Switters
Dice wrote:[Image: kl74ddxyqclc1.jpeg?width=960&crop=smart&...ew=android]

This is so easy to fact check you dumb idiots
(03-02-2024, 06:29 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Must have whined on discord to get a few pity bumps. lol

maximumzero wrote:Answer the Call was a funny film enhanced by some great "funhouse" 3D effects and it's a real shame the Gamergate types have forever colored its public reception.
Hong Kong Hermit wrote:Certainly enjoyed it more than Afterlife which was beautifully shot, but just the absolute worst case of memberberries in a long time. Brought back all the worst parts of the old films (which I also love) including the non-consensual sexual partnership of two demonically possessed characters. Of all the things to bring back from the '80s, you chose... THAT? Really?
Social Justice Warrior 2
(03-05-2024, 06:45 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(03-05-2024, 12:34 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(03-05-2024, 12:18 AM)TylenolJones wrote:

The fuck is this guy on about  lol

He continues in the constructive criticism thread

Quote:This site still has a fatphobia problem. That one thread a few years ago about charging a fat tax for plus size clothing still lives in my head rent-free.

Yesterday, I criticized a comic for its sizeism. Someone posted it to reply to a thread that was about something else. It was a one sentence opinion that I didn't back up because the discussion reached the second page, so it was going to be buried, and calling out problematic elements in things is kind of a site thing.

I was shocked to see my notifications explode as people were more outraged at my opinion, which I need to emphasize was buried in the second page, than the main discussion.

It does not matter how much you disagree with my opinion - calling me a joke, or a "parody of a person" as one member said, is not fucking okay.

It can't be helped here. It's the "dunk on" culture. And I agree, it is thrilling to be the first one to dunk on a troll's horrible opinions. But trolls do not stand by their beliefs. I posted my opinion because I felt that it needed to be said, and I was misidentified as a troll and dehumanized as a result.

What bugs me the most about all this is that I posted my opinion based on my experiences living as a plus-sized person. Yet people here made it a mission to ignore the original post to confront me about myself and my beliefs.

I'll be honest, I don't want to even go back to that thread. When I see it, I feel humiliated, like if I was a victim of hazing. I don't know if the person who attacked me directly was even banned, and I am too afraid to check. Call me sensitive, I don't car

True, they always call Trump fat
(03-05-2024, 07:42 PM)Uncle wrote:


Already building my GIF collection for our favorite inmates Trumps 

[Image: rip-bozo.gif]
Doctors are also concerned that trans nonsense can lead to forum cancer

'It starts with one incel mutating through different styles of masturbation. Eventually they start putting things up their butt and telling people they're a girl', said Dr Zhivago of the BPD Analysis Pathway.

'It spreads by getting people banned by shitty moderators', said Barry Dolphinboy of Cambridge University. 'It progresses really quickly, and within months to half a year we expect there to be a burkah thread. Anyone can be a victim and it's wrong to assume not posting in anime threads will stop you from developing symptoms'.

Quote:The most concerning part is how much information Yuzu had on their users. Sure, they settled, but they also turned over all devices, hdds, domains owned by the LLC. No doubt Nintendo will be digging into the logs Yuzu kept. Yuzu sold out its users and fellow devs for safety.

[Image: edd1e06d2a10c139024c1a23b8f7512c.gif]

So you were lucky enough to play the NES version of Fire Emblem and post a clip without framedrops on Twitter a week after it was officially delisted from the Nintendo eShop am I correct?
Fat"phobia".  lol

You're afraid of my willingness to eat Cool Ranch Doritos in bed.  You simply fear what you do not understand.
who called who fat and why are they dogpiling on the fat guy
[Image: tumblr_inline_mr2iallpom1qz4rgp.gif]

So you are a saying that at Digital Foundry you use an emulator and make ROM dumps to take screenshots of our copyrighted material and you believe this is legal according to European laws and fair-use policies? Did you know we can track the unique serial number of your Gal Gun cartridge to find out if you made a copy for your own personal use or is there something else you would like to share with me Mr. Linneman.
Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Misogynistic Rhetoric
Wilsongt wrote:Insta-thots found sobbing in the corner.
Quote: Cop User Banned (3 Days): Boys club rhetoric
AMAGON wrote:I'm missing my thirst traps on IG 😖

PoliEra poster gets a month and the other poster gets 3 days. hmm
Spoiler:  (click to show)
Sickos (furry edition)

Quote: Cop [b]User Banned (2 Weeks): Ableist Slur
(03-04-2024, 07:08 PM)Averon wrote:

stormfire got threadbanned lol
User Threadbanned Pending Further Review

Quote: Cop User Banned (Duration Pending Admin Review): Low Effort Spamming of Spurious GamerGate Adjacent Content

ClickyCal wrote:
Sign My Guestbook! wrote:Pretty sure Rowling has no idea what misogyny actually is. It's just a word to use to hate others.
Goes with most words for her tbh.
Spiders               Spiders                     Spiders                Spiders
Ash_greytree wrote:I know the question is rhetorical, but the answer is that it's telling. Alex Jones still has his game up on Steam for people to buy. Racist games like Tyrone vs. Cops, Sex with Hitler, and more are still available to buy. These games have been undoubtedly reported to Steam, as they have been discussed here on Era. Hell, the Alex Jones game has also been discussed on more mainline news sites, such as Media Matters. More glaring is that, apparently, there's no way to report games for hate speech?

But yeah, Steam platforming games from bigots and also letting said bigots run rampant across the Steam community as Curators and in Forums is something that we can at this point glean as intended by Valve. The sad part is that any discussion of Valve's Musk-like everything-goes policies are unable to gain any traction that can transform into tangible pressure and change.

This mess could wind up with the staff of SBI getting hurt or worse, given that bigots such as the ones targeting SBI engage in things like doxxing and SWATting to try and get their way. This mess is one that Valve has significantly contributed to with its intentional hands-off policies, which have let bigots fester on their service. They deserve to face consequences just as much as the people targeting SBI.“sweet-baby-inc”-which-overviews-scripts-to-make-sure-nothing-offensive-was-written.823731/page-7?post=120069327#post-120069327

“It’s dangerous to allow people the choice of what games they’d like to play!!” lol
(03-05-2024, 02:41 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: I applaud Benjis mental faculty to be able to read their inane bullshit without going insane himself
Right, exactly, not insane, I'm sane, everyone else is trying to steal my magic bag.

(03-05-2024, 07:10 PM)Lonewulfeus wrote:
Snoopy dateline='[url=tel:1709663675' wrote: 1709663675[/url]']
Hoping for at least 9 paragraphs of Nep Nep bragging about all the imaginary community stuff she pretends to do’s-time-to-stop-complaining-on-the-internet-and-start-acting-locally.824100/?post=120075903#post-120075903

Quote:I already volunteer for a local group that does mutual aid for the Atlanta area. This is where you're likely going to see the younger people, OP- we're in more radical activist and socialist circles. However, a goal I have this year is to do more organizational work of my own accord; take the knowledge and tools forward without having to rely on the group's scheduling and planning, as it were. Work always needs to be done.
She's 33.

Also this is so incredibly vague. "Mutual aid" and "organizational work of my own accord" means absolutely nothing to me, except maybe it means furry cons. I do know what it isn't: socialist.
(03-05-2024, 10:50 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Ash_greytree wrote:I know the question is rhetorical, but the answer is that it's telling. Alex Jones still has his game up on Steam for people to buy. Racist games like Tyrone vs. Cops, Sex with Hitler, and more are still available to buy. These games have been undoubtedly reported to Steam, as they have been discussed here on Era. Hell, the Alex Jones game has also been discussed on more mainline news sites, such as Media Matters. More glaring is that, apparently, there's no way to report games for hate speech?

But yeah, Steam platforming games from bigots and also letting said bigots run rampant across the Steam community as Curators and in Forums is something that we can at this point glean as intended by Valve. The sad part is that any discussion of Valve's Musk-like everything-goes policies are unable to gain any traction that can transform into tangible pressure and change.

This mess could wind up with the staff of SBI getting hurt or worse, given that bigots such as the ones targeting SBI engage in things like doxxing and SWATting to try and get their way. This mess is one that Valve has significantly contributed to with its intentional hands-off policies, which have let bigots fester on their service. They deserve to face consequences just as much as the people targeting SBI.“sweet-baby-inc”-which-overviews-scripts-to-make-sure-nothing-offensive-was-written.823731/page-7?post=120069327#post-120069327

“It’s dangerous to allow people the choice of what games they’d like to play!!” lol


Now you can hide them so no one can see you bought the woke shit
Let's ignore that they want every company to police the internet and focus on why they think every company will have the capability to do so.

This is apparently their vision of the future: millions of unfireable unionized highly paid moderators endlessly scrolling to stomp a boot on everyone's faces. Forever.
(03-05-2024, 10:39 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

ClickyCal wrote:
Sign My Guestbook! wrote:Pretty sure Rowling has no idea what misogyny actually is. It's just a word to use to hate others.
Goes with most words for her tbh.
Spiders               Spiders                     Spiders                Spiders

One of Urban Dictionary describes Ree
Quote:a conservative republican. someone who is either racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, fascist, a boot licker or all of the above.
(03-05-2024, 10:56 PM)benji wrote:
(03-05-2024, 02:41 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: I applaud Benjis mental faculty to be able to read their inane bullshit without going insane himself
Right, exactly, not insane, I'm sane, everyone else is trying to steal my magic bag.

(03-05-2024, 07:10 PM)Lonewulfeus wrote:
Snoopy dateline='[url=tel:1709663675' wrote: 1709663675[/url]']
Hoping for at least 9 paragraphs of Nep Nep bragging about all the imaginary community stuff she pretends to do’s-time-to-stop-complaining-on-the-internet-and-start-acting-locally.824100/?post=120075903#post-120075903

Quote:I already volunteer for a local group that does mutual aid for the Atlanta area. This is where you're likely going to see the younger people, OP- we're in more radical activist and socialist circles. However, a goal I have this year is to do more organizational work of my own accord; take the knowledge and tools forward without having to rely on the group's scheduling and planning, as it were. Work always needs to be done.
She's 33.

Also this is so incredibly vague. "Mutual aid" and "organizational work of my own accord" means absolutely nothing to me, except maybe it means furry cons. I do know what it isn't: socialist.

As good a shout as any
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
Transgenocide in action according to ResetEra:

[Image: JSVLNYg.gif]

Transgenocide actually in action in the real world:

[Image: cofS7Y0.gif]
(03-05-2024, 10:50 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Ash_greytree wrote:I know the question is rhetorical, but the answer is that it's telling. Alex Jones still has his game up on Steam for people to buy. Racist games like Tyrone vs. Cops, Sex with Hitler, and more are still available to buy. These games have been undoubtedly reported to Steam, as they have been discussed here on Era. Hell, the Alex Jones game has also been discussed on more mainline news sites, such as Media Matters. More glaring is that, apparently, there's no way to report games for hate speech?

But yeah, Steam platforming games from bigots and also letting said bigots run rampant across the Steam community as Curators and in Forums is something that we can at this point glean as intended by Valve. The sad part is that any discussion of Valve's Musk-like everything-goes policies are unable to gain any traction that can transform into tangible pressure and change.

This mess could wind up with the staff of SBI getting hurt or worse, given that bigots such as the ones targeting SBI engage in things like doxxing and SWATting to try and get their way. This mess is one that Valve has significantly contributed to with its intentional hands-off policies, which have let bigots fester on their service. They deserve to face consequences just as much as the people targeting SBI.“sweet-baby-inc”-which-overviews-scripts-to-make-sure-nothing-offensive-was-written.823731/page-7?post=120069327#post-120069327

“It’s dangerous to allow people the choice of what games they’d like to play!!” lol

One of the Ree admins straight up doxxed a CD Projekt Red employee for a I'm a helicopter joke tweet. Said employee got laid off from the dox.
(03-05-2024, 11:03 PM)benji wrote: Let's ignore that they want every company to police the internet and focus on why they think every company will have the capability to do so.

This is apparently their vision of the future: millions of unfireable unionized highly paid moderators endlessly scrolling to stomp a boot on everyone's faces. Forever.

I love how they can’t see two steps beyond their own positions and consider how these Theoretical aggressive censorship policies could and likely would be used against their fringe beliefs in things like gender, sexuality, governmental systems, etc. 

“What do you mean my Maoist furry grooming game was REMOVED from steam????” lol

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