Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment

Quote:Family Breeding is a 2D hand-drawn visual novel with top-notch artwork where you play as a young man living together two women, your mother and your sister. Your family has a slightly different tradition. The unmarried women of the family are expected to get get knocked up by the family head, which in this's you. Living around four hot women, it's hard to resist temptation.

Family Breeding features on incest and focuses HEAVILY on the breeding and impregnation kink, with some minor BDSM scenes.

Spoiler:  (click to show)

I'm willing to turn a blind eye to most of this shit, but come on...
What's left when admin drive off all the big brains and intellects from a forum -

Quote:A lot of it comes down to personal lines in the sand. People will go, "altruistic capitalism is a scourge, these people are needing money to just survive but back in the day it was to go on vacation or buy some skis" but that was never the case. Never a point in human history has there been a time of no poverty. TV was just more dishonest back in the day. Hating on MrBeast does nothing except tickle that anger portion of your brain that secretes dopamine to your body for a win.

People bring up Running Man and don't realize it wasn't talking about the future but the then and now. The show was not the problem.

 Deeply profound insights.
(03-20-2024, 04:37 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
AnOwlWithKnees wrote:Absolute vile, objectifying trash. And yes. Their objectification of children and women undermines any of the other talented work other members of the teams may have done.

It's always fun seeing the posters who casually ignore these issues and make no kind of acknowledgment or effort to discuss. It's telling. Reminds me of that ridiculous Cyberpunk 2077 poster who just 'wanted to be hype' (💯) and sweep to the side any controversy.

Sounds like he’s describing Kyuuji to me!

The same people whining about Vanillaware in that thread also gushes about how 10-year old looking characters from Spaltoons fulfill their lesbian shipping fantasies. The 1000-year old Dragon that looks like a child archetype is creepy trash, yes, but so is also your head-cannon that 10-year old girls, or characters that look like that age, are munching carpet.
Maledict wrote:And the number of people who have posted in here raving about how they are amazing and not even bothered to mention it makes me sad about the state of gaming and also reminded that era still has a lot of folks who simply don't give a fuck about women and others in gaming. At least acknowledge the problematic elements even if you do love their games. Asking for the smallest amount of self awareness and understanding of others isn't a huge ask.

“I know you like your games but you should be required to prostrate yourself before us each time you say something good about the game, for balance”

AnOwlWithKnees wrote:Completely agree.

Like I said, these threads are always super telling when it's a problematic developer and the users who casually ignore (or slyly try to downplay) those issues. It always makes me side-eye those folks who can read these comments, the issues, the criticisms and then just blindly post (I love this developer! They are so good! I hope they never change!). You can have your likes, but these things should be called out consistently.

What if they don’t want it to change and like it how it is 

There is nothing, absolutely nothing that drives them more crazy than being ignored. lol
How long until they harass b dumbs into removing the ignore feature
Very deep Planetsmasher lore unlocked

Quote:I missed MOST of Schneider's work post-early All That because I bailed on Nickelodeon when Spongebob got big and they killed Angry Beavers. So a lot of this stuff is from after my Nickelodeon years.
Greg NYC3 wrote:Honestly I've been side-eyeing Snowden since day 0. He was fine for years working on those NSA programs while Bush was in office and then suddenly found Jesus when a Black president replaced him 🙄𝕏tt𝕏r-dr𝕏m𝕏-𝕏t-let’s-keep-it-here-parody-🔵-official-ꕤ.649272/page-1046?post=120662790#post-120662790

Don't know about you queers but I'm not judging anyone until Patricia Heaton weighs in with her opinion on this Jews vs Muslims spat.
A true revolutionary would simply not have a twitter account  Maduro
Quote:I bailed on Nickelodeon when Spongebob got big

Legit laughed at this.
(03-20-2024, 10:43 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Maledict wrote:And the number of people who have posted in here raving about how they are amazing and not even bothered to mention it makes me sad about the state of gaming and also reminded that era still has a lot of folks who simply don't give a fuck about women and others in gaming. At least acknowledge the problematic elements even if you do love their games. Asking for the smallest amount of self awareness and understanding of others isn't a huge ask.

“I know you like your games but you should be required to prostrate yourself before us each time you say something good about the game, for balance”

AnOwlWithKnees wrote:Completely agree.

Like I said, these threads are always super telling when it's a problematic developer and the users who casually ignore (or slyly try to downplay) those issues. It always makes me side-eye those folks who can read these comments, the issues, the criticisms and then just blindly post (I love this developer! They are so good! I hope they never change!). You can have your likes, but these things should be called out consistently.

What if they don’t want it to change and like it how it is 


Just blows my mind how they treat this as if it was a genuine crime and harm and not just, you know, tacky artwork
(03-20-2024, 02:13 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(03-20-2024, 10:43 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Maledict wrote:And the number of people who have posted in here raving about how they are amazing and not even bothered to mention it makes me sad about the state of gaming and also reminded that era still has a lot of folks who simply don't give a fuck about women and others in gaming. At least acknowledge the problematic elements even if you do love their games. Asking for the smallest amount of self awareness and understanding of others isn't a huge ask.

“I know you like your games but you should be required to prostrate yourself before us each time you say something good about the game, for balance”

AnOwlWithKnees wrote:Completely agree.

Like I said, these threads are always super telling when it's a problematic developer and the users who casually ignore (or slyly try to downplay) those issues. It always makes me side-eye those folks who can read these comments, the issues, the criticisms and then just blindly post (I love this developer! They are so good! I hope they never change!). You can have your likes, but these things should be called out consistently.

What if they don’t want it to change and like it how it is 


Just blows my mind how they treat this as if it was a genuine crime and harm and not just, you know, tacky artwork

As much as i don't like giving them points, I do agree that Vanillaware designs on younger characters can be bad.
(03-20-2024, 02:13 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(03-20-2024, 10:43 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Maledict wrote:And the number of people who have posted in here raving about how they are amazing and not even bothered to mention it makes me sad about the state of gaming and also reminded that era still has a lot of folks who simply don't give a fuck about women and others in gaming. At least acknowledge the problematic elements even if you do love their games. Asking for the smallest amount of self awareness and understanding of others isn't a huge ask.

“I know you like your games but you should be required to prostrate yourself before us each time you say something good about the game, for balance”

AnOwlWithKnees wrote:Completely agree.

Like I said, these threads are always super telling when it's a problematic developer and the users who casually ignore (or slyly try to downplay) those issues. It always makes me side-eye those folks who can read these comments, the issues, the criticisms and then just blindly post (I love this developer! They are so good! I hope they never change!). You can have your likes, but these things should be called out consistently.

What if they don’t want it to change and like it how it is 


Just blows my mind how they treat this as if it was a genuine crime and harm and not just, you know, tacky artwork

If only they could be as classy as the Persona series, which I see has wikia pages with detailed write-ups on all the different outfits the teenage female characters wear...

It's crazy how some game series seem to get a pass no matter how fucking creepy they are to a normal outside observer, but god forbid a woman wear a form-fitting outfit that shows the curvature of her body the way most girls in every gym do.
Persona barely gets a pass, though. They bitch about still being in high school all the time.
yeah persona on that forum is greatest example of selective outrage

those pussies will shit up every. single. kingdom come threads about vavra but those same degenerates wont say a fucking word in any persona threads when studio head of that game is just as "problematic". in fact i have seen the same people that derail kcd threads post in persona threads positively

pretty sure saw someone like two years ago get banned for calling that out and ban was like "cross thread drama, inflammatory comparisons" etc
(03-20-2024, 05:30 PM)FEUER FREI. wrote: yeah persona on that forum is greatest example of selective outrage

those pussies will shit up every. single. kingdom come threads about vavra but those same degenerates wont say a fucking word in any persona threads when studio head of that game is just as "problematic". in fact i have seen the same people that derail kcd threads post in persona threads positively

pretty sure saw someone like two years ago get banned for calling that out and ban was like "cross thread drama, inflammatory comparisons" etc


Passive Aggressive TransRe

JubilantDuck wrote:Kyuuji now you're just crossing the streams / stalking. There're laws against it or something.

Imagine be this petty.
Kyuuji and Uzzy flirting at each other  Anime Expert Sophisticated Japanese Gaming
Maybe already posted, but-
Nepenthe wrote:
Dalek wrote:This should be the motto at the top of every page on this site.

You say, after posting a thread clearly meant to celebrate YouTube vigilantism against a relative minority of people taking advantage of a much bigger problem caused by the extremely inhumane conditions imparted on us all by capitalists and lawmakers in this country. I would ask why you thought this thread was a good idea, but considering there's far more "fuck squatting" than "fuck the housing crisis" in this thread, I guess I cannot say I'm surprised. Just tired.

Last week(?), mods and admin were nowhere to be found. Now, they're everywhere. So strange.
So, as someone with some expertise in all of this, the framing of this thread is horrible. It's pure rage bait meant to twist perception. It does nothing to capture how complicated the situation is or the various failures at all points in our society--from city councils being unable/unwilling to reign in shitty landlords to homelessness groups being overworked to the point where they can't be bothered to spot obvious scam artists--and just flattens the discourse around the issue.

The OP, in truth, has a long history of posting these sorts of reactionary threads designed to anger people and illicit a kneejerk reaction that then cascades into pointless fighting where people talk past each other. He's done it previously around the whole "looting epidemic" and it seems like this is his new outrage target.

As a result, we're locking the thread and actioning the OP for trolling and inflammatory thread creation.

[Image: GJHG2OQWYAABIeR?format=jpg]
Nepenthe wrote:You say, after posting a thread clearly meant to celebrate YouTube vigilantism against a relative minority of people taking advantage of a much bigger problem caused by the extremely inhumane conditions imparted on us all by capitalists and lawmakers in this country. I would ask why you thought this thread was a good idea, but considering there's far more "fuck squatting" than "fuck the housing crisis" in this thread, I guess I cannot say I'm surprised. Just tired.

Nep, you are high middle class black woman that lives in a suburb. And the first thing you do when feeling threatened is telling your boss ( lol ) and call the police.
(03-20-2024, 03:38 PM)Jansen wrote:

They really are just a bunch of "failure to launch" morons.

Imagine being an adult and getting emotionally attached to high school video game characters...
(03-20-2024, 06:10 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: Kyuuji and Uzzy flirting at each other  Anime Expert Sophisticated Japanese Gaming

kyujigiji wrote:[0:40] is just a Friday night.

Spoiler: 0:40 (click to show)
[Image: v3xURH6.png]

Boys club rhetoric
Uzzy should remember the tale of darth plagueis the wise

fudgepuppy wrote:I just realized that every Alien film has had a female protagonist. Is it something they have mandated at this point? Just interesting considering most franchises out there would have had one or two films with a male protagonist by now.

These people really are just non-functional.

Emwitus wrote:i honestly feel like these automobile companies are in cahoots with the these news outlets. anyone noticed the number of news stories regarding supposed weak sales of electric vehicles right before this rule was added. Just corrupt shit.
                   Conspiracy theorizing
is this?
(03-20-2024, 07:16 PM)Potato wrote:
(03-20-2024, 06:10 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: Kyuuji and Uzzy flirting at each other  Anime Expert Sophisticated Japanese Gaming

kyujigiji wrote:[0:40] is just a Friday night.

Spoiler: 0:40 (click to show)
[Image: v3xURH6.png]

Boys club rhetoric

Transbian club rhetoric isn't bannable, sorry chud.

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