Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(03-22-2024, 02:34 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:Yeah, it's utterly baffling. There's literally footage of Nex being escorted from the school that day and you can clearly tell they're NOT OKAY with how they're stumbling and unable to walk correctly. That's footage that's on the internet and we've all seen it. To say nothing of the other details. Assault should definitely be "beyond a reasonable doubt" at this point.


how about the literal footage that we've all seen of a long, completely normal casual interview with no visible injuries or slurring or anything

(03-22-2024, 01:23 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: There is a new thread with the updated article

That anyone gave such a fuck about flags is baffling to me to begin with. They're even like "good news, employees can still privately display pride flags on their desk"
You can't claim to be in the middle of a genocide and then simultaneously act like this is your biggest concern
Is like they don't actually give a shit. Thinking
Reply wrote:The Tulsa County District Attorney's Office reviewed the Owasso Police Department's investigation into Benedict's death, saying they do not believe the filing of juvenile charges is warranted.

"From all the evidence gathered, this fight was an instance of mutual combat," Tulsa County District Attorney Stephen Kunzweiler wrote in a news release. "I do not have a reasonable belief that the State of Oklahoma could sustain its burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt if charges were presented for prosecution."

According to the news release, Owasso police found some brief notes written by Benedict that appeared to be related to the suicide.

"Although the notes do not make any reference to the earlier fight or difficulties at school, the parents indicated that Benedict reported being picked upon for various reasons while at school," Kunzweiler wrote. "The precise contents of the suicide note are a personal matter in which the family will have to address within the privacy of their own lives."
And there's the cover up complete.

(03-22-2024, 02:34 AM)Boredfrom wrote:

Quote:As a reminder: There is still a federal investigation going on. Additionally, the full autopsy report will be released on March 27.
There is not a federal investigation going on into the case. There is a meaningless one going on into potential Title IX violations in the school policy. You guys don't even read your own useless propaganda. lol

(03-22-2024, 02:34 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:Yeah, it's utterly baffling. There's literally footage of Nex being escorted from the school that day and you can clearly tell they're NOT OKAY with how they're stumbling and unable to walk correctly. That's footage that's on the internet and we've all seen it. To say nothing of the other details. Assault should definitely be "beyond a reasonable doubt" at this point.
Oh, we all saw the footage I guess. Not the footage of them being fine at the hospital. Or discharged from the hospital. Or the autopsy with no injuries. After all, we saw the footage.
(03-22-2024, 02:04 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: The funny thing is after I watched one of those videos I'd get recommended to content like Thought Slime
Someone told me to watch one of this guys videos once as an explainer of some point and I wasn't skeptical enough not to. I think this guy might be one of the dumbest popular Breadtubers. Literally was completely incoherent and knew nothing about the topic his 20 minute video was about.

You mentioned Vaush, easily far dumber than Vaush.
too much transphobia in the world.. sigh.. why can't we watch 3 high school girls scalped for life over a petty school fight?

What a cruel world.  Princess Peach
(03-22-2024, 03:10 AM)benji wrote:
(03-22-2024, 02:04 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: The funny thing is after I watched one of those videos I'd get recommended to content like Thought Slime
Someone told me to watch one of this guys videos once as an explainer of some point and I wasn't skeptical enough not to. I think this guy might be one of the dumbest popular Breadtubers. Literally was completely incoherent and knew nothing about the topic his 20 minute video was about.

You mentioned Vaush, easily far dumber than Vaush.

Absolutely agree. Shuan and Jen, Hbomb, Joel and others I'd watch. Then it got to the point where it clicked that none of them are actually doing anything and it's just a grift. But holy shit Thought Slime was a complete moron. Then because of these videos I'd get recommended Peterson and the rest of the crew and next thing I knew my youtube was infested with arm chair political cunts, both left and right.

They all deserve the same in the future black utopia. NOTHING but suffering.
[Image: tenor.gif]


Still surprised Trans Era completely openly ignored the drama. Their Discord must have been in shambles.

Wink This tweet should get 'em though.
Reply wrote:This is odd as hell. WTF is "instance of mutual combat"? Does this school not have a zero tolerance policy?

Is the DA just not going through with it because they believe nothing will come from it? At least hold the school accountable for not doing anything, such as calling an ambulance.

Just fear how this will set what others school will do if they can get away with it.
Literally begging the police to make the process the punishment for teenage girls who didn't start a fight. While actively wanting schools to have draconian and stupid "zero tolerance" policies. The "progressives" on the "right side of history" yet again calling for police abuse and police states. omfg
(03-22-2024, 03:14 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
(03-22-2024, 03:10 AM)benji wrote:
(03-22-2024, 02:04 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: The funny thing is after I watched one of those videos I'd get recommended to content like Thought Slime
I think this guy might be one of the dumbest popular Breadtubers.
But holy shit Thought Slime was a complete moron.

Sorry let me rephrase. Thought Slime IS a complete and utter moron.
(03-22-2024, 03:10 AM)benji wrote:
(03-22-2024, 02:04 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: The funny thing is after I watched one of those videos I'd get recommended to content like Thought Slime
Someone told me to watch one of this guys videos once as an explainer of some point and I wasn't skeptical enough not to. I think this guy might be one of the dumbest popular Breadtubers. Literally was completely incoherent and knew nothing about the topic his 20 minute video was about.

You mentioned Vaush, easily far dumber than Vaush.

was he dumber than hasan??

(03-22-2024, 03:24 AM)Uncle wrote:
(03-22-2024, 03:10 AM)benji wrote:
(03-22-2024, 02:04 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: The funny thing is after I watched one of those videos I'd get recommended to content like Thought Slime
Someone told me to watch one of this guys videos once as an explainer of some point and I wasn't skeptical enough not to. I think this guy might be one of the dumbest popular Breadtubers. Literally was completely incoherent and knew nothing about the topic his 20 minute video was about.

You mentioned Vaush, easily far dumber than Vaush.

was he dumber than hasan??

Hasan will always be dumber. Cenk needs to straighten that boy out.
See, I don't take Hasan and Vaush seriously because they're basically shock jocks. Sure, they have this aura of aggressively being ignorant while pretending they know what they're talking about but they just sit on stream and say whatever stupidity comes to mind. They aren't sitting down, writing out an argument, making a script and filming it, editing it, etc. That's so many opportunities to realize what you're saying and what you're arguing.

Even Vaush on Twitter is a slightly more reasonable personality than Vaush on stream because there's that extra step of writing out his words.
Hasan's 3 hour videos is just a rip of his livestream where he gets lost in his thought until suddenly he gets sidetracked by a random chatter that turns into a 40 minute argument with chat.

Cutting edge content.

scared to go in the water because there's a small chance of being eaten by a blue whale ( ??? ) then his chat points out that he should be scared to live on land due to a small chance of being eaten by a bear
Resetera has gained a new ally. 

The propaganda machine is active, B-Dubs is silent about it infecting his community:

Spoiler: completely non-violent quote tweets (click to show)

QT winner:
I'm waiting for the twist where it turns out that one of the girls is black and Nex called her the N-word.
No thread on the cis girl who died in a fight in South LA.
(03-22-2024, 03:30 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Hasan's 3 hour videos is just a rip of his livestream where he gets lost in his thought until suddenly he gets sidetracked by a random chatter that turns into a 40 minute argument with chat.

Cutting edge content.

The biggest surprise about Hasan is how anyone can fall for this shit

His fans have the same IQ as the ones from PewDiePie, they just happen to call themselves socialists too
"But something I don't like happened, someone needs to be punished for it! How can no one be responsible if something happens?" Rage

Their whole reactionary mindset is pre-medieval. But they're on the "right side of history" since they aren't "dragging their feet on pronouns."
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Nex not only spray them with water but also shoved one of the girls against a stall door before the ground pound started?
(03-22-2024, 12:24 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
No surprised DrForester happily posted this.

There’s absolutely a hypocrisy to saying this here… how the fuck are these guys constantly active across era, Twitter, and Reddit. Hardly surprising they lack any identity when their life experience is aggregated by browsing various social media bubbles. But it’s at a scale where it’s like they don’t watch or play or read any media.

This, but dumber

The world will always be plagued by Destiny’s offspring, the retarded communist douchebro and the retarded horse fucker. No amount of repentance will cleanse him of this one

Thoughtslime sprung off the serfstv if I recall correctly and is of similar low intelligence, not even worth hate watching he’s just really dull. Also a Canadian who is obsessed with American politics/culture so again why bother listening we don’t need an Ameriboos opinion

Also love how the trans group becomes like Jan 6ers at this point “we’ve seen the footage online!!!! The cops let them in!!! Inside job!!!!!”
(03-22-2024, 03:07 AM)benji wrote: wrote:The Tulsa County District Attorney's Office reviewed the Owasso Police Department's investigation into Benedict's death, saying they do not believe the filing of juvenile charges is warranted.

"From all the evidence gathered, this fight was an instance of mutual combat," Tulsa County District Attorney Stephen Kunzweiler wrote in a news release. "I do not have a reasonable belief that the State of Oklahoma could sustain its burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt if charges were presented for prosecution."

According to the news release, Owasso police found some brief notes written by Benedict that appeared to be related to the suicide.

"Although the notes do not make any reference to the earlier fight or difficulties at school, the parents indicated that Benedict reported being picked upon for various reasons while at school," Kunzweiler wrote. "The precise contents of the suicide note are a personal matter in which the family will have to address within the privacy of their own lives."
And there's the cover up complete.

(03-22-2024, 02:34 AM)Boredfrom wrote:

Quote:As a reminder: There is still a federal investigation going on. Additionally, the full autopsy report will be released on March 27.
There is not a federal investigation going on into the case. There is a meaningless one going on into potential Title IX violations in the school policy. You guys don't even read your own useless propaganda. lol

(03-22-2024, 02:34 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:Yeah, it's utterly baffling. There's literally footage of Nex being escorted from the school that day and you can clearly tell they're NOT OKAY with how they're stumbling and unable to walk correctly. That's footage that's on the internet and we've all seen it. To say nothing of the other details. Assault should definitely be "beyond a reasonable doubt" at this point.
Oh, we all saw the footage I guess. Not the footage of them being fine at the hospital. Or discharged from the hospital. Or the autopsy with no injuries. After all, we saw the footage.

Their ability to diagnose complex medical issues via CCTV knows no bounds!

I don't
scotoest wrote:The problem with "the left" is that they insist in slicing the salami thinner and thinner for who gets to be considered in good standing, and who is a PIECE OF SHIT who needs to go away because they fall a few degrees afoul of the current orthodoxy - an orthodoxy that also only really exists among people who are very online, and confuse that very online echo chamber for broad popularity.

I actually think the complete collapse of conservatism as having anything to offer public debate is a part of this, and has caused liberal/left discourse to kinda atrophy unchallenged into a never-ending ideological purity spiral.

I believe this has created a massive, quiet sub-class of citizens who are probably broadly 'liberal' people, but have been cowed into silence on a lot of issues for fear of saying something deemed wrong and being branded/dismissed in harsh terms by the (mostly) online mob. And the online right seize on these kinds of feelings by running with terms like "cancel culture" or blathering about insufficient "wokeness".

The left needs to be less judgmental, and learn to see people as potential fellow travelers building coalitions for the greater good - even if you don't agree on everything. That's the only way you're actually going to improve society systemically.
ndesh wrote:Great post, and one that also encapsulates this forum perfectly.

GamerJM wrote:I don't understand why having an actual revolution where we violently ovethrow the current status quo is so completely out of the question for something that could happen some day in America. I know many leftists who are willing to throw down, for whom it's not simply cosplay or LARP.
(03-22-2024, 03:30 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Hasan's 3 hour videos is just a rip of his livestream where he gets lost in his thought until suddenly he gets sidetracked by a random chatter that turns into a 40 minute argument with chat.

Cutting edge content.

If you watch that shit, you should be shot.
(03-22-2024, 03:57 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: I'm waiting for the twist where it turns out that one of the girls is black and Nex called her the N-word.

You know it's coming. There's no doubt about it.

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