Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Didn't the last few times they "banded together" result in a series of crushing defeats inflicted by the Israeli military and further territory losses?
(03-25-2024, 05:36 AM)FUME5 wrote: Slipper slope.
First it's barely noticeable parts of scenes, then next thing you know it's deepfake porn of kids on Amazon. ufup
(03-25-2024, 05:55 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Lionheart wrote:All the Arab nations really need to band together and start defending themselves from the atrocities committed against them by the west. There needs to be push back or it will never stop. Too bad they are cowards too.

“Maybe there should be a supreme religious leader. What could go wrong?”

Am I out of touch?

ISIS tried, okay?! Geez..
(03-25-2024, 04:18 AM)benji wrote:
MyDudeMango wrote:It's pretty indefensible one way or the other. AI generated art absolutely devalues artists and their works and threatens their profession, in all its forms, and even here it was very literally used in place of paying an actual artist.

Hmmm, I wonder how this would go if we apply the standard to other innovations though time...

Quote:It's pretty indefensible one way or the other. AI generated art Art painted on canvas absolutely devalues artists cave painters and their works and threatens their profession, in all its forms, and even here it was very literally used in place of paying an actual artist cave painter.

Quote:It's pretty indefensible one way or the other. AI generated art The printing press absolutely devalues artists scribes and their works and threatens their profession, in all its forms, and even here it was very literally used in place of paying an actual artist scribe.

Quote:It's pretty indefensible one way or the other. AI generated art User-generated news content absolutely devalues artists newspaper journalists and their works and threatens their profession, in all its forms, and even here it was very literally used in place of paying an actual artist journalist.

Quote:It's pretty indefensible one way or the other. AI generated art Bathtub hormones absolutely devalues artists gender-affirming doctors and their works and threatens their profession, in all its forms, and even here it was very literally used in place of paying an actual artist gender-affirming doctor.

TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS!  ERAsure of the marginalized!
2 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower
(03-25-2024, 04:44 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
(03-25-2024, 04:16 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(03-25-2024, 03:49 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: ZeoVGM is in the Late Night with the Devil AI thread:

Number #1 Disney defender taking it out on the small budget and innovative horror movie    wtf?

but his beloved Disney used AI in his beloved Marvel cinema too  Grin

I hope he'll stand by his beliefs and stop watching the movies once marvel uses it more and more.

Are not all of the auto-generated CGI landscapes and battles in Marvel films already AI-generated? Do they think someone crafts each fucking leaf on each fucking tree?

This shit has been used in cinema for decades and the use of Massive software was one of the big innovations in Peter Jackson's LotR films
I have one tab for, and one hundred and seventy five tabs for the ai generation of benjiporn.
(03-25-2024, 05:55 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Lionheart wrote:All the Arab nations really need to band together and start defending themselves from the atrocities committed against them by the west. There needs to be push back or it will never stop. Too bad they are cowards too.

“Maybe there should be a supreme religious leader. What could go wrong?”

Am I out of touch?

Just brain slurry, these guys. No concept of history. No concept of anything.

There used to be a trend on Twitter where people would post “why didn’t they teach us this in school??” and it was like 2+8=10. After a while it became an AI generated photo of Hitler giving Bill Clinton a letter saying 2+8=22222222 with the caption “they don’t teach this truth in school”.

You wonder who believes that shit? It’s guys like that.
This is what I hope to see from all of you for Nex starting tomorrow:

Obviously I can't make it as I have systemic critique to do to ensure that we will have future means of praxis to carry forward against capitalism, colonialism and white supremacy. But I expect to see all of you out there to stop genocide both of trans people and all Muslims.

P. S. Do not warn Russia.
But what if I support Palestine but not the LGBTQIA+? Does that mean I support half genocide?
The idea that affluent middle eastern Muslim blokes aren't shagging each other and haven't always been at it is one of my favourite religious delusions

Also saw late night with the devil last night, original movie but the AI was the surface texture of how much it borrowed from other stuff. Every character is a two steps removed real life person, we should round up the resets and get everyone to call the police to report that someone is copying Anton Lavey and James Randi.
(03-25-2024, 04:16 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(03-25-2024, 03:49 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: ZeoVGM is in the Late Night with the Devil AI thread:

Number #1 Disney defender taking it out on the small budget and innovative horror movie    wtf?

I wonder how he'll handle those news:

Quote:OpenAI Heading To Hollywood To Pitch Revolutionary “Sora”

Some of the most important meetings in Hollywood history will take place in the coming week, as OpenAI hits Hollywood to show the potential of its “Sora” software to studios, talent agencies, and media executives.
Today ree has been ruthlessly scammed by those evil Xbox bastards

Quote:Been playing 2k a bit on gamepass and having fun just fucking around in my career. Boot it up tonight and look away from the screen. 2k has a bunch of intro cutscenes you can skip by pressing "a" on Xbox so I'm spamming a while on my phone as it loads up

I get off my phone and see "purchase completed!"…. What..

Turns out when you load up 2k you are instantly given a pop up ad showing a $45 bundle of micro transactions… hit a to confirm or b to exit the ad and look at the main menu.

Is that not the scummiest thing ever?!?! I've never played a single game that fucking does that. That's gross as fuck. Hopefully Xbox accepts my refund request for this item but I'm actually appalled that's like when allowed where I can happen that naturally.

It's a scam and it should be illegal for companies to allow people to spam the A button on menus they're not looking at

Quote:This should be banned as part of the console publishing requirements and I'm tempted to say it should be straight up illegal.

Quote:Wow. That's a literal scam attempt, and it should be illegal.

If you enter your card details on Xbox. They'll just take money from when you buy something. How are they getting away with it?

Quote:If you have a card saved / Microsoft balance that's how it works on Xbox by default I believe. It will just proceed with the purchase

Phil and those sneaky bastards added retard protection to stop retards doing retard things but -

Quote:Yes it is a possibility to add this. It's not by default I don't believe and I've never felt the need for it. It could have been avoided but 🤷🏻‍♂️

Also spamming the A button while not paying attention to menus is a "dark pattern."

Quote:That is either gross, sheer incompetent negligence, or in all likelyhood a deceptive (prev: dark) Pattern.

It's what they want you to do Sheeple. Wake up!

Quote:yeah as people mentioned above, they call this "dark pattern",

Thread is a goldmine of retard outrage
Tbf it is some slimy shit only there to scam people who aren't paying full attention Trumps
I don't think having to repeatedly bash a button in order to accidentally buy something can be called a scam. At worst it could be said the companies aren't doing enough to help these people exist in a consequence free world.
Even that retard Ra who claimed it was handicap-phobic to say From Soft doesn’t need difficulty modes is saying that person is dumb lol 

Ra wrote:No, you absolutely have multiple presses after the initial 'purchase now' to confirm the purchase. You'd have to be spamming the button with your eyes closed and ignoring the sound effects to do this lmao.

You can cover yourself at system level to require a password too though.’s-to-purchase-micro-transactions-right-as-you-load-into-a-game-2k-just-robbed-me-of-45.830619/?post=120878895#post-120878895

Someone also posted the video and yeah you’d have to be spamming it to “easily” buy the pass.

“dArK PaTTerN!!!!!!”
Being exactly the sort of giant pedantic twat who would download a game just to touche salesman some internet rando. I went on the gamepass page to look at this 2k24, but it’s 166gb. I thought fuck that. I’m not Jeff Marvel.

Found the all-time greatest twitter account ever.
As someone who has zero visual artistic talent, AI generated art has helped me do things I couldn’t before and essentially for free. Best example is the personalized birthday card I generated for my girlfriend this year. 

We moved to a new city a couple years ago, being in our 30s/40s it’s been hard to make friends and we will never have the same kind of interlocking social circles that we had in our home city. So I generated a simple painted image of all of her friends I could think of in a sgt pepper like collage with them all around a picnic table. Just simple prompts “tall woman, blonde hair, glasses, seated next to averaged height man, brown hair, wearing a suit, arms in the air.” Did it blow her mind? Not really but she really liked it and had fun guessing who was who and whatnot. 

Seems fairly anti-capitalist to me. Giving little ole me the means of production and all. Makes me wonder why they are so invested in protecting the status quo. Idk maybe benji can illustrate their perspective better, because I don’t get it. Use the tech for what you can, say “see ya later Hallmark” or whatever corp you would have otherwise engaged with and keep your carrot all to yourself. 

And whenever they talk about songwriting I just roll my eyes. “Next they will write the commercial jingles.” Like you know, that shit all belongs to publishing houses that pay the artist literal pennies for those jingles. At this point, people who are foolish enough to waste their time writing this music for literal poverty pay will gladly accept some AI assistance in creating hundreds of jingles they will sell as a package to a faceless entity for a couple hundred bucks.

Edit: the printing press analogy is spot on.
“Not have painful lighting” 

They hate AI because they are booj reactionaries. It's nothing deeper than that.
(03-25-2024, 11:23 AM)Puffy Fucking Baby wrote: Tbf it is some slimy shit only there to scam people who aren't paying full attention Trumps
How fucking addicted do you have to be to "check your phone" during 10 seconds of screens that come up every time?
Quote:Had no fucking idea what "2K" was until I saw the screenshot. That's like making a thread complaining about some bullshit using initialisms like GoW or AC without ever saying the full title. Don't they name like half their games "something-2k?"
Zeitgeist of the gaming community.
Lot of people in that thread want to steal from artists and put them out of a job rather than reward them for their hard work and acquire some essential VC and card packs to get them into losing to cheaters and obsessives online faster. Chuds are constantly complaining about these kinds of "scams" to keep minorities and women (like the hostess of 2KTV) employed. This is a slipper slope, first you're not buying VC on games you get for free from Gamepass and next you're deepfaking child porn.
Epic were the masters of nonsense like that in Fortnite until they got sued for it, and it went beyond "if you mash A you buy something". They would change the "preview item" button to be the "buy item" button depending on what screen you were on and all sales were final, no refunds.
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
Similar to the handicapped grocery store experience, a handicapped pro Palestine retard describes the hardships of making a microwave meal: 

He's been unbanned for at least a day.

From UK
Last seen Mar 11, 2024
That NBA 2k stuff is garbage though. I also clicked A to get past all the bullshit that pops up on screen when you start the game. I also assumed that A gets rid of the "buy this VC garbage" ad only to be taken to the confirmation screen of the xbox store. 

Garbage game. 

Also the game takes up like 20% of the Series X harddrive  lol  

Sports games are trash now, even MLB the Show sucks ass these days.
(03-25-2024, 03:06 PM)BisMarckie wrote: That NBA 2k stuff is garbage though. I also clicked A to get past all the bullshit that pops up on screen when you start the game. I also assumed that A gets rid of the "buy this VC garbage" ad only to be taken to the confirmation screen of the xbox store. 

Garbage game. 

Also the game takes up like 20% of the Series X harddrive  lol  

Sports games are trash now, even MLB the Show sucks ass these days.

True and when was the last time a snowboarding game was released? Steep? Sports games are a far cry from the 00s
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(03-25-2024, 02:07 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Similar to the handicapped grocery store experience, a handicapped pro Palestine retard describes the hardships of making a microwave meal: 

this dude trying to liberate pallies but can't even liberate a meal out the microwave

(03-25-2024, 03:06 PM)BisMarckie wrote: That NBA 2k stuff is garbage though. I also clicked A to get past all the bullshit that pops up on screen when you start the game. I also assumed that A gets rid of the "buy this VC garbage" ad only to be taken to the confirmation screen of the xbox store. 
Garbage game. 
Also the game takes up like 20% of the Series X harddrive   
Sports games are trash now, even MLB the Show sucks ass these days.

yeah, i'm not sure what counts as a "dark pattern" but A being the button to close all the ads and popups but also being the button to buy stuff on one of the menus is some BS

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