Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment

Or snuff videos from war zones.

But that's the same thing for them I guess.  Trumps
(03-25-2024, 01:12 AM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:Use OneTab, OP. I have 27k tabs there (yes I have issues) with no problems at 16gb

Quote:I have over 100 tabs at all times, including while I'm using Photoshop or Lightroom or whatever, and I have never had any issue with 16gb ram.

Quote:I regularly have 60-80 tabs open with Chrome and its beyond fine.

What are these people doing that requires so many tabs
The people I'm familiar with who do this use them as bookmarks. Article I'll read later and never do. Game I'm going to not play. Job I'm not going to apply for. Etc.
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower, Uncle
(03-24-2024, 11:30 PM)benji wrote: Should I send this ticket?
Quote:I'm taking what you have said in recent weeks in good faith. That you wish to clean up the more extreme rhetoric on your forum and want people to report the community sharing conspiracy theories tied to it.

Posters in this thread are refusing to accept any narrative except the ones they have constructed in their heads. There is no proof of a murder or even manslaughter. There is no possible construction of a coverup that makes sense. There is no federal crime that makes sense. Not every thing that happens that is unfortunate or even wrong means there are perpetrators of a crime. Multiple levels of officials in multiple independent positions including hospital staff do not engage in blatant crimes simply to upset people on the internet or contribute to a nebulous global ideological position.

That's not even actually why this is beyond the pale, what's actually beyond the pale are these posters demanding prosecution and persecution of minors and other innocents for what is not a crime. No one will be found guilty so the punishment will be the process. This is police abuse. Your progressive forum is outright supporting police abuse of innocent people and minors. And not even for an actual crime that occurred but which the guilty will go unpunished. Those posters and their social media allies are demanding the names of minors be published so vigilante justice can hold them accountable. Presumably forever, so they can never escape being guilty of a murder that didn't happen. Not to mention all the other innocents they seem to want drawn and quartered for refusing to not persecute minors for a non-crime. This is an extremely corrosive reactionary mindset with morals set in pre-medieval ages.

I'm not saying this because they're trans, which will be the accusation to avoid the substance of the critique, it's fair to note that I haven't written a ticket regarding commentary about Trump that's very similar. But Trump is a grown adult (allegedly) and in many cases has committed crimes of some sort even if not what your members are wanting him to be abused by the process for. So while I do not care for your members, pledged progressive as they are, to be advocating for violations of due process and police abuse the difference in kind makes this specific iteration worse in my opinion. If there are other threads I have not seen where members are advocating along similar lines in non-celebrity cases I will condemn those too, I just haven't seen them so they'll be news to me. You are aware enough of my commentary that you cannot have escaped my critique of members outright opposing due process in the past so this overall critique should not be strange.

It would be against my ways to call for bans of any type, I'm not. I'm saying that someone needs to push back on such things, the members are cowed completely in these topics, so it falls to the staff. I'd ask that you not be cowardly and simply close the thread without an admonishment for what they're advocating but I surely can't change your ways that much.

Feel free to just close this no matter what you choose to do about it, I'm not actually going to check the status nor expect a reply.
Or is it too much carepost poo-touching? I'm leaning in that direction.

I think we all know they'd instantly dismiss it. Not on the basis of reason or logic but simply on where it came from
(03-25-2024, 12:44 AM)benji wrote:
(03-24-2024, 01:44 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: n

Proxy wrote:The American empire is one of the greatest evils ever devised by man and I hope for its collapse every day.
(03-24-2024, 03:57 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
Jeb wrote:I've always seen these people as monsters.

These fucking people living as second-generation migrants really piss me off no end. They complain that the evil government they are living under doesn't see them as human and is evil to its core...

They do know the reason they are even there is because their parents or grandparents fled an actual despotic evil country that doesn't value human life, right?

They could always move back to the motherland and try an actual oppressive regime for free. See how that works out for them.
Especially the LGBTQIA+ ones. I'm sure your parents or grand parents homeland will accept you.  gay
(03-25-2024, 01:22 AM)benji wrote: The people I'm familiar with who do this use them as bookmarks. Article I'll read later and never do. Game I'm going to not play. Job I'm not going to apply for. Etc.

Makes sense. I usually have YouTube playing music on one tab while I browse on another. It's probably why I've never felt the need to upgrade my crappy old Sony Vaio
(03-25-2024, 01:38 AM)Potato wrote: They could always move back to the motherland and try an actual oppressive regime for free. See how that works out for them.
You're not supposed to compare things to reality, you're supposed to compare them to the utopia that would exist if everyone just did whatever you said at all times.
I use my tabs for pictures of attractive actresses, models, athletes etc. Or even just ordinary white collar/blue collar workers who are sexy
(03-25-2024, 12:13 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: I thought it's okay to bootlick video game devs.. well, as long as they pass the purity tests.

I will say, the only silver lining I found of this is that a lot of people complaining about the complainers were also assholes that we’re pretty giddy to bitch about the Suicide Squad game
(03-25-2024, 01:38 AM)Potato wrote:
(03-25-2024, 12:44 AM)benji wrote:
(03-24-2024, 01:44 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: n

These fucking people living as second-generation migrants really piss me off no end. They complain that the evil government they are living under doesn't see them as human and is evil to its core...

They do know the reason they are even there is because their parents or grandparents fled an actual despotic evil country that doesn't value human life, right?

They could always move back to the motherland and try an actual oppressive regime for free. See how that works out for them.

Think this is a TikTok trend where the dipshit second gen kids argue with their parents.

Likewise, they see anybody with negative first hand experience as being the targets of the systems, thus getting what they deserve. If there’s a Cuban who doesn’t like Castro, you better believe some miserable middle class caucasian will show up to say they should die.

Actually really interesting to talk to those guys. The people who left regimes and whole cloth love their adopted nation. Great stories. Very patriotic people. Never really stuck to the immigrant enclaves. Often see themselves as Americans first, without losing sight of or being absorbed by their heritage. Might even go hand in hand with why their kids are dumbasses. What better way to rebel against your mommy and daddy.
Telling people to move back isn't a legitimate option because the evil Amerikkkan empire has ruined those countries to maintain its white supremacist hegemony.

ERAsure of the marginalized!
I think you can respect both the homeland of your parents and the nation where you live, while also knowing the faults of both of them. Yeshrug

But it is also clear that a lot of them are idiots.
Adeptus wrote:Hello, I am from Poland. I like cRPG and strategy games the most.
King Supernuts wrote:Thank you for approving my account. This place is fun.

Quote: Cop User banned (permanent): Troll account
Ace Zero wrote:
thepenguin55 wrote:Dunking on others for having differing opinions than yours is actually the sad thing here. lol
I'm not on the losing side anyway. Ya'll can keep crying but the reality is that FEMC was never that relevant and won't ever come back, so maybe try to actually move on? Just a healthy suggestion.
(03-25-2024, 02:58 AM)benji wrote: Telling people to move back isn't a legitimate option because the evil Amerikkkan empire has ruined those countries to maintain its white supremacist hegemony.

ERAsure of the marginalized!

I apologize! I didn't consider my words and they were deeply inflammatory. It's almost like saying how trans folx, who are actively fearing for their lives, can't be be told "Just move to a blue state!"

Think of it.. being an immigrant to a government that wants to dead, having to drop everything to run away to America and work your way up to settle yourself in a safe home. We can't expect EVERYONE to do that, let alone trans people who suffer more due to the ongoing genocide. Video games must be bought, fast food must be had, and posts more posts need to be made on Social Media and Resetera! There's just NO WAY they can drop everything to try and save themselves.
(03-25-2024, 03:06 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User banned (permanent): Troll account
Ace Zero wrote:
thepenguin55 wrote:Dunking on others for having differing opinions than yours is actually the sad thing here. lol
I'm not on the losing side anyway. Ya'll can keep crying but the reality is that FEMC was never that relevant and won't ever come back, so maybe try to actually move on? Just a healthy suggestion.

Quote:Ah sorry I didn't realise you were trolling, My bad. Added to the ignore list.
ERAsure of the marginalized!
Honestly, there's no good reason why they didnt add femc. It's a remake. Might as well make it the definitive version. meh.
Wait, Rupar's tweet goes better with this:
(03-25-2024, 12:44 AM)benji wrote:
(03-24-2024, 01:44 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: n

Proxy wrote:Practically every single elected official in the US government are child murderers. Not content with shredding the bodies of children with US munitions their bloodlust drives them to starve them to death too. The American empire is one of the greatest evils ever devised by man and I hope for its collapse every day. I don't know how anyone can continue to delude themselves in supporting and advocating for the continued existence of this evil system.
(03-24-2024, 03:57 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
Jeb wrote:I'm not Palestinian but I am Arab, so throughout my life when I see US politicians throw themselves to arm Isreal, fund and protect the slaughter of people like me, I get the feeling they see people like me as human sacrifices, people who's lives can be thrown away for their own political ambitions.

This is how I see US politicians, I saw it in George W Bush, Barack Obama , Trump and now Joe Biden.

Not just on Palestine but with also the Iraq war and the US Drone program too.

I've always seen these people as monsters.

This is what also infuriates me when talking to a lot of people outside the arab perspective, they either can't or don't want to see this.

Especially when its their side I'm talking about, such as Joe Biden, particularly in an election year, they want the image of their ideal politician and so they treat issues like Palestine with either a hand wave or as an inevitability I simply have to let go and move on from.

Its infuriating.
(03-24-2024, 02:13 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
puroresu kid wrote:Biden is a monster and it's insulting for anyone to say it would be worse for the Palestinians under trump. It gets no worse than this.—-despite-flimsy-allegations-spending-bill-defunds-through-march-2025-and-protects-israeli-nationals-from-icc.830412/?post=120855816#post-120855816
I don't know what you guys think is so bad about these posts. Imagine if it was an non-inclusive space like Twitter:
ZeoVGM is in the Late Night with the Devil AI thread:
(03-25-2024, 03:49 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: ZeoVGM is in the Late Night with the Devil AI thread:
plagiarize wrote:The thing for me is that this looks like AI generated imagery and not what you'd see in a title card in a 70s era TV show. I haven't seen the movie yet but these are going to drop me right out of it now.
Well, to be fair, they don't depict sex slavery.
(03-25-2024, 03:49 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: ZeoVGM is in the Late Night with the Devil AI thread:

Number #1 Disney defender taking it out on the small budget and innovative horror movie    wtf?
Tavernade, Moderator wrote:
Quote:I see no one has brought up the fact that this was done years ago, back when AI was truly experimental, before the union negotiations, and that the star has since come out against it, but no, let's take steps which make it more likely in the industry while simultaneously not understanding how graphic department budgets work and using poorly articulated slippery slope arguments.

Just like the last thread, calls to boycott a micro-budget horror movie because of 3 frame "this is how it starts!" nonsense is just as misplaced. Such things make AI art deployment *more* likely, not less.
Why would people complaining make it more likely for it to get worse in the future? If people are complaining about the barest minimum AI usage, imagine how much more they'll complain when it grows.

And also, this is coming out months after the union negotiations finished, the people in charge had time to either get out in front of this or try and find a way to pay an actual artist to replace the AI stuff if not during the initial run then when it starts streaming.
MyDudeMango wrote:Plenty of time for them to replace it and get actual art made for it instead, or just simply remove it, if that's the case. Either way, whether they chose to do it in the midst of the biggest AI controversies, or whether they kept it in despite the growing controversy before release, it reflects poorly and has no good excuse in my eyes.

It's pretty indefensible one way or the other. AI generated art absolutely devalues artists and their works and threatens their profession, in all its forms, and even here it was very literally used in place of paying an actual artist. Whether or not they had the money to get actual artists to do it (Which I'm sure they probably could've worked something out for just three whole still images if they really tried), is irrelevant and doesn't change that. I also fail to see how backlash against AI usage no matter how small will somehow prompt more AI usage, when if anything letting it slide will allow it to be used more and more over time.
MyDudeMango wrote:
Quote:I really wonder how it would change people's opinions if they found out an artist had AI generate the images and then further edited them, which with no actual evidence to support this, I can almost guarantee was the case. You're all acting like they had the Boom Operator click a few buttons in Discord and called it a day.

Because if you're all ready to raise the pitchforks over use of AI-generated imagery in lieu of "hiring an artist to do it instead" I have some bad news about what many artist are already using AI to do...

To give a genuine if impassioned response, the opinion doesn't change for me. If someone's using AI like that, even an artist, my stance is fuck them too. Short-sighted cannibalism of their own profession, snake eating the tail and all in my mind. I have no respect for it. I say all of this being close friends with some good and hardworking artists who have lost a lot of opportunities and income in favour of AI-generated shit, both raw and tweaked-and-edited. It's devaluing to artists and their work, and they were already undervalued before all this AI guff started.
MyDudeMango wrote:I completely get this response, but it's hard for me to be on board when the level of stink over this is substantially higher than when we learned about the working conditions on the second Spider-Verse movie, which is arguably more detrimental to artists than AI has been at this point (not to say it won't get worse, mind you). Abusive labor practices just don't get the same attention, unfortunately.

I'm not fan of AI being used to create "art," but I can't say I agree that this is a labor issue. It just seems like laziness to me, especially when there's a lot of care put into the rest of the movie. Maybe I'm wrong, though.
I do wonder sometimes how much of the backlash is because it's seen as the moral high-ground, because it's popular to feel that way, or perhaps just a selfish 'it looks like shit and I want it to not look like shit' stance. I do definitely agree that there needs to be more stink raised against working conditions for artists in general, but I suppose it's a much more invisible issue to the viewer, one that most people can choose to comfortably ignore. I ended up skipping out on Spider-Verse myself because I was too discomforted by the whole situation. I wish more people would give all of that equal attention to AI, in both movies and video games.

I personally don't agree that it's not a labour issue, though. Laziness or not, the precedent of being able to get away with using AI-generated or AI-assisted art is going to drive down the value of artists' work in general, when a studio can just turn around and say 'too pricey, let's use AI instead.'

That, IMO, is why it is a labour issue, or at least a looming labour issue in the making that needs to be cut off at the root at every turn possible. The unfortunate reality of the capitalist world we live in is that corporations will absolutely jump at the chance to cut costs ruthlessly where they're able to get away with it, no matter the cost to workers and artists.
ZeoVGM wrote:These posts are so damn gross.

It's been explained in this thread why it's a problem. This directly relates to actual artists being able to keep their jobs. You know this yet you feel the need to post, "I don't care."
ZeoVGM wrote:
Quote:I do care, I just see the imbalance of three seconds being worth the shitshow. Artists are using image generation tools on the regular, to aid their own work, and that's fine. Or is it? Blink and you miss it, and it's worth all that stink and speculation on the actual production. I dunno, I like when people work hard and make things and I can appreciate the craft that goes into it. 3 seconds in a narrative feature that dozens worked on and this is what people focus on. I think that's sad and actually disrespectful, too. But the world is a great contrast of opinions and experiences. If it affected your enjoyment that much, if it is truly that offensive, I wish you well with your journey ahead.
It's not about my "enjoyment." It's about the undeniable truth that the more often these "three second" moments (as you describe them) happen, the more we will see longer and more detailed uses of AI happen.

We need to push back on all uses of AI like this now because it's going to lead to job loss.
Dice wrote:Today it comes for artists. Tomorrow it comes for musicians to do "just a small jingle"... then it comes for photography for "just an advertisement"... then we have a lot of fake pics ruining the internet....oh and lots and lots of porn.

There's going to be a huge slipper slope for this. We should be mad now. People will no longer hire people, and we'll have even more shittier fake products on amazon, and more deepfake porn of kids, and less artists and creatives who cannot really make their own thing and relied on stolen data for lame-ass prompts.
Dice wrote:
Quote:Right, but what do you want "we" to do exactly?

The situation - is this specific movie is using three images made with AI. What is your plan to push back?
There are numerous court cases about this stuff as we speak and a big talking point with recent Hollywood strike negotiations. Don't think it doesn't exist.
And what about you? Do you not believe artists should OWN their own works? Why so companies deserve this? We are pushing back; so what's your stance?
ZeoVGM wrote:
Quote:Right, but what do you want "we" to do exactly?

The situation - this specific movie is using three images made with AI. What is your plan to push back?
Dunno. It's not an easy solution and one that likely has to be fought by the artists during contract disputes and court cases.

But I do know that going into a thread about the topic to say, "I don't care," in the face of artists losing jobs ain't it.
ZeoVGM wrote:
Quote:I get that, but you're being argumentative against people who genuinely don't care, proposing everyone push back and don't let these little things slide. Then when asked for specifics, you said dunno.

This makes things worse for you, not better. It makes people care even less when they hear an impassioned plea to protect artistic integrity, then your plan to do something about it is nothing.
Yeah, I don't agree with this logic and never will. Bad shit needs to be called out.

If you don't care, you don't care. But openly telling people you don't care about a topic related to people losing their jobs? Like it's something you're proud of? That's lame and if pointing it out means "it makes people care even less," so be it.

The fact that regular people who aren't in the entertainment industry don't have many options themselves to stop AI from being used in art doesn't mean we shouldn't call it out when it happens and support the artists.
ERAsure of the marginalized!
These posts bitching about Cyberpunk 2077 and Hogwart's Legacy sales are so damn gross.

It's been explained in this thread why it's a problem. This directly relates to actual artists being able to keep their jobs. You know this yet you feel the need to post, "I don't care."

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Oh you!
Loving zeo’s new cartoon sticker, it works very well 

(03-22-2024, 06:14 PM)DocWager wrote: Wow, weeks of shitting on Kate Middleton, and it turns out she has cancer, and wanted it private. Now Era is like “Oh uhhhhhhh… Pulling for her😁”.

They can't even stay consistent, I thought the only good monarch was a dead one.
(03-25-2024, 04:16 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(03-25-2024, 03:49 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: ZeoVGM is in the Late Night with the Devil AI thread:

Number #1 Disney defender taking it out on the small budget and innovative horror movie    wtf?

but his beloved Disney used AI in his beloved Marvel cinema too  Grin

I hope he'll stand by his beliefs and stop watching the movies once marvel uses it more and more.
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower, kaleidoscopium
Quote:G\*mes are bad. Therefore I censored it.
Wonder which Ree user is this.  Same OP
Quote:G\*mer = terrorist

G\*ming will never equal a deviant sexual practice because g\*mers can't attract (normal) women anyways.
ERAsure of the marginalized!
(03-25-2024, 04:44 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
(03-25-2024, 04:16 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(03-25-2024, 03:49 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: ZeoVGM is in the Late Night with the Devil AI thread:

Number #1 Disney defender taking it out on the small budget and innovative horror movie    wtf?

but his beloved Disney used AI in his beloved Marvel cinema too  Grin

I hope he'll stand by his beliefs and stop watching the movies once marvel uses it more and more.
That was actually a super sick representation of the Skrull and their morphing powers.  Rolleyes Unlike this cheapskate indie horror trash. Can't wait for the Marvels 2!
Slipper slope.
Lionheart wrote:All the Arab nations really need to band together and start defending themselves from the atrocities committed against them by the west. There needs to be push back or it will never stop. Too bad they are cowards too.

“Maybe there should be a supreme religious leader. What could go wrong?”

Am I out of touch?

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