Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
No smartphones for kids ufup

Link, he came to town, come to save the Princess Zelda Give them a Nintendo Switch OLED Model instead Mario
(03-23-2024, 08:40 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

DigitalOp wrote:As long as the "right people" are the ones succumbing to violence. Just a sad state of geo politics right now
There was a time when this was different? ???

SinnyIndonesian wrote:That framing feels so "patting yourself in the back", jfc. Not helped by the fact that the current Marvel heads are straight old white dudes who should've left a long time ago.

This is already not going over well, obviously

Sickos (Batman edition)
Quote:Might regret this, but I deleted my 40 hour save after being disappointed with the patch. Waiting until PS5 Pro.
Quote:Just remember that YOU made the choice to delete 40 hours of progress. I don't put 40 hours into an optional entertainment thing if it's not entertaining. Hell, I don't even make it to 15 hours if an entertainment product doesn't entertain me (15 hours being specific to video games I guess, movies, TV, and books don't get that much girth).

If the fixes you're hoping for are delivered in the near future but you somehow choose to blame Square-Enix for your inabiltiy to finish the game, I don't know what you're thinking... Seemed like with 40 hours on the clock, you were actually enjoying it just fine but let a nuisance about it destroy your ability to reach the finish line.
Majority on that thread are complaining about the mini games and hope they added a Easy mode for them  lol
When you notice how bold Nep and the other retards have been recently with their political theories, it becomes obvious why they wanted the polis kicked out. They just want to spew whatever feverish nonsense is in their heads without any pushback or questioning. I clearly remember Nep flouncing out the poli thread in a huff because they dared to question her. That won’t be happening again will it.
(03-23-2024, 09:11 PM)clockwork5 wrote:

Quote:Hard disagree

Hmmm. Doesn’t seem like they’re getting a lot of support about this one. Let the brigades begin.

Can’t wait for the mafia to show up and start demanding their right to groom kids.

Clicky cal even has the first post. Like how are you not aware of how this looks?
(03-23-2024, 09:11 PM)clockwork5 wrote:

Quote:Hard disagree

Hmmm. Doesn’t seem like they’re getting a lot of support about this one. Let the brigades begin.

Can’t wait for the mafia to show up and start demanding their right to groom kids.

A modest proposal? Isn't that one of Taylor Swift's songs?

You'd think it'd be about one of her ex boyfriends, but nah, it's about eating kids. What a whackjob.
(03-23-2024, 09:45 PM)Snoopy wrote: When you notice how bold Nep and the other retards have been recently with their political theories, it becomes obvious why they wanted the polis kicked out. They just want to spew whatever feverish nonsense is in their heads without any pushback or questioning. I clearly remember Nep flouncing out the poli thread in a huff because they dared to question her. That won’t be happening again will it.

Nepenthe doesn't miss HEAD TO TOE SOUL PLAYA
I know Amir0x had to change his name but he could’ve come up with a better one than ClickyCal.
(03-23-2024, 10:12 PM)Nintex wrote:
(03-23-2024, 09:45 PM)Snoopy wrote: When you notice how bold Nep and the other retards have been recently with their political theories, it becomes obvious why they wanted the polis kicked out. They just want to spew whatever feverish nonsense is in their heads without any pushback or questioning. I clearly remember Nep flouncing out the poli thread in a huff because they dared to question her. That won’t be happening again will it.

Nepenthe doesn't miss HEAD TO TOE SOUL PLAYA

Guaranteed their cards were marked that day. It was only a matter of time before the vindictive cunt got her own back. That “doxxing” was very convenient

Nepenthe wrote:I'm unsure of why we always hold the hard left responsible for conservative wins when, again, we're simultaneously charged with being so disorganized and so radical that we literally don't have the numbers to make meaningful change in Democratic victories. Our votes are not statistically relevant, so acting like we are the ones swaying national outcomes is laughable. If we had that much power America would legitimately be a better place.

I will continuously remind people that it was white independents and center-right folks in the Midwest, people who have no real strong political views one way or another and thus are the ones who are willing and able to comfortably break for either party, who got Trump in office off the back of his so-called "charisma." Subsequently, they will simultaneously be the ones to get him back in if they think Biden isn't good enough. That is your fight. Turning your anger and fear onto far-leftists, many of them the same queer and ethnic minorities you claim you care about, the majority of them largely still always breaking for Democrats in the end anyway, and saying they're accelerationists is not good "coalition building." Indeed, it's indicative of the same in-fighting you claim you're tired of engaging in.

And in general, if you want to bridge gaps with people of different views, you first need to actually recognize and at least sympathize with people's hang-ups and differences in some way. You need to talk to people as if they aren't evil (unless they're brandishing Nazi insignia at which point punch away). Liberals have this problem where they always believe they're the smartest person in the room and thus shouldn't have to meet people where they are, because they don't believe where people are is even a valid place to be. Everyone else is either just a lost sheep or an idiot; the idea that neoliberalism is failing entire populations just isn't a possibility to contend with, in ironically a very similar way that conservatives tell on themselves by charging people with even basic amounts of empathy with "virtue signalling," because they themselves cannot fathom caring about an out-group without having something to materially or socially gain for it, so it must be that everyone else is doing it too (although, ironically, there's a degree of truth to that when talking about realpolitik liberals).

They do this smug act with conservatives by default not just because conservatives are largely, well, wrong about base political and historical history and fact, but because they feel these people are just such an embarrassment that they get second-hand cringe. It reminds the white liberals of the annoying shit they have to put up with their family members. But without the shield of familial blood and with the excesses of social media, they treat conservatives as basically idiotic non-persons. But this attitude is consistently turned onto leftists too because ultimately part of the issue is that we don't just agree with fundamental moral issues, and when you don't agree with the smartest person in the room then you're, again, either a lost sheep or an idiot.

But this smugness is never really going to ensure you're going to be able to convince people to your cause, which is especially important if every election is "the most important election of a lifetime."
(03-23-2024, 10:05 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(03-23-2024, 09:11 PM)clockwork5 wrote:

Quote:Hard disagree

Hmmm. Doesn’t seem like they’re getting a lot of support about this one. Let the brigades begin.

Can’t wait for the mafia to show up and start demanding their right to groom kids.

Clicky cal even has the first post. Like how are you not aware of how this looks?

How else will they indoctrinate children? It's like the furry fandom. It relies on the internet to convert.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
just like the alt-right  omg 
(03-23-2024, 09:37 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

SinnyIndonesian wrote:That framing feels so "patting yourself in the back", jfc. Not helped by the fact that the current Marvel heads are straight old white dudes who should've left a long time ago.

This is already not going over well, obviously

Sickos (Batman edition)

How is Skinny Indonesian's religion supporting pride month?
(03-23-2024, 09:45 PM)Snoopy wrote: When you notice how bold Nep and the other retards have been recently with their political theories, it becomes obvious why they wanted the polis kicked out. They just want to spew whatever feverish nonsense is in their heads without any pushback or questioning. I clearly remember Nep flouncing out the poli thread in a huff because they dared to question her. That won’t be happening again will it.

It's ok though because nep has agreed to not do an anti-Semitism* again

*Only on Resetera. She'll continue to do anti-Semitism on Nazi platform Twitter
Potato dateline='[url=tel:1711233829' wrote: 1711233829[/url]']

It's ok though because nep has agreed to not do an anti-Semitism* again

*Only on Resetera. She'll continue to do anti-Semitism on Nazi platform Twitter

Luckily she decides what is and isn’t anti-semitic on ree.
Snoopy dateline='[url=tel:1711235221' wrote: 1711235221[/url]']
Potato dateline='[url=tel:1711233829' wrote: 1711233829[/url]']

It's ok though because nep has agreed to not do an anti-Semitism* again

*Only on Resetera. She'll continue to do anti-Semitism on Nazi platform Twitter

Luckily she decides what is and isn’t anti-semitic on ree.

That’s like having Plagiarize moderate a thread for sexual assault survivors.

“No ma’am, you were kidnapped and raped repeatedly. That doesn’t meet my standard for being forced into ‘sexual slavery’, even if it meets the law’s, UN’s, and any sentient beings definition.”
Tell me that cunt wasn’t a gamergator in his past life. 

“Well. You see, that’s no the actual legal definition of mass rape is it…”
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
All of ResetEra now!

3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower

Are you twelve, Slayven?

Slayven wrote:They whitewash it so much and leave out all the interesting parts.

Like how Joan of Arc's best soldier was a serial killer

How homophoia and racism played into the story that inspired Moby Dick.

Rich victorian nobles were bored and horney as fuck, larping as wizards and cumming on anything everything.

Slayven with his “making this in the toilet” threads.
GarudaSmiles wrote:True. Dying is a skill issue.

Really though history is extremely important. Which is why seeing gutted and rewritten in the education system is such a bummer.

“Is almost like this was always the case.”

Am I out of touch?
Them keeping him on as a moderator really comes off as a dinner for shmucks type of way.
I will not say that reading comics makes you an intellectual ( lol ) but pretty sure I have read superhero stories that deal with “history being sanitized and manipulated”. He genuinely seems to be getting dumber as time pass on.
Reply n

Proxy wrote:Practically every single elected official in the US government are child murderers. Not content with shredding the bodies of children with US munitions their bloodlust drives them to starve them to death too. The American empire is one of the greatest evils ever devised by man and I hope for its collapse every day. I don't know how anyone can continue to delude themselves in supporting and advocating for the continued existence of this evil system.
Quote:As much as people don't want to hear that the N64 was a flop console, Zelda is absolutely the first things that comes to mind.

MoonsaultSlayer wrote:Toxic shit like "try saying/doing that in x neighborhood" really eats me up. No, I'm not going to give "tough guy" points to fragile masculinity dick measuring in any form, especially when it's hiding behind gun violence threats.
[Image: 406.jpg]
Paging Bor Gullet.
I seriously though IrishNinja was black, is he pulling a Enzom21 on Ree?
(03-24-2024, 01:44 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: n

Proxy wrote:Practically every single elected official in the US government are child murderers. Not content with shredding the bodies of children with US munitions their bloodlust drives them to starve them to death too. The American empire is one of the greatest evils ever devised by man and I hope for its collapse every day. I don't know how anyone can continue to delude themselves in supporting and advocating for the continued existence of this evil system.


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