Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(04-14-2024, 09:25 AM)Potato wrote:
(04-14-2024, 08:13 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
Footage of Resetera during the Iran attack announcement.
Why didn't he announce all the countries that mobilised to shoot the drones down?

Current headlines show everything that is wrong in the west today and these journos should all be in jail

"Israel fears second strike"
"Iran deals powerful blow"
"Israeli economy under pressure"
"Muh muh muh gaza muh muh free palestine"
etc. etc.

The headlines should be focused on the interceptions and the big victory against evil. Thank you for your service! 

2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(04-14-2024, 08:13 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

Footage of Resetera during the Iran attack announcement.

And this is why it's hard to vibe with the pro-palestine side. So much for "ceasefire now" btw.
zeovgm wrote:It's actually worse than that because at least with right-wing glory porn, it's incredibly obvious and is almost always so bad that it turns into an unintentional comedy.

A political film that chooses to be vague and centrist is far worse than an overtly right-wing film.

Zeo can’t enjoy the movie without knowing if the good guys are chuds or not. Incredible
Shocking that a mega autist thinks this way
Yeah that is all there is to it. The loudest detractors of Civil War are just upset that it isn't the "F Drumpf Supporters" shoot em up that for "Current Year"
(04-14-2024, 04:40 AM)benji wrote: This actually goes back to Marxism. "Ideology" in Marxism isn't the way we use it colloquially, it means something more like imputed religious beliefs rather than true personal belief structure, and exists as part of the superstructure and stems from the class you were born into. So you may think your "ideology" is that you support liberalism or capitalism or whatever, it can be anything, but it's actually you trying to justify maintaining your class in power. Engels also suggested that science is part of ideology, not just stuff like philosophy or politics.

You can see how this was translated into the idea that there needs to be a woman science and Black science or non-Western science. And so on. Also Lysenkoism (again!) and all the other instances where communists, even internationally, rejected things because the Soviet Communist Party rejected them.

There were a number of fervent Western Marxists, Max Eastman and Sidney Hook come to mind, who eventually had to abandon it in part because this idea was so absurd and they couldn't understand why it didn't apply to Marxism. (The conceit is that Marxism is an ideology-free science that uncovers the true forces of History that determine everything which Marx received in a divine vision.) Nor could they accept the idea that Marxism couldn't be self-critical. Even as he was nearing being assassinated Trotsky spent a lot of time writing to these types of people insisting they support the Soviet Union and Marxism 100% even as they reject Stalin. Even though Stalin wasn't really altering Lenin too much. (There's an argument, Hook I think is one who pushed it, that Lenin corrupted Marxism and made it totalitarian while Marxism was democratic. I don't really buy this though I can see the argument, I think Marx made the totalitarian nature clear enough. Lenin to me seems to be more logically extrapolating how bringing it about actually would work. Marx was more like George insisting the show be about nothing, you don't do anything the revolution will just come because it's guaranteed by History. Lenin didn't want to wait.)

So much of this "critical" Marxism then becomes about uncovering the "real beliefs" of your opponents since that's all that matters. It's entirely valid to dismiss them as bougies or liberals or CENTRISTS or whatever. You just assert the "real reason" they're saying something and assert a bunch of negative psychological reasons and call it a day. No one can push back against this because the presumption in the premises is that nobody but Marxists is actually arguing in good faith, they're all arguing on behalf of their class interests and desire for maintaining their power.

You can see why I bring this up in relation to, they may not exactly be Marxists but the left was so dominated by Marxism for so long that just being steeped in the culture means picking up a lot of the presumptions and premises to operate from especially since the "radical" part has never truly purged any of it. Also how it sounds exactly like the Church and how the Devil operates.

This is explored in memetic theory where a meme complex will have things like "Only this thing is true, so reject all other things" and "Tell everyone about this thing" to insulate 'carriers' against other concepts while propagating the original concept and - unsurprisingly, given the original coining of the idea was an atheistic response to religion - was initially examining the spread and adoption of religion, but also applies to other exclusionary ideologies. It is also not surprising that there is an inherent need to control expression ('speech'), as speech is the primary method of communicating ideas.
(04-14-2024, 07:30 AM)benji wrote: [Image: Wn5dcG8.png]
[Image: pQ7k5tF.png]
Dead Dead Dead Dead

[Image: O7TN8Dh.png]
is this?

lmao, well played old dude I randomly read after making the above posts:
[Image: 8DTRJAl.png]
[Image: HJjDfAQ.png]
[Image: 5wfeM17.png]

And you guys claim these dudes who died fifty years ago couldn't browse
[Image: Dv54Iiy.png]
[Image: e1CTiZ4.png]
[Image: pD9IHUE.png]

Admin abusing his unearned privliege to post passages nobody wants to read just because they sound like an obscure "video game" forum from 80 years later:
[Image: mYaA67M.png]
[Image: Lp4I9Fr.png]
[Image: cKri5q6.png]
[Image: V2rGf1E.png]
[Image: NsDsM3v.png]

[Image: RRijeas.gif]
(04-14-2024, 11:38 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
zeovgm wrote:It's actually worse than that because at least with right-wing glory porn, it's incredibly obvious and is almost always so bad that it turns into an unintentional comedy.

A political film that chooses to be vague and centrist is far worse than an overtly right-wing film.

Zeo can’t enjoy the movie without knowing if the good guys are chuds or not. Incredible

The absolute worst, most unforgivable, heinous moral failing is being reasonable and able to change your mind by a persuasive argument, fucking centrists
Mivey wrote:I am under no illusion that scientific evidence will be much good against a position that always primarily rooted in bigotry, but the more we know about this topic, and the more hard evidence there is, the easier it will be to clearly mark such behaviour as the bigoted bullshit that it is.

Yeah! Just like with the Cass report, right?
Kyuuji wrote:Unsurprisingly there are several advantages alongside the disadvantages:
Quote:Transgender women were found to have advantages in other respects, including, inevitably, height and weight, as well as lower-body power and handgrip strength.
Hold the fuck up, suddenly its okay to admit they have some advantages, even putting an "unsurprisingly" there? People have been dogpiled and banned for suggesting there's any advantage
(04-14-2024, 01:52 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Mivey wrote:I am under no illusion that scientific evidence will be much good against a position that always primarily rooted in bigotry, but the more we know about this topic, and the more hard evidence there is, the easier it will be to clearly mark such behaviour as the bigoted bullshit that it is.

Yeah! Just like with the Cass report, right?


Spoiler:  (click to show) wrote:Study limitations
The limitations of this study primarily relate to its cross-sectional design, making it challenging to establish causation or examine if the performance of athletes changes as a result of undergoing GAHT. Longitudinal studies are needed to examine how GAHT, and other factors impact athletes’ physiology and performance
over time. Additionally, the composition of the study cohort may not fully represent the diversity of athletes in elite sports from worldwide populations. Athletes from various sporting disciplines and performance levels were included, and the athlete training intensity was self-reported. Therefore, the results may
suffer from selection and recall bias.

The results may not apply to all levels or ages of athletes, specifically as this research did not include any adolescent athletes competing at the national
or international level. The athletes participating in the present study represented a variety of different sports, and this would have undoubtedly impacted the results of the study as different sports stress different training and sports modalities. Exercise type, intensity and duration all have an impact on physiological
responses and overall laboratory performance metrics.

The subgroups of sports that emerged were also too dissimilar to allow meaningful subgroup analysis. The complexity and difficulty of this area of activity means that while this study provides a starting point for understanding the complex physiology in GAHT and athletic performance, this study does not provide
evidence that is sufficient to influence policy for either inclusion or exclusion.
However, this is the first study to assess laboratorybased measures of performance in transgender athletes, and this opens up interesting avenues for replication and extension into the longitudinal effects of GAHT on athletic performance.

Future research should include more extensive and diverse samples to enhance the generalisability of findings or smaller, more specific cohorts to hone in on a particular sports discipline. However, such studies may be complex due to the low numbers of transgender athletes. The recruitment method of this study also provided a limitation as social media advertising was used rather than recruitment from a clinical provider. Social media recruitment leaves this study open to sample bias as social media advertising, although great for recruiting hard-to-reach participants for observational studies, does not represent a clinical population in 86% of comparisons.

As the participants were not recruited from a clinic, this also means that the gender-affirming treatment of the transgender athletes was not controlled. For example, different testosterone suppression methods have different efficacies, and future studies should consider differences in the prescribed GAHT to participants.

Lastly, the participants were not screened by a clinician before participation, and any medical conditions were self-reported in the physical activity readiness questionnaire (PAR-Q). This method of medical reporting leaves the data open to selfreporting bias, which can mislead descriptive statistics and causal inferences as participants’ cognitive processes, such as social desirability, can alter participants’ responses. Therefore, it is recommended to use a clinic to screen and recruit participants to avoid such bias in a longitudinal study of transgender athlete sports performance.
So does the british medical journal still get flagged by shinigami eyes, or....?

SNL's Bowen Yang
Quote:I think everyone should know this. And this is how cool she is. Sydney Sweeney came in that week being like, "Everyone, please make fun of my boobs." I think she said, "Give America what they want," and we did that. At that point I went, "She's the real deal. She is here to stay. She gets it. She has it." I'm very grateful to her.
Listen to Buqua Brigade...  Klepek Feeemales GAMERGATE! Brazil Gddr5chan Reeeeee 

Or listen to.......

[Image: oIY2prEl.jpg]
Meowdi gras lore drop 

meowdi gras wrote:For example, the mild androgen insensitivity syndrome I was born with meant that decades before I even started HRT, I never developed anywhere close to the muscle strength levels commonly associated with AMAB people; despite at one time working extremely hard to do so. Cis female schoolmates used to routinely beat me in arm wrestling. For that matter, there was hardly a sport I attempted to compete in growing up where I wasn't hopelessly outclassed by everyone else, irrespective of gender. These days, after ten years on HRT, I can't even do a single rep curling 10lb, despite how physically active I am. (Even my XXY bestie, whose Klinefelter's syndrome proved a similar handicap to her muscular development, is stronger than I am.)
kaleidoscopium dateline='[url=tel:1713104673' wrote: 1713104673[/url]']
Meowdi gras lore drop 

meowdi gras wrote:For example, the mild androgen insensitivity syndrome I was born with meant that decades before I even started HRT, I never developed anywhere close to the muscle strength levels commonly associated with AMAB people; despite at one time working extremely hard to do so. Cis female schoolmates used to routinely beat me in arm wrestling. For that matter, there was hardly a sport I attempted to compete in growing up where I wasn't hopelessly outclassed by everyone else, irrespective of gender. These days, after ten years on HRT, I can't even do a single rep curling 10lb, despite how physically active I am. (Even my XXY bestie, whose Klinefelter's syndrome proved a similar handicap to her muscular development, is stronger than I am.)

Uhhhhhhhh… maybe because you’re not a fucking athlete, and probably would never compete in the Olympics, whether you are either a man or woman. You fucking limp dick pussy.
Just catching up. Lol at 30+ year old adult being scolded by their parent because they can't lift heavy objects because of HRT. I'm guessing it was groceries the dude was crying about.
clicky carl wrote:Disgusting that a movie crediting Helen Lewis and Andy Ngo made this much money.•-04-12-14-24-•-olympus-has-fallen.843756/?post=121680570#post-121680570

Can tell Carl hasn’t seen Civil War lol they used archival footage from Charlottesville and had to pay/credit for it. Shocking
Reply wrote:It's pretty crazy how this horrific attack was instantly abused by bad agents. First people claimed it was someone pro Palestine then others claimed it was a Zionist only for the attacker having no political affiliation at all

Let's all pretend we've never seen an era thread while an active shooting is ongoing, or that this thread would have gone any differently if it had happened in US prime time
It's strange that Kyuuji is celebrating a study highlighting the physical differences of trans women in athletics.
(04-14-2024, 06:58 AM)benji wrote: wrote:
Quote:It's amazing they blocked almost everything. Not taking sides here but since it's defensive, good f job
Not destroying military equipment of a genocidal army is not a good job tho. Sad that nothing got destroyed of these nazi pieces of shit

Quote: Cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Inflammatory comparisons, warmongering
Twohearts wrote:Peach Showtime just came out and is one of the best kids games in years and Paper Mario and Loogi Maloogi 2 is out next month and the one after. Add in a probably direct in early June for the game reveal season and we're doing pretty good. Yes I would love another game as good and meaty as Pikmin 4 but not every year can be a pikmin year, and we just beat Mario Wonder and Hazel is going through ToTK right now. Things are good!!!!!!!!
Twohearts wrote:Hazel - it/its :3
how can anyone seriously embrace it/its

you know every time they would hear it, it's just as awkward and stilted to their ear as anyone else's

and every time they just internally go "ahh yes, that's the pronoun I requested, it's so validating to be pandered to"

rather than y'know just taking it in stride as normal communication like everyone does for regular pronouns

a fucking game they demand everyone subject themselves to

"try not to think about elephants!! ah ah, you just lost the game!!"

Quote:Singe but 2 situationships.

First is a girl I met on a dating app. We go on dates, do 'other' things but we're not exclusive. Just like each others company.

Second is an escort I used to visit regularly. We became actual friends and it's turned into the same as above. And it's free now.

Love it. Curious why very few of the top posters on the site ever reply to these threads. Like if you took the top 10% of posters it would be what, 95% forever alone? A bunch of fat autist fucks calling themselves lesbians that never touched a real girl, and likely to never happen.

Love it

Twohearts, is that you?
Quote:Why was no one talking about ww3 when Israel attacks an embassy, but when Iran retaliated, and rightfully so, and against a fucking racist, nazy regime committing genocide and atrocities on a daily basis, now its all about ww3 fears?

Can someone explain this to me?

Who's going to support Iran? Not it's neighbors who helped shoot down the drones. Russia, the paper tiger?

The absolute state of that forum

CorpsePrincess wrote:Hello ^_^

I'm Mae. I'm 34 and very introverted. I love to discuss video games so I figured this might be a good place to do that at. I mostly game on Xbox, but I do play some Switch (mostly Pokemon and indie games) and some Steam stuff. I never play online or with other people. Hope this place turns out to be as friendly as it seems Smile
Reply wrote:
Quote:So many people seem to not agree with that from the many comments in this thread alone. We get it, you have it out for this film

I have it out for pathetic centrist dipshits like Alex Garland who think "both sides are the same" and we "need to stop being so polarized"

Your view of what the movie is saying is irrelevant, because Garland has made it quite clear in his numerous interviews it's a pathetic centrist riding the fence movie too cowardly to say anything or relevance.

You want to know why "the fascist" president in Civil War would come to power? People like Alex Garland.


A fictitious character can only hold power in the fiction written by their creator Brain
Spoiler:  (click to show)
Its actually people like YOU that would be cheering a dictator into power just by feeding you slogans you want to hear you myopic sack of shit
kusagari wrote:I don't need anything to be in the movie. Alex Garland's commentary has ensured that I'll never see it.

And he is going to spend half the posts in the thread making sure you know he won't see it too! Tophat
Rhomega wrote:Never been in a relationship.
NESpowerhouse wrote:Single, never been in any relationship. Would like to change that soon, but I can never figure out where to start.
Gambit61 wrote:Forever alone. Seems like all the interesting people already have a partner.
Paroni wrote:Lifetime of being single so far. To be honest it does bother and depress me to various degrees depending on the day and mood, but I keep hitting various mental barriers in doing something about it. Last time I tried dating (around a decade ago, time sure flies) I could never figure out how to progress further from just talking and it fizzled out every time. It kinda sucks being quite a hermit and content with my own company otherwise but still yearning companionship and having a feeling of missing out, despite not being sure if that even is for me.
Exist 2 Inspire wrote:Have been single for 19 years now. It's depressing sometimes but most of the time i don't give a crap lol.
SanTheSly wrote:Terminally single
Solitude wrote:Single and never been in a relationship. I'm 37 so I don't really see that changing.
Torpedo Vegas wrote:Gave up.

I don't know what about me is so off putting, but it's something.
Hound wrote:37 never had a relationship. Never really had any mutual attraction going on. Now I'm old and fucked in the off chance that I do, due to having almost no experience and being set in my ways. Not happy about it.
Secret Bambino wrote:Single. Hopefully someday I'll find someone. Hopefully…
Delio wrote:Single. Been looking for years now but I'm kinda just stuck. Ah well
Kain-Nosgoth wrote:36, been single all my life, it sucks

Gameflow wrote:Dead inside .

Herne wrote:Forever alone. It's for the best.
hsojlightfoot wrote:Single. For a long, long time. 47 in a couple months. Not sure there is someone out there for me at this stage of my life.
5olid_5nake wrote:Single, 32.
Made my peace that I will be forever alone. Luckily I have Cloud and rest of the bunch to keep me happy.
Mr Swine wrote:Single (aka forever alone)
AWestCoastDirtyBird wrote:Single for 34 consecutive years. 35 at the end of the year most likely. No friends, so no "situationship." either.

I probably die without having one, but it is what it is. Someone had to draw the short straw.
Girlslaff Everybody is laughing at you!

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