Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(04-19-2024, 07:05 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: it would fit with being trans.  TERF BITCH

I did not have guy sets himself on fire because The Simpsons, Bill Clinton sabotaged Dukakis and Peter Thiel on my bingo card Wut
(04-19-2024, 02:45 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Isn’t Kyuuji 30+ and Chalamet around 22? Seems like an age gap they would tut tut if it didn’t involve a transbian.

Edit: he is 28, just looks very young disregard

Ree was fine with this
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia
PHOENIXZERO wrote:IDK why the immediate jump was this dude being a Trump supporter, if they were a Trump supporter they would've tried to take other people with them.
Someone will have to remind me how many Trump related mass shooters there are.
Nepenthe wrote:Reminder that he gave his life for the Gaza population currently undergoing a genocide by a colonial power that the Western world is allowing to happen.

RIP Aaron.
Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): misrepresenting other members; prior history of inflammatory and dismissive commentary
viskod wrote:I do not think it wise to frame self immolation suicide as a noble endeavor of giving your life for a cause.

Its tantamount to endorsement and shameful.
Nepenthe wrote:You could at least have the respect of reading and understanding why Aaron did it, and also mention the plight of the Palestinian people, instead of trying to fingerwag at members for recognizing Aaron's motives under the spurious guise that that mere recognition means folks somehow don't care about mental health.
Nepenthe wrote:
haziq wrote:That kind of voice is more valuable alive than dead.
I think Aaron said what he wanted to say loud and clear, and he was far louder than the millions of people who have been protesting this already.
Nepenthe wrote:
Aaronrules380 wrote:I mean I think cynically the general public will completely forget about him in a week or two: this isn't the first time this has been done on this issue and nobody really remembers the last person who did it either
I don't think the public's collective memory has any bearing on the fact that we are currently talking about Aaron Bushnell and not the millions of other people around the world who have simply marched or donated. This is not to say that marching and donating are useless. It is to simply say that he singlehandedly has gotten more attention for protesting the Palestinian genocide than most others who have tried.

Sirpopopop wrote:If someone on this forum posted that they were going to do this, would your first reaction be to support them in their action or tell them to not commit suicide?
My first reaction would be to act in accordance with administrative procedure regarding open expressions of suicidal ideation. But I'm not sure what the question has to do with my post.

I also want to, once again, remind people that Aaron Bushnell deliberately sacrificed himself as a form of protest against the Palestinian genocide that Western countries, namely the US, have been allowing to happen.
Nepenthe wrote:
haziq wrote:Will the PM of Israel stop killing people in Gaza now that there's one less protester on the planet? Will the Biden Administration suddenly stop funding Israel in this man's honor?
They're not going to do that in response to the marches either.
Nepenthe wrote:
Aaronrules380 wrote:talk is cheap. The only difference between him and the people donating and protesting is that people are talking about his name, but this isn't about him in the first place and if anything I'd say putting him into the conversation has only destracted from discussion of the cause itself
Much of the discussion online I've seen about Aaron is directly related to the Palestinian genocide; people are directly noting the cause as to why he did this and making personal statements and art in response.

It's really only here that I've personally seen his protest completely hijacked and derailed to discuss mental health instead.
Nepenthe wrote:
viskod wrote:Again you're lionizing suicide by putting it on a level above actual protesting. You should not do this.

No air at all should be given to anything that resembles endorsement or approval of suicide.
I am not putting it above other protests. It is, in itself, another form of protest. I literally would not encourage people to go out and do this, and understand myself I do not have the conviction to self-harm over my beliefs. However, I will also not condemn Aaron either, nor will I allow you or anyone else to distract from the reason he did this for too long, which is that there is currently genocide in Gaza going on of which our government is complicit in allowing to happen.
Nepenthe wrote:
Aaronrules380 wrote:Where online?

Aaronrules380 wrote:Who?
Twitter users.

Just type in Aaron Bushnell and there's far more mention about Palestine and Gaza than what can be mustered here by people who say they claim they care about minorities.
Nepenthe wrote:
Loud Wrong wrote:It won't. And it was a waste of a life.
As is the thousands of Palestinians who have been killed as a result of Western-sanctioned genocide.
Nepenthe wrote:
Loud Wrong wrote:Would anyone disagree with that? Fuck Israel and fuck Biden for supporting it.
Plenty of people disagree with it because the United States is currently allowing the Palestinian genocide to happen, and a significant contingent of American citizens openly support Israel's committance of that genocide.

My point however is to make sure that Aaron's statement, both his words and his act, are not lost or whitewashed. By his own words, he did not do this as a depressive cry for help. He did it to protest Western imperialism and the Palestinian genocide.

I want more people in this thread to openly say that instead of trying to railroad the discussion to be about whether or not he was mentally unwell (likely not) or whether or not his singular action will change the conflict (no singular action will.)

He shouted "Free Palestine" while literally on fire. The least we could all do from the comfort of our keyboards and phones is say the same.

Free Palestine.
Nepenthe wrote:
Serpens007 wrote:So a man gives his life in form of protest to genocide, and some people's first instincts are:

- Say they shouldn't have done it, lecturing in the usefulness of the protest, very comfy while on a gaming forum
- Question their mental health, armchair diagnosis (as if being aware that thousands are dying, while the country you serve plays quite the part, isn't depressing enough)

If these type of protests gets forgotten and "don't work", its because of people like you.

RIP Aaron.
It is literal whitewashing happening in real time, and frankly I find it fucking intolerable.

Here are the man's words quoted verbatim from the video he took of himself, for people who are acting confused about why he did this:

Quote:"My name is Aaron Bushnell. I am an active duty member of the United States Air Force, and I will no longer be complicit in genocide. I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest, but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it's not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal. Free Palestine."
Nepenthe wrote:
Falxix wrote:I see little difference between this and pro-terrorism propaganda.
Then you are politically illiterate.

Aaron Bushnell was not a terrorist. He did not want to be complicit in the genocide of Gaza.
Nepenthe wrote:
skullmuffins wrote:the idea that it's wrong to criticize or look down upon any form of protest is absurd and it should not be controversial to say that we should not encourage people to kill themselves.
All forms of protest should be open to criticism. But it is also fair dues to say that there is more concern for Aaron's suicide within the context of mental health than there is for the Palestinian lives lost that he openly said he sacrificed himself for, and to question why that is the major concern.
Nepenthe wrote:
skullmuffins wrote:there's more concern where, in this thread that's explicitly about him?
Yes, in a thread that is specifically titled to let you know that Aaron Bushnell sacrificed himself to protest the ongoing Palestinian genocide, people are willingly choosing to ignore all of that context.

What a great sacrifice!
Good Lord, what is happening in your court house Trumps 

2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(04-19-2024, 07:23 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:Reminder that he gave his life for the Gaza population currently undergoing a genocide by a colonial power that the Western world is allowing to happen.

RIP Aaron.
Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): misrepresenting other members; prior history of inflammatory and dismissive commentary
viskod wrote:I do not think it wise to frame self immolation suicide as a noble endeavor of giving your life for a cause.

Its tantamount to endorsement and shameful.
Nepenthe wrote:You could at least have the respect of reading and understanding why Aaron did it, and also mention the plight of the Palestinian people, instead of trying to fingerwag at members for recognizing Aaron's motives under the spurious guise that that mere recognition means folks somehow don't care about mental health.
Nepenthe wrote:
haziq wrote:That kind of voice is more valuable alive than dead.
I think Aaron said what he wanted to say loud and clear, and he was far louder than the millions of people who have been protesting this already.
Nepenthe wrote:
Aaronrules380 wrote:I mean I think cynically the general public will completely forget about him in a week or two: this isn't the first time this has been done on this issue and nobody really remembers the last person who did it either
I don't think the public's collective memory has any bearing on the fact that we are currently talking about Aaron Bushnell and not the millions of other people around the world who have simply marched or donated. This is not to say that marching and donating are useless. It is to simply say that he singlehandedly has gotten more attention for protesting the Palestinian genocide than most others who have tried.

Sirpopopop wrote:If someone on this forum posted that they were going to do this, would your first reaction be to support them in their action or tell them to not commit suicide?
My first reaction would be to act in accordance with administrative procedure regarding open expressions of suicidal ideation. But I'm not sure what the question has to do with my post.

I also want to, once again, remind people that Aaron Bushnell deliberately sacrificed himself as a form of protest against the Palestinian genocide that Western countries, namely the US, have been allowing to happen.
Nepenthe wrote:
haziq wrote:Will the PM of Israel stop killing people in Gaza now that there's one less protester on the planet? Will the Biden Administration suddenly stop funding Israel in this man's honor?
They're not going to do that in response to the marches either.
Nepenthe wrote:
Aaronrules380 wrote:talk is cheap. The only difference between him and the people donating and protesting is that people are talking about his name, but this isn't about him in the first place and if anything I'd say putting him into the conversation has only destracted from discussion of the cause itself
Much of the discussion online I've seen about Aaron is directly related to the Palestinian genocide; people are directly noting the cause as to why he did this and making personal statements and art in response.

It's really only here that I've personally seen his protest completely hijacked and derailed to discuss mental health instead.
Nepenthe wrote:
viskod wrote:Again you're lionizing suicide by putting it on a level above actual protesting. You should not do this.

No air at all should be given to anything that resembles endorsement or approval of suicide.
I am not putting it above other protests. It is, in itself, another form of protest. I literally would not encourage people to go out and do this, and understand myself I do not have the conviction to self-harm over my beliefs. However, I will also not condemn Aaron either, nor will I allow you or anyone else to distract from the reason he did this for too long, which is that there is currently genocide in Gaza going on of which our government is complicit in allowing to happen.
Nepenthe wrote:
Aaronrules380 wrote:Where online?

Aaronrules380 wrote:Who?
Twitter users.

Just type in Aaron Bushnell and there's far more mention about Palestine and Gaza than what can be mustered here by people who say they claim they care about minorities.
Nepenthe wrote:
Loud Wrong wrote:It won't. And it was a waste of a life.
As is the thousands of Palestinians who have been killed as a result of Western-sanctioned genocide.
Nepenthe wrote:
Loud Wrong wrote:Would anyone disagree with that? Fuck Israel and fuck Biden for supporting it.
Plenty of people disagree with it because the United States is currently allowing the Palestinian genocide to happen, and a significant contingent of American citizens openly support Israel's committance of that genocide.

My point however is to make sure that Aaron's statement, both his words and his act, are not lost or whitewashed. By his own words, he did not do this as a depressive cry for help. He did it to protest Western imperialism and the Palestinian genocide.

I want more people in this thread to openly say that instead of trying to railroad the discussion to be about whether or not he was mentally unwell (likely not) or whether or not his singular action will change the conflict (no singular action will.)

He shouted "Free Palestine" while literally on fire. The least we could all do from the comfort of our keyboards and phones is say the same.

Free Palestine.
Nepenthe wrote:
Serpens007 wrote:So a man gives his life in form of protest to genocide, and some people's first instincts are:

- Say they shouldn't have done it, lecturing in the usefulness of the protest, very comfy while on a gaming forum
- Question their mental health, armchair diagnosis (as if being aware that thousands are dying, while the country you serve plays quite the part, isn't depressing enough)

If these type of protests gets forgotten and "don't work", its because of people like you.

RIP Aaron.
It is literal whitewashing happening in real time, and frankly I find it fucking intolerable.

Here are the man's words quoted verbatim from the video he took of himself, for people who are acting confused about why he did this:

Quote:"My name is Aaron Bushnell. I am an active duty member of the United States Air Force, and I will no longer be complicit in genocide. I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest, but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it's not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal. Free Palestine."
Nepenthe wrote:
Falxix wrote:I see little difference between this and pro-terrorism propaganda.
Then you are politically illiterate.

Aaron Bushnell was not a terrorist. He did not want to be complicit in the genocide of Gaza.

[Image: tenor.gif]
(04-19-2024, 06:46 PM)nobody of note wrote:
Tamanon wrote:Era has taught me that if you support his cause, he was a brave sacrifice to it. If you don't, he was a dumbass. In truth, suicide sucks and it's another life lost.
ElectricBlanketFire wrote:"Era" taught you this? Where?

(04-19-2024, 11:23 AM)Averon wrote: The usual sort are getting grumpy Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is allowed to be discussed:

Quote:I have no idea, but he's much more than the co-founder of the studio, he was the director and lead writer too. In other words, everything in the game is subject to the approval of this awful person.

Quote:People always climb onto their high horses when their principles are consequence-free. If doing so would deprive them of something they want though, suddenly it becomes easier to excuse or ignore the bad thing.

Quote:I'd like to add that, just like JK Rowling, Vavra's views are directly reflected in the work itself, as Kingdom Come Deliverance is pretty sexist in its depiction of women and, or course, still has the fundamental issue of a lack of people of color in the game (although there are some) due to "historical accuracy".

And of of course there's the calls to ban the game:
Quote:I'll never understand Era. There's a ban on games like Cyberpunk for dubious reasons (when the game devs actually show strong support for trans rights with numerous evidence), but we can freely discuss and promote games made by Daniel Vavra, a true sexist, xenophobic and racist piece of garbage who's not hiding his bigotry at all.

Quote:Yup, not sure why this gets handwaved away as it just being one man being the problem. The game is gross, the guy is human trash, and I don't know why discussion is allowed.

Bufbaf is stricken with fear that he can't denounce Vavra!
Bufbaf wrote:
Dyno wrote:There was another thread not too long ago where people against Vavra were being banned. I'm actually kinda surprised there haven't been any happen here yet
100% not writing anything more in here because of that, and I'm sure there are others. It's really uncomfortable rn.

Imagine voluntarily remaining a member of a community that inspires this much paranoia in you. Holy shit. These people are in a cult.
(04-19-2024, 06:07 PM)BIONIC wrote:

Fat4all, post: 121880892, member: 906 wrote:ive got low t but it also fits my lifestyle


Chicken and egg scenario. Their lifestyle is what it is from low testosterone.

But that lifestyle isn’t sustainable. When you see these guys go on about their sad static lives or how they don’t enjoy media meant for children anymore. Maybe it’s time to make a change. Many settled on communism, to shift blame to the system rather than take personal responsibility.

tl;dr Lift something heavy. Test your limits. Grow figuratively and literally. Life is good.

Quote: Cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Dismissive Commentary in Sensitive Thread; Concern Trolling
Kline wrote:Palestine needs to get it's own house in order - who is the government there? Internationally recognised terrorist organisation Hamas (who control Gaza, but also won the elections in the West Bank) or Abbas's PA who have sat without elections since 2008 and are violently oppressive of any contest to their rule?

The people are those who suffer and emboldening both Israel/Hamas/PA does nothing to help this. Let's stop the bombings and work on peace and freedom for all, eh.

Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent): Racism, previous severe bans relating to bigotry
Rackham wrote:I promise you it sounds just as stupid to hear black people talk like that as much as it does white people.
How am I meant to exist and remain on the right side of history in a community with people who have different perspectives and backgrounds to me?  Not like this!
Petition to change the default "Senior Member" tag to "Boreigender"

Almost top of page DEI:
Spoiler:  (click to show)
 [Image: princia-v0-ybyb3apr5w1a1.jpg?width=1080&...1bf5a62b00]
(04-19-2024, 12:44 PM)clockwork5 wrote:
(04-19-2024, 05:04 AM)benji wrote: wrote:The admins of this site really need to ask themselves why this kept happening to POC communities during times of crisis.
Quote:Because white progressive and POC progressive usually end up being two different things.
lori wrote:Marginalized progressives who are justifiably angry tend to just get referred to as "Twitter crazies," or as otherwise unreasonable people, I've noticed.
Quote:We get tone policed for not being "civil" in the face of racism and other stuff we experience on this forum, and then get banned for it.
Quote:Yeah, the bar gets raised against us all the time.
Like, in regards to sourcing. Even outside this thread, if I ever want to post a seemingly leftist or pro-Palestinian source/account/writer/etc, I gotta triple check on whether they've ever had a bad opinion on any subject even if it had nothing to do with Palestine (or really progressive issues in general), because I know the moment I post it someone's gonna get in my face about how dare I cite this person?! They said x about y!

Meanwhile, we have to tone-police ourselves even before getting tone-policed by others over those who are considered respectable, and it doesn't matter what despicable shit they've done or said, they're not leftists or pro-Palestinian, they get a pass!

Moments ago I've seen a clip of Owen Jones saying the following, and it's very spot on:
"These people walk from crime scene to crime scene, spattered with blood, calling for more blood - and are still presented as men and women of moderation!"
Quote:And when you pointed out a bias in the "liberal media", you got banned because you are accused of being a conservative. You know, the group of people who would gladly support the eradication of your own people.

How callous, and how hurtful can that be, unbelievable.
Quote:Huh, when you put it that way it's even more messed up.
Quote:I was genuinely confused by it. Like I don't think people would be accused of being conservative for correctly pushing back against the destructive transphobic bender the NYT's been on.
OK. I hate to be the one to stick up for dumbs but get a grip people.
B-Dumbs: “Hey everyone, I agree that the NYT has issues but let’s refrain from using this conspiratorial tone and bad faith arguments to discredit the paper. This is the same type of tactic used by conservatives and has no place here.”
RE: “OMG did you just call me conservative? WTF that’s the last straw. It’s so hurtful that you would associate me with the group that doesn’t want me to exist.”

He didn’t call you a conservative you idiots. He said your extremism is blinding you to the truth and causing you to say some pretty embarrassing things. And for once he is right.

Live by the sword...
Play with fire...
you are mistaken. This is the progressive Islam not the bad one. You can tell because we're posting in purple.
(04-19-2024, 04:13 PM)Daffy Duck wrote: Holy fuck…this dumb cunt can’t be real

star-lord wrote:I could be wrong but do journalist actually go into crazy situations like this because props for them.

Do they think the good/bad guys take pictures in the middle of the war?

Well, every one of those journalists is just accepting the myth of 30,000 dead Palestinians...
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Daffy Duck, killamajig
Quote:Ill never forget black twitter losing their shit over the Bella Hadid video......I actually thought it was a parody video or something
Found a shortened version of it, cuz no one deserves to watch the whole thing.
Five bucks says that user is white af
Quote:First time seeing this and I physically cringed. I need more.
Yes, more to add the dossier list
[Image: 300px-Randall_weems.jpg]
(04-19-2024, 04:45 PM)killamajig wrote:
Quote:White people police our response to oppression more than they take action against the folks doing it.

While our leaders who dared challenge the status quo of white supremacy were assassinated by the very violence they deem abhorrent when we speak of using it in self defense. they want us to use the tools that are used to keep us oppressed in the first place to free ourselves from the oppressors and anything outside of that is uncalled for. We always have to have our conversations within the white framework.

Same thing here. White comfort takes precedent over the truth. Banned books are banned based on how it makes the white cis majority feel. Our history being taught depends on white feelings. And here whether or not we can tell the truth depends on how white people feel about it. And we just gotta sit and wait for white people to understand our feelings and come to terms with the truth before we can talk openly about it.
This post was brought to you by the word "White".

Hard to express my disappointment that the emphasis was all yours...
Quote:If the chuds knew that part of becoming an artist is going through several life drawing classes with nude models (both male and female) and learning to draw the anatomy of people that way, they'd be all over it until they get to the nude guys (young and old).

This is how ignorant and basic ree are. They actually think the centuries old practice of using nude male/female models in art classes is some hidden, arcane knowledge that would upset their counterparts. I’d like to see Ree trying their censorship shit in an art class.
(04-19-2024, 05:50 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:
(04-19-2024, 12:44 PM)clockwork5 wrote:
benji wrote:
OK. I hate to be the one to stick up for dumbs but get a grip people.
B-Dumbs: “Hey everyone, I agree that the NYT has issues but let’s refrain from using this conspiratorial tone and bad faith arguments to discredit the paper. This is the same type of tactic used by conservatives and has no place here.”
RE: “OMG did you just call me conservative? WTF that’s the last straw. It’s so hurtful that you would associate me with the group that doesn’t want me to exist.”

He didn’t call you a conservative you idiots. He said your extremism is blinding you to the truth and causing you to say some pretty embarrassing things. And for once he is right.

There's their actual problem with trying to have a discussion on a what is ostensibly a discussion forum, and its not unique to anyone in particular.

It's that the moderation decided to enforce 'banned sources' for criteria unrelated to reliability.
Spoiler:  (click to show)
Also that the fucking 'banned sources' list exists entirely in random moderators fucking heads so nobody even knows who is on it

Even worse, since some of those random moderators often have random voices in their heads, the lists aren't even internally consistent. 
A lot of them have never officially been banned either, but their past sins will be brought up immediately if they’re cited and no further discussion will be possible.
ein Forum von massiven, dreckigen Fotzen . nuff said
(04-19-2024, 08:16 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Dismissive Commentary in Sensitive Thread; Concern Trolling
Kline wrote:Palestine needs to get it's own house in order - who is the government there? Internationally recognised terrorist organisation Hamas (who control Gaza, but also won the elections in the West Bank) or Abbas's PA who have sat without elections since 2008 and are violently oppressive of any contest to their rule?

The people are those who suffer and emboldening both Israel/Hamas/PA does nothing to help this. Let's stop the bombings and work on peace and freedom for all, eh.

So who exactly are you stanning if you stan Hamas?

Quote:In November 2012, during the 2012 Israeli operation in the Gaza Strip, Sinwar met Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force General Qassem Soleimani in Tehran[26] and after his 2017 election as the group's leader in Gaza he cultivated closer cooperation between Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran.[27][28] In 2015, he is believed to have overseen the torture and execution of fellow Hamas commander Mahmoud Ishtiwi, who was accused of embezzlement and homosexuality.[18] Ishtwi was reportedly whipped, suspended from a ceiling for hours across multiple days, and ultimately killed by being shot with three bullets to the chest. [29]

Quote:In 1988, Sinwar planned the abduction and killing of two Israeli soldiers and the murder of four Palestinians whom he suspected of cooperating with Israel. He was arrested on February that year; during questioning he admitted to strangling two of the victims, inadvertently killing another during a violent interrogation, and accidentally shooting the fourth during an attempted abduction, and showed investigators an orchard where the four bodies were buried.

Basically bottom bitches of the Iranian Quds force which itself was formed and trained by the KGB as most of these 'intelligence services' that like to strap people to ceilings were.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(04-19-2024, 06:32 PM)Nintex wrote: wrote:I wish people would stop with the diaper stuff. You're not funny. You're not clever. It's just cruelty to someone you don't care about being cruel to, but Trump won't see your posts (unless you're on the jury) but people here who suffer from health issues and are disabled will. And they don't deserve mockery.

Of course this was known pants shitter Volimar Dead Rofl
(04-19-2024, 06:51 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
(04-19-2024, 06:46 PM)nobody of note wrote:
Tamanon wrote:Era has taught me that if you support his cause, he was a brave sacrifice to it. If you don't, he was a dumbass. In truth, suicide sucks and it's another life lost.

ZeoVGM wrote:Not to say that you're wrong for being against self-immolation but I don't think we should compare this (which looks like it might be a genuinely unwell government conspiracy theorist, if the "Trump and Biden are working together to fascist coop us" sign was his) to a man who ended his life to bring attention to a genocide our own government is taking part in.

The Marvels Public suicide is actually good.
You only cut off your dick, left your family behind and changed your pronouns?  Shaq 

Folx, you gotta self-immolate now to make a REAL difference  relatable and grounded in the real world while keeping some of the details which make her so iconic
Messy wrote:It's funny how right wingers like this co-opt black slang but are likely quite racist themselves.

Why is Messy suddenly obsessed with “black slang”. Thinking

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