Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(05-24-2024, 10:49 PM)Snoopy wrote:
(05-24-2024, 10:12 PM)Uncle wrote:
(05-24-2024, 10:05 PM)Snoopy wrote: Noodlesoup has been the only one of them to risk his future for his beliefs. You might say it was pointless. You might say it was naive

I might

The futility of it doesn’t matter. What matters is he stood up for his beliefs. The man deserves all respect for being willing to go out there.

yes however since I believe the protests are retarded, I too deserve respect for taking action to stand up for my beliefs by staying here and NOT protesting

Thank you for your service!
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Potato

Cntrl+F Chinese.  Wow, you can say whatever you want about them on Era.
(05-24-2024, 09:00 PM)benji wrote:
Bengraven wrote:And also sue the GOP who continues to work against gun control laws and offers little solace or responsibility when a shooting happens.

I'd love to see a lawsuit that led to us finding out how much money is lining their pockets from big gun.

Also why just Activision? There are a lot of games that are popular with chuds. PUBG, ArmA, Tarkov, and hell maybe even Fortnite. If this isn't because of this one incident, there's a lot of culprits.

Isn't PUBG from a Korean company?
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D
Quote:The way Activision partners with real weapons manufacturers while actively targeting underage users has long been super suspect, it's only a matter of time before that comes to an end under Microsoft if they want to continue to play the role of "the good guy of tech" when dealing with US government regulators.

The same government that partners with Activision?

Volimar wrote:This is going to suck because Activision is 100% going to say "Hey those are M rated games, it's the parents' fault" and it's gonna be rough to point the finger at the parents of school shooting victims.
No, Activision is going to say "we're not liable for depicting things because that is stupid."

edit: Wait, what the fuck is he saying, that they'll blame the parents of the victims for the shooter playing Call of Duty? Mindblown 

Quote:I know videogames have nothing to do with the shooting but on the other hand I would love to see Activision pay out these families

Quote:I'm fine with this. It's clear they aren't solely blaming video games. If my kid died I would want everyone's head even 1% contributing.

On the flip side I don't know what we do about parents letting kids play stuff they shouldn't be like i have kids in my family who were playing fornite at like 6 years old when it's very clearly rated T. I don't think we can say oh the parents can decide what their kid does when it's not really being followed by any significant portion of the population.
"Video game" forum: video games should be censored by the state. Maybe extra exempt from First Amendment protections than other media.
(05-24-2024, 10:59 PM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote:

El Bombastico is the guy who threw a shit fit over Avatar right? A movie about fictional aliens. I wonder where all that energy was once the game came out or if he even gave a shit about it by then. He's another one of those joyless assholes.

For some things it's like the flavor of the week to give a shit about, maybe even flavor of the day at times. Unless it has to to with Israel and "Zionists", or their way of saying Jew.

Or JK Rowling. They treat her as she's like the female version of Hitler. Fucking psychos.


Lady Gaga? Her Tour started in July 2022. Life was always going to go on at some point.

Guess who…
(05-24-2024, 11:03 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Isilia wrote:I'll never understand how someone can get so riled up about an inch of crotch cloth.

I mean, aside from the clowns exaggerating outrage for views. Congrats, roaches.

Why is that thread all about kids being influenced by shit or not? The shooter was an adult who had dropped out of school years prior.
Going to log into the riotous account and ask that thread why they think 16-18 year olds shouldn't be allowed to play Call of Duty.

Or maybe it's just 16-18 year olds with recorded mental health problems that they want restricted from video games. hmm

Quote:With a loss already certain for Trudeau in the next election I had hoped he would at least go out swinging on the right side of history. His statement is not ferocious or anything but it is pretty strong for him.

And it's going to cost him even more votes. If people think the college protests had any positive effect on Palestinian support here in Canada they are out of their fucking minds.
I would imagine Trudeau probably wants to have as many of his party elected as possible even if they lose control of the House.

But I admit I'm not much of a politics expert.
3 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
What ResetEra is not reporting.

- They IDF found the bodies of dead hostages including Shani Louk in the basement of a UNRWA funded building
- Egypt played the Israelis, they found large tunnels from Gaza into Egypt and the Egyptian intelligence services sabotaged the ceasefire deal with Hamas, Israel no longer accepts Egypt as 'mediators'
4 users liked this post: Alpacx, JoeBoy101, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(05-24-2024, 11:05 PM)Uncle wrote: yes however since I believe the protests are retarded, I too deserve respect for taking action to stand up for my beliefs by staying here and NOT protesting

Thank you for your service!

Have you been arrested for not protesting against retards? Because if you’re not on the barricade demanding the pigs arrest Nep then you kind of deserve to be in jail
(05-24-2024, 11:26 PM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote:

Quote:With a loss already certain for Trudeau in the next election I had hoped he would at least go out swinging on the right side of history. His statement is not ferocious or anything but it is pretty strong for him.

And it's going to cost him even more votes. If people think the college protests had any positive effect on Palestinian support here in Canada they are out of their fucking minds.

"A peaceful, secure democratic Israel alongside a peaceful, secure, democratic Palestinian state" is not the right side of history? Wut
(05-24-2024, 11:42 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: "A peaceful, secure democratic Israel alongside a peaceful, secure, democratic Palestinian state" is not the right side of history? Wut
(05-24-2024, 10:54 PM)benji wrote:
(05-24-2024, 10:14 PM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote: Laephis
Quote:Jack Thompson may have been an idiot, but you know what? … Fuck video games that glorify guns and push pro-war propaganda on a completely uncritical audience. The lawsuit isn't going to go anywhere, but I sure don't give a shit if it does.
I bet he'll give a shit when all media is halted.

Jack Thompson may have been an idiot, but he believes exactly what I do
Quote:Fortnite am cry.
I think for CoD they use, or used, real gun models and names so that might be where it gets interesting.
It is not in fact where anything gets interesting.

Quote:sue the gunmakers who lobby against harsher regulations, the individual politicians who take donations from them and the us govt
Sue the people specifically not liable? I mean, they're already doing that by suing Activision and Meta.

Quote:They should sue the US government for allowing anyone to get their hands on firearms so easily. Even if a video game/movie/song etc. is glorifying violence/guns or whatever, those medium don't actually put a gun in your hands. This shit only happens in the US.
Unfortunately, a bunch of old racists dipshits (read; the founding fathers) decided that the gun that killed those children in Uvalde has more rights than, well, those very same children. Or rather, more accurately, the 2nd amendment has been legally misconstrued to an absurd degree and idk how the fuck you undo that.
Imagine actually believing that murder is legal. (Or that objects somehow have rights.)

Quote:Including Duty is good. Traveling for work and interacting with multiple recent college grads somehow games tend to come up and this is always top 3 but the things is, multiple times there have been people talking and sharing how they got their gun collection started because of Duty. Started at a young age which is it's own issue, but started because this games makes them seem really cool.

As much as this site and ones like it may hate the idea and want to immediately dog pile it there is something to games making it worse. If you can say that games can teach all kinds of things, make you want to do all kinds of things, then that includes the bad with the good unfortunately.

Sadly most of the Western stuff loves, loves shooting so it won't be escaped but hopefully cases like this can at least change how this stuff is marketed if not the content itself.
And that's why media companies should be liable for anything they depict! Adults can be influenced by it!

Quote:Sue them all, let god sort it out.
Lilith, keep your white cishet crap out of here. ufup
I fucking love the Nick Rekieta drama.

3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Propagandhim
The baiting in the South Park Ozempic Special thread has begun:‘south-park-the-end-of-obesity’-trailer-coming-to-paramount-in-may.872046/post-123441156
Melody Shreds wrote:I not trying to shame anyone but how does anyone who watches this show justify enjoying it despite its blatant bigoted stances?
Baphomet wrote:People find it funny and most people don't care about that type of stuff if it doesnt directly affect them.
ClickyCal' wrote:yup
Melody Shreds wrote:Yeah I suppose that is it. Pushing harmful stereotypes or complete lies about trans people that get us killed everyday doesn't matter to most people because cartoon funny.

Next post is someone ignoring them so this should be fun:
loco wrote:Great episode! Can't wait for an actual new season to start
(05-25-2024, 01:03 AM)nobody of note wrote:
Melody Shreds wrote:Pushing harmful stereotypes or complete lies about trans people that get us killed everyday
An example. One. Go.
I remember that I used to really dislike that episode about becoming a Dolphin being compared to gender transition. 

A lot changed…
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
is it better to feel as if you once held an empathetic high ground that was gradually eroded, or to have never had to see that viewpoint tortured and changed, to have simply been right all along
3 users liked this post: Boredfrom, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
Anyone looking for a job?

Genocide Joe?  Nope

How about Student debt cancelled Joe.  Oh yeah
Nobody better submit Nepenthe's resume. NO TOUCHING! ufup
DirtyLarry wrote:The best special they have done by a very wide margin.
The theme about Sugar being the biggest drug, navigating the American Healthcare System, the whole craze of Ozempic and who is taking it for all the wrong reasons.
Really all was very on point as far as satire goes.
There is also another aspect of it I am leaving out that is clearly going to rub a decent amount of people the wrong way, but I also thought said aspect possibly had the best line of the episode.

clicky carl wrote:Can you elaborate?

Reply wrote:The Verge has a link to the filing on their website and FUCKING YIKES.
Quote:The question was not if, but when and where, the next Call of Duty-trained shooter would strike.

In 2011, two jurists wrote with startling prescience about how the conduct of companies like Activision might lead us to the exact place we now find ourselves: If the technological characteristics of the sophisticated games that are likely to be available in the near future are combined with the characteristics of the most violent games already marketed, the result will be games that allow troubled teens to experience in an extraordinarily personal and vivid way what it would be like to carry out unspeakable acts of violence.

Those jurists are Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Samuel Alito. If only we had listened.

Thread wasn't siding with just Jack Thompson. Rofl
Reply wrote:On another note is that Biden Genocide comment thread isn't gonna open back up? Is that discussion moved to here then?
Nothing to see here
(05-25-2024, 02:37 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Anyone looking for a job?

Genocide Joe?  Nope

How about Student debt cancelled Joe.  Oh yeah

Cornpop in Fortnite  Jeb
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(05-25-2024, 01:03 AM)nobody of note wrote: The baiting in the South Park Ozempic Special thread has begun:‘south-park-the-end-of-obesity’-trailer-coming-to-paramount-in-may.872046/post-123441156
Melody Shreds wrote:I not trying to shame anyone but how does anyone who watches this show justify enjoying it despite its blatant bigoted stances?
Baphomet wrote:People find it funny and most people don't care about that type of stuff if it doesnt directly affect them.
ClickyCal' wrote:yup
Melody Shreds wrote:Yeah I suppose that is it. Pushing harmful stereotypes or complete lies about trans people that get us killed everyday doesn't matter to most people because cartoon funny.

Next post is someone ignoring them so this should be fun:
loco wrote:Great episode! Can't wait for an actual new season to start

TIL South Park is pushing the trans genocide.
(05-24-2024, 05:33 AM)Potato wrote: Still judging you
Games as a Service
These jealous morons like Uncle and Boredfrom fell for a completely fake story:
[Image: nQRkMx5.png]

No stream tonight though, peace y'all:
[Image: OSunQGc.png]

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