Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
I thought they banned any pro-AI threads or posts?

edit: Don't see any mention of it anywhere in a search.

Did find this fun post from a few weeks ago:
JuniperAndSage, wrote:
Quote:When you make something available for stock use you’re kinda waiving any control over how the material may be used. It could end up on a corporate website, in a documentary, as part of computer software, etc. That’s the arrangement. From a licensing standpoint, I don’t see how AI data training differs.
Cause having your photo put on a brochure isn't going to put your entire field out of work forever.

edit edit: Here's the thread from when the lawsuit was filed:
Quote:Please retweet that tweet, do your part.
Guess this didn't work. Feels bad, man
(07-21-2023, 06:07 AM)benji wrote: I thought they banned any pro-AI threads or posts?

edit: Don't see any mention of it anywhere in a search.

Did find this fun post from a few weeks ago:
JuniperAndSage, wrote:
Quote:When you make something available for stock use you’re kinda waiving any control over how the material may be used. It could end up on a corporate website, in a documentary, as part of computer software, etc. That’s the arrangement. From a licensing standpoint, I don’t see how AI data training differs.
Cause having your photo put on a brochure isn't going to put your entire field out of work forever.

edit edit: Here's the thread from when the lawsuit was filed:
Quote:Please retweet that tweet, do your part.
Guess this didn't work. Feels bad, man

That's why I was asking. My Google-Fu (well, Searx-Fu) didn't produce anything. No mention in the anemic official AI thread, nothing in the few AI threads I could find. Figured I probably missed the thread. The art community was super hyped about the lawsuit for a while, and got really salty whenever anyone pointed out the glaring flaws.

EDIT: I did stumble across the Zarya of the Dawn thread though, and it's really impressive how bad the reporting on that decision was. The book is still protected by copyright, even if the individual panels are not. The story, writing and composition are. Yet the press and the peanut gallery ran with "AI generated book loses copyright", which is a half-truth at best.
ZeroVGN wrote:
Quote:MarcelloF said:
The villain looks pretty bad.

How so?
4 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Hap Shaughnessy, BIONIC, NekoFever
AldusMoneyPenny dateline='[url=tel:1689929213' wrote: 1689929213[/url]']
ZeroVGN wrote:
Quote:MarcelloF said:
The villain looks pretty bad.

How so?

This motherfucker just can’t help himself lol
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, NekoFever, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(07-21-2023, 09:03 AM)Daffy Duck wrote:
AldusMoneyPenny dateline='[url=tel:1689929213' wrote: 1689929213[/url]']
ZeroVGN wrote:How so?

This motherfucker just can’t help himself lol

There's also an amazing exchange about how humans can't see light:
Quote:Saturday said:
every- everybody can see light, can't they?

Nope. We see objects that light is reflecting off of but light itself is largely not visible.

I dunno, maybe he's right. I'm a moron.
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
I think she can see the whole spectrum, not just visible light, but it’s a weird line for sure.

There’s a semantic argument that light is whizzing around everywhere in every direction but we can only see it when it’s on trajectories that end in our eyes, so in that sense it’s invisible I guess? And we just see the wavelengths that haven’t been absorbed by the objects it’s bounced off on the way.

Anyway, Trumps No1curr
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
I think he has it backwards. We don’t see the matter of physical objects, only the light that is bouncing off of them.
2 users liked this post: Tucker's Law, Taco Bell Tower
I watched the new trailer, my god it looks dull. But the defenders of justice on Era will Stan for it til the end of time cus “women”.

These marvel things post Avengers have just not been entertaining

Bonus lunatic content


This is the most excited I've been for a marvel film in a good while, just looks super fun and I love all 3 characters so having them together like this is just so good.

It feels like the first big pay-off of the Disney+ shows to me (outside of the obvious Loki multiverse stuff)
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
Straight Edge dateline='[url=tel:1689935253' wrote: 1689935253[/url]']
I think he has it backwards. We don’t see the matter of physical objects, only the light that is bouncing off of them.

When I read ResetEra I see all the colours on the spectrum
5 users liked this post: Potato, Taco Bell Tower, Brolha, Eric Cartman, Uncle
(07-21-2023, 10:01 AM)NekoFever wrote: I think she can see the whole spectrum, not just visible light, but it’s a weird line for sure.

There’s a semantic argument that light is whizzing around everywhere in every direction but we can only see it when it’s on trajectories that end in our eyes, so in that sense it’s invisible I guess? And we just see the wavelengths that haven’t been absorbed by the objects it’s bounced off on the way.

Anyway, Trumps No1curr
Wish we had a PhD data scientist on there to clear things up
3 users liked this post: Potato, Taco Bell Tower, BIONIC
(07-20-2023, 06:44 PM)saltygeneraltso wrote:
Quote:I'm merely pointing out how this is something that cis people consistently seem to be okay with, at the ignorance of the trans people, who find others playing the role of them, in an erotic manor, to be an unsettling form of expropriation. I don't think any minority likes to see their identities become costumes. .... If you're in the camp that thinks this is nothing wrong at all, maybe try and consider it from the perspective of the trans people who do find it uncomfortable and wonder if you would be so okay with it then.

Uhhhhh this is near textbook literally the complaint TERFs have - that its men RPing as women for sexual kicks.
(07-20-2023, 07:18 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:Good game, please remove Roiland’s voice tho.

Quote:Well he just sucks as a voice actor, and he's the voice of basically every character. 90% of the reason I dropped the game

I mean... this is just flat out a lie. There are fucking loads of VA in the game.
He's the 'main' gun (the first gun you get) but other guns (that I used more) are voiced by different people, eg JB Smoove or era comedy darling Tim Robinson

1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
Getting spicy up in here... wrote:
Foreverdefendingmarvelj0823 wrote:Ms Marvel doing half of Wandavision (which had 2 episodes) in the same week as freaking Obi-Wan kinda explains why, despite what Chuds say, Marvel is still VERY confident in Kamala
Having no interest in the Ms. Marvel show, disliking it, or pointing out it has the lowest viewership out of all of them, doesn’t make you a chud.
Very weird thing to say regarding a post that is in no way implying that.
Who are you referring to as chuds then?
The people who very clearly keep claiming the show is an absolute unredeemable failure because it has a brown woman as a lead and that the MSHEU ruined Marvel.

That's "what the chuds are saying".

Again. Weird thing to take issue with.
Who is saying that? That doesn’t make any sense. People are pointing out it was a failure / disappointment because it factually has the lowest viewership out of all the shows. That doesn’t make them chuds.
Look are you one of these chuds or the thousands who watches their crap?
No? Then the post wasn't talking about you.
But if it had a high viewership 99% of people wouldn’t be calling it a failure.

Umad Umad Umad

Tac wrote:Viewership isn’t the only metric for success or failure
4 users liked this post: Potato, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, BIONIC
S-Wind wrote:Then Polk should edit their post.

We don't need more racially inflammatory BS rumours being spread. Racist attacks and hates crimes against people who look Asian have sky rocketed too much already.

EDIT: I see that the dumbass already got banned for it. Good. But only 1 week for spreading a racist conspiracy theory?

The conspiracy(?) is about an American funded lab staffed by both Chinese and Americans. And I’m pretty sure that while this theory is rated as low confidence, it’s still likelier than the initial theory that has almost no evidence in support of it. 

Anyway, where’s the racism???
3 users liked this post: Potato, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower

Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent): Trolling, dismissive commentary in a sensitive thread over multiple posts, previous severe ban for dismissing police brutality
Bedlam wrote:Wow, people really getting triggered in here ... 😱

Sacul64 wrote:By victim blaming and doing exactly what MCDonalds did with the coffee incident.
Except, I never did blame the victim.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, ClothedMac

Quote: Cop User banned (permanent): Troll account
Yaweerf wrote:
Judge wrote:Official Staff Communication

Accusing a government regulatory body of being in the pocket of Sony/Microsoft/anyone else falls under our accusations of shilling rule.
Really suggest this stops now. Further breaking of this rule will be met with consequences.
This is censorship.
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Uncle, BIONIC
The government would never be in the pocket of anyone Jack Malarkey!
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
Reply wrote: I don't think McDonald's nugs are going into a fryer. I assume they just go into one of those warming boxes. I honestly don't know how you can get a chicken nugget that hot on its own.

This person thinks McDonalds receives a hundred pounds of frozen chicken nuggets per day and cooks them, 10-30 at a time, in warming boxes for 40 minutes like an oven...instead of frying them for 3 minutes.

Quote: Cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Posting a racist meme image
unknown_nut wrote:
Spehornoob wrote:They'll never shut up. The only way around the toxic as hell Final Fantasy fanbase would be for the series to have a BOTW moment, where the series blows up so big that the new fanbase dwarfs the older, toxic side.

And I say this as a big fan of the series since Final Fantasy IV on the SNES (back when it was Final Fantasy II lmao)
Basically the fanbase is this meme in a nutshell
[Image: d92.jpg]
And Miyamoto literally confirmed that is exactly how he feels about it in his latest Pikmin 4 interview. I don't Miyamoto

Quote:Miyamoto: Looking back at it now, I think there was always this sense among the developers that we should return to the direction of the first game. ...But ultimately, once the third game was released following the direction of the first game, there were some people who said they preferred the second one. (Laughs)
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(07-21-2023, 01:54 PM)Propagandhim wrote: wrote: I don't think McDonald's nugs are going into a fryer. I assume they just go into one of those warming boxes. I honestly don't know how you can get a chicken nugget that hot on its own.

This person thinks McDonalds receives a hundred pounds of frozen chicken nuggets per day and cooks them, 10-30 at a time, in warming boxes for 40 minutes like an oven...instead of frying them for 3 minutes.
You can literally see the fryers at McDonalds. Mindblown

hachikoma wrote:
TheodoreXGolbez wrote:At this moment, we should embraced drug therapy or treatment instead of decriminalization.
you can't jail or cite or 12-step or narcan your way out of the fundamental problem of unsafe supply. i'm on the board of the other large us harm reduction org and 75% of the laws I've passed are harm reduction laws. this is not serious policy reporting - it's bemoaning a low number of drug violation tickets for chrissakes. the way to stop overdoses is clean, consistent drugs, proven harm reduction street work, and low-barrier accessible medication-assisted treatment for those who are ready, but the most important of these is a safe fucking supply.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, BIONIC
(07-21-2023, 01:43 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent): Trolling, dismissive commentary in a sensitive thread over multiple posts, previous severe ban for dismissing police brutality
Bedlam wrote:Wow, people really getting triggered in here ... 😱

Sacul64 wrote:By victim blaming and doing exactly what MCDonalds did with the coffee incident.
Except, I never did blame the victim.

How the fuck is that a sensitive thread?
they need to lock that chicken nugget thread until we get all the sensitive nugget details. this is not safe for open convo right now.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, BIONIC
[Image: kUuht00m_400x400.jpg]
@realDonaldTrump wrote:I honestly don't know how you can get a chicken nugget that hot on its own.
3 users liked this post: ClothedMac, Taco Bell Tower, BIONIC
(07-21-2023, 02:14 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

hachikoma wrote:
TheodoreXGolbez wrote:At this moment, we should embraced drug therapy or treatment instead of decriminalization.
you can't jail or cite or 12-step or narcan your way out of the fundamental problem of unsafe supply. i'm on the board of the other large us harm reduction org and 75% of the laws I've passed are harm reduction laws. this is not serious policy reporting - it's bemoaning a low number of drug violation tickets for chrissakes. the way to stop overdoses is clean, consistent drugs, proven harm reduction street work, and low-barrier accessible medication-assisted treatment for those who are ready, but the most important of these is a safe fucking supply.

I can understand providing clean syringes to drug users to reduce the spread of infections, HIV, and hepatitis...but people who take that a step further completely elude me.  People that aren't addicted to drugs, providing "clean" fentanyl to people who are so hopelessly in thrall to their addiction that they can't stop using even when they've hit rock bottom and live day to day in a tent do you live with yourself?  That just *feels* evil.
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Potato, Taco Bell Tower, Uncle
(07-21-2023, 02:40 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
(07-21-2023, 02:14 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

hachikoma wrote:you can't jail or cite or 12-step or narcan your way out of the fundamental problem of unsafe supply. i'm on the board of the other large us harm reduction org and 75% of the laws I've passed are harm reduction laws. this is not serious policy reporting - it's bemoaning a low number of drug violation tickets for chrissakes. the way to stop overdoses is clean, consistent drugs, proven harm reduction street work, and low-barrier accessible medication-assisted treatment for those who are ready, but the most important of these is a safe fucking supply.

I can understand providing clean syringes to drug users to reduce the spread of infections, HIV, and hepatitis...but people who take that a step further completely elude me.  People that aren't addicted to drugs, providing "clean" fentanyl to people who are so hopelessly in thrall to their addiction that they can't stop using even when they've hit rock bottom and live day to day in a tent do you live with yourself?  That just *feels* evil.

I guess if you're all in on space communism anyway, the next logical step for Big Daddy Government giving you all your food, accommodation, living expenses and entertainment is that they're your drug dealer too I don't
Gimme some of that sweet sweet soma
(07-21-2023, 02:32 PM)Nintex wrote: [Image: kUuht00m_400x400.jpg]
@realDonaldTrump wrote:I honestly don't know how you can get a chicken nugget that hot on its own.

Wake up, babe. New Nintex fan fiction post template just dropped Rejoice
4 users liked this post: saltygeneraltso, Potato, Taco Bell Tower, Propagandhim

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