Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Quote:I got many choice words for them two, but I'd rather not get banned
Misogynistic talk I bet since they loathe women.
1 user liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(07-19-2023, 06:23 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
  Mindblown Spiders

Its a weird fucking self-own, even for the internet crab bucket to hear song lyrics of
Quote:Sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk
Carjack an old lady at a red light
Pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store
Ya think it's cool, well, act a fool if ya like
Cuss out a cop, spit in his face
Stomp on the flag and light it up

and go "WOOOOOOAAAAAAH hold up, what's your problem with us?"
Well I know for a fact that he's been employed as a living fleshlight because I saw the 8k tv he returned out of guilt when the forum finally started asking where his money came from
2 users liked this post: FUME5, Taco Bell Tower
Reply wrote:I mean after rating the Last Jedi last out of the three, clearly he prefers mid tier trash scripts to original content. So I wouldn't care for his return if it's that haha.

One of the lunatics in the barbie review thread:


It's so nuts to me how not only the advertising for a barbie movie wipes the floor with a multi million dollar high profile blockbuster about Oppenheimer, but also said Oppenheimer movie's best (and what feels like only) advertising comes from the Barbie movie fans and parodies. What a world.

And of course Dice is quick to jump onboard 

Quote:I honestly appreciate this post. Especially in a world where more "men things" are typically valued more than "women things".

Thankfully there are a few people dunking on the fool

Quote:Really? So a movie based on a popular licensed property somehow having more marketing than a 3 hour r rated biopic that has a smaller budget than Barbie is somehow shocking?
We are anticapitalist feminists

Also my personality is insisting people venerate the barbie movie as a holy icon
Eric Cartman dateline='[url=tel:1689842994' wrote: 1689842994[/url]'] wrote:I mean after rating the Last Jedi last out of the three, clearly he prefers mid tier trash scripts to original content. So I wouldn't care for his return if it's that haha.


I think he prefers not be reduced to a joke character in a irrelevant storyline.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:Going purely by the amount of interest I get from other people, I’m about 500x more attractive than I was ten years ago. Of course, I “cheated” by transitioning.

4 users liked this post: benji, Potato, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Resetera is the only place in the world that "likes" The Last Jedi. When it came out, there was a small corner of the internet that hated it for being woke or whatever. That corner also hated the movie because it was terrible. But resetera seems to only be liking that absolute dogshit movie all these years later to own the conservs.
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
(07-20-2023, 01:35 PM)Superstar wrote: Resetera is the only place in the world that "likes" The Last Jedi. When it came out, there was a small corner of the internet that hated it for being woke or whatever. That corner also hated the movie because it was terrible. But resetera seems to only be liking that absolute dogshit movie all these years later to own the conservs.

unfortunately not true, there are still pockets of reddit who defend it with their dying breaths (though amusingly the official subreddit hasn't been posted in for a year and the last thread is still just crying about the haters)

the most common defense is "wow so different, rian actually tried to shake up the series by revealing that everything you thought was going to happen was instead a rug pull that led to nothing"
3 users liked this post: Boredfrom, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(07-20-2023, 10:35 AM)Daffy Duck wrote: One of the lunatics in the barbie review thread:


It's so nuts to me how not only the advertising for a barbie movie wipes the floor with a multi million dollar high profile blockbuster about Oppenheimer, but also said Oppenheimer movie's best (and what feels like only) advertising comes from the Barbie movie fans and parodies. What a world.

And of course Dice is quick to jump onboard 

Quote:I honestly appreciate this post. Especially in a world where more "men things" are typically valued more than "women things".

Thankfully there are a few people dunking on the fool

Quote:Really? So a movie based on a popular licensed property somehow having more marketing than a 3 hour r rated biopic that has a smaller budget than Barbie is somehow shocking?

People really turning it into a gender war

It’s like they saw the Malibu Stacey Lisa episode and learned nothing. 


Quote:I want to inform you of a very serious situation within the Splatoon community.

*Pretends to be shocked*
(07-20-2023, 03:28 AM)BIONIC wrote:

ConVito, post: 109221643, member: 48686 wrote:I know it's been over 2 years since anyone posted in this thread, but I was curious if anyone else had seen Lily Simpson's new video on CP2077 and had any thoughts on it. They bring up some interesting points, but I feel like they glossed over how CDPR still actively used that "change it up" in-game ad in its own real world marketing. I wasn't sure if I should post it here or in the OT, but I opted for here since the other thread seems to be more about the game as a game than anything else. Sorry if this is in the wrong place.

“I’m fishing for outrage but I don’t know how.”

ERA's still the only place where CDPR being some anti-trans hellhole isn't immediately dismissively laughed at. All because of one in-game ad and a one year long jihad from one poster that ended up new game plussing CP 2077 after getting the game for free. All of the actual real-world pro-LGBT stuff CDPR does is either ignored or it doesn't matter for "reasons." Let's also consider CDPR is in Poland, a country with a terrible record on LGBT rights. So them being so outwardly pro-lgbt should be commended, not ignored or dismissed because one ad--that wasn't even anti-trans--got you bothered.
(07-20-2023, 02:45 PM)BIONIC wrote:

Quote:I want to inform you of a very serious situation within the Splatoon community.

*Pretends to be shocked*
1 user liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
BIONIC dateline='[url=tel:1689864340' wrote: 1689864340[/url]']

Quote:I want to inform you of a very serious situation within the Splatoon community.

*Pretends to be shocked*

They finally got james?
(07-20-2023, 01:52 PM)Uncle wrote:
(07-20-2023, 01:35 PM)Superstar wrote: Resetera is the only place in the world that "likes" The Last Jedi. When it came out, there was a small corner of the internet that hated it for being woke or whatever. That corner also hated the movie because it was terrible. But resetera seems to only be liking that absolute dogshit movie all these years later to own the conservs.

unfortunately not true, there are still pockets of reddit who defend it with their dying breaths (though amusingly the official subreddit hasn't been posted in for a year and the last thread is still just crying about the haters)

the most common defense is "wow so different, rian actually tried to shake up the series by revealing that everything you thought was going to happen was instead a rug pull that led to nothing"

4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower, Uncle
HaughtyFrank dateline='[url=tel:1689873462' wrote: 1689873462[/url]']
Uncle dateline='[url=tel:1689861156' wrote: 1689861156[/url]']
Superstar dateline='[url=tel:1689860115' wrote: 1689860115[/url]']
Resetera is the only place in the world that "likes" The Last Jedi. When it came out, there was a small corner of the internet that hated it for being woke or whatever. That corner also hated the movie because it was terrible. But resetera seems to only be liking that absolute dogshit movie all these years later to own the conservs.

unfortunately not true, there are still pockets of reddit who defend it with their dying breaths (though amusingly the official subreddit hasn't been posted in for a year and the last thread is still just crying about the haters)

the most common defense is "wow so different, rian actually tried to shake up the series by revealing that everything you thought was going to happen was instead a rug pull that led to nothing"


What’s that saying?

“If you run into an asshole on your way to work, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you might be the asshole.”
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
resetera: "don't allow yourself to be gaslit!! sometimes all those other people really are assholes!!"
3 users liked this post: benji, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:But Era said that it would destroy Netflix.
Quote:This place loves to say things are dead and doomed and they're hardly ever right.
I'm sure he was in one of those Netflix threads lol
2 users liked this post: Boredfrom, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
Quote:I've come to realize that I have to actively resist the urge to bulldoze into any thread about Metal Gear Solid V with the most intense negativity imaginable.
[Image: ss_558a2d12daf8e683b605d4a417aa3412c0a77...1667801931]
I absolutely detest this game. MGS was my favorite gaming franchise until this shit happened. I'll never forgive.

It's a game that disappointed me on a level that no other piece of media ever has, and as such my disdain for it is so great that it prevents me from having a rational discussion about it. I especially need to fight this inclination in any thread that (somehow) praises MGSV in its OP. It takes every fiber of my being to not launch into the thread with some shit like, "This game ruined my LIFE!!!!" And truth be told about half of the time I give in to temptation and reply anyway, against my better judgment. The entire subject of MGSV basically makes me revert into my 15-year-old self posting on GameFAQs.

Do any of you have games like this where your intense feelings toward them (one way or another) prevent you from speaking about them in a calm, rational way online?
Golly, I can't imagine why with that screenshot.
2 users liked this post: DocWager, HaughtyFrank
Feep wrote:I mean, I don't generally feel the irrational desire to make other people feel bad about what they like, but I immediately side-eye people who enjoyed AI: The Somnium Files. It's got such unbelievably disgusting character behavior that if you enjoy it, I almost feel like it says something pretty bad about you.

All I remember was the main character making pervy jokes once in a while

Like that's your absolute limit? Really?
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
hi5 haughtyfrank, that was a really cool game

I especially don't know why any era types would be against it because it has a really out-of-place pro LGBTQ segment where the girl is like "oh you're trans or gay or whatever! good for you! some people don't like trans people but those people are stupid! trans rights are human rights!"
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
[Image: 8s6YxZK.png]
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(07-20-2023, 03:50 PM)Averon wrote:
(07-20-2023, 03:28 AM)BIONIC wrote:

ConVito, post: 109221643, member: 48686 wrote:I know it's been over 2 years since anyone posted in this thread, but I was curious if anyone else had seen Lily Simpson's new video on CP2077 and had any thoughts on it. They bring up some interesting points, but I feel like they glossed over how CDPR still actively used that "change it up" in-game ad in its own real world marketing. I wasn't sure if I should post it here or in the OT, but I opted for here since the other thread seems to be more about the game as a game than anything else. Sorry if this is in the wrong place.

“I’m fishing for outrage but I don’t know how.”

ERA's still the only place where CDPR being some anti-trans hellhole isn't immediately dismissively laughed at. All because of one in-game ad and a one year long jihad from one poster that ended up new game plussing CP 2077 after getting the game for free. All of the actual real-world pro-LGBT stuff CDPR does is either ignored or it doesn't matter for "reasons." Let's also consider CDPR is in Poland, a country with a terrible record on LGBT rights. So them being so outwardly pro-lgbt should be commended, not ignored or dismissed because one ad--that wasn't even anti-trans--got you bothered.

Went to a random point in the video and this is the first thing I hear:
(Criticizing the woman that cosplayed the ad with a cyber strap on)
Quote:I'm merely pointing out how this is something that cis people consistently seem to be okay with, at the ignorance of the trans people, who find others playing the role of them, in an erotic manor, to be an unsettling form of expropriation. I don't think any minority likes to see their identities become costumes. .... If you're in the camp that thinks this is nothing wrong at all, maybe try and consider it from the perspective of the trans people who do find it uncomfortable and wonder if you would be so okay with it then.
(07-20-2023, 06:32 PM)Uncle wrote: [Image: 8s6YxZK.png]

Basically written specifically for RE and RE still cries about the game  Rolleyes
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Uncle
(07-20-2023, 06:44 PM)saltygeneraltso wrote: Went to a random point in the video and this is the first thing I hear:
(Criticizing the woman that cosplayed the ad with a cyber strap on)
Quote:I'm merely pointing out how this is something that cis people consistently seem to be okay with, at the ignorance of the trans people, who find others playing the role of them, in an erotic manor, to be an unsettling form of expropriation. I don't think any minority likes to see their identities become costumes. .... If you're in the camp that thinks this is nothing wrong at all, maybe try and consider it from the perspective of the trans people who do find it uncomfortable and wonder if you would be so okay with it then.

"If you're not offended, imagine if you were offended and how you'd feel then"  lol

Also, how are those same people then okay with drag queens? People who do nothing but parade around in other gender identities in an erotic manner?
why is it not ok to be like "if you're in the camp that thinks kids being exposed to weird sexual stuff at drag/pride isn't wrong at all, maybe try and consider it from the perspective of the non-terminally-online people who do find it uncomfortable and wonder if you would be so okay with it then"

entremetGPT, post: 109232239, member: 9388 wrote:I think they were fun additions when I was young guy with tons of time and no responsibilities lol. Grinding was fun.

But doing that crap today? No way.

As opposed to now? Girlslaff
(07-20-2023, 07:14 PM)BIONIC wrote:

entremetGPT, post: 109232239, member: 9388 wrote:I think they were fun additions when I was young guy with tons of time and no responsibilities lol. Grinding was fun.

But doing that crap today? No way.

As opposed to now? Girlslaff


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