Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
With how rigged his shows are Mr. Beast is probably paying a close friend instead.  lol
(07-26-2024, 06:26 PM)ClothedMac wrote:
(07-26-2024, 09:13 AM)benji wrote: wrote:Much worse is being done constantly by powerful individuals and organizations, all with close to zero consequences. Actions that will affect everyone. That was the whole point of this protest.
Chucking soup on a painting that's protected by glass is nothing. If you're keen on these protestors getting harsh punishment for this, you've lost perspective.

(07-26-2024, 10:48 AM)Polident wrote: The just stop oil people suck so hard people think they’re a psyop from corporations to sour the populous on environmentalism.
Did you see the Stonehenge one. An elderly Japanese lady tourist was trying to make them stop and these jackasses are pushing her away to vandalize the monument.

Is it open season on using cultural artifacts for political protests?  Look out Nazca lines, papa needs lower taxes.

[Image: 6fc9563074448592cf6157f63e7936e9]
[Image: 5xS5-M.gif]

"They did not take good care of their environment so I have decided to protest against the wasteful use of fossil fuels in Ukraine. 
It is just some shrapnel and some gunpowder on stones and glass.
Much worse is being done constantly by powerful individuals and organizations, all with close to zero consequences. 
Actions that will affect everyone. That was the whole point of this protest."
(07-26-2024, 05:36 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(07-26-2024, 05:25 PM)DavidCroquet wrote:
(07-26-2024, 05:12 PM)Bootsthecat wrote: I find it fucking hilarious that progs are all about 'single parenting is the best! #singlemoms!' but then proceed to throw out 'what a baaaad absentee dad!' like lol. 

Those lil fuckfaces have moms prob getting 50k/mo in child support etc. living like kings. 'oh I feel so bad for he/she/they'

To be real, no amount of money can ever substitute for the presence of an involved parent (which I may never be able to believe Elon was). 

Spoiler: No1curr  (click to show)
As I get older, I find myself morphing into one of those it-takes-a-village people. It's astounding how immediate and positive the impacts are when both parents are active in a child's life, and this effect magnifies when you factor in the presence of other valuable* adults like grandparents, aunts/uncles, older cousins, family friends, teachers, etc.

I do agree that the online discourse around this shit is confused beyond recovery though. The superhero single parent who can model all visions of adulthood simply can't exist, and that fantasy isn't fair to kids or single moms (or dads, or whomevers). 

*valuable defined as: safe, trustworthy, non-internet-brain-poisoned, knows how to engage appropriately with children without being patronizing or dismissive. Endangered species, I do admit.

People should still respect single mom/dad parents but is clear to me that a family unit is the ideal. It shouldn’t be forced, mind you, but absolutely helps the child development. 

I love my mother for trying to rise after dad died, but it was difficult as hell and I m not exactly in a ideal place of life. Still, in the end this are my decisions on life the reason why I’m in the place I’m am, but another parental figure would have helped.

But:  No1curr

what's your ko-fi
(07-26-2024, 06:08 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Liquidsnake wrote:I live in Santa Monica and it's a disaster zone. For those that live out of state go to the YouTube channel German in Venice and just look at his latest from Santa Monica. It's a disaster. It's a ghost town. It's scary and I'm trying to save money to get out of this city and state, I fear my mom walking her dog at night. She's been accosted and chased by a very mentally unwell person. It's sucks to always have your head on a swivel. Just getting out of my car and going to Starbucks in a strip mall this guy approached me and told me he was going to kill me. I never met him before in my life. My brother who lives with our mom bought a gun after his car had been broken into several times, because when we call the police, they don't show up for hours, and very rarely do they do anything, they have flat out told him if they arrest them they'll be out in 10 minutes.
HommePomme wrote:Everyone seems to be saying it's "getting really bad" and I think a lot of it is fearmongering and national news / internet signal boosting a lot of this. Apps like Citizen where people can endlessly read about small crime all over their city, even if they're rarely affected

Just remember: What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening.
(07-26-2024, 06:35 PM)Rendle wrote:
(07-26-2024, 05:52 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Thank God for Kiwifarms for going through those logs.  lol

Mr. Beast is paying $1000/hr private investigators to find the dirt, but a bunch of obsessives do it faster, just for fun, for free!


mr. beast's private investigator: ok here's everything I found, <links 1000 page thread> uh I made a bunch of fake accounts to talk to myself and make it look like I was a forum of people joking about the situation to throw them off my scent
(07-26-2024, 04:47 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Wonder if the trans mafia will admit they have been defending/hiding a pedo now?

Hell no, Ree said
Quote:Stop believing in unsubstantiated garbage the second that it's posted, please. There has yet to be a single grooming allegation about Ava to have any proof whatsoever.
I genuinely cannot fathom how much of a loser you need to be to recruit your own wanking troop on discord
(07-26-2024, 07:56 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(07-26-2024, 04:47 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Wonder if the trans mafia will admit they have been defending/hiding a pedo now?

Hell no, Ree said
Quote:Stop believing in unsubstantiated garbage the second that it's posted, please. There has yet to be a single grooming allegation about Ava to have any proof whatsoever.

They posted the tweet
The defenders are quiet for now.

Edited: I meant to edit my post not quote it  Derp
lol where's the bans, dubs? Believe all victims.
Skel1ingt0n wrote:I typically clean my kitchen counters with 409 and elbow grease with a rag. But I made birria tacos the other night and it left a mighty evident stain.

Last night while at the grocery store I went down the cleaner aisle to grab a sponge. You know, one of these things:

<picture of sponge> 

I was prepared to see the "classic" Scotch-brite version above. A super cheap-o one without the green scrubbing bristles from a store brand. And I am aware of Scrub Daddy, so that wouldn't have surprised me. So three choices.

Nope. I counted. There were 29 different sponges I could buy. Multi-color. Ones for different surfaces. Multiple brands. Some bundled with a cleaner.

Twenty nine different SKUs for a sponge. And this is at one small grocery store that stocks this just as a convenience.

The entire grocery store is basically a monument to choice. Four different milk brands, each with a skim, 1%, 2%, and whole option. Plus all the alternative milks.

The coffee aisle offers, legit, like 100+ options.

And don't get me started on the cereal aisle. It's mindboggling how much pure... choice... we have for what - let's be real - shouldn't matter at all. It's almost all entirely luxury.

I don't really know what my observation beyond that really is. It feels ... unnecessary? Wasteful? But on the flip side, I'm glad my cereal of choice is always readily available. And the sponge I got - the one pictured above - was of course in stock and $2.

Faceless_Caesar wrote:It's a good thing if you have food sensitivities or allergies because not every brand will be compatible with your needs.
This is a great reminder of something we should try to preserve in our future Gay Space Communist Utopia.

Take a Kosher Gluten-Free Soy-Free Dairy-Free Certified Non-GMO Vegan Bobo's Lemon Poppyseed Oat Bar, leave a Kosher Gluten-Free Soy-Free Dairy-Free Certified Non-GMO Vegan Bobo's Lemon Poppyseed Oat Bar.
Bonus Nepenthe:
Nepenthe wrote:Capitalism has separated us so far from Mother Nature that we can look at a place called "Death Valley" that regularly reaches temperatures of 120-130 degrees during summer and be like "Yeah sure, it'll be fine."

Games as a Service
Personally, I blame colonizers for desert biomes.
1 user liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia
(07-26-2024, 08:18 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: Bonus Nepenthe:
Nepenthe wrote:Capitalism has separated us so far from Mother Nature that we can look at a place called "Death Valley" that regularly reaches temperatures of 120-130 degrees during summer and be like "Yeah sure, it'll be fine."

Games as a Service

Can't wait for the next time an airplane crashes

"Capitalism has separated us so far from nature to make us believe that we can fly like birds in the sky in a metal plane that weighs several tons and be like "Yeah sure, it'll be fine""

Reject modernity, return to stone age
You can always tell when Nep has discovered something new by the way she tries to crowbar it into whatever’s annoying her the most that week. It didn’t once occur to her that Death Valley was infamous long before global warming became a thing
AliceAmber wrote:
Shokunin wrote:On an unrelated note, I hit 5-years sober yesterday.
Congrats!!!! that's an amazing achievement. I just hit 1 year
AliceAmber wrote:Or sometimes they'll still try to peer pressure you to drink. "just one aint gonna kill ya!" imagine saying that to an alcoholic. People are so genuinely awful.
She must be miserable to be around when she's sober. lol
rI'm just having fun trying to break down the point she thinks she's making.

Capitalism has separated us so far from mother nature that this guy can't...understand English a thermometer?


[Image: 8ye0dj.jpg]
(07-26-2024, 08:12 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: lol where's the bans, dubs? Believe all victims.

He better now because holy fuck  EAT FRESH
Under Nep’s take a carrot leave a carrot system Death Valley would transform into Bunny Valley and become a paradise
(07-26-2024, 05:57 PM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:OP should have a talk with the store owner, a kid paying with such large amounts of money should have ringed the bells, but I guess greed was in the way.


Good morning shopkeeper. I’ve discovered my child has spent my life savings in your shop. Can I have imy money back pleez

Blame the shopkeeper for doing his job. But that's none of my business...
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, Taco Bell Tower
Chandler ignoring everything and reading from the bible on Tiktok instead.  Heartbeat
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
I'm pretty sure it's common knowledge that victims tend to misremember abuse, and it's actually a big thing that most of era brings up when people tell their stories.
(07-26-2024, 08:18 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: Bonus Nepenthe:
Nepenthe wrote:Capitalism has separated us so far from Mother Nature that we can look at a place called "Death Valley" that regularly reaches temperatures of 120-130 degrees during summer and be like "Yeah sure, it'll be fine."

Games as a Service

Nep, you are a woman that lives with her parents, has a crush on a video game character and likes to dress like a dog. You are no one to bitch about being separated from Mother Nature. Rolleyes
(07-26-2024, 01:32 PM)Uncle wrote:
(07-26-2024, 12:36 AM)Potato wrote:
(07-25-2024, 10:26 PM)benji wrote: Don't worry buddy, she's still on your side, keep hope alive!

What if my only ability is shitty furry porn and my needs are a luxurious lifestyle with free everything? 


Social Justice Warrior

thread's been moving fast for the last few days but this is a good post

Y U no like? 
Wii U
Quote:Proposal from Major Shareholders for the Annual General Meeting in M.O.B.A Network AB on April 26, 2024
25 apr. 2024 08:00:00

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Major shareholders representing approximately 68 percent of the total number of shares and votes in M.O.B.A. Network AB (publ) have submitted the following proposal for decisions regarding items 8-10 according to the above proposal for the agenda.

Determination of the number of board members and auditors to be elected at the meeting (item 8) The Board currently consists of five (5) ordinary members without deputies. The major shareholders propose that the Board, for the time until the end of next year's annual meeting, should consist of four (4) ordinary members without deputies.

The company currently has one (1) auditor (a registered audit firm) without an auditor's deputy. The major shareholders propose that the Company should have one (1) auditor without an auditor's deputy until the end of next year's annual meeting.

Determination of fees for the board and auditors (item 9)
The major shareholders propose that the fee to the board shall amount to a total of 375,000 SEK to be distributed as follows: the chairman of the board is remunerated with 150,000 SEK and the other board members are remunerated with 75,000 SEK per member. For work in the audit committee, remuneration shall be paid with 20,000 SEK to the chairman and 10,000 SEK to each of the other members. The major shareholders propose that the fee to the Company's auditor shall be paid according to the approved invoice.

Election of the board and auditor (item 10)
The major shareholders propose that the annual meeting, until the end of the next annual meeting, should re-elect the board members Jonas Bertilsson, Maria Andersson Grimaldi, and Manfred Gottschlich. Fredrik Burvall (chairman) and Henrik Henriksson (member) have declined re-election.

The major shareholders propose the election of Jonas Bertilsson as the new chairman of the board and the election of Mikael Gottschlich as a new board member; see the short presentation below.

Presentation of the new election as chairman of the board:
Jonas Bertilsson is a co-founder of M.O.B.A. Network AB (publ) and is currently a board member of the Company. He is currently COO and Head of M&A at NOD Group AB, which is a fast-growing and profitable corporate group with a presence in forty international markets. Jonas has extensive leadership experience in driving strategic growth initiatives and operational improvements from both growth and start-up phases. He has a solid background in identifying and implementing complex acquisitions and investments in both private and public environments. Jonas also has experience in board work in various industries and company phases, both as a member and chairman of the board.

Jonas is not independent of the major shareholders but is independent of the Company and its management.

Presentation of the new election as a board member:
Mikael Gottschlich has an extensive background in corporate management and has been CEO of the telecom supplier LGP Allgon Holding AB (publ), among other positions. In addition to his professional experience, Mikael has valuable experience from board work in digital and public companies, where he has been a board member at NetEnt AB (publ) and Proact IT Group AB. He is currently chairman of the board at RocMore Holding AB and Hamex Precision Tools AB, as well as a board member at O'Learys Group AB.

Mikael is not independent of the major shareholders but is independent of the Company and its management. For a presentation of the members proposed for re-election, please refer to the Company's website,

Furthermore, it is proposed that the registered audit firm Grant Thornton Sweden AB be re-elected as the Company's auditor until the end of the next annual meeting. Grant Thornton has informed that, in the event that Grant Thornton Sweden AB is re-elected as auditor, Carl Niring will remain as the principal responsible auditor. The proposal follows the recommendation of the audit committee.
Quote:Report from the Annual General Meeting 2024-04-26 M.O.B.A. Network AB
26 apr. 2024 10:50:00
Spoiler:  (click to show)

Report from the Annual General Meeting 2024-04-26 M.O.B.A. Network AB, corporate ID no. 559144-3964, held its annual general meeting today, April 26, 2024. Below is a summary of the decisions that were made at the meeting.
• The meeting resolved to approve the income statement and balance sheet and the consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet, as well as the appropriation of the company's loss according to the established balance sheet.
• The meeting resolved to discharge the board members and the CEO from liability.
• The meeting resolved that there should be four ordinary board members and that an authorized audit firm should be elected for the company.
• Re-election of board members Maria A. Grimaldi and Manfred Gottschlich, new election of member Mikael Gottschlich. Jonas Bertilsson was elected as chairman. Fredrik Burvall and Henrik Henriksson declined re-election.
• The ordinary board members are to be remunerated with 75,000 SEK each and the chairman is to be remunerated with 150,000 SEK. For work in the audit committee, a fee of 20,000 SEK will be paid to the chairman and 10,000 SEK to each of the other members.
• Grant Thornton Sweden AB was re-elected as the audit firm with Carl Niring as the principal auditor. The auditor's fee shall be paid against approved invoices.
• Authorization was granted to issue shares for a potential earn-out to the seller of Wargraphs S.A.S.
Quote:Interim Report 1 - EBITDA Increases 278% - The Best Ever in the First Quarter
15 maj 2024 07:30:00
Interim Report
Spoiler:  (click to show)

Financial Summary - 1 January 2024 - 31 March 2024

    Net sales amounted to MSEK 66.4 (MSEK 55.7), an increase of 19%.
    EBITDA amounted to MSEK 10.1 (MSEK 2.7), an increase of 278%.
    EBIT amounted to MSEK 4.2 (MSEK 1.2), an increase of 239%.
    Profit before tax amounted to MSEK -5.7 of (MSEK 0.5).*
    Cash flow from operating activities before changes in working capital amounted to MSEK 2.5 (MSEK 2.6).
    Cash and cash equivalents amounted to MSEK 57.7 (MSEK 41.5), and in addition, the company has an unutilized overdraft facility of MEUR 25.
    Earnings per share during the quarter amounted to SEK -0.2(SEK 0.0).

* The negative result is attributable to the company's increased interest costs linked to the bond and increased amortization.

EBITDA Increases 278% - The Best Ever in the First Quarter

The first quarter ended strongly after a weak start, and overall, we made one of the best first quarters ever with an EBITDA growth of 278% and strong underlying cash flow from ongoing operations. Despite a continued volatile advertising market, especially at the beginning of the year, we have witnessed growth in all assets during the latter part of the quarter for the first time since the COVID period. We see particularly positive revenue trends from our app, Porofessor, and the YouTube network UFG. The second quarter has started strong across the entire asset portfolio.

The gaming industry has experienced weak development during 2023 and into the start of 2024. Globally leading video game companies like Riot and Activision Blizzard have announced layoffs for many employees, we have seen few new game releases, and notably, our direct competitors are really struggling. Against this backdrop, I am incredibly proud of how M.O.B.A. delivers both operationally and financially, which is also a great testament to the fact that we are working from the right business model with a clear focus on creating growth within our operational areas.

First Quarter - Financial Overview
Revenues amounted to 66.4 MSEK (55.7), which means revenues increased by 19.3 percent compared to Q1 2023, and EBITDA amounted to 10.1 MSEK (2.7), an increase of 278 percent. We are also proud of a robust cash flow from ongoing operations of 10 MSEK (-3 MSEK) during the period.

High Operational Activity Yields Results
Operationally, the first quarter was intense on several fronts, and we intensified the development of our new Valorant product, which is planned to be launched shortly. We have also had very high activity in our YouTube network UFG, where we have entered an intensive growth phase together with our partner. During the second half of the quarter, this led to a significant net inflow of new important creators with a positive impact on our revenues, making UFG also show growth and improved profitability. The increased inflow of new creators during the first quarter has contributed new revenues that on an annual basis, Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR), amount to $6.7 MUSD.

Our portfolio of community sites increased revenues by 38% compared to the first quarter of 2023. We also have a high level of operational activity in this business segment, in line with what has previously been communicated, where we place great focus on increasing the quality of traffic acquisition. From the end of the second quarter, the operational focus will be strengthened by expanding the management team with a dedicated COO role.

The Porofessor App - Expanded Investments in App Development Projects
In-game advertising is now the hottest trend in the industry, and we are strong in this area. Our commitment to this dynamic arena demonstrates our ability to follow and lead market trends and create value for users, advertisers, and other stakeholders. M.O.B.A. has strategically decided to increase its investments in projects related to app development with in-game advertising as the primary revenue model. The decision results from the strong growth of the in-game app Porofessor and an assessed positive market outlook for the coming years, supported by external market analyses.
During the quarter, Porofessor reached the new and fantastic milestone of 13 million downloads.

As previously communicated, the group is developing a new in-game app with an associated community for the popular game Valorant, developed by the global game studio Riot, with a planned launch and integration into the company's portfolio during the first half of 2024. Additional in-game apps are planned to be developed and released after this launch.

Strong Start to the Second Quarter
The strong end to the first quarter is holding up during the first half of the second quarter, and revenues are steadily improving.

Strengthening the Organization
M.O.B.A. is undergoing organizational development and strengthening of the group management, which is natural as we grow and goes hand in hand with the strategy we have set for the company moving forward. We have long been a small and efficient team, and with additional strength and competence in the company, I look forward to continuing to develop the company as COO.

This will be my last report as I hand over the CEO role to Anders Ribbing, who takes office on June 3, and I will then take a comprehensive focus on operations in the role of COO. Moving forward, we have much to accomplish and an asset portfolio with all the possibilities for continued strong growth with good underlying profitability. I want to take this opportunity to thank the entire M.O.B.A. team, who all contribute to the company’s development and fantastic corporate culture, and the owners and partners who have supported the company during my time as CEO!

CEO – Björn Mannerqvist, 15th May 2024

Significant events during the period 1 January – 31 March 2024, in brief

    The company made the strategic decision to increase its investments in app development projects with in-game advertising as the primary revenue model. This decision followed the strong growth of the in-game app Porofessor and a projected positive market outlook for the coming years, which is also supported by external market analyses.As previously communicated, the company is developing a new in-game app and community for the extremely popular game Valorant, developed by the game studio Riot, with a planned launch and integration into the company's portfolio in the first half of 2024. Additional in-game apps will follow after this launch.
    The company has appointed Anders Ribbing as the new CEO, as part of the previously communicated strategic review. Anders will assume the role on June 3 24, 2024. Björn Mannerqvist, who has successfully led the company as co-founder and CEO, will continue to contribute to M.O.B.A.'s success in the role of COO. Anders Ribbing comes from a role as Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) at Everysport Group AB (publ) and has extensive experience successfully leading businesses based on digital products and services. Anders has held many key roles at major companies such as the TV4 Group and has also worked as a strategy consultant, CEO, and entrepreneur with successful exits behind him. Anders is well acquainted with the company's current business model and has broad experience in evaluating and applying new business models. In his new role as COO, Björn Mannerqvist will focus on optimizing the company's SEO and AI initiatives, as well as working on the existing business and new growth projects.

Significant events after the period 1 January – 31 March 2024

    On April 26, 2024, the group held its annual general meeting. The meeting resolved to approve the income statement and balance sheet, the consolidated income statement and balance sheet, and the allocation of the company's profit according to the adopted balance sheet. The meeting resolved to discharge the members of the board of directors and the CEO from liability. The re-election of board members Maria A. Grimaldi and Manfred Gottschlich, and the election of new member Mikael Gottschlich, were approved. Jonas Bertilsson was elected chairman. Fredrik Burvall and Henrik Henriksson declined re-election. Authorization was given to issue shares for a potential earn-out to the seller of Wargraphs S.A.S.

This information is information that M.O.B.A. Network is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, at 2024-05-15 07:30 CEST.
Quote:M.O.B.A. Network announces a buyback of the company's own corporate bonds to strengthen its financial position
26 juni 2024 09:00:00
Spoiler:  (click to show)

M.O.B.A. Network AB, a global leader in operating gaming communities and products, is pleased to announce the repurchase of parts of an issued bond, demonstrating the company's commitment to enhancing its financial strength.

M.O.B.A. Network has repurchased EUR 1 million of its own corporate bonds listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. These repurchases pertain to the company's bond loans (2023/2026) with an outstanding nominal amount of EUR 25 million (ISIN SE0020050540). The repurchase was made at 92.45% of the bonds' nominal value, for a total amount of EUR 924,500. M.O.B.A. Network now owns EUR 2.9 million (11.6%) of the bonds' outstanding nominal amount.

“By buying back bonds, below nominal value, we decrease our interest payments and net debt. This strategic move highlights our positive financial trajectory and underscores our ability to make such proactive financial decisions. We will keep reviewing our balance sheet and actively managing our capital structure to boost shareholder value," stated Anders Ribbing, CEO of M.O.B.A. Network.

For more information about the bond and M.O.B.A. Network, please visit the corporate website,

Anders Ribbing, CEO
Certified Adviser - FNCA Sweden AB

Edit: I'm no finacial talking guy but losing money and your bonds not being worth their full amount stikes me as bad?

Pepper Ann wrote:
Demon Lizardman wrote:Yeah, there was an old video of him and Chris doing "I identify as a helicopter" meme as well, can't find a link to it though
Ava. And clearly both of their views on that have changed on that.
This timing of this clarification when both of them are under scrutiny (and as Ava's thread slides without comment to the forgotten backpages of the forum) is peak Era.
(07-26-2024, 08:55 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(07-26-2024, 08:12 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: lol where's the bans, dubs? Believe all victims.

He better now because holy fuck  EAT FRESH

Can't believe they actually went: "Don't click on the porn channel kids"  lol
come tf on, jeez...
Faint wrote:Seeing more and more news about the Discord leaks but honestly it just makes me feel even worse for this Lava person. At first he comes forward defending Ava while lots of chuds were HOPING he was groomed and claiming he was paid off. Then he sees lots of stuff he very likely forgot about come forward and now has to condone the stuff in them, which will just have more people thinking he's acting in bad faith. I'm not sure how old he is now but I hope he doesn't come out of this situation fucked up. It's a lot of attention form someone not used to getting it.
I feel bad for the...well, the...not the victim of course, since Lava is not a victim. However, it is sad that Lava uh...misremembered. And now this will be used against him to prove that he...well...not lied...uh...not was groomed...but that he...y'know...well, it's just uncomfy to get so much attention!  Undecided
Lava is a victim. No matter if he tries to defend or not, he was clearly groomed and is going through a lot right now. I hope Chris gets hit with the force of the law.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower

The other huge red flag about replies like the one above is that it doesn't even mention the other guy, who Lava called a liar, but was able to verify all his claims. No sympathy to spare for a victim who says he was a victim, I suppose.

EDIT: It's actually absurd the more I think about it. If Lava is NOT a victim (which, c'mon) then at the very least, he immediately tried to shut down someone who stated from the jump that they were victimized. So Lava by default would be an awful person, especially by Era's usual standard. There should be less than zero sympathy in this case.

Forum Jump: