Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Reemerc wrote:I don't think we should start making stuff up, I think truth matters personally. They need to make things up because they have no factual basis for what they say and believe. We're right, we don't need to do that. If it's a race to the bottom for who can make up the most fake stuff and get people to believe it, I don't think that's a world you are gonna enjoy living in.

Ree mercury as the voice of reason? The mask is slipping


Nope, thankfully been fine meeting people through life or interests.

Damn, don't even need any of that stuff to meet people. I see the genocide is really taking its toll on 'ol Kuntless.

Someone needs to save them from the constant abuse of going to the movies and being out in public with friends having a great time.


Yeah, and it's not that uncommon. Lots of "social clubs" style groups have dues and stuff to keep the clubs going. I sang in a chorus for a few years, briefly joined a hiking club, I have a membership at a shared studio space that frequently hosts membership events. Stuff like that.

(Briefly) meaning he ate some trail mix one day.


I used to be part of the salsa scene in nyc.
damn I want some trail mix
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, nachobro

Nothing in particular, just the usual treasure trove of Epic tantrums. 

"I'll never support EPIC!...except when I buy games that are made on UE, which is all the time."

Wonder why you don't see shit like this when people have to sign up to AMC+ via Peacock or whatever the fuck. Sometimes I'll just say fuck it and not bother, but I'm not crying on the internet about it or review-bombing...*checks latest hit AMC+ show*...Interview with the Vampire, I guess.

I guess it's the flipside of "Twitter is a Country, I can't just leave!" style digital nationalism.
Wonder if the trans mafia will admit they have been defending/hiding a pedo now?

(07-26-2024, 12:22 PM)Bootsthecat wrote: Why yes of course I recall what I did or didn't do, when I was 4. I definitely knew I was a woman with a cock, so I fucking know I never said 'fabulous!'.#hatemydad

I found funny how she is bitching about stereotypes and remembering them wrong… but the actual “meat” against Musk (“he was never there and, when he was, he acted like an asshole dad.”) is reduced to a casual mention.

I don’t doubt that Musk is an awful dad (even if he is willing to spoil his children like going to League/DOTA tournaments and all that) but she seems like text book example of milestone transexual on the net.

Anyway, you need an special talent to be more unsympathetic that PostGrimms Elon Musk.
(07-26-2024, 04:47 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Wonder if the trans mafia will admit they have been defending/hiding a pedo now?

"I still believe I am not a grooming victim" 

Welp, glad Lava cleared this up via reaffirmation. It's all just a typical transphobic hate campaign.

Anyway, have you seen where Elon's daughter posted, bravely, "I don't like what you said, and disagree". Pop OFF, sis!

Tata for now~ 💋
(07-26-2024, 04:47 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Wonder if the trans mafia will admit they have been defending/hiding a pedo now?

“Harassed until the point of giving a false admission.” Trumps 

Look how is still saying “I was not groomed”.
(07-26-2024, 04:55 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(07-26-2024, 12:22 PM)Bootsthecat wrote: Why yes of course I recall what I did or didn't do, when I was 4. I definitely knew I was a woman with a cock, so I fucking know I never said 'fabulous!'.#hatemydad

I found funny how she is bitching about stereotypes and remembering them wrong… but the actual “meat” against Musk (“he was never there and, when he was, he acted like an asshole dad.”) is reduced to a casual mention.

I don’t doubt that Musk is an awful dad (even if he is willing to spoil his children like going to League/DOTA tournaments and all that) but she seems like text book example of milestone transexual on the net.

Anyway, you need an special talent to be more unsympathetic that PostGrimms Elon Musk.

I find it fucking hilarious that progs are all about 'single parenting is the best! #singlemoms!' but then proceed to throw out 'what a baaaad absentee dad!' like lol. 

Those lil fuckfaces have moms prob getting 50k/mo in child support etc. living like kings. 'oh I feel so bad for he/she/they'
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(07-26-2024, 05:12 PM)Bootsthecat wrote:
(07-26-2024, 04:55 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(07-26-2024, 12:22 PM)Bootsthecat wrote: Why yes of course I recall what I did or didn't do, when I was 4. I definitely knew I was a woman with a cock, so I fucking know I never said 'fabulous!'.#hatemydad

I found funny how she is bitching about stereotypes and remembering them wrong… but the actual “meat” against Musk (“he was never there and, when he was, he acted like an asshole dad.”) is reduced to a casual mention.

I don’t doubt that Musk is an awful dad (even if he is willing to spoil his children like going to League/DOTA tournaments and all that) but she seems like text book example of milestone transexual on the net.

Anyway, you need an special talent to be more unsympathetic that PostGrimms Elon Musk.

I find it fucking hilarious that progs are all about 'single parenting is the best! #singlemoms!' but then proceed to throw out 'what a baaaad absentee dad!' like lol. 

Those lil fuckfaces have moms prob getting 50k/mo in child support etc. living like kings. 'oh I feel so bad for he/she/they'


I will say this from experience (Just not loaded with cash, just economical stable), but I wish it was this easy.
(07-26-2024, 07:25 AM)benji wrote: Hey guys, while you're all maxing out donations to Kamala, don't forget MUTUAL AID for trans community members like games journalist Ana Valens. 🙏 wrote:Heya! My name is Ana Valens, I'm a journalist, VTuber, and audio content creator who recently left the games media industry. And I am very, very burnt out.

If I'm being honest, I've been struggling with burn out since well before 2021. I went hard -- really hard -- as a journalist at Daily Dot, and as a freelancer before that. When I made the switch over to GAMURS as a managing editor for We Got This Covered, I burnt out within my first few months. Even in my last job as an editorial strategist, fatigue, anxiety, depression, they were all knocking at the door day by day.

Things increasingly deteriorated at GAMURS (you can read about this at Aftermath here , which describes the company as "hell" and "a race to the bottom"), where I was switched over to an SEO/news writer. There, I couldn't hit my 4x article per day quota, and no job to stave off burn out existed for me as an alternative. No extended or medical leave was an option, either, as I was told time off would ultimately lead to the same path: Being put on a performance improvement plan. I was given an option to end up on a PIP without severance, or quit and take severance.

So I quit.

And I've been grinding out my content creation career ever since, creating video essays and audio content for my fans, putting all my energy toward the only job I can bear to have while carrying half a decade's worth of burn out on my back.

I've been blessed with early success (and a growing income), but I still need support. I'm not making enough yet to actually, sustainably pay my bills. Which are expensive, living in NYC! I'm close to depleting my savings. I haven't been able to take time to rest and recover, which gets in the way of working. Due to the state of the larger media landscape, freelance media jobs are particularly difficult to acquire and low paying. And taking them is often robbing Peter to pay Paul, hurting long-term income.

These days, I wake up every morning frightened the money won't be there in time, that I'll lose everything once my savings are gone. I have no additional safety net, nowhere else to go. There won't be a future left for me once that happens. I literally have no idea what I will do.

I could really use some help just as things come together. A dollar goes a long way to pay the bills, provide some remaining safety net, and just make sure I can get an occasional day off or two. As my VTuber income begins to become a full-time, sustainable income, anything extra from my GoFundMe will go to time to rest and recover from burn out.

Thank you all for the support and for shares. ILU <3
Quote:June 23rd, 2024
by Ana Valens, Organizer
Hi all!! Thank you SO SO MUCH to everyone who's donated ;w;. We're very, very close to hitting $3k! Literally just a couple hundred dollars away, which is nuts to think about.

If you could boost &amp; share to Twitter, IG, etc, I think we might hit the goal before the month ends.

Thanks again for your generosity and support over the past couple days. Y'all are wonderful, it means the world to me to have your donation at this time.

With love,

[Image: gZD8wF7.png]
(07-26-2024, 05:12 PM)Bootsthecat wrote:
(07-26-2024, 04:55 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(07-26-2024, 12:22 PM)Bootsthecat wrote: Why yes of course I recall what I did or didn't do, when I was 4. I definitely knew I was a woman with a cock, so I fucking know I never said 'fabulous!'.#hatemydad

I found funny how she is bitching about stereotypes and remembering them wrong… but the actual “meat” against Musk (“he was never there and, when he was, he acted like an asshole dad.”) is reduced to a casual mention.

I don’t doubt that Musk is an awful dad (even if he is willing to spoil his children like going to League/DOTA tournaments and all that) but she seems like text book example of milestone transexual on the net.

Anyway, you need an special talent to be more unsympathetic that PostGrimms Elon Musk.

I find it fucking hilarious that progs are all about 'single parenting is the best! #singlemoms!' but then proceed to throw out 'what a baaaad absentee dad!' like lol. 

Those lil fuckfaces have moms prob getting 50k/mo in child support etc. living like kings. 'oh I feel so bad for he/she/they'

To be real, no amount of money can ever substitute for the presence of an involved parent (which I may never be able to believe Elon was). 

Spoiler: No1curr  (click to show)
As I get older, I find myself morphing into one of those it-takes-a-village people. It's astounding how immediate and positive the impacts are when both parents are active in a child's life, and this effect magnifies when you factor in the presence of other valuable* adults like grandparents, aunts/uncles, older cousins, family friends, teachers, etc.

I do agree that the online discourse around this shit is confused beyond recovery though. The superhero single parent who can model all visions of adulthood simply can't exist, and that fantasy isn't fair to kids or single moms (or dads, or whomevers). 

*valuable defined as: safe, trustworthy, non-internet-brain-poisoned, knows how to engage appropriately with children without being patronizing or dismissive. Endangered species, I do admit.
(07-26-2024, 11:44 AM)Venice wrote:

Thread title: Elon Musk's trans daughter, Vivian Jenna Wilson, absolutely eviscerates him on Threads after he deadnames and misgenders her in interview and Twitter

Elon's Post:

[Image: 6f3579650445836c17513b239ea441b0]

Elon's kids response:

Elon Musks's Daughter wrote:"This is entirely fake. Like, literally none of this ever happened. Ever. I don't even know where he got this from. My best guess is that he went to the Milo Yiannopoulis school of gay stereotypes, just picked some at random and said "eh- good enough" in a last-ditch attempt to garner sympathy points when he is so obviously in the wrong even in his own fucking story."

"I did not have a "love of musicals & theatre" when I was four, because y'know… I was fucking four. I did not know what these things were. My earliest real experience with musicals was when my twin brother had a hamilton phase in 8th/9th grade and overplayed it so much in the car to the point where for a long time I swore off the entire genre."

"I never picked out jackets for him to wear and I was most certainly not calling them "fabulous" because literally what the fuck. I did not use the word fabulous when I was four because once again I would like to reiterate… I was four. Like this is so obvious I don't even think it warrants explanation but apparently people believe this nonsense so here I am."

"This entire thing is completely made up and there's a reason for this. He doesn't know what I was like as a child because he quite simply wasn't there, and in the little time that he was I was relentlessly harassed for my femininity and queerness. Obviously he can't say that, so I've been reduced to a happy little stereotype f*g-ing along to use at his discretion. I think that says alot about how he views queer people and children in general."

"As for if I'm not a woman… sure, Jan. Whatever you say. I'm legally recognized as a woman in the state of California and I don't concern myself with the opinions of those who are below me. Obviously Elon can't say the same because in a ketamine-fueled haze, he's desperate for attention and validation from an army of degenerate red-pilled incels and pick-mes who are quick to give it to him. Go touch some fucking grass✨"


Elon's daughter: GAMERGATE!

Era's Response:  Sickos

Elon Musk:  Elon

I remember more about my kids at 4 than they do...ahh, fuck, why am I even defending a cock like Elon. Everyone is an arsehole here.
(07-26-2024, 04:47 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Wonder if the trans mafia will admit they have been defending/hiding a pedo now?

stolen from reddit
[Image: 8Xj0Uyx.png]
Hey, I agree, I was making fun of ree etc mindset.

But, let's be real. In this particular case, kid who doesn't see daddy, but does get a taste of his lifestyle, especially when it's richest guy on earth so prob a great fucking lifestyle. Comes out with this garbage, and gets 'absentee dad' sympathy points or what have you, lol. #transrightsarehumanrights
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(07-26-2024, 05:25 PM)DavidCroquet wrote:
(07-26-2024, 05:12 PM)Bootsthecat wrote:
(07-26-2024, 04:55 PM)Boredfrom wrote: I found funny how she is bitching about stereotypes and remembering them wrong… but the actual “meat” against Musk (“he was never there and, when he was, he acted like an asshole dad.”) is reduced to a casual mention.

I don’t doubt that Musk is an awful dad (even if he is willing to spoil his children like going to League/DOTA tournaments and all that) but she seems like text book example of milestone transexual on the net.

Anyway, you need an special talent to be more unsympathetic that PostGrimms Elon Musk.

I find it fucking hilarious that progs are all about 'single parenting is the best! #singlemoms!' but then proceed to throw out 'what a baaaad absentee dad!' like lol. 

Those lil fuckfaces have moms prob getting 50k/mo in child support etc. living like kings. 'oh I feel so bad for he/she/they'

To be real, no amount of money can ever substitute for the presence of an involved parent (which I may never be able to believe Elon was). 

Spoiler: No1curr  (click to show)
As I get older, I find myself morphing into one of those it-takes-a-village people. It's astounding how immediate and positive the impacts are when both parents are active in a child's life, and this effect magnifies when you factor in the presence of other valuable* adults like grandparents, aunts/uncles, older cousins, family friends, teachers, etc.

I do agree that the online discourse around this shit is confused beyond recovery though. The superhero single parent who can model all visions of adulthood simply can't exist, and that fantasy isn't fair to kids or single moms (or dads, or whomevers). 

*valuable defined as: safe, trustworthy, non-internet-brain-poisoned, knows how to engage appropriately with children without being patronizing or dismissive. Endangered species, I do admit.

People should still respect single mom/dad parents but is clear to me that a family unit is the ideal. It shouldn’t be forced, mind you, but absolutely helps the child development. 

I love my mother for trying to rise after dad died, but it was difficult as hell and I m not exactly in a ideal place of life. Still, in the end this are my decisions on life the reason why I’m in the place I’m am, but another parental figure would have helped.

But:  No1curr
(07-26-2024, 02:32 PM)Straight Edge wrote:
(07-26-2024, 01:32 PM)Uncle wrote:
(07-26-2024, 12:36 AM)Potato wrote: What if my only ability is shitty furry porn and my needs are a luxurious lifestyle with free everything? 


Social Justice Warrior

thread's been moving fast for the last few days but this is a good post

it feels like what era types and other internet communists have done is pretend socialism/communism is imminent or already here, and to achieve the most personal utility in that world, you maximize your gains by minimizing your utility to the state

you say ohhh yeah I'll do my part to the best of my ability, it's just a shame that my autism is flaring up again, I don't have many spoons today, and then there's my self-diagnosed gluten intolerance when the state just keeps giving us bread and that makes me sluggish  Gloomy

problem is despite their best efforts, the real world still rewards/requires genuine effort in most cases, hence their suffering and continued efforts to tear down anything promoting personal responsibility

they want communism so they can continue to lie about their own lack of merit and be rewarded for it

[Image: OZDEAyY.png]

There is a curious lack of doctors, scientists, and engineers in this utopia.

Or farmers, miners, metalworkers, carpenters, mechanics, plumbers, electricians, builders, actual bakers (not, "I make cookies teehee 🤭), tailors, cobblers or any sort of trade.
(07-26-2024, 05:32 PM)Bootsthecat wrote: Hey, I agree, I was making fun of ree etc mindset.

But, let's be real. In this particular case, kid who doesn't see daddy, but does get a taste of his lifestyle, especially when it's richest guy on earth so prob a great fucking lifestyle. Comes out with this garbage, and gets 'absentee dad' sympathy points or what have you, lol. #transrightsarehumanrights

I dunno man, a druggy rich dad that is barely there and has like 10 more children from different women is kind of fuck off situation. She was a privileged person, for sure, but I can’t say she was happy one. 

She doesn’t gain sympathy in that statement because she focuses so much on “this didn’t happen because I don’t remember because I was 4”  Smug
(07-26-2024, 04:13 PM)DavidCroquet wrote:

Nothing in particular, just the usual treasure trove of Epic tantrums. 

"I'll never support EPIC!...except when I buy games that are made on UE, which is all the time."

Wonder why you don't see shit like this when people have to sign up to AMC+ via Peacock or whatever the fuck. Sometimes I'll just say fuck it and not bother, but I'm not crying on the internet about it or review-bombing...*checks latest hit AMC+ show*...Interview with the Vampire, I guess.

I guess it's the flipside of "Twitter is a Country, I can't just leave!" style digital nationalism.

PC gamers and severe autism? 
In any case, Elon fucked up when he decided to approve the transitioning when she was 16. lol 

And she should consider that those boobs come from daddy’s money. Trumps
Thank God for Kiwifarms for going through those logs.  lol
(07-26-2024, 05:36 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(07-26-2024, 05:25 PM)DavidCroquet wrote:
(07-26-2024, 05:12 PM)Bootsthecat wrote: I find it fucking hilarious that progs are all about 'single parenting is the best! #singlemoms!' but then proceed to throw out 'what a baaaad absentee dad!' like lol. 

Those lil fuckfaces have moms prob getting 50k/mo in child support etc. living like kings. 'oh I feel so bad for he/she/they'

To be real, no amount of money can ever substitute for the presence of an involved parent (which I may never be able to believe Elon was). 

Spoiler: No1curr  (click to show)
As I get older, I find myself morphing into one of those it-takes-a-village people. It's astounding how immediate and positive the impacts are when both parents are active in a child's life, and this effect magnifies when you factor in the presence of other valuable* adults like grandparents, aunts/uncles, older cousins, family friends, teachers, etc.

I do agree that the online discourse around this shit is confused beyond recovery though. The superhero single parent who can model all visions of adulthood simply can't exist, and that fantasy isn't fair to kids or single moms (or dads, or whomevers). 

*valuable defined as: safe, trustworthy, non-internet-brain-poisoned, knows how to engage appropriately with children without being patronizing or dismissive. Endangered species, I do admit.

People should still respect single mom/dad parents but is clear to me that a family unit is the ideal. It shouldn’t be forced, mind you, but absolutely helps the child development. 

I love my mother for trying to rise after dad died, but it was difficult as hell and I m not exactly in a ideal place of life. Still, in the end this are my decisions on life the reason why I’m in the place I’m am, but another parental figure would have helped.

But:  No1curr

Man, my partner is overseas for work for a month and I'm barely holding things down with my kids with the full support of all 4 grandparents, a bunch of uncles and aunts, ability to work from home, and a solid middle class financial situation. 

Go hug your Mum and make her a cup of Abuelita
[Image: 81whYyrlH0L_1200x.jpg?v=1654917050]
Quote:OP should have a talk with the store owner, a kid paying with such large amounts of money should have ringed the bells, but I guess greed was in the way.


Good morning shopkeeper. I’ve discovered my child has spent my life savings in your shop. Can I have imy money back pleez
Liquidsnake wrote:I live in Santa Monica and it's a disaster zone. For those that live out of state go to the YouTube channel German in Venice and just look at his latest from Santa Monica. It's a disaster. It's a ghost town. It's scary and I'm trying to save money to get out of this city and state, I fear my mom walking her dog at night. She's been accosted and chased by a very mentally unwell person. It's sucks to always have your head on a swivel. Just getting out of my car and going to Starbucks in a strip mall this guy approached me and told me he was going to kill me. I never met him before in my life. My brother who lives with our mom bought a gun after his car had been broken into several times, because when we call the police, they don't show up for hours, and very rarely do they do anything, they have flat out told him if they arrest them they'll be out in 10 minutes.
HommePomme wrote:Everyone seems to be saying it's "getting really bad" and I think a lot of it is fearmongering and national news / internet signal boosting a lot of this. Apps like Citizen where people can endlessly read about small crime all over their city, even if they're rarely affected
(07-26-2024, 05:57 PM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:OP should have a talk with the store owner, a kid paying with such large amounts of money should have ringed the bells, but I guess greed was in the way.


Good morning shopkeeper. I’ve discovered my child has spent my life savings in your shop. Can I have imy money back pleez
That reminds me when I was an arcade manager back in the day. I went to do the deposit one morning and noticed there was a bunch of silver quarters in my changer. It was enough of them that I had a hunch as to what happened. Sure enough. The next day a dad comes in looking real worried. He says his son came in and spent his coin collection. Lucky for him. I was a coin collector and a nice guy. I told him I noticed them right away and set them aside thinking somebody would come looking for them. I guess his kid tried to put his older paper money and other coins into the changer but the changer kept rejecting them.  lol
(07-26-2024, 05:57 PM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:OP should have a talk with the store owner, a kid paying with such large amounts of money should have ringed the bells, but I guess greed was in the way.


Good morning shopkeeper. I’ve discovered my child has spent my life savings in your shop. Can I have imy money back pleez

I don't see the problem, you just open the trade menu and shuffle some silver around, maybe toss in some crafting materials to make it an even trade. I do it all the time.

Mr. Worldwide
(07-26-2024, 06:08 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Liquidsnake wrote:I live in Santa Monica and it's a disaster zone. For those that live out of state go to the YouTube channel German in Venice and just look at his latest from Santa Monica. It's a disaster. It's a ghost town. It's scary and I'm trying to save money to get out of this city and state, I fear my mom walking her dog at night. She's been accosted and chased by a very mentally unwell person. It's sucks to always have your head on a swivel. Just getting out of my car and going to Starbucks in a strip mall this guy approached me and told me he was going to kill me. I never met him before in my life. My brother who lives with our mom bought a gun after his car had been broken into several times, because when we call the police, they don't show up for hours, and very rarely do they do anything, they have flat out told him if they arrest them they'll be out in 10 minutes.
HommePomme wrote:Everyone seems to be saying it's "getting really bad" and I think a lot of it is fearmongering and national news / internet signal boosting a lot of this. Apps like Citizen where people can endlessly read about small crime all over their city, even if they're rarely affected

San-Francisco police driving around seeing all the mentally ill drug addicted thugs they're not allowed to arrest beating up the yt nerds and stealing their shit.

[Image: n4I-bg.gif]
(07-26-2024, 09:13 AM)benji wrote: wrote:
Quote:You can't just do that stuff and expect zero consequences. That's just not a realistic expectation in a modern society.
Much worse is being done constantly by powerful individuals and organizations, all with close to zero consequences. Actions that will affect everyone. That was the whole point of this protest.
Chucking soup on a painting that's protected by glass is nothing. If you're keen on these protestors getting harsh punishment for this, you've lost perspective.

(07-26-2024, 10:48 AM)Polident wrote: The just stop oil people suck so hard people think they’re a psyop from corporations to sour the populous on environmentalism.
Did you see the Stonehenge one. An elderly Japanese lady tourist was trying to make them stop and these jackasses are pushing her away to vandalize the monument.

Is it open season on using cultural artifacts for political protests?  Look out Nazca lines, papa needs lower taxes.
(07-26-2024, 05:52 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Thank God for Kiwifarms for going through those logs.  lol

Mr. Beast is paying $1000/hr private investigators to find the dirt, but a bunch of obsessives do it faster, just for fun, for free!


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