Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Reading more of the "men are terrible drivers" thread.

Welp, looks like I was wrong; the self hating men have risen up to browbeat other posters daring to point out why generalizing people is bad. Telling male posters to check their privilege, get thicker skin, accept that men are shit, deal with it, get over it, fuck off, etc.

Why are they so aggressively confrontational in being cucks? Is it a fetish for them? Do their little dicks get hard when they get talked down by terminally online angry fat liberal women? Do they get more erect as they tell other men to shut up and take it?
(08-24-2024, 09:09 PM)Nintex wrote: Star Wars died with Episode 2 and since then they've just been dragging the corpse around. 

I understand why though. Mark Hamill had/has nothing going other than Star Wars and that goes for many of the 'one hit wonders' involved that kept the flame going. Same for George Lucas, sure he sold his company to Disney, but by then the whole thing was already dead outside of video games and merchandising. A new Lucas directed Star Wars film would've been an expensive venture in 2012 and in no way a guaranteed success competing with cape films. 
When it was sold to Disney in 2012, actors and directors alike used it simply to cash in at a time when nothing but super hero movies were greenlit. 
The only reason Star Wars is still relevant is some iconic designs from Empire Strikes Back and Disney pumping billions into it.  

It's starting to fade though, fewer and fewer people have actually seen the original trilogy and Disney released so much trash that only the fans they 'bought' care anymore.

Nintex is right. Episode 2 is the real death point. Scenes designed around video game levels and a nonsensical script which was just insulting.
4 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Nintex, Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D
Nepenthe gets more push back for generalising male drivers than she did for her sustained antisemitic pro-hamas banning and ranting campaign

I also love the occasional non-sequitur mod post in a 'Nepenthe fucked up again' thread. She's obviously sitting there on the discords complaining that nobody understands her true genius while a crisis team tries to talk her down from posting racisms that she believes she is epistemologically incapable of committing. Some budding sycophant looking for patronage from the tyrant will try to make light of it all every time, looking for that pat on the head in return.
You know, I am extremely fucking sick of ResetERA repeatedly saying that "men are fragile" everytime there's pushback against some nut crying about straight men.

ResetERA is the one of most fucking fragile places on the internet. Anything and everything can end up hurting a mentally ill person's fragile feelings at any given moment.

Terminally online leftists and queer people do this shit all the time, and it's extremely frustrating. Gaslighting at it's worst.
(08-25-2024, 06:58 AM)BananaBlast wrote: Reading more of the "men are terrible drivers" thread.

Welp, looks like I was wrong; the self hating men have risen up to browbeat other posters daring to point out why generalizing people is bad. Telling male posters to check their privilege, get thicker skin, accept that men are shit, deal with it, get over it, fuck off, etc.

Why are they so aggressively confrontational in being cucks? Is it a fetish for them? Do their little dicks get hard when they get talked down by terminally online angry fat liberal women? Do they get more erect as they tell other men to shut up and take it?
(08-25-2024, 07:11 AM)BananaBlast wrote: You know, I am extremely fucking sick of ResetERA repeatedly saying that "men are fragile" everytime there's pushback against some nut crying about straight men.

ResetERA is the one of most fucking fragile places on the internet. Anything and everything can end up hurting a mentally ill person's fragile feelings at any given moment.

Terminally online leftists and queer people do this shit all the time, and it's extremely frustrating. Gaslighting at it's worst.
Fragile cishet male alert. Social Justice Warrior 2
(08-25-2024, 07:11 AM)BananaBlast wrote: You know, I am extremely fucking sick of ResetERA repeatedly saying that "men are fragile" everytime there's pushback against some nut crying about straight men.

ResetERA is the one of most fucking fragile places on the internet. Anything and everything can end up hurting a mentally ill person's fragile feelings at any given moment.

Terminally online leftists and queer people do this shit all the time, and it's extremely frustrating. Gaslighting at it's worst.

Have you considered that, for bullshit reasons, the rules don't apply to some people and do others, and power comes through the barrel of a ban button?
(08-25-2024, 07:19 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: Have you considered that, for bullshit reasons, the rules don't apply to some people and do others, and power comes through the barrel of a ban button?
I know, but I'm just absolutely sick of them always pushing equality, equity, problematic this, problematic that, people being discriminated against, etc.

Like, we all know it's a fucking lie, just fucking stop it already. They should just outright say that "we hate straight men, we hate white people, we don't like black people who aren't indoctorinated in our woke queer nonsense, we hate sexy women, etc." 

I'm just baffled they keep the lies going on for so long. It's beyond disgusting.
Wait, we're not allowed to hate white people?  ???
Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: white-people.gif?1301003321]
(08-25-2024, 01:45 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:Been subscribed to KatBlaque for years; not telling me anything new.

Watching it now, but the title of the video is something I've always just kinda had a finger on. Transphobes hardly ever talk about the dangers, perversion, or sickness of trans men. It's almost always about trans women, whom they assume are just men who are so mentally ill that they would stoop down to the level of wanting to be a....ugh, woman. It's a sheer debasement to them, because why would anyone ever volunteer to be the inferior gender?
Tell me you've never read any TERFs without telling me.

Platy wrote:They hardly ever talk about trans men because
1) what they say about trans people fall apart when they aply it to trans men
2) they are misoginistics in other ways, like the poor women who don't know what they are doing
Quote:A lot of transphobia seems to just be misogyny and homophobia (and frankly a lot of homophobia is also driven by misogyny).

- Putting down women in sports.
- concern is always about transwomen, transmen are treated as if they don't exist. I've seen so many claims from right wingers where they strongly imply that there's absolutely no such thing as trans men.
Quote:Never thought about it like this. Makes you wonder if it's also some kind of fear of "I don't want to be tricked into finding a trans woman attractive cause that must mean I'm gay". Wild.
Quote:Yep. I told this exact thing to my sister who was complaining about some this, and she went wide eyed. It genuinely does not cross their mind that this is part of it until they're told.
Quote:I've never thought about it from this perspective, that's kind of blown my mind, it makes all the sense in the world. They hate women so much that seeing what they consider to be feminine traits in men sends them into homophobic hatred. They see trans women as almost...traitors to the male gender. "How dare you give up being a man to be a woman! How dare you make me feel attraction for you, quit making me gay!", or whatever their weirdo mind is saying to them. Holy fuck...that really has blown my mind a bit.
Quote:Yes, this is the endpoint as has been pointed out by literally everyone critical of TERF's. If you get too fixated on what a woman is, you scare off all the reasonable voices because they think you're weird and instead let in the fascist ones, and because of that, sooner or later your definition of what a woman is is so skewed you end up attacking cis AFAB women that don't fit into your increasingly narrow, increasingly misogynistic definition of gender conformity.

JK Rowling can eat shit.
These people literally do not understand the concerns of their ideological opponents so they can even get to dismissing them. lol

The central theories of the trans movement are so misogynistic and homophobic that they posit that neither women nor homosexuals are a thing, merely states of mind.

I literally have no clue what the "it doesn't apply to trans men" thing is even supposed to mean but these morons say it all the the fucking time everywhere. Dead
Reply wrote:Lots of Americans trying to dismiss the US's funding of the Palestinian genocide as "just a single issue", saying that there are bigger issues to worry about, but it isn't a single issue at all, it is literally every issue that so-called progressives pretend to care about.

The right to bodily autonomy? Palestinians are being denied that thanks to their bodies being blown apart by the bombs sent by the US.

Gay rights? Gay Palestinians are being killed by the bombs sent by the US.

Trans rights? Trans Palestinians are being massacred by the bombs sent by the US.

The right to Religious Freedom? Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Palestinians are all being murdered by the bombs sent by the US.

People who claim to care about these rights, but want to bury their heads in the sand when they're complicit in denying those same rights to others they deem unworthy are not allies to anyone. They only want to maintain their own peaceful ignorance as others suffer out of sight.
JonesiiiFromtheMoon wrote:mhhmmm.

And women's rights.

But nah it's easier to just put it all under Gaza and call it a single issue
Booshka wrote:It's a broader issue that addresses policing in this country, with the IDF training American police- riot police tactics and cop cities.

The surveillance state and borders with Elbit systems being utilized on our borders and in indigenous reservations.

Medical apartheid with inequal access to healthcare, vaccines, etc.

Pink washing and greenwashing imperialism and the arms industry.

The GHG emissions of arms transfers and the destruction of Gaza is out of control, while there are plans for Gaza Marine offshore drilling that has Israel and the US primed to control those resources.

Pension funds and public colleges being invested in these Israeli institutions that they admit it's too difficult to untangle their investment portfolios when they are called on to divest.

The demand for a free Palestine isn't a single issue, it is a great distillation of most of the issues that anti imperialist and anti capitalist activists agitate to dismantle.
Jeb wrote:Not only that but it should circumvent all other issues on your priority list, we are dealing with mass death.

Children losing their entire families, their limbs, their futures.

They did not do anything wrong, they were just born in the wrong place and time and now they have to endure mass suffering for it.

And these selfish fucks that yell "sInGLe IsSuE" are sitting there trying to enjoy their college loans getting canceled without thinking of the father carrying his beheaded child for it.

They wanna be happy with those Dark Brandon memes without thinking about what else their blood soaked president is doing.
Rosenkrantz wrote:It's a feature, not a bug. Biden can do no wrong. He's a holy figure who shouldn't be held accountable for any wrongdoings done in his name or with his co-signing.

Honestly, it's a dangerously cult like behaviour. The level of mental gymnastics of someone who goes out of their way to say that Biden is the sole reason why there's still Gazans in Gaza or variation of that is astonishing.
Spinduke, On Break wrote:
effingvic wrote:We're getting another middle east war
This is my read on the situation as well. By refusing to stop arming a military force that is subjugating an entire people to an ethnic cleansing project, the only outcome is one where it spirals further. There is no coddling or begging them to stop. Any president worth their salt knows this, and I can only conclude that Biden rather take the region to war than to force a concession out of Israel. There are no red lines.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Fuck white people
Fuck white men
Fuck white women and their tears
and FUCK white gay men
I better see likes or you fucks are white adjacent.
(08-25-2024, 12:04 AM)BananaBlast wrote: Oh, this is a good time to bring up something I noticed back around early April during the Stellar Blade meltdown.

In the burka thread (the "why women criticize" thread), a brand new user posted a video of a Korean beauty model making fun of how woke western gamers believe hot women didn't exist outside of video games. She proceeded to show herself posing sexily to prove that women like her exist.

Boom. Gone. Reduced to atoms.

It was the first time I ever saw a ResetEra post and account get totally vaporized. No "user banned: permanent" or red text editing out the post. The post and user were scrubbed clean, never to be seen again.

(08-24-2024, 11:56 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Asian women rights end where Trans women opinions begin, chud.
Wait, don't tell me..... is Naiad trans?

Easier to assume that any woman on Resetera is trans than not. It's statistically more likely.
Quote:I think it's impressive that you found the one case where a demographic generalization supported by statistics (from insurance companies, of all things) is considered acceptable

As I sit on a toilet (invented by a white guy) typing on my phone (invented by a white guy) using the internet (invented by a white guy), all I can think about is without them we wouldn't have the dreadful cobalt mining operations in the Congo. Or at least I wouldn’t have known about it, or anything happening outside of a couple hundred yards.
[Image: ZrxxHKK.png]

Looks like the chuds are on era now!
(08-25-2024, 04:04 AM)Echelon wrote:

Fiction wrote:A woman anticipating men getting super upset about a comment nit directed specifically at them persinally isn't a conspiracy it's why we choose the bear.

I want you to choose the bear. In fact, go for a long hike tomorrow.

They love that "punching up" argument because that's what they view as egalitarianism and equality: It's ok to punch the person at the top because they're responsible for all the sins by association. It's not enough to bring others up to the same level, they relish in the idea of pitchforks and torches too much.

Also, I'm starting to think Nep's immense hostility to white people is some sort of projection because she's really into white guys but they never gave her the time of day because she smells bad or would start talking about Lenin.

If the bear attacked them, who would they be calling for help? 

Dumb cunts...
(08-25-2024, 04:07 AM)benji wrote: Nepenthe's actually a perfect example of why "leftist education" achieves no systemic change. (Even though actual leftist education has, just look at the size of the modern state and the amount of cops.) She's never bothered to do any actual learning about subjects, she's probably far too stupid to do this but she's definitely not interested. She's never bothered to actually do any "leftist" learning, again likely stupidity plays a role here but mostly she takes it on faith that she understands completely. She has grasped some vague theories and a shitload of buzzwords from morons, all of which she believes confirms that everything she dislikes is part of a malicious and powerful evil plot against her personally. And thus, the answer is the complete destruction of society and human history so the "natural" state in which Nepenthe is the greatest person on Earth and has to do nothing to enjoy a furry utopia comes about.

At no point, ever (apparently about much of anything), has she stopped to ask "well, how does this work?" She literally believes in voluntarism, the will to power. The more complex something is the more she believes it's superficially simple and you just have to have greater will to destroy it and rebuild it in your own image. She proclaims the complexity of her beliefs only to suppress criticism of its incoherence, ignorance, incompleteness and contradictory nature but in reality she views complex issues as stark simplistic concepts that only need slogans used against them. In her mind it's purely weakness that refuses to sweep away all social structures and institutions at the drop of a hat on the idea that something better (details TBD) can be forced into being by the pure will of one's self. To avoid the "complexity" of her actual personal reality she has complete control over she refocuses her existence on the cosmic importance of her place in an existential struggle with Satan and seeks to convince you that her fervent belief in utter nonsense is a sacrifice for all. To quote a philosophical masterpiece: "I bet your parents taught you that you mean something, that you're here for a reason. My parents taught me a different lesson, dying in the gutter for no reason at all... They taught me the world only makes sense if you force it to." (Also: "You're going to go to war?" "That son of a bitch brought the war to us. Jesus, Alfred.")

The irony, of course, that her actual reason for being is to not do anything. She wants to be rewarded simply for existing. So the burden must always be shifted to others: capitalism, "leftists"/liberals on "video game" forums, posters on video game forums, other staff members, etc. It's their duty to achieve her will. And all she knows to achieve this is hectoring and chastising and whining. Yet somehow it never works. Clearly the problem is other people need to educate themselves more.

All those words just to say that Nepler is a dumb fuck? 

Jesus Benji
(08-25-2024, 06:47 AM)D3RANG3D wrote: [Image: tW757fw.png]

Spoiler:  (click to show)

Bonus content a PS5 with games! omg
Fucking champ. I love you man.

Benji, do the right thing and add this to the list
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D


I think Nep might be right. White folks just don't care. Black woman talks about JK Rowling and it's STILL on its first page. If it was some white trans person the TransMafia would be shilling it light crazy.
(08-25-2024, 06:01 AM)BananaBlast wrote:
(08-25-2024, 05:58 AM)Cauliflower Of Love wrote: welcome back marrec

Marrec was a guy with some wild notions (that people should listen to their doctor)

Quote:There is also a component of whom the OP is, which adds fuel to their fire (as in their fire is already there), since regardless of if the rule would be enforced for a normal user or not, I think we all know that it certainly won't be enforced by other mods on another mod, since I'm sure ERA moderators are no different from other places, as in they don't like to moderate posts of other moderators, and I don't think it is a controversial statement to say that when the person who is supposed to enforce the rules, breaks said rules it always feels more wrong than when a non moderator does it.


Quote:So mods are basically cops?

Thank you for your service!
Quote:You don't doubt people are upset by a mod ignoring the rules... *and* were expecting that to happen? Then why make the thread? It seems like a bad trade to undermine the guidelines like that just to do some random venting. (If anything, staff should try *extra* hard to stick to the letter, even if it makes things a little less "fun", heavy weighs the crown &c. Doing otherwise only makes things harder in the long run.)

QueenNepNep wrote:Because a man pissed me off.

Saying the quiet part out loud there. But don't call her a fragile snowflake, oh no! She's leading a revolution against capitalism and whitey from that Versa!
(08-25-2024, 08:06 AM)Potato wrote: Easier to assume that any woman on Resetera is trans than not. It's statistically more likely.
True, but I feel like a good amount of them wouldn't pass up the chance to claim that badge so they can wave around their oppressed status more than usual. I guess some trans users are insecure about them being trans, while others sure love touting it around.

I forget the user, but there was one user who I assumed was a biological woman for a long time, but they offhandedly mentioned they were trans, and it changed my whole perspective on them. 

Gave their incessant "I'm a woman, hear me roar" bleating a whole different meaning, that's for sure.

(08-25-2024, 08:34 AM)malfoyking wrote: [Image: ZrxxHKK.png]

Looks like the chuds are on era now!
What topic? I'm anticipating a ban, and I'm curious what the reason will be.
No clue who is running the forum, but there’s a really simple way to tangibly improve the discourse and by extension lives of every user there. Inaction is a choice.
Nobody would miss Nep if she were removed from the site.
(08-25-2024, 10:34 AM)BananaBlast wrote:
(08-25-2024, 08:34 AM)malfoyking wrote: [Image: ZrxxHKK.png]

Looks like the chuds are on era now!
What topic? I'm anticipating a ban, and I'm curious what the reason will be.

Everyone roasting the characters now. Wonder if someone will start shouting at them about inclusivity

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