Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment

Guy had an AK-47. Iranian agent?

Quote:Sean Hannity says the shooter was within 200 yards of Trump with the AK.
Again within 200 yards. Crazy. Just crazy.
Hope it ain't a gay Haitian transbian.
(09-15-2024, 07:58 PM)Potato wrote: Whoo

Huh? You gonna need to explain that one.

You couldn't disable sixaxis motion controls in lair until they patched that in, but using controllers without motion or streaming to psp would disable motion

Didn't matter either way cause that game was terrible
(09-15-2024, 08:55 PM)books wrote: Hope it ain't a gay Haitian transbian.

Where's Hachikoma at
I wonder how quickly they're going to "Oswald" the shooter. Sounds more and more like a professional hit.
He should not have fucked with Swifties. Those folks are nuts.
(09-15-2024, 04:48 PM)Averon wrote:
Looks like gay men are no better than chud cis men:

Patsy wrote:Thing is, being queer or gay doesn't make queer/gay men any less, well, men. And men, no matter their sexuality, will never fully understand lesbians & be able to talk about us & the things we go through in society. It's especially frustrating just how often I've witnessed cis gay men in particular be lesbophobic & everything but understanding of lesbians. Which was especially harrowing as a baby lesbian when I was just happy to see anyone queer in my small city. Or just look at how lesbians in media are discussed both on & off Era - chances are high that if it's not a straight-up only lesbian/sapphic space, men will sooner or later try to take over the conversation or make it all about themselves. That's how we always get dudes butting into convos about lesbian representation going off about how they feel like they're less represented than lesbians & that actually we're so overrepresented because straight men love us while completely ignoring that fetishization is everything but representation, support & love. You'll have dudes claim that there's an overabundance of butch lesbians in media, but then are unable to name a single one. Stuff like that is fine if you come across it for the first or second even third time in your life, but after that it just becomes more & more grating.

Gay men thought they escaped Original Sin for being born male ufup

Quote:Like, I don't want to step on any toes here & I know plenty of queer men that behave properly when it comes to lesbians & don't make us feel uncomfortable, but I can't think of a single thread where lesbians in media have been the focus in a topic on Era that was longer than a single page or two that didn't have lesbians be vocal about feeling uncomfortable with how we were talked about by men. seroun is far from the only lesbian/sapphic person in this thread alone that has voiced concerns about how men on Era talk about lesbians & women in general. This is, frankly, about lesbians & sapphic people feeling uncomfortable due to it being everything but the first instance of people on Era being weird about lesbians & women. Era already is quite awful to be on whenever men try to act like they know more about sexualization, fetishisation, and misogyny than women do or try to blame women for x thing they're struggling with instead of their fellow men, so naturally it doesn't feel any less shit when the focus is put on lesbians instead. Era isn't unique in that ofc & obviously much better than less moderated places with even less lesbians present, but that doesn't mean lesbians should just ignore their own feelings on these topics.

Now we know that a goddam lie, as there are plenty of examples on ERA where self proclaimed lesbians, especially trans-lesbians, gets away will all sorts of stuff that hetero-ERA would be instantly banned if they did the same.

Quote:Nobody has said that we absolutely do not want to talk about Chappell or other lesbian artists on here, but I think it's important to acknowledge that Era isn't really a safe space where we can feel like we're just together with other lesbians or sapphic folk because this forum is still largely men & public to boot. Once you've had gross fuckers from other sites send you the most disgusting DMs after finding your other social media accounts you don't really ever go back to feeling 100% safe to be super personal on here. Sorry, this kinda ended up being all over the place lmao & I absolutely get where you're coming from, but I think when it comes to lesbians feeling uncomfortable about how threads with us as a topic often go, it's kinda useless to go "Eh, I don't agree with this for x reason". Because, with nothing but love & a deep respect, you're not in our skin & might not even recognize or feel uncomfortable by microaggressions & just language that's often used against us that might sound fairly normal to even other queer folks.

Obviously folks want Chappell to be talked about. Because an openly, vocally lesbian artist with explicitly lesbian music who is well-known beyond just you & your two dozen sapphic friends is so goddamn rare for us. People are just voicing their concerns over how she's being/will be talked about going by their own experiences on & off Era.
Translation: We lesbians are still higher than you on the oppression totem pole. Remember that, you disgusting male ufup

Gay men have been mocked, beaten, murdered and worse simply for being gay but fellas, you haven’t suffered like this “baby lesbian” (what the fuck is that?) has. Onto the trash heap with us straight cis men you go!
(09-15-2024, 06:16 PM)killamajig wrote: It's like their line...
"Listen to trans people"
"It's not our job to educate you."
"Don't listen to those trans people."


Someone just once needs to respond with “ok I’m listening. Educate me” and watch them short circuit in response.
Baby lesbian/gay would be like a teenager that just came out and is finding their way. 

Almost certainly that person using it on Era is appropriating it.
So many posts in there saying "Hopefully the country will see this as how much chaos he causes." Like, it's insane how they can't see "Someone trying to kill him is evidence that he's bad," is some of the worst logic ever. That would mean every murder victim ever is a bad guy, because "why else would anyone want to murder them?"
"Trump was asking for it. Did you see what he was wearing?"
(09-15-2024, 08:29 PM)Nintex wrote:
Quote:Not sure it's been brought up, but just a reminder that this stunt leans into and would reinforce the logic behind the "gay panic defense" which has been used to exonerate people who murder us:

On a personal level, I recently had a significant portion of my healthcare over the past year denied by my health insurance in Florida because someone added to my chart that I was seeing doctors for reasons related to gender dysphoria. What was 50 bucks here and there for psych, endo (history of thyroid issues), GP, etc. suddenly reverted to several thousand dollars of medical debt. It should go without saying, but I (and many folks) don't have the kind of money to deal with that, and the overall cost of transitioning is one of many reasons why it's so difficult. Many people will leave their homes and communities and move states just to potentially get some coverage. Meanwhile, Steve-O can just plan a big ol gag where he flaunts his ability to easily pay for lifesaving care that many of us cannot access just to have a yuck yuck about it at the end of the day. It fucking sucks yall.
So the default is "Everyone but me is a Nazi" but "Those Nazis have to pay for my LARP"

get fucked.  lol

Does getting fake titties really save that many lives?
(09-15-2024, 09:23 PM)PogiJones wrote: So many posts in there saying "Hopefully the country will see this as how much chaos he causes." Like, it's insane how they can't see "We know he's bad because his enemies are trying to kill him," is some of the worst logic ever. That would mean every murder victim ever is a bad guy, because "why else would anyone want to murder them?"


I really think your logic here is also flawed.
omg omg omg
(09-15-2024, 07:33 PM)Jansen wrote: [Image: pTpdg5W.png]

So many buzzwords.

I had to look up “Transmeds”. So it’s basically trans people(I guess the legit ones) who criticize depressed people who cling on to the trans lifestyle. I mean yeah, that’s exactly what you are. This shit isn’t authentic, you’re just being contrarian to the culture. Can’t you just find a way to get along with people instead of trying to start fires online.
double post
3 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(09-15-2024, 09:22 PM)Ribosome wrote: Baby lesbian/gay would be like a teenager that just came out and is finding their way. 

Almost certainly that person using it on Era is appropriating it.

Got it. Genuinely never had heard or read it put that way and thought it was some Era only kind of thing.
(09-15-2024, 08:50 PM)Nintex wrote:

Guy had an AK-47. Iranian agent?

Quote:Sean Hannity says the shooter was within 200 yards of Trump with the AK.
Again within 200 yards. Crazy. Just crazy.

"AK" at 200 yards.  lmao

Better chance of hitting him with a rock at that distance.
(09-15-2024, 09:19 PM)ComeAgain wrote:
(09-15-2024, 04:48 PM)Averon wrote:
Looks like gay men are no better than chud cis men:

Patsy wrote:Thing is, being queer or gay doesn't make queer/gay men any less, well, men. And men, no matter their sexuality, will never fully understand lesbians & be able to talk about us & the things we go through in society. It's especially frustrating just how often I've witnessed cis gay men in particular be lesbophobic & everything but understanding of lesbians. Which was especially harrowing as a baby lesbian when I was just happy to see anyone queer in my small city. Or just look at how lesbians in media are discussed both on & off Era - chances are high that if it's not a straight-up only lesbian/sapphic space, men will sooner or later try to take over the conversation or make it all about themselves. That's how we always get dudes butting into convos about lesbian representation going off about how they feel like they're less represented than lesbians & that actually we're so overrepresented because straight men love us while completely ignoring that fetishization is everything but representation, support & love. You'll have dudes claim that there's an overabundance of butch lesbians in media, but then are unable to name a single one. Stuff like that is fine if you come across it for the first or second even third time in your life, but after that it just becomes more & more grating.

Gay men thought they escaped Original Sin for being born male ufup

Quote:Like, I don't want to step on any toes here & I know plenty of queer men that behave properly when it comes to lesbians & don't make us feel uncomfortable, but I can't think of a single thread where lesbians in media have been the focus in a topic on Era that was longer than a single page or two that didn't have lesbians be vocal about feeling uncomfortable with how we were talked about by men. seroun is far from the only lesbian/sapphic person in this thread alone that has voiced concerns about how men on Era talk about lesbians & women in general. This is, frankly, about lesbians & sapphic people feeling uncomfortable due to it being everything but the first instance of people on Era being weird about lesbians & women. Era already is quite awful to be on whenever men try to act like they know more about sexualization, fetishisation, and misogyny than women do or try to blame women for x thing they're struggling with instead of their fellow men, so naturally it doesn't feel any less shit when the focus is put on lesbians instead. Era isn't unique in that ofc & obviously much better than less moderated places with even less lesbians present, but that doesn't mean lesbians should just ignore their own feelings on these topics.

Now we know that a goddam lie, as there are plenty of examples on ERA where self proclaimed lesbians, especially trans-lesbians, gets away will all sorts of stuff that hetero-ERA would be instantly banned if they did the same.

Quote:Nobody has said that we absolutely do not want to talk about Chappell or other lesbian artists on here, but I think it's important to acknowledge that Era isn't really a safe space where we can feel like we're just together with other lesbians or sapphic folk because this forum is still largely men & public to boot. Once you've had gross fuckers from other sites send you the most disgusting DMs after finding your other social media accounts you don't really ever go back to feeling 100% safe to be super personal on here. Sorry, this kinda ended up being all over the place lmao & I absolutely get where you're coming from, but I think when it comes to lesbians feeling uncomfortable about how threads with us as a topic often go, it's kinda useless to go "Eh, I don't agree with this for x reason". Because, with nothing but love & a deep respect, you're not in our skin & might not even recognize or feel uncomfortable by microaggressions & just language that's often used against us that might sound fairly normal to even other queer folks.

Obviously folks want Chappell to be talked about. Because an openly, vocally lesbian artist with explicitly lesbian music who is well-known beyond just you & your two dozen sapphic friends is so goddamn rare for us. People are just voicing their concerns over how she's being/will be talked about going by their own experiences on & off Era.
Translation: We lesbians are still higher than you on the oppression totem pole. Remember that, you disgusting male ufup

Gay men have been mocked, beaten, murdered and worse simply for being gay but fellas, you haven’t suffered like this “baby lesbian” (what the fuck is that?) has. Onto the trash heap with us straight cis men you go!

If I had to guess "baby lesbian" would refer to a lesbian that's never fucked a chick.
3 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
It's America, you could just buy something better lol. 

I'm not buying Nintex's Iranian hitsquad with AK-47s theory.
BDumbs wrote:It's likely a result of the current political climate. Trump, along with the GOP in general and social media algorithms refusing to moderate any sort of extremist political content, have created a political climate that normalizes extremism, insanity, and violence. Political violence is the end point of the sort of nonsense Trump has been pushing this entire time. It's likely going to get worse as we get closer and closer to the election. This will likely happen again.

Okay, real talk B Dubs… you want to bitch about violence, extremism, insanity and “the algorithm”… pls moderate your forum good for once.
(09-15-2024, 09:50 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
BDumbs wrote:It's likely a result of the current political climate. Trump, along with the GOP in general and social media algorithms refusing to moderate any sort of extremist political content, have created a political climate that normalizes extremism, insanity, and violence. Political violence is the end point of the sort of nonsense Trump has been pushing this entire time. It's likely going to get worse as we get closer and closer to the election. This will likely happen again.
Okay, real talk B Dubs… you want to bitch about violence, extremism, insanity and “the algorithm”… pls moderate your forum good for once.

B Dubs: No.
bdumbs wrote:Like, I get it, but this happened last time too. We don't want to accidentally set the internet on some innocent dude, you know?

Looks like the shooter was a former Trump supporter and now Ukrainian war super autistic freak. Delusional person
3 users liked this post: clockwork5, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(09-15-2024, 09:50 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
BDumbs wrote:It's likely a result of the current political climate. Trump, along with the GOP in general and social media algorithms refusing to moderate any sort of extremist political content, have created a political climate that normalizes extremism, insanity, and violence. Political violence is the end point of the sort of nonsense Trump has been pushing this entire time. It's likely going to get worse as we get closer and closer to the election. This will likely happen again.

Okay, real talk B Dubs… you want to bitch about violence, extremism, insanity and “the algorithm”… pls moderate your forum good for once.

BDubs: You literally have multiple threads on non-existent genocides which radicalize your forum members.
Greg NYC3 wrote:I thought the first shooter at the rally was probably a PoC because they killed him. But that was before we found out he had been spotted with the gun multiple times and got off 8 shots before they took him out. They really gave that man every possible chance to survive and he refused to take them 🤷🏾‍♂️

Meanwhile try being a Black child playing with a toy gun... 😒
Nida wrote:Certainly can't have a black person having a soda or some Skittles either.


Did they missed their Secret Service getting grilled by Republicans and Democrats alike for weeks? Why play the race Politics game with Trump assassinations attempts?
Honestly the timing of this reeks of being a psy-op to take the heat off of the former Microsoft lady for citing a chud website. You ain't slick, Donald and Laura.
Quote:You have to be a crazy person to try to kill a former president.
I disagree. If you think that doing so will have a net positive impact on the world, some actions are more important than your own life. See the guy who killed Shinzo Abe.


Bdumbs going be talking to the fbi tomorrow

Edit: User banned (permanent): rationalizing political assignations

I think that’s a new one

As someone who has peed my pants sitting in a chair before, I'd want people to not think I was a danger to my kids just from hearing that one fact about me.

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