Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
I bet all these lesbians on era haven’t even eaten a real pussy
[Image: pTpdg5W.png]
(09-15-2024, 07:33 PM)Jansen wrote: [Image: pTpdg5W.png]

Like anybody wants to rape them
(09-15-2024, 07:28 PM)Jansen wrote: If you ever @ me again boredfrom I'll rip your face off  Professor Scott Steiner

what about me what will you do to me
(09-15-2024, 11:52 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(09-15-2024, 11:12 AM)Cheers wrote: seroun
Quote:It's true. We have never had a lesbian woman be this high on Billboard charts and being this loved. And it means aot to some of us.

It would be nice if people in this thread would stop using "queer woman" when she's been adamant about identifying as (specifically) a lesbian, and she likes the word. not that we are not queer women, but seeing our invisibility in general and name calling as a porn category, it would sure be great for others to help us push against that by using the word we use to define ourselves.
Wouldn't have expected someone to be offended by being called queer. Well all right, never going to call here que-

Seroun wrote:I do hope Roan isn't talked about much here in Era though. I don't think this board's audience is the type of place where I'm comfortable talking about queer artists like her or Renee Rapp.


New ban category incoming? 

User banned: Misgenderingsexualorientationing
Morrigan attacks a woman:

Morrigan wrote:It's "deliberate, dishonest misrepresentation" to point out that a video is suspect for using alt-right sources (that she admits "has no idea if it's true") to make a dubious and inflammatory claim about the company culture? Are you serious?

You included the 250 millions figure in the thread title (without initially specifying it was an estimate), when that figure is completely unproven and the estimate is unsubstantiated and entirely unsourced. And then you have the nerve to complain about "deliberate, dishonest misrepresentation".

Morrigan wrote:Oh, spare me. I watched the entire video. She makes a bunch of claims. Some of them are plausible based on her personal experience, but she does not back them up with any evidence or source at Firewalk, while still making definite claims about "it's the culture, period". And some of her claims are entirely unsubstantiated and dubious, such as the "big problems at Firewalk" that she bases on an alt-right source, and the 250 million figure that she bases on... pretty much nothing.

If she's going to make definite claims such as "it's the culture, period", she better back it up with more than conjecture, questionable sources and unlikely rumours, and it's completely fair criticism of this video to say that. But, strangely, you call call this criticism dishonest, instead of her potential misinformation. Very weird.

Her self image issues are getting kind of sad (unless she is that hardcore Sony Pony).
(09-15-2024, 05:23 PM)Steven Snell wrote: He's the weirdo who made a huge fuss regarding some streamer beating Elden Ring with one hand. And getting clapped by people so much that mods had to start banning people and lock the thread.

Ra wrote:Is this impressive? Sorry to be a buzzkill but I'm a fucking quadriplegic and beat this shit.
Able-bodied people doing weird shit doesn't move me. Perspective.
Reading that topic was just so goddamn annoying. Dude made the topic all about himself out of nowhere, and creates a big awkward mess all because he's super jealous and bitter he's not getting any attention. What a pathetic, miesrable, jealous piece of shit.

One of the few times I manage to not feel any sympathy for an alleged quadriplegic. It'd be much worse in hindsight if he's not even physically disabled, which is why I think he didn't even bother posting any footage.

More Ree users should've called this out, but of course they didn't, because Ree users save their fighting energy for the dumbest of shit. Backing up an egergious display of toxicity and unsportsmanship, just because they don't wanna get a ban for ableism. Disgusting clowns.
(09-15-2024, 01:24 PM)HardcoreRetro wrote:
(09-15-2024, 12:39 PM)NekoFever wrote: My favourite time in 15 years across GAF and Era was the early days of the PS3 when it was struggling and they didn’t know how to deal with it lol

The cope! The NPD threads! Shane on 1UP Yours! “Wait for Lair!” “Wait for Heavenly Sword!”

PlayStation™ Fan Discussing Their Fine Products

Don't forget about Haze, the Halo killer.

Why? Everyone else did!!
(09-15-2024, 07:33 PM)Jansen wrote: [Image: pTpdg5W.png]

imagine getting so wrapped up in this minutia and lost in your feels about any subject, spiraling on endlessly smaller details of subgroups of this clique that is utterly invisible to the average person

"I'm just so, so tired of these knitted-cap-phobes refusing to acknowledge the legitimacy of softer plusher headwear, sure they may make grand overtures pretending to respect our yarn but we all know that leather and even fucking polyester get more respect than we do, not to mention the so-called brim gang who are constantly making snide remarks, as if protecting one's eyes is anything more than a side course to the main dish of covering your fucking head"
(09-15-2024, 07:33 PM)Jansen wrote: [Image: pTpdg5W.png]

Quote:and can't explain to a lesbophobe why he/him lesbians are real and Not Men

(09-15-2024, 07:46 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Morrigan attacks a woman:

Morrigan wrote:It's "deliberate, dishonest misrepresentation" to point out that a video is suspect for using alt-right sources (that she admits "has no idea if it's true") to make a dubious and inflammatory claim about the company culture? Are you serious?

You included the 250 millions figure in the thread title (without initially specifying it was an estimate), when that figure is completely unproven and the estimate is unsubstantiated and entirely unsourced. And then you have the nerve to complain about "deliberate, dishonest misrepresentation".

Morrigan wrote:Oh, spare me. I watched the entire video. She makes a bunch of claims. Some of them are plausible based on her personal experience, but she does not back them up with any evidence or source at Firewalk, while still making definite claims about "it's the culture, period". And some of her claims are entirely unsubstantiated and dubious, such as the "big problems at Firewalk" that she bases on an alt-right source, and the 250 million figure that she bases on... pretty much nothing.

If she's going to make definite claims such as "it's the culture, period", she better back it up with more than conjecture, questionable sources and unlikely rumours, and it's completely fair criticism of this video to say that. But, strangely, you call call this criticism dishonest, instead of her potential misinformation. Very weird.

Her self image issues are getting kind of sad (unless she is that hardcore Sony Pony).
Well I think her poor self image is a hilarious twist of fate lol You just know this random splurge of toxicity may very well be inspired by her hating how ugly she is. And she don't deserve sympathy on this front, because she's a big ol' cunt. 

She probably dies a little inside each time she sees a pretty girl who's opposed against her millitant beliefs lol
4 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Venice

Quote:This shit is what I mean when I say people have continued to underestimate the right-wing bigotry that has powered this game's discourse online. Care about it sounding bad for Concord first, worry about the sources only after someone else does their due diligence and looks into it.

1000% this.

I see it routinely written off here as "they're just a vocal minority", they are underestimating just how far and wide this bigotry has spread and how much of a problem it is. I mean just go into the comments section for Laura Fryer's video and look at what almost every single comment is saying. Look how big of a following people like Asmongold have. Look at the Steam forums.

The devs of an indie title called Tales of the Shire literally had to lock down their Twitter comments ffs. Yes, game devs are now being harassed and brigaded if their game so much as features any person that they consider "woke" or "DEI".

People can bury their heads in the sand all they want but this problem is spreading at an alarming rate and will continue to do so while society is doing sweet fuck all to address it.

One thing I absolutely love about Nepenthe is the retarded furries ability to make ANY AND EVERY thread about 'me, me, me!' and 'this is proof of how society has put in place systemic structures to oppress black people'

Example Number #12,123:

Steve-O decides he's not going to wear fake tits

Nepenthe: This is more proof of how celebrities have done nothing for the advancement of black people and how racism is a way for white youth to rebel, establish friendships and bond:

Nepenthe wrote:A celebrity who said the n-word long enough ago for liberals to determine that it's not "reflective of who they are" (even though they don't know these celebrities and have no idea what they've done for the advancement of Black causes, much less how they feel about Black people today) absolutely will get a pass. See the OneyPlays/Smiling Friends guys.

Part of it is also because racism is a way for white youth to rebel, establish friendships, and reinforce bonds. "Everyone's said stupid shit when they were younger!" is what we're told, without any awareness that, no, saying slurs is not some universal act of coming-of-age.

[Image: zqRpMiU.png]

This is a thread about Steve-O deciding he doesn't want tits. What the fuck are you on about, you dumb furry???

Confused Confused Confused

Any of the Transmafia gonna call out Nep-Nep for co-opting a thread about trans-issues and making it all about herself? Don't think so.

I honestly think the only reason she hates white people so much is because some white dude pissed on her fursuit.
Messofanego wrote:Read the article and you'll realise how much bunk it is. She used that alt right article to bolster her point that the Firewalk culture is what made the game fail. When the article or SmashJT (alt-right gaming Youtuber) video doesn't actually speak anything to the studio culture or the development of the game. Only that apparently one non-binary person (who is misgendered throughout the article) who's a lead likes to be called "professor" and going on a rant about pronouns and the company being left-wing, and "forcing" people to use preferred pronouns. None of this is corroborated or given any proof. The other person they criticise is someone who calls out systemic racism, white privilege, supremacy, and fragility. It weakens her argument and she's mainly projecting the failures of her previous projects onto this game.

People pointed about the studio culture being the cause in the other thread without mentioning those employees, seem you guys take issue with someone with experience mentioning it and use the source to dismiss her opinion.

VisaWife wrote:Im not calling her a neo-nazi sympathiser. Also, if you want some info on SmashJT, check these posts from the gamergate 2.0 thread. I hope this is a one-off with some awful sourcing, and I get she's no journalist but she needs to do her due diligence when her audience could be in the hundreds of thousands.

(09-15-2024, 01:59 PM)Polident wrote:
(09-15-2024, 12:39 PM)NekoFever wrote:
(09-15-2024, 11:37 AM)Potato wrote: I just love the fact that it took a ridiculously large failure like Concord and the ongoing backlash and excuses for the users of that forum to face up to the fact that the moderation of it and its predecessor forum have been massively biased towards Sony and that has been reflected in the moderation for 20+years. 

PlayStation™ Fan Discussing Their Fine Products

Hesright A long long long overdue emote and such a timely addition to thebire and the shitbin thread.

My favourite time in 15 years across GAF and Era was the early days of the PS3 when it was struggling and they didn’t know how to deal with it lol

The cope! The NPD threads! Shane on 1UP Yours! “Wait for Lair!” “Wait for Heavenly Sword!”

PlayStation™ Fan Discussing Their Fine Products

Going from peak PS2 Sony to eating shit with the PS3 was a ride. 

Lair… when people were saying it’s actually good and playable if you plug in a generic usb controller or stream it to PSP.


Huh? You gonna need to explain that one.
3 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(09-15-2024, 01:59 PM)Polident wrote: Going from peak PS2 Sony to eating shit with the PS3 was a ride. 

Lair… when people were saying it’s actually good and playable if you plug in a generic usb controller or stream it to PSP.

The PS3 was a clusterfuck. But the 2nd half of the PS3 lifecycle(well basically when they released the PS3 Slim and it was actually affordable and the games post-Uncharted 2) is underrated IMO.
(09-15-2024, 07:55 PM)Jansen wrote:

Quote:This shit is what I mean when I say people have continued to underestimate the right-wing bigotry that has powered this game's discourse online. Care about it sounding bad for Concord first, worry about the sources only after someone else does their due diligence and looks into it.

1000% this.

I see it routinely written off here as "they're just a vocal minority", they are underestimating just how far and wide this bigotry has spread and how much of a problem it is. I mean just go into the comments section for Laura Fryer's video and look at what almost every single comment is saying. Look how big of a following people like Asmongold have. Look at the Steam forums.

The devs of an indie title called Tales of the Shire literally had to lock down their Twitter comments ffs. Yes, game devs are now being harassed and brigaded if their game so much as features any person that they consider "woke" or "DEI".

People can bury their heads in the sand all they want but this problem is spreading at an alarming rate and will continue to do so while society is doing sweet fuck all to address it.


Why they act like this shit is one sided and they never have tried to pull the same shit?  lol 

Just two weeks ago we had that indie simulation game where they needed to admit that the dude was, in fact, harassed to the point of reacting “alt right” like.
(09-15-2024, 05:09 PM)Jansen wrote: Malds might as well give up the hrt cuz 4 years in and...  Hey, crabman.

Who's paying for it? 

Those horrible parents who "just don't understand"?
(09-15-2024, 08:10 PM)Potato wrote:
(09-15-2024, 05:09 PM)Jansen wrote: Malds might as well give up the hrt cuz 4 years in and...  Hey, crabman.

Who's paying for it? 

Those horrible parents who "just don't understand"?

I feel so sorry for Melody's parents. The sad reality is they're gonna have to deal with this until they are gone. Unless they just kick the fucker out.
(09-15-2024, 08:03 PM)Steven Snell wrote:
(09-15-2024, 01:59 PM)Polident wrote: Going from peak PS2 Sony to eating shit with the PS3 was a ride. 

Lair… when people were saying it’s actually good and playable if you plug in a generic usb controller or stream it to PSP.

The PS3 was a clusterfuck. But the 2nd half of the PS3 lifecycle(well basically when they released the PS3 Slim and it was actually affordable and the games post-Uncharted 2) is underrated IMO.

I remember how Nintendies fawned hard for the Princess Peach game theater style while there has been decade since The Puppeteer. But that's none of my business...
(09-15-2024, 04:12 PM)Steven Snell wrote: [Image: 1b29652290bed7b8ceccbb27a6fe320e.png]

Shit like this is so pathetic. As soon as Clickity, Kyuuji, Melody and others don't get their way. I could only liken it to a kid playing on a playground and as soon as it doesn't go the way they want they take their ball and go home.
Except in this case it was the doctor that took their balls and went home

I get no respect!
Shots fired near Trump's golf course, one suspected apprehended, unclear if another assassination attempt and Restera can't even make a thread about it. Have to go to the politics thread for the great takes

Quote:I just had an awful thought. What if the suspect was a Haitian immigrant
(09-15-2024, 07:56 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Messofanego wrote:Read the article and you'll realise how much bunk it is. She used that alt right article to bolster her point that the Firewalk culture is what made the game fail. When the article or SmashJT (alt-right gaming Youtuber) video doesn't actually speak anything to the studio culture or the development of the game. Only that apparently one non-binary person (who is misgendered throughout the article) who's a lead likes to be called "professor" and going on a rant about pronouns and the company being left-wing, and "forcing" people to use preferred pronouns. None of this is corroborated or given any proof. The other person they criticise is someone who calls out systemic racism, white privilege, supremacy, and fragility. It weakens her argument and she's mainly projecting the failures of her previous projects onto this game.

People pointed about the studio culture being the cause in the other thread without mentioning those employees, seem you guys take issue with someone with experience mentioning it and use the source to dismiss her opinion.

VisaWife wrote:Im not calling her a neo-nazi sympathiser. Also, if you want some info on SmashJT, check these posts from the gamergate 2.0 thread. I hope this is a one-off with some awful sourcing, and I get she's no journalist but she needs to do her due diligence when her audience could be in the hundreds of thousands.


I love that these people got the EXACT GAME THEY WERE ASKING FOR and even THEY didn't buy the fucking shit. 

That's the reason they're so mad about this and it will continue to haunt them for years.
(09-15-2024, 08:25 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Shots fired near Trump's golf course, one suspected apprehended, unclear if another assassination attempt and Restera can't even make a thread about it. Have to go to the politics thread for the great takes

Quote:I just had an awful thought. What if the suspect was a Haitian immigrant


Oddly specific…

BTW, they have a thread:
(09-15-2024, 07:58 PM)Potato wrote:
(09-15-2024, 01:59 PM)Polident wrote:
(09-15-2024, 12:39 PM)NekoFever wrote: My favourite time in 15 years across GAF and Era was the early days of the PS3 when it was struggling and they didn’t know how to deal with it lol

The cope! The NPD threads! Shane on 1UP Yours! “Wait for Lair!” “Wait for Heavenly Sword!”

PlayStation™ Fan Discussing Their Fine Products

Going from peak PS2 Sony to eating shit with the PS3 was a ride. 

Lair… when people were saying it’s actually good and playable if you plug in a generic usb controller or stream it to PSP.


Huh? You gonna need to explain that one.

long story short, sony wanted to push motion control super badly so they forced this otherwise good, competent studio to fuck up their own game by forcing players to control the game through motion which barely worked

I don't know about the specifics of people claiming it was better with generic controllers, however this is a good video on lair that demonstrates all its issues

skip to 4 minutes for some discussion about why it controls so poorly
Quote:Not sure it's been brought up, but just a reminder that this stunt leans into and would reinforce the logic behind the "gay panic defense" which has been used to exonerate people who murder us:

On a personal level, I recently had a significant portion of my healthcare over the past year denied by my health insurance in Florida because someone added to my chart that I was seeing doctors for reasons related to gender dysphoria. What was 50 bucks here and there for psych, endo (history of thyroid issues), GP, etc. suddenly reverted to several thousand dollars of medical debt. It should go without saying, but I (and many folks) don't have the kind of money to deal with that, and the overall cost of transitioning is one of many reasons why it's so difficult. Many people will leave their homes and communities and move states just to potentially get some coverage. Meanwhile, Steve-O can just plan a big ol gag where he flaunts his ability to easily pay for lifesaving care that many of us cannot access just to have a yuck yuck about it at the end of the day. It fucking sucks yall.
So the default is "Everyone but me is a Nazi" but "Those Nazis have to pay for my LARP"

get fucked.  lol
(09-15-2024, 07:58 PM)Potato wrote:
(09-15-2024, 01:59 PM)Polident wrote:
(09-15-2024, 12:39 PM)NekoFever wrote: My favourite time in 15 years across GAF and Era was the early days of the PS3 when it was struggling and they didn’t know how to deal with it lol

The cope! The NPD threads! Shane on 1UP Yours! “Wait for Lair!” “Wait for Heavenly Sword!”

PlayStation™ Fan Discussing Their Fine Products

Going from peak PS2 Sony to eating shit with the PS3 was a ride. 

Lair… when people were saying it’s actually good and playable if you plug in a generic usb controller or stream it to PSP.


Huh? You gonna need to explain that one.

Lair could only be played with sixaxis motion controls. No option to use the analog sticks. People figured out some usb controllers forced it to play with regular controls. Still ran at 15 fps and looked like mud, but you could control it now. Also happened to be one of the very few PS3 with remote play on PSP. Some used the PSP as a controller, again, to have basic control that was built in but disabled for some reason.

At the time people were excited because it was that guys who made those Star Wars flight games. Now with dragons. Similar story with Haze. New shooter from the Timesplitters guys.

I had a PS3 at release but never drank the kool aid and bought these games. Warhawk doesn’t count. That was good, actually. And it came with a shitty bluetooth earpiece nobody used. Games were dead quiet. When I played Xbox Live, I got to hear the most wonderfully colorful slurs. Bless that packed in headset.

The gunman actually fired at Trump. He wanted to finish the hole Lawd
From the 'Does 4Chan have any value?' thread:

Gr8one wrote:I proudly have only been on 4chan once. I took a look and thought why would anyone use this piece of shit. Probably saved my young ass from all kinds of fucked up ideological influences.

[Image: pHi8ZD5.png]

And now you're an old man who ended up making 4000+ posts on ResetEra, a white-people hating, biological-women loathing, trans-supremacist forum with even more fucked up ideological influences  

[Image: NtTApBn.gif]

As Jesus once said 'Let any forum who has not sinned, cast the first stone'
(09-15-2024, 08:28 PM)Uncle wrote:
(09-15-2024, 07:58 PM)Potato wrote:
(09-15-2024, 01:59 PM)Polident wrote: Going from peak PS2 Sony to eating shit with the PS3 was a ride. 

Lair… when people were saying it’s actually good and playable if you plug in a generic usb controller or stream it to PSP.


Huh? You gonna need to explain that one.

long story short, sony wanted to push motion control super badly so they forced this otherwise good, competent studio to fuck up their own game by forcing players to control the game through motion which barely worked

I don't know about the specifics of people claiming it was better with generic controllers, however this is a good video on lair that demonstrates all its issues

skip to 4 minutes for some discussion about why it controls so poorly

They patched it for analog control and it still sucked. Terrible fucking game
4 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Potato

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