Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(09-04-2023, 08:29 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Duck Sauce wrote:Yep. There are vile people here, scum of the Earth.
B-Dubs said they're going to be more vigilant with the bans, stop complaining!
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(09-04-2023, 07:46 PM)benji wrote:
(09-04-2023, 07:26 PM)Venice wrote:
(09-04-2023, 05:43 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: Reading era is the same general vibe as Kiwi Farms sometimes. There aren't many places as nasty and toxic as Era.

I'd say one big difference is that with Kiwi Farms, nearly all the users are either trolls or themselves know that they are genuinely awful, hateful people.

On ResetEra... they think they're the good guys (like Kyuuji, Nepenthe, excelsiorf, CuckyCal, etc...)

No self-awareness at all.
I don't think Kiwi Farms is as hateful and toxic as

I'd even go so far as making a half-serious argument that it's less toxic and hateful than Twitter just to push the point against people's unevaluated premises.

at least twitter and kiwifarms both have in common that whenever someone says some hateful shit you can tell them to go eat a dick without having your account terminated  Elon
Quote:Horrible way to go, RIP. Hopefully he was clear minded enough before he died and had time to say I’m sorry, I love you, and good bye to his loved ones and them to him.

And yes, some people have lost some of their humanity here and other places online, Trump and the far right are turning some of us into hateful people. One rule of thumb is don’t post something about someone dead/dying that you wouldn’t say to their grieving family face.
(09-04-2023, 09:03 PM)jorma wrote: at least twitter and kiwifarms both have in common that whenever someone says some hateful shit you can tell them to go eat a dick without having your account terminated 
That is in some respects what the crux of my argument would be, there's value in honesty. A culture of enforced dishonesty is more corrupting than one of casual vulgarity.
(09-04-2023, 07:34 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Armchair Diagnosis; Account in Junior Phase
SaulForex wrote:The traumatic brain injury she suffered as a teen more than likely contributes to whatever asinine positions she holds now. Not that it excuses such behavior or beliefs, but it has definitely made her more amenable to.

ResetEra Mods: 

Armchair diagnosing = Instant BAN!!! maf  Nope

Self-diagnosing as Trans and doing permanent irreversible damage to your body =  Smile   Oh yeah
I'd put that a different way, in their mind, contrary to everyone who has experience with people suffering mental illness, mental illness can't make you say things you may not mean only reveal your inner soul as shown by how mental illness can reveal your true gender. (A social construct not determined by individuals.) Mental illness is not actually a problem that people struggle to resist and desperately wish to overcome, it's a truth serum that reveals the good-and-evil nature of the human condition that we should be affirming of.

Everything is apparently always about seeing the inner essence of people through superficial characteristics. (No judging the character of voluntary drug addicts pls.)
3 users liked this post: Boredfrom, Nintex, Taco Bell Tower
(09-04-2023, 07:45 PM)BisMarckie wrote:
benji dateline='[url=tel:1693855956' wrote: 1693855956[/url]']
BisMarckie dateline='[url=tel:1693855396' wrote: 1693855396[/url]']
I hope anyone on this forum who doesn’t recognize Hegel as the only 19th century philosopher worth listening to gets banned.

Who do you prefer? Schopenhauer? A guy who, if he were alive today, would be a wank dad grifter on twitter? Camby

Rogan "So Arthur Shoppinghower, did I pronounce that right? I'm glad you're here bro but your theory is a little depressing. Can you explain to our audience exactly what this eternal suffering entails because to be honest I'm kind of confused about the whole thing"

(09-04-2023, 09:47 PM)benji wrote: I'd put that a different way, in their mind, contrary to everyone who has experience with people suffering mental illness, mental illness can't make you say things you may not mean only reveal your inner soul as shown by how mental illness can reveal your true gender. (A social construct not determined by individuals.) Mental illness is not actually a problem that people struggle to resist and desperately wish to overcome, it's a truth serum that reveals the good-and-evil nature of the human condition that we should be affirming of.
Everything is apparently always about seeing the inner essence of people through superficial characteristics. (No judging the character of voluntary drug addicts pls.)
They consider their mental illnesses to be a sort of super power.
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, Taco Bell Tower, Potato
(09-04-2023, 09:59 PM)Nintex wrote: Rogan "So Arthur Shoppinghower, did I pronounce that right? I'm glad you're here bro but your theory is a little depressing. Can you explain to our audience exactly what this eternal suffering entails because to be honest I'm kind of confused about the whole thing"
Now this kind of Nintex fan fic is relevant to my interests. hmm
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Nintex, Taco Bell Tower
The only philosophers worth a bollocks are the ones who insist the entire game is a racket, like Diogenes, Camus and Nietzsche

The ones that are worth less than fuck all are the ones who sit around making rules for other people
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
Checked back in on Messofanego's expose of drinky crow's racism and found that we're already defending the GTA main character: wrote:You'll also have plenty of folks that (when it comes to women or poc) just hide behind general/vague criticism, such as "talks too much", "unlikeable" or the classic "bad writing".

Or preparing to be upset about it:
Quote:Personally I think this is just going to give way to more "haha women" humour in the games, not something positive at the end of the day. It is good to see more women PoC in games though.
Quote:As long as its not a portrayal full of latino stereotypes im ok with it being a pos character, its part of the IP. It really depends on if they have a woman helping with the writing.
Kyuuji wrote:I remain tentatively hopeful, but need to see far more before I hand anything to them. I really do hope they manage to cut away from the ills of the past and find an identity that isn't propped up by prejudice and punching down.

Also we're getting mad at hypothetical people in the future hypothetically getting mad at interracial relationships:
Quote:You are underestimating the potential outrage over a white GTA protag having a romantic relationship with a PoC. These people already see red whenever they come across a cereal commercial featuring a happy mixed race family.
Quote:these chuds are going to complain about the interracial relationship aspect right?
Quote:their are going to be people that find it "unrealistic" that a hispanic woman would be in a relationship with someone like Jason

Also Spiders:
Quote:I disagree. I don't think it'll soften the blow. This isn't some small game it's GTA6. Seeing a POC woman as one of the main characters will set them off like crazy.

We're talking about people who go nuts over the existence of pronouns, whether it's related to trans people or not. People who got angry over the green M&M being made less "sexy". These people have completely lost their minds in their culture war. That and it'll get them a lot of views and attention.
Quote:I'm so happy these idiots film themselves doing this shit. Some of them are young enough that they'll be in their 40s/50s once this "progressive" movement they're so scared of becomes normalized. Hopefully they have to pay some consequences by then.
Messofanego wrote:Love seeing DrDisrepect being blasted up for the snowflake he is.
Quote:This is honestly so embarrassing that there has to be a segment of the chud base that has a moment of clarity viewing this like “wtf am I doing?”

This has to act as a total repellant for anyone on the fence or currently slipping down the rabbit hole. Sometimes the best deterrent is a look into future and cringing at what you may become.
Quote:GTA V was a satire with 3 of the biggest losers and assholes in gaming. It made sense they were all men.

It's still a shame the majority of GTA audience has no idea those games as satire. (Not to dismiss great discussions on how effective/ineffective that satire is)
I mean there is a huge chunk of people that still think Tyler Durden was the hero of Fight Club. I'm not surprised things like that go over some people's heads.

And some comments on the GAF screenshots:
Quote:When I read "shuri", the "harry potter girl" comes to mind, but it is probably a coincidence, right? Also dinky crow sounds familiar. But I mean, people grow.
Vex, of wanting Chris Redfield to fill his butt with cum fame wrote:"I personally can't watch black porn."

The sound I made just now was so surreal that I wish I had recorded it. This particular comment is such a random thing to say. I .... wow.

To think that a lot of these gentlemen highlighted in these posts have children now. Have wives. Have careers. Have ERA accounts and are probably amongst us RIGHT NOW?

Hmmm... Anyways, those were wild times, eh?
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Boredfrom
Quote:The sound I made just now was so surreal that I wish I had recorded it. This particular comment is such a random thing to say. I .... wow.
1 user liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth

Quote:Banzai said:
I find saying "for those who don't know" at the start of a semi-anonymous online forum post funny. Is there anyone on the planet that remembers an online stranger's pc configuration?
I do. This might seem like a joke or extremely weird, but I genuinely try to track what platforms posters here own, what games they've played and like, their background and history with various games, etc. It helps add context to their posts and their opinions. I did remember PlanetSmasher talking before about how his PC is too old to play games properly, but that he wasn't really financially in a place to upgrade before either


Also funny that despite having a dedicated PC Building thread, Hopesmasher just HAD to make one just for himself.
2 users liked this post: Potato, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:If you said "I want to play Starfield", I would suggest a Intel 13700k build with as high Mhz ram you could afford (7200 -7600), with the caveat that since you seem to keep builds for a long ass time, so 64GB of ram (I wouldn't build anything under 48GB rn tbh, but that's me, I'm a lost cause).

If you said "I want to play a ton of Unity indie games", I would suggest a 7800X3D build because Unity is just a wonderful game engine, get a V Cache cpu.


Overbuilding/building for flexibility and buying a bit more than needed keeps problems from happening and from excess money dumps and rushed hawking of stuff you don't need.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Reminds me of Brianna Wu's dumbass 18-core XEON and 96GB RAM Apple GAMING RIG or whatever the fuck it was.

edit: FACT CHECK: the iMac has 24-cores, the 18-core was an i9 for "level building in Unreal" Dead

3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Boredfrom, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:User warned: drive-by posting; thread derail
Grow some balls, B-Dumbs
4 users liked this post: Potato, BIONIC, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Hap Shaughnessy
We're a progressive community around here, we only cheer on the deaths of people at least as bad as Joanne Hitler Republicans the lead singer of Smash Mouth.
Who would have known that being an addict was the one thing that could bring Era together?
Okay, sure, I'll check in on somebody:

Spoiler: Biden wants trans people dead (click to show)

Spoiler: considered running for office this year (click to show)
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:tr_nsphobic bills
4 users liked this post: Potato, BIONIC, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Superstar
First post
Quote:One of history's most successful assassination.
Deepflow in shambles rn
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Boredfrom, Hap Shaughnessy
Waiting for hachikoma to post about her rifle.
Slayven wrote:
Quote:Fumio Kishida,
if i remember correctly dude was riding high on some chuddy bullshit until this happened
Quote:Yep. Thinking beyond Japan, it's unconscionable that in 2023, organized superstition is rewarded by so many governments. The tax money left on the table is wasted while people living in poverty are denied benefits because there isn't room in the budget.
Quote:I mean yes.. it generally does work.
Ehhh I wouldn’t go that far. Violence can backfire spectacularly.
I mean sure it can but most of modern revolutions werent made without it. Violence works and don't forget violence doesn't just mean hurting people. Riots etc which damage property is also Violence.
Quote:As Kwame Ture once said, in order for non violence to work your opponent must have a conscience.

I think it's safe to say that "backlash" against attempted violence, or in better terms - self defense, is a continuation of the status quo. That violence leading back to you which is what was already happening. Sure it's happening at an increased rate right now, but when you fight back they will try to strike you down.
These guys are all so stupid. lol
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Boredfrom
Quote:Violence... worked?
Quote:I mean yes.. it generally does work.


Quote:During a televised debate, 17-year-old right-wing ultranationalist Otoya Yamaguchi charged onto the stage and fatally stabbed Asanuma with a wakizashi, a type of traditional short sword.[1] Yamaguchi committed suicide while in custody.

Violence work and is okay. Nice to hear it.

(Sociocultural contexts, how they work? Or the fact that it was a fucking cult involved and Abe being a notorious scumbag)
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
benji dateline='[url=tel:1693879661' wrote: 1693879661[/url]']
Slayven wrote:
Quote:Fumio Kishida,
if i remember correctly dude was riding high on some chuddy bullshit until this happened
Quote:Yep. Thinking beyond Japan, it's unconscionable that in 2023, organized superstition is rewarded by so many governments. The tax money left on the table is wasted while people living in poverty are denied benefits because there isn't room in the budget.
Quote:Ehhh I wouldn’t go that far. Violence can backfire spectacularly.
I mean sure it can but most of modern revolutions werent made without it. Violence works and don't forget violence doesn't just mean hurting people. Riots etc which damage property is also Violence.
Quote:As Kwame Ture once said, in order for non violence to work your opponent must have a conscience.

I think it's safe to say that "backlash" against attempted violence, or in better terms - self defense, is a continuation of the status quo. That violence leading back to you which is what was already happening. Sure it's happening at an increased rate right now, but when you fight back they will try to strike you down.
These guys are all so stupid. lol

Outside the cult fallout, doesn’t seem that Japanese people are exactly preparing for a revolution:

2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Not going to quote all the posts because it's pretty boring but it's hilarious to see B-Dubs in the constructive thread make more posts about spoiler policies than he has about anything else in that thread

b-dubs wrote:I'm going to say this and then I'm done. If inferences can be used to justify something as a spoiler, the fact they can't be used the complete opposite way is incredibly telling.

Also, like I said before, some people have really wild ideas as to what justifies a spoiler. There's a reason we have solid rules: to avoid anyone taking their standard and forcing it on anyone else. We very clearly did not do that, we very clearly followed the rules as they were written and as we promised to enforce upon becoming mods. Everyone who has or is currently a mod has seen situations where some users have brigaded in order to get their way and we have historically tried not to be swayed from the rules just because.

This is a two year old game. The prior game had voice acting, a lot of voice acting actually. The direct prequel did not have a silent protagonist. The trailers literally said the Chozo were in the game. Anyone familiar with the franchise should have easily inferred that Samus can speak the language. The idea that this is a spoiler is indictive of the larger point being made: the idea of what constitutes a spoiler has gotten out of hand and has started to constitute things like trailers and promotional materials.

We are a discussion forum. In the section on spoilers it literally says we cannot let spoilers stand in the way of discussion past a reasonable point. As I have demonstrated, we're well past reasonable here. We are literally at the point where we are literally making appeals to pathos, not logos. Not ethos. But pathos, appeals to emotion.

When the law is on your side argue the law, if the facts are on your side argue the facts, if neither are on your side pound the table and yell as loud as you can.

We're at that third point here. The facts and the rules say it's not a spoiler, so we're making appeals to emotion. That kind of says it all.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have plans tonight. It's been interesting.
(09-05-2023, 02:28 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
b-dubs wrote:There's a reason we have solid rules: to avoid anyone taking their standard and forcing it on anyone else. We very clearly did not do that, we very clearly followed the rules as they were written and as we promised to enforce upon becoming mods. Everyone who has or is currently a mod has seen situations where some users have brigaded in order to get their way and we have historically tried not to be swayed from the rules just because.


As I have demonstrated, we're well past reasonable here. We are literally at the point where we are literally making appeals to pathos, not logos. Not ethos. But pathos, appeals to emotion.
Go on...
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Boredfrom
Quote:Now if you'll excuse me, I have plans tonight. It's been interesting

3 users liked this post: Uncle, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Those kind of posts are always hilariously pathetic, the whole point of forums is that you can leave and come back to continue the discussion. You're just being an ass telling someone they aren't important.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have plans tonight. This meat's not going to wash itself.
He's still ignoring the grave dancing posts in that thread lol
3 users liked this post: Potato, BIONIC, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
Quote:...can we not jump to banning a spicy chip because of a dumb kid?
Quote:What an awful take. I guess AOC is a dipshit too then?

2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth

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