Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Quote:This has been a problem for all of the current gen. Publishers keep putting out trailers for their games in fucking 1080p on youtube. PS5, Xbox and PC games. Games whose assets were clearly produced with ultra HD displays in mind.

It's not as if youtube charged for 1440p or 4k uploads; they don't! That shit is free! Why must we suffer youtube's shitty sub-1440p-resolution bitrates? If 4K is somehow too hard, I'd take 1440p at least. The jump in bitrate between youtube's 1080p and 1440p uploads is noticeable. Why can't we even have that? There are still more trailers released in 1080p-only compared to 1440p or 4k trailers.

We are almost halfway through the current gen. What is going on.


Quote:Cause I'm guessing 90% of people don't have 4K sets? Or even care about 4K or 1440p at all?
Spinluck wrote:Yeah it's actually a masterful blend of both simple and complex.

Reminds me of that old Blizzard mantra from back when they were gaming's. "Simple to learn/play, hard to master."

I think that's a reason Pokemon has been the force it's been even with all the flaws and discontent people may have with the franchise.

I think you are overestimating competitive Pokemon actual pull or how the combat system shows this in game where Hardcore fans need to create a challenge run to have fun.

Also, good news you guys, Nintendo and The Pokemon Company will not change the combat system because of this Palworld. So dunno why are you worried by people having fun with the Ark with Pokémons game.
(01-23-2024, 12:50 AM)Uncle wrote:
(01-23-2024, 12:46 AM)Potato wrote:
(01-23-2024, 12:42 AM)davepoobond wrote: there's so many fucking pokemon now, you can draw anything and people would be like "that looks like ____ pokemon"

even the real pokemon look like fake pokemon.

Who the fuck recognises Pokemon outside of maybe 20 of the original batch and a few of the starters/legendaries? Especially as an adult? Like, I'm seriously gonna call the paedo squad if you're able to name the ones that resemble inanimate objects.

everyone knows those for the sake of dunking on how utterly stupid they are

call the squad if they can name the 37th dog looking one

36th dogemon   EAT FRESH

37th dogemon  Professor Scott Steiner
(01-23-2024, 12:53 AM)benji wrote: Kinda seems unethical for Pokemon to plagiarize the real world, no? hmm

Nintendo should sue
They are mad with the Dusk dev:

David_Szymansky wrote:Twitter: "eat the rich!"

Twitter: "protect Nintendo's intellectual property!"émon-‘plagiarism’-controversy.807630/page-56?post=117994827#post-117994827

NintendroneAvatar wrote:Damn, now I kinda regret recently buying Dusk


(01-23-2024, 01:23 AM)benji wrote:


72 likes  Stahp
Dusk is better than any game Nintendo has released on switch  Elon
(01-23-2024, 12:26 AM)Uncle wrote: you could argue palworld had to be EVEN MORE CREATIVE to

- be distinct, get stylistically close to pokemon without actually being pokemon, to capture the market that likes its style
- still make the designs appealing in their own right without being overdesigned like shitty digimon

it's crazy how much they feel like they could actually be pokemon, to the point where someday in the future, who knows? they might have a case to sue pokemon for copying them Teehee

[Image: r6NrYPm.jpg]



Whole thread is full of amazing:

Snob Popular


(01-23-2024, 12:15 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: This site definitely sucks on mobile,
literally shaking Getting pretty close to putting staff lives in danger with that statement..

(01-23-2024, 12:15 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: but that’s how it is. The posts are worth struggling through it

Okay. You're excused.
Ze_ wrote:Constantly abstracting out to Nintendo while keeping the labour of the actual artists at Game Freak invisible leaves a very bad taste in my mouth. We know most of the artists that create modern Pokemon, as they share their designs in interviews or on their social pages. Several are freelance artists. James Turner, the art director of Sword & Shield, opened his own indie studio and is releasing his first independent project this year. Artists like Atsuko Nishida and Megumi Mizutani have no qualms with designing creatures for other games. Pocket Pair has on interest in contacting these artists. They want to make games for cheap, cutting down on labour costs. That's why the CEO's interests in AI are notable to people: it's a clear extension of his vision for games development.

Doesn’t use AI, though. Those artists are also getting jobs (and I bet you many of them don’t get money for every Pokemon plush with their design that the TPC sells). AI is a fucking big can of worms but you are choosing the wrong battle to fight given that is unrelated and every video game CEO is already in the bandwagon.

Quote:It's the quiet (and often not so quiet) undercurrent to the AI craze—contempt for artists. That what they do isn't real work, that anyone could do that and that their work isn't valuable.

I’m sorry, but did you were born yesterday? Also, again, this doesn’t use AI.

Watchtower wrote:It really does feel like the overwhelming sentiment is that it's fine because it's Pokemon. "They're big enough to take it, power to the people, maybe GF stop being lazy and make good games for once lol." From gamers to industry vets to influencers. I've seen quite a number straight-up say they're supporting it in hopes the game's success scares GF, just pure righteous indignation.

At this point all I can really say is that I hope all this ad populum doesn't blow up in everyone's face.

Neither Nintendo, The Pokemon Company or Gamefreak needs you help in dealing with a competitor. If you care so much about artists… ask them if they receive any money for how these companies use their designs outside “work for hire.”
In a just world, the heads of Nintendo and Game Freak would publicly apologize for being outclassed by this game through a press conference like…

They are full on falling for fake models in that pal world AI chat now, incredible lol
(01-23-2024, 01:38 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Ze_ wrote:Constantly abstracting out to Nintendo while keeping the labour of the actual artists at Game Freak invisible leaves a very bad taste in my mouth. We know most of the artists that create modern Pokemon, as they share their designs in interviews or on their social pages. Several are freelance artists. James Turner, the art director of Sword & Shield, opened his own indie studio and is releasing his first independent project this year. Artists like Atsuko Nishida and Megumi Mizutani have no qualms with designing creatures for other games. Pocket Pair has on interest in contacting these artists. They want to make games for cheap, cutting down on labour costs. That's why the CEO's interests in AI are notable to people: it's a clear extension of his vision for games development.

Doesn’t use AI, though. Those artists are also getting jobs (and I bet you many of them don’t get money for every Pokemon plush with their design that the TPC sells). AI is a fucking big can of worms but you are choosing the wrong battle to fight given that is unrelated and every video game CEO is already in the bandwagon.

Quote:It's the quiet (and often not so quiet) undercurrent to the AI craze—contempt for artists. That what they do isn't real work, that anyone could do that and that their work isn't valuable.

I’m sorry, but did you were born yesterday? Also, again, this doesn’t use AI.

Watchtower wrote:It really does feel like the overwhelming sentiment is that it's fine because it's Pokemon. "They're big enough to take it, power to the people, maybe GF stop being lazy and make good games for once lol." From gamers to industry vets to influencers. I've seen quite a number straight-up say they're supporting it in hopes the game's success scares GF, just pure righteous indignation.

At this point all I can really say is that I hope all this ad populum doesn't blow up in everyone's face.

Neither Nintendo, The Pokemon Company or Gamefreak needs you help in dealing with a competitor. If you care so much about artists… ask them if they receive any money for how these companies use their designs outside “work for hire.”

Maybe I'm mistaken but I believe it would actually be more legally risky for the studio to hire the guy who designed Pikachu to design a Pikachu look alike. The guy might not even want to because it could damage his relationship with Nintendo
oh my god look who I found in the replies:
(01-23-2024, 01:40 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: They are full on falling for fake models in that pal world AI chat now, incredible lol

Nepenthe wrote:The fact that people were being fooled by a fan Pal just proves the point. 🤣

(01-23-2024, 01:43 AM)benji wrote: oh my god look who I found in the replies:


Zero, do they get pay every time Pikachu farts on TV? Do you think even there to ask Nintendo for more money (given how Japanese corporations usually operate, not at all)?
The Dusk guy literally has the site redirect to his game, Gloomwood, which is literally Thief with guns. How fucking dense can these reeeees be?
(01-23-2024, 01:43 AM)benji wrote: oh my god look who I found in the replies:

That's a dumb argument since the art that's being stolen is owned by Nintendo, not those artists
(01-23-2024, 01:43 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:The fact that people were being fooled by a fan Pal just proves the point. 🤣

Yes Nepenthe, proving the point that your forum is full of retards.
Like those artists own anything they worked for with TPC and game freak. Sure they do.
These dumbass socialists think "eat the rich but not their capital" is a coherent position. lol
(01-23-2024, 01:58 AM)benji wrote: These dumbass socialists think "eat the rich but not their capital" is a coherent position. lol
Maybe they mean "eat the rich" literally, don't kink shame. ufup
(01-23-2024, 01:54 AM)Not an Alt Account wrote: Like those artists own anything they worked for with TPC and game freak. Sure they do.

They should form a union.
(01-23-2024, 01:38 AM)Boredfrom wrote: Also, again, this doesn’t use AI.

the best part is, you can't possibly know

they could've asked AI for knockoff pokemon designs, let it run all day, then picked the best ones to re-create by hand, and no one would ever know

and to reeeees, that's just as bad as doing it wholesale without any artist behind it

(it's what naughty dog guy is implying about "cheating")
This Palworld thing is a delicious dilemma for these screeching autists because there's no resolution here. They're completely impotent to stop the market from consuming what it wants just like their little boycott of Hogwarts Legacy did fuckall. I'm surprised that thread hasn't started turning into a graveyard yet. NappyNep is probably on the verge of a mental episode so people should start getting actioned for actions soon.

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