Again, maybe Intergalactic will end being excellent and with a great story. I don’t think Neil and Naughty Dog are untalented hacks. But that trailer was terrible and miserable, and I cannot believe ERA cannot see why people would hate it.
(12-13-2024, 02:20 PM)JoeBoy101 wrote: (12-13-2024, 01:55 PM)Uncle wrote: (12-13-2024, 12:02 PM)PogiJones wrote: Yeah, and also, I'm gonna say something crazy here: Men and women are generally different. Some things that are attractive for one are not attractive for the other. Boobs are attractive on women; they are not attractive on men. Huge, square shoulders are attractive on men; they're not attractive on women. This extends beyond just physical traits, as it's true for personality traits as well. Men like Han Solo can act like dicks and still have charisma, which both men and women like. That's a lot harder for women. OTOH, women can act soft even while being assertive, which again is endearing to both men and women; for a man, acting soft often comes off as weak and limp-dicked.
I know it's fashionable to pretend all differences are cultural (which is obviously not true), but even if they are, that's still a description of our current reality. Men and women are different, and women acting like dicks just does not get as much endearment as when it's a charismatic man, and likewise, a soft man doesn't get as much love as a soft woman. People can complain about reality all they want, but that is reality.

re-conceptualizing this game from the ground up, keeping this idea in mind:
the girl should essentially be kaylee from firefly who literally everyone loves. the ship is run by a boisterous, loudmouthed, obnoxious crew, mix of zapp brannigan and guardians of the galaxy. the girl is just the long-suffering, abused janitor, we see her covered in grease stains and performing the sci-fi equivalent of sweeping with a broom. cinderella story.
trailer starts with this crew being all "captains log: we've run into some bad motherfuckers but it's nothing we can't handle," and they're joking and laughing. sweeping girl bumps something, says "oops," gets yelled at, they call her a drag and tell her to get out of the way. we get a whole scene where we THINK these idiots are the Concord protagonists...but then an alien entity beams aboard and vaporizes all of them into a pile of ash. janitor girl who was shunted to the back of the ship narrowly avoids this, and when the alien leaves she's like "ohgodohgod what do I dooo," she runs to the front and starts punching buttons, and takes off into hyperspace, now on her own with her own ship, free to do whatever adventure is demanded of her
or hell, maybe the alien finds her but doesn't kill her because he needs someone to operate the ship for him, and the two slowly manage to bond over the course of the game (the idiot crew he killed were jerks anyway, we find out she was a child slave sold to them, so better off with a murderous alien with a secret heart of gold than them)
just spitballing here
Is there a reason you are rehashing old Sierra games?
![[Image: SQ-title.png]](
Spoiler: (click to show)(click to hide) I grew up on and loved those old Sierra games!
This is also the literal plot of Endless Dungeon, sequel to one of my favorite games of all time, Dungeon of the Endless.
Actual janitor of a space ship containing two spunky heroes is the only survivor when the ship crashes straight into a roguelike space station/prison two minutes into the intro cutscene.
12-13-2024, 05:03 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-13-2024, 05:05 PM by Boredfrom.)
Booshka wrote:With the amount of threats that customer service reps get and this one being actioned on shows the fear that these companies have.
They should have fear, they earned it with their horrific business practices. Hope she is released.
Coffee shop revolutionary.
entremet wrote:I hope Americans are waking up honestly. Class solidarity here is very poor. This is intentionally done as well.
Says the dude that works in marketing and posts in a video game forum.
(12-13-2024, 04:32 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Again, maybe Intergalactic will end being excellent and with a great story. I don’t think Neil and Naughty Dog are untalented hacks. But that trailer was terrible and miserable, and I cannot believe ERA cannot see why people would hate it.
Because Era's whole game is to piss off 'Chuds' if it doesn't piss them off they can't feel anything.
I also think ND is a decent studio, but I miss the days when they made unapologetic fun games like Uncharted 2.
The fact they used Pet Shop Boys in the trailer leads me to hope this game does not take itself seriously at all.
That whole thread is "I hope more of this happens".
You hope more...frontline customer service employees are threatened with mortal harm for restarting policies they have no control over?
lol no one has replied to plagarize's thread
(12-13-2024, 03:35 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:

It’s been almost two hours. Come on TransEra, support your peoples!
You guys sperging about a game that hasn't even released yet, that nobody knows how it even works, is no that much different than the weirdos on ERA losing their shit over retarded stuff.
Fuck me, even some of you writing fanfiction and shit.
Enjoy Okami 2, Ueda's next game and everything else will be fine.
(12-13-2024, 05:03 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Booshka wrote:With the amount of threats that customer service reps get and this one being actioned on shows the fear that these companies have.
They should have fear, they earned it with their horrific business practices. Hope she is released.
Coffee shop revolutionary.
(12-12-2024, 03:17 PM)killamajig wrote: Oh shit, what's this?
![[Image: vBqpROI.jpg]](
Booshka is an absolute poseur. I checked the thread killamajig posted above and Booshka hasn't dared to reply to the person rightfully calling them out.
Which tells me all I need to know.
(12-13-2024, 05:13 PM)FEUER FREI. wrote: lol no one has replied to plagarize's thread
Thank you Sydnee. No one watched that crap but you did an amazing "job"!
(12-13-2024, 05:15 PM)garamonde wrote: You guys sperging about a game that hasn't even released yet, that nobody knows how it even works, is no that much different than the weirdos on ERA losing their shit over retarded stuff.
Fuck me, even some of you writing fanfiction and shit. 
Enjoy Okami 2, Ueda's next game and everything else will be fine.

I'm belatedly watching TGAs and yeah, I think most of these games look great. Project: Robot had me "popping off" as the kids say.
Full faith in Druckmann, for that matter. Zionists never lose! ✡
(12-13-2024, 05:15 PM)DocWager wrote: (12-13-2024, 03:35 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:

It’s been almost two hours. Come on TransEra, support your peoples!
Cis don't care!!
(12-13-2024, 05:18 PM)Cauliflower Of Love wrote: (12-13-2024, 05:13 PM)FEUER FREI. wrote: lol no one has replied to plagarize's thread
the one HaughtyFrank posted:
(12-13-2024, 05:15 PM)garamonde wrote: You guys sperging about a game that hasn't even released yet, that nobody knows how it even works, is no that much different than the weirdos on ERA losing their shit over retarded stuff.
Fuck me, even some of you writing fanfiction and shit. 
Enjoy Okami 2, Ueda's next game and everything else will be fine.

(12-13-2024, 05:08 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: That whole thread is "I hope more of this happens".
You hope more...frontline customer service employees are threatened with mortal harm for restarting policies they have no control over?
Quote:Jeez man. I have no sympathy for insurance companies. But you people will (rightly so) come down on people who send in death threats to Bungie/Bioware/whatever but this woman calls into one against Blue Cross and you turn into a bunch of first amendment activists?
12-13-2024, 05:59 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-13-2024, 05:59 PM by davepoobond.)
(12-13-2024, 02:55 PM)Uncle wrote: (12-13-2024, 02:31 PM)davepoobond wrote: (12-13-2024, 08:11 AM)benji wrote: Thinking about this, it'd be more inventive and interesting to make a game based around what some people in 1986 would have thought human culture of space travel would look like.
The TV and CD player and so on in the trailer just look out of place, it's like everything about 1986 advanced centuries except the consumer electronics. The fashions are somewhat similar. It just feels odd if you think about it any yet it's clearly supposed to be some deeply constructed aspect of the universe. It's just superficial nostalgia but they somehow decided it's narrative relevant. What do you bet there's Soviets and stuff? Even though the world necessary for space travel like depicted would be dramatically changed beyond recognition.
edit: Not saying there's not ways to do it or that they haven't. Or to overly judge off a shitty trailer. But it's like drawing all the attention to the weakest part of your fiction by framing it this way.
I think you basically are describing what the issue is with retro futurism, because we already “know” what happened to old kinds of technology and using the same technology is just a way to signal to the current person that it is of “80s” retro futurism and not just people deciding to wear eyepatches cause it is cool
you need a plausible reason why things are done in the old 80s way
maybe just this particular girl is a retro enthusiast and keeps CDs, in which case it wouldn't be a retro future universe, she's just a hipster, or it has meaning to her like starlord
maybe space travel tech advanced but it's all based on big vacuum tubes and stuff, and data storage technology hit a snag and couldn't advance, which is why music is still stored on CD, but that has implications for the rest of the world and is interesting, which requires thinking it through logically and deriving what else it would mean, so of course today's idiot writers don't go that route
dude imagine ships that are built with a massive spinning disc atop them like a record player/CD, that's the only way people discovered to store large amounts of data, it's a terabyte of storage but has to be building-sized in order to do it
maybe the read heads are repurposed as guns during a firefight, laser is used to read the data and also to go pew pew

i agree -- but i suppose we are NOT leaning towards "80s enthusiast hipster in the future" based on the lady with the eye patch. i guess. and just the way the ship is built, because it would take a lot of effort on her part to have a customized ship like that for bounty hunting?
we wont really know till there's more of this. i'm fine with what i saw so far, whether or not it is truly retro futurism
Watershed wrote:As others have pointed out, call center workers deal with abuse and literal threats every single day and the police do nothing about it. The only reason this woman was arrested for not even making a threat is because the entire system is geared up to protect the rich and powerful right now even more so than normal. Every system of power and privilege is in protect the CEOs mode. Meanwhile, the average person is livid and rightly so.
Tell me you have no experience with call centers without saying you have no experience with call centers lol.
So many of these posters definitively state that "call center workers get death threats every day" get fucking real. Also, how do you think this call got escalated? 99% likelihood that the CS employee reported it themselves...but please don't find them and break their legs, Nepenthe!
The fantastic Sydnee Goodman was shining bright on "stage" while Sleazy Geoff disrespected the great Ben Kutaragi. Everyone wanted to hear Ben speak but Geoff thought it was more important to talk about people no one even knows and games no one wants to play. Geoff should resign in disgrace and hand over the reigns to Sydnee so the game awards are no longer woke and rigged!!
didn't he used to work for a police department? or do I have the wrong lore
(12-13-2024, 06:09 PM)garamonde wrote: ![[Image: lol34.png]](
didn't he used to work for a police department? or do I have the wrong lore
He used to Boogie?
What a career.
(12-13-2024, 05:28 PM)Nintex wrote: [tweet][/tweet]
Thank you Sydnee. No one watched that crap but you did an amazing "job"!
My old man’s gaffer was called Sid. Haven’t seen him for ages. Maybe that’s him. Same pointy elbows. It’s possible he chucked in his job at the docks and went off to Hollywood to become Sydnee.
(12-13-2024, 05:15 PM)DocWager wrote: (12-13-2024, 03:35 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:

It’s been almost two hours. Come on TransEra, support your peoples!
plagiarize wrote:I think it's telling that we as humans tend to default to *male pronouns* when presented with a robot or alien race that doesn't have a gender binary. The Sontarans in Doctor Who for example. They're a clone race. One single gender. There are countless other examples I'm sure you can bring to mind.
what do sontarans look like?
I wonder who voices some of them? oh it seems to be some people of unknown gender named things like Dan Starkey and Christopher Ryan
I wonder why people default to male pronouns for them
side note: I took a field trip to wikipedia
as you may know, the gender wars began in about 2013 centered on tumblr
I wonder how B-Dubs and rest of the mods would react to someone sending them "Kill Resetera mods. You people are next" and there was just a high profile case of an Internet mod getting murdered
Just full of shit.
Hell, I wouldn't put it above B-Dubs to report this very post despite it clearly being a hypothetical example
(12-13-2024, 06:09 PM)garamonde wrote: ![[Image: lol34.png]](
didn't he used to work for a police department? or do I have the wrong lore
He's a correctional officer for a jail (that does IT work). There are CO jobs that don't involve any sort of contact with inmates. If somebody isn't cut out for working on the yard with inmates we put them in a office job.
I'm just surprised that hamasera hasn't invaded discussions of Intergalatic yet. It's a game being made by a known zionist after all. I guess they prioritize Sony over Palestine.