Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
Unlike the racist stuff, the "traditional" porn games or "Sex With Hitler" anything loli-adjacent is legally problematic in many countries. Even in the United States it's technically illegal but generally not prosecuted. (In part because it's expected the far-right incel dominated Supreme Court will say it's protected speech.)

I'm absolutely sure there's stuff getting approved because the developers aren't being honest about what's in the game. Developers who are honest are going to get flagged by Valve or Nintendo for more extensive review.

Just as an example, say you put in a bunch of underage type stuff but it's "furry" and you just say it's furry fetish. That will sail through because they won't look deep enough at it to know. But stuff openly marked in this way or where the character designs resemble young humans are going to be easier to pick out.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Boredfrom
Nah, there is stuff that made no sense and is not loli adjacent (many of the Custom Order Maid DLC, they took 5 or 4 years to give them approval to sell). And is worse when they get approved by Valve until last minute they decide against it. 

Also, there is stuff Valve ignores (because outside patch) that is worse than you describe but has high reviews and a lot of sales (like Summer memories and Winter Memories). No way Valve doesn’t know how this games are with patch, and they have denied all ages versions of other games for the same reason of what they are with patchs.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, imsotired
(12-16-2024, 04:49 AM)garamonde wrote:
(12-14-2024, 10:45 PM)garamonde wrote: You just ruined one of my favorite games.  literally shaking
[Image: lol5.png]

Brother, you're still playing it, if it upsets you that much, to the point of posting about it on the internet, then stop playing. 
Motherfuckers wanna have the cake and eat it too. Post some bullshit on ERA, get some pats on the back, then login to their favorite child with tits bouncing gacha game. True heroes of our society right here.

[Image: lol89.png]
[Image: lol9.png]

Let's take a look at these games the Captain of 'Stop Sexualizing Women' is so knowledgeable about:

Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: lol6767.png]
[Image: lol876.png]


Can't make this shit up. lol

Princess Bubblegum doesn't like sexualised women in his videogames. He does, however, like sexualised minors.
(12-16-2024, 06:49 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Proud to say the metal community has always pushed back against these arseholes. They fucked the punk scene and now they are desperately trying to fuck the metal scene. Fuck off.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(12-16-2024, 07:05 AM)benji wrote:
FantasticToma, wrote:At this point Israel and the West are just going through with it to set a precedence and when all Palestinians are dead (or crippled to the point where they might as well be dead), Israel just annexes the entire territory of Gaza. And thus Palestine will cease to exist.

It will be the most heinous, disgusting, evil crime in 21st century. And the US, Germany and others will let it happen, support it, and afterwards make bs claims about how this was okay.

I feel sick.
Do the Palestinians in the West Bank (50% of the Palestinian population, 94% of Palestine's land area) know they're not part of Palestine? lol

If a reseteran expresses an ignorant opinion, does the tree falling in the woods make a sound?
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, killamajig
(12-16-2024, 07:23 AM)BIONIC wrote:

PlayStation™ Fan Discussing Their Fine Products

Do we already have gatekeeping on the list of words that resetera uses and doesn't actually understand the meaning of?
Starting to think there's something creepy and somewhat hypocritical about this Princess Bubblegum person
the neptunia games don't have sexualized minors, they're console goddesses!!
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
melody shreds wrote:This thread is even more important in the holiday season! It can be the worst time of year for some of us...

Bumping a month old e begging thread for the holidays lol
Quote:So unreliable narrator shenanigans going on with this film🤔?
[Image: Screenshot-20241216-084248-Chrome.jpg]

What a loser
(12-16-2024, 01:37 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
melody shreds wrote:This thread is even more important in the holiday season! It can be the worst time of year for some of us...

Bumping a month old e begging thread for the holidays lol

Shreds on Xmas day when his parents buy him the wrong toy

[Image: zLERhiM.gif]
(12-16-2024, 01:32 PM)EaldNarche wrote: the neptunia games don't have sexualized minors, they're console goddesses!!

you can only sexualize the wii/ps3 and older because they are 18+

nes is becoming a milf ngl
I think nintendo might have been right to not release this one....

Quote:If by that you mean direct, unambiguous action the answer is no. If you mean only the implication, the answer is there's more than one.

Spoiler: Death Ends
I know of at least two such scenes: in one the protagonist is torn apart by worms and afterwards a character makes a comment implying that the worms did "penetrate" her; in other a character is explicitly described as masturbating because she's getting off on torturing the protagonist to death.

Do you think people would really do that?
Literally every single time someone looks into why these “wholesome and unobjectionable” games get rejected it’s either pedo shit or rape shit or both without fail Maduro
"niche" is the new codeword for these wholesome and unobjectionable games.

PrincessBubblegum wrote:Fine fine. It is was bold of me to think Steam completely stopped. Though it sounds like whoever at Valve is behind that is being "smart" and going after pretty niche games. I do worry that a game I backed on Kickstarter could be facing such issues.

I wonder what cozy wholesome wlw fable PrinceBubblegum is kickstarting, btw? Something niche, I'm sure.
Melody has to come to the conclusion that the well has been tapped dry. 

I guess them trying to do it on Reee (or getting that cum obsessed weirdo fat4all to do it for them) is because Bluesky is getting crowded with people on the same grift. 

The fact they’ve reupped the thread tells me even Reee is not in a giving mood.

Despite what they say, their parents are not going to let them starve, but the extra money Melody grifts they can spend on tat like anime figurines.

Utterly shameless.

lol thread is picking up, be one to watch for next year

Quote:Because the guy who wrote and directed it based on his own experiences wasn't from the country being invaded? That doesn't mean a movie from the other perspective wouldn't also be compelling.

Quote:don't think you are wrong at all, that is 99% exactly what they are doing, but that doesn't really change my feelings on it. Thanks the US' iron grip on the entertainment industry there are countless movies doing exactly that, using the common US soldier to provide a lens into the senselesness and cruelty of war. But in examples like this, it's still almost always the viewpoint of the invader. After decades of US soldiers standing in for the common man, humanizing them while portraying their enemies as faceless, brown-skinned enemy combatants to reach the conclusion of "man, war really sucks for everyone", watching this trailer made me realize that I'm pretty done with that.

Quote:The "circumstance" actually matters. A lot. It's what we like to call "context." Because this shit doesn't happen in a vacuum.

I know Garland especially is confused about that very basic concept. He's shown it, and he's even said it.

I don't care if this movie co-directed by a dipshit Navy Seal shows US soldiers mewling about their legless friends, they are the fucking invading force here, made up of volunteers, and they don't merit even the vaguest sympathy. And any film that emphasizes that at the expense of showing the disaster meted out on the large population of actually innocent people in a completely different country is truly worth less than shit.

The fact that people here are unironically championing it as a successor to Black Hawk Down and having no realization of what they're saying is actually funny, though.
(12-16-2024, 06:50 PM)Daffy Duck wrote: lol thread is picking up, be to watch for next year

Quote:Because the guy who wrote and directed it based on his own experiences wasn't from the country being invaded? That doesn't mean a movie from the other perspective wouldn't also be compelling.

Quote:don't think you are wrong at all, that is 99% exactly what they are doing, but that doesn't really change my feelings on it. Thanks the US' iron grip on the entertainment industry there are countless movies doing exactly that, using the common US soldier to provide a lens into the senselesness and cruelty of war. But in examples like this, it's still almost always the viewpoint of the invader. After decades of US soldiers standing in for the common man, humanizing them while portraying their enemies as faceless, brown-skinned enemy combatants to reach the conclusion of "man, war really sucks for everyone", watching this trailer made me realize that I'm pretty done with that.

Quote:The "circumstance" actually matters. A lot. It's what we like to call "context." Because this shit doesn't happen in a vacuum.

I know Garland especially is confused about that very basic concept. He's shown it, and he's even said it.

I don't care if this movie co-directed by a dipshit Navy Seal shows US soldiers mewling about their legless friends, they are the fucking invading force here, made up of volunteers, and they don't merit even the vaguest sympathy. And any film that emphasizes that at the expense of showing the disaster meted out on the large population of actually innocent people in a completely different country is truly worth less than shit.

The fact that people here are unironically championing it as a successor to Black Hawk Down and having no realization of what they're saying is actually funny, though.

I guess these guys also really hated "All quiet on the western front"?
(12-16-2024, 02:44 PM)Jansen wrote: [Image: Screenshot-20241216-084248-Chrome.jpg]

What a loser

I don't understand...why would the holiday season matter?  Doesnt she just need money for food?  Does all the food get more expensive during Christmas time where she lives?
coldsagging wrote:I'm fairly content. I've been writing and putting together something that puts together a lot of recent news and things, I think it demonstrably shows that our lives are going to be very....different, and soon. I think by 2030. I might start a thread about it once it's done but it would probably get about 10 replies, mostly from me lol.

Also, Hannah Ritchie's book is explicitly "not political" by her own admission. She doesn't question capitalism, she advocates for global growth, she doesn't mention things like the planetary boundaries at all but wants to chat about sustainability. 🚮
coldsagging wrote:It's mostly for friends and family so they can at least have a proper heads up, but I may share it more widely from there.

I've tried to keep it short and punchy and its already over 11,000 words as there's just so much, I've had to update and rewrite numerous parts already and I haven't even mentioned things like soil quality yet or things like the Arctic tundra switching from a carbon sink to a carbon source.
coldsagging wrote:We've breached the 1.5 degrees climate target about a decade before most moderates predicted, even most "alarmists" didn't anticipate this until 2026.

Freshwater demand is set to exceed supply by 40% by 2030.

Carbon sinks are switching to carbon sources. Which has not been factored into all the climate models we've been using.

Drylands now make up 40% of land on earth, and an area a 3rd larger than India turned permanently arid in the last 30 years.

I could do this all day. Compelling arguments as to why you're not sure this will make things worse, loudly and into the mic please 🎤

SuperDevilJoe wrote:I feel ya OP.

This ain't 2016. This is different. And just because humanity as a whole will survive doesn't mean it's not the end of the world for millions.
What's there to live for if its all going to be suffering unless you have a ton of Zeros in your bank account???
(12-16-2024, 01:37 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
melody shreds wrote:This thread is even more important in the holiday season! It can be the worst time of year for some of us...

Bumping a month old e begging thread for the holidays lol

Melody Shreds entire life and existence summed up in one GIF:

[Image: XpDo5jJ.gif]

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Inappropriate Joke; History of the Same
Sai wrote:"Abundant Life"

c'mon now.
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, benji, BIONIC
(12-16-2024, 03:22 PM)EaldNarche wrote: I think nintendo might have been right to not release this one....

Is it tho?

Is NoA getting uppity again.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Nintex
Nintendo of america have inadvertently banned my waifus an alarming amount of times now  Am I out of touch?
(12-16-2024, 07:06 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
(12-16-2024, 02:44 PM)Jansen wrote: [Image: Screenshot-20241216-084248-Chrome.jpg]

What a loser

I don't understand...why would the holiday season matter?  Doesnt she just need money for food?  Does all the food get more expensive during Christmas time where she lives?

Let's just cut the bullshit. We all know malds parents feed his fatass and all they do is buy themselves crap with the grift.

What a piece of useless shit. The only reason they don't get a job is because they'll get the wages garnished. Shame that the collection agencies can't intercept the donations.
What's really the difference between the holiday period compared to any other period of the year when Melody is begging for some?
(12-16-2024, 07:48 PM)Steven Snell wrote: What's really the difference between the holiday period compared to any other period of the year when Melody is begging for some?

Cuz it's Christmas and their parents aren't going to buy them anything because they're 36 and live at home with them rent free so they need donations to buy themselves crap thinking it'll make them feel better about their shitty situation
(12-16-2024, 07:36 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: Nintendo of america have inadvertently banned my waifus an alarming amount of times now  Am I out of touch?

I mean, NoA is okay with stealing games:

“Unpacking: Deluxe Edition” Mike Rolleyes lol
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
The first post of fat4all that didn't involve cum, unless...

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