Journal of Other Forum Analysis
(08-24-2023, 06:38 PM)Snoopy wrote:
Uncle dateline='[url=tel:1692887105' wrote: 1692887105[/url]']

what would you like to talk about snoopy

I don’t know. Blind people. Aborigines. Mechanics. I expect all of them have forums or something and they’re all just as mental as ree’s trans mafia. Somewhere there will be a bunch of blind, Aborigine mechanics screeching about genocide

braille is fucking bullshit

2.4% of people are considered visually impaired, even fewer than that are considered blind enough to need to learn to read braille, and among that group braille literacy is at like 10% or something

fewer than 0.24% of people know braille, but how many of them even actively use it in everyday life? we have 5000 technologies for reading stuff aloud to us

yet because of this ultra-minority, every room in every corporate building has braille under the room name

think, how many times in your life have you seen someone literally feeling along the wall, hoping their hand is at the right height to bump into a sign, so they can read what the purpose of the room is, because apparently no one else is around to just tell them or help them

what percentage of braille signs in the world do you think have EVER been read by ANYONE even once??

how much do those fucking bumps cost taxpayers and consumers
fuck braille

[Image: Wqh6mo7.png]
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Nintex
Snoopy dateline='[url=tel:1692902283' wrote: 1692902283[/url]']
Uncle dateline='[url=tel:1692887105' wrote: 1692887105[/url]']

what would you like to talk about snoopy

I don’t know. Blind people. Aborigines. Mechanics. I expect all of them have forums or something and they’re all just as mental as ree’s trans mafia. Somewhere there will be a bunch of blind, Aborigine mechanics screeching about genocide

Naw. Not blind or aborigines, but

Boring. I mean, it’s all about cars. No topic creep or drift whatsoever. Nothing immediately noticeable that is.

Imagine. An ERA with no OT allowed.
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower

Tankie RE Vs NeoLiberal RE. Retards VS Idiots

Tankie RE are experts of bitching about “moralism” while being the first to complain about how “evil” westerners are.

Quote:I must say that as an administrator of this site you are really aggressive toward others ….
Nepenthe wrote:My job does not prohibit me from being aggressive, pointed, mean, strict, or what-have-you.
(08-24-2023, 06:43 PM)jorma wrote:
(08-24-2023, 06:35 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: 1 week for saying white bitches.  Imagine if they had said black bitches.  Permanent banned right off the spot.

to be fair this might still end up a perm when nep nep wakes up, if it turns out that she really enjoys pumpkin spice and assumes that the thread was made just to call her "white bitch adjacent"

You joke but I can see that happening lol
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, jorma
(08-24-2023, 06:46 PM)Uncle wrote: think, how many times in your life have you seen someone literally feeling along the wall, hoping their hand is at the right height to bump into a sign, so they can read what the purpose of the room is, because apparently no one else is around to just tell them or help them

what percentage of braille signs in the world do you think have EVER been read by ANYONE even once??

how much do those fucking bumps cost taxpayers and consumers
[Image: giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952xob1j7v722ygoxcocc...y.gif&ct=g]

[Image: 4hVz.gif]

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Misogynistic Slur
Tfritz wrote:hope those dumb bitches die, if i'm being honest, everyone's already struggling with the never ending wildfires, and y'all want to make it even harder to deal with them? besties deserve everything that happens to them.
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, Taco Bell Tower, BIONIC

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Dismissing Concerns of Misogyny over Multiple Posts
Toth wrote:
Jimmy Joe wrote:You are badly, very badly misrepresenting the discussion around misogyny in that thread

If you mean to say "Everyone there kept saying the game was misogynistic, and I disagree because there's nothign wrong with how FF16 writes women," just say that
While no game, especially JRPGs, are no means perfect, I find the accusations of misogyny about this game, especially on this board, to be overly inflated. Yes some situations could have been written better, I stand by the fact the game has plenty of well written and engaging female characters that put the men of the story in their place. That being said this is still Clive’s story but without Jill being there for him she using her abilities, he would have failed a loooong time ago. Jill is the MVP of the game imho
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, LoverOfCycles, BIONIC
Quote:American liberals really need to stop with this stupid view that the world is divided between democracies and dictatorships. It is made using comparison parameters that completely ignores the socio-political processes that were essential to the formation of theses nations and the what each people values more in terms of rights and areas of development. Besides, it ignores the foreign relations and imperialism which turns this whole thing futile.

BRICS is about bringing a new economic order with a multipolar world. Why would a multipolar world be better than the unipolar that we have right now? It is simple

This world is better for YOU. You that is born in a country that directly benefited from exploration of nations in the global south and archived social and economic development using resources from the poorest countries. I understand that people will naturally defend their privileges, but try to see from the perspective of someone who is not born in the so called "West".

Also another thing, we are not stupid. Brazil, Argentina, African countries etc. are sovereign countries that can make their own decisions. We know what China wants when they borrow money, trust us we are specialists in economic imperialism.

In the end every nation is just looking for defend their own interests and there is no problem in that, this is how the world has always has been. The problem is that when the West is doing this, they are doing this for protect democracy or whatever. When a underdeveloped country do this he is being manipulated or are aligning with the "great evil". There is no moral in international relations, just interests so please stop with yours moral lectures

If you don’t care about morality, then don’t bitch about it when something horrible happens in your country or China and Russia backstab you (seeing it coming doesn’t mean you will be able to do anything about it, specially if your governments are corrupt to begin with).

I bet you that 20 years from now you still will be waiting that those countries “complete” their process and become stable democracies.
1 user liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth

Quote: Cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Inflammatory commentary
Culex wrote:Era members lurking with firearms waiting to gun down dog owners trespassing.
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, Taco Bell Tower, BIONIC
(08-24-2023, 07:06 PM)Boredfrom wrote:

Tankie RE Vs NeoLiberal RE. Retards VS Idiots

Tankie RE are experts of bitching about “moralism” while being the first to complain about how “evil” westerners are.

Quote:I must say that as an administrator of this site you are really aggressive toward others ….
Nepenthe wrote:My job does not prohibit me from being aggressive, pointed, mean, strict, or what-have-you.

"what-have-you" doing a lot of lifting there, as it presumably includes fair, reasonable, competent, knowledgeable, consistent, informed, equitable, etc etc etc
Snoopy dateline='[url=tel:1692902283' wrote: 1692902283[/url]']
Uncle dateline='[url=tel:1692887105' wrote: 1692887105[/url]']

what would you like to talk about snoopy

I don’t know. Blind people. Aborigines. Mechanics. I expect all of them have forums or something and they’re all just as mental as ree’s trans mafia. Somewhere there will be a bunch of blind, Aborigine mechanics screeching about genocide

Deaf communities are the ones to read if you want to see some real shit. Debates over whether they should get their kids cochlear implants, lest they leave the community. A lot of similar arguments about denying their identity and whether it’s something to be pathologised. Stuff like that.
(08-24-2023, 10:47 AM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:Was a classic writer in NJ and then NYC (went to art college and lived there) from approximately 88-96 give or take.
What I mean by classic above is I never did pieces, just tags but mostly "classic" throw ups.
Admittedly what I eventually learned was NJ writing was an entirely different experience. There was no doubt crews, but there was not a ton of beef between said crews. Basically there was enough wall space that unless you were purposely looking to create a beef, people could and would go about their business and pretty much respect other crews. There was no doubt some tension just due to personalities, but yeah, I never felt worried about being a writer in NJ besides being in some sketchy places late at night.
While I lived in the city and continued to write, this is when it became very obvious it was an entirely different experience.
I did however continue to write.
About 2 years living in NYC, I got down with a pretty active crew in lower Manhattan almost strictly for the idea of there was safety in numbers.
Said crew also got up quite a lot. To me there was a level of respect by being asked to be part of the crew (which is a crazy story on its own but I am already rambling here).
What I did not realize when I agreed to start representing said crew was they actually enjoyed having beef with other crews.
Shit got very volatile and although I was part of said crew for well over a year, it eventually culminated in one of the craziest incidents of violence I have still to this day ever witnessed in my life.
I was also 22 years old at that point in time and the prospect of not only being arrested but being stabbed or worse was enough.
What truly sealed the deal is when I told said crew I was out of the crew, I got "jumped out."
That was enough for me and my graf days were pretty much over.

[Image: giphy-downsized-large.gif?cid=6c09b952jf...e.gif&ct=g]

"Said crew"
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:Sony is already gaining a reputation for killing Black characters (not just Naughty Dog), no need to force that fate on Angraboda.
2 users liked this post: MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
Makes sense to do asset flips with these long ass development cycles.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower

Rockets wrote:Prior context: My parents almost got divorced, mom had a mental breakdown and dad left the house to live somewhere else for a few months. Over the course of a few months, my toxic, narcissist, best friend convinced himself and all my other friends that my sudden change in behavior is because I have personal animosity against him. I assure him it doesn't but that doesn't stop him from slandering me to everyone i know over the course of many months and I had no idea. One day he loses it and goes after me in multiple various group chats (all with the same exact group of friends) urging me to call him. i gave in and called, he didn't pick up, and he continues to go in the group chat urging me to call. i say i called, he says I'm a liar and a bum and demands i call him again. i tell him to call back or go away, he leaves the group chat and deletes me as a friend on all platforms.

So anyway, I speak to a couple friends that were in the group chat about the situation. They're all neutral. One of them says I was "ducking the convo" and so the toxic friend had to bully me and harass me over the various group chats because "desperate times call for desperate measures." I'm pretty hurt about all this. They keep trying to pressure me into reconciling and hearing him out even after the way he attacked me in the chats.

Couple months pass. Out of nowhere, toxic friend reaches out to my mom and has a pretty heated back and forth with her. He tries to convince her of the same shit he convinced my friends with of how I have a secret beef with him. She knows why I was depressed at the time because of the possible divorce looming so she doesn't fall for it. He tells her "you're only taking his side because he's your son. tell him to grow up and call me." When my mom tells me about the convo I decided right then and there to never reconcile with him. You can disrespect me all you want but no fucking way am I letting you disrespect my mom especially given her mental health as of late.

In the months ahead, I notice my friend group hanging out with the toxic friend more and more and with me less. Yearly events that we'd all normally go to I'm excluded. Some of them start sharing screenshots of another iMessage groupchat with everyone in it but me on their IG stories.

This all came to a head when we all planned a birthday for one of the friends in the group. I'm in contact with the guys and I hit up the guys whose bday it is to hangout, he says he can't. I say no problem, we'll kick it soon. Me and one of my friends in the group coordinate on a gift. Weeks pass by. All of a sudden I see a picture online of all these guys hanging out. I wasn't sure if it was for the bday or not, but then I saw pics of him receiving gifts. Couple days later the bday friend reaches out and thanks me for the gift. Ngl I was fuming.

More instances of this happen. I then here from an outside source (can't say who), that the ex-toxic friend apparently hatched a plan with friend group to isolate me and stop hanging out with me until I admit I did have beef with him and apologize. I had a feeling that was the case. Unfortunately there's no way I can verify this given who told me this information and I can't risk throwing them under the bus.

So over the last few months i've hung out with the friend group a bit more frequently, but i've noticed some slick shit as well. we'd hang out and they'd talk about how last night was so fun, and it would be a move i wasn't invited to. shit like that. sometimes they'd have their locations off but when they're all together hanging out with the toxic friend (and i'm not there) they'd all turn their locations on.

I've been thinking more about all this and it's starting to hit me. I really don't like how they all stood by and watched while the toxic friend bullied me. I don't like how they're all convinced that I have something against him. I don't like how they distanced themselves and chose to prioritize him over me.

One of them just the other day sent a viral video with the ex-friend prominently in it to the group chat I'm in. They have another gc where the only difference is there's him instead of me, so it's obvious they sent that to the one I'm in deliberately. i honestly couldn't take it anymore and just left the group chat and deleted their locations altogether.

I have a strong feeling they're going to confront me on why I left eventually and don't know if should downplay it as a "trying to be less hyper connected to social media" thing and just distance myself or if I should take the opportunity to make my feelings heard in one last effort. I just don't know if they’re worth the trouble after all this. What do you guys think?
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, D3RANG3D, Potato
(08-24-2023, 09:32 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Rockets wrote:Prior context: My parents almost got divorced, mom had a mental breakdown and dad left the house to live somewhere else for a few months. Over the course of a few months, my toxic, narcissist, best friend convinced himself and all my other friends that my sudden change in behavior is because I have personal animosity against him. I assure him it doesn't but that doesn't stop him from slandering me to everyone i know over the course of many months and I had no idea. One day he loses it and goes after me in multiple various group chats (all with the same exact group of friends) urging me to call him. i gave in and called, he didn't pick up, and he continues to go in the group chat urging me to call. i say i called, he says I'm a liar and a bum and demands i call him again. i tell him to call back or go away, he leaves the group chat and deletes me as a friend on all platforms.

So anyway, I speak to a couple friends that were in the group chat about the situation. They're all neutral. One of them says I was "ducking the convo" and so the toxic friend had to bully me and harass me over the various group chats because "desperate times call for desperate measures." I'm pretty hurt about all this. They keep trying to pressure me into reconciling and hearing him out even after the way he attacked me in the chats.

Couple months pass. Out of nowhere, toxic friend reaches out to my mom and has a pretty heated back and forth with her. He tries to convince her of the same shit he convinced my friends with of how I have a secret beef with him. She knows why I was depressed at the time because of the possible divorce looming so she doesn't fall for it. He tells her "you're only taking his side because he's your son. tell him to grow up and call me." When my mom tells me about the convo I decided right then and there to never reconcile with him. You can disrespect me all you want but no fucking way am I letting you disrespect my mom especially given her mental health as of late.

In the months ahead, I notice my friend group hanging out with the toxic friend more and more and with me less. Yearly events that we'd all normally go to I'm excluded. Some of them start sharing screenshots of another iMessage groupchat with everyone in it but me on their IG stories.

This all came to a head when we all planned a birthday for one of the friends in the group. I'm in contact with the guys and I hit up the guys whose bday it is to hangout, he says he can't. I say no problem, we'll kick it soon. Me and one of my friends in the group coordinate on a gift. Weeks pass by. All of a sudden I see a picture online of all these guys hanging out. I wasn't sure if it was for the bday or not, but then I saw pics of him receiving gifts. Couple days later the bday friend reaches out and thanks me for the gift. Ngl I was fuming.

More instances of this happen. I then here from an outside source (can't say who), that the ex-toxic friend apparently hatched a plan with friend group to isolate me and stop hanging out with me until I admit I did have beef with him and apologize. I had a feeling that was the case. Unfortunately there's no way I can verify this given who told me this information and I can't risk throwing them under the bus.

So over the last few months i've hung out with the friend group a bit more frequently, but i've noticed some slick shit as well. we'd hang out and they'd talk about how last night was so fun, and it would be a move i wasn't invited to. shit like that. sometimes they'd have their locations off but when they're all together hanging out with the toxic friend (and i'm not there) they'd all turn their locations on.

I've been thinking more about all this and it's starting to hit me. I really don't like how they all stood by and watched while the toxic friend bullied me. I don't like how they're all convinced that I have something against him. I don't like how they distanced themselves and chose to prioritize him over me.

One of them just the other day sent a viral video with the ex-friend prominently in it to the group chat I'm in. They have another gc where the only difference is there's him instead of me, so it's obvious they sent that to the one I'm in deliberately. i honestly couldn't take it anymore and just left the group chat and deleted their locations altogether.

I have a strong feeling they're going to confront me on why I left eventually and don't know if should downplay it as a "trying to be less hyper connected to social media" thing and just distance myself or if I should take the opportunity to make my feelings heard in one last effort. I just don't know if they’re worth the trouble after all this. What do you guys think?

Quote:I'm exhausted just reading that, walk away from that nonsense.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, D3RANG3D, Potato
(08-24-2023, 07:17 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Dismissing Concerns of Misogyny over Multiple Posts
Toth wrote:
Jimmy Joe wrote:You are badly, very badly misrepresenting the discussion around misogyny in that thread

If you mean to say "Everyone there kept saying the game was misogynistic, and I disagree because there's nothign wrong with how FF16 writes women," just say that
While no game, especially JRPGs, are no means perfect, I find the accusations of misogyny about this game, especially on this board, to be overly inflated. Yes some situations could have been written better, I stand by the fact the game has plenty of well written and engaging female characters that put the men of the story in their place. That being said this is still Clive’s story but without Jill being there for him she using her abilities, he would have failed a loooong time ago. Jill is the MVP of the game imho

Imagine caring this much about fucking final fantasy stories. The ultimate in childish power fantasy game series and you're willing to have arguments online about it.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(08-24-2023, 07:18 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:American liberals really need to stop with this stupid view that the world is divided between democracies and dictatorships. It is made using comparison parameters that completely ignores the socio-political processes that were essential to the formation of theses nations and the what each people values more in terms of rights and areas of development. Besides, it ignores the foreign relations and imperialism which turns this whole thing futile.

BRICS is about bringing a new economic order with a multipolar world. Why would a multipolar world be better than the unipolar that we have right now? It is simple

This world is better for YOU. You that is born in a country that directly benefited from exploration of nations in the global south and archived social and economic development using resources from the poorest countries. I understand that people will naturally defend their privileges, but try to see from the perspective of someone who is not born in the so called "West".

Also another thing, we are not stupid. Brazil, Argentina, African countries etc. are sovereign countries that can make their own decisions. We know what China wants when they borrow money, trust us we are specialists in economic imperialism.

In the end every nation is just looking for defend their own interests and there is no problem in that, this is how the world has always has been. The problem is that when the West is doing this, they are doing this for protect democracy or whatever. When a underdeveloped country do this he is being manipulated or are aligning with the "great evil". There is no moral in international relations, just interests so please stop with yours moral lectures

If you don’t care about morality, then don’t bitch about it when something horrible happens in your country or China and Russia backstab you (seeing it coming doesn’t mean you will be able to do anything about it, specially if your governments are corrupt to begin with).

I bet you that 20 years from now you still will be waiting that those countries “complete” their process and become stable democracies.

China has a shitload of infrastructure "loans" to developing nations that are coming due. There's no chance they will be paid. Will be interesting to see how China reacts with the massive structural problems in the Chinese economy right now.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Nintex, Taco Bell Tower
(08-24-2023, 08:42 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:Sony is already gaining a reputation for killing Black characters (not just Naughty Dog), no need to force that fate on Angraboda.

I don't know much about storytelling, but what I know is that a character dying or not should be solely dependent on the skin color.
(08-24-2023, 08:42 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:Sony is already gaining a reputation for killing Black characters (not just Naughty Dog), no need to force that fate on Angraboda.

All black characters should be Mary Sue characters.
-Neoxon (volunteer diversity consultant) 2023
(08-24-2023, 09:32 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Rockets wrote:Prior context: My parents almost got divorced, mom had a mental breakdown and dad left the house to live somewhere else for a few months. Over the course of a few months, my toxic, narcissist, best friend convinced himself and all my other friends that my sudden change in behavior is because I have personal animosity against him. I assure him it doesn't but that doesn't stop him from slandering me to everyone i know over the course of many months and I had no idea. One day he loses it and goes after me in multiple various group chats (all with the same exact group of friends) urging me to call him. i gave in and called, he didn't pick up, and he continues to go in the group chat urging me to call. i say i called, he says I'm a liar and a bum and demands i call him again. i tell him to call back or go away, he leaves the group chat and deletes me as a friend on all platforms.

So anyway, I speak to a couple friends that were in the group chat about the situation. They're all neutral. One of them says I was "ducking the convo" and so the toxic friend had to bully me and harass me over the various group chats because "desperate times call for desperate measures." I'm pretty hurt about all this. They keep trying to pressure me into reconciling and hearing him out even after the way he attacked me in the chats.

Couple months pass. Out of nowhere, toxic friend reaches out to my mom and has a pretty heated back and forth with her. He tries to convince her of the same shit he convinced my friends with of how I have a secret beef with him. She knows why I was depressed at the time because of the possible divorce looming so she doesn't fall for it. He tells her "you're only taking his side because he's your son. tell him to grow up and call me." When my mom tells me about the convo I decided right then and there to never reconcile with him. You can disrespect me all you want but no fucking way am I letting you disrespect my mom especially given her mental health as of late.

In the months ahead, I notice my friend group hanging out with the toxic friend more and more and with me less. Yearly events that we'd all normally go to I'm excluded. Some of them start sharing screenshots of another iMessage groupchat with everyone in it but me on their IG stories.

This all came to a head when we all planned a birthday for one of the friends in the group. I'm in contact with the guys and I hit up the guys whose bday it is to hangout, he says he can't. I say no problem, we'll kick it soon. Me and one of my friends in the group coordinate on a gift. Weeks pass by. All of a sudden I see a picture online of all these guys hanging out. I wasn't sure if it was for the bday or not, but then I saw pics of him receiving gifts. Couple days later the bday friend reaches out and thanks me for the gift. Ngl I was fuming.

More instances of this happen. I then here from an outside source (can't say who), that the ex-toxic friend apparently hatched a plan with friend group to isolate me and stop hanging out with me until I admit I did have beef with him and apologize. I had a feeling that was the case. Unfortunately there's no way I can verify this given who told me this information and I can't risk throwing them under the bus.

So over the last few months i've hung out with the friend group a bit more frequently, but i've noticed some slick shit as well. we'd hang out and they'd talk about how last night was so fun, and it would be a move i wasn't invited to. shit like that. sometimes they'd have their locations off but when they're all together hanging out with the toxic friend (and i'm not there) they'd all turn their locations on.

I've been thinking more about all this and it's starting to hit me. I really don't like how they all stood by and watched while the toxic friend bullied me. I don't like how they're all convinced that I have something against him. I don't like how they distanced themselves and chose to prioritize him over me.

One of them just the other day sent a viral video with the ex-friend prominently in it to the group chat I'm in. They have another gc where the only difference is there's him instead of me, so it's obvious they sent that to the one I'm in deliberately. i honestly couldn't take it anymore and just left the group chat and deleted their locations altogether.

I have a strong feeling they're going to confront me on why I left eventually and don't know if should downplay it as a "trying to be less hyper connected to social media" thing and just distance myself or if I should take the opportunity to make my feelings heard in one last effort. I just don't know if they’re worth the trouble after all this. What do you guys think?

Mental age of a 13 year old...
Not like this!
The wording the way it is means Nep is getting paid by moba and bdubs to be a bitch, right?
(08-24-2023, 09:32 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Rockets wrote:Prior context: My parents almost got divorced, mom had a mental breakdown and dad left the house to live somewhere else for a few months. Over the course of a few months, my toxic, narcissist, best friend convinced himself and all my other friends that my sudden change in behavior is because I have personal animosity against him. I assure him it doesn't but that doesn't stop him from slandering me to everyone i know over the course of many months and I had no idea. One day he loses it and goes after me in multiple various group chats (all with the same exact group of friends) urging me to call him. i gave in and called, he didn't pick up, and he continues to go in the group chat urging me to call. i say i called, he says I'm a liar and a bum and demands i call him again. i tell him to call back or go away, he leaves the group chat and deletes me as a friend on all platforms.

So anyway, I speak to a couple friends that were in the group chat about the situation. They're all neutral. One of them says I was "ducking the convo" and so the toxic friend had to bully me and harass me over the various group chats because "desperate times call for desperate measures." I'm pretty hurt about all this. They keep trying to pressure me into reconciling and hearing him out even after the way he attacked me in the chats.

Couple months pass. Out of nowhere, toxic friend reaches out to my mom and has a pretty heated back and forth with her. He tries to convince her of the same shit he convinced my friends with of how I have a secret beef with him. She knows why I was depressed at the time because of the possible divorce looming so she doesn't fall for it. He tells her "you're only taking his side because he's your son. tell him to grow up and call me." When my mom tells me about the convo I decided right then and there to never reconcile with him. You can disrespect me all you want but no fucking way am I letting you disrespect my mom especially given her mental health as of late.

In the months ahead, I notice my friend group hanging out with the toxic friend more and more and with me less. Yearly events that we'd all normally go to I'm excluded. Some of them start sharing screenshots of another iMessage groupchat with everyone in it but me on their IG stories.

This all came to a head when we all planned a birthday for one of the friends in the group. I'm in contact with the guys and I hit up the guys whose bday it is to hangout, he says he can't. I say no problem, we'll kick it soon. Me and one of my friends in the group coordinate on a gift. Weeks pass by. All of a sudden I see a picture online of all these guys hanging out. I wasn't sure if it was for the bday or not, but then I saw pics of him receiving gifts. Couple days later the bday friend reaches out and thanks me for the gift. Ngl I was fuming.

More instances of this happen. I then here from an outside source (can't say who), that the ex-toxic friend apparently hatched a plan with friend group to isolate me and stop hanging out with me until I admit I did have beef with him and apologize. I had a feeling that was the case. Unfortunately there's no way I can verify this given who told me this information and I can't risk throwing them under the bus.

So over the last few months i've hung out with the friend group a bit more frequently, but i've noticed some slick shit as well. we'd hang out and they'd talk about how last night was so fun, and it would be a move i wasn't invited to. shit like that. sometimes they'd have their locations off but when they're all together hanging out with the toxic friend (and i'm not there) they'd all turn their locations on.

I've been thinking more about all this and it's starting to hit me. I really don't like how they all stood by and watched while the toxic friend bullied me. I don't like how they're all convinced that I have something against him. I don't like how they distanced themselves and chose to prioritize him over me.

One of them just the other day sent a viral video with the ex-friend prominently in it to the group chat I'm in. They have another gc where the only difference is there's him instead of me, so it's obvious they sent that to the one I'm in deliberately. i honestly couldn't take it anymore and just left the group chat and deleted their locations altogether.

I have a strong feeling they're going to confront me on why I left eventually and don't know if should downplay it as a "trying to be less hyper connected to social media" thing and just distance myself or if I should take the opportunity to make my feelings heard in one last effort. I just don't know if they’re worth the trouble after all this. What do you guys think?

Imagine being such a passive doormat that you're conflicted over whether you should accept being the butt monkey of your "friend" group.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Potato, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:I have a child who is almost 2, I would like to play my ps5 sometimes when the tv is in use. Is that so hard to understand? Also, allows me to spend time with my wife while she watches something and I play my ps5 at the same time in the same room.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, Venice
Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Inflammatory Commentary
Turnscr3w wrote:Very fitting meme about all the countries in this list, and current ones as well.
Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: fault-right-4-adb.jpg]

Ctrl Alt Del wrote:
B-Dubs wrote:China also does more to cause problems in South East Asia than you realize
Is the defense here "they're just as bad as us"?
TheHunter wrote:Well no.

They're worse than the US.
Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent): Long history of dismissive commentary, previously received final warning for inflammatory or dismissive commentary on sensitive subjects.
TheHunter wrote:
Ctrl Alt Del wrote:lmao
I wasn't aware the US was engaging in ethnic cleansing inside it's own borders.

Can you point that out to me on the map?
Siren Looks like another celebrity is about to get cancelled by the Transmafia, this time legendary guitarist Carlos Santana Siren

What did he say that was so bad? This, apparently:

“When God made you and me, before we came out of the womb, you know who you are and what you are. Later on, when you grow out of it, you see things, and you start believing that you could be something that sounds good, but you know it ain’t right.”

Which is extremely mild compared to what other celebrities have said. Carlos Santana even apologised for these comments shortly afterwards, by saying:

"Here is my personal goal that I strive to achieve every day. I want to honor and respect all person’s ideals and beliefs whether they are LGBTQ or not. This is the planet of free will and we have all been given this gift. I will now pursue this goal to be happy and have fun, and for everyone to believe what they want and follow in your hearts without fear. It takes courage to grow and glow in the light that you are and to be true, genuine, and authentic. We grow and learn to shine our light with Love and compliments. Have a glorious existence. Peace"

A pretty nice statement, telling everyone to live free and be happy.

How do the nasty cunts on ResetEra react?

As you fine folks on The Bore expected, of course!

AuthenticM wrote:jesus christ

Kyuuji wrote:Oh look, my bin has a new CD to keep it company.

Contramann wrote:Alright Carlos I was rocking with you for pretty much my whole life but if this is what you're bringing with you now you can just fuck off back home and stay there doing whatever drugs and staying out of sight. Seriously get fucked if you're going to espouse "love" but say this kinda shit.

qaopjlll wrote:Why is it so hard for so many people to just not be assholes

davepoobond wrote:too bad he lived long enough to say something like this

Shokunin wrote:Ashamed to share my last name with this POS

Here's this one calling Carlos a 'Son of a Whore' in spanish. That's a totally sane and reasonable response. 

Davilmar wrote:Hijo de puta. One of my favorite artists, and someone I wanted to get tickets for a concert. If he’s a transphobe, he’s off my list now.

Fisty wrote:Could have died a legend but just couldn't keep his mouth shut. What a jackass

Guaraná wrote:What a piece of shit

All I can say is...

Dear Trans-Era and your fake, virtue-signalling Era 'ally's (because all you so-called allys are happily playing Hogwarts Legacy and Cyberpunk)...

Over-reacting and calling an old man a piece of shit, wishing him dead, etc, etc... for a completely tame comment is why nobody likes you and why you're rapidly losing support in the real world.
(08-24-2023, 10:44 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:I have a child who is almost 2, I would like to play my ps5 sometimes when the tv is in use. Is that so hard to understand? Also, allows me to spend time with my wife while she watches something and I play my ps5 at the same time in the same room.
It counts.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:Is it me or is casual misogyny ramping up on gaming side atm between FFXV/XVI fanboy wars and P3R

Social Justice Warrior
(08-24-2023, 10:47 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
(08-24-2023, 10:44 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:I have a child who is almost 2, I would like to play my ps5 sometimes when the tv is in use. Is that so hard to understand? Also, allows me to spend time with my wife while she watches something and I play my ps5 at the same time in the same room.
It counts.

Ah, I'm not married but good to know it does!
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Venice

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