Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
It's very telling that Zaslav has nothing to say about JK Rowling having nothing to say about Barbie
4 users liked this post: Potato, benji, Taco Bell Tower, HaughtyFrank
(08-26-2023, 05:22 PM)BIONIC wrote:
Putnam, post: 111050425, member: 102331 wrote:is this the first you've heard of coding

            Learn To Code?
is this?
3 users liked this post: Potato, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
(08-27-2023, 10:59 AM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:Yall want some fire eh? So let's answer some questions. No I don't feel guilty or remorse, the relationship sucks. Could care less really. If he finds out, which I doubt the fat, lazy fuck will, then I move on in life. No it's really not that hard tbh, men are sluts, so it's very little work on my part. I keep a journal of the men I fucked over the last 6 years. Just in the 1.5 yrs, I've added 53 to that list.


Damn, why you gotta do your boy Royalan like that?
Quote:men are sluts, so it's very little work on my part. I keep a journal of the men I fucked over the last 6 years. Just in the 1.5 yrs, I've added 53 to that list.
And then RE is mad why gay men are considered to have a higher risk of STDs

Banplz wag

4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, MJBarret, Taco Bell Tower, benji
(08-28-2023, 04:00 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: It's very telling that Zaslav has nothing to say about JK Rowling having nothing to say about Barbie
They knew exactly what they were doing. Sounds about white. Louder for those in the back! FUCK JOANNE!
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower
HaughtyFrank dateline='[url=tel:1693240491' wrote: 1693240491[/url]']
Quote:men are sluts, so it's very little work on my part. I keep a journal of the men I fucked over the last 6 years. Just in the 1.5 yrs, I've added 53 to that list.
And then RE is mad why gay men are considered to have a higher risk of STDs

Remember their monkeypox thread where it was a complete mystery why it was spreading so rapidly in gay communities and you’d better agree it’s a mystery that has experts baffled or else.
(08-28-2023, 03:45 PM)HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth wrote: If I'm not putting someone's life in danger, I'm not sure what the point of posting on an internet forum even is. maf
That may fly on other, egalitarian, forums where classes have been abolished like but here there's a clear hierarchy, but no you aren't allowed to see it as that would be putting staff members lives at risk. I don't want to have to ask the Lithuanian hosting company to contact the FBI about the pseudonymous users making hostile dismissive comments.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Dear lord, they're noting their characters' pronouns in the Starfield character planning thread.

OP neglected to provide a space where they can announce they're ace or demi?! Shaking my fist at you, BethesdaBlizzard AND Reee topic maker.
Big Grin 
Quote:In Lawrence of Arabia, T.E Lawrence starts off as a rather noble and idealist individual, but as the film progresses his moral decline becomes apparent and by the end of the film, he's a broken man who's committed atrocities and turned his back on all his friends and allies. Of course, various circumstances led to this, and he was riding the wave at times and been manipulated and used throughout by his superiors, but that's certainly no excuse for what he became.

He had a lot on in fairness
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
So I was wondering why jk thread not getting any love lately, mosied on over to her Twitter. No posts in like a month. Is that common, maybe Joannes summer holiday? If not, does this mark the unofficial end to person of gender genocide? Wasn't this the end goal of the terminally online trans movement. I mean, you can't go putting her name on your suicide note, citing a tweet from 2 years ago, it's uncivilized.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
benji wrote: I survived.

Don't lie benji. We all know where you were this weekend. 

2 users liked this post: BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower
(08-28-2023, 07:31 PM)Bootsthecat wrote: So I was wondering why jk thread not getting any love lately, mosied on over to her Twitter. No posts in like a month. Is that common, maybe Joannes summer holiday? If not, does this mark the unofficial end to person of gender genocide? Wasn't this the end goal of the terminally online trans movement. I mean, you can't go putting her name on your suicide note, citing a tweet from 2 years ago, it's uncivilized.

She's doing what she always does; not saying what we all know she's thinking
(08-28-2023, 07:31 PM)Bootsthecat wrote: So I was wondering why jk thread not getting any love lately, mosied on over to her Twitter. No posts in like a month. Is that common, maybe Joannes summer holiday? If not, does this mark the unofficial end to person of gender genocide? Wasn't this the end goal of the terminally online trans movement. I mean, you can't go putting her name on your suicide note, citing a tweet from 2 years ago, it's uncivilized.
I think this is pretty normal last I knew, they talk like she sits around all day raging like they do when it really seems like she maybe hops on when bored to check in and sees a few things to shitpost. Sometimes has something she wants to promote. She probably gets texts from her TERF friends that are like "did you see that tweet" and she takes a look. Maybe scrolls the feed while pooping. Has a slow week so tweets more often for a bit then falls back off, etc.

I really do think the biggest issue for lots of these people is they have no theory of mind for others, the idea that normies really don't sit on social media consuming stupid political and culture wars shit into their veins 24/7 doesn't even compute. It must, how else to explain the FASCIST RISE EVERYWHERE [on social media] I'M SO TIRED FROM FIGHTING??? I'm obsessed, so my perceived enemies must also be obsessed, how else to explain how they keep winning even though I'm obsessed?

Wilsongt wrote:A lot of era posters must really grind your gears, then.

Also, catastrophizing is common in those with mental illness.
We all know ResetEra has some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet as Moderators, but every now and again they reach even lower levels of pure stupidity.

A few people, and Mod's, have been desperately trying to start a shit-stirring cancelling campaign against Sea of Stars developer Sabotage Studios because they had a character in their previous game, The Messenger, called Jordan the Wise who quoted Jordan Peterson.

Today, Sabotage Studios answered a question clarifying where they stand on Peterson.

A Moderator left a threadmark censoring Jordan Peterson's name with asterisks ********

[Image: r5TKTT4.png]

What the fuck is the point in censoring Jordan Peterson's name when the post you are linking to 1: Mention's Peterson's name directly in the first line and 2: Also features a screenshot with Jordan Peterson's name in big-big letters??

So impressively idiotic  lol
(08-28-2023, 07:50 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Wilsongt wrote:A lot of era posters must really grind your gears, then.

Also, catastrophizing is common in those with mental illness.
Actually this gives me an idea for a page to put on the hate site, the list of signs of a cult and signs of mental illnesses. lol
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Potato
(08-28-2023, 07:31 PM)Bootsthecat wrote: So I was wondering why jk thread not getting any love lately, mosied on over to her Twitter. No posts in like a month. Is that common, maybe Joannes summer holiday? If not, does this mark the unofficial end to person of gender genocide? Wasn't this the end goal of the terminally online trans movement. I mean, you can't go putting her name on your suicide note, citing a tweet from 2 years ago, it's uncivilized.

She might just be doing what multiple Reeeeesetera loonies have said they're going to do - quitting Twitter. But without announcing it to the world in a massive virtue signalling tweet...
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower

Dr. Feel Good wrote:Can someone from the admin team address the topic at hand and chime in with what realistic path forward we could have to get the hunter back? Understand their is previous offenses but there has to be a middle ground on this.

Please quote this to continue visibility.
[Image: giphy.gif]
5 users liked this post: Uncle, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, BIONIC, benji, Taco Bell Tower

Classic ERA grave dancing thread.

Being mad at someone for 14 years.

What a bunch of assholes.
Quote:Well, better not to be that vitriolic, but what can you say about people that actively made the world a fucking worst place?
Quote:Bye, whatever your name was. You made the world worse.
Nepenthe wrote:Something something white conservatives would rather die than get healthcare because they don't want Black people to have healthcare something something.
Quote:Dude aged so, so poorly. RIP Bozo.
Quote:This guy can rest in piss for what he brought about.
Remember when they said they said the "no grave dancing" rule wouldn't apply only to people who actually did something evil and we laughed and said they would define down the evil to nothing immediately. We were right back then but I'm just emphasizing the point because this is a guy who spoke truth to power randomly when a politician talked to him and then tried to actively enter politics and did basically nothing else. (I'm not saying his positions were right, after all, ACAB.)

Quote:Dude objected to ACA, it made him famous, but not famous enough that he can't pay for healthcare and couldn't get the money from crowd-sourcing.
The leopards look pretty full today.
This guy lost control of all his negatives and left us some delicious gibberish.

The Unsent wrote:I wonder if they'll recast him with Chris Pratt
You guys are never going to hear the end of it from me when Chris Pratt finally slips up and reveals what we've known all along.
3 users liked this post: Uncle, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Wait, why do they even care about Joe the Plumber? Obama won. Twice!

This is just being asshole for the sake of being asshole. "Haha, this guy got cancer" what a bunch of fucking ghouls.

Oh, right, but never make a lighthearted comment about someone shitting themselves, now that causes true hurt
I love all the posts talking about how old he looked and "hate ages you" like they aren't a forum full of hate. I'm not "both sides"ing things either, I mean is objectively full of racists, transphobes, other bigots, people who dismiss concerns, people who put the marginalized staff's lives at risk, people who use Twitter, etc. That's why every community has left: relentless hatred the staff allows to continue unchecked or with slap on the wrist bans. All while the "allies" say nothing and don't even post in threads like they should.
Isn't most of era him, but without the career? White, overweight, balding, glasses, concerned about stuff. Projection, squared
Quote:Republicans had recruited him to run and thought his fame would help bring in enough money to mount a serious challenge. But he drew criticism during the campaign for suggesting that the United States should build a fence at the Mexico border and "start shooting" at immigrants suspected of entering the country illegally.

3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Averon, Taco Bell Tower
I'm skeptical they thought he could "mount a serious challenge" in a D+20 district against an incumbent. Was presumably a sacrificial "name" candidate in an election map that was borderline unchanged for five elections:
[Image: 250px-Ohio_Congressional_Election_Results_2012.svg.png][Image: 250px-Ohio_Congressional_Election_Results_2014.svg.png][Image: 250px-Ohio_Congressional_Election_Results_2016.svg.png][Image: 250px-Ohio_Congressional_Election_Results_2018.svg.png][Image: 250px-Ohio_Congressional_Election_Results_2020.svg.png]

The district was that strip of blue across the top of the state:
[Image: 250px-2012_Ohio%27s_9th_congressional_di...ty.svg.png]
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Nintex, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:(This is my fault)

Why would they make men's and women's razors so different? I figured I can use it in a pinch but its pinching my skull and bright pinkish spots of blood are now commonplace on my noble head. I knew it was a mistake after the first stroke of the blade but "in for a penny, in for a pound." Next time I'll just graze my head against the sharp corner of my porch steps. Maybe Gillette is the best a man can get?
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, jorma

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